Issue #3 Mar. 1, 2022
Contents School Spirit 4 Politics 8 Sports 18 Literature 22 Art 28 Curiosity 32 2
Nido en 100 Palabras Inspired by the famous “Santiago en 100 Palabras” short-story competition The Nest Magazine Club will launch a high-school-wide creative writing contest! Students, teachers, and staff will write 100-word creations about their Nido experience. English or Spanish. Narrative or poem. Anything goes!
Compete for food prizes and bragging rights!
Get your creative juices flowing by partaking in this fun, light experience. The most creative, funniest, most thoughtful, and best entries will be featured in the next magazine issue. Guidelines All submissions will be judged by a varied - The Nest will be accepting submissions selection of from March 1 - March 15 teachers - A contestant is only allowed to submit and students. two stories - The Nest will accept submissions in either English or Spanish - Submissions may not exceed 100 words - Visit for inspiration
School Spirit
Nido’s The Nest - A Multidisciplinary, Outdoor Space By: Ameer Najarali (11) expansion is called “The Nest”. Our school’s naming convention of relating everything to eagles has finally stabbed us in the back. Our current junior class is somewhat responsible for the original idea and Nido de Aguilas is a living and breathing campus. Founded in 1934, this school has been under constant construction for almost a century. In my time studying here, I have witnessed a few major developments in the school grounds, some of which include the creation of the Aquatics Center, the long-awaited Fine Arts building, and now “The Nest”. Located between the Blue Courts and said Fine Arts building, this quaint and cozy space is intended for outdoor learning and interdisciplinary activities. To clarify, the magazine you are currently reading is called The NEST: Nido for Excellence in Speech and Thought, whereas this new exterior
inspiration for this project. Back in 2018, when the Class of 2023 was in seventh grade, they participated in a science project led by the middleschool teachers Ms. Napier and Mr. Graether, intended to teach about sustainable development at school. Out of this activity stemmed creative diagrams and scale models proposing the design and purpose of what would become The Nest, which was finally inaugurated on 11 November 2021. As a junior myself, I distinctly remember this project as nothing other than busywork, but I am equally prideful and surprised that the Nido community can now reap the benefits of this middle school project. Although the Class of 2023 planted the
seeds of this idea, we should be thank-
bake sales and the spacious terrain
ful for the planning and organizing
allowed for each one to have a sepa-
done by Mr. Juan E. Vidal, Ms. Javiera
rate stand. As we ate gooey brownies
Cubillos, and their team of hardwork-
and drank refreshing lemonade under
ing individuals. Despite the pandemic,
the scorching sun, we enjoyed musical
the inauguration of this space was very
theater performances by a varying cast
successful and timely.
of middle and high school students. The communal spirit of the gathering
Nido has made several attempts to intro-
reminded me of Nido’s currently-sus-
duce outdoor learning to its students.
pended Kermess.
Usually, this happens through field trips such as the Week Without Walls, but here is a place for daily use by all students to partake in alfresco learning or performing. The design of The Nest also reflects this idea, featuring an ample stage, benches, an art gallery filled with student-made sculptures and paintings, and tables with parasols. The rustic ornamentation juxtaposes with the sleek architecture of the building next to it; the addition of this space fits comfortably with our school’s friendly-but-modern design language. To promote and encourage the use of this new space, Mr. Vidal and Ms. Cubillos hosted an inauguration event last November. The food, beverages, live theater, and music made this special occasion feel like a fair. Four high school clubs were invited to conduct
Zúñiga, a fellow magazine editor, and I conducted several interviews to better understand the public’s opinion about this space. I spoke to Thomas Nichol, a high school senior and member of the HS Musical Theater Club, about his opinion regarding this new addition to our campus. We chatted about the significance of the Nest to the ever-growing drama scene in Nido. He said “I think that with the performing arts, we are going to see a lot of implementation of this space. Especially
because we are in Chile and usually
The Nest space is a really great place for
the outside conditions are really good.”
our campus. We were thinking of doing
He also hopes that it will be used and
something with it for a while. Also, it’s a
appreciated by all, saying “we already
really good space to show off our art and
have the hills, but it’s great that we also
for people to get together. We do hope for
have a place where we can sit down and
it to get shadier up here,” Kalei says on
enjoy nature.”
behalf of her club.
I approached Mr. Zach Beaty, professional outdoorsman, to converse about his view on the expansion. “Obviously, we know that our lives are inside buildings and walls for certain reasons—and that’s understandable. But if we have the opportunity to create spaces where we come out to feel the breeze and the sunshine, and hear the bird, while we are reading, writing, practicing drama lines, drawing, journaling, listening to music, hanging out, or eating lunch— just being outside, we will greatly benefit and better our mental and pysical health. Being outside and with nature can help in many ways, in your head, and in your heart.” As I interviewed these two, Martin spoke to the Reforestemos Club in their little stand across the field. Taeho Kim and Kalei Miranda, both 12th graders and co-presidents of the activist club,
It is clear that The Nest will be successful in its goal of cementing outdoor learning as a staple in our education. As of right now, this place is an empty canvas, but it is up to the students to give it personality and function. I am personally most excited for the possibilities of having a functioning outdoor stage for music. It is our school’s very-own micro amphitheater and I am excited to see student and teachers’ creative implementation of the space. After being stuck at home for almost two years, it is about time to implement outdoor learning into our daily life, and The Nest is the first step in the right direction.
share their thoughts with us. “We think
What is happening in Ukraine? Updates as of February 27th, 2022 By: Carolina Mejia (11) Eerily repeating devastating patterns of
second world war as a set of alliances
the past, Russia has launched aggres-
and agreements between nations led
sive attacks against Ukraine in an effort
by western powers. Member coun-
to annex the region. The weeks preced-
tries agreed to support each other
ing the attack have been unbearably
in the event of an attack against any
tense, as representatives of a myriad of
other member country. This military
nations participated in talks in order
alliance excluded the Soviet Union,
to prevent war. Although the conflict
which proceeded to develop an equiv-
seems abrupt and surprising, it is every-
alent program called the Warsaw Pact.
thing but. In a meeting between George
Although the Soviet Union ultimately
W. Bush and Putin in 2008, the Russian
broke apart, NATO remained as an
leader said that “Ukraine isn’t a coun-
established organization that aimed
try” , showing that the animosity that
to maintain global peace. Recently,
has now exploded into active combat
talks have taken place to give Ukraine
has been a long time in the making.
a membership in NATO, a prospect that made the Russians tremble.
It is important to note that Ukraine was
They believed that if Ukraine joined
a part of the Soviet Union before its
NATO, they would be susceptible to an
ultimate dissolution. Arguably, Russia’s
attack from the west. Vladimir Putin,
historic expansionist yearnings that
the Russian president–who is widely
are likely behind such acts of blatant
considered a dictator–has condemned
violence. Formally, however, Russia has
NATO expansion for years and names
renewed its aggression due to what they
the organization a conspiracy designed
have dubbed NATO’s “eastward expan-
to take over Moscow. Despite its
sion.” NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty
complex origins, the fact is that as of
Organization, was established after the
February 24th, 2022, Russia launched
a full scale invasion on Ukraine, and
calling Vladimir Putin an “aggres-
the future is uncertain.
sor” and announced that heavy sanctions on Russia are underway. Even
The attacks began after Russian
before the Russian invasion, the
forces launched missiles on cities and
United States had been sending mili-
military targets. Putin launched the
tary aid to Ukraine as early as Janu-
attacks during a televised address in
ary. Biden’s official statement calls
which he called the Ukrainian mili-
Russia’s actions “unprovoked” and
tary to lay down its weapons. Ukraine
“unjustified” and announced that a G7
subsequently declared martial law,
meetings and discourse were under-
and hundreds of citizens took to the
way. The statement also said that the
streets in desperate attempts to leave
United States and G7 “will also coordi-
the cities. Impactful images of jam
nate with our NATO Allies to ensure a
packed highways show the despera-
strong, united response that deters any
tion and fear that is gripping the whole
aggression against the Alliance.” Justin
nation. The Ukrainian President Volo-
Trudeau, the Canadian prime minis-
dymyr Zelensky tweeted, “Russia has
ter also released a statement announc-
embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine
ing “severe sanctions.” He also said
is defending itself.” The missiles are
that Russia’s aggression is “the great-
being directed surprisingly near the
est threat to European stability since
Ukrainian capital, Kyiv and the city of
World War II.” The Ukrainian presi-
Kharkiv. They continued to spread like
dent has shown an exceptionally brave
wildfire across the Russian-Ukrainian
front, refusing to leave the country
border, as Russian forces attacked the
and asserting that Ukrainian troops
country from three sides.
are standing strong, “We are all here. Defending our independence. Our
It seems that the international commu-
country. And so it will continue.”
nity has become paralyzed by the
The situation continues developing
events, few people actually believed
with new updates flooding the media
that Russia would take such drastic
by the minute. On February 27th, Putin
measures. The United States’ Presi-
announced that he put Russia’s nuclear
dent, Joe Biden, issued a statement
weapons on “special alert.” What this
situation has proven is that Putin is
Amid the newest developments, The
impulsive and unpredictable, so the
European Union has announced that
decision to include nuclear weapons in
it will impose stricter bans on Russia
the narrative not only serves to scare
such as banning Russian-owned media
and threaten Ukraine and its allies, but
outlets and continue giving aid and
also proves the extent to which Putin
support to Ukraine. Satellite images, as
is willing to go to reach his goal. His
reported by CNN, show Russian mili-
determination is no secret, however,
tary convoys stretching on for more
as he clearly stated that any country
than three miles on a road that heads
who attempted to interfere or stop him
directly to Kiev, the Ukrainian Capital.
would see consequences “never seen in
As the situation continues to develop, it
your history.” Most recently, President
is important to stay informed with reli-
Zelensky said that dialogue with the
able information and offer solidarity to
Russians was underway with the help
those suffering the immediate conse-
of Alexander Lukashenko, a Belar-
quences of this devastating conflict.
usian leader. However, both Russia and Belarus have not confirmed these
If you are interested in supporting
talks, therefore an end to the conflict
Ukraine we recommend you look into
through dialogue seems a far way off.
the following verified sources that are raising funds and awareness regarding
The number of dead and wounded is
the ongoing war:
unknown given the speed at which the conflict is escalating. The Ukrainian
Ukrainian Armed Forces
health ministry issued a report stat-
• Ukraine’s National Bank set up an
ing that around 198 Ukrainians have
account solely dedicated to support
been killed and over 1,115 have been
the country’s armed forces
wounded–Russian authorities have not
Ukrainian Red Cross
disclosed the death toll on their side.
• Provides humanitarian response
Additionally, over 368,000 people have
such as helping refugees and train-
fled Ukraine into Poland and other
ing doctors
bordering countries, showing the onset
Revived Soldiers Ukraine
of a grave humanitarian crisis as well.
• Raises funds to buy medication and
medical supplies for field and army hospitals at the frontline Nova Ukraine • Raises funds to purchase baby food, hygiene products, and other basic necessities to help citizen UNCHR • UN based organization providing shelter, blankets, and specialist protection to support civilians escaping the country **This article’s last update was on Sunday, February 27th, 2022.
The Crumbling Ecuadorian Prison System: What is the Source of Chaos? By: Carolina Mejia (11)
The world is linked through complex,
tutionally, and influence of drug cartels,
invisible strings. Said connections
the penitentiary system has been
transcend all kinds of borders rang-
historically vulnerable to outbursts of
ing from geographic ones to cultural
violence and chaos. The perilous state
and even political divides. Often, these
of prisons in Ecuador started gain-
links go unnoticed as they quietly
ing prominence in the global media in
weave together the world’s collective
2019 after 204 inmates were poisoned
experience. However, most recently,
at the Ibarra prison in the Imbabura
examples of the world’s inextricable
province. The prisoners were report-
interconnectedness have become more
edly contaminated with food coming
evident as demonstrated by the Ecua-
from external vendors. Initially, the
dorian prison riots.
incident was dismissed as a case of food poisoning, but the minister of
Ecuador’s prison system has always
defense, Oswaldo Jarrín accepted that
experienced instability. Due to high
it was most likely a repercussion of the
levels of corruption, low levels of insti-
growing influence of drug cartels and
gangs. That same year, the government
Lobos who are strongly connected to
declared a state of emergency in pris-
the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel, led by the
ons all throughout the country as over-
infamous drug lord El Chapo Guzman.
crowding reached 40% nationwide.1 Prisons in Ecuador are unfortunately
Ecuador has borders with Colombia
afflicted with high levels of corrup-
in the north and Peru in the south--
tion, as security guards and person-
both of which are the main export-
nel are underpaid and easily lured by
ers of cocaine worldwide. Although
monetary compensations proposed
Ecuador itself does not produce high
by influential gangs. For example, an
amounts of cocaine, its geography has
item worth $500 in the market, can be
made it a point of interest for power-
sold for up to $4,000 inside the pris-
ful drug cartels that use smuggling
ons,2 and when gangs and cartels iden-
routes passing through the country to
tify discontent members of the prison
help contraband reach Colombia. The
system which could aid them in solidi-
Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation
fying their power, they call upon those
Cartels have identified local gangs and
whose role it is to protect and prevent
created alliances in order to use Ecua-
illicit activities to conduct their dirty
dor’s Pacific ports for their drug enter-
work. This method is unfortunately
prise. Because of said alliances, the
effective and even high prison officials
Los Choneros cartel was able to grow
are often involved in the trade and
its membership to over 10,000.3 As
supply of illegal items throughout the
Colombia began imposing stricter laws
prisons. The high levels of illegal activ-
in order to control the production and
ities in Ecuadorian prisons are a direct
trafficking of cocaine, cartels in Ecua-
result of the influence of gangs like
dor gained strength, and with support
Los Choneros, Los Cubanos, and Los
of Mexican cartels, they quickly began
1 “Corruption Leaves Ecuador’s Prisoners Facing Precarious Conditions.” 30 May. 2019, 2 “Ecuador’s prison riot: Drug cartels, overcrowded cells and a bloodbath.” 30 Sep. 2021, world/2021/09/30/ecuador-prison-riot-cartels/.
infiltrating the prison system and using them as headquarters for their operations. 3 “Ecuador’s prison riot: Drug cartels, overcrowded cells and a bloodbath.” 30 Sep. 2021, world/2021/09/30/ecuador-prison-riot-cartels/.
crying, fearful that their loved ones Violence began reaching its peak in
had perished. The revolt also resulted
February 2021 when fights broke out
in an additional 80 injured inmates— it
simultaneously in three prisons result-
was the bloodiest prison fight in Ecua-
ing in the death of 79 prisoners. Then, in
dor’s history. Guillermo Lasso, the
July, similar violent outbreaks resulted
Ecuadorian president released a state-
in 22 deaths and the president subse-
ment saying,6 “It is regrettable that the
quently declared a state of emergency
prisons are being turned into territo-
in the penitentiary system. The rising
ries for power disputes by criminal
violence was attributed to the murder
gangs,” while Colonel Mario Pazmino,
of the Los Choneros leader Jorge
a former military intelligence director
Luis Zambrano, alias “Rasquiña”,4 in
said, “transnational organized crime
December 2020. The cartel conse-
has permeated the [prison] structure,”
quently broke down into smaller
emphasizing that violent outbreaks
groups, and with this fragmentation,
are a symptom of a much deeper prob-
chaos ensued. Unfortunately, the worst
lem: the drug industry as controlled by
was yet to come, and the cartels showed
terrorizing gangs. Solving an issue so
the extent of their brutality on Septem-
deeply intertwined in complex enter-
ber 20th, 2021 when a fight broke out
prises such as the drug trade is a diffi-
in the Litoral prison resulting in the
cult endeavor. However, the Ecua-
death of more than 116 people.5 Pris-
dorian government stated that it will
oners were mutilated beyond recog-
accelerate a program being devel-
nition, and some were even decapi-
oped to build stronger infrastructure
tated. Others died of gun shot and stab
and technology to protect the nation’s
wounds, and as the clash intensified,
prison system—a project which costs
the prisoners’ family members gath-
an impressive $24 million USD to
ered outside the jail, screaming and
4 “’Strategy of terror’: 116 dead as Ecuador prisons become ....” 30 Sep. 2021, https://www. 5 “Ecuador declares emergency in prisons after 116 inmates killed.” 30 Sep. 2021, https://
6 “Ecuador declares emergency in prisons after 116 inmates killed.” 30 Sep. 2021, https:// 7 “Ecuador declares emergency in prisons after 116 inmates killed.” 30 Sep. 2021, https://
The Ecuadorian prison system is built for 30,000 inmates, but the number of prisoners exceeds 39,000.8 As a result, the system is experiencing extreme pressure in terms of staff shortages and infrastructure, all cracks which facilitate the infiltration of chaos-inducing gangs. A lack of order and stability in the prisons coupled with the growing cartel presence in Ecuador coalesced to create the perfect storm of instability and fear. The drug industry continues to hold a great monopoly over the world, and while some argue that drugs should be legalized in order to facilitate their regulation, developing tangible and effective solutions is a precarious process; it needs to be a balanced equation that promotes wellbeing and sustainability—one that is yet to be deciphered. *New Development: On November 14th, another prison fight in Guayaquil, Ecuador broke out resulting in 68 deaths. Over 300 prisoners have died throughout the Ecuadorian penitentiary system in 2021.
8 “Ecuador declares emergency in prisons after 116 inmates killed.” 30 Sep. 2021, https://
A Biased Sports Review #3 By: Pablo Sabater (11) It’s been a while since the last NEST publication, and a while in real life is like a lifetime in the sports world. There’s the obvious events like the super bowl, sports in the middle of their seasons like the NBA, and the MLB postseason being long retired since November of last year. Like I said, a lifetime. Kicking it off with a quick recap of the MLB for the sake of reporting it, the Braves won the title in 6 games against the Astros, being crowned champions after 26 years of heartbreaking losses. Well deserved Atlanta.
Now, whether or not you watch the NFL, the Super Bowl has to be one of the most anticipated events of every year. While the teams this year may have been a little unexpected, it still made for an entertaining championship game. Joe Burrow, the quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals, saw himself turn into an internet sensation overnight, appearing in countless memes and being donned nicknames such as “Joe Brrr’’ and “Joe Shiesty’’ for his unprecedented swagger and performances in clutch situations with his back against the wall and everybody doubting him. Burrow seemingly loves these situations, like the 3-23 comeback he led against the chiefs in the AFC game. However, Joe Shiesty and the Bengals could not pull away with the win falling short by 3—20 to 23—against the LA Rams. Matthew Stafford and the Los Angeles Rams delivered a game for the record books, earning Stafford, Odell Beckham Jr, the Super Bowl MVP Cooper Kupp, and possibly the best defensive player to play in the NFL, Aaron Donald, their first championship rings.
It’s debatable but I would say that both teams played way better on defense than offense, however Ja’Marr Chase and OBJ had some crazy highlight catches. If there’s anything we can count on with Joe Brrr, it’s that he’ll be back soon enough. If you and a bunch of others don’t believe that, it’ll only make Burrow hungrier for that championship. Nonetheless he will likely be the face of the league, if not definitely the Bengals, for a long time to come. Why is that? Well, Tom Brady retired. Yeah I cried too, it’s difficult to imagine the NFL without Brady and everything that he did for the league. As much as I would have loved for him to run it back with the Patriots one last time, I am eternally grateful to have been a part of one of the winningest franchises in NFL history, all thanks to TB12. If he’s not the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time), I don’t think anybody can be. As for the halftime show, well, most people think it was pretty forgettable. I would disagree and go as far to say that it was one of the best ones in a while. It was as much about the message Dr. Dre, Snoop, and all the artists sent to the audience as it was about the music. They played some classics there, and you couldn’t help but smile at all the energy and memories that these people brought back. Snoop Dogg high as ever, Anderson .Paak being the happiest drummer I have ever seen, and a guest appearance from 50 Cent the bat. Overall, lots of great stuff from this NFL season.
Lastly, it is only right to end this issue with the best sport of all, and of course I’m talking about basketball and the NBA. A lot has happened since November, more specifically each team has played around 60ish games, well over half of their 82. We can more or less make solid conclusions about each team and where they will land when the postseason rolls around.
Sitting at the top of the league are the Phoenix Suns, with an outstanding 49 and 11 record. They’ve quietly been the best regular season team this season, going on long win streaks every once in a while, and I predict the same will be true for the post season and they’re still my favorites to win the stacked western conference. Sitting behind them are the surprising Warriors with 43 and 17, they’ve dropped off their high horse a little since the start of the season, but the lethal backcourt of Stephen Curry and the returning Klay Thompson continues to be one of the scariest pairings in the league. A few other notable standings are the red hot Celtics with 36 and 26, winning 13 of their last 14, what used to be the scariest team in the league in the Brooklyn Nets with 32 and 29, and teams like the Cavs and Raptors putting in work to rise in the standings. Part of the reason for these records comes from some big signings in free agency which ended earlier last month. The biggest trade by far came from the Sixers and Nets, trading Ben Simmons and a few other role players for James Harden. Not a huge surprise in my opinion, but nonetheless it will shake the league for years to come on both ends. The pairing of Harden and Embiid has a lot of people looking back at Kobe and Shaq, which by the way I think is a horrendous comparison. Nobody gets close to Kobe and Shaq, nobody. The Nets get a versatile defender which they desperately needed too, so I think it’s a win-win scenario. The only issue I see with the Nets is they now have two of the most controversial players in the whole league, Kyrie Irving the flat-earthed anti-vaxxer, and Ben Simmons the cry baby. The Lakers held onto Russell Westbrook who has been getting a crazy amount of hate lately for underperforming, it’s gone so far that he’s starting to get benched in late game situations, which is not a good sign for somebody being paid 44 million dollars a year. But that about wraps up all the big news from these three mammoths of the sports world, maybe next time I’ll try to cover the ending of the NHL season and the winter olympics I guess. I’m going to have to do my research for this one.
Journal Of Anywhere After Time — Chapter 2: By: Fuqi Zhang (11) 30: Solitude I In an instant,
Orbs that abide by none,
a violent violet flash.
long forgotten, now dull. Orbs that don’t glow anymore,
A million shattered eyes
a neverending cull
of folklore.
as the judgment of her erratic sword,
As she remains impervious,
the unforgiving stare
her eyes glow bright purple,
of a single lilac eye,
but without light,
fractures time.
without remorse, without life.
Her majesty, ruthless violet, severe and cruel. No one stands in her way, no one dares.
(continued on the next page)
His Perfect Wife 37: Dear fox Dear fox,
By: Anonymous
tell me what hides. The minute I told her that I didn’t want The searing sand behind us,
children, she freaked out. Her ideals
buried ruins
remained intact, and she began to
of sometime before.
blabber. No man will want you then, how will you attract them? She spoke,
The clock shines,
her words were attempting to persuade
hands emerge
me. I tried telling that later on I might
from an inner self
change my mind. She didn’t listen.
lingering from the past.
You can’t tell that to men, she said, or
Memories of someplace
you’ll never get one. I sighed, the ideals
far away, tomorrow,
from the 1950 remained. I pretended
or the day after.
to agree, pretended I wanted to follow what society once expected of me. Too
Dear fox,
late, too little, too sad. You wont get any
tell me your name.
guys, she says, you’ll end up all alone. I wanted my mind to wander, I wanted
I have forgotten.
her words to leave. In out, in out, I
The wind carried away
panted, heaved, speeding, my escape
the could’ve beens,
from her misogynistic expectations.
the sand,
She pushed me to cook and clean, and
and you.
ignore my work, and the expectations from school.
Dear fox, tell me the truth.
Why would you need them? You won’t work.
I don’t want to depend on anyone, I
don’t wish for a husband, or a child You
cried the faster I ran. She’d always
will, she says, every woman does.
repeated them, she always wanted me to be the perfect housewife because
I carefully kneel, one of my legs resting
that is all she ever knew and all she
on the concrete floor, hard and upset-
could teach. Too late, too little, too sad.
ting, a wake up call from my remi-
Good posture, innocent eyes, innocent
niscing of the conversation I suffered
behaviour as well.
through last night. I hummed along to the song that was currently playing in
Wait for the right one, she said, they’ll
my ear. I bent the lace from one side
treat you well. If you don’t like them,
to the other, standing up, as I did, I
too bad, just let them try again.
looked behind me, admiring what I had run, the distance, the foliage and trees. I was stunned to see unknown eyes that looked up and down and up again. Creep, weird, not usual. The man was standing ready to run, ready to chase me home. In out, in out, I panted, heaved. Invading thoughts continued to run through my mind, the faster I ran to escape it all, the man, the words, the toxic thoughts, the faster they all chased. Memory ran along with me, through the lane I always tried to ignore and escape. Sit like a lady, don’t provoke boys, they like tidy, and pretty, and tiny and small. The quieter the better, most obedient the best. I’d be his perfect wife, serve the steak and dust his shoes, I ran faster escaping the thoughts, the creep, the words my grandma said. The more the child
Prayers of Sorrow
of them. At night, it was just me, you
By: Locke Lamora (11)
than in those moments when I saw
and the moon. I never felt more alive you smile at a text, or laugh at something you read, or just staring out the window, a beautiful faraway look in your eyes. I know that you loved me. I know you cared, no matter how long it lasted. I know you want me to forget it; maybe you have forgotten, but I remember the
There was a time, once. When all I did
dark. I remember the gnawing in my
was dream. Dream about you. There
heart. I remember the gaping hole star-
was a time when everything that was
ing at me everyday…. Creeping closer.
bad in my mind just… blew away when
I remember the yells and the sound of
I saw you. A time when I would wake
fist on skin, the feel of my hair tear-
up in the middle of the night wonder-
ing out of my body. Mostly, though, I
ing if you were cold or not. If you were
remember your hand in mine through
sad or happy. If you saw me the way I
it all. Pulling me from the dark, push-
saw you. A time when I couldn’t think
ing me back from the hole, covering my
of anything else. It was there, even if it
ears to drown out the noise. Hugging
didn’t last.
me until I forgot all my sadness. Hold-
Then there came the time when our
ing me. Protecting me. Picking up my
worlds collided. The time when I
pieces and putting them back together.
couldn’t stop smiling. The time when
Touching me, showing me how to
I grew happier with every moment I
survive. Your lips singing sweet lulla-
spent by your side. The time when with
bies when I couldn’t sleep. Kissing my
you, I was free. I was me. You were
wounds away, keeping the cold at bay.
the light in my eyes, the thoughts in
Your eyes, screaming your love for
my head, the heart in my chest. You
me when everyone said otherwise. I
were everything. You deserved good
remember it all. It’s forever engraved
things, and I was determined to be one
into my heart.
I suppose I should have seen it coming,
your veins like poison, cracking your
but love isn’t called blind for nothing.
bones and fixing them, just so that it
I just figured it wouldn’t be deaf too,
can crack them again. The type of pain
but even after all those words, all those
that pretends to leave you for a while,
knives cutting into me slowly, I can’t
then comes rushing back and kicking
seem to be able to get you out of my
you fully in the stomach. I felt it, I felt
mind. You tore my heart out and smiled
it during every moment of every day.
at me while you stepped on it. Smiled at
Even when I slept, I felt it. It was like a
my screams, laughed at my hurt. How is
monster whispering your words in my
it that the one person who made me feel
mind, words that once made my heart
better was the one person who found the
swell instead of shrivelling in its place.
way to completely empty me out? How
I miss you. I wish I didn’t, God I pray
is it that I wasn’t enough for you? What
every night that I would wake up the
did I do to mess up? Can’t you at least
next day without your absence weigh-
tell me that? Please tell me. Then maybe
ing on me as heavily, but I still miss
someday when I fix my heart, someday
you. I try not to, trust me, I do. I tried,
when I can see light again…. I won’t get
I try, I am trying, but I am tired. Tired
hurt so badly.
of that ever-present agony, tired of feel-
Do you know what hurts the most? The
ing. Tired of the silence, the tears, and
memories. Happy memories. The laugh-
of course the pain. Tired. So tired. Tired
ter, the tears, the kisses, the running in
to my soul.
the dark, the nights. The songs, oh yes,
It will fade, I know. It all fades; the
the music. I still remember the songs
ache, the struggle. One side wins, one
you told me to listen to. I have a play-
side always wins. It doesn’t mean that I
list for them. I can’t seem to stop myself
won’t feel it until then, though. Doesn’t
from listening to them every night. I
mean that I won’t cry. And most of
listen through the pain because I feel
all? It doesn’t mean that I will forget
that much closer to you.
you. Because I can’t now, and I won’t
The pain…. The pain is something I will
then. When all the pain fades… I’ll still
never be able to recover from. It was the
remember it. When the sun comes, I’ll
type of pain that is alive. The type of
still remember. Forever until I die, I will
pain that is constantly running through
Ratatouille: Much More Than a Rat Chef By: Mariana Jaiña Toro (10) a Michelin Star Restaurant, helping his human friend Linguini, who doesn’t know how to cook. In this adventure, Remy needs to overcome a conflict: should he be what everyone says he is by nature – a food-stealing rat – or be the one he believes he truly is – a creator. What movie should I watch on Netflix? That’s probably a question that we have all asked ourselves. There are so many options, but there is one movie that is never a wrong choice and appeals to people of all ages: Ratatouille. This iconic 2007 Pixar movie tells the story of Remy, a rat who loves cooking and trying new flavors. He admires Auguste Gusteau, a well-known chef who says, “everyone can cook” and wants to prove he is right. Remy’s dream is to become a chef, but his family doesn’t support him, and neither do the humans. He wants to follow his dream and ends up cooking in secret at
While he is discovering his passion, he teaches the viewer valuable life lessons. For example, when he argues with his father about how he wants to become a chef and not be like everyone else, Remy says, “Change IS nature... The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.” The movie also analyzes the role of critics in the cooking world. Anton Ego, the critic responsible for destroying Gusteau’s reputation, shows us probably one of the most significant character developments in an animated movie primarily made for kids. At the beginning of the story, he is skeptical
of Gusteau’s affirmation that every-
our background should not determine
one can cook. Later, when he tastes
who we are going to be. “I’m sick of
the “Ratatouille” dish, he remembers
pretending. I pretend to be a rat for
his mom’s cooking and then realizes
my father. I pretend to be a human
that Remy was the one who prepared
for Linguini. I pretend you exist, so I
it. That memory drastically changes
have someone to talk to! You only tell
his perspective about cooking and who
me stuff I already know! I know who I
can master the art. He starts thinking
am! Why do I need you to tell me? Why
that maybe the people who we think
do I need to pretend?” Remy wants to
are our enemies can turn out to be our
choose who he is and not worry about
best friends if we only try and listen to
meeting others’ expectations.
what they have to say. Perhaps our hopes can turn into a real“Ratatouille” has great animation and
ity, and it is never too late to be who we
the movie does an outstanding job of
want to be. So remember, “You must be
representing Paris and all of its beau-
imaginative, strong-hearted. You must
tiful sites, sparking an emotional
try things that may not work, and you
response and making you believe you
must not let anyone define your limits
are a part of the movie and experienc-
because of where you come from. Your
ing Paris. The movie is visually entic-
only limit is your soul. What I say is
ing; we all have dreamt about travel-
true - anyone can cook, but only the
ing to a magical place where we can
fearless can be great.”
achieve our aspirations. Everyone, from a six-year-old boy discovering how to read to an eightyyear-old man adapting to technology, has overcome difficult barriers in order to succeed and accomplish their goals. Furthermore,
us realize that even though where we come from is essential to who we are,
Senlin Ascends (The Books of Babel #1) By: David Ahn (10) The Books of Babel is about a middle aged man named Senlin, who lives in a magical world based on Ancient Mesopotamia. In this world, there is a blend between modern technology and ancient brutality. There are things like murder, mass poverty, and death everywhere, right next to squeaky clean trains, airships, and clever machines. But all of these things are based on, and are always drawn to one place: The Tower Of Babel. This Tower is the center of this fantastical world. It is split up into floors, with each floor being run by a certain king or queen. Each floor is about the size of a city, and are all radically different to each other. Some are run by tyrant kings, who put all their citizens into hard slave labor, while others are run by graceful and gentle parties, who base their floor’s economies on fashion, water, and other strange commodities. Senlin, like all the other beings in his world, is attracted to this Tower. So, he decides that he and his wife should go there to spend their vacation. But it starts off very badly. His wife is kidnapped, and taken to one of the floors of the Tower, where she is forced to do very dangerous things. Due to this, Senlin begins his journey to go up the Tower, floor by floor, until he can find his wife. But while doing so, he also finds other, more disturbing secrets about the Tower, about why it was made, and why there are millions of people in it, doing what seemed like useless jobs and tasks. I would give this book a 4.5/5, because it does a very good job of setting up this very realistic, and fantastical society. While at the same time, giving it a very detailed backstory, making everything come together as the reader starts to understand things. But, I wouldn’t give it five stars, since there is a little more violence than I think was needed, and some things were just down-right dark and disturbing, like the peasant system that is used to run the whole thing.
Etymological fact of the Week By: Andres Irribarra (Staff)
Idretopes Y
lager heel Hebrew
heel grabber
Ancient Greek Ii'akobos Jacob Latin Saint Jacob
Late 16thcent
Santiago 33