Portfolio 2015

Page 1

01_ Architecture

........................................................................ 1. The coliseum 2. Urban marina



3. Territory analysis


4. Student housing


5. Civic center


02_ Design

........................................................................ 1. Armchair 32 2. Luminaire 36

03_ Illustrations

........................................................................ 1. Intangible origami


2. Ghost landscapes


3. Lighting sketches


4. Waving square / iBouh


5. Timeline 46 6. Paris underground


7. Busy Sunday



01_ Architecture


1. The coliseum My diploma project is the reconversion of a multi-storey car park named ÂŤLe ColisĂŠeÂť built in 1959. It is located in a central area of Grenoble (France), surrounded by three major avenues of the city. The periphery of this area takes advantage of the constant flow, while its heart is abandoned. Moreover, the railway represents a real barrier which further isolates the site. Thus, this project entails a reflection upon the position of automobiles in our socities, and tries to open up this area by promoting new ways of transportation. The diversity of programs such as car sharing, bike renting, work space, hostel or library, transforms this building into an attractive resource of the city. All the programs are organised around a central shared space. The atrium provides light, and the helical ramp offers a large and appropriable circulation space.




2. Urban marina This project was a student competition in Valenciennes which consisted in designing a new marina for about 100 boats. It takes place on the river Escault, not far from the city center, where the river divides in two arms surrounding an island, l’ilot Folien. By considering the island’s landscape as the major strength of the site, the idea is to preserve this wilderness, and to make it accessible to the public. The marina takes the form of a minimalistic linear intervention which structures the site and the nautical flows without modifying the shape of the riverbanks. It offers a new access to the water, alternating bleachers of stone and natural parts supplemented by a wooden dock. Located at a strategic point, an old mechanical room is converted into the harbour master’s office. At the entrance of the marina, it provides a great point of view over the ballet of ships.



2. Territory analysis The second semester the first year of master was dedicated to the study of periurbain space and how to reinvigorate it. The Grésivaudant valley is located in the north-east of Grenoble (France), sourrounded by two mountain massifs (Belledonne and Chartreuse). The valley is crossed by the Isère river, running next to a highway and a railway. Those elements of connection represent real barriers on the land scale. Therefore, we decided to analyse the impact of the speed of travel through land. To do this, we devided the entire valley in squares of 100 meters a side, and in each square we represented the travel speed on a model, using different spaghetti heights (picture hereafter). Here is a map of the field vision on a smaller scale ► and the urban section related to it ▼.



3. Student housing Jean Macé is a neighborhood in the north of Grenoble, between the junction of the two rivers of the city, Isère and Drac. It faces the famous «Bastille» which offers a view over the city and its surroundings. The aim of the exercise was to create housing for about 30 people. After a short analysis of the site, this area appears most interesting, as it is possible to cross the unbuilt part into the gardens. The project tries to keep this existing characteristic of the site. The construction takes place on the opposite street, and proposes a collective garden in the backyard. The largely open groundfloor, occupied by a café, opens a view on the garden. The flats range from the 17 m2 studio with shared kitchen to the 57 m2 family flat. They are all served by external wooden passageways which provide private and shared terraces. (Inspired by Residence Pajol, LAN architecture)






4. Civic center This project is located in Susville, a village in the GrĂŠsivaudant valley (France). The only important landmark (except for the surrounding mountains) is an old red mining structure. Creating a city hall or other such public facilities entails a reflection on the image which the building will offer to the community. This project voluntarily chooses to be one with the historical heritage, in order to bring people together around their shared past. The two parts of the building are organized around an open central courtyard, which hosts important events such as weddings. The building takes advantage of the mining structure as a vertical circulation and a support for the amphitheater. The particular shape of the building, combining angles and facets, gives it the appearance of a piece of rock. The external cover is entirely made out of zinc.






02_ Design


1. Armchair For a territory analysis exercise of GrĂŠsivaudan valley (France), I chose an abandoned farm as the site for my project. During the survey of the building I discovered an armchair from the 70s. Even though fabrics were in a bad condition (the chair had been reupholstered several times), the wood had kept its original spirit in spite of a graffitti on it. Reupholstered the chair would be too complicated or expensive, therefore I tried to find the easiest way to do it myself. Interlaced strips of fabric directly fixed on the wood seemed to be the most realistic solution. Safety belts which one could freely collect in scrap yards represent a perfect industrial product in terms of resistance. I wanted to play with the image of this daily life object, regaining its former nobility. Finally, the black carbon fiberlike pattern lives up with lighting, perfectly matching the wooden texture.



2. Luminaire This lamp was projected in September 2014 to be presented at the «Stay Free Collectiv», a collective of artists from Berlin. The opening of the collective’s club at the 123 Strokower Strasse (Berlin) was an occasion dedicated for creating funiture using recovered material. The club functions also as a social place which accomodates different types of events : temporary restaurant, concert, cinema, art exhibitions... The pieces of wood bound by wool form the principal structure. The casing is made out of wool and wicker interweaved. Both formed a vertical cylinder which softens the direct lighting. The density of the weave pattern decreases with the height and seems to desappear like the unrealised Endless Tower of Jean Nouvel.


03_ Illustrations


This part holds some of the graphic work I did, here is a short explanation of each of them.

1. Intangible origami â–ş

This work is inspired from the world of electronics. It transcribes the networking and the permanent information flow.

2. Ghost landscapes

Those graphics are made out of landscapte photographys, the reality is distorded in the aim of making it unrecognisable. (titel borrowed from Xavier Veilhan)

3. Lighting sketches

Those drawings explore the lighting representation. The surfaces have no contours, it’s only the difference of the lighning intensity that allows the human eye to distinguish them.

4. Waving square & iBouh

Those two drawings are a research over the pattern thema and are inspired from the works of Sigmar Polke.


2. Gohst landscapes 40


3. Lighting sketches 42

4. Waving square 44

iBouh! 45

5. Timeline â–ź How to express time with pictures? Here is a series of photographs taken at regular intervals and reworked by computer. The water surface in motion gives its own interpretation of a line (boat rope). The distortion is different from one second to another, so every picture can be considered as a unique representation of a past reality.


6. Paris underground

Analogue photograph of a metro station of Paris, in January 2014. (Canon A1, 50mm f1/8)

7. Busy Sunday

This photograph is taken from the ground height a Sunday morning of October 2013, street Joseph Rey in Grenoble. The image of the street is reflected by a water puddle and the work consist of amplifying this effect of symmetry.


6. Paris Underground

7. Busy Sunday

* Voyages




Nicolas Pabion Jonas Strasse 29, 12053 Berlin nicolaspabion38@gmail.com +49 15758 310 520


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