IMMART Impact Report 2022

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Impact Report

Introduction to IMMART, projects carried out, funding secured, our partnerships and future plans

C u l t u r a l o r g a n i s a i o n a n d n e t w o r k 2022

About Our Organisation

IMMART works for the activation and inclusion of linguistically and culturally differentiated artists in ordertoachievesocialequityinDenmarkandabroad. Accesstosocialnetworks,employmentopportunities, and knowledge are key. Our mission is to build capacity among artists of all nationalities, education levelsandabilities.

We want to accelerate the evolution of sustainable equitable societies where all artists are: seen, heard, valued and recognized for their contribution to the cultural heritage of the country they are producing their work in, and a ble to thrive regardless of cultural heritageandlinguisticcapability

We believe that everyone should have access to opportunities and be able to freely participate in the cultural life of the community where they are living. We also believe that both local and international collaborationareessentialforpositivesocietalchange to happen, and that aring is key - we aim to be sensitive to each person’s idiosyncrasies and particularsituation

We address the three pillars of sustainability (social, environmental and economic) and responsible business conduct by adherinng to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and we address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal10–ReducedInequalities,Goal11–Sustainable Cities and Communities and Goal 17 – Partnerships fortheGoals.

Image by @suzavarga IMMART co-creates opportunities for networking, for knowledge exchange, and for paid work in the arts and culture scene at home and abroad, no matter where you are from or what your cultural heritage is!

Funding // Membership

In 2022 we were awarded 475,000 DKK in funding for ARTIVAL 2023: 300,000 DKK from Nordic Culture Fund, 75,000 DKK from Frederiksberg Municipality and 100,000 DKK from Frederiksbergfonden.

In 2023 we shall continue to fundraise for ARTIVAL and seek sponsors for the 2023 edition, seek funding for our forthcoming IMMART Grow knowledge sharing program, and apply to the EU for a small collaborative project together with partners in Finland and France.

In an effort to arrive at a sustainable funding model, we shall also be introducing paid membership options in 2023 and seek other ways to generate our own income. We are keen to establish partnerships with both non-governmental, civil society, municipal and state organisations as well as businesses and private enterprises. Get in touch if you can see a collaboration on the horizon!

EverysingleIMMARTDinneris uniqueandsospecialinitsownright.

Ilovethem!It’sbeensogreatto revivetheHomeDinnersthisyear andexperienceourconversationsin theintimacyofourmembers’homes.

Wereallyappreciatethewarmth, trustandengagement

Activities & Impact

In2022we: Fundraisedandnetworkedfor IMMART’sculturalfestivalARTIVAL Nordic2023

Held10IMMARTDinnersinthe Copenhagenarea;ca.80different artists,writers,culturalworkers, scholars,hobbyartistslivinginDKfrom aroundtheglobe.

Co-organisedandspokeonapanelat theGapArtSummit, TowardsInclusive LeadershipintheNordicRegion. HostedIceland’sonlyInternational theatrecompanyandourARTIVAL 2023partners,ReykjavíkEnsemble

Engagedwithstudentsatthe UniversityofAlicante’sFuturLab

ForesightLaboratory, Innovation, ImmigrationandSocial EntrepreneurshipSummerSchool,who tookIMMARTasacasestudyfortheir coursework.
NicolSavinetti(above) IMMARTFounderandDirector

Activities & Impact

We also:

Participated for the fifth time in Michael Svennevig’s 2022 cultural festival in Copenhagen, FORVANDLING eller ej (TRANSFORMATION or not).

Hosted Nordic Network for Norm Critical Leadership in Copenhagen and collaborated on the 2023 conference.

Collaborated on the From Ukraine with Love Fundraiser - 8 artists exhibited, and created opportunities for a further 6 artists, held 3 events, 6 works sold, 16 400 DKK raised.

Participated in one of the founding workshops of the Sweden-based artist network Konst Detox a Swedish network for BIPOC actors.

Took on a full time intern to work on IMMART’s social media and visual design.

About Our Partnerships

IMMART strongly believes that collaborations are a pathway to achieving our mission of building capacity among artists of all nationalities, education levels and abilities, and to building sustainable, inclusive and equitable communities

We are very grateful for the numerous people and organisations who collaborate with us on projects, who host our IMMART Dinners, and who trust us enough to invest their time and money in us.

In 2022 we had dinners hosted by our Board Member Sophie Bruun, and IMMART Network member Angélique Sanossian, by Human Hotel, Global CSR, Art Escape Studios, Gallerie Lorien, and Casa De La Guitarra. We built on existing relationship and established new ones in our partnership for the coordination of ARTIVAL 2023, with Globe Art Point in Finalnd, Red Door in Denmark and Reykjavík Ensemble in Iceland.

IMMART collaborated with Ukrainian artist and curator Julia Dmuhk on a fundraiser exhibition with support from Gallerie Lorien, the Embassy of Ukraine and Bevar Ukraine.

We are also very grateful to our Board, Advisory Board, our Office team and volunteers for all of the time and effort they put into keeping the pulse of IMMART beating.

We look forward to expanding the team, nourishing existing partnerships and establishing new relationships in 2023.

@immartdk www immart dk Thank you to our 2022 Partners who have hosted, funded and collaborated with IMMART.

Plans Future

At IMMART we strive to listen to our members who actively participate in our events and support our work, in spirit and “likes” as well as in person. And then we strive to respond. The plans we share with you are the outcome of that listening and we are so incredibly grateful for the continuous engagement.

In early 2023 our focus is on raising more funds and executing ARTIVAL Nordic which will take place in Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, Bornholm and Copenhagen. We shall continue with our gorgeous monthly IMMART Dinners, and we’ll be working hard to get IMMART Grow off the ground, in collaboration with the members of the IMMART Network and our partners in the Nordic region and Europe.

Launch of ARTIVAL Nordic 2023 in February 2023

Launch paid membership options in April 2023

IMMART Grow peer knowledge sharing platform - seeking funding and aim to launch in September 2023

Seek a physical space to house IMMART

In addition to our internal plans, we are in dialogue with various cultural organisations in Denmark, France, US, Spain, Italy and the Nordic Region about different collaborative projects that support our shared goals and vision of truly equitable and inclusive arts and culture sectors around the globe.

Cultural organisaion and network

IMMART 2023 Impact Report

Published 30 January 2023


CVR Nr.: 39313744

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