Key News
July Newsletter Texas-Oklahoma District July 2022 | Region 13 | Division 10
Volume 1 Issue 2
Table of Contents 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Letter from your LTG Updates Reminders Officer Responsibilities Officer Responsibilities Cont. Resources Resources Cont. Recruitment Recruitment Cont. Summer Service Governor's Project Divisional Project
Table of Contents 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
ICON Recap ICON Recap Cont. ICON Recap Cont. Major Emphasis Major Emphasis Cont. Service Partners Service Partners Cont. Kiwanis Family Kiwanis Family Cont. Websites LTG Contact Regional and District Contact
Table of Contents 29 30 31 32
District Staff District Board Contact District Board Office Hours Closing
Letter from your LTG Greetings, Division 10! I hope you all are having a safe and wonderful summer! This past month, I have been planning for our first DCM and have discussed the RTC (Regional Training Conference) schedule with both Region 12 and 13. Exciting plans have been scheduled for our first DCM where you all will obtain much information about T-O Key Club! In addition, I have been working with my committee team (REC) to discuss new provisions for executing meetings, orderly procedure, and reports. This upcoming month will be busy as we will be preparing for the school year after August and transitioning fast. I hope to have an in-person service project for the month of August and finalize all contact information before school starts. Please ensure that you are checking for new emails and joining our contact groups (listed on page 27). Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all! I am thrilled to meet you all and cannot wait for an amazing year together. Please read the entirety of this newsletter so you receive the necessary information! Yours in Friendship and Service, Nidhi Rao Division 10 Lieutenant Governor
Updates Divisional Council Meeting I am holding my first DCM this coming Wednesday, July 27th from 5:30-6:30 PM! We will be discussing numerous topics including important reminders, new initiatives for service, recruitment for your Key Club chapter, officer responsibilities, and more. I hope to see you all there!!
Wednesday, July 27th 5:30-6:30 PM Via Zoom
Regional Training Conference Region 12 and 13 will hold its RTC on Saturday, September 17th! During the RTC, club officers will be trained on their responsibilities and how to perform the duties specific to their position. In addition, information on how to execute meetings, Kiwanis relations communication, Major Emphasis Programs, and Youth Opportunities Fund will be presented for you all. Officers will further be able to share new ideas and communicate with individuals in their division/region!
Saturday, September 17th TBA TBA
Reminders and Deadlines
1. Join the Remind group with the code "a3gb29"
2. Join the GroupMe chat with this link 3. Mark the date for our first DCM: Wednesday, July 27th 4. Finalize contact information for your chapter and communicate any changes with me
Monthly Assignments... Secretaries: Monthly reports are due on the 5th of every month, but try your best to get them in by the 4th for extra points! Editors: Assignments are also due on the 5th of every month at 11:59 pm!
Officer Responsibilities President The President is to preside over each meeting and ensure requirements for the chapter have been met; these include dues, deadlines, and making sure that each officer is completing their tasks on time. They are also to develop K-Family and inter club relations, decide what competitions to participate in at LEDCON, inform the advisor of current news with Key Club, and make sure everyone is receiving all necessary information.
Secretary The Secretary is to submit monthly reports containing their activity with Key Club for that particular month, update the roster with new contact information for each officer, take attendance and write meeting minutes at both officer and general meetings, and keep track of the service/social hours throughout the school year.
Vice President The Vice President is to assist the President with any given tasks and help with additional responsibilities throughout the team. They are to be in contact with the advisor as well and ensure all activities and events for Key Club are accomplished in an organized manner.
Treasurer The treasurer is to stay up to date with deadlines for club dues, control the club's money, its collection, and disbursement, reconcile bank statements, record all expenditures and income for the week, deposit club funds, and collect all monies from club projects.
Officer Responsibilities Editor The editor is responsible for completing the monthly tasks assigned. These include the Newsletter, Articles, HOTO, Photos, Letter to The Editor, and the Riddle of the Month.
Webmaster The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the school club's website and updating it with all new, important, and relevant information.
Resources Below are links to resources that can be found on the T-O Website! All of these are meant to assist you with your position in order to fulfill all responsibilities.
Presidents and VPs Duties of the Club President Duties of the Club Vice President
Secretaries Online Report Form (link here) Communicate any questions you may have about the monthly report with me or our District Secretary, Dylan Dam
Treasurers Treasurer duties YOF Grant Information
Resources Below are links to resources that can be found on the T-O Website! All of these are meant to assist you with your position in order to fulfill all responsibilities.
Editors Editor's Handbook The Editor's Handbook created by our District Editor, Bethany Tran, has all of the information you will need to know in order to accurately perform the responsibilities of the Editor position and complete all required tasks.
Webmasters T-O and Key Club International Logos: Google Drive Folder
Recruitment Tips 1. Hold an officer meeting with your team in order to discuss new initiatives
Having a Plan The new school year is starting soon with a little over a month left! It is now time to start organizing how you would like to recruit members into your Key Club chapter and plan for the year! This is extremely important in order to provide service and engaging activities throughout the school year. In addition, more members in your school chapter only expands your ability to do more for your community!
2. Craft new ideas that will aid in your success throughout the school year 3. Organize your thoughts onto a timeline or calendar to give a better understanding of how long you have to accomplish your goals 4. Plan service projects and volunteering opportunities now!
Recruitment Ways to Recruit More Members 1. Establish an Instagram Page for
4. Mark your first interest meeting date
your school chapter and stay
for the school year and inform members
active on uploading posts from
(create meeting slides presentation)
various events
5. Build platforms of communication:
2. Create online flyers or posters
Establish a Remind and a Google
that you can upload on your
Classroom group, as well as a GroupMe
social media (Canva is a great
tool for this)
6. Create a Recruitment Video: All
3. Create a website for your chapter
officers can meet at a chosen location to
that enables members to see
film. In the video, you can introduce
what Key Club is, all that your
each of the officers, incorporate the
club has done and will continue
Objects of Key Club International, what
to do, an officer team page with
Key Club means to you, and all that it
contact information, and
has to offer! Additionally, you can be
sure to mention volunteering
opportunities and fun activities like
socials held throughout the year
Summer Service Below are summer service ideas your chapter can accomplish before the school year starts 1. Participate in the Divisional Project and looking at ways to initiate service in your school to earn divisional points 2. Trash clean up event at local parks 3. Create cards that can be sent to nursing homes and healthcare workers 4. Volunteer at your local library 5. Donate or recycle unwanted clothes to vulnerable communities 6. Volunteer at a community center or non profit organization (helping at a gift shop, organizing and packing clothes, cleaning) 7. Volunteer at a food pantry 8. Help organize community events (if there are any local events at a park or specific building)
Governor's Project
"Empower the People" The Governor’s Project follows this year’s theme of “Empower the People” throughout all of T-O! This project aims to create a supportive and encouraging environment in homes, schools, and communities through service activities. By uplifting peers and strangers around us, we can increase morale and mental health in our communities.
- Service Ideas1.
Craft encouraging posters to showcase on social media and (where applicable and allowed) outside
Donate to local health care workers and create cards to first responders
Write letters to local elderly homes or retirement centers
4. Volunteer throughout your community with local charities and food pantries
Divisional Project
"One Step to Lead" The Divisional Project is called "One Step to Lead," emphasizing the idea that each individual can have a lasting impact on another, through big and small efforts to help. By taking one step forward, you become a leader in your community. This project aims to create an environment surrounded by our small actions painting a larger picture, and all that each of us can do everyday. Individuals in vulnerable communities do not have access to several basic necessities including clean water and educational opportunities, and the environment is not as healthy with air and soil conditions. By taking one step to help another, you are leading thousands of people in efforts to change. With your change, we are making all the difference to provide more for those around us. It all starts with one step to lead.
- Service Ideas 1. Host a trash clean up day around local community centers 2. Tutor and mentor students with different course work 3. Connect with food pantries to volunteer with 4. Assist local charities with packing clothes, helping in the shops, and organize sections of the building where needed 5. Volunteer with local non-profit organizations 6. Collect and donate non-perishable food items and other products
ICON Recap
I n ter n at
ion al C o n v e n t i on
, T- O !
Bronze Single Service Cleburne High School
Gold Single Service Mansfield High School
Platinum Single Service Cypress Creek High School
Distinguished Clubs Westbrook High School MacArthur High School
ICON Recap
I n ter n at
ion al C o n v e n t i on
, T- O !
Outstanding Faculty Advisor Melissa Greene (Cleburne High School)
Digital Recruitment Poster Cypress Ridge High School
Major Emphasis Allen High School
Key Club Promotional Video Cypress Ridge High School
Year-In Review Lake Ridge High School Westbrook High School
ICON Recap
I n ter n at
ion al C o n v e n t i on
, T- O !
Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor's Award - Anika Adkar- Akshaya Chandra-Dylan Dam-Minori Kikuchi-Viranda Kwok-Trinh Luong-Jonathan Perez-Sheena Vaghela-
Distinguished Governor: Lilian Thai Distinguished Secretary: Ginna Galindo Gomez Distinguished Treasurer: Makayla Hsieh Distinguished Executive Officer: Valerie Hennessee
Major Emphasis
Members work together by sponsoring fundraising events and conducting service projects at their local children's hospitals. Contact your local CMN hospital and invite a representative to a club meeting to share ideas and create a partnership.
Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with March of Dimes to make a positive impact on the lives of babies everywhere. Today, Kiwanis members continue that culture of service by supporting the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds, and educating communities about the crisis of preterm birth.
Major Emphasis
UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. Working with other United Nations bodies, governments, and nongovernmental organizations, UNICEF helps to provide for children’s needs in more than 150 developing countries through community-based services in primary health care, basic education, and safe water and sanitation.
Thirst Project hopes to educate the next generation by arming students with information about how they can be a part of social change, make a difference, and encourage others to join in the effort.
Service Partners
The mission of Erika's Lighthouse is to make sure no young person feels alone in their depression. This nonprofit organization encourages good mental health and strives to break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Erika's Lighthouse is dedicated to creating a community of empathy and education and has resources and programs for students and educators, grades 4-12.
Want to make an impact and have fun while doing it? Looking for a service project that you can complete from the comfort of your bedroom? Key Club has partnered with Schoolhouse to bring free tutoring to thousands of learners across the world. If you're interested in learning something new, or you're interested in becoming a tutor yourself, sign up today!
Service Partners Collegewise believes that applying to college should be an exciting time for students and parents, not a stressful, anxiety-ridden rite of passage. Every year, the organization creates customized plans to ensure that every student gets the academic support they need and is fully equipped to complete their applications thoughtfully, effectively and early.
Landscape Structures (LSI) has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner to bring play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high-quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services that reflect the high degree of integrity that Kiwanis clubs expect.
Happiness is not just a state. It’s a skill that anyone can learn. Every step toward happiness matters — no matter where you live or work, no matter who you are or what you do. You can help people take those steps in the Virtual Race for Wellness. Take part and help Project Happiness reach its goal of bringing programs to those who need them most, regardless of financial constraints. Collaborative Partner
Kiwanis Family K-Kids is where elementary school students begin developing their hearts for service. This studentled service leadership program builds leadership skills and strong moral character while giving students an opportunity to participate in service projects.
Builders Club, designed for middle school students, encourages members to focus their passion and energy on serving others. They learn self-confidence and become tomorrow’s leaders through teamwork, goal-setting, and action.
Key Club is a student-led, high school organization. Key Club members around the world are learning how to lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism. In partnership with their local Kiwanis club, high school students are making a positive impact as they serve others in their schools and communities.
Kiwanis Family Circle K International is the world’s largest student-led service organization for college students. Now in 19 nations, this group is among the most passionate Kiwanis family members when it comes to service.
Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities. Members develop confidence and selfesteem by adopting leadership roles within their clubs. They also discover their own talents as they use them to help others.
Since 1915, these adult volunteers have been serving the children of the world through fundraising and hands-on service projects. Kiwanis created its family of sponsored leadership clubs to help people of all ages develop the heart to serve, answer the call to lead, and accept the courage to engage. By working together, we can become a force for good in the world for children and communities.
Websites Visit the Texas-Oklahoma and Key Club International website where you can find much information about our District and Key Club!
T-O Key Club Link
Key Club International Link
Learn more about our Kiwanis Family by visiting the websites below!
Builders Club
Key Club
Circle K Int.
Aktion Club
LTG Contact Lieutenant Governor: Nidhi Rao Email:
Remind: The code to join is "a3gb29"
Phone Number: (713)380-5821
GroupMe: GroupMe link
Follow our Divisional and the District Instagram Page!
@todivision10 @tokeyclub 27
with T-O!
Regional Advisor: Lexi Durbin Email:
District Administrator: Kenyon Black Email:
Assistant Administrator: Kelly Poland Email:
District Board Contact
Join the District Remind group for your respective position!
Governor: @tokey23 Secretary: @tosecs23 Treasurer: @totreas23 Editor: @toeditor23 Tech Producer: @towebs23 Join the District GroupMe chat for your respective position! (links below)
Secretary GroupMe Treasurer GroupMe Editor GroupMe Webmaster GroupMe
District Board Office Hours
Come for general Key Club support! The first and third Thursday of every month (8PM-9PM) oov-gnsc-dgq
Come for monthly report support! 1st of every month (9PM-10PM) kzb-pynr-ofw
Come for MUC and YOF Grant support! The 20th of every month (4PM-5PM) dvk-hkky-rud
Come for newsletter and editor support! Third Sunday of every month (3PM-4PM) eih-hsbt-ian Come for website and graphic design support! First Sunday of every month (1PM-2PM)
Thank you! 32