MATH LAB 1 Course Number: 3009
Grade level: 9
Credit Value: 1
Prerequisite: Teacher Placement
Math Lab 1 provides targeted instruction to support progress in math. These supports may include pre-teaching, re-teaching, direct instruction, accommodations and the use of web-based accelerated math programs. This course is a study of the real number system, dealing with such topics as rationals, integers, laws of exponents, radicals, polynomials, factoring, fractional equations, linear functions, graphing, and their applications with real life problems. This course also includes topics from Geometry including coordinate geometry and trigonometry. The ultimate goal of the Math Lab course sequence is to support and prepare students to rejoin Nido’s mainstream program, but the class will still provide comprehensive skill building for those students who remain in the Math Lab sequence for all four years of high school. A graphing calculator is required, TI-84+ family will be used for all demonstrations. Math Lab 1 is not adequate preparation for IB courses. R egistration for this course is made by placement only. 23