The Diamond & Pearl Ball 2007 An Evening In The Orient

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Avrett Free Ginsberg




Table of Contents a tribute: tom riach beckstrand cancer foundation

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message from the executive director message from the board president who we are what we do our programs four pearls honoree hall of fame dr. beckstrand dr. tchekmedyian dr. barth andi collins

the diamond & pearl ball


the gala team evening program message from gala chairs master of ceremonies: george pennacchio - abc 7 our sponsors special thanks

the auction


live auction auction donors

friends of beckstrand


“our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.� confucius

a tr ib ute :

Tom Riach

a tr ib ute :

Tom Riach Tom Riach was always a man who led by example. Right from his early days as a gifted athlete, he had that God-given confidence that he was dancing to the right tune. He was the real deal, one of those rare people so comfortable in his own skin that he spent his life helping others to feel comfortable in theirs. Tom was the tough as nails competitor who kissed and cuddled his sons with no hint of embarrassment. He would strike a hard bargain in business and part on the best of terms with his adversary. And he made everyone he met from the modest janitor to the head of corporations feel like kings and never let his wife of 53 years forget for an instant that she was his queen. There were many lessons over the years for his family and friends to draw from and many reasons to celebrate a life well spent. But I would venture to suggest that everybody sharing in this tribute tonight, many of whom been touched in some way by cancer, can draw a special kind of inspiration from the way Tom handled his illness. As many of us do, he fulfilled a multitude of roles in his busy life: husband, father, grandfather, provider, businessman, teammate, friend.


With only so many hours in the day, all these things take time and care, particularly if you do them well as he did. And, make no mistake, Tom was never one to shirk a challenge. So cancer met the same kind of flinty, determined defense that his old basketball and baseball pals will remember so well. After the game or business deal, he would be the first to offer a hand in victory or defeat. There was never any bitterness. So it was with cancer. The quiet moments he shared with his wife, Joan, while he was fighting cancer were some of the sweetest of their long and happy marriage. His sons, Tom Jr. and Steve will tell you the same. With all the dramas and diversions of everyday life stripped away to a fundamental struggle for survival, it is the simple things that become precious. They talked, they helped him eat, they sat silently together in the twilight, comfortable in the knowledge that just being there said more than words ever could. Their father had that knack of knowing what was important. And towards the end, what was more important to Tom than anything was to spend what time he had left with those he held most dear. To rage against cancer’s capriciousness would only have detracted from that special time. Tom was not such a man. He succumbed to esophageal cancer on October 6, 2006, leaving the world a poorer place. But he left behind a final gift to his family and friends with his lesson in grace, dignity, courage and above all, in love. It is a memory they will treasure forever, and it is a lesson that offers hope for us all.

david gardner


“you are a good man; loved and respected by your family…” “you taught me about work ethic, commitment, devotion, and love…” “you have always been such a support and cheerleader for me...”

The lyrics of a popular song say, “How can I begin to thank you? Where will I find the words? There must be something I can do. You’ve done so much for me.” These words seem appropriate in describing a man for whom words just don’t seem to be enough. Words often seem insufficient to fully express one’s feelings and emotions. In expressing our love and gratitude for Tom Riach – our father, father-in-law and grandfather – words seem to fall short of truly expressing what is felt so deeply in our hearts. It seems that these words wrapped in a hug would be the most appropriate expression of affection, as it was caring affection that so clearly defined him as a man; a husband, father, and grandfather. Our Dad, Father-in-Law and Grandfather (affectionately known as “Bapa”), was so special to each of us. Our memories of him are like a vivid scrapbook of the mind, with each image rendering an indelible imprint of a man who was in many ways larger than life; whose personality would fill a room. We remember him as impacting our lives, influencing our futures, teaching us, loving us. He was always there to give wise counsel, to encourage rather than judge, and to help in any way he possibly could. His examples of a strong work ethic, devotion to his family, and eagerness to display affection, have all become cornerstones of our own lives. He pushed each of us to get the most out of our respective gifts and to become the very best we could be in all things. The drive and determination he modeled to us has been assimilated in a family that knows never to give up.

“you are such a loving and caring grandfather…” “you accepted me and made me feel like your own daughter...” “you have such a big heart and always jump at the opportunity to give to and help others…” :10

“tom riach was raised in humble circumstances during hard economic times. as a testament to his drive and determination, he became a star athlete and a successful businessman. he was giving, kind, generous, loving, warm, and affectionate. as a friend? well, everyone he met seemed to become a friend.�

When challenges arise, we will easily recall the incredible strength and grace with which Dad/Tom/Bapa walked through his experience with cancer. While the disease ended his life, it never took his hope, never caused him to complain, never weakened his will, never dampened his enthusiasm, never diminished his spirit. His courage and bright outlook inspired us all. We never questioned his love for us. It was as certain as the very breath we take, and endures until the final sunset we will witness. Yes, his death a year ago has left us all with a major void in our lives. Yet, his life filled us with so very much that will live on. tom & victoria riach, kelsey, kyle, kevin & cameron steve & wendy riach, kristen, joshua, elissa & anna :11

for tom, Tom Riach, a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and friend. We feel very special to have known such a great guy. When Tom entered a room the entire room lit up. Everyone knew how special he was because everyone was special to Tom. He treated everyone as his best friend. There were many evenings that we spent with Tom and Joan at our favorite place, The Ritz, where he was a popular figure with the waitresses, customers and owners. Tom had the unique ability to be both a man’s man and a ladies’ man. He was the greatest dinner partner as his sense of humor was infectious. He was genuinely loved by all and we surely miss him. We raise our Ketel One martini glasses in his honor!

with love to tom and joan, marsha and darrel anderson


to tom, You were a dear friend for over fifty years. As I look back I have so many wonderful memories of the times we spent together. First when you, Joan, Bill and I were young with small children, the beach parties, USC games at home and away, the parties with friends.We always had so much fun. Later after the children were grown, our special trips to Greece, China, Australia and New Zealand. There was always some tale to tell, some wonderful adventure. Years later after Bill died you took very special care of me when the three of us traveled to Ireland, always making sure I was included in your plans. In the past several years you were an inspiration to all of us as you battled cancer. Your courage, positive attitude and hope you would win in the end were amazing. I will miss you.

love, pat price

“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.� henry van dyke :13

for tom, If all be true, that I do think, The time will come to share a drink, We’ll meet again, through that Golden door, Your smile as big as it was before, And being you, as everyone knows, Will be your caring, which always Glows.

robert & connie graham

in memory of tom riach

An All-American sports legend, family man, and friend who personified the American Dream. Your spirit and courage was an inspiration to all.

jan & mike salta


for tom, When Bob and I think of our dear friend, there are so many words to describe him, such as: courageous, honesty, integrity, fun, adventuresome, hero, to name a few. He was a great man who showed us all dignity under one of life’s biggest lessons—how to deal with a terminal illness. I’m sure that Tom was scared, but he had the courage and dignity to hide if from his friends. We miss you, bridge buddy. See you someday.

valaree & bob wahler


for tom, I’ve had the privilege of knowing Joan since 1949. Tom came “sniffing� around our sophomore year, and that was that. He was handsome, tall, and a magnificent athlete. What more could a girl ask? Joan, you are my favorite person in the world. Tom turned out to be a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. You know all the memories that I treasure, they are filled with humor, tragedy, and most of all, love.

joann evans


our memories of tom riach, We met Tom and Joan after they moved to Lido Isle. Pat and Joan became acquainted as members of the Board of Trustees of the Newport Harbor Art Museum (now the Orange County Museum of Art) and through their membership in The Angels of the Arts. As we were all involved in philanthropic activities and had many other shared interests, we became good friends. Tom and Gene were in real estate development. They both loved sharing their experiences that created “The Art of the Deal” – especially the winners!! He was a consummate family man and a “real people person.” His enthusiasm was contagious and the party was always more fun if Tom and Joan were present. They both had a wonderful approach to their friends, their family and to life. We four shared a love of limericks. To that honor we have a memorial limerick for Tom that we hope will further define him as a really GREAT GUY:

We remember Tom who was loved by all We remember his Havana cigar And how he hung on to his favorite old car At a party he made sure to know each one and all And he loved to say: “Let’s have lunch; I’ll give you a call.”

pat & gene hancock


to tom, Tom Riach was pure unadulterated pleasure to be around and enjoy. He had a unique ability to make whomever he was talking to think that they were the most interesting and important person in the world. This quality even came through in China, Spain or other countries where he didn’t speak the language. He provided us with some of the most treasured times of our lives. We will never forget him.

pat & dick allen


for tom, Our always-smiling, back-slapping friend, Tom, genuinely loved his family, friends and martinis. Tom always greeted his friends with an arm around your back, an enduring smile and a request to share a drink. Whether at The Ritz, an Angel of the Arts event, a party or The Performing Arts Center, his smile was always huge and genuine. With his arm around your shoulder we would pick up where we left off at the last great event. We always clinked our glasses to celebrate another good time. We miss his warm and friendly smile, friendship and joy of life.

with loving memories, pamela & malcolm paul


tom, We miss you and your great enthusiasm to live life and enjoy your family and friends and always put USC first. Thanks for the great memory of our fun trip together in Alaska. Your spirit will always be with us. Our prayers for you.

love, nancy & jim baldwin


our friend tom, In 1993, when we moved to Newport Beach, Tom and Joan were the first persons we met. We became good friends, and Tom and Joan introduced us to many wonderful people in the Newport Beach area, and were also instrumental in getting us involved in organizations that enhanced our network and ability to meet new people. We look back at all the wonderful friends we now have in our great community and are very thankful to our friends, Tom and Joan, for helping to launch such a great journey. Through the years we have shared many wonderful experiences and lots of laughs with Tom and Joan. Everyone (except Tom) laughed, because he would not trade in his 1980 Seville. One of the funniest and fondest memories we have is of the limerick party we had at our home. So, in memory of that wonderful, crazy, hilarious evening, we are writing a special limerick in Tom’s memory:

Tom drove a 20-year-old car In which he always smoked a cigar Tom thought it was tony But nowhere near would it go Joanie And you could smell it coming from afar!

Tom Riach was a remarkable man. He was always smiling, always positive, always warm, welcoming and inclusive. If you needed a few laughs, who better to share an evening with than Tom. After Tom was diagnosed with cancer, you never heard him complain. He always stood fast with his positive attitude, and if you didn’t know what Tom was going through, you would have had no clue by being with him. Tom, we miss you dearly.

sandi & ron simon :21

for tom, Tom, a special person and friend A true Bon vivant to the end He lived life with such zest But was always his best With the love of his life, his wife Joan Tom’s memories will last From the present to past Courageous, true blue We loved you.

dorothy & don bendetti


dear joan & tom, Thanks for ALL THE UNFORGETTABLE FABULOUS MEMORIES you have left us with: 1. Our friendship over these past 100 years 2. Our days in Los Angeles 3. Our trips 4. Our parties 5. Our Galas 6. Our USC “go trojans go” 7. Our gatherings 8. Our families growing up 9. Our observance of Tom’s impeccable manners and his way of never leaving anyone out 10. And the memory of Tom being a SUPER BASKETBALL STAR but being very modest about it. Most important of all is our unwavering friendship that still goes on as Tom watches all of us from above – with a huge smile on his face, knowing his beautiful, wonderful Joan and his beautiful, wonderful family are carrying on in HIS “TOM RIACH TRADITION.” We smile as we remember him – “A GIANT AMONGST MEN.” With our love as always to you both and your precious family.

maralou & jerry harrington :23

for tom, Tom Riach is remembered for many things, chief among them the love he had for his beloved wife Joan and his family. The couple’s 50th anniversary party was a tribute to that love and was such a joy to behold for all who attended. Tom was also one of the most positive people we’ve ever met. There was never a bad day for Tom – excluding the few times his beloved USC Trojans lost a football game. He was always smiling (what a smile!) and upbeat. Even when the ravages of cancer were clearly taking their toll, Tom never complained. He is sorely missed, but will always be remembered as the gentle, kind, loving man we were so fortunate to call our friend.

donna & doug bunce

dear tom, It was your warm smile and genuine welcome whenever we saw you that I remember the most. I know you were a very proud man—proud of your beautiful wife and family, and of course, all of your accomplishments, but yet you always seemed so down to earth and humble. You were blessed with hundreds of friends, and it is my honor to have been your friend and an honor to be Joan’s friend.

sincerely and with much love, mary jean simpkins


to tom, What a wonderful guy! Thanks for the memories of‌ 1. 2. 3. 4.

Christmas Eve at The Ritz Fun days at The Del Mar Races The anniversary luau in Hawaii Just being you!

lots of love, barbara & alex bowie

remembering tom: a man of contradictions Tough as nails but kind and caring Overt, warm and yet self-retrospective Men loved him, a guy’s-guy; but at home with women Relaxed in any setting, he attacked life intensely Individuality was his thing, although he was a great team player Active, full of life but never full of himself Chased life with singular devotion yet comfortable with the conclusion Heaven is his eternity while we remember and rejoice in the past.

with love, sheila & ygal sonenshine :25

for tom, Tom Riach, a very nice man with a great smile, a warm and friendly personality…he was always happy and ready for a fun time!

carol primm

Tom was one of the good guys He was a good husband, Father, friend, athlete, Supporter of charities, and Really good at choosing a wife. He was also gracious, funny, Warm, a delightful dinner companion, and A bigger than life presence. For all of this, and so much more, He was dearly loved, and Will be greatly missed.

in memoriam, pat & jerry jones :26

In loving memory of Tom Riach, Bernice Hanson & Ann Kornyei You are in our hearts forever.

eve kornyei & stan hanson

dear tom, Our memories include happy times with Joan & Tom attending candlelight balls, museum events, American celebrations, La Chaine des Rotisseurs and other dinners. We remember his friendliness, warmth, gregarious spirit and love of family. We miss him dearly.

irene & bill mathews




in memory, Our favorite memory of Tom is of the evening he and Joan, who was chairing Candlelight, joined her co-chair, Sally Crockett, and the two of us for the gala dinner tasting. As the chef brought out one delectable entrée after another, Tom would proclaim each dish the very best! We soon realized that Tom would be of little help in selecting “the winner” because he wanted the chef to know that we appreciated each of his creations. Tom’s kindness and graciousness made everyone feel special. He appreciation of and exuberance for life made him an absolute joy to be around. And the playfulness in his crystal blue eyes made everyone smile. The five of us laughed the night away as we toasted everyone and everything with excellent wine and delighted in the sumptuous food. It was a special, intimate evening with a sweet and elegant man and his lovely wife. Dearest Tom, we hope that you are surrounded by all things beautiful.

whitney & jerry mandel :30

dear tom, Wish you were still with us. We miss you, darn it! So many pleasant memories…your laughter, your wisdom and just being together… God saw you were getting tired And a cure was not to be, So He put his arms around you And whispered, “Come with me.” With tearful eyes we watched you, And saw you pass away. Although we loved you dearly, We could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Hardworking hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove us, He only takes the best. Miss you!

love, suki & randy mccardle

to tom’s family, In facing great personal adversity, Tom showed the world only courage and generosity of spirit. With fond memories of a fine man,

ronnie and byron allumbaugh


tom, Meeting Tom Riach in 1945 was a life changing experience for me. We became like brothers. He was the first student I met as a sophomore at Glendale High School. We played on the basketball and baseball teams throughout his school. Later we pledged Kappa Sigma fraternity at USC and roomed together. We played on the 1949 USC championship baseball team that qualified for the College World Series. We were introduced to Joan Field (Riach) by another student, Eddie Hookstratten. Tom and Joan soon became sweethearts. My wife and I enjoyed many good times with Tom and Joan. We were honored that they attended our wedding in 1961. I stayed up all night with Tom at the hospital when Tom Jr. was born. Steve and Tom Jr. have become outstanding men. We miss our good buddy Tom but we know that God has welcomed him to heaven with open arms.

love eternally, rudy & marilyn regalado :32

dear tom, There are some people who have an aura about them that most of us could only hope for, one which seems to warm the area around them. Such people have that ability to just walk into a room and everyone there senses that a special presence has joined them. This was the gift that Tom Riach brought with him through his life. Upon meeting him, one came away with the impression that he or she has just found a new best friend. His friendliness was overwhelming and, most amazing of all, you realized that it was always completely genuine. It’s rare to find someone so successful not only as an athlete but also, later in life, as an entrepreneur – rarer still to find such a person who never talked about those successes. In our many conversations with Tom over cocktails or lunches or dinners, for instance, he mentioned that he had played basketball for USC, but the discussion was usually only about business or sports in general, or politics, or his family and his beautiful wife Joan. We never knew he was an All-American at the University, or that he had played professional baseball, until we attended his services. This is kind of a pity, since his sports careers were subjects that we also would have enjoyed hearing about. People like Tom Riach are among those unique few that become points of light in the lives of the rest of us. We feel extremely privileged to have known him.

ted & jean robinson


for tom, Tom Riach I knew as a friend and client for about 34 years. He always had a good sense of humor, and we enjoyed talking about his favorite school, USC. Susan and I still remember fondly sharing jokes at the Iron Horse in San Francisco at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference. “Ugie Boogie” was one he repeated over and over again to me (after I first told him the joke using those words at the Iron Horse). Susan and I attended Tom’s 50th and 70th birthday parties, and we both miss Tom greatly.

scott jackson

tom, We had the privilege of being social friends of Tom & Joan’s for several years. We met Tom and Joan through our mutual friends Maralou and Jerry Harrington. It was through them that we had the opportunity to travel with Tom and Joan on two very special journeys, one to Cuba and one to the Persian Gulf. Both of these destinations were exotic and unusual, and Tom was a real joy to be with. He was curious and always ready to explore. Our times together were memorable.

sincerely, marcia & john cashion :34

dear tom, During the time of our friendship you brought great joy and fun into our lives. I reflect back on all our bridge lessons with Chris Larson and the playing, drinking and eating afterward, particularly the drinking. Barbara and I looked forward to those days with you and Joan. Our trips to New York and Las Vegas were very special. You had been undergoing treatment. You never complained about anything. You were up for everything and a wonderful sport. Just a little rest and you were ready for the evening’s activity. I recall fondly our many lunches in the Ritz Bar at your special table, great games of golf at Big Canyon and at Indian Wells. Barbara and I were happy to share milestones in your life with you and your family. I will always remember the warmth of your camaraderie. Most of all, Tom, I will remember a “big jock” with slightly off-color language who always made everyone his friend. Barbara and I miss you.

with love and respect, jim glabman :35

for tom, I knew Tom for only a few years before the onset of his illness. I met him at a social gathering for the Angels of the Arts. I was struck by how friendly and down to earth he was. For quite a while I didn’t know what he did, what he had accomplished nor how successful he was. I did know that he was friendly to me from day one and that he was fun to be with. Over the next few years I gradually became aware of what he had done, what he was doing and how unassuming he was. I was blown away by the fact that he was a star athlete at USC and that he was All-American quality as a baseball player. This knowledge wasn’t received from anything he had ever said, it came from his friends. This man had a lot to brag about but he didn’t have any degree of conceit about him. This is a beautiful trait for all to admire. Fast-forward a few years. Tom had learned of his medical condition and full well knew the rough road ahead of him. He took up the challenge. About this time my son was applying to business grad schools around the country. I asked Tom if he would be willing to talk to my son. He did not hesitate for an instant and had made arrangements for lunch and a meaningful conversation with my son. Within days we heard from some very important folks at USC. Tom had more important issues in his life at that time, but it did not impede him from acting promptly and efficiently. It was apparent how generous and caring a man he was. At his funeral others shared many similar stories. He touched a lot of lives. Although I only knew him briefly, he touched me deeply and I feel better off for knowing him.

barry d. steele :36

dearest tom, We wanted to express to you our sincere thanks for being part of our life. We remember so many wonderful times together, the fun, the laughter, the warmth and the friendship that we were able to have for so many years. It is difficult to think of one or two times together, but you helping our daughter Patty get into USC, your coming to Hawaii to help us celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary, and you honoring us by having us at your table for your 50th wedding anniversary, were a few that we will always cherish. We will most of all remember you as a wonderful husband and father, man of deep focus and conviction, who had a deep concern for his fellow man and warmth for everyone. Tom, you will always be in our thoughts and prayers for now and eternity. Thank you for your friendship.

meredith & sandra russell


tom riach: leader – mentor – friend Thinking of Tom almost always takes me back to a very special time: the 1950-51 basketball season, when Tom was our Co-Captain of the University of Southern California Basketball Team. Late summer 1950, our basketball coach of many years, Sam Barry, unexpectedly passed away. We were going to start the upcoming basketball season with a new coach and a team made up of quite a few new players. Looking ahead, we could see a very demanding and tough schedule and not much time before official practice and regular games would commence. Tom, the leader, along with his counterpart Co-Captain Bob Kolf, together took it upon themselves to immediately start molding a group, a team where the word “teamwork” was not just a word in passing, but instead was a concept, a plan, a way of life that was going to be bought into by each and every team member. :38

Tom was an instrumental, vital part in helping each team member learn and understand what was expected of them, especially what was expected of them being a part of Trojan Athletics and the proper conduct of a USC Basketball Player while at work or play on or off the basketball court. This included such things as enrolling and going to classes, maintaining grades for athletic eligibility, conduct on campus, conduct off campus, and especially conduct at and after visiting local off-campus watering holes. Also high on the priority list was Tom’s insistence that each team member understand proper dress and conduct while the team was traveling. This not only included the arenas we might be visiting, but also the airports, hotels, taxis, and restaurants wherever we might be representing our University. As the year progressed, Tom and Bob Kolf held many team meetings always aimed to discuss, instruct, mentor and lead the team. While this may seem as though almost every moment involved some sort of highly disciplined learning effort, quite the contrary would be a lot closer to the truth. Tom had the rare ability to lead, teach, discipline and mentor in a quiet, friendly, fun and most of all, truly enjoyable atmosphere. This is certainly not meant to diminish his direct and frank approach at times, but Tom always seemed adept at keeping matters at hand in their proper prospective and the waters calm, especially when they needed to be. Tom would give you 100% and he expected the same from you. When Tom offered you his friendship, he offered it unconditionally. Long after our good ol’ basketball days and throughout our business, personal and social lives, you could always depend on Tom being there no matter what the reason. Tom Riach, a True Friend.

bruce bennett


for tom, The test of the character of a person is the memories he leaves behind for family and friends. Tom passed that test!

carla & jack carroll

to the riach family, I attended USC with Tom and watched him from afar participate in USC athletics. After graduation and for the past 50 years, we have been in a USC alumni group together. It is during this time that Peggy and I got to know Tom and Joan at many functions. We found Tom and Joan to be warm, friendly and outgoing. They entertained our alumni group in their home and participated in several USC alumni trips. Tom made an impact on our Southern California community and we all miss him dearly.

syd & peggy lucas :40

dear tom, Thinking of how much I miss you goes back to USC, 1949, when we first met. It was in the early days of basketball and baseball, when we were teammates. Since you were a little ahead, you invited me to the Kappa Sigma Fraternity which was so important at the time, where you became my Big Brother. During the next few years with basketball and baseball and our social activities, we became close, personal friends. I find myself thinking back to these days and missing you even more. The combination of you and Bob Kolf, two very special, stand-up guys. Then meeting, and marrying the lovely and beautiful Joan Field, honoring me as your Best Man, were enough memories for a lifetime. Luckily, there were many more to come. We sort of parted temporarily due to different careers, but we were always able to touch-base by phone or socially. I miss you, I miss you a lot. As our families grew, I recall visiting you in Newport. You talked me out of Laguna, to stay on Lido Isle, which turned out to be fantastic advice and I loved you for it. Over this last year, I’ve thought of you often. And we’ll continue to… FIGHT ON!

ed hookstratten


for tom, We met Tom and Joan while we were students at USC. We left Los Angeles after graduation and moved to Coachella Valley where we had some date farms. Tom and Joan would visit the desert and call us and keep us up to date on our mutual friends. Tom was very busy with a variety of developments (some were in the desert), but they were never too busy to call us and tell us about the Los Angeles scene. Tom and Joan were extremely generous with a wide variety of charities. Tom was, in many ways, “larger than life” but he never lost touch with those less fortunate…a true friend. I am sure this book will create a lasting memory of two people who were very important in our lives.

sincerely, paul & mary jane jenkins :42

dear joan and family, As you all well know, I consider my connections with Tom as a USC basketball teammate and dear friend to be among my most important treasures and memories. This special Tribute for Tom is so deserving and will bring great hope for so many. I appreciate the opportunity to add this note to the Gala publication. Alvina joins in sending our fondest regards. “May the hinges of our friendship never become rusty.�

very sincerely, ken flower


for tom, Way back then we were young and carefree. From fraternity life, athletics and scholastic endeavors, we passed through those years without a worry. We chose our loved one – a partner for all times and started our families. Distance parted us for many years, but then your move brought “old friends” back together. We miss you, Tommy, and honor your memory. FIGHT ON!

sincerely, don & annabelle killian


for tom, Tom Riach was always a fun person to know. He was a man with many friends, because he was a good and generous person. My husband Bill and I always appreciated Tom’s positive and uplifting spirit. I knew Tom for many years, beginning with my freshman year at USC. Tom would come into the dorm at EVR and wow the girls! Then he was wowed by Joan Field and their many years together began. They have a beautiful family and many friends. Tom was a lucky man in many ways and we were lucky to have known him.

fondly, nancy anderson

for tom, Because I live next door to the Riachs, I saw them almost daily as we backed out of our garages. Years ago we gave a joint party for a charity, and, as always, Tom was a perfect host. I have been a widow for ten years, so this was maybe eight years ago. Tom has always been charming and delightful, and if we were backing out of our garages simultaneously, he always insisted I go first. He was a real gentleman and a great neighbor.

most sincerely, jo mclain :45

tom, Tom was my brother-in-law, a fraternity brother and a cherished friend. I was an usher in his wedding, and he was best man in mine. I will always remember Tom’s wonderful sense of humor. He loved to laugh and joke and kid around. He was a good-natured (even when mercilessly teased!) fun guy, and that’s how I will always remember him. I miss him.

eddy field

Tom truly loved people. Whenever you saw him, he had the amazing ability to make you feel like meeting you was the highlight of his day.

suzanne & jim mellor

My thanks to Tom for being such a splendid man. I was rewarded with his friendship. XO

van breda


our friend tom, Tom was a rugged handsome guy, Always fun, had a sparkle in his eye. A terrific host and partier, There was no one who did it hardier. Lovely Joan was the love of his life, She made one outstanding companion and wife. Together they traveled extensively, And supported their Trojans faithfully. Tom, to his family, was very devoted, On all of this children happily doted. Tom loved golf, but no Jack Nicklaus was he, No matter, with friends, A golf course was the place to be. Tom, we’ll miss you and your customary cigar, Knowing somewhere you’re cheerfully putting for par.

bob & laverne francis :47

Gibran spoke in the Prophet… “And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pressures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” We were all fortunate to have such a loving Friend to share our lives. Tonight as we celebrate Tom, we also must celebrate his partner Joan who share, cared, and gave completely of herself for so long. Their love inspires all of us. Thank you…Tom…for all the GREAT TIMES. We love you,

bill & ninoska french



“i have been so overwhelmed physically, emotionally, and financially. beckstrand’s generous assistance and support graciously pulled me through what could otherwise have been a very devastating situation. god bless beckstrand cancer foundation.” lori: lung cancer

Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

lil spitzer executive director


message from the executive director dear friends, The Diamond & Pearl Ball represents the culmination of months of planning and work, all dedicated to improving the quality of life of cancer patients and their families. Your presence this evening honors your commitment to their well-being, and to making a significant difference through participation in one of our community’s fastest growing charities. On behalf of Beckstrand Cancer Foundation and the families we serve, welcome to The Diamond & Pearl Ball 2007! Each year, cancer attacks, disrupts and eventually destroys millions of lives – from the very young to the young-at-heart. This year, nearly 1.4 million new cases will be diagnosed, with little support available to provide day-to-day living and basic needs for victims who desperately need it during their time of hardship and survival. But by reaching out to patients with a unique combination of financial assistance, supportive counsel, resources and patient advocacy, Beckstrand Cancer Foundation serves as a link between the temporary situation of distress and a hopeful, long-term solution. Offering solutions to the seemingly ordinary needs of everyday life is Beckstrand Cancer Foundation’s mission. Tonight’s gala signals an opportunity to share our vision and ensure that patients can battle cancer with hope, dignity and have the freedom to engage fully in their healing process. As we honor Mr. Tom Riach for his incredible strength, courage, grace and resolve while fighting esophageal cancer, we are reminded of the growing need for programs to assist patients in their own personal struggles with the devastating consequences of this disease. We are strengthened in our resolve to help those victims too burdened by illness to help themselves, too weary to focus on their own recovery. In celebration of the life of Tom Riach, we are inspired to maintain an unwavering spirit of optimism and perseverance. Heartfelt thanks to our wonderful presenting sponsors Neiman Marcus and Van Cleef & Arpels at Fashion Island, to the participating sponsors and underwriters of The Diamond & Pearl Ball, and to each and every one of you here tonight. We are humbled by your generous support and commitment to the cancer community. Thank you for sharing this special evening with us.

lil spitzer :53

james g. stephen board president


message from the board president It has been an exciting year for Beckstrand Cancer Foundation; following a record breaking Gala in 2006, we launched the Four Pearls auxiliary to assist younger cancer victims and their families. In its inaugural year, this group of young men and women has done a tremendous job of creating awareness throughout the communities that we serve and hosting events in support of Beckstrand. The funds raised from The Diamond & Pearl Ball 2006 enabled us to commit the lead gift to the new Long Beach Ronald McDonald House to build the “Beckstrand Oncology Corridor” exclusively for the use of pediatric cancer patients and their families. Long Beach Memorial Hospital was also the roots for our Foundation. We are pleased that 33 years after his idea was conceived, we have helped deliver on Dr. Grant Beckstrand’s dream. We added some excellent new Board members this year as well as additions to our Advisory Board. We have worked diligently to broaden our base of donors and finding more effective ways of funding those in need. It is touching to read the letters, and to take the calls from families and those that we have helped throughout the year. Not only do we provide financial support that is often badly needed, but the all important emotional support and guidance to those that don’t know where to turn. Our friends, the doctors, oncologists and the Hospitals that they serve often refer to Beckstrand as the “missing link” between patient treatment and survival needs. The dedication and genuine concern for patients shown by these professional men and women is indeed gratifying, and they have been very supportive of our efforts to improve the quality of life for patients as they cope with this dreaded disease. Thank you to our Board of Directors, our Gala Committee, co-chaired by Beckstrand’s long-standing supporters Kirsten Prosser, Joni D’Amato, and Tami Kahn, and to our many corporate and individual sponsors who have helped make tonight a success. Thanks also to our Executive Director, Lil Spitzer, and her support staff that have helped make the Diamond & Pearl Ball one of the most prominent and popular charity events of the year. Your generosity will position Beckstrand Cancer Foundation to assist many more families in need this coming year. Thank you for your support.

james g. stephen


board of directors James G. Stephen bny mellon private wealth management president

Jay Hamrick ubs printing group vice president

Fred Freeman freeman investigative group Susan Guenther challenger, gray, & christmas Terry Petty petty associates, llc Alice Police, MD hoag breast care center Grant Reynolds cgr construction & design Kati Robson o’melveny & myers llp Tara Shapiro versal capital Bruce Wallace congero development Kathy Wallace congero development

executive staff Lil Spitzer executive director

Rene Leeson director of development

Pamela Kennedy patient assistance coordinator

Tanji Dinger administrative assistant

advisory board Neil Barth, MD F.A.C.P. Minch Fong, MD Michael Tabibian, MD Simon Tchekmedyian, MD F.A.C.P.


beckstrand cancer foundation In addition to the physical pain suffered by those afflicted with cancer, often comes an unsurpassed emotional pain associated with the diagnosis. Fear, anxiety and uncertainty regarding what the future holds can suddenly complicate normal work routines and family obligations. For most, questions arise about basic day-to-day living needs, such as: Who will pay the bills while I am away from work seeking treatment or recuperation? How will I keep the refrigerator full? How do I take the time necessary to care for my diagnosed child and still make ends meet? Without a steady paycheck, how will I cover insurance payments and chemotherapy treatments? Resources for needs such as rent, utilities, health insurance, food, transportation and medical co-payments can quickly become a major challenge in the cancer patient’s fight for survival. That’s why offering solutions to the seemingly ordinary needs of everyday life is Beckstrand Cancer Foundation’s mission. “This financial aid alleviates some of the fear and sense of helplessness that accompany a diagnosis of cancer. Your timely help is much more than financial. It brings me into a circle of caring friends and has taken some of the sting out of the loneliness of this disease.” jacquebeth

what we do While the importance of finding a cure for this devastating disease cannot be understated, as is the focus of the vast majority of cancer-related groups, Beckstrand Cancer Foundation concentrates on an equally important part of the fight that is commonly overlooked: providing immediate assistanceto the patient and his or her family. Beckstrand’s innovative and sensitive programs can help provide resources and the peace of mind necessary to fully benefit from cancer treatment, including: Making crucial payments Intervening with debtors Advocating on the patient’s behalf “Out of the numerous agencies that I have contacted for help or information, Beckstrand Cancer Foundation was the only one that truly seemed to care and offer help.” michael :57

our programs individual patient assistance – providing a missing link Based closely on the original model established by Dr. Grant Beckstrand, the Individual Patient Assistance (IPA) Program is a flexible and adaptable solution for cancer patients in need – designed specifically to avoid unnecessary hardship by filling gaps in conventional social services. Dubbed the “missing link” by the oncology community, the Foundation’s program works to complement the efforts of doctors and nurses who must keep an unwavering focus on treatment. The missing link addresses the frequent upheaval in the lives of their patients. IPA cases are initiated by partners in the healthcare community, including: USC Norris Cancer Center UCI Medical Center UCLA Hoag Cancer Center Long Beach Memorial CHOC City of Hope Pacific Shores Medical Group St. Joseph Hospital Newport Cancer Care

how it works Oncologists and social workers match individual patient needs to the IPA program and refer them directly to Beckstrand Cancer Foundation. All prospective clients are then carefully evaluated to determine specific needs and any available resources. Following admission, the Program develops a transitional care strategy: What will it take to ensure the patient is able to undergo uninterrupted treatment and optimize recovery? Counseling and community resources are the first services to be offered to the patient, followed by financial help until other interventions can begin. Wherever possible, Beckstrand Cancer Foundation assists the patient with payments to stay in his or her current home – thereby maximizing their comfort and well-being, reducing stress, and eliminating an extra level of uncertainty for all members of the family. The IPA Program makes certain that health insurance policies remain in full force through the duration of treatment, and helps keep automotive, utility, life insurance, medical and other essential payments current. “I am so grateful to Beckstrand Cancer Foundation for its assistance. Knowing that there is an organization and people that recognize the challenge cancer patients have with everyday life issues raises my hopes for society.” north



sharing the spirit of christmas

When the hardship and tumult of cancer invades a home, the very best family therapy can be a visit from Santa Claus. In the spirit of the holiday, and that of Dr. Beckstrand, who had a vision for direct community support, the BELIEVE Program was designed to counteract the ability of cancer to infect and devastatingly unravel every facet of a patient’s family life. During the Christmas season, a time generally associated with comfort, happiness and carefree family unity, the pain, uncertainty, and confusion caused by a parent’s or a child’s cancer can reach new heights. For those local families struggling to pay for cancer therapy or living for the first time without a paycheck, BELIEVE reaches out to provide the spirit of Christmas with a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. Gifts, toys, food, trees, and holiday magic are delivered by a team of elves to families whose financial and physical limitations would otherwise deny them the traditional forms of celebration.

reaching out to families in need Families in need are identified through the Beckstrand patient database, partnerships with CHOC, Pacific Shores Medical Group, Newport Cancer Care, SOS, and referrals from across the healthcare and social work communities. The numbers of families helped by the Believe Program is directly based on the amount of money available to the program. Donors specifying BELIEVE as their choice of program may directly assist a single family through an “adopt-a-family” option. Different levels of personal engagement are also available. “We were overwhelmed when the Beckstrand staff showed up at our home with all the incredible gifts for the children and me. Our family has been through a lot over the past year since Matthew was diagnosed with cancer, and it was wonderful to see Mathew and Megan happy and excited again. You are truly angels on this earth.” claire


Lauren Collins chair Veronica Muth president Stephanie Muth vice president

board of directors Laura Dubrish events Christy Duggan secretary Jenny Levits public relations Kathryn Meeke marketing Casey Reinhardt parliamentarian Kati Robson senior director Ashley Smith membership Catherine Stephens treasurer Nishan Tchekmedyian medical/program development :60

our story My sixteen year old sister Andi died from inflammatory breast cancer September 4, 2003. She was diagnosed in December of 2002 – already Stage IV. Andi’s treatment was immediate and intensive. We spent a great deal of time in Dr. Barth’s office. I accompanied her to chemotherapy and radiation treatments on many, many occasions. We always saw patients who were devastated by more than just the physical challenges and consequences of cancer. We saw old folks, young people, business men and women, mothers with babies in tow – people in every possible circumstance of life. For the majority there was always the pressing need for immediate arrangements i.e. how to be picked up, how to get medication delivered, how to have babysitting services covered, how to meet all of the necessary requirements of every day life. The majority of the people we saw did not have adequate financial means or resources to address these challenges. Andi and I always wondered “how do these people do it?” My mother introduced me to Lil Spitzer. Getting to know Lil and listening to her talk about Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, I was impressed with their mission to provide immediate financial assistance and patient advocacy for victims of cancer. The Foundation served as a link between their temporary situation of distress and a long term solution. This was it! Beckstrand was reaching out to provide the aid that Andi and I saw was so needed with other patients every time she went for treatment. I got together with two friends from high school, Veronica and Stephanie Muth, and we decided to develop an auxiliary group in support of Beckstrand Cancer Foundation. What makes us unique in comparison to other charitable organizations in O.C. is that we are just out of college and there is no similar group available to young women of our age and station in life. Our vision for this auxiliary is to connect our peer group and the community in an effort to enhance the quality of lives of patients and their families while going through what we observed with Andi.

We have a vision. We are the beginning of Four Pearls – three here…one in Heaven.


our mission The mission of Four Pearls is to raise funds to support Beckstrand Cancer Foundation’s innovative oncology program for children and teens, and to support the general mission of Beckstrand Cancer Foundation to improve and enhance the quality of life of cancer patients and their families.

our inspiration Thirty-three children are diagnosed with cancer every day in the United States. About 2,300 die of the disease each year. Over the last fifty years, new medicines, primarily chemotherapies, have dramatically increased the survival rates of pediatric cancer patients. It is a testament to the progress of medical science that, fifty years ago, physicians described the survival of leukemia patients in terms of weeks and very rarely months and today, about 80% of children diagnosed with cancer survive five years after diagnosis. As the ranks of those who have survived childhood cancer swell, the medical and philanthropic community is becoming more aware of the unique challenges that these children face. Childhood cancer is often treated extremely aggressively with some combination of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and stem cell transplants. The side effects of treatment, including hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and fatigue, can be physically and emotionally debilitating. Perhaps more devastating, however, are the potential long-term complications or the “late effects� of childhood cancer treatment that can occur many years after remission, like developmental delays and malformations, infertility, increased risk for developing second cancers, and increased risk for life threatening infections, among many others. Additionally, the psychosocial and economic impacts of the disease can be chronically debilitating for both the patient and family. For example, children with cancer need continuing education during their illness, and survivors often need support transitioning back into the school system. In 2003, the Institute of Medicine estimated that more than 270,000 childhood cancer survivors reside in the United States. This number is steadily increasing along with the unmet need for more educational programs, activities, and services to help childhood cancer survivors recover and maintain their well-being. Through funding and program development, our Pediatric Oncology Program will improve and maintain the quality of life of childhood cancer survivors in Orange County. :62 :62

improving and enhancing the

quality of life of cancer patients and their families.


honoree hall of fame

beckstrand cancer foundation founder

dr. grant beckstrand Dr. Beckstrand is widely remembered as a pioneering oncologist who brought the most advanced understanding and skill in cancer treatment to our area. Beckstrand Cancer Foundation celebrates and continues the contributions he made outside the clinical setting. Dr. Beckstrand recognized the significance and importance of his patients’ non-medical needs, and searched in particular for a solution to the financial burden of cancer and its treatment. Patients and family members, moved by his sense of responsibility to those without means, expressed their appreciation for Dr. Beckstrand’s work by donating money to his special account to help those in need. In 1974, that account became Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, with an expanded mandate and capacity for service to our community.


honoree hall of fame

beckstrand cancer foundation honoree 2004

dr. simon tchekmedyian “Dr. T� is a treasured clinical and fundraising partner of Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, providing patient referrals, medical advice, and other resources. With a lifelong dedication to improving and enhancing the quality of life of cancer patients, Dr. Tchekmedyian has personally cared for an estimated 10,000 patients over the last 20 years. His pursuit of new treatments to improve the cure rate and to enhance the quality of life of cancer patients has been passionate and relentless. A clinical investigator in more than 250 cancer research studies, Dr. Tchekmedyian’s original observations and publications led to a new medication to reverse the lack of appetite and weight loss of patients.


honoree hall of fame

beckstrand cancer foundation honoree 2005

dr. neil m. barth Dr. Barth is a longtime advocate for cancer patients and a source of inspiration, advice, and referral for Beckstrand Cancer Foundation. A Newport Beach based innovator in cancer treatment, Dr. Barth’s commitment to the well-being of our Orange County communities is legendary. Now chief of staff at Hoag Hospital, his medical work has greater impact and reach than ever before, and his commitment to community, reflected in his partnership with Beckstrand, brings significant numbers of patients into the embrace of essential humanitarian assistance.


honoree hall of fame: precious gems

beckstrand cancer foundation honoree 2006

andi collins 1987-2003 As an avid volleyball player for Mater Dei High School, Andi Collins’ winning spirit was evident both on and off the court. Known for her courage, optimism and strength, Andi’s friends characterized her as a young woman who lived her life with the same fervor she applied to her role as a CIF-champion volleyball player and team captain. At just 16, Andi touched the lives of thousands and continues to do so long after her unexpected fight with a rare form of breast cancer. Andi recognized the importance of perseverance and dedication, and her athletic attributes carried over into solid friendships and close family ties. Her on-court prowess had made her one of the top setting recruits in the nation, and her trademark warmth and laughter instilled a sense of admiration in those around her. For her unquenchable zest for life and love, family and friendship; and for her unmistakable potential, Beckstrand Cancer Foundation pays tribute to athlete, student, friend, sister, daughter and precious gem, Andi Collins. :67

“beckstrand has been pivotal in my process to recovery…an ally in my war on cancer. it is comforting to know this battle is not one that we are fighting alone. the foundation’s dedication to supporting others and me is a shining star of hope.” michael: prostate cancer

The Diamond & Pearl Ball

the gala team Lil Spitzer executive director Rene Leeson director of development Kirsten Prosser Joni D’Amato Tami Kahn gala chairs Kelly Roberts chair emeritus committee Trine Ackelman Laura Cross Laura Davis Tracy Digiorgio Cindy Gittleman Michaele Hall Eve Kornyei Debra Junkin Roseanne Levan Marsha Orlin Carole Primm Caroline Rustigian Jan Salta Ariela Shani Tara Shapiro Debbie Simon Karen Stewart Jan Vitti-Rubel Valaree Wahler Sherri Winkler


evening program silent auction Level Vodka Martini Bar dinner Wine Lydia & Rob Mondavi and Folio Fine Wine Partners Spellbound Chardonnay Oberon Cabernet Sauvignon Gourmet Cuisine BBC Executive Chef Josef Lageder master of ceremonies George Pennacchio abc 7 opportunity drawing 2007 toyota prius Toyota of San Juan Capistrano welcome Lil Spitzer executive director appreciation Kirsten Prosser, Joni D’Amato & Tami Kahn gala chairs mission James G. Stephen board president inspiration Stacey Farnsworth cancer survivor live auction Mark Schenfeld auctioneer tribute to tom riach Dr. William French opportunity drawing 2007 lexus rx400h hybrid Newport Lexus dancing to The Night Cats!


a message from the gala chairs

On behalf of the Gala committee, it is with great pride that we welcome you to The Diamond & Pearl Ball 2007. This evening is a celebration of life, support…and hope. For thirty-three years Beckstrand Cancer Foundation has provided much needed assistance and support to victims of cancer and their loved ones. We extend our sincere gratitude to the kind and generous heart of each and every one of our guests, underwriters, and auction contributors who have given their time and resources in support of our mission…to improve and enhance the quality of life of cancer patients and their families. Each dollar that we raise tonight will make a big difference in their lives! Thank you, also, to the members of the Gala committee for your donation of time and talent. Your contributions, combined with the support of local retailers and the community as a whole, have allowed us to soar to new heights. We hope everyone here this evening enjoys this beautiful “diamond-studded” gala!

very truly yours, kirsten prosser, joni d’amato, & tami kahn


welcome to the diamond & pearl ball! There is no better mission that I can think of than to improve and enhance the quality of life of cancer patients and their families. Everyone is affected when someone they know is stricken by cancer, everyone cares and everyone wants to try to help in their own way. I found a way for me, and that was through Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, which I was introduced to three years ago. I lost both of my parents to cancer, just one year apart, when I was in my 20s. Since then, I had gotten involved with different charities, but this one really hit home. I love Beckstrand’s mission, especially as their focus is to assist the cancer patient directly so they get the immediate help that so many desperately need. I love the opportunity we get to meet patients one-on-one through the “Believe” program. My daughter Rachel and I have been personally involved each Christmas by meeting these families and making their Christmas wishes come true. I can honestly tell you that we met the most gracious, deserving, appreciative families I have ever met. Gone were any complaints or worries…their stress momentarily erased, replaced by gratitude that someone cared. Beckstrand was making their Christmas possible. Beckstrand cares, I care, and I know each and every one of you cares. Let’s make it our mission to carry on the tremendous success of The Diamond & Pearl Ball and to raise those much needed funds to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients.

tami kahn


For the past three years, I have had the privilege of being a member of the Beckstrand family, and it is an honor to serve as co-chair for this year’s Diamond & Pearl Ball. Cancer is a disease that touches all of us in one way or another, whether it is through a friend, family member or co-worker. When a good friend of mine introduced me to Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, I was compelled to get involved because of their unique way of serving the cancer community through direct-to-patient financial aid. There is no other charity out there that does what Beckstrand does, in the way that Beckstrand does it. I was so enthusiastic when I learned about Beckstrand’s mission, and I felt as though I had to contact everyone I knew to get involved and help. Through the generosity of our guests tonight, as well as our sponsors and underwriters, Beckstrand Cancer Foundation can continue to assist with the much needed programs they provide to cancer patients and their families. I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for helping us to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients throughout our community. Your presence here tonight is a simple gesture that will ensure high standards of excellence for the Foundation. We could not enjoy this huge success without your continuing contributions. Raise those paddles…and HAVE FUN!

joni d’ amato


master of ceremonies

george pennacchio

abc 7 entertainment reporter

George Pennacchio is the longtime entertainment reporter for ABC7 Eyewitness News. He covers all aspects of the showbiz beat but he occasionally ventures outside that zone. This past summer, while on assignment in South Africa, George did a series of reports involving entertainment, health and programs that empower the women of South Africa with connections right here at home. During his broadcasting career, George has won three Emmy Awards for his work. He has also been honored with The Press Award by The Publicists Guild of America for his coverage of the entertainment industry. He is also one of only three journalists who have received The Critics’ Critic Award from The Broadcast Film Critics Association, North America’s largest critics group. Just this year, George added weekly film reviews to his ABC7 duties. Outside of work, George serves on the board of the charity group, The Thalians, which raises money for the maintenance of The Thalians Mental Health Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He and his wife, Erin, also support various greyhound charities devoted to saving the dogs once their racing days are over. The Pennacchios have two greyhounds of their own, Billy and Vivian. :76

thank you to our presenting sponsors


at fashion island for your their generous support at


our sponsors heartfelt thanks to the following sponsors and underwriters for making the diamond & pearl ball 2007 possible…


at fashion island presenting sponsors marquise


Joni & A.J. D’Amato Tami & Mike Kahn Jan & Mike Salta Tara & Mike Shapiro

Nancy & James Baldwin BDI BNY Mellon Chapman University Congero Development Pacific Shores Medical Group Mary Ellen Moschetti Joyce & Mark Sangiacomo Jill Thomas World Travel

emerald Debby & Jack Dangelo Eve Kornyei & Stan Hanson O’Connell Family Foundation Microsemi Montblanc Jim & Traci Parr Carol Primm Renaissance Surgical Arts Kelly & Duane Roberts Debbie Simon Teresa & Alan Smith


heart Patricia & Richard Allen Dorothy & Don Bendetti Laura Lee & Richard Browne Patricia & Gene Hancock Maralou & Jerry Harrington Jane & Victor Ottenstein Jan & Michael Rubel Valaree & Robert Wahler

special thanks George Pennacchio abc 7 master of ceremonies Bonch, Inc. tribute video editor Burnett Engraving invitation printing Chapman University registration Copy Group, Inc. auction catalog printing Joni D’Amato Newport Lexus opportunity drawing David Gardner tribute video host

Lydia & Rob Mondavi Folio Fine Wine Partners dinner wine G-Force Productions video and event production InteleMedia TV audiovisual design and production level Vodka martini bar Robert Nienhuis nien studios invitation, gala program & auction catalog design Jim & Traci Parr inspiration table bcf cancer patients Mark Schenfeld stokes auction group auctioneer

Tami Kahn Toyota of San Juan Capistrano opportunity drawing

Debbie Simon diamond dinner venue host

Echo Media PR public relations

Valaree Wahler tribute video venue host underwriters Garys volunteer room John Jory event production McCarthy tribute video Dr. & Mrs. Eberhard Neutz wine corkage Vineyard Bank valet parking

special, special thanks to our friends at ubs printing group for underwriting and printing yet another extraordinary gala book! :79

“this is a foundation that directly affects peolpe’s lives to help them with the fight of their life. the dollars go directly to families that need the help. that’s the best part about beckstrand.” tiffany: breast cancer

The Auction

Live Auction

the fashion island experience live auction #1

Get a head start on your holiday shopping, enhance your wardrobe, or lavish yourself in luxury with a $1000 gift certificate to Fashion Island‌the ultimate Orange County premier open-air retail center. Fashion Island boasts nearly 200 specialty shops, world-class department stores and a vast array of restaurants and cafes, in a sophisticated yet relaxed atmosphere that is distinctively Southern California. Take a break and toast to your new purchases with a champagne lunch for two at Mariposa Restaurant in Neiman Marcus, Fashion Island. During your weekend shopping spree, spend two nights in luxury deluxe accommodations at The Island Hotel. You and your guest will enjoy a gourmet meal in the renowned Pavillion’s restaurant, and pamper yourselves with two one-hour spa treatments of your choice.

thanks to: fashion island the island hotel neiman marcus, fashion island


puttin’ on the ritz live auction #2

The host couple and their 16 guests will enjoy an unforgettable dining experience in one of Newport Beach’s finest and most time honored restaurants. Gather in the exquisite, private Epicurean Wine Cellar of The Ritz, an oval tunnel framed by gated wine bottle cells leading to a vaulted brick chamber, replete with antlered chandeliers and a barrel head Bacchanalian bas relief. Following a champagne reception with Hors d’oeuvres, the expert staff will serve a custom 4-course gourmet menu created by Chef Camarena, accompanied by Ritz-selected wines. Synonymous with elegance, gracious service and award-winning cuisine, The Ritz has become the ultimate social and business dining destination in Southern California. A memorable European dining experience for special friends who appreciate fine food and wine served in an atmosphere of refined elegance!

thanks to: freddie glusman, the ritz restaurant & garden :84

pga bob hope chrysler classic live auction #3

This is your chance to experience a prestigious PGA Tour Event with VIP passes to all courses for the 2008 Bob Hope Chrysler Classic on January 14-20 at the La Quinta Resort in Palm Desert. On the 21st your threesome will golf at the ultraexclusive, private “Madison� course with PGA Pro Brent Geiberger. The son of the legendary golfer Al Geiberger, Brent currently plays on the PGA tour, has won two PGA Tour events, and is featured in the top 50 of the Official World Golf Rankings. Brent may help you master your new Taylor-made R-7 Burner Driver. Take Mr. Geiberger to dinner at the Cliff House in La Quinta with your $200 gift certificate before retiring to the Westin Mission Hills Resort and Spa where you will have two double rooms on January 20 and 21. A Hole in One!

thanks to: cary sowers westin mission hills resort & spa cliff house


exclusive canyon ranch retreat live auction #4

Discover the joy and power of healthy living at world-renowned Canyon Ranch in the lush Sonoran desert of Tucson, Arizona. Since 1979, Canyon Ranch has set the standard for health resorts all over the world. You and a guest will relax and regenerate on the deck of your luxury retreat. Immerse yourselves as you take in the spectacular Arizona sunsets for three nights in deluxe accommodations, including three gourmet spa meals daily, and a $340 credit per person toward spa, sports & integrative wellness services. With stateof-the-art equipment and world-class service and amenities, you’ll find everything you need in the 80,000-square-foot spa. An unsurpassed team of health and wellness professionals will show you how exhilarated you can look and feel when you are pampered and living healthy. Discover the most amazing creature of all - the authentic, revitalized you!

thanks to: canyon ranch


capturing lives well lived live auction #5

Ask Kusha Alagband how she would best describe her inspiring photographic art and she responds without hesitation: “The blending of candid images and beautifully posed portraits reminiscent of a Vanity Fair magazine spread. I strive to capture the essence of emotions that are present in each milestone of life, while maintaining the glamour, beauty and spirit of my clientele.” Capture your “life well-lived” with a private two-hour on-location photo session with the highly sought after and talented celebrity photographer. Kusha will create a custom 5-minute multimedia DVD slideshow with your favorite images to share with your family and friends.

thanks to: kusha alagband :87

ultimate napa valley getaway live auction #6

Travel in style for a wine lover’s dream weekend! You and three guests will escape to Napa Valley on a private jet for a 2 night/3 day stay in plush accommodation at the luxurious Calistoga Ranch Resort. Fourth generation winemaker, Rob Mondavi, will guide you through barrel tastings of luscious Cabernets, followed by a blend seminar including the unique opportunity to create your own signature wine from Rob Mondavi’s exclusive Napa Valley selections! Two cases will be hand bottled under your direct supervision and wax dipped for your private cellar collection. Savor a lunch of food and wine pairings with the Mondavi’s personal Executive Chef and a selection of family wines. The Mondavi’s have also called upon their personal friends and favorite wineries that will open their doors to you for private tours and tastings. Back at home, twelve ladies will be pampered at a Private Party at Neiman Marcus, Fashion Island where vintner and owner of 29 Cosmetics, Lydia Mondavi, will guide you and your friends through the new exclusive 29 Grape Seed Age Protecting color line. While sipping fine wines from Napa Valley, Lydia along with guest make-up artists will share tips and trade secrets in a make-up artistry class and personalized beauty consultation.

thanks to: rob mondavi and folio fine wine partners, folio winemakers’ studio 29 cosmetics by lydia mondavi; neiman marcus, fashion island calistoga ranch bill pearcy :88

on the set with boston legal live auction #7

Your chance at fifteen minutes of fame during a VIP set visit, with an opportunity for a non-speaking walk on role, on the hit prime time series Boston Legal, created by David Kelley! Be on the set with an Emmy Award winning cast including William Shatner, James Spader and Candace Bergen who play a group of brilliant, but often emotionally challenged attorneys. Fast-paced and darkly comedic, the series confronts social and moral issues, while its characters continually stretch the boundaries of the law. An autographed script is included.

thanks to: david kelley productions


house of cavalli live auction #8

Think Italian, think glamorous, think chic and think Roberto Cavalli! Indulge in the luxury apparel of one of the world’s most innovative fashion designers with a $1000 gift certificate. The name Roberto Cavalli conjures a vibe of style and flair which you will share with nine of your fashion savvy friends during a private sit-down dinner and exclusive shopping experience at the Roberto Cavalli boutique, South Coast Plaza. Plan and coordinate next season’s wardrobe as you view the Spring/Summer 2008 collection during an informal fashion show. To top off this fashion extravaganza, you and your guests will also receive a 20% discount on purchases, and leave with a special gift from Cavalli.

thanks to: roberto cavalli, south coast plaza


viva vuitton live auction #9

The signature luxury goods of Louis Vuitton have become a global icon of quality and good taste. You and your guest are invited to join the Vuitton ambassador at Neiman Marcus, Fashion Island for a personal appointment. Greeted with champagne upon your arrival, shop the collection and receive the highest priority on the latest show bag waitlist – a chance to get the must have item of the moment! Pack your new two piece set of icon LV Keepall Luggage as you and your guest fly first class to Paris, France where you will enter the world of Vuitton. Explore the heritage of the French leather goods maker during a private visit to the family home of Louis Vuitton. This stunning mansion, where several generations of Vuittons lived, evokes the very soul of the Vuitton family. Next door you will tour the original workshop of Louis Vuitton. Now used solely to design new models and produce special order items, you can watch the gifted artisans as they stitch leather handles and nail brass studs by hand. Your experience ends with a visit to the company museum in Asnieres which Includes hundreds of pieces of antique luggage, dating back to the fourteenth century, that were collected over the years by the Vuitton family. Welcome to the world of Louis Vuitton!

thanks to: louis vuitton at neiman marcus, fashion island


puppy love live auction #10

You’ve debated long enough. It’s your turn to bring home that bundle of joy from The Diamond & Pearl Ball. Imagine the look on your families faces when they see that cute little puppy scurrying around the family room. Will it be a charming little King Charles, an adorable Pug, or a surprise? One look and you’ll be hooked. This puppy will be AKC registered, well bred and very trainable. You’ll have an opportunity to see the little darling prancing around the cocktail reception on October 13. Your newest family member has his or her own comfy bed, two initial vet visits, one year of routine veterinary care, and a $50 gift certificate to shop for goodies at Muttropolis. Travel and house crates, harness, leash, food and toys are also included to make your little one feel at home. Take your new best friend home tonight!

thanks to: russo’s pet store, fashion island muttropolis :92

fantasy island turks & caicos live auction #11

Escape on a tropical adventure to home of the “Best Beach in the World”. You and a travel companion will fly business class to the Turks & Caicos Islands in the undiscovered Carribean. Spend six nights and seven days at the legendary Grace Bay Club, known as the most prestigious address on The Turks & Caicos Islands, and ranked “Top 10 in Caribbean” for the last three years. Enjoy unspoiled Caribbean tranquility at the exclusive resort in a spacious Spanish-style one bedroom suite with a terrace overlooking crystal clear turquoise waters. Your luxury accommodations include daily continental breakfast and 3-course dinner in the world-class gourmet restaurant, Anacaona, along with a one-hour massage per person at the resort’s lavish European-style spa. A romantic sunset cruise, as well as a picnic for two along the shores of Provindenciales, a nearby uninhabited island, also await your retreat to Paradise.

thanks to:

presenting sponsor :93

van cleef & arpels snowflakes live auction #12

Gentleman‌drape her in diamonds with two exquisite pieces from the legendary French jeweler Van Cleef & Arpels. From the Snowflake collection, featuring a range of pieces inspired by the house’s vintage designs, these stunning earclips and pendant are set in platinum with 9 carats of round diamonds. Van Cleef & Arpels strives to capture nature at its most beautiful, where its vital force and fragility co-exist in harmony. Their jewelry designers have been enthralled with the delicacy and complex design of a snowflake since 1948 with the debut of the Cristaux de Neige Clip and have managed to capture the allure in this iconic collection. Sparkling like snowflakes in the winter sun, never has nature been so enchanting!

thanks to:

at neiman marcus, fashion island presenting sponsor :95

take the mound with the la anaheim angels live auction #13

Ever wonder what it feels like to stand on the mound at Angel’s Stadium of Anaheim and rocket a ball across home plate? Here’s your chance to clock your pitch against Bartolo Colon or Francisco Rodriguez. Grab your Angels hat, don your cleats and head for the mound. Your baseball fantasy will come true when you throw out the first pitch at an Angels’ home game in the 2008 regular season. Your family and friends will see your famous throw on Angel Vision as you are introduced to the entire ballpark. Join the ranks as a participant in the Honorary First Pitch at Anaheim Stadium. This unique opportunity includes a luxury suite for 12 people, beverages, and VIP parking. A Home Run!

thanks to: los angeles angels of anaheim wilson automotive group


auction donors 29 Cosmetics 230 Forest Avenue 3 Thirty 3 Adrian Davidson Alex Jianas Aliso Viejo Golf Club American Rag AminoGenesis Skin Care Products Anaheim White House Restaurant Antonello Ristorante Antonia Avitatt Balboa Bay Club & Resort Beach House Restaurant Binnquist Development, Inc. Bloomingdale’s Blue Coral Bob Kassel Brian Tedeschi Bristol Farms Bungalow Burke Williams Café Zoolu Calistoga Ranch Resort Calypso Canyon Ranch Cary Sowers Cat & The Custard Cup Catalina Passenger Service, Inc. Cavalli South Coast Plaza Cedar Creek Inn Celeste Bravo CH Carolina Herrera Chalk Hill Estate Vineyards & Winery Chanel Chardonnay Golf Club

Charriol Cheesecake Factory Chloe Cookies In Bloom Cottage Restaurant Crush Clothing Damone Roberts Beverly Hills David E. Kelly Productions DC3 Airport in the Sky Dinners Ready Disneyland Donna Karan Dooney & Bourke Edward Sellers Vineyards & Wines Elise Misiorowski Equinox Fitness Ergonique Ermenegildo Zegna Fairmont Newport Beach Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa Fashion Island Fendi, North America Five Crowns Restaurant Fleming’s Fleur De Lys Flightdeck Air Combat Center Folio Winemakers Studio Four Season, Los Angeles Four Seasons Resort Great Exuma Francoli Gourmet Emporio French 75 French 75 Newport Beach Fresh Frette Future Brands Gary Primm :97

Garys Garys Per Donna Giorgio Armani Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Gucci Hanna’s Restaurant & Bar Historic Mission Inn Hornblower Cruises & Events Houston’s hush Inn at Laguna Beach Inn at Rancho Santa Fe Irwindale Speedway Jackson-Newman Interiors Jason Dowd Jennifer Condas Jimmy Choo Jo Malone Boutique Joe Vasco Jon Grazer, MD Jonathan Mitchell Joni D’Amato Kate Somerville Skin Health Experts Kate Spade Kiehl’s Since 1851 Kimera Restaurant Kusha La Mer, Nordstrom, South Coast Plaza La Quinta Cliffhouse Laguna Playhouse Laird Family Estate Winery Leiber Boutique level Vodka Lola Rouge Lola Rouge Kids Lorin Backe Photography Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Louis Vuitton at Neiman Marcus Lululemon Athletica Madeline Miller, MD :98

Magic Castle Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Marche Moderne Mardo Fine Jewelry Marie McCormick & Schmick’s Meadowood Napa Valley Meritage Resort MGM Mirage Mi Place Michael A. Bain, MD Mike Sullivan Miracle Springs Resort & Spa Miramonte Resort & Spa Mobile Laser Technologies Modo Mio Cucina Rustica Mona Lee Nesseth Monarch Beach Golf Links Montblanc Morton’s The Steakhouse Muttropolis Natural Nail Care Neiman Marcus Fashion Island Newport Beach Veterinary Hospital Newport Beach Vineyards & Winery Newport Lexus Normans Rare Guitars Ojai Valley Inn & Spa Optical Shop of Aspen Orange County Sheriff ’s Department Orange Hill Restaurant Original Penguin Pacific Club Palace Hotel Partida Tequila, LLC Parties by Panache Partners Bistro Pinnacle Experience Pinot Provence Pleasant Peasant

Plums Café & Catering PRP Wine International, Inc. Pucci Quattro Quiksilver Quintessa Rickey Golf, Inc. Ritz Carlton, Laguna Niguel Robert & Lydia Mondavi Ruby’s Russo’s Pet Experience Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Sage on the Coast Salon Gregories Salt Creek Grille Salvatore Ferragamo Sanjay Grover, MD Sapori Ristorante Sergio Rossi shu uemura Shula’s American Steak House South Coast Plaza Spa Nordstrom Sprinkles Cupcakes St. Regis New York St. Supery Vineyards & Winery Stefano Ricci Steve & Teri Read Steve’s Steakhouse Summit House Restaurant Sun Dried Tomato Restaurant Taleo Mexican Grill Tami Kahn Thank God It’s Sophia The Catch The Image Center

The Island Hotel The Peninsula The Ritz Restaurant & Garden The Skin Studio The Spa & Fitness Club Three Purls Knitwear Tiger Woods Foundation, Inc. Tijeras Creek Golf Club To Boot Tommy Bahama Café Toni & Guy Tory Burch Touch of Elegance Permanent Beauty Toyota of San Juan Capistrano Traditional Jewelers Turner New Zealand Two Bunch Palms Resort & Spa Tyler Leeson Van Cleef & Arpels at Neiman Marcus W New York W New York Times Square W New York Union Square W San Diego Westin Michigan Avenue, Chicago Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa Westin St. Francis, San Francisco White House Restaurant Wilson Automotive Group Wine Pavilion Wolfgang Puck Café Wolford Wynn Las Vegas Yard House Youngs Market Yves Saint Laurent Z Mario

Our appreciation is extended to those whose donations were received after press. :99

“your generous and timely help is much more than financial. it brings me into a circle of caring friends. it has taken the sting out of the lonliness of this disease, and made me a more positive person‌it is difficult to express the impact of this.â€? susanna: breast cancer

Friends of Beckstrand

Neiman Marcus Salutes Mr. Tom Riach





Congratulations to

beckstrand cancer foundation on their unique contribution to the cancer community, and for making an immediate difference in the lives of those stricken by this devastating disease.

We are very proud to support Beckstrand’s mission to improve and enhance the quality of life of cancer patients and their families.

mike and jan salta

It’s about time.


Newport Lexus Proudly Supports






| | 3901 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92660

john jory corporation commends beckstrand cancer foundation for their 33 years of helping the cancer community‌


beckstrand cancer foundation Warmest Congratulations, you’ve done it again!

Your commitment & compassion makes a difference in so many lives!

May your success continue‌ The world is now a little brighter place

with all my love, debbie simon

LOUIS VUITTON salutes the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

 

   

                .    ™ �   

速 Montblanc 速

Montblanc TimeWalker Chronograph Automatic Automatic chronograph movement, 43 mm stainless steel case, sapphire crystal case back, black dial with stainless steel hands and figures. SWISS MADE BY MONTB LANC.

P r o u d S p o n s o r o f t h e Diamond & Pearl Ball 2007

Planting the seeds for a better tomorrow. BNY Mellon Wealth Management is proud to support the communities in which we do business with a variety of programs and initiatives. Because creating a better tomorrow starts today. We are honored to support the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation.

Investment Management • Wealth and Estate Planning • Private Banking and Finance Family Office Services • Business Banking • Charitable Gift Services Please contact James G. Stephen, Senior Director, at 949-253-5041. ©2007. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.

A tribute to the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation for 33 years of making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families

The Parr Family

Proud sponsor of the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

burnett engraving is proud to support the ongoing efforts of beckstrand cancer foundation

proudly serving orange county for over 40 years offset printing • engraving • foil stamping embossing • die cutting • thermography state of the art prepress services

1351 north hundley street | anaheim, ca 92806 | 714.632.0870 | 714.632.8734 fax | email

Balaji Krishna Senior Relationship Manager Irvine Banking Center 8105 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 650 (949) 271-5185

Alan Smith Pool Plastering, Inc. is proud to honor and support the efforts of the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation.

Quality is not expensive... it’s priceless.

Alan Smith Pool Plastering Inc. specializes in complete pool and spa renovation and resurfacing in Orange County and Southern California. Clients may select from numerous stone aggregate or plaster finishes for their restoration. With more than twenty years of experience, our crews will provide you with a high quality pool that you will enjoy for years.


We are proud to support

beckstrand cancer foundation for their dedication to cancer patients and their families in our community.

Congratulations to another year of making a difference in so many lives.

mark & joyce sangiacomo

Mary Ellen Weaver and her team at M.E. Weaver & Associates proudly support

beckstrand cancer foundation

The GARYS Companies proudly support the ongoing efforts of the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation.


Proud to Partner with Beckstrand Cancer Foundation

La Jolla Del Mar/RSF Newport Beach

(866) 454-2375 Complimentary Delivery Throughout San Diego & Orange Counties

G-Force provides complete turnkey production services to create the highest quality video for your marketing budget. In addition to tv and radio commercial production, we create dynamic videos for tradeshows, point of purchase displays, dealer and retail kiosks, new product introductions and corporate communications.

G-Force Productions would like to thank the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation for their generous support of those in need. We all have been personally touched by our experience working with Lil Spitzer and the Beckstrand organization and we wish them much success.

949•246•6974 PHONE

Serving Orange County Since 1938 For the Office Nearest You Call 800.200.2299


With gratitude and appreciation to Robert Nienhuis for designing the beautiful Gala Book

and to

Jay Hamrick for printing this Masterpiece!

Thanks to you both, we have a treasured keepsake of

lil & the beckstrand family

NIEN Studios is proud to be a part of the Diamond & Pearl Ball 2007. Lil, Rene, Tanji, Jay, and everyone at Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, thank you for your endless efforts in enhancing the quality of life of cancer patients and their families.

949.677.7125 ::

Š 2007. Š

beckstrand cancer foundation

2007. design and art direction by robert nienhuis, nien studios underwritten & printed by ubs printing group, inc.

THE the NEXT Next 100 1OO YEARS years

NM SALUTES salutes Name of eveNt, persoN(s), BECKSTRAND CANCER FOUNDATION or orgaNizatioN

presenting sponsors


at fashion island

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