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Haveanyhat s ,bows ,headbands ,bl anket s ,pr ops ,f ami l yhei r l oomsor ot heri t emsyoumaywanti nt hes hot sr eady. Wewi l l makes ur et hatt hes t udi oi sni ceandwar mf oryourbabyas yourbabywi l l us ual l yhavet hei rcl ot hesof ff ormos toft hes es s i on. Yous houl dwearl i ght wei ghtandl i ghtcol our edcl ot hi ngs i ncei twi l l bewar m wher ewear es hoot i ngandl i ghtcol our sl ookbes ton phot ogr aphs .I fyouwoul dl i ket obei ns omeoft hephot ogr aphswe wi l l s hoott hos ef i r s t . Yourhandsmaybes howni ns omephot os .Pl eas ehavenai l s t r i mmedandcl ean. T ur nof fphonesoranyot herdi s t r act i onsdur i ngt hephot os hoot . T r yt ohaveat l eas toneot herper s ont her ewi t hyoudur i ngt hes hoot t ohel p.S es s i onscans omet i mesgetl ongandt i r i ngf oral l i nvol ved. Havewat eronhand‌newbor ns es s i onsmakeyout hi r s t y! ! Bef or ef eedi ngbaby,r emoveal l cl ot hesands ocks .Unf as t ennappy s oi tcanbeeas i l yr emovedandwr apbabyi nbl anket .T hi swi l l hel p el i mi nat eanycr eas esorr edmar ksont hebabys ’body. F eedbabyappr ox i mat el yahal f hourbef or es es s i oni ss chedul edt o begi n.I ti si mper at i vet hatbabyi swel l f edandwi nded.:)

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