Poetry of Architecture - Gli spazi voltati della Bank of England di Sir John Soane - Catalogo

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Poetry of Architecture Gli spazi voltati della Bank of England di Sir John Soane Catalogo d’archivio

Nicolò Lastrico Sebastiano Nespoli

Poetry of Architecture Gli spazi voltati della Bank of England di Sir John Soane Catalogo d’archivio

Nicolò Lastrico Sebastiano Nespoli Relatore:

879471 879434 Daniele Pisani

Tesi di laurea triennale in Progettazione dell’Architettura Politecnico di Milano a.a. 2018/19



Planimetrie Generali


Planimetrie particolari


Disegni tecnici dei singoli spazi


Disegni costruttivi


Disegni di presentazione



Planimetrie generali


Bank of England Museum Š Titolo: Robert Taylor, ground floor plan, 1735.


Planimetrie generali

Codice: SM 1/1/9. Titolo: Presentation drawings for the Bank as designed by George Sampson, 1732.

Codice: 10A272/1. Titolo: Reproduction of Stow’s survey of Broad Street Ward and Cornhill Ward, 1754. Planimetrie generali


Bank of England Museum Š Titolo: Robert Taylor, ground floor plan, 1770.


Planimetrie generali

Codice: SM 9/3/3. Titolo: Preliminary designs for the north-east extension, before 1791.

Codice: SM 9/3/4. Titolo: Preliminary designs for the north-east extension, 1794. Planimetrie generali


Bank of England Museum Š Titolo: Sir John Soane, ground floor plan, 1799.


Planimetrie generali

Codice: SM 9/2/16. Titolo: Surveys of the existing Bank, 26 April 1803.

Codice: SM 9/2/17. Titolo: Surveys of the existing Bank, May 1803.

Planimetrie generali


Codice: SM 9/2/14. Titolo: Presentation drawings of alternative designs for the Printing Office Court and directors’ parlours, 3 April 1805.


Planimetrie generali

Codice: SM 9/2/11. Titolo: Preliminary designs for existing offices and the new extension, and showing proposed rearrangement of the offices

Codice: SM 9/2/4. Titolo: Record drawings of the Bank as built in 1808.

Planimetrie generali


Codice: SM 9/2/7. Titolo: Record drawings of the Bank as built in 1808.


Planimetrie generali

Codice: SM P350. Titolo: Presentation drawing of the Bank, 1831.

Planimetrie generali


Planimetrie particolari


Codice: SM 1/2/2. Titolo: Presentation drawing for south west extension by Sir Robert Taylor, 1780-82.

Codice: SM 9/3/2. Titolo: Survey drawings of the existing Bank and adjoining properties, 27 December 1792. 14

Estensione sudovest / Estensione nordest

Codice: SM 9/3/5. Titolo: Survey drawings of the existing Bank and adjoining properties.

Codice: SM 9/3/20. Titolo: Survey of the existing vacant grounds and buildings, December 1797. Estensione nordest


Codice: SM 10/3/62. Titolo: Presentation drawings for the Porter’s Lodge and the Residence Court, May 1797.

Codice: SM 9/4/31. Titolo: Alternative designs for the Court and surrounding offices, 12 September 1797. 16

Estensione nordest

Codice: SM 9/4/30. Titolo: Alternative designs for the Court and surrounding offices, 3 October 1797.

Codice: SM 10/3/1. Titolo: Design of the offices between Lothbury Court and the Bullion Court, 21 February 1799. Estensione nordest


Codice: SM 73/1. Titolo: Working drawing for the new offices beside the existing offices, as built, 8 January 1803.

Codice: SM 9/4/29. Titolo:Design for the Library, Consols Transfer Office and adjoining passages east of Lothbury Court, probably October 1797. 18

Estensione nordest

Codice: SM 10/3/3. Titolo:Design for the Library and the east side of Lothbury Court, alterations to the staircase in Soane’s hand, 29 November 1797.

Codice: SM 9/4/32. Titolo: Designs for altering the Front Court, Threadneedle Street façade, south-east transfer halls and Rotunda, 10 December 1805. Estensione nordest


Codice: SM 9/4/32. Titolo: Designs for altering the Front Court, Threadneedle Street faรงade, south-east transfer halls and Rotunda, 10 December 1805.

Codice: SM 9/4/6. Titolo: Two presentation drawings, a survey and a variant plan for altering the Front Court and entrance building, December 1806. 20

Estensione nordest

Codice: SM 9/4/7. Titolo: Two presentation drawings, a survey and a variant plan for altering the Front Court and entrance building, 31 December 1806.

Codice: SM 9/4/7. Titolo:Design for altering the Pay Hall and adjacent offices, January 1807. Estensione nordest


Codice: SM 9/3/7. Titolo: Survey and presentation drawings of the existing properties to the north-west of the Bank and presentation drawing for the Building Committee, 31 March 1808.

Codice: SM 9/3/11. Titolo: Survey and presentation drawings of the existing properties to the north-west of the Bank and presentation drawing for the Building Committee, 16 December 1802. 22

Estensione nordovest

Codice: SM 9/3/19. Titolo: Surveys of the existing property, with preliminary designs for the north-west extension and the realigned Princes Street and a design for a domed central pavilion on Lothbury Street, 1800.

Codice: SM 9/3/12. Titolo: Surveys of the existing property, with preliminary designs for the north-west extension and the realigned Princes Street and a design for a domed central pavilion on Lothbury Street, 1800. Estensione nordovest


Codice: SM 9/3/8. Titolo: Surveys of the existing property, with preliminary designs for the north-west extension and the realigned Princes Street and a design for a domed central pavilion on Lothbury Street, 1800.

Codice: SM 9/3/18. Titolo: Surveys of the existing property, with preliminary designs for the north-west extension and the realigned Princes Street and a design for a domed central pavilion on Lothbury Street, 1800. 24

Estensione nordovest

Codice: SM 9/1/14. Titolo: Engraved plans for street improvements proposed by the Corporation of the City of London to George Dance’s designs, with alterations and notes by Soane, 1803.

Codice: SM 9/1/18. Titolo: Street improvements proposed by the Corporation of the City of London to George Dance’s designs, 1801. Estensione nordovest


Codice: SM 73/4. Titolo: Preliminary alternative designs for the Printing Office Court, 26 August 1803.

Codice: SM 73/3. Titolo: Preliminary alternative designs for the Printing Office Court. 26

Estensione nordovest

Codice: SM 9/4/36. Titolo: Alternative design for the Printing Office Court, 10 January 1804.

Codice: SM 9/4/33. Titolo: Preliminary designs for re-arranging the Court and Committee Rooms, 17 February 1805. Estensione nordovest


Codice: SM 2/2/5. Titolo: Record drawings of designs for the Printing Office Court, 11 March 1807.

Codice: SM 9/4/17. Titolo: Presentation drawing for the first floor of the Printing Office. 28

Estensione nordovest

Codice: SM 9/4/45. Titolo: Presentation drawings of the existing offices and the proposed alterations, March 1807.

Codice: SM 9/4/44. Titolo: Presentation drawings of the existing offices and the proposed alterations, March 1807. Estensione nordovest


Codice: SM 9/4/12. Titolo: Survey of the offices as built, from 1808.

Codice: SM 2/3A/1. Titolo: Design for Perkins central heating in the Director’s Offices, after 1830. 30

Estensione nordovest

Codice: SM 9/4/8. Titolo: Survey drawings of east wing, 1813.

Codice: SM 9/4/9. Titolo: Survey drawings of east wing, 1813.

Ultime ricostruzioni nella east wing


Codice: SM 1/3/14. Titolo: Survey and three presentation drawings showing alternative designs for widening the streets at the south-east corner, November 1825.

Codice: SM 1/3/13. Titolo: Survey and three presentation drawings showing alternative designs for widening the streets at the south-east corner, November 1825. 32

Alterazioni provvisorie

Codice: SM 9/3/24. Titolo: Design for various alterations to the streets around the Bank according to the 1802 Corporation of London plan for the City, November 1825.

Codice: SM 9/1/3. Titolo: Designs showing the Corporation of London’s 1802 planning proposals, 4 July 1826. Alterazioni provvisorie


Codice: SM 9/4/15. Titolo: Design.

Codice: SM 9/4/22. Titolo: Two survey drawings and two designs for the Branch Bank office, 1832. 34

Alterazioni provvisorie

Codice: SM 2/2/5. Titolo: Survey drawing for a printing office, 11 March 1807.

Codice: SM 9/4/28. Titolo: Design, 1819.

Alterazioni provvisorie


Codice: SM 9/4/28. Titolo: Design, 1819.

Codice: SM 9/4/26. Titolo: Design for additions to the north-west court, 11 February 1929. 36

Alterazioni provvisorie

Disegni tecnici dei singoli spazi


Codice: SM 74/1. Titolo: Survey of existing hall (designed by Robert Taylor, 1714-88) with proposed triple-lantern design and stove studies added, 19 November 1791.


Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 1/8/8. Titolo: Composite record drawing of ceiling and interior, as executed.

Codice: SM 62/19. Titolo: Record drawing of ceiling and interior, as executed, 26 September 1796. Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 74/18. Titolo: Study for proposed triple-lantern design.

Codice: SM 74/17. Titolo: Preliminary column-flue design with studies in Soane’s hand, 21 January 1792. 40

Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 74/15. Titolo: Preliminary column-flue design with studies in Soane’s hand, January 1792.

Codice: SM 74/16. Titolo: Preliminary column-flue design with studies in Soane’s hand, 1792. Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 74/19. Titolo: Preliminary column-flue design with studies in Soane’s hand, 18 March 1792.

Codice: SM 74/31. Titolo: Preliminary design for upper-rooms.


Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 74/27. Titolo: Preliminary longitudinal section without clerestory lighting.

Codice: SM 74/27. Titolo: Preliminary longitudinal section without clerestory lighting. Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 74/24. Titolo: Preliminary longitudinal section with fan-light lunettes.

Codice: SM 74/22. Titolo: Preliminary longitudinal section with fan-light lunettes. 44

Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 74/13. Titolo: Longitudinal section and wall elevation with segmental lunettes, as executed.

Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 74/49. Titolo: Drawing of east side as realised, made for publication.

Codice: SM 62/20. Titolo: Record drawing of hall, as executed, 12 October 1796. 46

Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 74/21. Titolo: Designs for north wall and side-aisle arches.

Codice: SM 74/11. Titolo: Designs for north wall and side-aisle arches.

Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 74/30. Titolo: Preliminary upper-rooms designs.

Codice: SM 74/31. Titolo: Preliminary design for upper-rooms.


Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 74/23. Titolo: Survey drawing of north end, as existing, used as model for renovating Taylor’s two old Transfer Halls, 1818.

Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 10/4/19. Titolo: Early studies.

Codice: SM 10/4/19 (retro). Titolo: Early studies.


Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 60/165. Titolo: Early studies.

Codice: SM 60/165 (retro). Titolo: Early studies.

Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 42/175. Titolo:Study for lantern dome, lunettes and crossvaults scheme, 11 December 1791.

Codice: SM 42/176. Titolo: Study for four-bay alternative scheme with lantern dome and cross-vaults. 52

Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 9/4/5. Titolo: Design for the Four Per Cent Office.

Codice: SM 74/25. Titolo: Design for the Four Per Cent Office, 19 March 1794. Four Per Cent Office


Codice: SM 74/75. Titolo: Record drawings of the Rotunda and Four Per Cent Office.

Codice: SM 74/99. Titolo: Record drawings of the Rotunda and Four Per Cent Office. 54

Four Per Cent Office

Codice: SM 11/6/1. Titolo: Record drawing of the Rotunda and Four Per Cent Office with a design for an unbuilt transfer office to the south, 14 August 1805.

Four Per Cent Office


Codice: SM 2/5/1. Titolo: Design, c.1832.

Codice: SM 2/5/3. Titolo: Design, c.1832.



Codice: SM 2/5/2. Titolo: Variant design, c.1832.

Codice: SM 2/5/4. Titolo: Variant design, c.1832.



Codice: SM 1/2/9. Titolo: Record drawing and alternative design drawing of the Rotunda (formerly Brokers’ Exchange) built by Robert Taylor.

Codice: SM 64/5. Titolo: Record drawings of designs for the rotunda.



Codice: SM 64/7. Titolo: Record drawings of designs for the rotunda.

Codice: SM 64/19. Titolo: Record drawings of designs for the rotunda.



Codice: SM 75/96. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs, May 1797.

Codice: SM 75/97. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs, May 1797. 60


Codice: SM 75/98. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs, May 1797.

Codice: SM 74/102. Titolo: Alternative designs for the interior ornament, 7 July 1795. Rotunda


Codice: SM 74/102a. Titolo: Working drawings for ornamentation in the Rotunda.

Codice: SM 60/3. Titolo: Preliminary designs by George Dance, May 1794. 62


Codice: SM 74/104. Titolo: Working drawings for ornamentation in the Rotunda, 1795.



Codice: SM 1/2/8. Titolo: Record drawing and alternative design drawing of the Rotunda (formerly Brokers’ Exchange) built by Robert Taylor.

Codice: SM 74/98. Titolo: Record drawings.



Codice: SM 1/4/2. Titolo: Record drawings.



Codice: SM 42/168. Titolo: Preliminary design for the Rotunda.

Codice: SM 60/166. Titolo: Early designs for a wall on Lothbury Street, May 1794 66

Rotunda/Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane e Lothbury

Codice: SM 10/1/32. Titolo: Early designs for a wall on Lothbury Street.

Codice: SM 10/1/34. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs for a rusticated wall with figurative statues over the gateway, 29 October 1795. Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane e Lothbury


Codice: SM 10/1/35. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs for a rusticated wall with figurative statues over the gateway.

Codice: SM 10/1/36. Titolo: Working drawing and record drawing of the wall on Lothbury Street, 1796. 68

Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane e Lothbury

Codice: SM 10/1/39. Titolo: Presentation drawings for removal of the gateway on Bartholomew Street, 1796.

Codice: SM 10/1/31. Titolo: Record drawings of alternative designs for the gatehouse attic. Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane e Lothbury


Codice: SM 62/14. Titolo: Record drawings of the Lothbury wall.

Codice: SM 60/202. Titolo: Presentation drawing of the screen wall on Lothbury Street, 10 October 1797. 70

Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane e Lothbury

Codice: SM 12/2/2. Titolo: Record drawings showing the screen wall with blind windows.

Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane e Lothbury


Codice: SM 10/3/8. Titolo: Alternative designs for the Bullion Arch, 15 November 1797.

Codice: SM 10/3/22. Titolo: Record drawings of alternative designs for the Bullion Arch, October 1797. 72

Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 10/3/39. Titolo: Alternative designs for the east side of the Court and the vestibule immediately behind its colonnade, November and December 1797.

Codice: SM 10/3/35. Titolo: Alternative designs for the east side of the Court and the vestibule immediately behind its colonnade, November and December 1797. Lothbury Court


Codice: SM 10/3/37. Titolo: Alternative designs for the east side of the Court and the vestibule immediately behind its colonnade, November and December 1797.

Codice: SM 10/3/33. Titolo: Record drawings of alternative designs for the east side of Lothbury Court, late November and December 1797. 74

Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 10/3/30. Titolo: Record drawings of alternative designs for the east side of Lothbury Court, late November and December 1797.

Codice: SM 10/3/31. Titolo: Record drawings of alternative designs for the east side of Lothbury Court, late November and December 1797. Lothbury Court


Codice: SM 10/3/26. Titolo: Variant designs and a record drawing for the Bullion Arch, November 1799.

Codice: SM 10/3/6. Titolo: Variant designs and a record drawing for the Bullion Arch, November 1799. 76

Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 10/3/19. Titolo: Variant designs and a record drawing for the Bullion Arch, November 1799.

Codice: SM 10/3/54. Titolo: Record and working drawings for the west side, 31 December 1799. Lothbury Court


Codice: SM 12/3/4. Titolo: Record and working drawings for the west side, 23 November 1799.


Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 69/14. Titolo: Site progress record drawings, by J.M. Gandy on site, October 1798.

Codice: SM 12/3/2. Titolo: Record drawings of Lothbury Court and adjoining corridors and interiors, 2 October 1799. Lothbury Court


Codice: SM 12/3/3. Titolo: Record drawings of Lothbury Court and adjoining corridors and interiors, 20 September 1799.


Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 74/93. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings, 1799.

Consols Transfer Office


Codice: SM 74/52. Titolo: Working drawing of final plan, 7 February 1799.

Codice: SM 60/9. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings, 1799.


Consols Transfer Office

Codice: SM 60/49. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings, 1799.

Consols Transfer Office


Codice: SM 74/71. Titolo: Designs for lantern to the central dome, 1799.

Codice: SM 60/8. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings.


Consols Transfer Office

Codice: SM 60/64. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings.

Codice: SM 75/33. Titolo: Preliminary design for the Cashier’s Office, September 1799. Consols Transfer Office / Chief Cashier’s Office


Codice: SM 75/35. Titolo: Designs for the Cashier’s Office, showing interior ornament, 1805.

Codice: SM 91/2/4a. Titolo: Designs for the Cashier’s Office, showing interior ornament, 29 May 1805. 86

Chief Cashier’s Office

Codice: SM 10/7/17. Titolo: Surveys of the existing Front Court with a preliminary design for a vestibule, 26 April 1799.

Codice: SM 10/7/11. Titolo: Preliminary design for an entrance vestibule, 6 January 1801. Front Court e Pay Hall


Codice: SM 10/7/12. Titolo: Presentation drawing for an entrance vestibule on a cruciform plan, 8 January 1801.

Codice: SM 10/1/9. Titolo: Designs for altering the Front Court, Threadneedle Street faรงade, south-east transfer halls and Rotunda, 10 December 1805. 88

Front Court e Pay Hall

Codice: SM Titolo: Two presentation drawings, a survey and a variant plan for altering the Front Court and entrance building, January 1807.

Codice: SM 10/7/15. Titolo: Two presentation drawings, a survey and a variant plan for altering the Front Court and entrance building, 7 January 1807. Front Court e Pay Hall


Codice: SM 73/117. Titolo: Variant designs for the Princes Street screen wall with a domed entrance, 2 June 1803.

Codice: SM 72/4. Titolo: Design for the Princes Street screen wall with two blind porticos and a pedimented entrance, 25 June 1803. 90

Prospetto su Princes Street e Lothbury

Codice: SM 12/2/8. Titolo: Presentation drawings of the Princes Street screen wall, possibly for exhibition, with two blind porticos and a pedimented entrance.

Prospetto su Princes Street e Lothbury


Codice: SM 60/168. Titolo: Presentation drawing for the Lothbury Street screen wall with an eight-columned domed temple frontispiece, probably November 1802.

Codice: SM 12/2/6. Titolo: Designs and presentation drawing for the diminished frontispiece on Lothbury Street, July 1805. 92

Prospetto su Princes Street e Lothbury

Codice: SM 1/5/4. Titolo: Design and survey of the Grocers Company garden before and after the proposed Princes Street, 1 April 1800.

Codice: SM 11/7/1. Titolo: Presentation drawing showing the screen wall as (partially) built in 1805. Prospetto su Princes Street e Lothbury


Codice: SM 73/105. Titolo: Design for a four-columned triumphal arch, introducing an attic chamber, February 1803.

Codice: SM 72/1. Titolo: Design for a four-columned triumphal arch, with additions to the drawing showing a six-columned portico set on an inverted segmental plan, 5 February 1803. 94

Tivoli Corner

Codice: SM 73/106. Titolo: Design for a four-columned triumphal arch, introducing a shouldered attic plan and a panelled Vitruvian door, 7 and 9 February 1803.

Codice: SM 1/6/2. Titolo: Record drawings of a design for a four-columned triumphal arch. Tivoli Corner


Codice: SM 73/124. Titolo: Design for a six-columned triumphal arch, 14 February 1803.

Codice: SM 1/6/1. Titolo: Preliminary variant designs for a portico between single columns each set at an oblique angle to the main face, 16 September 1804. 96

Tivoli Corner

Codice: SM 1/6/8. Titolo: Variant designs for a four-columned portico between single columns each set at an angle to the main face, 18 and 19 September 1804.

Codice: SM 1/6/6. Titolo: Variant designs for a four-columned portico between twin columns set at an angle to the main face, September and October 1804. Tivoli Corner


Codice: SM 1/6/10. Titolo: Design for a four-columned portico in antis between paired columns projecting at an oblique angle to the main face, 12 and 19 October 1804.

Codice: SM 1/6/13. Titolo: Variant designs for a four-columned portico on a segmental plan, 1 December 1804. 98

Tivoli Corner

Codice: SM Titolo: Variant designs for a four-columned portico on a segmental plan, 19 December 1804.

Codice: SM 1/6/12. Titolo: Design for a balustraded attic over a portico on a segmental plan, 12 December 1804. Tivoli Corner


Codice: SM 73/52. Titolo: Preliminary variant designs for Vestibule with paired columns in north and south recesses, 29 March 1803.

Codice: SM 73/54. Titolo: Preliminary variant designs for Vestibule with paired columns in north and south recesses, 31 March 1803. 100

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 73/56. Titolo: Variant designs for a Vestibule with paired columns at all four entrances, 8 April 1803.

Codice: SM 73/57. Titolo: Record drawing and design drawings for a Vestibule with alcoves in the recesses..., 19 April 1803. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/58. Titolo: Variant designs for vestibule with paired columns in north and south recesses and four columns in the east arm..., 24 and 25 April 1803.

Codice: SM 73/60. Titolo: Designs for the vestibule, showing variant designs for the ajoining stair and offices, 1 May 1803. 102

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 72/45. Titolo: Variant designs for a Vestibule with an alternative stair in the centre bay.

Codice: SM 72/46. Titolo: Variant designs for a Vestibule with an alternative stair in the centre bay. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 72/47. Titolo: Designs for the vestibule, showing variant designs for the ajoining stair and offices, 1803.


Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 73/72. Titolo: Variant designs for a vestibule with recesses level to the central bay, 2 April 1803.

Codice: SM 73/75. Titolo: Variant designs for a vestibule with paired columns at all four entrances, 8 April 1803. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/74. Titolo: Variant designs for a vestibule with paired columns at all four entrances, 8 and 9 April 1803.

Codice: SM 73/77. Titolo: Variant designs for alternative columniation at the east end of the vestibule, 25 April 1803. 106

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 73/79. Titolo: Variant designs for alternative columniation at the east end of the vestibule, 29 April 1803.

Codice: SM 73/82. Titolo: Designs for the Doric Vestibule showing a rampart walk and a higher screen wall, 10 May 1803. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/81. Titolo: Designs for the Doric Vestibule showing a rampart walk and a higher screen wall, 6 May 1803.


Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 73/69. Titolo: Preliminary design for a vestibule with paired Doric columns, and stairs ascending to the north and south recesses.

Codice: SM 73/83. Titolo: Preliminary design for a vestibule with paired Doric columns and stairs ascending to the north and south recesses. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/71. Titolo: Variant designs for a vestibule with recesses level to the central bay, 2 April 1803.

Codice: SM 73/73. Titolo: Variant designs for a vestibule with paired columns at all four entrances, 8 April 1803. 110

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 73/78. Titolo:Variant designs for the recesses and clerestory windows in a vestibule with twin columns at both recesses and at the east arm, 26 April 1803.

Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/80. Titolo: Design for the vestibule with windows in the recesses, May 1803.

Codice: SM 72/10. Titolo: Record drawings.


Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 72/50. Titolo: Record drawings.

Codice: SM 72/12. Titolo: Alternative design for an expanded clerestory, 22 November 1803. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 72/49. Titolo: Design for the vestibule, showing an open oculus at the top of the dome.

Codice: SM 73/67. Titolo: Design for the Vestibule showing an expanded clerestory, modified in December 1803. 114

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 72/65. Titolo: Record drawings of a design for the ornamentation of the dome, 10 February 1804.

Codice: SM 72/66. Titolo: Record drawings of a design for the ornamentation of the dome, 10 February 1804. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/84. Titolo: Record drawings of a design for the ornamentation of the dome, 15 February 1804.

Codice: SM 73/85. Titolo: Record drawings of a design for the ornamentation of the dome, 15 February 1804. 116

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 73/90. Titolo: Variant design for the ornamentation of the domed ceiling.

Codice: SM 73/91. Titolo: Variant design for the ornamentation of the domed ceiling. Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 73/92. Titolo: Preliminary design for the ornamentation of the domed ceiling, 18 March 1804.

Codice: SM 72/67. Titolo: Design drawing and record drawing of a design for the ornamentation of the domed ceiling. 118

Doric Vestibule

Codice: SM 72/16. Titolo: Design with arched ceiling, May 1803.

Codice: SM 72/59. Titolo: Working drawings for the north and south interior elevations, July 1803. Accountants Office


Codice: SM 1/7/11. Titolo: Presentation drawings for the north side of the Great Quadrangle, 8 May 1805.

Codice: SM 11/5/7. Titolo: Record drawings of the Barracks as built, August and October 1805. 120


Codice: SM 75/19. Titolo: Design for the Discount Office lobby with a coved ceiling, skylight, paired Ionic columns and a door on the north wall, 26 October 1805.

Codice: SM 42/185. Titolo: Working drawing for Bullion Office with three barrel vaults, 28 April 1807. Discount Office / Bullion Office


Codice: SM 75/40. Titolo: Design and working drawings for the Rustic Lobby, 21 November 1807.

Codice: SM 75/34. Titolo: Design, as built, for two of the waiting rooms.


Director’s Parlour

Codice: SM 75/38. Titolo: Design, as built, of the corridor running east-west.

Codice: SM 1/8/6. Titolo: Design, as built, of the corridor running east-west. Director’s Parlour


Codice: SM 60/25. Titolo: Presentation drawing of the Vestibule.

Codice: SM 75/20. Titolo: Designs for the new Treasury, datable to 1815.



Codice: SM 75/21. Titolo: Presentation drawing showing decoration of the interior, 1791.

Codice: SM 75/22. Titolo: Design for a lantern over two bays.



Codice: SM 9/4/3. Titolo: Preliminary design for remodelling the vestibule into new passage, 26 December 1814.



Codice: SM 70/7. Titolo: Working and site progress drawings for the new passage, 23 December 1814 - 4 January 1815.

Codice: SM 70/1. Titolo: Working and site progress drawings for the new passage, 23 December 1814 - 4 January 1815. Passage


Codice: SM 75/26. Titolo: Designs and working drawings for the new passage, datable to 1814-1815.



Codice: SM 75/23. Titolo: Designs for the new Treasury, datable to 1815.

Codice: SM 75/24. Titolo: Design for Vestibule and the adjacent office, showing a second lantern over the small office. Passage


Codice: SM 70/8. Titolo: Working and site progress drawings for the new passage, 23 December 1814 - 4 January 1815.

Codice: SM 70/11. Titolo: Working and site progress drawings for the new passage, 23 December 1814 - 4 January 1815. 130


Codice: SM 70/13. Titolo: Working and site progress drawings for the new passage, 23 December 1814 - 4 January 1815.

Codice: SM 70/3. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, late 1814.



Codice: SM 70/4. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, late 1814.

Codice: SM 70/5. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, late 1814.



Codice: SM 70/6. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, late 1814.

Codice: SM 70/10. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, January 1815. Passage


Codice: SM 70/16. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, January 1815.

Codice: SM 70/18. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, January 1815. 134


Codice: SM 70/20. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, January 1815.

Codice: SM 70/15. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 4 - 10 January 1815. Passage


Codice: SM 70/17. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 4 - 10 January 1815.

Codice: SM 70/19. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 4 - 10 January 1815. 136


Codice: SM 70/22. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 4 - 10 January 1815.

Codice: SM 45/15. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 5 - 17 April 1815. Passage


Codice: SM 45/17. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 5 - 17 April 1815.

Codice: SM 46/7. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, April 1815.



Codice: SM 45/19. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 28 April 1815.

Codice: SM 45/20. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 28 April 1815. Passage


Codice: SM 45/21. Titolo: Site progress drawings of passage, 28 April 1815.

Codice: SM 45/6. Titolo: Views of the new passage as executed, 1815.



Codice: SM 45/22. Titolo: Views of the new passage as executed, 1815.



Codice: SM 11/7/3. Titolo: Record drawings of the existing Threadneedle Street front, 1816.

Codice: SM 12/2/11. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs for the Threadneedle Street front, 1816. 142

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street

Codice: SM 12/2/12. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs for the Threadneedle Street front, 1816.

Codice: SM 12/2/14. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing variant designs for the Threadneedle Street front, 1816. Prospetto su Threadneedle Street


Codice: SM 12/2/15. Titolo: Design for the St Bartholomew’s street front, 1816.

Codice: SM 12/2/16. Titolo: Design for the St Bartholomew’s street front, 1816. 144

Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane

Codice: SM 12/2/9. Titolo: Design for the Princes Street front, 1816.

Codice: SM 12/2/10. Titolo: Design for the Princes Street front, 1816.

Prospetto su Princes Street


Codice: SM 9/2/3. Titolo: Presentation drawing of the proposed south and east faรงades, 16 November 1814.


Prospetti complessivi

Codice: SM 9/4/11 Titolo: Survey drawings of Taylor’s south and south-east Transfer Offices, September 1817.

Codice: SM 1/2/15. Titolo: Survey drawings of Taylor’s south and south-east Transfer Offices, September 1817. Colonial Office / Old Dividend Office


Codice: SM 74/107. Titolo: Survey drawings of Taylor’s south-east Transfer Office, one dated 6 September 1817.

Codice: SM 74/122 Titolo: Design for ceiling and floor plan re-used as an aid to perspective (later south-east Transfer Office), 1820. 148

Colonial Office

Codice: SM 74/114. Titolo: Design for ceiling and floor plan re-used as an aid to perspective (later south-east Transfer Office), 1820.

Colonial Office


Codice: SM 74/110. Titolo: Design for furniture layout of the later south-east Transfer Office, c.1820-1821.

Codice: SM 74/112. Titolo: Working drawings for the later south Transfer Office, c.1821. 150

Colonial Ofifice / Old Dividend Office

Codice: SM 74/116. Titolo:Designs and working drawing (copy) for the later south-east Transfer Office lantern, 1820.

Codice: SM 74/118. Titolo: Designs and working drawing (copy) for the later south-east Transfer Office lantern, 1820. Colonial Office


Codice: SM 74/119. Titolo: Design for the later south-east Transfer Office lantern exterior, c.1820.

Codice: SM 74/121. Titolo: Design for the later south-east Transfer Office lantern exterior, c.1820. 152

Colonial Office

Codice: SM 11/6/3. Titolo: Unused lecture drawing for the later south-east Transfer Office, post 1822.

Colonial Office


Codice: SM 74/120. Titolo: Preliminary designs and design for finishing the later south-east Transfer Office, one dated 1821.

Codice: SM 74/117. Titolo: Design for the later south-east Transfer Office, 1820. 154

Colonial Office

Codice: SM 1/2/1. Titolo: Survey drawings of Taylor’s south-east Transfer Office, one dated 6 September 1817.

Codice: SM 47/13. Titolo: Site record and progress drawings of the later south or south-east Transfer Office, 25 April 1818. Colonial Office


Codice: SM 47/15. Titolo: Site record and progress drawings of the later south or south-east Transfer Office, 25 April 1818.

Codice: SM 71/25. Titolo: Site progress drawings showing the demolition of Taylor’s south or south-east Transfer Offices, c. April 1818. 156

Colonial Office / Taylor’s Transfer Offices

Codice: SM 71/26. Titolo: Site progress drawings showing the demolition of Taylor’s south or south-east Transfer Offices, c. April 1818.

Codice: SM 60/30. Titolo: Site progress drawings of demolition of Taylor’s south Transfer Office, 25 August 1821. Taylor’s Transfer Offices


Codice: SM 1/2/16. Titolo: Record drawing that reconstructs Taylor’s south-east Transfer Office, after 1818.


Taylor’s Transfer Office

Codice: SM 74/140. Titolo: Design for the later south Transfer Office, 1821.

Codice: SM 74/141. Titolo: Design for the later south Transfer Office, 1821. Old Dividend Office


Codice: SM 74/139. Titolo: Design for the later south Transfer Office, 1821.

Codice: SM 74/142. Titolo: Working drawing for the later south Transfer Office, 1821. 160

Old Dividend Office

Codice: SM 10/1/20. Titolo: Variant designs for the south and east fronts, 29 June 1823.

Codice: SM 10/1/19. Titolo: Variant designs for the south and east fronts, 14 July 1823. Prospetto su Threadneedle Street


Codice: SM 10/1/21. Titolo: Variant designs for the south and east fronts, 22 July 1823.

Codice: SM 10/1/23. Titolo: Variant designs for the south and east fronts, 19 July 1823. 162

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street e Bartholomew Lane

Codice: SM 9/2/1. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing alternative designs for the faรงades, May 1823 and revised in 1825.

Prospetti complessivi


Codice: SM 9/2/2. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing alternative designs for the faรงades, May 1823 and revised in 1825.

Codice: SM 10/1/17. Titolo: Variant designs for the south front, 1823.


Prospetti complessivi / Prospetto su Threadneedle Street

Codice: SM 10/1/16. Titolo: Variant designs for the south front, 13 October 1823.

Codice: SM 10/1/15. Titolo: Design for the east front, November 1823.

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street / Prospetto su Bartholomew Lane


Codice: SM 10/1/13. Titolo: Presentation drawings of variant designs for the south and east fronts.

Codice: SM 10/1/14. Titolo: Presentation drawings of variant designs for the south and east fronts. 166

Prospetti su Threadneedle Street e Bartholomew Lane

Codice: SM 75/90. Titolo: Record drawings of the variant designs for the south front, 22 July 1823.

Codice: SM 75/89. Titolo: Record drawings of the variant designs for the south front, 23 July 1823. Prospetto su Threadneedle Street


Codice: SM 75/87. Titolo: Record drawings of the variant designs for the south front, 8 September 1823.

Codice: SM 75/88. Titolo: Record drawing of the south-west corner, showing the condition of the wall before and after rebuilding, 28 July 1827. 168

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street

Codice: SM 60/138. Titolo: Design for three-stage attic feature on the south front, 26 August 1823.

Codice: SM 10/2/3 Titolo: Design for three-stage attic feature on the south front, 26 August 1823. Prospetto su Threadneedle Street


Codice: SM 1/8/11. Titolo: Record drawings of the south and east fronts as built, 1824.

Codice: SM 1/8/10. Titolo: Record drawings of the south and east fronts as built, 1824. 170

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street e Bartholomew Lane

Codice: SM P124 Titolo: Record drawings of the south and east fronts as built, 1824.

Codice: SM 75/91. Titolo: Composite record drawing showing Bank with a domed entrance building, 23 November 1823. Prospetto su Threadneedle Street e Bartholomew Lane


Codice: SM 12/2/17. Titolo: Design for the entrance building front, as built, 1825.

Codice: SM 12/1/8. Titolo: Design for the entrance building front, as built, 1825. 172

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street

Disegni costruttivi


Codice: SM 74/12. Titolo: Designs for cellar and foundations, as executed.

Codice: SM 74/48. Titolo: Designs for cellar and foundations, as executed. 174

Bank Stock Office

Codice: 74/37. Titolo: Designs for cellar and foundations, as executed.

Codice: SM 74/32. Titolo: Design for construction of centering.

Bank Stock Office


Codice: SM 74/14. Titolo: Design for roof, as executed.

Codice: SM 1/4/6. Titolo: Design for tie-rods and vaulting at lantern level, as executed. 176

Bank Stock Office

Codice: SM 74/34. Titolo: Design for hypocaust heating system.

Codice: SM 74/97. Titolo: Design for the construction of the dome.

Bank Stock Office / Rotunda


Codice: SM 74/96. Titolo: Working drawings for the construction of the dome, with some preliminary details of ornament, one dated 15 July 1795.

Codice: SM 74/53. Titolo: Working drawings of sections based on the plan of drawing 9, 7 February 1799. 178

Rotunda / Consols Transfer Office

Codice: SM 74/54. Titolo: Working drawings of sections based on the plan of drawing 9, 7 February 1799.

Codice: SM 74/55. Titolo: Working drawings of sections based on the plan of drawing 9, 7 February 1799. Consols Transfer Office


Codice: SM 74/61. Titolo: Working drawings for the roof and vaulting, at different levels, 25 July 1798-7 February 1799.

Codice: SM 74/62. Titolo: Working drawings for the roof and vaulting, at different levels, 25 July 1798-7 February 1799. 180

Consols Transfer Office

Codice: SM 69/13. Titolo: Site progress and record drawings.

Codice: SM 11/6/9. Titolo: Record drawing of the later south-east Transfer Office, c. 1819. Consols Transfer Office / Colonial Office


Codice: SM 11/6/8. Titolo: Presentation drawings for the later south-east Transfer Office, one dated August 1818.


Colonial Office

Codice: SM 11/6/7. Titolo: Presentation drawings for the later south-east Transfer Office, one dated August 1818.

Colonial Office


Codice: SM 11/6/6. Titolo: Site progress and record drawings, dated 28 April 1799.


Consols Transfer Office

Disegni di presentazione


Codice: SM 11/4/1 Titolo: Presentation drawing, dated 7 June 1798.

Codice: SM 1/8/7. Titolo: Record drawings by J.M. Gandy of the Volunteers’ Dinner in the Four Per Cent Office, 1799-1801. 186

Bank Stock Office / Four Per Cent Office

Codice: SM 75/95. Titolo: Record drawings by J.M. Gandy of the Volunteers’ Dinner in the Four Per Cent Office, 1799-1801.

Codice: SM 9/2/1b. Titolo: Record drawings by J.M. Gandy of the Volunteers’ Dinner in the Rotunda, September 1799. Four Per Cent Office / Rotunda


Codice: SM 9/2/1c. Titolo: Record drawings of the interior, dated 6 July 1798.



Codice: SM P127. Titolo: Royal Academy exhibition drawing by J. M. Gandy, 1798.



Codice: SM 12/1/1. Titolo: Record drawing of a design for the screen wall with niches and figurative statues.

Codice: SM 12/3/7. Titolo: Record drawings showing variations of a second design for the Bullion Arch. 190

Prospetto su Lothbury / Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 12/3/11. Titolo: Record drawings of the Court with colonnades on east and west sides and a triumphal arch motif to the south, one dated 1 June 1798.

Codice: SM 12/3/14. Titolo: Variant designs for a screen on the west side.

Lothbury Court


Codice: SM 12/3/1. Titolo: Record drawings showing variant designs for the Bullion Arch, April 1799.

Codice: SM 12/3/13. Titolo: Drawings of Lothbury Court, possibly for exhibition at the Royal Academy. 192

Lothbury Court

Codice: SM 12/3/10. Titolo: Drawings of Lothbury Court, possibly for exhibition at the Royal Academy.

Codice: SM 60/136. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings.

Lothbury Court / Consols Transfer Office


Codice: SM 11/4/3. Titolo: Record and presentation drawings, dated 16 May 1799.


Consols Transfer Office

Codice: SM 12/1/7. Titolo: Royal Academy exhibition drawing showing Tivoli Corner as built and the screen wall niches containing figurative statues, 1807.

Tivoli Corner


Codice: SM 12/1/4. Titolo: Record drawings of alternative designs for a four-columned triumphal arch.

Codice: SM 12/1/6. Titolo: Record drawing of a four-columned portico in antis between paired columns projecting at an oblique angle to the main face, 3 November 1804. 196

Tivoli Corner

Codice: SM 11/4/4. Titolo: Presentation drawings for the interior of the Doric Vestibule, July 1803.

Doric Vestibule


Codice: SM 60/167. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing alternative interior designs for the Bullion Office, April and May 1807.

Codice: SM 75/92. Titolo: Presentation drawings showing alternative interior designs for the Bullion Office, April and May 1807. 198

Bullion Office

Codice: SM 11/4/2. Titolo: Presentation drawing (and copy) for the later south-east Transfer Office, c.1820-1821.

Colonial Office


Codice: SM 1/8/12. Titolo: Record drawing showing the north-west extension as built, July 1810.


Veduta complessiva

Codice: SM P267. Titolo: A Bird’s-eye view of the Bank of England, by J.M. Gandy, 1830.

Veduta complessiva


Codice: SM 12/1/3. Titolo: Record drawings of the south and east fronts as built, two framed, dated 1824.

Codice: SM P84. Titolo: Presentation drawing of the Bank’s interiors, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1822. 202

Prospetto su Threadneedle Street / Vedute

Codice: SM P350. Titolo: Presentation drawing of the Bank, 1831.

Pianta complessiva




Codice: 15A13/3/1. Titolo: The Bank of England from above.


F. Yerbury, Veduta dall’alto

Codice: 15A13/1/6/57. Titolo: The Rotunda.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/6/59. Titolo: Four Per Cent Office. Looking into South East Office.


F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/5/18. Titolo: Old Dividend Office. North-East angle, showing doorway to Rotunda.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/5/17. Titolo: Old Dividend Office. North Side, showing doorway to Rotunda.

Codice: 15A13/1/6/60B. Titolo: Old Dividend Office.


F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/6/63. Titolo: Bank Stock Office. North Wall.

Codice: 15A13/1/5/1. Titolo: Consols Office. Looking towards East End.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/5/8. Titolo: Consols Office. Lantern.


F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/6/69B. Titolo: Colonial Office. The Lantern.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/5/35. Titolo: Princes Street Vestibule. Doorway to Princes Street.

Codice: 15A13/1/5/50. Titolo: Passage from Rotunda to Front Court Yard seen from latter. 214

F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/5/23. Titolo: Accountants Office. Looking towards East-end.

Codice: 15A13/1/6/62B. Titolo: Colonial Office. South Wall.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/6/64B. Titolo: Bank Stock Office. South East Angle. Nearer view.

Codice: 15A13/1/6/61. Titolo: Consols Office. North East Angle.


F. Yerbury, Dettagli degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/5/7. Titolo: Consols Office. A pendentive.

Codice: 15A13/1/5/37. Titolo: Princes Street Vestibule. Detail of Pendentive.

F. Yerbury, Dettagli degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/5/36. Titolo: Princes Street Vestibule - Dome.

Codice: 15A13/1/5/28. Titolo: Passage leading from Front Courtyard to Rotunda. Detail of ceiling. 218

F. Yerbury, Dettagli degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/5/29. Titolo: Chief Cashiers Office. Detail of a Pendentive.

Codice: 15A13/1/5/13. Titolo: Colonial Office. North-East angle - nearer view. F. Yerbury, Dettagli degli spazi voltati


Codice: 15A13/1/5/16. Titolo: Colonial Office. Medallion on Pendentive.

Codice: 15A13/1/5/20. Titolo: Old Dividend Office. Ornament on North-East Pendentive. 220

F. Yerbury, Dettagli degli spazi voltati

Codice: 15A13/1/7/7. Titolo: Dividend Office.

Codice: 15A13/1/7/8. Titolo: Dividend Office

Fotografie del bicentenario


Codice: 15A13/1/7/10. Titolo: Consols Office.

Codice: 15A13/1/7/11. Titolo: Consols Office.


Fotografie del bicentenario

Codice: 15A13/1/7/12. Titolo: Bank Stock Office.

Codice: 15A13/1/7/13. Titolo: Colonial Office.

Fotografie del bicentenario


Codice: 15A13/1/7/14. Titolo: Four Per Cent Office.

Codice: 15A13/1/7/16. Titolo: Four Per Cent Office - South East Corner.


Fotografie del bicentenario

Codice: 15A13/1/3/2. Titolo: Demolition of the Bullion Court.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione


Codice: 15A13/1/3/13. Titolo: Demolition of the East Wing.

Codice: 15A13/1/3/4. Titolo: Demolition of the Rotunda and the Four Per Cent Office. 226

F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione

Codice: 15A13/1/3/26. Titolo: Demolition of the Rotunda with London skyline.

Codice: 15A13/1/3/9. Titolo: Colonial Office without roof. Looking North-West. F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione


Codice: 15A13/1/3/34 Titolo: The East Wing under demolition. From Royal Exchange.

Codice: 15A13/1/3/11. Titolo: Detail of the Rotunda under demolition.


F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione

Codice: 15A13/1/3/17. Titolo: Bank Stock Office without the central dome.

Codice: 15A13/1/3/19. Titolo: View of the Colonial Office under demolition. From the Royal Exchange. F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione


Codice: 15A13/1/3/16. Titolo: Demolition of the Bank Stock Office.

Codice: 15A13/1/3/20. Titolo: Rotunda and Bartholomew Vestibule under demolition. 230

F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione

Codice: 15A13/1/3/22. Titolo: Demolition of the Rotunda. Looking west towards St. Paul's Cathedral.

Codice: 15A13/1/3/23. Titolo: Demolition of the east wing.

F. Yerbury, Fotografie della demolizione


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