Executive NidoSummary2050CampusVisionPlan The International School Nido de Aguilas
Vision 9 1 Reconfigure Access and Circulation 2 Create the Nest, Nido’s Social Crossroads 3 Prototype the Future of Nido’s Learning Environments 4 Integrate Nature as the Backbone of the Campus 5 Foster Wellness through Campus Life Programs and its Physical Setting 6 Connect with the Community, with Public Purpose and the Hub of Knowledge Implementation Road Map 53 Acknowledgments 65 Nido 2050 Campus Vision Plan Executive Summary The International School Nido de Aguilas This executive summary is an encapsulation of the many detailed studies and analyses that contribute to the complete Concept Framework Plan for Nido, which is bound in a separate document.
0 25 50m N Nido 2050 Vision 6 7NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION 2 3 4 65 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151617 18 19 20 2321 24 26 27 28 25 22 InternationalPark Nido Reserve DevelopmentFuture NestThe Faculty/StaffParking Landscape Corridor VisitorParking ElRodeo El Rodeo NidodeAguilas 1. Early Years School 2. ES/EYS Gym 3. ES Cafeteria 4. Elementary School 5. ES Playscape 6. ES Learning Hub 7. Middle School 8. MS Annex 9. MS Wing 10. Media Center 11. Learning Hub 12. Science Center 13. Cafeteria 14. Stevenson Hall 15. Arts Center 16. High School 17. Admin 18. Parent Forum 19. Aquatic Center 20. Gym 21. Nature Center 22. Aguilitas 23. Tennis Courts 24. Garage + Field 25. Infrastructure Hub 26. Nido Institute 27. Community Housing 28. Community Center
The vision to create a 21st century hub of knowledge at Nido is supported by four pillars: and encourage collaborative learning through visible, flexible, and accessible indoor and outdoor spaces nature and sustainability as the backbone of the campus, through curricular and extracurricular programs as well as its infrastructure Foster wellness through campus life programs and its physical setting, reinforcing a holistic educational model that nurtures the mind, body and spirit Connect with the community on and offcampus, advancing Nido’s public purpose and expanding the school’s influence in the district, Santiago and beyond
• Integrate
Creating Hub of
the Nido
• Celebrate
Strategic Framework The Nido Vision is comprised of a series of recommendations that directly respond to the school’s strategic objectives and principles of the plan. Key Actions 1 Reconfigure Access and Circulation 2 Create the Nest, Nido’s Social Crossroads 3 Prototype the Future of Nido’s Learning Environments 4 Integrate Nature as the Backbone of the Campus 5 Foster Wellness through Campus Life Programs and it’s Physical Setting 6 Connect with the Community, with Public Purpose and the Hub of Knowledge 12 13NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION Potential PartnershipDevelopment/Housing Potential PartnershipDevelopment/Housing The Nest InstituteNidoNatureCenter Nido Reserve RecreationOutdoor Community Housing + Learning Center HousingNido
Reconfigure Access and Circulation 1
A new approach to vehicular circulation is based on expanding and diversifying the access points to the campus, as well as distinguishing zones for pick-up and drop-off from parking lots. In the future, traffic will be distributed across four different entry/exit locations with improved dropoff and pick up areas. The proposed strategy is as 1.follows:Aformal gateway to the campus for visitors that arrives at the convergence of the new High School and EYS buildings, with remarkable views to the quebrada and Nido Spine. This access builds upon the existing entry to the campus and can also be used by EYS parents for pick-up/drop-off.
0 100m50 N Nido Boundary 1 - Reconfigure Access and Circulation
4. Mostly defined as an egress point for Nido in peak hours, this access can also be used for service vehicles to directly access the Infrastructure Hub.
3. A new access road that serves a more functional role, particularly during peak traffic hours. This road establishes a loop between Avenida El Rodeo and Calle Nido de Aguilas creating efficient flow of vehicles. Pick-up/ drop-off zones are located along the road, providing much greater length for temporary staging of cars. Designated parking lots are also accessible from this road.
2. A designated access/drop-off area for the Nido Institute that is framed by its new academic facilities without interfering with the school’s overall circulation.
Vehicular Circulation 16 17NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION Faculty/StaffParking EmergencyService/Access EmergencyService/AccessInternationalParkMSPlaza Drop-OffArea BusDrop-OffArea Parking with Field (2 Levels) ElRodeo NidodeAguilas ToPieAndino MainVisitorArrival 75 290 110 55 VisitorParking Public Road Nido Access Road Shared Lanes / Service Access Total Parking (Approx.) 535 Spaces 1 3 4 2
1 - Reconfigure Access and Circulation
The framework establishes the development sites for key projects within a pedestrian armature that reinforces Nido’s arrival experience and improves connections to the overall campus. The Nido Promenade, provides a north-south promenade that links the southern gateway to the existing core of the school. This route works with the topography of the campus, providing an accessible path with gentle slopes and ramps.
Unlocking DevelopmentNewSites
Nido’s vision is clearly expressed upon arrival at the campus, with the new High School building becoming a prominent feature
The new Early Years School embodies Nido’s reconnection to nature and its larger setting Arrival
Existing Drop-off 18 19NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION InstituteNido NidoPromenade ElRodeo 1 1 2 2
Create the Nest, Nido’s social crossroads2
By moving the High School closer to the existing entry, the framework seeks to create a new heart for Nido that fosters collaborative learning and engagement across the school. The Nest is framed by division clusters, which have their identity reinforced by strategic infill and landscape interventions. Towards the west, a wellness zone provides a range of indoor and outdoor recreation activities that allows for a transition to Nido’s larger natural setting, enhanced with trails and spaces for exploration and learning.
0 25 50m N
CrossroadsSocial22 23NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION NidoPromenade ReserveReserveNido SoccerNidoInstituteEventsFieldCenterScienceAquaticCenter RecCenter CafeteriaStevensonShowcaseGallery LearningHub LearningHub InternationalOutdoorParentMakerSpaceAdminForumClassesPark ArtCenter CollaborationSpaces CourtsMultipurposeQuebradaTrail ES/EYSGym NatureCenter MS ExpansionFuture Aguilitas Cafeteria EYSCommunityLibraryandLearningCenterProfessionalDevelopment MiddleSchool HighSchoolOutreachElementaryTheNestSchool WellnessWellnessCommunityMediaCenterLearningHubHousingNestWalk
In the south, uses that reinforce Nido’s outreach and social purpose agenda take advantage of El Rodeo’s extension to create a new front for the school, with new possibilities to engage with its urban context. The entire campus is connected through a legible pedestrian armature, composed of the Nido Promenade, Nest Walk and additional secondary paths. the Nest, Nido’s
2 - Create the Nest Create
The Nest An expanded and enhanced International Park is framed by uses that promote engaged learning. A necklace of learning hubs cascade upwards across the campus, from the Elementary School Hub to Gym addition and main student dropoff, symbolizing the progression of a student at Nido. These buildings also reinforce connectivity, providing a universally accessible route with ramps and elevators. 2 - Create the Nest 24 25NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION MSHUBESHUB HSHUB NIDOPROMENADE NIDOPROMENADE TONIDOINSTITUTE CafeteriaNESTWALK+Expansion Drop-off/PickUpPlazaScienceCenter Stevenson Elementary MiddleSchool Admin EYS ParentForum CafeteriaES/EYS Arts High School Showcase GYM
On special events, The Nest is also a place to celebrate Nido’s vital community and traditions, where students, parents, staff and visitors come together.
The Hub engages with the park, creating an open forum for experimentation and collaboration, while supporting Nido’s shift to project-based learning
Existing International Park Existing High School 26 27NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION 1 1 2 2
The Nest is envisioned as a flexible outdoor space that can host a range of different functions. On regular days, it’s a meeting spot for students across divisions to collaborate and engage with each other. A generous tree canopy and pavilion provides shade and a comfortable microclimate for informal learning.
A Hub Collaborationfor and Engagement
2 Create the Nest International Park connects the entire core campus, becoming Nido’s pulsating green heart
Prototype the future transformation of Nido’s Learning Environments3
Test Bed for New Forms of Learning 3 - Prototype the future transformation of Nido’s Learning Environments Lecture-styleClassroom FlexibleSpacesLearning Foyer Collaboration / Lounge Classrooms Accessible Route
Renovation of existing buildings can provide valuable lessons for future facilities at Nido. The existing MS Wing is one of the older buildings on campus, and the framework plan envisions repositioning it as a test bed for new learning Retractablemethods.
partitions allow for the upper level of the building to accommodate different configurations simultaneously. Moveable furniture can be introduced as a way to experiment new teaching arrangements.
To the left, a collaboration lounge creates a new venue for informal learning and group study, with an atrium and new curtain wall addition to enhance natural light. Atrium Retractable walls allow for different types of layouts to be deployed simultaneously Existing MS Wing
Buildings and landscape reinforce the promenade as a place for learning and collaboration
Additions to Existing Buildings Transform the Campus Landscape
3 - Prototype the future transformation of Nido’s Learning Environments
Additions to the Stevenson Hall (1) and Cafeteria (2) reconceives the campus topography and introduce active edges to those buildings. Uses that are shared across the school, such as a showcase gallery and food hall, reinforce the Nido Promenade as an engaging, accessible pedestrian link within the campus.
Integrate nature and sustainability as the backbone of the Campus 4
The Quebrada as the backbone of thecampus4-Integratenature and sustainability as the backbone of the Campus
The landscape framework builds upon one of Nido’s most critical foundational principles: engaging with nature and the outdoors. By daylighting the Quebrada Los Pitufos, we establish a direct connection between the rich surrounding ecological context and the academic core of the school, while also making a positive contribution to the environment. The quebrada will play a prominent role in advancing Nido’s sustainability agenda and transforming the campus into living laboratory.
Storm ManagementWater + Outdoor Recreation Quebrada designed to detain and infiltrate runoff from site watershed and surrounding hardscape surfaces, recharging the water table. Green lossgaininsulateGreenSystemRoofroof/wintergardensrooftoreduceheatinthesummerandheatinwinter Solar energystructureswaterAGenerationEnergymixofsolarPVandhotpanelsonroofsofreduceNido’sconsumption Natural Light and Cross Ventilation A mix of solar PV and hot water panels on roofs of structures reduce Nido’s energy consumption organiccompostcafeteriasFoodManagementCompostGardenOrganic+scrapsatturnedintoforAguilitas’garden Heat West/EastModulationGainoriented facades equipped with louvers to reduce heat gain and improve climatic comfort Waste waterNidoInfrastructureARecyclingWatertreatmentplantattheHuballowstoreduceitsirrigationusage Waste Water Treatment Plant Tertiary Secondary Primary W SchoolYearsEarly Nest CenterMedia Admin Arts partenvironmentvegetationRestoredLandscapeRegeneratedEcologyhillsideecologyandaddsvaluetotheandbecomesintegralofNido’scurriculum Rain waterlandscapedCaptureHarvestingWaterinroofsandareasreducedemandAstro Turf All new and existing fields resurfaced with astro turf reduce irrigation demand Permeable Pavement Permeable surfaces reduce groundwater runoff Aguilitas Nido Hills GardenOrganic CenterNature Amphitheater High School NaturalVentilation as4StrategiesSustainabilityIntegrated-IntegratenatureandsustainabilitythebackboneoftheCampus A holistic approach to sustainability in both buildings and landscape will put Nido at the forefront of integrating of environmentally sensitive strategies with its curriculum. 38 39NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION
Foster wellness through campus life programs and its physical setting5
42 43NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION Regulation size field with stands Regulation size field withRecreation-sizestandsfield+parking4x Tennis courts NidoAdditionGym 3x Multi-purposecourts
AmenitiesRecreationalExpanding5-Fosterwellnessthrough campus life programs and its physical setting
The framework plan establishes a “wellness zone”, a ribbon of outdoor recreation amenities towards the eastern edge of the academic core. offer a transition to the larger site, with clear connections to the network of trails that compose the Nido Collectively,Reserve.theReserve and recreation facilities represent a new paradigm for wellness at Nido, where sports, outdoor activities and exploration of nature are deeply entwined.
At the ground level, a concourse establishes a gateway to the academic core, linking the dropoff plaza to the Nest Walk. A Multi-Activity Court (MAC) is framed by weight and training rooms that poke out the volume of the building creating inspiring views to the surrounding landscape. Additional locker rooms are also proposed. Facilities in the addition allow spaces within the existing gym to be renovated and repurposed.
44 45NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION MAC LowerConcourseDayLockers MPRoom Cafeteria+Addition ExistingGym Drop-offPlaza StevensonHall+Addition MPRoom MPRoom Cheer Lockers Lockers Loading Weights WeightsGymStorage CircuitTraining GymExisting ADDITIONGYM
Gym Expansion 5 - Foster wellness through campus life programs and its physical setting
Connect with the Community, with Public Purpose and the Hub of Knowledge 6
6 - Connect
Engaging with Av. El Rodeo and the Cierro 18 Community with the Community, with Public Purpose and the Hub of Knowledge
The extension of Av. El Rodeo establishes a new dynamic between Nido and its surrounding urban context. The framework leverages this new condition to propose programs that advance Nido’s outreach and social purpose agendas. As articulated by the school’s Strategic Vision, the plan anticipates the new uses on campus that will further reinforce Nido as a hub of knowledge. A valuable site, contiguous to the academic core, and connected to the Promenade is reserved for the creation of an institute devoted to the advancement of new pedagogies. Opposite the Institute, and on land that is cutoff from the campus by Av. El Rodeo, the plan establishes a site for an integrated subsidized housing, community learning center and plaza. Envisioned as a collaboration between Nido and the Municipality of Lo Barnechea, it will foster new kind of partnership with its surrounding community.
48 49NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK VISION EYS InstituteCafeteriaES/EYS High School LearningCenter Av.ElRodeo Housing NIDOPROMENADE
Nido Institute + Hub of Knowledge
6 - Connect with the Community, with Public Purpose and the Hub of Knowledge ExistingBoundaryCampus
The framework plan allocates a critical site along El Rodeo, that is remarkably visible to the outside community, and connected to the pedestrian armature of the school’s academic core.
The Institute positions Nido to become a leader in stimulating innovation in education in Chile and beyond
Still in its early stages of conceptualization, the Nido Institute is envisioned as a center for the advancement of new pedagogies and innovation in education. Programs related to professional development, capacity building and training in new technologies will cater to educators in Latin America and beyond. It is also envisioned that Nido could offer higher-education programs in collaboration with other institutions, both domestic and foreign, expanding it’s academic footprint.
Bldg Improvements Bldg Repurposing Bldg Expansion New Building Site Improvements + Landscape Community + Dev. Partnership ES / EYS MS HS All Short-term (0-5 yrs) Medium-term (5-10 yrs) Long-term (10-15 yrs +) E n tr y a n d A c c e s s R e c o n f g u r a ti o n X X X N e w E Y S / E S G y m Bu i l d n g X X X E S C a f e te r i a X X X E S L e a r n n g H u b X X X M S L e a r n i n g H u b X X T h e N e s t + H u b X X N o r th F e l d s a n d C o u r ts X X X R e c r e a t o n C e n te r E x p a n s o n X X X P a r e n t C o m m o n s X X X I n f r a s tr u c tu r e H u b X X X N a tu r e C e n te r + A g u l i ta s X X X Q u e b r a d a D a y l i g h ti n g X X X E S L e a r n n g S p a c e s X X X M S L e a r n i n g S p a c e s X X X E S /M S F u tu r e E x p a n s i o n X X X H S Bu i l d n g X X X C a f e te r a E x p a n s i o n X X S te v e n s o n H a l G a l e r y X X T e m p o r a r y P a r k n g A r e a X X S o u th e r n R e c r e a t o n C o u r ts X X X N d o I n s ti i tu te X X X P a r k i n g G a r a g e a n d F i e d X X X N d o R e s e r v e X X X N d o H o u s i n g X X X A f f o r d a b l e H o u s n g a n d C o m m C e n te r X X P r i v a te D e v e l o p m e n t/N d o L a n d X X X Project Name Project Type Division / Area Time Frame / Staging Framework RecommendationsPlan The framework recommendations can be summarized into 26 key initiatives that will positively impact all school divisions and span different intervention types and implementation stages. The table below represents a preliminary categorization of projects and their prioritization. It provides Nido with general road map for implementation and a clear path towards the next 54 55NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP
Reconfiguring access to the school is a crucial first step in implementing the framework plan. It will alleviate the dire congestion experienced by the community in peak hours, and more importantly, will establish the sites for the initial implementation projects, such as EYS. As a critical first step for Nido, a simultaneous feasibility study for both the access strategy and new EYS will allow the fine-tuning of these two components.
0 25 50m TriggeringN Projects
56 57NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP Zavala ScienceLanguageCenter GymnasiumStevenson AquaticCenter Courts AdminHighSchool Cafeteria Cafeteria EYS & PavilionESMSPavilion MS WingMediaCenterEarlySchoolYears Service ArtsCenter MiddleSchool ElementarySchool ElRodeo NidodeAguilas LoopRoad VisitorEntry PrimaryEntryFutureExtension New Field Non-Buildable Area EYSSite FutureHSSiteP P P P
0 25 50m N Initial Stage The reconfiguration of access and circulation unlocks a range of initial stage projects, such as the new EYS and Rec Center Renovation. 58 59NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP 1. Reconfiguration Entry and Access 2. MS Wing Learning Hub 3. New EYS + ES Gym 4. ES Cafeteria Renovation 5. New Fields 6. ES Learning Hub + Media Center Renovation 7. Renovation of Rec Center 8. Parent Commons 9. Infrastructure Hub 10. Nature Center and Quebrada Existing FieldpreservedFacilitieswhileNorthisbuilt Existing buildings to be used as testing ground for new classroom spaces 2 3 5 4 6 68 8 10 107 7 1 1
0 25 50m N Mid to Long-Term 60 61NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP 1. Temporary Parking Lot 2. New High School 3. Elementary School Renovation 4. The Nest Hub Building 5. Cafeteria Expansion 6. Stevenson Hall Gallery 7. Recreation Field New HS and parking unlocks core campus for redevelopment Existing buildings to be used as testing ground for new classroom spaces 2 3 5 4 6 7 1
0 25 50m 62ConsolidationLong-TermN 63NIDO DE ÁGUILAS CONCEPT FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION ROAD MAP InfrastructureHub ScienceCenter GymnasiumStevenson AquaticCenter AdditionGym AdminLearningHub Cafeteria HousingSubsidized CafeteriaCenterLearningExpansionMS EYS+Gym SchoolHigh InstituteNido MS WingMSHubES Hub NatureCenter Aguilitas ArtsCenter MiddleSchool ElementarySchool ElRodeo NidodeAguilas Early years & Elementary Schools Middle School High ServiceHousingOutreachArtSharedAdminSchoolFacilitiesFacilities&Support Staff
International School Nido de Águilas Nido and the design team would like to thank the students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni who participated in forums and interviews for their invaluable contribution to the master plan process. Acknowledgements Maya Westcott David Perez Gisela FranciscoSharonCarlosCharlesKimberlyLaurenGregPamelaEscobarGomezGreenAriasBrioliniBunceFonsecaMatthewsSanchez David BrendaPerryPaz Soldan Delfin MayaLauraKateKimJuanJasonGonzaloFranciscoDerrickCartwrightQuinetSanchezBlancScolesEduardoVidalBrioliniMcKennaCarvajalWestcott Sasaki Dennis Pieprz Pablo Savid-Buteler Victor Eskinazi Karen Mata Ortas Caitlyn DorothyLishunxiangAnthonyNicolasXinShannonClausonHasenfratzZhaoBarreraCastañedaFettesLuoMcAusland Dupla Julio RobertoConstanzaPaulaPobleteLavadosSatelerOñat Nicolas Rios Peter AaronRodrigoZachValentinaStephanRodrigoPatriciaPazPamelaFrerichsGomezNalegachPodorsekPradoZieglerGarcíaBeatyChamorroRoenbaun Board of Directors Steering Committee