10th November 2016

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Nigerian Tribune



Nigerian Tribune


Thousands protest as Trump defeats Hillary Clinton —P2,3,4,5,6

•Clinton's supporters in tears •Jubilation in Trump's camp •Dollar, stocks tumble, rise again •World leaders react I will work with the President-elect if he offers respect for human beings, independently of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views. —Angela Merkel, German Chancellor

A protester shows her grief in Washington. PHOTO: REUTERS

TODAY'S SPECIAL Good thing about morning sickness is...

By Sade Oguntola NOTHING can blast the elation of discovering you’re pregnant faster than morning sickness. Around half to two-thirds of all pregnant women will experience symptoms of morning sickness such as nausea and vomiting to some degree, particularly in the first trimester. Continues pg33

Fire burns during protests in Oakland, California. PHOTO: AP

Buhari storms Ondo for Akeredolu today —P30

Senate rejects Olubadan stool: controversial Oyo CJ hands off grazing bill suit over petition —P8


Buhari appoints Onnoghen acting CJN —P8



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

US election: Trump’s victory leaves Clinton’s supporters in tears By Seyi Gesinde


LOBAL watchers were left stunned on Wednesday, when Republican Donald Trump was declared winner of United States presidential election, leaving supporters of his rival, Democratic Hillary Clinton, stunned and in tears. President Francois Hollande, who was evidently shocked to receive Trump’s victory news ending eight years of Democratic control of the White House, in his reaction, said the change is sending America on a new and uncertain path. Trump, a wealthy real estate developer and former reality TV host, surprised all his adversaries toward US Presidency, to win Tuesday’s election for the White House in a race keenly contested against Clinton, ending her second quest to become the first US woman president. Clinton’s supporters, who had come with an expectation to celebrate her election victory as the first female president, gathered at Jacob Javits Centre in Donald Trump’s hometown in New York, but left in tears when the election results favouring Trump were announced. Many of her supporters ignored reporters as they rushed out of the venue with their fists clenched, heads down, losing every hope of Clinton making history as the first woman president of US. Their disappointment became so evident as many of them left the small American flag they were handed out earlier in the evening, rolled up tightly in their hands. “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead,” Clinton, 69, said in a concession speech in New York, on Wednesday morning, joined by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and daughter Chelsea. She told supporters her loss was painful “and it will be for a long time,” and that she had offered to work with Trump on behalf of the nation. To win the election, a candidates needed to secure 270 electoral college votes, but in the end, Trump secure 279 electoral college votes, leaving Clinton with 218 in the declared results. Trump has definitely won the following states: Pennsylvania, Florida, Iowa, Wis-

US President-elect, Donald Trump

consin, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Kansas, Utah, Idaho, Montana, North

Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Indiana, Kentucky, West

Virginia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana and Tennessee. Hillary Clinton has won these states: Minnesota, Colorado, California, Washington, Hawaii, Virginia, New York, Vermont, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine Oregon, Nevada, Delaware, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Mexico and Washington D.C. Trump, who has been criticised as the first American who did not serve in the military or worked as a public servant, has won the election to become the 45th President of United States. His supporters welcomed his victory with jubilations accross the US, showing great interest in Trump who has ended the eight-year rule of Democrats in US. Trump, appearing with his family before cheering supporters in a New York hotel ballroom, said it was time to heal the divisions caused by the campaign and find common ground. “It is time for us to come together as one united people,” Trump said. He praised Clinton for her service and said he had received a call from her to congratulate him on the win. “I will be president for all Americans.” Trump had repeatedly slammed his campaign rival as “crooked” during their bruising campaign. A short time earlier, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told supporters at her election rally in New York to go home. “We’re not going to have anything more to say tonight,” he said. Victorious in a cliffhanger race that opinion polls had forecast was Clinton’s to win, Trump won avid support among a core base of white non-college educated workers with his promise to be the “greatest jobs president that God ever created.”

Melania Trump beamed as Donald held his signature two thumbs up. PHOTO: AFP/GETTY IMAGES.

Donald Trump was warmly congratulated by his daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany and Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES.

New Vice President-elect Mike Pence and his family welcomed Donald to the stage and introduced him for his victory speech. PHOTO: REX/SHUTTERSTOCK.

People cheer as voting results for Florida put Trump on the path to the presidency as Clinton’s campaign floundered. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES.

...protests across US THOUSANDS of people took to the streets across western America to protest Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Cities in California, Oregon and Washington all witnessed angry demonstrations, with objects being set alight and effigies burned. Up to 1,500 people gathered at the University of

California in Los Angeles in the early hours to express their anger and sadness at the shock result. Elsewhere in the state, tyres and rubbish trucks were reportedly set alight and windows smashed as Californians, who overwhelmingly backed Hillary Clinton, reacted to the news that Mr Trump looked set to become their next president.

Some even marched through the city, chanting anti-Trump slogans. A crown at the University of California Santa Barbara shouted “Not my president. Not my president,” according to Los Angeles Times. On the social media, #Notmypresident later began to trend. The demonstrations reflected sadness, anger and

bursts of rage. Crowds openly disavowed the president-elect and a few resorted to vandalism. Shortly after Trump delivered a victory speech in New York, an estimated 2,000 people rallied at UCLA when two separate demonstrations merged into one, said UCLA police Sgt. Miguel Banuelos, Los Angeles Times reported. The group marched from

the UCLA campus through Westwood Village to a federal building on Wilshire Boulevard, Banuelos said. There were no arrests. The demonstration peaked about 1 a.m., when a Trump piñata was set on fire in a trash can outside a Westwood Boulevard store. The small blaze aside, no Continues on pg5

news US election 2016: World leaders react to Trump’s victory


Thursday, 10 November, 2016


meant “the era of a Palestinian state is over. “Trump’s victory is an opportunity for Israel to immediately retract the notion of a Palestinian state in the centre of the country, which would hurt our security and just cause. This is the position of the president-elect, as written in his platform, and it should be our policy, plain and simple.” Trump is popular among the Israeli rightwing not least for having said that one of his first acts would be to reverse years of American government policy and move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

OLLOWING the historic victory of president-elect, Donald Trump, after a keenly contested election against Democrat presidential candidate and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the world over has not shied away from showing their surprises and world leaders alike have taken turns to, though, congratulate Trump, but have also given pointer of scepticism in how, he (Trump), would manage the peace of America and international relation, among other issues. PAUL OMOROGBE and VICTOR OGUNYINKA gather world leaders’ reaction and their reservation on what Trump’s presidency portends for the world at large. UK charges Trump to act for all US citizens regardless of their heritage Theresa May congratulated Trump on his victory in a hard-fought campaign, saying Britain and the US have “an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise.” She added: “We are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security and defence. I look forward to working with presidentelect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.” Number 10 policymakers are already viewing the result through the same prism as Brexit. The head of the No 10 policy board, George Freeman, tweeted: “at its heart this is about a broken contract through the failure of globalised market economics to serve the interests of domestic workers.” He said the result was “a stunning demonstration of how disempowered low income Americans feel by Washington politics and globalisation”. “The insurgency is a big test for the constitutional protections for liberty and democracy in the UK and the US. It is clear we are living through a genuine crisis of legitimacy sweeping through western political economy”.

Nigeria hopes to foster already established friendly relationship PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated United States of America President-elect, Donald Trump, on his victory in the just concluded presidential election. Buhari in the congratulatory message on behalf of the government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, conveyed by his Special Adviser on Media

Mexico calls for calm Mexico’s former presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for calm. In a video on Facebook he said Mexico was “a free, independent, sovereign country”. “It is not a colony, it is not a protectorate, it does not depend on any foreign government.”

Young Donald Trump supporters wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats and lanyards cheer during the election night event at the New York Hilton Midtown on Tuesday. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES.

Nigeria President, Muhammadu Buhari

and Publicity, Mr Femi Adesina, on Wednesday in Abuja said he looked forward to working with Trump to strengthen the already established friendly relations between both countries. He also congratulated American citizens on the outcome of the election, which was keenly observed by all true lovers of democracy and those who believe in the will of the people. “The president looks forward to working together with president-elect Trump to strengthen the already established friendly relations between both countries, including cooperation on many shared foreign policy priorities, such as the fight against terrorism, peace and security, economic growth, democracy and good governance.” Saudi Arabia hopes Trump succeed in mission to achieve security, stability in Middle East King Salman expressed hope that Trump would bring stability to the Middle East. “We wish your Excellency success in your mission to achieve security and stability in the Middle East and worldwide,” he said, praising US-Saudi relations, which are “historic and tight between the two friendly countries, that all parties aspire to develop and reinforce.” Russia wants and is ready to restore fullfledged relations with US–Russia

British Prime Minister, Theresa May

China’s President, Xi Jinping

Russian President, Vladimir Putin

Saudi King, Salman Bin Abdulaziz al Saud

Vladimir Putin sent Trump a telegram to congratulate him. Speaking at a ceremony in the Kremlin, the Russian president said: “We heard the campaign slogans when he was still a candidate, which were aimed at restoring relations between Russia and the United States. We understand that it will not be an easy path given the current state of degradation in the relations. And as I have repeatedly said, it’s not our fault that RussianAmerican relations are in such a poor state. But Russia wants and is ready to restore full-fledged relations with the United States. “I repeat we understand that this will be difficult, but we are ready to play our part, and do everything to return Russian-American relations to stable and sustainable development track. This would serve the interests of both the Russian and American peoples, and would have a positive effect on the general climate of global affairs given the special responsibility of Russia

and the US to sustain global security.” Trump win opens period of uncertainty —France French president François Hollande said Trump’s win “opens up a period of uncertainty”. The result showed that France must be stronger, and Europe more united, he added. Foreign Minister JeanMarc Ayrault said European politicians should heed the message from Trump votes. “There is a part of our electorate that feels …abandoned”, including people who feel “left behind by globalisation,” he said. Partnership with US remains foundation of German foreign policy –Germany Angela Merkel has issued a carefully-worded response to Donald Trump’s election as US President, taking aim at the divisive rhetoric he used during the campaign. While Theresa May simply congratulated Trump on his victory, Merkel said

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel

she would only offer “close cooperation” dependent on his commitment to equal rights. The German Chancellor, who has been the driving force behind the EU’s acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, said her relationship with Trump would only succeed if he upheld “the dignity of man, independent of origin”. She said: “Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom, and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political views. “I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values. “The partnership with the United States is and remains a foundation of German foreign policy.” Trump’s victory, end of Palestinian state —Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Trump and called him a “true friend of the State of Israel.” Netanyahu said that he believes the two leaders “will continue to strengthen the unique alliance between our two countries and bring it to ever greater heights”. The news was met with jubilation by politicians on the Israeli right, including the country’s education minister, Naftali Bennett, who declared that Trump’s victory

We’ll deal with any American president to achieve permanent peace –Palestine The news of Trump’s election was greeted cautiously by Palestinian figures. A spokesman for the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbassaid: “We will deal with any president elected by the American people on the principle of achieving permanent peace in the Middle East based on the two state solution on June 4 1967 lines with east Jerusalem as its capital.” We hope both sides could avoid conflict, confrontation —China Chinese state media said President Xi Jinping had called Trump to congratulate him on his victory. “I place great importance on the China-US relationship, and look forward to working with you to uphold the principles of nonconflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation,” Xi was reported to have told Trump. Xi also told Trump he hoped the two sides could avoid “conflict and confrontation [and] instead achieve cooperation and a win-win (relationship.)” A spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry said Beijing was looking forward to working with the new administration. “We will work with the new US president to ensure the steady and sound development of bilateral relations so as to benefit the people in both countries as well as around the world,” Lu Kang told reporters at a regular press briefing in the Chinese capital. Continues on pg4



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

US election 2016 results: 5 reasons Donald Trump won


ERY few people thought he would actually run, then he did. They thought he wouldn’t climb in the polls, then he did. They said he wouldn’t win any primaries, then he did. They said he wouldn’t win the Republican nomination, then he did. Finally, they said there was no way he could compete for, let alone win, a general election. Now he’s president-elect Trump. Here are five ways he pulled off what was unexpected by most and incomprehensible to many. Toss-ups were tossed aside. One after another, Ohio, Florida and North Carolina went to Mr Trump. That left Mrs Clinton’s blue firewall, and the firewall was eventually breached. The Democrat’s last stand largely rested on her strength in the Midwest. Those were states that had gone Democrat for decades, based in part on the support of black and working-class white voters. Those working-class white people, particularly ones without college education men and women - deserted the party in droves. Rural voters turned out in high numbers, as the Americans

who felt overlooked by the establishment and left behind by the coastal elite made their voices heard. While places like Virginia and Colorado held fast, Wisconsin fell - and with it Mrs Clinton’s presidential hopes. When all is said and done, Mrs Clinton may end up winning the popular vote on the back of strong support in places like California and New York and closer-thanexpected losses in solid-red states like Utah. The Trump wave hit in the places it had to, however. And it hit hard. Mr Trump insulted decorated war veteran John McCain. He picked a fight with Fox News and its popular presenter, Megyn Kelly. He doubled down when asked how he once mocked the weight of a Hispanic beauty pageant winner. He offered a half-hearted apology when the secret video surfaced of his boasting about making unwanted sexual advances towards women. He gaffed his way through the three presidential debates with clearly lightly practised performances. None of it mattered. While he took dips in the polls following some of the more outrageous incidents, his

approval was like a cork eventually bouncing back to the surface. Perhaps the various controversies came so hard and fast that none had time to draw blood. Maybe Mr Trump’s personality and appeal was so strong, the scandals just bounced off. Whatever the reason, he was bulletproof. He ran against the Democrats. He also ran against the powers within his own

Obama congratulates Trump, invites him to White House to discuss power transition PRESIDENT Barack Obama called to congratulate Donald Trump after his surprise victory, and invited him to a meeting at the White House. A White House spokesperson said on Wednesday morning that the two men had spoken, and that President Obama had asked to president elect to travel to Washington DC on Thursday so they could begin to discuss the transition on power. It appears that the two men spoke shortly before 4:00 am on Wednesday, Mail Online said. The White House said in a statement: “Ensuring a smooth transition of power is one of the top priorities the President identified at the beginning of the year and a meeting with the President-elect is the next step.” That call came after President Obama’s somber election night speech on Wednesday, during which he told Americans: “No matter what happens, the sun will rise in the morning.” Obama will also deliver a statement, with Vice President Joe Biden, from the White House’s Brady

President Barack Obama

Press Briefing Room at 12.15pm ET. Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway also spoke about the call between the two men during an appearance on Today Wednesday morning, saying: ‘Well, it was a very warm conversation. “We were happy to receive the call from the President and they had a great, thorough conversation about Mr. Trump’s victory, he was congratulated, and I think they resolved to work together, which is exactly what this

country needs - to get the current president and the president elect and others who are in leadership position to help unify and heal the country.” She then added: “We expect that the two gentlemen will be meeting soon.” White House press secretary Josh Earnest had told reporters traveling aboard Air Force One last week that the president was leaving his schedule open on Wednesday and Thursday for a possible meeting with the president-elect.

party. He beat them all. Mr Trump built a throne of skulls out of his Republican primary opponents. Some, like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Ben Carson, eventually bent knee. The holdouts, like Jeb Bush and Ohio Governor John Kasich, are now on the outside of their party looking in. And for the rest of the party insiders, from House Speaker Paul Ryan on down? Mr Trump didn’t need their help - and, in fact, may have won because he was willing to take a stand against them. Mr Trump’s pox-onthem-all attitude is likely to have proved his independence and outsider status at a time when much of the American public reviled Washington (although not enough to keep them from re-electing most congressional incumbents running for re-election). It was a mood some other national politicians sensed Democrat Bernie Sanders, for instance, as well as Mr Cruz. No one, however, captured it more than Trump, and it won him the White House. The polls clearly did a woeful job predicting the shape and preferences of the electorate, particularly in Midwestern states. In the final days of the campaign, however, the reality is that the polls were close enough that Mr Trump had a pathway to victory. That pathway didn’t look nearly as obvious about two weeks ago, before FBI director James Comey released his letter announcing that they were reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. True, the polls were tightening a bit, but Mr Trump’s sharpest rise in the stand-

ings came in the weeks between that first letter and Mr Comey’s second, in which he said he had put the

investigation back on the shelf. It seems likely that during that period, Mr Trump was able to successfully consolidate his base, bringing wayward conservatives back into the fold and shredding Mrs Clinton’s hopes of offering a compelling closing message to US voters. Of course, Mr Comey’s actions never would have been a factor if Mrs Clinton had decided to rely on State Department email servers for her work correspondence. That one is on her shoulders. Mr Trump ran the most unconventional of political campaigns, but it turned out he knew better than all the experts. He spent more on hats than on pollsters. He travelled to states like Wisconsin and Michigan that pundits said were out of reach. He held massive rallies instead of focusing on doorknocking and get-out-thevote operations.

US election 2016: World leaders react to Trump’s victory Continued from pg3

We’ll cooperate closely with US for peace, prosperity in Asia-Pacific region, world – Japan Japan, a key US ally, said it would work closely with Donald Trump to ensure stability in the Asia-Pacific region. “There is no change to the fact that the Japan-US alliance is the cornerstone of Japanese diplomacy, and Japan will cooperate closely with the US for peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world,” the chief cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga, told reporters shortly before Trump was confirmed as president-elect. Katsuyuki Kawai, an aide to the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, said he was planning to fly to Washington to meet Trump officials as early as next week. “We have been preparing to respond to any situation, because our stance is that our alliance with the US remains the cornerstone of our diplomacy, whoever becomes the next president,” Suga said. Americans decision positive sign –Turkey In a statement, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said: “The election marks the beginning of a new era in the United States. I hope that the American people’s decision will facilitate audacious steps being taken regarding fundamental rights and liberties and democracy in the

world and regional developments. Personally and on behalf of the nation, I wish to consider this decision by the American people a positive sign and wish them a successful future.” Election result insignificant on policies of Islamic Republic – Iran President Hassan Rouhani reacted to Trump’s win by saying that it would not change the trajectory of his country’s foreign policy: “The US election results will have no impact on the policies of the Islamic Republic. Because of wrong policies, the position of America in the international community and world’s public opinion has diminished and [the US’s] growing rift with Europe and the world will exacerbate that position.” EU seeks clarification on migration, climate change Top officials at the European Union have invited Donald Trump to Europe for an urgent US-EU summit In a joint letter, Donald Tusk, president of the European council and JeanClaude Juncker, president of the European commission, congratulated Trump and urged him to come to Europe for talks “at your earliest convenience.” Tusk and Juncker are seeking reassurance on key issues on which Trump’s remarks on the campaign trial have rattled European leaders, including migration, climate change and Russia’s threat to Ukraine, Guardian UK reported.

news US election 2016: Hillary Clinton calls loss painful, urges unity in concession speech


Thursday, 10 November, 2016


IPING a tear from her eye, Mrs. Clinton thanked her supporters, said that she feels pride in the campaign that she ran. On Trump Of Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton said she hopes he “will be a successful president for all Americans,” and that she respects and cherishes the peaceful transition of power. She told her supporters that they must accept that Mr. Trump will be president. “We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead,” she said. After a long campaign After a long campaign, Mrs. Clinton acknowledged that the loss cuts deep. “This is painful, and it will be for a long time,” she said. She also expressed regret that she did

Hillary Clinton, supported by her husband, former President Bill Clinton and her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, while delivering her concession speech, on Wednesday. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES.

not shatter the glass ceiling, but said, “Someday, someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now.”

Mrs Clinton said that she hopes citizens will still fight for the values that she promoted in her campaign and that “the American

Trump’s victory sparks protests across US Continued from pg2

One person carried a Mexican flag, according to video posted by the student newspaper, the Daily Nexus.

About 500 students marched through the La Jolla campus of UC San Diego, protesting Trump’s win and chanting his name with an expletive. At UCLA, some students

lifted their arms up while demonstrating in Westwood Village. Others chanted, “Not my president,” according to social media users who documented the scene on the ground.

People protesting the election of Donald Trump take to the streets of downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday morning. PHOTO: LOS ANGELES TIMES.

dream is big enough for everyone.” However, she acknowledged that the country was more divided than she realised. To women supporters To the women who supported her, Mrs. Clinton said that “nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion.” To Running mate, Senator Kaine Senator Tim Kaine, who spoke first, said “I’m proud of Hillary Clinton because she has been and is a great history maker,” pointing to her long career of public service. He saluted her for winning the popular vote in the election, drawing cheers. Mr Kaine acknowledged the painful defeat that he and Mrs Clinton suffered, but said that the words of William Faulkner gave them hope. “They killed us but they ain’t whupped us yet,” Mr Kaine said, noting that the work and dreams of empowering children and families remains.

Hillary Clinton’s supporters break down after the election results were released on Wednesday. PHOTOS: REUTERS.

US President-elect, Trump, pays tribute to Hillary Clinton’s loyal service DONALD Trump marked his world-shaking victory over Hillary Clinton early Wednesday morning with a dramatic peace-making gesture, saying: “We owe her a debt of gratitude and I mean that very sincerely.” After he sensationally won the White House race, Clinton phoned him at 2.30am to concede she had lost. She made the private call shortly after sending her campaign chairman to give her supporters exactly the opposite message, that it was not over - a humiliating and bizarre end to a political career which had put her on the verge of being the first female president, Mail Online reports. Instead a jubilant

Dollar, stocks tumble, rise again as Trump opens path to White House THE United States dollar sank and stocks plummeted as mayhem came to world markets on Wednesday as investors faced the possibility of a shock win by Republican Donald Trump that could upend the global political order. Every new TV network projection in the U.S. presidential election showed the race to be far closer than anyone had thought, sending investors stampeding to safehaven assets, Reuters said.

Sovereign bonds and gold surged while the Mexican peso went into near freefall as stations gave North Carolina to Trump. “Markets are reacting as though the four horsemen of the apocalypse just rode out of Trump Tower,” said Sean Callow, a forex strategist at Westpac in Sydney. “Or at least 3 of them - it might be 4 when the prospect of a clean sweep of Congress sinks in.” However, as Trump secured the victory, which cleared the earlier uncer-

tainty and apprehension, the stock market rose again. U.S. stock futures recoiled more than 4.5 percent, matching the carnage that followed the British vote to leave the European Union in June that wiped trillions of dollars of value off global markets. Investors fear a Trump victory could cause global economic and trade turmoil, discouraging the Federal Reserve from raising interest rates in December as long expected. Fed fund futures were

even starting to toy with the idea of a cut in rates next year <0#FF:> and it was possible the Bank of Japan and European Central Bank might be forced to ease policy further. South Korean authorities were thought to have intervened to steady their currency, and dealers were wondering if central banks globally would step in to calm nerves. The scale of the scare was clear in the Mexican peso, which plunged more than 12 percent against the dollar in the biggest daily move in two decades.

“There’s a lot of panic in the market, it is definitely an outcome it was not expecting,” said Juan Carlos Alderete, a strategist at Banorte-IXE. The peso has become a touchstone for sentiment on the election as Trump’s trade policies are seen as damaging to its exportheavy economy. But the story was very different against the safehaven yen, with the dollar shedding 3.5 per cent to 101.70 yen. The euro jumped 2.2 per cent to $1.1265

Trump headquarters erupted in cheers as the news broke. Trump accepted the mantle of leadership with uncharacteristic humility nearly three hours after Election Day was over. “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division,” he began his victory speech just before 3am. “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans - and this is so important to me. “For those who have chosen not to support me in the past - of which there were a few people - I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help, so we can work together and unify our great country.” “I promise you that I will not let you down,’ he said. He thanked his parents, saying they were ‘wonderful in every regard’. He thanked his sisters, his brothers, his wife and children ‘for putting up with all of those hours. ... This political stuff was nasty and it was tough’. He thanked the US Secret Service. And in a twist nearly as bizarre as the sum of Campaign 2016, he thanked Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who had called him minutes earlier to concede the presidential race after declining to do it from the stage of what was to be her own victory party.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Trump’s presidential victory and the underdog syndrome By Sulaimon Olanrewaju


ONALD Trump is a phenomenon. He was rejected by the party hierarchy, scorned by the media, derided by the aristocrats, spurned by the wealthy, riled against by the Establishment, yet he won the presidential election held on November 8, 2016. Trump will be the first president of the United States of America who neither served in the military nor the public service before emerging president. The odds were stacked heavily against him and he knew it. He was presented to the American public as unfit for the highest office in the land. President Barak Obama said it, Hilary Clinton echoed it, the Republican Party hierarchy ricocheted it and the media amplified it. He was harangued as a man with no respect for any woman; a businessman whose interest is his business and money, a rich man who did not pay tax, an office-seeking person who was out to destroy the system. Most of the people who enjoyed visibility in the society were visibly against him. Yet, when it came to the crunch, he won the election. The exit polls gave him no chance of winning, neither did the forecasts. The analyses and the permutations were not in his favour. He did not get major endorsements, either from the leadership of his party or the major observers. He was completely written off by the institutions and most of the corporations. He was described as being miserly with his election advertisement budget. But when the American people were to decide, they picked him above a woman who has had a very close romance with the White House as the First Lady, the Oval Office as the Secretary of State, and Washington as a Senator; a woman who understands power and its deployment. Trump had been sketched as a man who only wanted to undo all that Obama had done; he never minced words about repealing

and replacing Obamacare. He was caricatured as bereft of foreign policy knowledge and economic management. He was cartooned as having no idea of how to create employment opportunities. He was pictured as divisive; pitching a race against another. However, when the American people were left to make a choice, they chose him. So, what was the Trump attraction? President-elect Donald Trump might not have had any attraction other than the sympathy of the people for him as a reaction to the way he was treated by those who had unhindered access to the public space. Every negative thing about Trump was blown out of proportion, yet there were undisguised attempts to hush up every untoward thing about Hilary Clinton. The issue of Trump’s non-declaration of tax payment became global news. No effort was spared to clothe him with the garb of a deceitful billionaire, feeding fat on the sweat of the poor without giving the state its due. But the issue of Hilary’s destruction of emails after being subpoenaed was not given the same prominence. Even the late attempt made by the FBI to investigate the matter was doomed to fail right from the outset because it was embarked upon not so much to get to the root of the matter but to assuage Trump’s feeling. So, when the verdict of ‘not guilty’ was returned, it was not a surprise. Similarly, when the news of Trump’s unguarded statement about women broke, it became a major issue and everyone who mattered went to town with it. He was presented not only as uncultured and uncouth but also unsuitable to lead the free world. While the video clip was played on international television channels, his apology over the matter did not enjoy such treatment. However, when the issue of the Clinton Foundations broke, there were concerted efforts to take it off the airwaves. So, going into the election, Don-

ald Trump was disadvantaged. He was the underdog. He even admitted that he was behind in the election. His campaign manager, Kellyane Conway, about two weeks before the election, had said, “We are behind. She has some advantages but we’re not giving up. We know we can win this (election).” Trump also played up the underdog status to the hilt. He was always saying that the election was rigged against him. He once tweeted thus, “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!” The President-elect never left anyone in doubt that he was obviously the disadvantaged one in the elec-

Trump played up the underdog status to the hilt. He was always saying that the election was rigged against him.

tion. While Trump’s position about the election being rigged could have been a strategy to prepare his supporters for the eventuality of losing the election, it obviously worked in his favour because, apparently, some people believed him and that could have swayed the votes in his favour because the natural human tendency is to align with the underdog. This resonated with the electorate who were disenchanted with the Establishment that did not care for them and they opted to vote for one of their own who was opposed by the Establishment. It did not matter to them whether Trump was a billionaire or a pauper, what was important was that, like them, he was being deprived by the Establishment. With that, there was a common ground for them and they queued behind him. But why do most people always go for the underdog? It is because many people see themselves in the underdog. As a matter of fact, they see themselves as underdogs. The social identity theory propounded by Henry Tajfel in 1979 says that the group to which an individual belongs is his source of pride and self-esteem and he will always protect the interest of that group. This is a sense of belonging to the social world. This is why a Yoruba man will protect the interest of his tribe and a Fulani will do the same for his tribe. In the same vein, the favoured will protect the interest of his ilk while the disadvantage will also take sides with their like. After two different researches carried out in 1991 at Bowling Green State University, Jimmy Frazier and Eldon Snyder published a paper which they titled “The underdog concept in sport.” In their studies, the authors had presented a hypothetical scenario to over 100 college students thus: Two teams, A and B, were meeting in a bestof-seven playoff series for some unidentified sport, and Team A was “highly favoured” to win. Which team would the students support? The result showed that 81 per cent of the students chose the underdog.

The researchers then went ahead to twist the scenario and asked the students if they would still support Team B if it were to turn out that somehow it managed to win the first three games of the series. A half of those who first picked Team B now said they would support Team A. The sympathy of the majority is always for the underdog. Speaking on why people always seem to prefer the underdog, Malcolm Gladwell, a writer and researcher, says it is because it makes the world seem more just, or at least, a bit more hopeful. He adds, “If the favourite always won, then there’s no point, right? There’d be no point in fighting. We’re instinctively thinking of future situations where we will be outmanned and we want to make sure we still have some kind of chance.” Also speaking along this line, Daniel Engber, a New York Times Magazine columnist, said, “We have all struggled and appeared small, vulnerable, or weak in comparison to another. Perhaps we’ve been teased, taunted, or even bullied? At the least, we’ve faced significant challenges at one point or another. Seeing the underdog, we empathize with their plight. Their chance to win becomes our chance to win. Maybe, in some way, the underdog’s victory helps us overcome a psychological wound from long ago. This might present an opportunity for us to use personal courage – to face something in ourselves – to use our character strength of bravery.” Being an underdog has often given victory to the least expected candidate in major elections. It happened for President Truman who was believed to be the underdog in the 1948 election between him and Governor Thomas Dewey. Truman came from behind to defeat Dewey. It also worked in favour of Ronald Reagan against Jimmy Carter in 1980. Reagan against all odds defeated Carter. The latest beneficiary of the syndrome is Donald Trump.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016


crime, security, court

49 suspects in military/ villagers clash get bail

Edited By Oluwatoyin Malik 08116954633, 08078891950

e-mail: tribunecrimedesk@gmail.com

Community clash: Police restore calm, rescue 2-day-old baby in Lagos Olalekan Olabulo - Lagos

The two-day-old baby rescued by the police during a clash between the Yoruba and Egun in Otodogbami Community, Ikate, Lekki Phase1, Lagos, on Wednesday.

THE Lagos State Police Command, on Wednesday, intervened in restoring calm during a clash between two communities in Otodogbami area of Ikate, Lekki Phase 1, rescuing a two-day old baby in the process. The Public Relation Officer of the State Command of the Nigeria Police, Dolapo Badmos, while speaking on the clash said the police immediately moved into the area to prevent further breakdown of law and order. Giving a background of what transpired, she said: “A battle of supremacy of the area had triggered the clash between the Egun-speaking community, mostly indigenes of Benin Republic and the Yorubaspeaking community, resulting in serious fighting and burning of houses. “There is an Egun community, mainly made

A source from Atinipa, on Uwedi Street, residence of the victim at Kokori, said the incident had thrown the community into a state of shock. “We found his mutilated body Tuesday morning with his hunch ripped open in an open hole,” the source dis-

closed. When contacted, Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Delta State Police Command, Celestina Kalu, said such report was yet to get to the notice of the command, adding that she would find out and get back to Metro.

Adelowo Oladipo - Minna

SUSPECTS in the bloody clash between the military and villagers in some communities in Bosso Local Government Area of Niger State, last August, were on Monday released after meeting the bail applications stipulated by the state Chief Judge, Justice Maria Dzukogi. Justice Dzukogi granted bail to 39 out of the 49 suspects charged and brought before the court over allegations that bothered on criminal conspiracy, culpable homicide, mischief, failure to give notice or information to public servants, being in unlawful possession of dangerous weapons and unlawful possession of firearms. The offences were punishable under sections 97, 22, 327, 238, and 107 of the Penal Code Law and sections 27(1) (A) (I) Firearms Act, capF28, LFL 2004. Ten of the suspects were earlier granted bail on medical ground to afford them the opportunity of receiving treatment for injuries they suffered during the clash based on oral application made by their counsel. Justice Dzukogi, after going through the motion seeking for their bail by the team of lawyers led by the chairman of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Niger State branch, Mr Mohammed Ndayako, on Friday granted bail to the remaining 39 suspects with lighter condition. The bail condition was that the suspects produced a surety who resides within the jurisdiction of the court. Earlier, Chief Magistrate Hamid Bima refused the suspects bail on the ground that the offences were not bailable. The case later shifted to the high court, following a written application by the counsel for the suspects transferring it from the magistrates’ court.

Nigerian Tribune

Ritualists hunt for hunchbacks in Delta R Ebenezer Adurokiya - Warri

ITUALISTS are currently hunting after persons living with kyphosis, better known as hunchback for money ritual in Delta State, Metro gathered on Wednesday. It was gathered that no fewer than two hunches had been harvested from individuals living with the medical condition at popular Kokori and environs in the state. The report is causing panic in the community and other parts of the state, as persons with the medical condition were said to be going underground for fear of being grabbed by ritualists. One of such victims, identified as Mr Odiriverere and popularly known as Atinipa, was found lifeless Tuesday morning with his hunch ripped off by his assailants. The attack on Atinipa was said to be one of several others as the remains of an-

other victim, simply identified as Queen, also suffered the same fate. Queen was said to have died and was buried at Erhomeghu community in Kokori, but her body was said to have been exhumed and her hunch harvested by the suspected ritualists.

up of people from Republic of Benin. They actually occupy illegal shanties. We were alerted about the breakdown of law and order in the area and immediately went to check Otodogbami community, Ikate Lekki Phase 1, where there is a fight between the Benin- Yoruba communities fighting over the supremacy of the territory. “It is an illegal settlement area, most of the structures there are shanties and because of a protracted dispute between themselves, they set fire on their different shanties. “The police moved to the area to restore peace and in the process of checking the area, discovered that there was a woman who was trapped in one of the shanties with a two-dayold baby, who would have been burnt in the process.” She disclosed that the state government had taken over the area while the state Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development would move in to demolish the remaining shanties and clear the rubbles caused by the inferno. “The police is alive to its responsibility of ensuring the safety of lives and property of its citizenry and would not hesitate to carry out the necessary action where the need arises,” she said. Badmos also appealed to both factions in the community to remain lawful and shun acts of violence that could trigger civil unrest.

Police arrest teacher for having anal sex with pupil in Ibadan By Tunde Ogunesan

THE Oyo State Police Command has arrested a 20-year-old primary school teacher, Collins (surname withheld), for having anal sex with a 10-year-old pupil. This was disclosed by the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), SP Adekunle Ajisebutu, in a statement made available to Metro. The suspect, according to Ajisebutu, was also an extra mural class teacher to the

victim. He committed the dastardly act on Saturday, November 5, when he lured the boy to a house around Asaka area, Itamaya, Ibadan. According to Ajisebutu, “the victim was taken to the hospital for medical attention.” The police image maker also revealed that the suspect had been arrested for onward prosecution. He said: “The arrest of the suspect was made, fol-

lowing report made at the Iyaganku Police Station by the victim’s mother after a formal report of the incident.. “Consequently, detectives from the station arrested the suspect in his hideout. During interrogation, he confessed to the crime and disclosed that he was introduced to sodomy by an older friend, who is now at large.” Ajisebutu further informed that “the Oyo State

Commissioner of Police, Samuel Adegbuyi, has directed immediate arraignment of the suspect after completion of discreet investigation by the Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department.” The Commissioner of Police, therefore, warns against such unlawful, criminal act, even as parents and guardians are advised to properly monitor their children or wards.

8 news Buhari appoints Onnoghen acting CJN

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

•Swearing-in today •Police clear NJC Secretary Lanre Adewole - Lagos MIDST concerns of a constitutional crisis, President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed the most senior justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Walter Nkanu Onnoghen, as the acting Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN). The swearing-in ceremony has been fixed for today, at the Aso Rock presidential villa.


Onnoghen is first CJN in more than 29 years from Southern Nigeria. He is from Cross River State. Incumbent CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed, retires today, as he clocks the mandatory retirement age of 70 years. The Federal Judicial Service Commission (FJSC) had nominated him as Mohammed’s successor-inoffice to the National Judicial

Council (NJC). NJC, in turn, nominated only him to Buhari, as the appointing authority, as Mohammed’s successor, about three weeks back. Buhari is expected, constitutionally, to forward his name to the senate for confirmation. Checks at the Senate as of Wednesday showed that the president had not done so. With the vacuum expected to arise from Mohammed’s

exit without a successor and the imminent attendant constitutional crisis, a flurry of engagements between the presidency and the leadership of the judiciary in the last 96 hours, Nigerian Tribune gathered, culminated in the president agreeing to swear him in, in acting capacity. Constitutionally, the acting period runs for renewable three months. Nigerian Tribune

Senate rejects controversial grazing bill Taiwo Adisa and Ayodele Adesanmi -Abuja THE Senate, on Wednesday, rejected three bills seeking to establish grazing reserves in different parts of the country. The bills, including one sponsored by Senators Barnabas Gemade, Chukwuka Utazi and Rabiu Musa Kwakwanso, sought the establishment of ranches and grazing reserves in different states of the country. But the Senate rejected the bills when the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, raised a constitutional point of order to knock them out. Ekweremadu said the items being introduced in the bills were neither accommodated in the exclusive not concurrent legislative lists, adding that accommodating the bills would amount to a

waste of legislative time. Senator Gemade had sponsored a bill, entitled: “A Bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of National Ranches Commission for the Regulation, Management, Preservation and Control of Ranches and for connected purposes while Senator Utazi introduced another, entitled: “A Bill for an Act to control the Keeping and Movement of Cattle in Nigeria and for related matters thereto.” Senator Kwankwaso, on his part, introduced a bill, entitled: “A Bill for an Act for the Establishment of grazing Areas Management Agency and for other related matters, 2016 (SB 292).” According to the bill by Kwakwanso, an agency is to be created for the control management and demarcation of national and

Sunday Ejike -Abuja THE National Judicial Council (NJC) has cleared Justice Okon Abang of the Federal High Court in Abuja of any wrongdoing in his judgments sacking Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State from office. The NJC also cleared the judge in the judgment he delivered in favour of the factional leader of the of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Ali Modu Sheriff, saying no proof of misconduct was found against the judgment. The clearance was contained in a letter addressed to Chief Oyedele M. Ibini with Ref No. NJC/ F.3/FHC.44/V/131, to Charles Esonu with Ref. No. NJC/F.3/FHC.44/v/129, another letter to Emeka Eze with Ref. No.NJC/F.3/ FHC.44/V/125 and finally the one addressed to Chief Henry Balogu with Ref. No. NJC/F.3/FHC.44/v/127, all dated October 18, 2016. Chief Henry Balogu and company had petitioned the NJC that Justice Abang had abused judicial powers and meted injustice to the PDP and Dr Ikpeazu in the judgment he delivered in suit

No. FHC/ABJ/CS/71/2016 between Dr Okechukwu Ogah Vs PDP. NJC stated in its letter of clearance that it found no proof of any misconduct against Justice Abang at the end of its investigation and dismissed the petition for lack of merit. Also, in the petition written by Chief Ayodele Ibini, PDP secretary in Ondo State, where he accused Justice Abang of misconduct in the judgement he delivered recognising the Ali Modu Sheriff-faction in Edo and Ondo states, the council discountenanced the petition, saying it found no misconduct. NJC also exonerated Justice Abang of any wrongdoing or misconduct.

Abia: NJC dismisses petition against Justice Abang


I, formerly Mr. Adedunni Babatunde Sunday now MR ISHOLA BABATUNDE SUNDAY. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


I, formerly Joy Agboma now JOY AIYA. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

local grazing areas, ranches, and stock routes, while protecting public investment for economic and social benefits. Senate Leader, Senator Ali Ndume, had suggested that the three senators harmonise the bills into a single entity but the lawmakers refused the suggestion. While opposing the suggestion, however, Senator Gemade said the bills should be treated on their individual merits. But the Deputy Senate President struck at that stage, when he raised a constitutional point of order to alert the Senate that the issues contained in the bills were outside the constitutional powers of the Senate. “I will like to see somebody to show me anywhere in the exclusive list or concurrent list that has given us powers to legislate on this matter because they are not in existence,” he said. The Senate leader, however, failed in the bid to persuade the Senate to allow the bills pass the second reading, so that the relevant Senate committees could decide their fate, as the senators rejected the suggestion. Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki, in his submission, said he had

thought that the sponsors of the bills would agree for harmonisation because of their similarity, adding that since the agreement could not be reached, there was no need to keep the bills in custody. “Before the point of order of Deputy Senate President, I had already put a suggestion that these bills came on the order paper based on the discussion I had with the two sponsors that these bills be consolidated. “It is clear from the discussion today that it is not so and my view is that since the basis by which they came on the order paper has changed, the way forward is for us to step it down from the order paper of today. I will want the leader to move that we step it down from the order paper of today to another legislative day,” he said.

further gathered that the president eventually consented to the acting arrangement when it was obvious that the outgoing CJN or any other superior judicial officer could swear him in. It was learnt that Justice Mohammed was settled on performing the constitutional act today, at his own valedictory session, to save the system from a complicated constitutional logjam. Without a sitting CJN, the apex court would be completely grounded, because only the CJN can appoint panels to sit on cases. On the night of the raid carried out by the Department of State Service (DSS) on judges, Onnoghen’s official residence was initially invaded by officers of the service. The officers later withdrew from his premises, claiming that their foray into his home, was a mistake. They reportedly claimed they mistook his home for that of another justice of the apex court. Two justices of the apex court were later arrested during the raid. DSS also issued a statement, declaring that he was not under any form of probe. Meanwhile, police have cleared the Secretary of the National Judicial Council (NJC), Alhaji Halilu Danladi. Media report had disclosed that he was under probe,

following a petition by an unnamed person. A top police source disclosed on Wednesday that a search warrant executed in his home last Friday, revealed nothing incriminating. “He was never under any probe by security agencies, neither was he included amongst the alleged corrupt judges under investigation,” the source explained. It will be recalled that some police officers had reportedly shown interest in some boxes, containing some files allegedly classified documents and valuables. It was gathered that a clearance was issued him after the alleged sensitive files were discovered to be personal documents of Danladi, who would be retiring at the end of November. Officers were also said to have found out that the movement of the files from the council to his home, was meant to commence a gradual clearing of his table, preparatory to his imminent exit from the system. Speaking further on the probe,police sources said it would further stretch the “needless controversy that the mere movement of files had generated. We had told the man (council secretary) that he has no case here and that is the end of the matter. Nothing incriminating was found. The petition was baseless and frivolous.”


Thursday, 10 November, 2016


Thursday, 10 November, 2016



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

LBCI commences renewal of its estates


HE Lagos Building Investment Company Plc (LBIC), on Wednesday, announced the commencement of the renewal of all estates under its purview to enhance their economic value and make them safer for residents. The company had, in a public notice, called on the general public and residents to cooperate with it and the Lagos State Government in ensuring that the glory of these estates that was being tarnished by illegal structures and acrivites was restored. A statement issued by LBIC announcing the initiative, said to ensure that it lived up to its responsibilities and delight its numerous and valued customers, it has taken initiatives to review and re-engineer its operations, culture and brand reformation to ensure a vibrant workforce. “LBIC is presently upgrading its banking application software to ensure seamless processing and real time online services that will enrich customers experience. “We have also embarked on a major restoration/ renewal exercise of its existing estates to ensure they meet best standards and that they are dignifying environment for residents and their families to live in while remaining viable investment assets. There would be long term strategies implemented to ensure that these estates do not fall to an unacceptable level of disrepute and investors would be pleased with the return on their investments in the long term,” the company said.

The LBIC was established as a mortgage banking corporation on February 14, 1980 to provide mortgages for the allottees of the Lagos

State Government Low Cost Housing schemes. As a result of the promulgation of the Mortgage Institutions Act of 1989, the

company was converted to a limited liability company in 1991. Subsequently, it underwent a private placement exercise to increase its

share capital and to satisfy the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) recapitalization requirement for state-owned Primary Mortgage Banks to

Managing Director, SunTrust Bank, Muhammad Jibrin (left); welcoming the president of Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), Professort Segun Ajibola (right); while the Registrar of the institute, Seye Awojobi looks on during a visit by the institute to SunTrust Bank head office in Lagos, on Wednesday.

NDIC boss re-elected into IADI exco Sanya Adejokun - Abuja

From left: Executive Director, Technology & Services, Skye Bank Plc., Innocent Ike, President/Chairman of Council, Chartered Institute of Banker of Nigeria(CIBN), Professor Segun Ajibola, Group Managing Director/CEO, Skye Bank, Mr. Tokunbo Abiru and Executive Director, Lagos Commercial Banking Directorate, Mrs. Markie Idowu when CIBN Council paid a visit to Skye Bank in Lagos yesterday.

Diamond Bank’s Xtra Savings draw excites Northern customers with N50 million give-aways IT was an atmosphere filled with excitement and anticipation as Diamond Bank held its Diamond Xtra Savings draw for its customers in the Northern region in Abuja, The Federal Capital Territory. The Draw which was held at the Diamond Bank, Nyanya branch is a continuation of its annual Diamond Xtra savings Draw which is in its 8th season. In line with its commitment towards ensuring that all its customers stand a chance to win in the promo, Diamond Bank segmented the draws to cover all the major geo- political zones in Nigeria. Speaking at the event, Mr. Osita Ede, the Head, Mass Markets, Diamond Bank

N2.5 billion. Since inception, LBIC has granted mortgages to over 17,000 allottees and private individuals. Recently, it implemented a reduced fee for subleases to enable allottees of Low Cost Housing Estate turn their assets to viable and bank acceptable property for security purposes. LBIC’s vision is “To be a pace-setter in mortgage services and housing delivery” and its mission is “Delivering innovative mortgage services through a happy workforce”. Its core values include; deliver on our promises, customer delight, freedom to succeed, positive, can do attitude, and empathy. With the injection of a new management team, LBIC is poised to reposition itself as the premier mortgage institution creating opportunity for ownership of good quality, contemporary and wellmaintained homes. LBIC plans to empower owners of homes within its schemes through the ability to access value generated from their investments in the flats they acquired at time past, through secondary refinancing or as collateral.

said the main aim of the promo was to encourage a savings culture in the populace and of course to also put a smile on the faces of their customers. He said since the beginning of the promo, the Bank has created over 4,500 millionaires and given out Billions of Naira to reward its customers He stated that the modalities for entering the draw was not complicated at all and that all a customer needed was the sum of N5, 000 only to stand a chance to win a million naira. He said “To qualify for the monthly draw, a customer is to maintain a minimum monthly balance of N5,000.00 while additional deposits will count as multiple entries and increase the cus-

tomer’s chances of winning.” Officials from KPMG and the National Lottery Regulatory Commission were also on hand to vouch for the authenticity and transparency of the promo. Speaking at the event, Mr. Kenneth Ukanwa representing KPMG, the audit firm in charge of the validation process for the Promo said the processes put in place for picking eventual winners and even those qualified for the promo was transparent and above board. He said KPMG was satisfied as they also ran checks and mock runs to ensure the verification process was authentic. Some of the past winners were also on hand at the occasion to authenticate and

confirm this and also spoke about their experiences on winning. Rabiat Jubril Guzzau, a customer from Nassarawa State who won N1 million said she had just opened the account in May only to be called up in October that she had won the sum of N1 million. She joked that she is now popularly known as “Madam One million” by her family and neighbours. Mr. Mark Ediaghe, representing the National Lotto Regulatory Commission also assured the audience present that even though some of the winners announced were not present, the Commission would ensure that they were duly rewarded with their winnings. Forty names were an-

nounced as winners in the Diamond Savings Xtra draw with the grand prize of a Hyundai SUV being carted away by Udochukwu Unigwe from the Diamond Bank branch in Jalingo. He was contacted on phone so the good news could be conveyed to him and directed to the branch closest to him so as to verify the authenticity of the reward. The Diamond Xtra Reward Scheme was launched in 2008 and since then the Bank has given out over N4 billion to its winners across all the geo-political zones in Nigeria. The Diamond Xtra account has the unique attribute of being a Savings account that also has the features of a current account.

MANAGING Director/Chief Executive of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), Alh. Umaru Ibrahim has been re-elected into the Executive Committee of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) for another term of three years. Umaru, according to a statement from the corporation’s Head of Communication and Public Affairs, Hadi Birchi was re-elected during the 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the association which held recently in Seoul, Korea. It was hosted by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC). The re-election of Ibrahim, said IADI was in recognition of the NDIC’s outstanding contributions to the development of deposit insurance practice in Africa and the association as a whole. The 15th AGM of the association in Seoul, Korea was attended by 180 participants, representing 70 jurisdictions worldwide. The theme of this year’s conference was: Gearing Up for the Next Crisis, and featured presentations and panel discussion by top policy makers, deposit insurers and prominent academics.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016


Minister commends organisers on investment conference Stories By Akin Adewakun and Qudus Kasali - Lagos


INISTER of State, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mrs. Aisha Abubakar has commended organisers of the Fair for introducing the investment forum, noting that the forum would provide opportunities for businesses to interact. Abubakar, who gave this commendation in Eko Hotel, Lagos, on Wednesday, while declaring this year’s International Investment Conference, open, stated that such forum had become imperative; since it could provide direction for the nation’s policy formulators. She added that the Investment Conference would enable organisers draw attention to investment opportunities in the non-oil sector. While insisting on the need for the private and the public sectors of the nation’s economy to regularly interact, the honourable minister noted that, with the present state of the nation’s economy, the country is left with no other option than to diversify and involve all those who could facilitate the diversification. As a way of integrating the small scale enterprises into the diversification agenda, the minister said the government had been strategising on how best to ensure the nation’s MSME take its rightful position as a main engine of economic growth. She further disclosed that the present administration had continued with Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan as one of the major factors to revive the economy of the country. “To this end, the Federal Government has approved the establishment of Presidential Council for the purpose of ease of doing business,” she stated. She added that other efforts of the ministry toward the diversification and development of the economy include development of trade zones, development of export and inport substitution as well as formulation of some specific policy programmes that would facilitate ease of doing business. She however expressed optimism that the Conference would give insights to some of those business opportunity that could be explored, apart from oil, to boost the nation’s economy.

In his good will message, the representative of UNIDO, Dr Reuben Bamidele, said that the current state of Nigerian economy requires massive injection of local and foreign investments to boost the

level of economic activities in the country. He stressed the need to rejig existing businesses, while advocating further investments to develop new enterprises.

“The business of local and foreign investment mobilisation need to be pursued with vigour. We must not lose sight of the fact that investors are not particularly averse to

any particular country or region. On the contrary, they move to where returns on investment are highest in their quest to maximize profits,” he said. In his welcome address,

the Chairman, Trade Promotion Board of LCCI, Mr. Sola Oyetayo, explained that the 2016 Investment Conference, the second in the series, is aimed at drawing attention to the need for repositioning the economy towards the diversification agenda of the federal government. According to him, this year’s edition of the Fair had attracted local and international companies from China, Egypt, Japan, Ghana, Kenya and Cameroon. He explained that the investment conference, which represents a major calendar of the Trade Fair, provided opportunity for corporate and business – to- business exhibition.

‘We will match LITF record in 2017’ From Left: Vice President/Chairman, Trade Promotion Board, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Sola Oyetayo; President, Chief Mrs Nike Akande, Minister of State, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment, Aisha Abubakar; and Commissioner, Lagos Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives, Rotimi Ogunleye, at the 2016 LCCI International Investment Conference, in Lagos, on Wednesday. PHOTO: SYLVESTER OKORUWA.

From right: Deputy, President, Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Babatunde Runwase presenting a plaque to Deputy Governor, Ogun State, Yetunde Onanuga; Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, Ogun State, Abimbola Ashiru and Vice-President/ Chairman, Trade Promotion Board, LCCI, Sola Oyetayo, at the Ogun State Special Day, held at the on-going 2016 Lagos International Trade Fair held on Tuesday in Lagos. PHOTO: SYLVESTER OKORUWA.

Nigeria’s investment climate improving —LCCI boss CONTRARY to widely-held belief that the nation’s economy and its business climate are experiencing a decline, a two-time minister and President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Dr (Mrs). Nike Akande has stated that investment climate is gradually improving in the country. Speaking at a business forum, on Wednesday, in Lagos, venue of the Investment Conference, as part

of this year’s ongoing Fair, the LCCI boss attributed the notice-able improvements to the present renewed investments in some critical infrastructure such as rail transport and ongoing reforms in the nation’s ports, by the government. She also noted that the nation’s regulatory environment is being strengthened with the fight against corruption, with the introduction of Code of Corpo-

rate Governance and the successful passage of a bill to establish a Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, aimed at abolishing monopolies in the country. According to the two-time minister, the World Bank’s Doing Business 2017 Report also showed a marginal improvement of the nation’s ranking at 169 from 170, recorded last period. “Our president recently

established the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council under the chairmanship of the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, and we hope to see more improvements in our ranking in the coming years,” she stated. The LCCI boss called on government to put in place a conducive policy and business environment where investments would be able to thrive.

OGUN State government has expressed its resolve to organise its own trade fair and exhibition that would give Lagos International Trade Fair, being organized by the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) a run for its money, in 2017. Speaking at the State’s Special Day at the Fair, in Lagos, the Ogun State Deputy Governor, Chief (Mrs) Yetunde Onanuga disclosed that the state was putting finishing touches to the trade show that would attract both local and investors to the state. According to her, responses to the planned Fair had been positive, with large, medium and small scale businesses, both within and outside the shores of the country, already signifying their intention to participate. “Next year, we are planning to organise our own Trade Fair. Though we won’t be able to beat you (that of LCCI), but we are going to match you. “Apart from the geographical advantage the state has, it has also become a paradise of industries because it is endowed with rich and varied natural resources including extensive fertile farmlands for the cultivation of wide ranging raw materials , favourable tropical climate condition all year round, an effective network of roads and train service at the state capital for easy transportation of raw materials and manufactured products,” she stated.




Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Nigerian Tribune

Senate’s gaffe on rerun elections

day after the Senate threatened to suspend plenary sessions if the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) failed to schedule rerun elections into vacant legislative seats in Rivers State by December 10, the commission promptly announced that rerun elections would in fact hold on the said date. A statement by its Secretary , Auguta Ogakwu, said: “After months of intensive planning and wide consultations, the Independent National Electoral Commission on Thursday approved the conduct of Lagos’ House of Representatives election on Saturday, December 3, 2016. The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) councillorship election will also hold on Saturday, December 3, 2016.” The Rivers National Assembly and state House of Assembly elections would then follow a week later, the statement added. This was not the first time that the nation’s highest lawmaking body would urge INEC to comply with the time frame set by the election petition tribunals. But unlike its earlier intervention in September, this one was backed by a clear threat by the senators to shun work and, on the face of it, it seems to have worked. Moving the motion, Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, had said that INEC’s failure to conduct the re-run elections in Rivers State within the time frame ordered by the respective election petition tribunals and courts was a total breach of the Electoral Act and Section 76 of the 1999 Constitution. The Senate had then resolved to “call on the lndependent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct all outstanding elections in Rivers State before the end of November 2016, failing which the Senate will suspend plenary till such a time the said elections are held and the people of Rivers State are represented in the respective legislative houses.” The motion was later amended to read that the Senate resolved to “call on the lndependent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct all outstanding elections in Rivers State not later than 10th December, 2016, failing which the Senate will suspend plenary till such a time the said elections are held and the people of Rivers State

are represented in the respective Legislative houses.” But is that really the way things are supposed to work, with members of the august body throwing sophomoric tantrums and threatening to throw their toys out of the pram? We think not. Let’s be clear: the Senate is well within its rights to insist on rerun elections in Rivers State, and indeed any other part of the country where elections were inconclusive, being conducted within the time line set by the various election petition courts/tribunals. In the same vein, it is difficult to fault its argument that failure to do so would amount to denying the people“their constitutionally guaranteed rights to be represented in the legislative houses where laws affecting them are being made.” But that is as far as it goes. It is one thing for the Senate to want to draw a line in the sand, and quite another to threaten to refuse to discharge its constitutional obligation because of a perceived slight to its authority on the part of a state institution. If the Senate’s instinctive response to every perceived slight to its office was a threat to lockout, what would it do in the event of a genuine challenge? The majority of Nigerians are already skeptical of the value that the Senate in its current incarnation brings to the country’s democracy. Its members are widely perceived, a tad unfairly, as a bunch of loafers who are only in it for their outrageous remunerations. We are well aware of this innuendo, and we know from experience that it is only a part of the story; for the chamber indeed comprises several driven, diligent, and thoughtful individuals who take their duty as lawmakers very seriously. The sad truth however is that the Senate does not cover itself in glory with incidents like this. On the contrary, it gives the firm and unfortunate impression that it neither knows its own powers, nor how to use its control of the government purse to good effect. Whenever rules are assailed by any governmental agency, Nigerians expect the Senate to step in. But they also expect the body to act while not threatening to break the law itself. The Senate boasts of many bright minds. It should consider putting them to work.

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Thursday, 10 November, 2016


SEND YOUR SHORT MESSAGES TO: 08054005323, 08055001746

•Relaxing after a hard day hawking sachet water! PHOTO: ALOLADE GANIYU

IKEDC, come to our aid


ERMIT me a space in your widely circulated newspaper to express the trouble and greater pains that have become the lot of Ijagemo community and its environs in Lagos State for

the past seven weeks. Since the devastating rains that fell around the above mentioned period, the entire Ijagemo community and its neighbouring towns had been thrown into subdued darkness,

with no hope of enjoying electricity supply from the Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC), which has shown no appreciable concern till date. Despite the incalculable damages caused by

Letter to Gernot Rohr I want to use this opportunity to appeal to the Super Eagles coach, Mr Gernot Rohr, to do everything in his power towards qualifying Nigeria for the World Cup in Russia in 2018. After not qualifying for two successive African Cup of Nations finals, the mood of the players became dampened, but defeating Zambia at home shows that Nigeria can repeat the feat of the past. It is a good thing that we have handed the team over to a man who would not be partial in his team selection. However, having said this, I also want to charge the coach to focus more on local players. Former Super Eagles

coach, Clemen Westerhof was the one who discovered Nigeria’s greatest footballers to date, and Gernot Rorh can

also achieve that feat by developing our raw football talents in the local league. •Tayo Isola, 08062086668

electric spark that was occasioned by the thunderstorm, the affected homes had grappled with various losses which they have now counted behind them in order to move-on. Regrettably, no IKEDC official has come around, either to explain what went wrong, nor provide any explanation on their plans for the restoration of power to the areas. All we hear from gravevine is that there is a problem at Ejigbo Transmission Station which affects most

of the communities in close proximity to Ijagemo. Already, we in the area are only living through the grace of God. I passionately call on the IKEDC (Ijegun/Ejigbo Undertaking), not to abandon residents of Ijagemo

Still on anti-corruption war I am really not happy with what I am hearing as far as corruption is concerned in this country. It is as if the stories are not true, but

Attention, UNILAG VC, National Assembly I want to appeal to the National Assembly, Abuja, and the Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos to take pity on my child, Deborah Ojo, and admit

her into the university. My daughter performed exceptionally well in her external examinations. She scored 237 in JAMB, and her JAMB number is:

66143078HH, while in her WAEC, she made: Mathematics A1, Chemistry A1, Physics A1, Biology A1, Further Maths A1, Civic Education A1, Garment

far achieved in the fight against corruption in Nigeria and the laying of the template for good governance in our country by the Muhammadu Buhari administration remains the magic wand that will

continue to endear Nigerians, whether at home or in diaspora now and in the future, to this administration.

In support of the Buhari-Osinbajo administration THE coming together of some political parties in 2014 to form the All Progressives Congress (APC) could not have been possible without the divine intervention of God. The laudable successes so

•Odunayo Joseph, 08053488121

community to their fate, but rather, the company should fix this power situation urgently so that we don’t remain in perpetual darkness. •Tony Anaele, 07066602550

Making A1 and English language B2. Her WAEC registration number is: 4251502367. She only had problem uploading her result to the university’s portal during the 2016/2017 Post-UTME exercise of the university. I hope the Vice Chancellor and those in charge of education in the country can take pity on her and have her admitted. •Ojo Taiwo, 08085271240

alas, they are. I can’t imagine individuals stealing billions of naira that their children will not even be able to finish, while the society suffers for it. President Muhammadu Buhari should be supported in this anticorruption war if we really want to rid this country of corruption. We need to punish those who have stolen from this country. Doing so will instil fear in the minds of corrupt people in the society. We must, therefore, kill corruption before it kills the country finally. Nigeria would have developed greatly, but corruption is our problem. Linus Kyar, 08191143941

opinion Local govts as raped appendages of states 15

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

By Bukar Raheem


EMOCRACY is cherished everywhere in the world. Nigerians relish it with utmost joy. The only lacuna in the case of Nigerians and in some few unfortunate African countries is the recurring proclivity of leaders to frequently abuse the ethos and laws governing democracy. President Muhammadu Buhari had a single vision when he sought the mandate of Nigerians to rule the nation. He was unmistakably out to rescue a country somewhat irretrievably steeped in the morass of “everything goes” mentality. Buhari’s presence has not, however, changed the destructive tendencies in leaders at the lower rungs of power. But much as this is a strenuous challenge, it is not however, impossible to surmount. But sadly, supporting organs, especially at the state level have sworn aversion to this cause. They have preferred to flounder and fawn at governance. In states across the country, some governors are state chief executives only in nomenclature and the public impact of their offices is just the shrill sounds of blaring sirens in bogus convoys. Mathematically, state governors elected in 2015 have just one and half years to devote to governance of their respective states, out of their four-year tenure. The last year is traditionally devoted to weird politicking and campaigns for re-election. But nearly two years into the stewardships of some governors, there is no completed project to either commission themselves or worthy to invite the President to commission. Of the 36 states in the federation and randomly, far less than 10 states have unveiled the plaque to commission a completed project for the masses. A few states like Lagos, Ogun and Edo among others have shown a distinction. The excuse has often been economic recession and its accompanying paucity of funds to expediently execute peoples’ oriented projects. But this is a lie rehearsed and retold in different shadows and with too many tongues. While the cock and bull tales are refurbished, the same state governors easily forget the billions of naira loans their pliant and complacent state Houses of Assembly have dubiously approved for them on behalf of their states. What they do with these loans is subject of academic debate.

And to deepen the pain, these governors with unbridled flair for loans are accumulating fresh workers salary bills. They have so invaded and castrated the system to the extent a pauperized citizenry has neither strength nor voice to cry out loud. In addition, virtually every state of the federation has a security challenge. Each state has its own share of insecurity threats from the least to the most deadly. But governors feign helplessness. It’s like no state governor has access to hourly security reports in his domain or President Buhari has stopped releasing security votes to states. What is often demonstrated is that most states display no conscious or serious proactive measures to avert crisis before they erupt or get to explosive dimensions. The governors feel pained to dip their hands into security votes to expend it on the purpose for which government’s wisdom has budgeted. Since it is unaccounted votes, it is reserved until budding crisis explodes and the next option is to again cry out to the Federal Government for assistance. Therefore, majority of states in Nigeria failed the litmus test of transparency and accountability in governance when President Buhari contemplated a fresh N90 billion loan facility to salary-indebted states. This was after the initial near N800 billion bailout to clear backlog of salaries. Only few states met the 22 conditions released by the Presidency for states with intention to apply for the loan. In spite of loud claims of governors to sanity in gover-

nance, many states could not; publish audited annual financial statements within nine months of financial year end; Introduce and comply with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); publish State budget online annually and publish budget implementation performance report online quarterly; Also most states could not endorse the domestication of the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA); resist the temptation commercial bank loans and the routine submission of updated debt profile report to the DMO. Having fared this badly, what is a familiar trend among state governors now is the suspension of democratic rule at the local government level and its replacement with autocratic rule based on the dictates of governors. The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria, which recognises three tiers of government in Nigeria, also admonishes that at no time should any tier of government by administered undemocratically. But Nigerian governors have brazenly abused this stipulation and by the Constitution’s express permission to State Assemblies to enact laws for the administration of the 744 Local government Councils in Nigeria, state lawmakers have criminally substituted democratic elections in councils with caretaker committees or Sole administrators, despite its overt contradiction of the !999 Constitution. State governors have held unto the fraudulent laws to continue to rape and plunder the resources of council through handpicked appointments of presiding council officials. Councils have become the pots of feasts for governors, their lackeys, party chieftains and social friends. The choking grip of governors on local governments has necessitated by the unquenchable desire to continue to protectively pilfer with council federal allocations. States in Nigeria without democratic council leadership far outnumber states that have conducted elections. So councils in states like Lagos, Imo, Rivers, Benue, Plateau, Osun and Anambra states among others have not held elections for upward of two years. Anambra has reportedly not held council elections since 1999. The National Assembly should begin to explore ways to alter the clause in the Constitution which allow state Assemblies to sustain undemocratic structures at the council level. In the meantime, President Buhari should tinker with suspension of federal allocation to councils in the country administered through autocracy. •Raheem writes from Kaduna State.

Christopher Agboola Ajao: Five years after By Ayantayo Ayandele “THE memory of the just is blessed”. This saying aptly describes the memory of Pa Christopher Agboola Ajao, we fondly called ‘Agbo boy’, who was called to glory exactly five years ago today at the age of 79. An epitome of humility and reality, a man of uncommon values, Christopher Ajao lived a purposeful life touching the low and the high, the affluent and the poor in all strata of society. Christopher Agboola Ajao was born September 9, 1932. After his education, he joined the services of the former Western Region where he rose to position of Chief Physiotherapist. He then served the Oyo State government as Honourable Commissioner for Information and Culture, under Major General Oladayo Popoola (rtd), OFR, mni. Major General Popoola said of him, “He was always at hand to avail me of the best advice. He was so committed, serving like a deputy governor with passion for positive results.” On the national scene, Late Pa Ajao was one of the pioneers of the Physiotherapy profession in Nigeria. He was a co-founder of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy in 1959. He rose to the top of the profession and pioneered the Community Physiotherapy Service in 1974 thus taking physiotherapy to the rural areas. Internationally, he was Chief Physiotherapist at King Khalid Hospital, Saudi Arabia, and Honourable Physiotherapist at the Commonwealth Games in New Zealand. His contribution to the development of his native Ogbomoso was colossal. Agbo boy was a key to the establishment and a leader of many organizations that stand today as bastions for the economic development of the town. He was Secretary of Ogbomoso Investment Club which later was Ogbomoso Investment Company Limited when he became the General Secretary. His input was vital in the outcome of the Ojedele Chieftaincy Commission of Enquiry which heralded the relative position of traditional rulers in the zone. Soun of Ogbomosoland, Oba Oladunni Oyewunmi Ajagungbade III JP, CON, said of him, “He was a true ‘Omo Ogbomoso’ in whose patriotism there is no guile. He left

an indelible mark on the sands of time. His death is a great loss to the entire Ogbomosoland. Attesting to his contributions to Ogbomoso, Dr. Omololu Olunloyo, OON said, “At every opportunity, professional, social or otherwise, Agbo as he was popularly called, made excellent contributions to his beloved hometown. He demonstrated bravery, conviction and great calm in the face of provocation and intimidation such as the ugly aftermath of the January 15, 1966 coup in which Ogbomoso and Yoruba icon, Chief Ladoke Akintola was brutally slain. “After the slain Akintola’s body was put on public display by some unpatriotic Yorubas, Agbo boy and two gentlemen turned things around to correct that indecency and carried the body to Ogbomoso for a proper burial.” Such was his political significance though he was never a politician. He was indeed a patriot to the core. Agbo boy was relentless in championing the cause of the helpless in society, touching the lives of many in the areas of education, health, tourism and community service. He was active and life member of the Management Board, School for Handicapped Children from 1967 till glorious demise on that fateful morning. He was further a keen scouter, achieving the status of State Scout President of Oyo State a role he undertook so well binding all together in the true spirit of a boy scout. Late Bayo Babalola and others like Layi Oke were his able lieutenants. The late Ajao was a culture enthusiast and an environ-

mentalist who was a tree planter of note. In his memory, a commemorative tree planting was done by his wife Chief Ajike Ajao in 2012. Agbo boy proved himself a custodian of culture and tradition; as a member of the Ibadan Museum Society, he played his part to ensure effective conservation of monuments, culture and tradition in a humble way. Dr. Jide Ladipo and Bayo Oyegade, both called him a silent achiever in all his dealings. They also said his life was the definition of dedication, selflessness, patriotism and service. Mr. Agboola Ajao till his death was a Trustee of Baptist Boys High School, Abeokuta, Old Boys Association. The values he stood for were unpretentious, living an unostentatious lifestyle. He was an accommodating personality who never hesitated to spend his time, energy and resources finding solutions to people’s problems unobtrusively. He was indeed an outstanding leader and my wishes are that his soul rest in perfect peace. I must not conclude this article without mentioning that he scripted and submitted documents and influenced getting many sons of Ogbomoso including the Soun of Ogbomoso to be added national honours and he refused one when his boys came together to honour him. How many Ogbomoso sons have been so honoured since his demise? Even in death he was exemplary. He exhibited an uncommon detachment for materialism and avarice that forms the trademark of many of today’s leaders. If the people of Ogbomoso should today name an institution after him or raise an epitaph in his honour, it would not be out of place. Indeed he deserves more. A chapter completed, a page turned, a life well lived, a rest well earned; your memory we will always treasure, in our hearts, you will always be forever. Ajike, Laitan, Dele and the entire Ajao family with the breaking of each new day, we remember you. Agbo boy, we remember you on all our birthdays, national occasions, family outings and matters concerning Ogbomoso land for the love and care you showered on us in such abundance. How many of us still visit Peace Glen Walls? Rest in perfect peace ‘Agbo boy.’ •Ayandele is a senator of the Federal Republic.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016 Femi Olukunle Co-ordinating Editor 08158610216

maka nd’igbo Relief as Onitsha residents welcome medical services Newton-Ray Ukwuoma

A group of medical workers from pain-killer company, Dexa Medica, on Tuesday visited the Obiano Park in Onitsha, Anambra State offering free medical services to residents. The team which comprised experts in ophthalmology, otolaryngology and general physicians, provided a range of health services including eye, ear, nose, general body check-up as well as donation of prescribed drugs and eyeglasses to market users and residents. The event tagged “Pain Free Day” attracted hundreds of market men and women, who came from over six markets serviced by the Park including New Auto Spare Parts, Nkpor Main Market, New Tyre, Old Parts. The initiative also provided local dwellers with tips on how to manage stress and maintain good health. An officer of the company in Anambra State, Mr. Uche Aghado, who spoke to Nigerian Tribune about the programme, said the initiative was aimed at “driving the consciousness of good health to communities." He said, "We observed that people need to be equipped with necessary information and better solutions for body pains most especially in times like this, where people work much more than they observe rest". "Most people are constantly engaging in strenuous tasks that either cause general body break down or body pains.

Female circumcision still high – Inner Wheel Club Suzy Oruya, Onitsha


HE International President of Inner Wheel International club, Mrs Oluyemisi Alatise on Sunday said female genital mutilation was still high among most


She said because holding of the in Awka, Anambra State advocacy against it, most The theme of the summit is : people now resorted to doing "Touch a heart." it secretly. She said a survey conducted Alatise stated this in a press by the organisation in 100 briefing preceding a summit countries of the world entitled :'Women for Africa' showed that the practice was

A cross section of Agu-Agamede women at the flag off ceremony.

FRIDAY, November 4, 2016, was like any other weekends to many people. But to the indigenes of Agu-Agamede Community in Isi-Uzo Local Government Area of Enugu State, it was a day that will remain green in their memories for a considerable long time. It was a day a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) called Development Education Centre (DEC) based in Enugu flagged off a Health Centre in the village. MAKA NDIGBO which witnessed the flag-off ceremony, observed that as early 8 am on the said day, the villagers including school children, teachers, women and men had gathered at Ikpak-

circumcised. She added that some others were of the belief that if a woman was not circumcised until marriage, the head of her children would touch her clitoris during birth, and that would bring calamity upon the children. “All these are not true at all. All those myths are pure falsehood, and the club will continue to champion the abolition of the practice, as well as the travails of the girl child, which is from cradle to old age. “The girl child is faced with a lot of abuses from birth to old age, and this consist of female genital mutilation at birth, child bride while growing up and even forced labour too, and harmful widowhood practices” she said. She said a compendium with the title"Female Privileges and Challenges: Cradle to Old Age" had been packaged , and would be used as a working document to free the girl child from travails in countries around the world.

Nsukka Chamber of Commerce to hold first trade, sales exhibition fair Jude Ossai - Enugu ALL is now set for the Nsukka Trade Fair which begins this month at Government Field, Odenigbo Road. Expectedly, during the Trade Fair which is the first of its kind to be organised by the Nsukka Chamber

of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NSCCIMA), there will be sales exhibition. The theme of the Fair, which will be first of its kind, is "Promoting SMEs and Agriculture for National Ecnomic Recovery" and it is expected to attract businessmen

and women as well as foreign industrialists to the University town of Nsukka. Briefing newsmen in Enugu, the President of NSCCIMA, Dr Basil Onugu, said that the Fair was aimed at finding a way to diversify the economy through agriculture and agro-allied industrial

Jubilation at Agu-Agamede community over health centre flag-off Jude Ossai - Enugu

still high among most races. Alatise said the practice was heightened by some myths being peddled, ignorantly. She said in some places people would believe that a woman would be promiscuous if she was not

para the area marked for the erection of the health centre with drums and folk songs anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Executive Director of the Development Education Centre, Dr Cecilia Asogwa and her entourage. To their great delight, Dr Asogwa arrived the venue with the State Commissioner for Local Government Matters, Honourble Chijioke Edeoga, Caretaker Committee of Chairman of the local government, Benjamin Edeoga and Igwe Augustine Odo the Omereoha 1 of Agu-Afamede Autonomous Community, among others. Speaking at the occasion, Dr Asogwa went back memory lane, recalling that

the journey to build a health centre for the people of Agu-Agamede-Ikpakpara was borne out of a genuine love for the mission DEC, Enugu, stressing that the focal point of her organization is to empower people

in communities especially the active poor women through education on human rights, health, literacy, civic responsibilities and provision of access to financial services towards self reliance.

ventures since the petrooil economy seems to be nose diving owing to fall in the price of crude oil in the international market. "There is an emerging consensus among governments at all levels, development experts as well as wellmeaning Nigerians that part of the immediate and sustainable solution to the multi-faceted challenges confronting Nigeria, the falling oil prices and prevailing economic depression is, diversification through agriculture and agro-allied industrial ventures. "The 2016 Nsukka Trade Fair seeks to reinforce and substantiate this emerging

thought by providing a platform where the business and investment opportunities and potentials in agriculture and agro-allied ventures and other Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, in South East can be identified, showcased and harnessed for the nation's economic recovery and growth," Onugu explains. He made it clear that promoting SMEs and encouraging agriculture and agro-allied industrial ventures would put the nation on sound economic footing instead of over reliance on an economy tilted towards crude oil windfall.

Financial leakages bane of NIPOST – Postmaster Suzy Oruya - Onitsha THE Postmaster General of Nigeria, Mr Bisi Adegbuyi has said that the bane of Nigerian Postal Services was financial leakages. He said the organisation would be repositioned to ensure better performance and competitiveness. Addressing NIPOST workers in Anambra Territory at

its headquarters in Awka, , during a familiarization tour of the area, Adegbuyi said he had set machinery in motion to put NIPOST in a position where its services would compare with similar organisations in the world. He said "one of the problems hindering the performance of NIPOST was financial leakages" He assured that he would

do everything humanly possible to block the leakages in line with the zero tolerance for corruption of the Buhari administration. Adegbuyi said: “I came in at a time the ship of NIPOST was drifting. There must be complete turnaround in the establishment and mine is to show the right way. "We will reposition NIPOST and the starting point is to

find the right path in which the right staff are put in the right places. “I have gone round many NIPOST offices in the country and the problems are the same. "We therefore have to start from ground zero because my objective is to move NIPOST to a position where the workers, the stakeholders and those we serve must be happy,'' he said.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016 With Adewale Oshodi tribunearts@yahoo.com 08054005323

‘Corporate organisations should do more for literature’


OR the month of October, three writers, Servio Gbadamosi, Ehi Zogie and Ikechuckwu Nwaogu, completed their six week-residency at the Ebedi International Writers Residency, Iseyin, and apart from finding time to focus on their writings, it was another opportunity to experience a completely different environment. For Gbadamosi, who is also into the development of writers, coming to Ebedi gave him the time to focus on his writings without any form of distraction from his daily schedules. “I am a very busy person, and I am also into the development of writers. I organise training programmes and readings in Ibadan where literary lovers come to share ideas and critique their writings. So coming to Ebedi gave me the opportunity to put all those behind me and focus on my writings alone. “If I was in Ibadan, I would definitely not accomplish what I have been able to accomplish here in Iseyin, and I am grateful for this opportunity,” Gbadamosi said. Gbadamosi’s position was also echoed by Zogie, who stays in Benin, the Edo State capital. Zogie, who has won several poetry awards, both locally and internationally, believes he would not have done what he did if he was in Benin. “This is why I want to say that this residency is a positive development for literature in Nigeria, and I want to say that there is not much difference between Ebedi and other residencies in other parts of the world. Zogie recently completed his residency in Senegal, and he said while the residency there had the support of corporate organisations and even the government, the same thing cannot be said about the support literature is getting in Nigeria. “By this time, corporate organisations should even be falling over themselves to support the Ebedi residency, but this is not the case. “That is why I want to commend Dr Wale Okediran, the founder of this residency for the good work he is doing. It is only because he is passionate about literature, and that is why he has been able to sustain this project since inception,” Zogie said. Part of the assignment of residents is the need to assist secondary school students in Iseyin develop their literary creativities, and this, according to Nwaogu, was an interesting part of the residency. “I can say that the students are really talented, and the majority of them now want to study creative courses in tertiary institutions. “However, one of the problems they have is the inadequate command of the English language, but one positive thing is that some of them are really working hard towards overcoming this obstacle,” Nwaogu said. Apart from the challenge of the English language, Gbadamosi admits that there are a couple of them who have shown promises of being good writers in the Yoruba language. “In fact, when I read the stories that some of them had written in Yoruba, I was surprised because one of them even modelled his writing after the late D.O Fagunwa, exploring mysteries in the land. I had to encourage this student to keep up this good work, as the sky is his limit,” Gbadamosi said. However, Zogie believes that the students’ rapport with residents who at-

•From left, Ikechukwu Nwaogu, Dr Wale Okediran, Ehi Zogie and Servio Gbadamosi at the Ebedi International Writers residency. tended Ebedi over the last five years have rubbed-off on them, and they already know many things as far as writing is concerned. “Although many of them are still struggling with the English language, but I can’t imagine what the first set of residents went through while teaching them. “I know they must have improved a lot, and their commitment to learning is also encouraging, but what I tell them is that they should not just give up, and they should keep the fire burning in them, as

it is their passion that will make a way for them,” Zogie said. After their stay in Iseyin, Nwaogu says that the town is definitely being included in the setting of his new novel. “Iseyin is a cool and quiet society, and the people are warm; they are also ready to assist strangers, and I am already thinking of how to fit all these into my upcoming novel,” Nwaogu said. However, for Gbadamosi and Zogie, it is important for corporate organisations to support the vision of Dr Wale Okediran as

far as literature is concerned in the country. “It is a good thing that Nigerian writers are being recognised all over the world today; we are winning awards, and we are being respected as far as literature is concerned, and it is, therefore, important that individuals and organisations aiding the development of literature in the country should be supported, particularly by our corporate organisations,” Gbadamosi said, while admitting that, “this will even go a long way in encouraging our creative youths to go into literature.”

For Barack Obama, poems of love, hope A review of Olumide Sowunmi’s poetry collection, This Unstoppable Demokrat. OLUMIDE Sowunmi’s second poetry triology on President Barack Obama reveals how much the poet adores the United States leader. Poem after poem, he highlights the broken barrier achieved as a result of the election of the first black man in American history. In Amazing, the poet explains the joy that heralds the election of Obama after his victory at the polls in 2008. “Tears of joy rolling down, Falling like unending flood disaster Resulting from a mighty over-angry rain As the votes of the people By the people, and for the people Peeled the barricade of our barrier Even the fainting sun could attest Tears of victory With this Obama victory. Sowunmi’s poem, By Our Very Hands also explains the dream of African Americans which has come to fruition as a result of the emergence of Obama as the America’s first black president. The poet also focuses on American’s love for their homeland, which he shares in his poem, Songs of Loyalty. Here, he says: Songs of loyalty

Songs of Undying commitment Are the lyrical content Of pigeon, when all else is lost Eyele’s love endures A Call of Hope charges all political losers to work hand-in-hand with winners towards rebuilding their country. In the case of America, the poet charges defeated presidential candidates both in the 2008 and 2012 contest to join the winner,

Barack Obama, in rebuilding America. The poem says: To all losers, winners and others Go not selfish If motive is genuine Politics of bitterness Should have no abode in us Get selfless service into you Fall into government To all losers and others Do not stay stagnant Do not go wasting Play your part Although the poem is intended for those who lost to Barack Obama during his presidential contests, it is, however, applicable to all politicians all over the country, as well as in Nigeria. Here, the poet urges opposition politicians to work hand-in-hand with those in power towards repositioning their country. Unfortunately, in a couple of months, Obama will cease being the US president after spending the mandatory two terms of eight years, the poet, however, believes that the election of Obama alone has broken the glass ceiling for other people of colour or minorities in the US to aspire to the top in whatever they do. It is, however, not only minorities in America that the poet is reaching out to, but to other disadvantaged people across the world. To him, Obama’s victory in American politics is a great lesson to everybody in the world that nothing is impossible to achieve. In fact, every other thing is easier to achieve than attaining the American presidency, which Obama has broken.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

‘Visual arts can generate funds for govt’

Godwin Archie-Abia is a Lagosbased self-taught artist. In this interview with ADEWALE OSHODI, he speaks on his creative styles, why visual arts should be made compulsory in schools, and how government can create a revenue stream from arts. EXCERPTS:


INCE you didn’t study arts in tertiary institution, how did you develop the skill which you are now surviving on? Yes, I am a divine self-taught artist, and graduate of History and International Relations from the Lagos State University (LASU). I have never attended arts class in the physical, apart from the handwork classes I had during my primary school level (art crafts). I started with bone collage medium, driving it to the highest level where I use cow horn to achieve portrait pictures. It was from there that I discovered other styles, and today, I am into arts and painting fully. As a result of what I am doing, I’ve appeared on several recorded and live shows on television. I’ve also been interviewed several times by print journalists that I have lost count. I’ve done so many commissioned works here in Nigeria and abroad. With the fact that you are a selftaught artist, it means you were so

ternative economic platform for the country to lean on for survival. In fact, the visual arts can serve as an alternative income earner for government. We just need the right policies by government to make this happen. Unfortunately, the Nigeria government, from inception, has not taken the development of the arts sector as vital platform for the re-engineering of the national economy seriously. My appeal to government, banks and investment institutions is that they should invest in the arts sector. I hereby advocate that there should be an arts investment fund that looks arts solely as an asset, while seeking to provide investors with exposure to the benefit of an appreciating market. Furthermore, government should also give tax incentives to any hospitality business, organisation and private companies that encourage artists with their art patronage. By so doing, artists will be encouraged. This will also help in reducing unemployment in this sector.

•Godwin Archie-Abia

passionate about art before discovering it fully? Definitely, my passion has also made me to expand to new frontiers in visual arts, but more importantly, arts should be seen as something to occupy and provide a forum, platform for dialogue and contemplation and evangelism, like what I have been doing with other previous mediabone collage, mix-media, metal fabrication. This new medium has been very interesting and challenging. Do you think your contribution to arts will stand the test of time, because there are several other artists coming up with different art styles everyday? Having been practising arts for more than 26 years, I have gained enough knowledge to think and create a medium that will stand the test of time. I call my new style ‘Graven Painting,’ and the material has to be glued to either board or canvas panel to create a relief format. First, I sketch, provide the materials, engrave the materials before I glue them to either the board or canvas panel to create a super relief effect. Then I prime the materials on

the panel; I then allow them to dry before I start applying colours to them, and at the end of the day, one creates a super and unique work. The medium is unique because of the richness and solidity of the materials and the colour effect of impasto rendition. I can achieve any concept with the medium, and though interesting, it is very challenging. One has to put his head down to create a work that is of international standard. Some artists believe that government can support the visual arts sector to generate revenue in view of the dwindling oil price in the international market. Do you think this is feasible? I have, in the past, advocated for the diversification of our economy. I had given interview on the need for government to place embargo on importation of foreign arts. No serious economy will want to undermine the importance of its creative industry, which visual arts play a vital role. Nigeria’s total dependency on oil has brought about instability. However, all hands must be on deck towards evolving and supporting an al-

Hard times for enemies of knowledge at LABAF 2016 THE 18th edition of the Lagos Book and Art Festival (LABAF) with the theme ‘The Terror of Knowledge’ begins today (Thursday). The four-day fiesta happening at Freedom Park, Lagos Island, will feature readings and conversations around books, art and craft displays, kiddies’ art workshops and reading sessions, book exhibitions, live music and theatre performance, capacity building workshops and exhibitions, and critical seminars for different sectors of the creative industries. A statement from the organisers, the Committee for Relevant Arts (CORA) explained that the theme was chosen to address rising extremism against acquisition of knowledge and development of the mind. “The inspiration derives from the immortal words of the Nobel Laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka that: ‘books and all forms of writings are terror to those who wish to suppress the truth’”, Toyin Akinosho, CORA Secretary General and Jahman Anikulapo (Program Chair) noted in the statement. As has been the practice in the last couple of years, a publishers’ forum taking place at Goethe Institut, City Hall, Lagos Island, will kick-start the festival’s activities. ‘Raising Standards: Rights, Distribution & Talent in the Publishing In-

dustry. Challenges and aspects of raising standards in publishing in the areas of selling local rights abroad, distribution, and editorial talent’ is the theme of the forum being held in partnerships with Quramo Publishing Limited. On Friday morning at Freedom Park, actress and filmmaker, Stephanie Linus will share the impact of books on her life with children during the mentoring session tagged ‘My Encounter with the Book’ while festival’s first colloquium themed ‘How Did this creep in on us? Breeding fields of terror’ follows. The colloquium will feature discussions around Yinka Olomojobi’s ‘Frontiers of Jihad: radical Islam in Africa’ and ‘Eat the Heart of the Infidel: The Harrowing of Nigeria and the Rise of Boko Haram’ by Andrew Walker. Later in the afternoon, the Authors’ Corner featuring readings fron Nike Campbell-Fatoki’s ‘Bury Me Come Sunday’; ‘Indigo’ by Molara Wood and Razinat Mohammed’s ‘A love like a woman’s and other stories’ will hold at the Food Court, Freedom park. A jazz night produced in partnership with Ayo Shadare’s Inspiro Productions and featuring young jazz and Afro-fusion artists will wrap up activities on Friday. The festival continues on Saturday with

a symposium, colloquium, conversation, Authors’ convention, film screening and festival party celebrating landmark birthdays of eminent contributors to the Nigerian cultural Life: Benson Idonije @ 80; Lekan Animashaun@80; Sunmi SmartCole@75; Lindsay Barret@75; Biodun Neyifo@70;Femi Osofisan @70;x;Sunny Ade@70; Olufemi Taiwo@60 and Duro Ikujenyo@60. There will be more conversations on Sunday as well as the art stampede themed ‘The Case for the Return’. The curtains will thereafter fall on LABAF 2016 with the smashing poetry slam session themed ‘The Poetry of Change’ Some of this year’s festival books include David Altheide’s ‘Terrorism and the Politics of Fear’; ‘The Spirit of Terrorism’ by Jean Baudrillard; ‘The Yacoubian Building’ by Alaa Al Aswany; and Frazer Egerton’s ‘Jihad in the West: The Rise of Militant Salafism’. Others are ‘Satans & Shaitans’ by ObinnaUdenwe; ‘Born of a Tuesday’; by Elnathan John; ‘After they Left’ by Edify Yakusak; ‘When LEMON Grows on Orange Tree’ by Diekara Oloruntoba-Oju and ‘Route 234’, a collection of stories based on the Arts Writers Organization of Nigeria (AWON) members’ travel experiences around the world.

How important is visual arts in the society? I believe arts (visual arts) should be taught to every Nigerian child. In fact, we should make it compulsory in our schools. This will help develop creative thinking in every child, and by the time they grow up, they will think differently and add value to the society.

POEM From freedom to free doom The people abandon the oases of reason. For their strange love of easy answers, they lurch from freedom to free doom. The denizens seek the rare miracle of water becoming wine. For their preposterous thirst for solutions made easy, they gallop from freedom to free doom. The compatriots deride knowledge and learning. For their gnawing embrace of ignorance and superficiality, they cavort from freedom to free doom. The ‘citizens’ pledge themselves to philistinism. For their ruinous affection for all things ephemeral, they gambol from freedom to free doom. The ‘patriots’ applaud the ritual of specious change. For their uncanny docility and weird gullibility, they pirouette from freedom to free doom. The habitués of holy grounds soak themselves in the intoxicants of religiosity. For their unhelpful escapism and tactless denial, they wander from freedom to free doom. The inhabitants of the arid land conform to unfreedom. For their incomprehensible belief in falsehood, they sashay from freedom to free doom. —Ademola Adesola toludemola1@gmail.com


Thursday, 10 November, 2016


Editor: Laolu Harolds 08111845016 tribune.education@yahoo.com

Only 60% university lecturers qualified to teach —NUC Banji Aluko - Beinin City


NLY about 60 per cent of lecturers in Nigerian universities have the requisite qualification (which is the PhD.) to teach at that level, the National Universities Commission (NUC) has disclosed. It described lecturers without a doctoral degree as unqualified, and also lamented the inability of the nation’s universities to generate serious endowment fund and investments capable of financing their recurrent expenditure needs. The commission admonished vice chancellors to “begin to see fundraising and mobilisation as an integral part of their jobs in response to the realities of today.” The executive secretary of the commission, Professor Abubakar Adamu Rasheed, disclosed these as a guest lecturer at the University of Benin Academic Colloquium, held in honour of 17 alumni of the institution appointed by the federal and state governments between 2015 and 2016. Represented by the Director of Research in the commission, Dr. Suleiman Ramah, the executive secretary, who spoke on the topic ‘Nigerian Universities: Thinking Outside the Box to Embrace Innovative and Positive Change’, said thinking out of the box requires developing skills or engaging in activities which link the more rational left-brain thought processes

with the more creative right brain. He advocated that universities should strive to build high reputation in order to command the respect of the larger society. Professor Rasheed said: “The critical thinking skills which universities are expected to instigate in their students constitute a critical component of the arsenal required if the

Nigerian university system is to live up to expectations in leading the way in our quest for innovation and positive change. “Each academic programme in a university must pay attention to and incorporate within its curriculum the commercial and industrial needs and focus of its discipline.” Earlier, the vice chancellor of UNIBEN, Pro-

fessor Faraday Orumwense, said the university is a resource-based institution, because, according to him, about 17 members of staff have been appointed into high level positions between 2015 and 2016. Orumwense listed such positions to include; minister, vice chancellors, registrar, bursar, provost and rector.

Bowen University’s MBBS ready for induction —VC By Kehinde Adio ALL is set to receive distinguished scholars in the medical world and other stakeholders for the induction of the first set of medical students of the Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, scheduled for tomorrow (Friday November 11, 2016). Professor Adesola Ogunniyi, an erudite scholar, will deliver the induction lecture to grace the occasion, the vice chancellor of the institution, Professor Matthews Ojo, has said. Speaking at a programme organised in preparation for the event recently, Professor Ojo said Bowen University would graduate its first set of 24 medical doctors tomorrow. The induction ceremony of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) became a reality following the accreditation of teaching and research facilities in Bowen University’s College of Health Sciences, and the university’s Teaching Hospital by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria and other allied bodies. While commending the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Federal Government for the approval of more private universities in Nigeria to ease some of the challenges facing admission process in the country, Professor Ojo disclosed that Bowen has embarked on a 10-year Strategic Plan that would transform the university into a world-class institution in teaching and research, as well as in physical development.

From left, Registrar Bowen University Iwo, Dr. Kayode Ogunleye, the vice chancellor of the institution, Professor Matthews Ojo and the deputy vice chancellor, Professor John Akande at a programme held in preparation for the university’s maiden MBBS induction slated for tomorrow.

Anwukah urges Unity Schools to focus on ICT Naza Okoli - Lagos THE Minister of State for Education, Professor Anthony Anwukah, has charged the 104 Unity Colleges across Nigeria to give more attention to Information Communication Technology (ICT). He spoke during the presentation of awards for outstanding performance to students from the Federal Science and Technical College, Yaba, Lagos, at the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja. The minister, who described ICT as the only way out, given the current situation in the country, said a focus on technology would help create more jobs. He further urged Unity Schools to participate more in international competitions. “This is why I am saying that we can be where the Asian Tigers are, if we really do the right thing. Rather than patronising other people’s technology, we can invite the technology manufacturing companies to come with just their software to Nigeria and assemble and manufacture here. “I want to commend the FSTC for their landmark achievements in the field of ICT, and I want to also say, with all I have seen today, the future of these students are assured,” he said. Earlier, the principal of the school, Reverend Chris Ugorji, said his school would

continue to recognise the place of ICT in national development. He said: “The concept is in line with the spirit and letter of the National Policy on Education, as well as the vision and mission of the founding fathers of the 104 Unity Colleges across the country. “Also as part of the college’s resolve to continuously transform the college to an enviable height, the institution also registered in the

2016 Africa Future Trust Model United Nations (TAFMUN) programme. “TAFMUN is an affiliate of the United Nations designed to replicate a model of the United Nations General Assembly.” Ugorji also disclosed that out of the nine awards available for collection, by participating institutions, the college had won seven, to emerge overall best at a recent competition organised by Cisco.

TASCE gets new Provost THE Ogun State Government has appointed Dr Adeola Kiadese as new Provost of Tai Solarin College of Education, Ijebu-Ode, (TASCE), with effect from September 1, 2016. Born over four decades ago, Dr Adeola Kiadese, a native of Ifo, in Ogun State, had his elementary education at Holy Trinity Primary School, Lagos and Sonmori Comprehensive High School, Lagos, before he proceeded to Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin for his Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) with Distinction Classification in 1996. He obtained Bachelor of Science (Ed.) in Business Administration (Second Class Upper Division) from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye in 1999. He did his Master’s degree programme in Business Education at the University of

Benin and Doctorate degree in Business Education from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Akwa, Anambra State respectively between 2005 and 2012. . As a trained and professional educator, Dr Kiadese taught briefly at Igangan High School, Igangan in 2000 as Class Teacher before he became a Lecturer at Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye from 2002 to 2008. Dr. Adeola Kiadese was a Research Fellow at Nigerian Education Research and Development Council from 2008 to 2009 before he left for Adeyemi College of Education, Oyo as Senior Lecturer from 2009 to 2015. He was an Adjunct Lecturer at University of Ilorin from 2013 to 2016 till his appointment as Senior Lecturer in the same university.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

KWASU rebuts campus deaths reports Restates’ commitment to students’ welfare Biola Azeez - Ilorin


UTHORITIES of the Kwara State University (KWASU), Malete, Kwara State, have reiterated their commitment to the provision of welfare and security of both students and staff of the institution. A statement from the University Relations Office, signed by Yusif Suleiman, said that a report on recent deaths in the university (not Tribune) was not only misleading but mischievous, and that it attempted to create tension among students, staff and parents. It reads: “Kwara State University does not take the welfare, safety and security of its staff and students with kid’s gloves. This is evident in the prevailing peace and tranquility on our campus and in the host community. “One of the students that the report claimed died mysteriously was Linda Lillian Lawal, a 400 Level student of the Department of Mass Communication. She died in her parents’ quarters on Friday, October 14, 2016, of complications resulting from brain injury she sustained during a car accident about a year ago, outside of the university environment. “Linda was to have undergone brain surgery, but for some reasons it could not be done, and she, several times, suffered convulsion, a repeat of which claimed her life on October 14. “The report also claimed that ‘a sickle cell patient was left unattended to by the

medical personnel because he could not produce his hospital card’. This is, indeed, far from the truth. The said student was brought chronically ill to the University Clinic on Sunday night, September 11, 2016. “Even though he did not register with the clinic and was abandoned by his colleagues on getting to the

health facility, it is against medical practice to abandon such a patient at that critical moment. So, our doctor and nurses tried all they could to save his life; but when his condition deteriorated, he was rushed to the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), in a KWASU ambulance. “He was not left alone

YABA College of Technology last week played host to 13 of its former students who have excelled in the field of art and design, at the maiden edition of the college’s ‘Homecoming Achievers’ Exhibition and Excellence Awards’. The event held at the Yusuf Grillo Gallery, School of Arts, Design and Printing of the college. Among the artists honoured was Olumide Oresegun, whose painting has been the subject of numerous rave reviews, particularly on social media, and recently on the CNN. Oresegun, who graduated in 2006 with Distinction in Painting, has visited several countries, including Germany and Spain, to take part in exhibitions.

night. However, in spite of all efforts by doctors, we eventually lost the boy. “Can such death be called ‘mysterious’ as insinuated by the report, particularly for a sickle cell patient? Suleiman said further: “Again, the provost of the Skyboss Security Services, a private security company engaged by the university, recently

had an incident in the line of duty. He was rushed to the school clinic and our medical personnel referred him to the State Specialist Hospital, Alagbado, after trying their best to save his life. “He was conveyed to the Special Hospital in our well-equipped ambulance supported by the medical personnel. Unfortunately, he was pronounced dead at the hospital. Can this also be called ‘mysterious’, bearing in mind that death can come at anytime and under any circumstance?”

NBC donates school kits to pupils in Agidingbi Akin Adewakun - Lagos

The vice chancellor of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Professor Igbekele Ajibefun (middle), flanked by the Commander, Owo Area Command of the Nigeria Police, Mr Haruna Garba (3rd left), and other officers of the Command during a courtesy visit to the university.

NLSA president calls for improved library legislation By Laolu Harolds The president of the National School Library Association, Professor Virginia Dike, has advised the Federal Government to incorporate standardised school library legislation in the National Policy on Education for effective implementa-

tion. She gave the advice at the 31st Annual Conference of the association, themed ‘The School Library for Digital Age’ held last week at the Kunle Filani Hall, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta. Professor Dike noted that there is an urgent need to

YABATECH hosts first Homecoming Award Naza Okoli - Lagos

in the ambulance, as the doctor on call was there to give him the best attention before getting to the hospital. Despite the fact that the UITH was on strike at that time, the Consultant Doctor in charge of the emergency section of the hospital was called by our medical officials and he came over to save the situation that

Other recipients included Ejiro Amos Tafiri, a designer; Kelani Abass, a painter; Taiye Idiahor, a specialist in collage, drawing, sculpture and mixed media; Folami Rasaq Olanrewaju, a multiskilled artist and curator; and Ngozi Schommers, who uses pieces of objects, figures, painting, drawing and photographs. Also recognised were Richard Ovbiebo, a recipient of several awards; Samuel Ibukun Sonde, a painter, designer and musician; Adeyemo John Abiodun a painter and photojournalist; Kuforiji Oluwasoji, General Manager of Lagos State Printing Corporation; Balogun Ayodeji, a creative digital artist; and Ohikhuare Stanley, a filmmaker, writer, director and cinematographer. Earlier in her speech, the

rector of the college, Dr Margaret Ladipo, described the event as the “beginning of an epoch.” “When I first mooted the idea of hosting these art connoisseurs some six months ago, the School of Arts, Design and Printing did not immediately catch the fancy. Unknown to them, this is one of the legacies my administration is leaving behind…” She further directed each school in the college to design a similar event which she said would help spur current students on to learn more. “From now on, every school will not only monitor the performances of their graduates, but will organise its own awards for graduates who might have distinguished themselves in the world of work.”

push for library legislation, whether as a separate legislation for school libraries or within, that for education, saying the current statement in the National Policy on Education “lacks teeth” and not backed by provisions for funding. The NSLA president further emphasised the importance of infusing Library period into the school timetable across primary and secondary schools. This, she said, would provide opportunities for children and youths to develop the reading habit, and that seeking information from books and other media would produce creative thinkers. “The challenge facing us now is how we can exploit the possibilities of newer technologies, blended with resources and media in all forms, to further our hopes of what education should be and the central role school libraries play in realizing this vision,” she noted, adding that the mere dexterity of youths in manipulating electronic gadgets cannot be described as being information-literate. Justifying her position, Professor Dike cited a recent research which revealed that many undergraduate students could not use word processing applications.

The students, the research showed, were adept at using social media like Facebook, and Twitter for social networking purposes, but had neglected emails and older media that offered more opportunities for in-depth information gathering. According to her, when it comes to the Internet, the research showed that many students had only mastered the ability to Google-search terms, rather than the intricacies of literature searching that would avail them access to wealth of resources on the World Wide Web. Earlier in her opening remarks, the acting provost, Dr. (Mrs) B. A. Adeniji, represented by the Dean, School of Languages, Mr. A. G. Sanya, described the library as a fulcrum which education sector thrives on. Dr. Adeniji expressed displeasure with the current state of libraries in many primary and secondary schools, despite the National Policy on Education’s clause that ‘for a school to be accredited, there must be a functional library’. She called for a cordial relationship between the NLSA, the Federal Ministry of Education and the various state ministries of education to improving the situation.

NIGERIA Bottling Company Limited (NBC) has donated some ‘Back to School kits’ to pupils of Agidingbi Primary School, Ikeja, Lagos, as part of its initiatives at giving back to its operating communities. The items include schoolbags, exercise books, water bottles, pencils and crayons. Speaking at the presentation ceremony, held within the school premises, the company’s managing director, George Polymenakos, said that the 2016 NBC ‘Back to School’ programme was also taking place in other locations in Nigeria, with the aim of reaching over 3,000 pupils. Polymenakos, who was represented by the company’s Legal, Public Affairs and Communications Director, Folasade Morgan, said the initiative was driven by the need to positively impact vulnerable children, to support their education and intellectual development. “Our aim is to motivate them to aspire to be the best they can be and pursue excellence. NBC believes this gesture will also relieve parents and guardians of some financial burdens,” he added. According to him, over 16,000 pupils had so far benefited from the initiative, which started in 2011, stressing that the company believes that the enormous responsibility of educating the Nigerian child should not be left in the hands of government alone. The chairman of the Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board, Dr. Ganiyu Oluremi Shopeyin, commended the company for contributing to the development of education in Nigeria, and urged other corporate organisations and individuals to emulate the gesture.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

NMC partners varsities on reintroduction of postgraduate programme Clement Idoko- Abuja


HE National Mathematical Centre is working with the University of Abuja to reintroduce and expand the post-graduate programme previously run jointly by both institutions. Director and Chief Executive of the Centre, Professor Stephen Onah, speaking when he received the Vice Chancellor of University of Abuja, Professor Michael Adiukwu on courtesy visit, said this was part of his effort to reinvent the vision of the founding fathers and of the mandate of NMC. He said the centre established as an Inter-University Centre is supposed to have dealings with departments of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences in all institutions of higher learning. The centre has had difficulties in carrying out its mandate as a result of poor funding over the years. Professor Onah told the Senate Committee on

Education (Basic and Secondary) last week that he met the centre with mixed blessings-"while the efforts of my predecessors speak for themselves in the various ingenious instructional materials available in the stores, the establishment of the International Model Science Academy (IMSA), innovative and efficacious training programmes and strategic plans, the physical structures are in a state of dilapidation, poor power supply, inadequate equipment, grounded vehicles, poor Internet service and poorly funded library. A statement by the Head of Information of NMC, Mr Onyekachi Njoku, in Abuja said Onah gave the assurance of the willingness of the centre to collaborate and work together with institutions of higher learning to improve and enhance the study of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences at all levels of the education system. The NMC Chief Executive explained that the Centre has adequate personnel to complement the

effort of universities in improving the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Sciences in Nigerian universities. He stressed that the centre’s academic programmes are run in seven areas which include Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Theoretical Physics, Computer Science, Statistics, Chemistry as well as Special programmes.

Niger govt moves to enlist more girls into teaching profession Adelowo Oladipo - Minna

NIGER State government has embarked on a deliberate policy to boost girl-child enrolment and retention in schools by encouraging more female children into the teaching profession. Part of the process was the enrolment of no fewer than about 2,000 girls into various colleges of education across in the state

to acquire basic teaching techniques before deploying them to primary schools as teachers. Indication to this effect emerged during the activities marking the International Day for the GirlChild in Minna, the state capital. The Director, School Services in the Niger State Universal Basic Education Board, Mallam Mahmud Sani, said the students

Members of the College of Food Science and Human Ecology Students Association of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (COLFHECSA) during their maiden College Week recently.

were selected from the three senatorial zones that make up the state and given scholarships to obtain the National Certificate of Education (NCE) in colleges of education. He said out of the number, 500 have been issued certificates, while many others have secured employment with the State Primary Education Board and were appropriately deployed to rural areas of the state, where there were problems of low enrolment of girl-child in schools. The measure, he said, was aimed at bridging the gap between girls and boys in school enrolment. “With the presence of female teachers at that tier of education, parents and pupils, especially girls, will be encouraged to enroll in school,” he noted. He said the state government has also collaborated with UNICEF to encourage the enrolment of girl-child by providing stipends to indigent parents to take care of hidden costs that will hinder them from sending their wards to school.

Kwara partners Rotary on education Biola Azeez-Ilorin

KWARA State government is partnering with the Rotary Club, Ilorin GRA to promote basic education and enhance learning environment in the state. Commissioner for Education and Human Capital Development, Alhaji Yissa Yeketi, who made this disclosure at the grand finale of the Rotrary Quiz Challenge held at Queens School, Ilorin called on other clubs, organisations and societies to emulate the example of Rotary Club of Ilorin GRA which sponsored the competition. Yeketi, who was represented at the event by Pastor Kayode Alabi, a director in the ministry,said the state government was concerned about the development of education in the state adding that the concept of a quiz competition among students was one good way of achieving the objective. President of Rotary Club of Ilorin GRA, Ayodimeji Fatai said the grand finale featured 10 schools from the initial 45 that took part in the premilinary stage. The participating schools were selected from the Kwara Central Senatorial district.

According to Fatai, the competition was a way of meeting the needs of the students and fulfilling the mission of the club which this year has decided to focus on the promotion of education along with five other core areas. He said: "We are trying to see what we can do to promote better learning environment for Nigerian students, and our focus this year is this quiz competition. It used to be a very useful tool for promoting learning in those days but you can't say it is being done again so we are resuscitating it among our schools. "There's no how you'll come for this competition and you won't go back home with one or two things learnt. That's the main focus." He said the subsequent competitions would involve private schools, adding that the experiences garnered from the pilot quiz programme would help the organisation to involve both public and private schools. According to him, "In Rotary, there's a structure such that for the adults, there's Rotary Clubs, for those in tertiary institu-

tion, we have Rotaract Clubs, and for those in secondary schools, we have Interact Clubs. And we have Interact Clubs in about three or four schools. So, we feel it's also an honour for the overall winner to have Interact Club in the school. That's why we say we'll have presence in the school. "We'll form the Club in that school, monitor the growth of that club to the extent that the members will be encouraged to become Rotaractors when they get to tertiary institutions, and eventually to become Rotarian in their adult life. "The winner, first runner up, and second runner up were presented with trophies, and individual prizes for the participants. “Basically, they were presented with white chalkboards as most of our schools have black chalkboards. Black chalkboards have their own effects too as you need to paint them every time, teachers are dusted with chalks, students are tired of cleaning the chalkboards everytime. Now, we have white chalkboards which are synthetic, so to say. You just rub and it's wiped off.

Winners of the Rotary Quiz Competition, Bishop Smith Memorial College, Ilorin, displaying their trophy and cheque. St Anthony Secondary School and Government Secondary School (both in Ilorin) came second and third respectively in the competition.

Be creative, Caleb varsity parents charge graduating students By Tunde Ogunesan SOME parents at the 2016 Caleb University convocation at Imota Lagos State, Mr Dele Akinbohhunje, Bishop Olurounbi Ademola and Right Reverend Kuponu, Bishop of Ijebu Diocese (Anglican Communion) have all called on the graduates to be creative by not looking for white collar job, but rather think of what they can do to add value to their immediate society and the nation at large. They all stated this in separate interviews at the

recently concluded 2016 Caleb University convocation. The parents also urged graduates to know that “the present economic recession in the country does not give room for the government to offer people employment, even in some areas, where employment opportunities are being pronounced. It is only two percent out of the hundred percent applicants that were being offered jobs, while the remaining 98 percent would be left roaming about the street.”

They then urged the graduands to guide against joblessness by being job creators and employers of labour rather than wasting several years in search of job. The parents later congratulated all the graduands, calling on them to be good ambassadors of Caleb University by shunning bad behaviours such as killing and armed robbery in an attempt to get rich quickly, cultism as well as other anti-social behaviours that can tarnish their image and future career.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Why education remains our biggest investment —Aregbesola Oluwole Ige - Osogbo


OVERNOR Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State, has explained that the need to produce the total man who is useful to his society informed the rationale behind his administration’s huge investment in education in the state. The governor said whatever is invested in education is for the future,adding that his government had embarked on massive construction of classrooms, reforms of the schools’ system, provision of other modern learning tools and others for the good of the state’s future. Speaking at the public presentation of a book entitled: The Heritage of Islam in Nigeria: Essays in Memory of Dr Dawood Adekilekun Tijani on Saturday in Ede, Aregbesola said scholarship scheme was effective to give assess to students, recalling that the huge investment in education in the defunct Western region by the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo culminated in the Western part of Nigeria having the edge it had over other parts of the country. Aregbesola, who was represented by the Director, Bureau of Communication and Strategy, Office of the Governor, Mr Semiu Okanlawon, said, “Scholarship does not die. Erudition does not perish and handwork does not fade away.” The governor said the late scholar, Dawood Adekilekun Tijani, who was being honored with the book of essays on Saturday had invested in education, adding that this is why he is still being celebrated many years after he

had departed. “Through scholarships, late Dr Adekilekun Tijani was able to touch lives. Those who were touched by his investment in education are

today touching other lives. The lesson here for us today is that we should all endeavour to touch lives and education remains the best way to do this,” Aregbesola said

The governor said that a man taken out of ignorance has been given his weapon against poverty, hence the reason for his government’s heavy investment in educa-

Mr Damola Atanda, Principal Manager, Consumer Protection, Department of CBN, Abuja, explaining some things to the students of Leo Community High School, Oloko, Apata, Ibadan, during the CBN school mentoring programme (World Savings Day). PHOTO: TOMMY ADEGBITE

THE Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), an arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Ibadan, has launched the Child Rights Club in secondary schools in Oyo State, with a view towards sensitising students on their rights under the law. According to the coordinator of the programme, Mrs Omotayo Mala-Adebayo, the launching of the club will help the students know their rights, and how to defend their rights when it is being trampled upon. Mrs Adebayo, who said that the JDPC had been at the fore-front of the war against the abuse and trafficking of children, said the new club would make children to be able to speak up when some people abuse

edgeable is a man that is wealthy, and in a knowledgebased society and economy that we are advocating, functional education is the only way to be relevant and be in position to play a role. Others present at the public presentation included: The Timi of Ede, Oba Muniru Adesola Laval, former governor of the state and senator representing Osun West senatorial district, Isiaka Adeleke, who was represented by Alhaji Olumide Laval, Speaker House of Assembly, Najeem Salam, who was represented by his media aide, Goke Butika, National Commissioner Public Complaints Commission, Professor Aderemi Abubakre, Vice Chancellor, Ladoke Akintola University of Science and Technology, Professor Adenine Gbadegesin, former Commissioner for Special Duties and Regional Integration, Dr Bashir Ajibola.

SSANIP charges FG to appoint rectors from polytechnics Olayinka Olukoya - Abeokuta THE Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Polytechnics (SSANIP) has charged the Federal Government to appoint rectors from polytechnics and also substantive rectors for the federal polytechnics with acting rectors. This was contained in a press release signed by its National Public Relations Officer, Banjo Ogunsipe. It was noted in the release that some federal polytechnics, Kaduna Polytechnic, Federal Polytechnic, Offa, and Ussani Adamu Federal Polytechnic, Kazanre had been running without sub-

stantive rectors. It therefore urged the government to kick-start and urgently conclude the process of appointing substantive rectors for these institutions to enhance the conduct of their affairs. The association also urged the Federal Government to consider the immediate constitution of governing councils of federal polytechnics, noting that the absence of governing councils had not aided the smooth running of these polytechnics. SSANIP also expressed fears on the guaranty, safety and security of pension funds, noting that irregular remittance of contributions,

long delay in the payment of pension benefits and nonimplementation of 18 per cent pension contribution as contained in the Pension Reform Act 2014 as amended were threats to the security of pension funds.

their rights. “We are, therefore, seeking the support of everybody in this war so that the society can be conducive for our children to live in irrespective of their background,” Mrs Adebayo said. While launching the club, the Director of JDPC, Reverend Father Ezekiel Ade Owoeye, said one of the challenges we are facing in the country today stems from the abuse and trafficking of children, “and when we say that we are not concerned with the plight of the children being abused, then these are the children who will turn into hardened criminals in the future and will be disturbing our peace. “It is as a result of this that everyone must be concerned about the plight of these children who are being abused and trafficked in

the society. “When we go to the market places, we will see them; many of them have been taken from their immediate families to be used as domestic help. “While JDPC will continue to highlight the problem, as well as working with the relevant authorities to tackle it,

The association therefore warned the Federal Government not to tamper with the funds, in the struggle to overcome the present economic recession. SSANIP also asked state governments to urgently

constitute visitation panels for state-owned polytechnics in order to ascertain their state of affairs and where such visitations have been carried out, the association requested that reports should be made public.

Nigerian Librarians charged to protect electronic storage Chima Nwokoji and Segun Qudus Kasali THE Nigerian Library Association (NLA) has been charged to strive towards further improvement in the efficiency, storage and speed of access to Electronic

JDPC launches Child Rights Club in Oyo schools By Adewale Oshodi

tion. He said, “I must state that this is the major reason that functional education remains our biggest investment. A man that is knowl-

the launching of this club in schools will make the children to be aware of their rights under the law, and what to do if those rights are trampled upon,” Father Owoeye said. The new club’s materials and kits were then distributed among the 30 secondary schools in attendance at the launching.

Document Managements to prevent foreign libraries from making inroad into the country. This call was made at the 2016, 10th Library and Information Technology (LIIT) National Workshop held at Yaba College of Technology, Lagos. In his remarks at the occasion, the Lagos State Commissioner for Science and Technology, Mr Olufemi Odubiyi, said that there was urgent need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Electronic Document Management System of Libraries in order to prevent inroad of foreign Libraries into the Nigeria. According to the Commissioner, who was represented

by an Assistant Director, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), “one of our greatest problems is lack of information, which is in the library. Librarians should therefore create a synergy between the library and the students, by being Information Technology (IT) compliant.” In the same vein, Rector of Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH), Dr Margaret Ladipo, while noting that the modern day library must be Information Technology compliant in terms of infrastructure, resources and operations, observed also that reading is vital to the development of human life especially in children and adults.

Cleric canvasses infusion of sports in school curriculum Clement Nnachi - Abakaliki A renowned Catholic Priest and Rector of Saint Augustine Seminary Ezzangbo, Ohaukwu Local Government Area, Ebonyi State, Reverend Father Donatus Ofuluozor, has declared that the nation’s quest for educational development would be a mirage, unless government at all levels infuse

sports in the curriculum of students. The rector made the declaration at the 2016 Parent/ Inter House Sports competition of the school, which took place at the seminary premises at the weekend, on the occasion of According to him, “if we want to revive our educational system, let us begin by developing the talents

of our students through sports, to know those who have potentials; sporting activities help in cleansing the brain,” he reiterated. “Sports is part of human development, and it forms an integral part of our training, and that has contributed to the excellent performance of our students. In the missions, academics, morality and spirituality are

the key segments that are inculcated in students,;you cannot train a child without spiritual uplift.” “Sports must go simultaneously with academics and discipline. If you are not disciplined, you cannot excel in sports. More so, youths must be given incentives in sports, as it will reduce the wave of crime in the society,” he stated.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016 Editor: Sade Oguntola sadeboguntola@yahoo.com 0805 506 9260

health Every woman longs to experience the thrill of childbirth but it also comes with excruciating pains. How soon should a woman be allowed to return home and fall back into her normal routine after childbirth? VERA ONANA, with contributions from experts answers this question in this report.


ecently, it was reported that barely 24 hours after delivery, a new mother was released from the maternity centre to take part in a written examination. This has raised a lot of eye brows and questions have risen if it was right for the hospital to release her. Dr Solomon Kupolati, Chief Medical Director of Iye Hospital, Ibadan and fertility expert has said that, “there is no medical law telling doctors not to discharge patients after 24 hours of delivery. The highest number of complications usually arises within 24 hours of delivery that is why more than 40 per cent of maternal deaths occur when patients are discharged before 24 hours including paediatric mortality but after 24 hours of delivery, patients are usually safe.” In the same vein, Consultant Obstetrician and Gyneacologist, Professor Alexander Owolabi of the Department of Obstetrics and Gyneacology, Obafemi Awolowo University and Chief Medical Director of Balm of Gilead Specialist Hospital and Fertility Centre, Ilesa, Osun State, explained that though management after delivery is aimed at restoring the health of the mother, preventing post delivery infection and taking care of the breast, early discharge from the hospital is an almost universal procedure. Owolabi added that if adequate supervision by trained health visitors is provided, there is no harm in early discharge. “Most women are discharged fit and healthy after two days of spontaneous vaginal delivery with proper education and instructions. Reacting to the report, the expert said “if a mother is safe, under extreme circumstance of an examination, the mother may be allowed home same day of delivery especially if she is not a first timer and had no perineal injury or episiotomy. Such a mother must be kept under watch by health visitors.” According to Owolabi, a mother without complications and especially those that have delivered before may be allowed to leave after two days, while first timers, after three days of observation. However, the consultant explicitly stated that some women may need prolonged hospitalisation due to morbidities like infections of the urinary tract, perineal wound, pain or breast feeding problems. He also stressed the need for mothers to be at alert after discharge, saying “if and when a mother is discharged, she must be educated and instructed to return on noticing any abnormalities such as poor breast feeding, malodorous vaginal discharge, fever, yel-

Early discharge after delivery may not be dangerous, if...

lowness of eyes, body of the baby which may be indicative of jaundice and mood changes in the mother.” In 2009, Rachida Dati, France’s glamorous justice minister, defied convention by returning to her office just five days after giving birth by caesarean section to her first child. The question may therefore arise on why Dati as well as other new mothers who have been under the knife should be allowed to go home after such a short time. Dr. Kupolati on reacting to that stated that in the case of Caesarian section, the onus lies on health worker that took the delivery to decide if the patient should be released from the hospital and when. “The doctor needs to use his initiative. However, the minimum period should be about 48 to 72 hours. After 72 hours which is three days, if the patient is stable and all vital signs are in order, then the patient can be discharged.” Owolabi added that in cases of straight forward and uncomplicated Caesarian Sections, early feeding and discharge home is very common. “Even researches conducted in our centre confirm the safety of such methods. Such cases are discharged home after wound inspection shows no sign of complications on the fourth post operative


Recovery after delivery Speaking on the anatomy of a woman post partum, Owolabi explained the recovery process begins immediately after the placenta is expelled and lasts for approximately six weeks when the uterus regresses almost to the non pregnant size. “The period is arbitrarily divided into three: immediate, which takes 24 hours, early, which takes up to seven days and remote which takes up to six weeks.” Dr Kupolati however, warned that the new mother must rest properly and ease gradually into normal activities. “She must have lost some blood after delivery. So, it is important that she rests. Hence, the six weeks post partum period. Most patients are up and about after 24 hours. Some can walk about; some can even drive or go to the market.” Buttressing with events from his hospital, the director said, “even in this hospital 48 hours after a Caesarian Section, most women go home and by the fifth day, are almost scar less. Things have really advanced in the medical world. In developed countries, women undergo caesarian sections in the morning and within 36 hours from the



Herbal male birth control from the wild Page 26

From delivery room to bedroom Page 26

operation are home. The home is the most ideal place for recuperation better than the hospital. If there is no complication, and the delivery was smooth be it normal or via caesarian section, there is no point keeping the patient in the hospital.” Kupolati further explained that since the patients would still be visiting the hospital for post natal care, there is continuous follow up. “The observation continues from there. It doesn’t end after discharge.” However, Owolabi advised that doctors must exercise caution not to discharge women too early because the law generally expects the doctor to do things that will not cause the mother or baby harm or injury. “Too early discharge can prevent the detection and delay in treatment of post delivery complications such as retained products of delivery leading to increased bleeding after delivery and post delivery infections.” While adding that major causes of post partum complications could be puerperal sepsis, urinary tract infection, breast inflammation and abscess, cracked and retractile nipple, episiotomy, pulmonary infections and thromboembolism of the leg and pelvic region which is a very serious complication. Dr Kupolati admonished that doctors should know their patients. “There is a need for doctors to individualise their patients; it shouldn’t be a generalised sweeping term that all patients can be released after 24 hours. As a doctor, one must understand the peculiarities of every patient. If a patient is anaemic, like sickle cell patients, their stay period in the hospital may have to be extended until they are fully stable. But if the patient is completely fine and there is no complication, there is no need to keep them.”


Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Dr. Ben Ajayi 0805 400 5447

Why Tamuno suddenly went blind TAMUNO, a Presidential candidate for our United for Vision Club was making a presentation last week. He told us how he got his first pair of glasses and had them changed regularly. After he was 4o years old, he had to take them off in order to be able to read. This was said to be due to presbyopia. He had to get a different type of glasses called bifocals. His doctor had reassured him that presbyopia was not a disease but simply the effect of age on the eyes. It usually comes up about the age of 40 and increases progressively in conformity with the ageing process. With the bifocals he could read very well, but had considerable difficulty using his computer or playing golf. He was advised to change to ‘progressive’ lenses. “The bifocals take care of two distances, far and near. Your computer is in the intermediate distance, so you need lenses that would gradually change focus from distance to intermediate and then near,” the doctor had explained to him. Then suddenly, Tamuno had a painless loss of vision in his right eye, followed a few days later by a similar episode in his left. He was distraught because he thought he was going blind. As he continued his story, there was some commotion outside

the meeting room and everyone scampered for safety. Tamuno and a few others were nowhere to be found a few minutes later when things became quiet! “Tamuno what happened to you last week? You just evaporated after the commotion,” I asked. “I thought it was something more serious so I ran as fast as my legs could carry me!” he replied. “But then you were wearing dark sunglasses and we all thought you couldn’t see clearly. How did you see your way through?” I asked again. He smiled, removed his sunglasses

Retinal tears are not uncommon in people who are short-sighted like you. Fortunately you have come very early so all I am going to do is to seal the holes using laser

and said, “I can see clearly now but you see I have Apollo which is totally unrelated to my retinal tears. Last week my eyes were smarting and could hardly open them.” I seized the opportunity to make a cursory examination of his eyes to establish the secret behind his pair of dark glasses. Yes, indeed I could see the leftover signs of Apollo. He must have had it really bad but his eyes are certainly more comfortable now. “So how did your doctor take care of the tears in your retina?” a couple of voices asked simultaneously. “My doctor said to me reassuringly, ‘Tamuno you are not going blind. Retinal tears are not uncommon in people who are short-sighted like you. Fortunately you have come very early so all I am going to do is to seal the holes using laser. It is an office procedure and you don’t have to stay in hospital.’ He took me into an inner room and within a few minutes it was done,” he explained enthusiastically. Members of the United for Vision Club were not yet done with Tamuno. “Can you tell us why you suddenly went blind, first in one eye and then in the other? I am really curious to know what caused this and why it resolved so quickly,” asked the ever

your mental


inquisitive Little John. I listened with rapt attention as Tamuno handled this highly technical question. It was a delight to watch him talk. Tamuno is really a presidential material. With patience and good luck he is a sure winner next time. “Look out through that window,” he said pointing in the direction of a cement shop on the other side of the road. Can you see the man sweeping? He is raising cement dust. Can you see those standing behind the dust? I can hardly see anyone. When my retinal got torn the tiny vessels passing over the area of the tears were also torn and they bled into the inner mass of jelly within my eyes called vitreous. The blood seeped into the vitreous and mixed with it like that cement dust is mingling with the air making it impossible for me to see clearly. Fortunately the bleeding wasn’t much and within a few days cleared just like the cement dust will settle after a few minutes. Look out now. How many men can you see out there now that the dust has settled? Before, I had thought there were just three of them. Now, I can count seven!” We were all thrilled by Tamuno’s understanding of the subject and excellent delivery. This young man will surely go places I concluded.

healthyou &


Jibril Abdulmalik (Consultant Psychiatrist) jabdulmalik@gmail.com

Can children experience mental health problems? MRS Ishola is a proud nursing mother of a four-months-old baby girl, who works in a telecoms company as an IT specialist. She had the best evaluation scores at the periodic IT expertise examination of her Firm and the top three have been selected for all expenses paid trip to Silicon Valley for three months intensive training. She discussed with her husband about turning down the offer because of their baby, but he encouraged her to accept the offer. Her mother also volunteers to take care of the baby in her absence. After her departure, the baby cries inconsolably every day, refuses meals and begins to lose weight. The baby also becomes very sickly with frequent episodes of diarrhea and malaria. After two weeks, Grandma is completely exhausted and does not know what else to do for the baby. What is obvious here, is that the baby is unhappy and missing her mummy. We now know that even infants can be miserable when either their needs are not met, or they are deprived of emotional support and comfort. Similarly, young children – including those as young as four or five years old, can be quite sensitive and aware of what is going on around them. So, for example, if the parents are fighting all the time and there is tension in the home, the child may become very uneasy and unsure of how to react. Such children may find it difficult to verbalise what they are go-

ing through – as they are not even mature enough to think about it properly. However, their emotional safety and feelings may be negatively affected. What are the possible causes of mental health problems in children? But before we go even further, we should remember that everything we do as human beings: our thinking, emotions, behaviour, our intelligence – all these are functions that are performed by our ‘headquarters’, our brain. Mental or emotional problems affecting children and young persons can occur as a result of factors affecting their brain. These factors may be: (i) Biological problems such as injury to the brain during pregnancy or when the labour is delayed for a very long time, or the child suffers from infections which affected the brain e.t.c. (ii).Psychosocial

We should ensure that the child is seen and evaluated by a qualified mental health professional, without any delay.

problems, such as when the child is experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; when the parents’ divorce or one of them dies e.t.c. Living in deprived circumstances, exposure to violence, and experience of bullying amongst others, may all affect the normal development of the young brain. How do children show that they have mental or emotional problems? These depends on the nature of mental health problems that the child is experiencing. The child may not grow or achieve milestones like the other children of the same age, for example, may not walk, or talk at the expected time. He may also not be as intelligent as expected, when compared to other children of the same age. The child may have difficulties with language and communication skills, and may also suffer from epilepsy. Socially awkward or inappropriate behaviours may also be present. All of these symptoms are more than likely when there has been an injury to the growing brain. Other common presentations, especially when the child is reacting to a pycho-social risk factor, may include change in mood, becoming withdrawn or irritable, becoming quarrelsome in school, bedwetting - for a child who had earlier stopped bedwetting e.t.c. Younger children may become clingy, crying excessively, or refusing to go to school. The manner of presentation also depends on

the age of the child. How common are mental health problems in children? These problems are very common in children, with Nigerian studies showing that about 1 in every 5 Nigerian child may be suffering from a mental health problem. The commonest conditions are anxiety, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Other important types of mental health problems in children include Autism, Learning Disability and epilepsy. Furthermore, nearly half (50 per cent) of all adult mental disorders would have started by the age of 14 years. And even more importantly, Nigeria’s population is teeming with young people and we need to watch out for their mental and emotional wellbeing. What should we do if we suspect that our child may be having some problems? We should ensure that the child is seen and evaluated by a qualified mental health professional, without any delay. This is very important because early detection and intervention for these problems, can significantly improve the ultimate outcome. In conclusion, children and adolescents can,and do suffer from mental and emotional health problems. Early detection and intervention are crucial in order to improve and build upon the child’s strengths.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Bone pain, shortness of breath may be suggestive of breast cancer By Sade Oguntola


lump in the breast is typically associated with breast cancer, but an expert in breast cancer, Professor Charles Adisa, has said that bone pain, confusion and shortness of breath may be signs suggestive of an advanced form of breast cancer. Adisa, a breast cancer expert at the Abia State University Teaching Hospital, Abia spoke at the Ibadan Medical Specialist Group symposium with the theme “Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Speaking through Dr Temidayo Ogundiran, the expert stated that breast cancer was the commonest cancer now diagnosed in women in many hospitals, adding that its incidence was on the rise in Africa. Adisa, who remarked that the incidence of breast cancer had overtaken cervical cancer in Nigeria, lamented that many breast cancer cases were still discovered at their advanced stages. He decried that breast cancer, which now represents one in every four cancers in women, is a leading cause of death in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the greatest death in South Africa, followed by West Africa. The expert, who remarked that breast cancer occurs in younger age groups in black people and runs a more aggressive course compared with the whites, stated that repeated exposure to oestrogen could sometimes stimulate breast cancer cells and cause them to grow. According to him, things that expose to oestrogen over a longer period of time includes early onset of puberty, later menopause, low number of children and hormonal contraceptives. Adisa, therefore, urged increased international collaboration to prevent breast cancer in Africa, interventions that ensure early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Dr Adebanji Adeyanju, a consultant urologist at Stepping Hill Hospital, United Kingdom, stated also that prostate cancer cases among men were also on the rise. The increasing cases of prostate cancer, which he linked to increased awareness and prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing in men, he described as an important problem. According to him, “In Nigeria, it is an important

problem. It will become more important as the social, economic and life expectancy of Nigerian men continue to improve.” Adeyanju stated that only

few cases of prostate cancer ended up being discovered in Nigeria, unlike breast and cervical cancer that had screen programmes in place for them.

He added that lack of awareness on prostate cancer and low number of trained urologists were challenges against early detection of the cancer, urging

quick intervention to tackle these challenges. Professor Odunayo Oluwatosin, a consultant plastic surgeon, however, stressed the need for reconstructive

From left, Mrs Kehinde Osinowo, Lead, Female Condom Advocate for Nigeria, Mrs Stella Akinso, Oyo State Team Leader of NURHI, Dr Akinsodipo and Mrs Kemi Eludipo at the event.

surgery in the management of cancer in sub-Saharan Africa, saying that reconstructive surgery extends the ability to provide better prognosis and improve survival and quality of life of persons suffering from cancer. President, Ibadan Medical Specialist Group, Dr Lanre Ogunyemi, earlier described the symposium and many donations to the college as part of its efforts to support the college, adding, “We hope that our commitment and presence would inspire the students in the college.” Also, President, Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association (ICOMAA), Worldwide, Dr Abib Olamitoye, who described the alumni as tender hearted and truly altruistic, said the college needed more than ever, the support of its alumni given the current economic situation in Nigeria.

Female condom, an untapped resource for HIV/ STI prevention in Nigeria —Expert By Sade Oguntola

LEAD, Female Condom Advocate for Nigeria, Mrs Kehinde Osinowo, has described the female condom as an untapped resource to make women stay alive and ensure an appreciable decrease in HIV and sexually transmitted infections. Osinowo spoke at the sensitisation meeting for female condom advocacy champions in Ibadan at the Association for Reproductive Health (ARFH) building. ARFH, in partnership with Education As Vaccine (EVA) has been leading advocacy and awareness efforts to support female condom programming in Nigeria through the “Advocacy for Change: Scaling up knowledge and acceptance of Female Condom Programming in Nigeria” known as the Female Condom Advocacy Project (FCAP). Osinowo, who remarked that female condom to women was a right issue, stated that most women got infected with HIV from their partners. According to her, “if they had the right to female condom, they would have requested for its use as a protective measure. Female condom offers the opportunity to a woman to exercise her right over sexual matters. Osinowo, the Director of

Programme, ARFH, stated that the female condom remained the only female-initiated means of preventing both pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. She added: “Studies and surveys in Nigeria show an urgent need for additional and effective dual protection prevention methods to protect women and couples from STIs, HIV and unintended pregnancy. “Awareness and knowledge of female condom is still low and female condoms are one of the un-

derutilised contraceptives in Nigeria. Hence, the support of decision makers is of great importance in the promotion and overall societal approval of the product. “Generating an overall positive attitude towards female condom use and its benefits needs constant sensitisation and engagement of influential societal leaders. Expanded access to and use of the female condom therefore requires targeted advocacy and strategic planning and programming.” Osinowo, therefore, urged the new advocates for female condom at the

occasion to use every opportunity available to promote female condoms to both advocacy targets and the general public at large help achieve increased support for female condoms. Mrs Adeola Olakunle, a research officer at Association for Reproductive and Family health (ARFH), Ibadan, stated the need to ensure that female condom programming was scaled-up as an integral part of family planning and reproductive health programming in the country. According to her, the ad-

vocates were expected to help improve the knowledge and understanding of decision and policy makers on the reproductive health and rights issues of women as well as scale-up female condom programming in Nigeria. Earlier, Mrs Kemi Eludipo, a family planning provider officer at ARFH, during a female condom demonstration, stated that condoms must be properly stored out of the sun and in a dry place; properly inserted; not used after expiry date; and can be worn hours before sex.

Ondo tasks stakeholders on fight against HIV By Wale Akinselure

THE Ondo State Agency for the Control of AIDS (ODSACA) has called for sustained, proactive and multifaceted participation of all relevant stakeholders to end the menace of HIV/ AIDS in the state. Secretary to the state government, Dr. Aderotimi Adelola, made this known during the 2016 semester bi-annual state meeting of the Agency for the Control of AIDS/Local Action Committee on AIDS and stakeholders (SACA/LACA/ CSOs/LM) held in Akure. Adelola, who is also chairman, ODSACA, said the efforts of the state government had reduced HIV prevalence rate from 2.3

per cent to 1.6 per cent, which he noted was below the National HIV prevalence of 3.0%. Speaking to stakeholders at the meeting, Adelola echoed the state’s HIV/ AIDS Vision 20-20-20 to reach zero per cent prevalence in the state. As part of efforts to stem HIV in the state, he listed efforts of the state government to include the provision of sustainable and high technology medical equipment, as well as heamotology analyzers, chemical chemistry analyzers and CD4 machine to provide care and support for people living with HIV virus. Corroborating his view, the Project Manager,

ODSACA, Dr. Dayo Adegbulu, described the HIV scourge as a collective challenge that required a collective responsibility to stem down. He appealed to stakeholders to strengthen the relationship among them in order to record a laudable and balanced result in the nearest future. In his remarks, chairman, Ondo House of Assembly Committee on MDGs, Mr. Tuyi Adetimehin, urged as many states that were yet to pass the anti stigmatisation bill to ensure its passage, in order to possess a structure and legal document to coordinate response towards reducing new HIV infections, providing equitable

care and mitigating the impact of the infection. Similarly, the coordinator of the Civil Societies for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Ondo State Chapter, Chief Pius Komolafe, appealed to government, at all levels, to aggressively enforce the anti-stigma law and interpret it into different languages, in order to enhance the efforts of the civil societies in the fight against the scourge. He assured that non-governmental organisations would always support the agency as a way of achieving success in a determined zero new HIV infection; no stigmatization, no discrimination and zero HIV related death, set goals.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016


Thursday, 10 November, 2016



Neem, pawpaw seeds as Nature’s birth control By Sade Oguntola FOR a very long time, family planning methods have paid little attention to the needs of men, but instead focused primarily on women. The bulk of contraceptives in the market today are women-oriented. Probably, many providers assume that women have the greatest stake and interest as far as family planning is concerned. The consequences of this age long neglect of developing acceptable and reliable male contraceptives in developing countries has been lack of or less participation of males in family planning. As Africa is grappling with rapid population growth, it is now recognised that giving attention to females only cannot solve the problem. But recent research efforts have demonstrated the usefulness of many plant products as a natural birth control method for men and this includes: Pawpaw seeds Pawpaw seeds have some potential natural methods of birth control without side effects in men. In fact, its seeds have been used by men in the Asian continent as a long-term natural birth control method. The equivalent of around a teaspoon is recommended to be taken daily for around three months to be fully effective. Two interesting studies on the contraceptive effects paw-

paw seeds have shed more light on their potential. The first is a study of the long-term safety of a pawpaw seed extract on male rats over a full year of daily doses. In this research, while sperm became completely ineffective during the treatment, no decrease in testosterone or damage to internal organs was observed compared to the control animals. The researchers said the pawpaw seed extract ‘affect sperm parameters without adverse side effects and is clinically safe as a male contraceptive’. In the second study, an extract of pawpaw seeds, equivalent to 50 mg per kilogramme of body weight per day, was administered for 360 days to adult male monkeys. Testing found sperm concentration, motility and viability notably decreased within 30 days and was significantly impaired by 60. After 90 days azoospermia (no sperm count) was observed in all the test subjects. Castor oil seed Nigerian researchers at the Chemistry Department, Kano State College of Arts, Science and Remedial Studies, and Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, have validated the traditional use of the seeds of castor oil plant as oral contraceptive. In Nigeria, it is called etigi unene (Igbo’s okra) in Efik; cìkà-cídàà, cìkà-gídàà in Hausa; ògìlì, ògìrì (the seeds) or ogili ugba in Igbo; and eso lárà (the fruit or seeds) in Yo-

From delivery room to bedroom How mode of childbirth affect a couple’s sex life CHILDBIRTH can wreak havoc on a couple's intimate relationship. Everything that happens during this euphoric yet agonising event in the delivery room can have lasting effects in the bedroom, so much that anticipation of postpartum sexual functions plays a role in some women’s selection of delivery mode or style? According to Lisa Pastore, an epidemiologist in the University of Virginia's obstetrics and genecology department, cesarean sections now make up 30 percent of deliveries in the US, and the number is increasing especially among first timers. She stated that, most people who ask for cesarean sections do so because of other issues apart from the labour room Lisa stated that a lot of people do not discuss matters of sexuality with their health-care providers and they might not even stop to think that various styles of delivery have different

ruba. It is known that four to five seeds of the plant in India are orally taken with water during menstrual period to prevent conception for a period of one year. Also, in the Middle Belt of Nigeria, traditional healers administer to women three seeds of the variety as contraceptive for a duration of 12 months. Neem Neem has been reported to exert antifertility effects in different animal models. In 1993, experts in the journal, Current Science, said its leaf extract were reported to affect the structure and function of the testis and spermatozoa in male rats. Also, the Neem Foundation states: “Neem oil based vaginal creams and suppositories are almost 100 per cent effective. When tested against human sperm, neem extract at 1,000 mg was able to kill all sperm in five minutes and required only 30 minutes at a lower, 250 mg level. It is suggested that these creams and suppositories also prevent vaginal and sexually transmitted diseases.” One study demonstrated the effectiveness of neem oil in creating temporary sterility. 20 married men of the Indian Army consumed daily capsules of neem oil for an entire year. After six weeks of taking the oil, the men apparently became sterile. The effects of the herb were reversed several weeks after the men ceased to ingest it. Alligator pepper A survey in South Western Nigeria on plant materials used either as single preparation or in combination as male contraceptives found that alligator pepper and pawpaw bark were the most widely used herbs as male contraceptive. Also, according to the survey, the leaves of Hogweed, locust beans, pawpaw bark and alligator pepper seed were used in the ring form by the men. Ring form of application involves boiling a metal ring in water extract of the plant for hours. The ring is then worn on the finger during sexual activities. Wild yam Wild yam is a tested and tried herbal contraceptive that is a folk remedy and as a daily intake it speeds the effectiveness of contraception.


&your health With Monica Taiwo

strictly adult teenagers, adult & geriatric sexual well being

sexual side effects. In two surveys of obstetricians, a third of doctors say they would choose cesarean sections for themselves, according to her; one of their biggest concerns remains the issue of sex after delivery. The Cesarean-Section: A number of studies in recent

years have looked at Csections and sexual health. One Canadian study published in 2005 shows that three months after childbirth, first-time mothers who had a vaginal birth noted greater sexual dissatisfaction than those who had a C-section. 70 percent compared with 55 percent.

A 2006 study found similar results in women two full years after birth. Another study published in 2005 found long-term differences in the strength of new mothers' pelvic floors; the pelvic muscles and connective tissue supporting the bladder, intestines, and reproductive organs

08187754992 (sms only) taiwomonica@gmail.com that contract involuntarily "and fear of incontinence during orgasm and can in- can be a devastating thing tensify orgasm when con- for a woman Episiotomy: One factracted voluntarily. More tor that complicates many than two years after giving of the studies comparbirth, women who delivered vaginally had signifi- ing vaginal birth with cantly lower pelvic floor cesarean section is that muscle strength than those some women have episiwho delivered by cesarean otomies; incisions through the perineum to expand section. Kegels: There are no the vaginal opening. This studies showing that in- procedure prevents rips, creasing pelvic floor which are hard to repair, strength directly improves and limits stretching of sex because , “sexual func- the pelvic floor. In the US, tion is such a complex about 30 percent of vagithing," says Linda Brubak- nal births occur with epier, a urogynecologist at siotomy. A 2005 JAMA Loyola University. It is survey of studies found known that pelvic floor ex- little evidence that women ercises such as Kegels de- who had episiotomies had crease incontinence, wom- better pelvic floor function en with less incontinence, in the months after childparticularly coital incon- birth. And they took longer tinence; leaking of urine to resume intercourse and during intercourse, have suffered more pain during better sex lives. "Feeling sex. To be continued next comfortable with yourself week is key to feeling comfortCoutersy: Womenable within a sexual relasHealth tionship," Brubaker says,


Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Nigerian Tribune

with Shola Adekola

m:0803 365 4818 e:sholanig@yahoo.com

Akwaaba 2016: Aviation experts speak on

why African airlines fail Stories by Shola Adekola


VIATION experts at the just concluded Akwaaba African Travel Market in Lagos have identified the problems militating against the growth of the Aviation industry in Nigeria and Africa and why airlines fail. The experts who were also discussants on the paper presented by the former managing director of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Mr. Richard Aisuebeogun on the state of African Aviation also proffered solutions on the way forward for the industry. Aisuebeogun in his presentation observed that African aviation industry is lagging behind compared to those of the rest of the world at less than 3percent of global RPKs. He observed that the growth is heavily constrained by the high industry costs, inadequate infrastructure at several airports, slow implementation of the Yamoussoukro Decision, lack of a single traffic rights negotiating body with respect to third parties like the European Union.

“Nonetheless, demand for air transport has increased steadily over the past years with passenger numbers and freight traffic growing significantly. Over the period 2010-2015, Africa will be one of the fastest growing regions in the world in terms of international traffic with an average growth rate of 6.1 per cent compared to the global average of 5.8 per cent. However, African aviation needs to grow at double-digit rates to be a significant player in the global industry.” Speaking at the event, the chief executive officer of Ropeways Transport and former managing director

of Virgin Nigeria Airlines, Captain Dapo Olumide, a seasoned aviation expert observed that lack of good corporate governance and ethics is the major reason why African Airlines fail in Nigeria and Africa. Olumide pointed out that the ownership structures of the airlines is another factor where the owner appoints family members as directors instead of independent directors who are experienced in aviation business. He stressed the need for airline operators to have the right aircraft in their operation to determine which aircraft type suits their operations and not

just deploying big aircraft on a route that has fewer passengers. According to him, it does not make economic sense in deploying big aircraft instead of a small one on a route with less passenger traffic. He observed that the business plans must be right, adding that in most cases the airlines business plans are always wrong. Olumide identified the problem of maintenance, where there are no maintenance facilities in the country to carry out major repairs and overhaul on aircraft as another problem facing the industry in the country.

From left: Ohis Ehimiaghe, regional manager,West and Central Africa, South African Airways; Oladipupo Epemolu, winner, tertiary institutions category, 7th NationalTravel Essay competition (NTEC 2015/2016); Kemi Leke- Bamtefa, head, sales and marketing, South African Airways and Ewos Iroro, Editor, Travel and Business News, organisers of the competition.

S/African Airways sponsors Nigerian varsity student IN line with its Corporate Social Responsibility policy of identifying with and supporting young Nigerian talents, South African Airways (SAA) will be sponsoring the Winner of the Tertiary Institutions Category of the 7th National Travel Essay Competition (NTEC 2015/2016) with a free return ticket to South Africa. Oladipupo Epemolu, a third year Business Administration Student of the University of Lagos (Unilag) emerged as winner of the contest following a keenly contested written and oral assessment before a select Panel of Independent Assessors drawn from various fields of the aviation industry on the topic: “Curbing Internal and External Threats To Aviation Security.” Commenting on the development, Ohis Ehimiaghe,

Regional Manager , West & Central Africa, SAA said: “The issue of Aviation Security is a subject of interest to any airline and continues to elicit a lot of industry focus especially in the face of terrorism globally. It is quite reassuring therefore to see youngsters like Mr. Epemolu take interest in issues of this nature and go

a step further to conduct a research and write on how this threat can be curbed. We congratulate him for his excellent performance and wish him the very best in his future endeavours.” Ewos Iroro, Editor of Travel & Business News, organisers of the writing contest said: “We are gradually achieving our vision of

getting young Nigerians into aviation and what SAA has done today will go a long way in motivating more students to take interest in aviation as a way of curbing skilled manpower shortage. We would therefore like to sincerely thank South African Airways for their unalloyed support.”

Lagos airport private terminal gets mobile app IN its continued efforts to provide airport users with hassle-free and world-class travel experience, Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Limited (BASL), operator of the Murtala Muhammed Airport Terminal 2 (MMA2), has launched a mobile app. With the launch, MMA2 has recorded another first as the only airport terminal in Nigeria to launch a mobile app with exciting features,

which enable airport users book flights, get live flight information, track flights and enable access to available shops and quick service outlets at the terminal, among others. The Chief Executive Officer of BASL, Captain Jari Williams, said in a statement that “The mobile app is free and available for download on Google play store and App store. This is just

our way of saying MMA2 is more than a terminal. This app is guaranteed to make the experience of travellers and visitors to the terminal much easier.” The statement quoted Williams as saying that “For instance, the app’s live flight information gives detailed status on all flights departing and arriving MMA2 with the added advantage of flights tracking.”

crucial moment 0803 365 4818

With Shola Adekola

A tale of fair weather friends and the foreign carriers

RECENTLY, the Federal Government through the minister of state for aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika made an appeal to foreign airlines operating in Nigeria but considering to either downgrade or suspend their operations to have a rethink. The decision by the foreign carriers to suspend, reduce or stop their operations in Nigeria has been traced to many reasons ranging from the ongoing economic recession confronting the country which has made it impossible for them to repatriate their revenues trapped in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to scarcity of forex. The minister of state for aviation while receiving the West African Regional Manager for Emirates Airlines, Manoj Gopi Nair, in his office in Abuja had appealed to the management of Emirates and other airlines to reconsider their decisions to either suspend their operations or scale them down, considering the adverse effects on their long-standing customers and the benefits they had reaped in the past. In his response, the Emirates Regional Manager, attributed the decision to move out of the country to the poor access to foreign exchange, high cost of aviation fuel and the state of the Abuja Airport runway. Just like Emirates, the other mega carriers have their stories to tell while it is no longer news that many of the foreign airlines have either shifted their patronage to other neighbouring countries particularly Accra, Ghana while others have reduced their frequencies or attempting to out rightly stop operations. The minister has actually done the right thing by appealing to the foreign carriers to reconsider their plan to leave or reduce their presence in Nigeria. Equally, the mega carriers have the right to seek greener pasture where they feel will be more profitable for them. But the bitter truth is that many of the foreign carriers have only showed that they are fair weather friends who only stay when things are booming but quickly fly away when there are challenges. Therefore, at this juncture, it is hoped that the federal government will realize the fact that there is nothing as good as supporting your own airlines. Those calling for more support to the domestic airlines may have based their position on a time like this. Surely, for a country with the largest population in Africa with citizens adjudged to be the best traveled around the globe, there is the need for as many foreign airlines as possible. However, the sad point here is that while the government was all along supporting the foreign carriers to succeed, it failed to help build up its own. Assisting here does not mean doling out cash to the domestic carriers but in making the atmosphere conducive through introduction of friendly policies such as affordable price of aviation fuel, reduced and well balanced Bilateral Air Service Agreements (BASA), stoppage of multiple entry points to foreign airlines among others. Rather than help support the indigenous carriers to enable them grow, many of the government policies have succeeded in making many of the foreign carriers see themselves as the ‘all in all’. Agreed that even most of the domestic carriers have shown they were not ready for the business but obviously, there are two or three which have proved that with little support they can go places. The ongoing economic challenges that the foreign carriers are laying claims to for wanting to leave Nigeria is not peculiar to the country therefore, their action has been described by many Nigerian air travelers as embarrassing. Like many Nigerians, the action of many of the foreign airlines since the challenges facing the country became pronounced only portray them as bad friends only interested in the rosy side of the country. It therefore becomes sad that with the little challenge the country is facing, the mega carriers which have been feeding fat on the Nigerian market seamlessly suddenly decided to shift elsewhere.


Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Nigerian Tribune

with Tola Adenubi

m:07068476673 e:adenubiadetola@yahoo.com

Controversy trails collapse of port infrastructure at Rivers Port

NPA says Berth 8 collapsed No, we demolished it —BUA Messrs Ports and Terminal OpStories by Tola Adenubi - Lagos


HERE is a seeming controversy trailing the fate that befell the Berth 8 section of the Rivers Ports Complex located inside Terminal B, a section under the purview of BUA Ports and Terminals Limited. This is even as the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) and the terminal operator have disagreed on what befell the Berth, years after it went down. It will be recalled that when the Senate Committee on Marine Transport visited the Rivers Ports Complex on oversight function recently, the General Manager, Eastern Ports, Abdullahi Goje described the Berth 8 section inside terminal B as a collapsed point. Concurring to Goje’s view, a senior management staff of the Rivers Ports Complex who declined not to have his name in print in an exclusive chat with the Nigerian Tribune explained that the terminal operator has not been serious about maintaining infrastructures inside its terminal. According to him, “if you go inside BUA Terminals, the collapsed Berth 8 is yet to be re-constructed by them. That Berth has collapsed almost 6 to 8 years ago, but the terminal operator has not re-constructed it. “If you rent a shop from me for business purposes and a section of the shop becomes bad afterwards, doesn’t the onus fall on you to repair it since it’s a property that is fetching you money? We are talking of a Landlord-Tenant agreement in a business setting. “There are nine Berths at the Rivers Ports Complex and they are divided into two terminals namely Terminals A and B. We have two concessionaires operating the Rivers ports, they are

erators Limited (PTOL) who controls Berths 1-4; while Berths 5-8 was concessioned to Messrs BUA Ports and Terminal Limited. “Berth 8 under BUA Ports and Terminals Limited has collapsed for more than 6 years now and the terminal operator is yet to reconstruct it, yet business is going on as if nothing has happened. This is not fair on the use of gov-

ernment properties. “Is it until all the berths collapse that the terminal operator will look at re-constructing them? How can people handle government property this way? A property that was ceded to you to use and make money in such state and noting is been done over the years. It’s pathetic.” When the Nigerian Tribune cornered the General Manager of

From right: Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transportation, Sabiu Zakari; Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi; Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr Dakuku Peterside and Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Hadiza Bala Usman, during the 2016 World Maritime Day, in Lagos, recently.

Tin-Can Customs collect N207bn in 10 months THE Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Tin-Can Island command, Lagos has said that it collected a total of two hundred and seven billion, eight hundred and thirty eight million, four hundred and fifty thousand, nine hundred and seventy four naira between January and October 2016. The Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the command, Comp-

troller Yusuf Bashar who disclosed this while reviewing the operational module of the command recently stated that the amount represented a positive trend in consideration of the prevailing economic recession which had become a global phenomenon. It will be recalled that the CAC, on assumption of office few months ago, had re-jigged the

NUJ commends Nigeria’s Presidency of AMJA

THE Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) has commended the emergence of a Nigerian as the President of African Maritime Journalists Association (AMJA). The commendation of NUJ was conveyed by its President; Mr Waheed Odusile, who hailed the AMJA President; Mr Sesan Onileimo, for flying the flag of Nigeria among maritime media practitioners in Africa. Mr Odusile spoke ahead of the formal inauguration of the Executive

BUA Ports and Terminal Limited who simply identified himself as Mr. Ibrahim, he denied that the Berth 8 section of the port collapsed. In his words, “I have photographs to back our argument that Berth 8 did not collapse but was demolished. We demolished Berth 8 for re-construction. We have photograpgh of Julius Berger helping us with the dem-

Committee of the continental body on November 10, 2016 in Lagos. He expressed the readiness of the national leadership of NUJ to attend the historic event, which will also draw dignitaries and maritime industry stakeholders from across the African continent to Nigeria. ‘’I am happy about this as a Nigerian and as the President of NUJ. I have no doubt that you will succeed. ASs the President of African Journalists Association, I a fair idea of the challenges ahead

of you, but I am sure that you will succeed. It’s a thing of joy, I am about this, I will attend the ceremony,” he was quoted as saying. In a press release issued in Lagos and signed personally by President of AMJA; Mr Sesan Onileimo , the association also confirmed that, the Minister of Transportation; Mr Rotimi Amaechi will be leading government functionaries to the event, which holds on November 10, 2016 in Apapa; the hub of maritime activities in Nigeria.

operational and revenue generating capacity of the Command through some far reaching measures aimed at blocking all identifiable areas of revenue leakages. During a recent meeting with key stakeholders in the maritime industry, the Controller had charged them to continually educate and sensitise members of their various organizations on the need to support the Federal Government and the Nigeria Customs Service through honest declarations in all their documentation. According to him, “A major constraint which we have continued to address is the issue of false declaration, deliberate misapplication of harmonized system code on items among other infractions. However, I am confident that with the measures which we have put in place, it will be practically impossible for anybody to manipulate or circumvent the process without being caught.”

olition. “Berth 8 is not a failed portion. It did not collapse. We started the demolition last year and it’s completed. We are now waiting for Julius Berger to mobilise back for the re-construction of the Berth 8.”

INTELS raises the alarm over illegal midstream discharge INTEGRATED Logistics Services (INTELS) has alleged that diversion of oil and gas-related cargoes to non-designated terminals still happens, saying that such practices are threats to government revenue collection drive. This is even as the Onne, Rivers statebased port concessionaire also stated that midstream discharge is a clear violation of a Presidential order banning such. It will be recalled that midstream discharge of cargoes was banned by the Federal Government in May 22, 2002. Also, on February 22, 2007, the then-Minister of Finance, Nenadi Usman, also sent a circular directing the Nigeria Customs Service to stop the illegal midstream discharge of cargoes. Speaking during an oversight visit by the Senate Committee on Marine Transport to its facility recently, Chief Executive Officer of Intels; Andrew Daws said that the Federal Government was losing huge revenue to illegal midstream discharge. He told the lawmakers that: “Government should protect the licensed operators in other to take on more revenue for government. “Senate needs to support the Ministry of Transportation and the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), to address diversion of revenue accruing from oil and gas related cargoes to non-designated terminals. “NPA cargo dues in oil and gas terminals are four times higher per tonne, while other terminals created significant loss of revenue to NPA, irrespective of Presidential directive to enforce the rules. “Ability to meet the Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) target as provided in the concession agreement is threatened with the illegal diversion of cargoes to non-designated facilities. Also speaking, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Intels; Adamu Abubakar, said the committee should assist in looking into the private jetties receiving and discharging cargoes from oceangoing vessels, irrespective of Presidential directive to enforce the rules.

33 news

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Good thing about morning sickness is... Continued from front page

But women who have experienced morning sickness and perhaps prayed for it to stop may be intrigued by the results of a new study that both nausea alone and nausea with vomiting means a lower chance of miscarriage in the first eight weeks of pregnancy. Scientists have found the strongest evidence yet that vomiting and nausea during pregnancy are associated with a lower risk of miscarriage, substantiating the belief that morning sickness is a sign that the baby is developing well. Researchers at the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD) found in a study that women who had had either one or two miscarriages, those who had morning sickness in their current pregnancy had a 50 to 75 per cent lower risk of having another miscarriage. Miscarriage is a concern for many pregnant women. It is a heartbreakingly common experience, ending 15 per cent to 20 per cent of confirmed pregnancies that many women abhor. Although many women experience miscarriage, this loss has often been shrouded in secrecy, and couples often grieve alone. The researchers examined data on more than 1,200 women who were enrolled in a larger study called the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction trial, which studied the effects of taking aspirin on pregnancy loss and live birth. The participants, all of whom had registered a positive pregnancy test at the time of the trial, kept daily diaries of whether they experienced nausea or vomiting from the second week of their pregnancies up until the eighth week. They recorded their symptoms in a monthly questionnaire from the eighth week until the 36th week of pregnancy. In the trial, 188 of the 797 pregnancies ultimately ended in

loss. But the researchers found that women who experienced nausea by the eighth week (57.3 per cent of the group) were 50 per cent less likely to experience a pregnancy loss than those who didn’t have nausea. And women who experienced both nausea and vomiting by the eighth week (26.6 per cent) were 75 per cent less likely to experience a miscarriage than those who didn’t have both symptoms. The researchers in the study published in JAMA Internal Medicine had also taken into consideration various factors that could influence miscarriage rates, such as alcohol intake and chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. In their study, the researchers pointed out that symptoms of morning sickness may encourage pregnant women to change their eating habits, increase consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods, or avert intake of potentially teratogenic substances. The possibility that morning sickness was associated with a lower risk of miscarriage, they also suggested, could somehow be a marker for viable placental tissue or related to the functioning of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the mother that cause nausea and vomiting. Nonetheless, they stated that more research is needed to figure out the possible biological causes behind this apparent link even though their findings may provide some comfort to pregnant mothers who are having a hard time – particularly in the early stages. But Dr Akin Shodipo, a medical expert at Comfort Medical Centre, Total Garden, Ibadan, Oyo State said women who do not experience morning sickness in pregnancy need not feel that they had missed out on some kind of “protective effect”.

He declared that just as all pregnancies are not the same, so every individual is different. Moreover, he declared that as common as nausea and vomiting are in the first trimester of pregnancy, when it is in excess, it could have adverse effect on the unborn baby. “When morning sickness occurs outside morning, as its name suggested, they can be assumed to be excessive. Also, any nausea and vomiting more than thrice in a day can also be taken as excessive. Vomiting can lead to dehydration and weight loss so women suffering from severe sickness need to keep an eye on their symptoms,” he declared. Dr Shodipo, however, declared that although morning sickness cannot be stopped, its effect can be minimised. “Pregnancy is a thing of joy, not something to be endured. If you are uncomfortable with the nausea and vomiting, go ahead and reduce it. For instance, some medications can be prescribed to help reduce vomiting.” Previously, studies have also stated that both the baby and mom benefit from the pregnancy nausea. A study in 2009 stated that morning sickness resulted in brighter babies. Researchers in The Hospital of Sick Children found a link between pregnancy nausea and the IQ of the offspring. On average, moms who suffered from morning sickness had children with an IQ 4-7 points higher than other moms. Some argue that since pregnant women that experience nausea are less likely to eat and drink harmful substances, their foetus are on average more protected from food-borne illness and chemicals that potentially could impair the development of critical organs, including the brain. So if you’re slogging through the early months of pregnancy wondering when the nausea is going to end, keep the studies in mind—maybe it’ll make the misery of morning sickness a little bit more bearable.

Pirated version of Nigerian Constitution in circulation —Reps Jacob Segun Olatunji and Kolawole Daniel -Abuja THE House of Representatives, on Wednesday, raised the alarm over existence of pirated copies of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended), saying such pirated copies “are now in circulation in the country.” Consequently, the House has mandated its committee on legislative compliance to interface with relevant authorities to ensure that pirated copies were phased out from circulation and report back to the House within two weeks. The House resolution followed a motion of urgent public importance, moved by Honourable Edward Pwajok who raised the alarm on the need to withdraw pirated copies of the constitution. While moving the motion, the lawmaker said “upon inauguration, members of the Eighth Assembly were given copies of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (with alteration), printed by the National Assembly printing press.” Honourable Pwajok expressed worry that the National Assembly printing press version of the constitution contained some clerical mistakes which had distorted the intents of the law and is, therefore, capable of misleading the public, the National Assembly and

even the courts.”” Citing example of such clerical mistakes, he said in Section 88 (1) of the National Assembly printed version, the word “and” is

used instead of “or,” saying “this has given the provision of conjunctive rather than the disjunctive meaning it is meant to have.” He further stated that in

Section 89 (1), “Section 65” is published in the National Assembly version instead of “Section 62.” These copies of the constitution with many

grave distortions, he noted, could be in circulation in the public and used by even lawyers and judges in our courts with farreaching implications.

When the motion was put to vote by the Speaker, Honourable Yakubu Dogara, it was unanimously supported by members.

Recession: Reps move against food wastage Jacob Segun Olatunji and Kolawole Daniel -Abuja AT a time when Nigeria is facing economic recession, the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, urged the Federal Government to urgently intervene in the infrastructural deficit of the agricultural sector in order to guide against food wastage in Nigeria. The House also urged the National Orientation Agency (NOA) to raise a campaign against food wastages in Nigeria in their activities of “Change begins with me.” The House resolution followed a motion moved by Honourable Rotimi Agunsoye, who expressed worry about the alarming systematic issue of food wastage and the imminent dangers it portended on the country. According to him, Nigeria loses amounts running into billions of Naira to food wastages, an amount which could have been injected into the economy. The lawmaker equally said: “’A total of about 1.3 billion tonnes of food

is wasted annually in Nigeria, which could have been enough to cater for the food needs of hungry Nigerians. To this end, he said

Nigeria would continue to plunge into more serious economic misfortunes if we did not check the common practice of food wastage, stressing that

“a large fraction of the Nigerian populace is faced with actual hunger and starvation or, at the very least, the threat of hunger and starvation.”

When the motion was put to vote by the Speaker, Honourable Yakubu Dogara, it was unanimously supported by members.

...To investigate “wonder bank” MMM Nigeria scheme Jacob Segun Olatunji and Kolawole Daniel -Abuja THE House of Representatives, on Wednesday, resolved to investigate the activities of the “wonder bank” Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox, popularly known as MMM, with a view to saving Nigerians participating in the scheme from financial ruin. The House consequently mandated its committees on banking and currency and financial crimes to carry out the investigation and report back to the House within four weeks. This resolution followed the adoption of the motion sponsored by Honourable Saheed Akinade- Fijabi, complaining about the wide acceptance by Nigerians of the unregulated MMM, which

he said, was established in 1989 by three Russian nationals with a promise that participants in the wonder scheme would make 30 per cent on investment after 30 days. Honourable AkinadeFijabi observed that every Nigerian participating in the MMM scheme, which had no legal backing, was vulnerable to losing his/her investment, as there was no identifiable platform to guarantee the security of the invested funds. He stated that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) had described the scheme as fraudulent, lamenting that many Nigerians had been victims in similar schemes in the past, such as the Wes Solution, Pennywise and Wealth Creation, all in the name of making quick money.

According to the lawmaker, “the scheme prides itself as a mutual fund through which recruited members contribute money in form of assistance without any intent to engage in banking business. “But the scheme’s structure, operations and intendment indicate otherwise as their clients can have multi-level structures under them and receive bonus (in percentage) from each financial transaction of every participant in their structures.” He explained that the scheme entered the Nigerians’ circle this year, by capitalising on the high level of unemployment and poverty to deceive unwary Nigerians into falling prey to their antics. The lawmaker pointed

out that the antecedents of the founders of the scheme “cannot guarantee security of investment in the scheme in the long run, as reports indicated that similar schemes by the same founders had been launched in Russia, where investors lost their monies running into millions of dollars. According to him, “It is worthy of note that the government of China banned the operations of MMM on the ground that it was a payment pyramid scheme without registration in the country and has the capacity to cause financial havoc in the system.” When the motion was put to vote by the Speaker, Honourable Yakubu Dogara, it was unanimously supported by members.

Thursday, 10 November, 2016 34 news Navy destroys more Re-engage ex militants for pipeline protection, NUPENG illegal refineries in tells Buhari ... Vows to resist fuel price increase Niger Delta

Soji-Eze Fagbemi, Abuja HE Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas (NUPENG), has called on the Federal Government to re-engage the services of ex-Niger Delta militants, who were sacked at the inception of President Muhammadu Buhari, for the protection of oil pipelines. Besides, the union has also warned, against the rumored planned increase in the price of petroleum products, saying that, it would resist any attempt by the government to further increase fuel price. President of NUPENG, Comrade Igwe Achese, who was delivering a Key Note address, at the 2016 NUPENG National Education Seminar, in Abuja, on Wednesday, said Buhari Government should in the interim reinstate the exmilitants to end disruption of oil facilities. The NUPENG president said: “We frowned at the frequent vandalization of pipelines in the country, by so-called militants, which has depleted our supply of crude oil for exports. We therefore call on the Federal Government, to increase security surveillance, to stem the tide and establish a Pipeline Protection Agency, to be fully committed to reduce the scourge. “In the interim, we suggested that, the former private security outfits hired by the last administration be reinstated, so that there will


be no further disruption of oil facilities, which enable us meet the 2.8 million barrels production per day then.” On the planned increase in pump price, Achese warned that NUPENG and entire labour force in Nigeria will rise to resist it with all its power.

He said; “N145 is the price, so there is no price increase for now, we have said clearly that any price increment would be resisted by us. It is a rumour for now, and that is why we are working very hard to partner with IPMAN and other necessary stakeholders in depot communi-

ties, to see that scarcity of petroleum is abated, and the as the issue of price increment is also abated.” Achese warned of a possible strike next week, if government failed to call to order the multinational companies, who have engaged in anti-labour and

Edo State governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole (second left), embracing his deputy, Dr Pius Odubu, at the last state executive council meeting, held at the Government House, Benin City, on Wednesday. With them is the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Professor Julius Ihonvbere

Oshiomhole holds valedictory exco meeting, commends team •Says fear of failure reason for his success

OUTGOING Edo State governor, Adams Oshiomhole, on Wednesday, presided over his last state executive council session as governor and commended members of the council for their steadfastness, commitment, industry and resourcefulness, which con-

tributed to the success of his administration. Speaking at the valedictory session at the Government House, Benin City, Governor Oshiomhole said “let me thank each and every one of you for what God has used you to do for our people, for our great state.

“Let me say publicly said I do believe the evidence is there, that members of this state executive council are the least paid and work the hardest compared to any other state that I know of. I also know that we have had to work long hours. “I recall a meeting we

Tree Felling: Contractors causing health hazards —Kogi commissioner KOGI State Commissioner for Environment, Mrs Rosemary Osikoya, has raised the alarm over the continuing felling of armature trees, by timber contractors for commercial purposes in the state thereby creating health hazards among the residents of various communities. The commissioner, who paid a courtesy visit along with the Special Adviser to the Governor on Security Matters, Commodore Jerry Omodara (retd) on the state Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Muhammad Chafe, on Wednesday, in Lokoja also alleged that policemen were also aiding and abetting the illegal and ungodly activities of timber thieves, whom he said, had rendered the state forestry empty of trees. She said the outcry has become necessary because some of the trees were not only planted by the state, but also by the Federal Government to serve as forest reserves. She alleged that the police, who were drafted by the authorities to guard and protect the people and the gov-

union activities. “Let me use this opportunity to call on the Federal Government, to intervene in the unresolved labour issues with the following companies, so that we do not witness a nationwide industrial action by next week when our 21-day ultimatum expires,” he said.

ernment properties like the forest reserves, had decided to join the cartel-the common enemies of the state, to partake in their nefarious activities in the forest. The visibly angry commissioner said police had on two or three occasions chased away the forest guards from their duty posts, stating that

the ban on tree felling had been lifted. The commissioner said the ban was still in place, urging the police boss to help the state government enforce it through his men. Osikoya lamented the havoc wrecked on the forest reserves nurtured by the state over years within 2012 to

date by the activities of some scrupulous elements within the state and their partners in the business in other neighbouring states. The state commissioner of Police, Mallam Muhammad Chafe in his response, commended the state government for its effort at restoring sanity to the state.

Drug trafficking: We will not tolerate criminal minded staff —NAHCO Shola Adekola-Lagos

THE Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO) on Wednesday declared that, despite the ongoing recession in the country it was still very much on ground. Stating this, the managing director of the handling company, Mr Norbert Bielderman, while speaking on activities at the company, used the occasion to talk on the recent arrest of some staff of the company, by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), over drug issues at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Air-

port, Abuja, said the company will not spare criminal minded staff. He declared that the company was not losing clients to a rival ground, handling company as claimed in some quarters. It will be recalled that NDLEA had last week disclosed the arrest of four NAHCO staff, over their involvement in an attempt to smuggle 144 kilogrammes of ephedrine to Maputo, Mozambique. NDLEA also said that the fifth suspect, Victor Ahenje, a load controller, who was also linked with the crime, was on the run.

Bielderman explained its recruitment process and background checks on new employees were constantly being reviewed; stressing that, there were no way drugs would have entered the airport without the connivance of government agencies at the airport. He said, “The screening process was such that, for any shipment to be exported, the Customs NDLEA, the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, security and others, must have screened it. Even, the airlines security staff would also have conducted necessary checks.”

had, starting at 9.00 a.m., no adjournment and staying all the way to 7.00 a.m. the following day. No break, no adjournment. We all agreed that we would do that and we would not adjourn until we had addressed the issue of the viability of this state, so that we can deliver on our promises.” “I want to thank all of you. May God bless you; may God reward you. And we must have a sense of collective ownership of everything that happened while we were here. “I want to apologise to those I harassed and there is hardly anyone I didn’t, but it can be both ways. I wanted everything to be perfect. The harder I strived towards perfection, the more I realise that it can’t be, and I am still striving. I was always afraid to fail; it has been in my nature. I didn’t design it. Thank you for tolerating a lot of that and for appreciating that nothing was personal.” Also speaking, the deputy governor, Dr Pius Odubu said, “I recall with nostalgia the very early days of our relationship. The very first time we met with regard to this project was in Abuja, and it was as if we had known each other for donkey years. We bonded as brothers. I recall again the trying moment, the trying period when our mandate was stolen. You provided exemplary leadership.

Chris Agbambu – Abuja

OPERATIVES of the Nigerian Navy (NN) have arrested MT Sea Eunice, for alleged involvement in illegal oil bunkery activities. Preliminary investigation revealed that, while the vessel was nominated to load 400 Metric Tons (MT) of Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), it was discovered that she had about 1,000 MT of AGO onboard, even as the final process for loading approval was not completed. Similarly, the patrol teams deployed by Fob Bonny have raided Ogbunku and Bolo Creeks in Rivers State. During the raids, the team destroyed two illegal refineries, one Cotonou boat and six storage tanks containing suspected illegally refined AGO. Other items destroyed, include four storage tanks of suspected stolen crude oil and three speedboats, carrying eight drums each of suspected illegally refined AGO. Additionally, the patrol team recovered three outboard engines of 40 Horse Power capacity and 3 pumping machines.

NDE retrains GAP beneficiaries in Edo Banji Aluko - Benin City GRADUATES of tertiary institutions, who have been trained in the Graduate Attachment Programme (GAP) of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), are now being retrained, in order to provide skills and personal attribute in the evolving technological advancement. According to the Acting Director General of the NDE, Mr Kunle Obayan, the modification is to prepare the beneficiaries for proactive and productive performance, in carrying out their assignments in the various places of attachment, or in case they are not retained after their attachment programmes. In his address to the beneficiaries of the Enhancing the Employability of Graduate Attachment Programme at an event held in Benin, Obayan noted that all the schemes of the NDE were currently being modified and modernised, to achieve total self sufficiency for beneficiaries. Towards this end, the NDE has conceptualised new employment creation schemes, targeted at new diverse groups, such as the School-to-Work Scheme, which is aimed at imparting vocational skills in secondary school students, and the Smart Farmer Scheme, an IT-based interactive system, that provides agricultural intelligence and reliable data.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

C of O processing now 2 months in Oyo —Commissioner By Yejide Gbenga-Ogundare


YO State government has stated that Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) would now be processed under 60 days if

proper documents are submitted by land owners. Commissioner for Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Mr Isaac Omodewu, stated this during the inter-ministerial briefing recently held at the

Ministry of Information Mini Theatre, Ibadan. Omodewu stated that government had put necessary measures in place to facilitate quick process and issuance of C of O, stressing that government was

disturbed by the endless waiting period and the patronage of agents by land owners to obtain the certificate. He urged members of the public to desist from patronising agents for any

The Oluwo of Iwoland, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi (left) and the national coordinator, Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC), Chief Gani Adams, during a courtesy visit to the Oluwo in his palace, on Wednesday. PHOTO: TOMMY ADEGBITE.

Olubadan stool dispute: Oyo CJ hands off suit filed by Seriki line By Yejide Gbenga-Ogundare and Mariam Olateju


HE Chief Judge of Oyo State, Justice Munta Abimbola, on Wednesday, withdrew from handling a matter filed by the Seriki Olubadan lineage, led by its patriarch, Chief Adebayo Oyediji, to contest the selection and installation of the Olubadan of Ibadan, Oba Saliu Adetunji. Seriki lineage alleged that the Olubadan-incouncil erred and did not follow due process in selecting Oba Adetunji. Chief Oyediji had, in a motion filed on his behalf by his counsel, Abideen Adeniran, alleged that the Olubadan-in-Council had been cheating him and the Seriki Line since November 21, 2008 by disobeying the order of Justice M.O. Ishola, which had granted an interlocutory injunction restraining the state governor, the Attorney-General, the late Oba Odugade and six other high chiefs from the Ekerin Olubadan, Ashipa Olubadan, Osi Olubadan, Otun Olubadan, as well as its equivalent in the Balogun line “from selecting, appointing or promoting any of them to the stool of Olubadan pending the

hearing and final determination of the originating summons.” At the resumed hearing of the matter at Court 1, Oyo State High Court, Ring Road, Ibadan, Justice Abimbola announced his decision, adding that this was based on a petition written to the National Judicial Council by the Seriki family. He added that the petition was written in March, explaining that the NJC panel took six months to

look into the matter before clearing him of any malpractice. He described the petition as unfounded, adding that no specific allegation of misconduct was given as basis for the petition aside the accusation that he attended the installation ceremony of the Olubadan of Ibadan. He explained that the allegation was false as he does not attend public functions that has no legal relevance or associated to his judicial functions.

He warned counsel to desist from acts targeted at tarnishing the image of judges especially when there is no substantive evidence against such judges. Adeniran, in his response, denied being the author of the petition, but admitted that he was shown a copy after the deed was done. In his ruling on the matter, Justice Abimbola stated that he was withdrawing from handling the matter and transferring the file to the administrative judge to reassign it to another court.

Group lauds new Oyo education policy, urges transparency By Yejide Gbenga-Ogundare A non-governmental group, the Future Leaders Assembly (FLA), on Wednesday, commended Oyo State government for its efforts that brought about the white paper on the report of the committee on participatory management of schools. The group described the move as the right step to end the decay in the educational sector in the state. FLA, in a statement signed by its chairman, Bowale Hassan, also commended the government for the establishment of

School Governing Boards (SGB) for public schools in the state, adding that this would make management of schools easier and raise the bar on the standard of education in the state. The group, however, urged that every individual involved in the process should embrace the principles of accountability, fairness and transparency. “Government, SGB members and parents should know that transparency is a key factor in determining the success of government programmes and policy. “Also, parents’ support is essential to ensure that

the white paper is implemented and the SGB model succeeds. They have been asked to continue the payment of N1000 levy and the government has assured that the fund is meant for the development of schools. We believe that parents need to contribute their quota to the revival of education in the state. “While it is understandable that the N1000 may be difficult for some parents to afford, we appeal to them to strive to contribute their quota to the success of the education of their wards,” FLA stated.

transaction whatsoever and consequently called on fuel stations in the state that have not been approved by the government to get proper approval as illegal fuel stations would be demolished. He stated further that the state government is set to increase internally generated revenue through landed property, pointing out that the government had created a new Government Reserved Area (GRA) behind the High Court, Ring Road and that more would spring up in Oyo/Ibadan expressway as well as Lagos/Ibadan expressway. He further said that individuals, corporate bodies as well as groups, foreign and local investors interested in the industrial park along Lagos/Ibadan expressway should come to the ministry for inquiries. Meanwhile, transport unions in the state have been advised to work together in order to control activities at motor parks and garages to enhance revenue generation and sustenance of peace in the state. The Commissioner for Works and Transports, Mr Wasiu Dauda, said this during the stakeholders meeting with members of the transport unions. State Chairman, Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN), Prince Kehinde Adeyemo, stated that government should have biometric data of all personnel at the motor parks and garages. He called for proper management of annual remittance of tax by both unions for the development of the state. Adeyemo suggested that a Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) be set up to oversee the operational framework of transport unions to ensure peaceful co-existence. In his own comments, state chairman, National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Alhaji Taofeek Oyerinde, pledged the unions’ unalloyed support to the government. The stakeholders meeting had in attendance Assistant Commissioner of Police, Oyo State Police Command; representatives of Department of State Services, NSCDC, representatives of ministries of Work and Transport, Justice, Accountant General’s Office , Board of Internal Revenue and executives of both the NURTW and RTEAN.

Nigerian Tribune

Ogun Assembly confirms Olubanjo as Auditor-General By Gbenga Olumide OGUN State House of Assembly has confirmed the appointment of Mr Sunday Olubanjo for the post of Auditor-General. The approval was sequel to the adoption of the report of the committee of the Whole House, chaired by the Speaker, Honourable Suraju Adekunbi, as presented by his Deputy, Olakunle Oluomo, who also moved the motion for its adoption and seconded by Honourable Harrisson Adeyemi. According to the report, the committee screened and found the nominee to be worthy of being appointed as the state AuditorGeneral. In another development, Honourable Adekunbi has called on the Federal Ministry of Works and its state counterpart to, as a matter of urgency, begin rehabilitation of bad portions of some roads across the state.

Community eulogises Ajimobi at bridge commissioning By Yejide Gbenga-Ogundare and Mariam Olateju CARETAKER chairman, Ibadan North West Local Government, Dr Wasiu Adewale Olatubosun, has commissioned a pedestrian bridge at Ashipa Sango compound, ward 1, constructed for the use of over 5,000 people of the adjoining communities. The Mogaji Akeyepe, Chief Ganiyu Akeyepe, while speaking on behalf of other Mogajis in the area, commended Governor Abiola Ajimobi for his efforts at restoring the lost glory of the state in the area of economic rejuvenation. He also commended the authority of the council for the reconstruction of the bridge. Also speaking at the occasion, a former commissioner in the state, Alhaji Jelili Agboola, urged the people of the area to keep supporting the All Progressives Congress (APC). Mr Adefisoye Adekanye, the APC Oyo senatorial district, admonished the people of the council to remain hopeful of the adequate delivery of the campaign promises of the party. Olatubosun, on his part, applauded the people of the community for their understanding and support during the process and construction of the project.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Most directorate cadre civil servants can’t write good memo, minister laments Clement Idoko, Abuja


INISTER of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu, on Wednesday, lamented that most directorate cadre officers in the Federal Civil Service (FCS), in Nigeria cannot write good memo, a factor he said, is

responsible for the failure of most government policies and programmes. Adamu, represented by the director, Human Resources and Development in the ministry, Mr Mohammed Umar, said this in Abuja, while declaring open a three-day workshop

on“Leadership and strategic management in the era of “Education for Change,” organised for deputy directors and assistant directors in the Federal Ministry of Education . “It is unfortunate that most directorate cadre officers cannot write good

memo, he said. “One of the reasons that may have contributed to the failure of the previous national efforts such as road map and four-year strategic plan, aimed at revamping education sector to achieving its goal, was the inadequate capacity of the policy

Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), Mr Nta Ekpo (fourth left), with other course participants, at the Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto, Canada.

ICPC boss, Obono-Obla, others attend course in Canada CONTRARY to recent news reports that he has been sacked by the Federal Government, the chairman, Independent Corrupt practices and other related offences Commission(ICPC), Ekpo Nta, is among some Nigerian government officials that are currently attending a course on Indicators of Development for Justice Officials in Toronto, Canada. The ICPC boss is attending the course alongside senior officials in the justice sector of the government such as the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Prosecution, Chief Okoi Obono-Obla; Chief Judge of the High Court of the Fed-

eral Capital Territory(FCT), Ishaq Bello; Deputy Inspector General of Police, Investigation and Intelligence; Deputy Commissioner of Police, Legal,Force Headquarters and Special Assistant to the Vice President on Justice Reform,among others The course which is to run from October30 to November10, is taking place at the prestigious Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada. The Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, is an interdisciplinary academic centre with various research and educational programmes committed to the field of globalisation.

It offers master’s degrees in Global Affairs, European, Russian and Asia-Pacific studies. The school also offers a certificate programme in global journalism. It occupies the historical Devonshire House, a former residential hall of the univer-

LASU’s governing council demotes professor Over alleged requisite papers, journals THE Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, has announced the demotion of a lecturer, Olatunji Abanikannda, from professor to a senior lecturer over alleged lack of requisite papers and journals. Abanikannda, a former Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics, was the

Dangote has no interest owning a private varsity —Director Kola Oyelere Kano

THE chairman of Dangote Group of Companies, Alhaji Aliyu Dangote, has no interest in establishing a private university in the country. However, he would not relent in his efforts at giving necessary support to promote the standard of education across the country. The executive director, stakeholders’ management and corporate communications, Dangote Group of

Companies, Mr Mansur Ahmed, said this during a press conferece, at Royal Tropicana Hotel, Kano, on Wednesday. He said that though, Alhaji Dangote believed that education is the best legacy that parents could give to their children, adding that there are many well-meaning Nigerians that have been assisting through the establishment of private institutions in the country. He said that some compa-

sity’s Trinity College and in 2012, opened a second location at 315 Bloor Street West, after an $80 million collective contribution from the Peter and Melanie Munk Foundation, the government of Canada and the government of Ontario.

makers, planners and administrators. “Deputy and assistant directors in the ministry are key in policy making and implementation. These leaders hold strategic positions in the ministry and for the government to achieve its objective of change and reforms of inclusive functional education for all, the capacity building is apt and most desirable,” he said. Adamu added that education system is dynamic and that the sector planners and managers need to acquire skills to update them effectively in line with the change agenda He said the workshop organised by the Federal Ministry of Education in collaboration with the National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), was aimed at strengthening the capacity of the sector’s planners and administrators. He expressed the commitment of the Federal Government to training and retraining of the top echelon of the civil service, adding that provision of good quality service delivery, particularly, in education sector, was depended on the quality and experience of its deputy and assistant directors. “The President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration recognises that Nigeria’s education system must prepare and equip the citizenry to effectively contribute and discharge their roles for national development,” he said.

nies have been establishing laudable projects in various higher institutions across the country, most especially, at Bayero University, Kano and Kano State University of Science and Technology. He added that Dangote has been assisting tertiary institutions not only in Kano State but as well as other parts of the country . He said that he equally executed Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) both within the country and outside it.

immediate past director, LASU External System (part-time programme). In 2014, he contested for the post of the Deputy ViceChancellor but lost to Professor Fidelis Njokanma. The Vice Chancellor of the institution, Professor Olanrewaju Fagbohun, however, confirmed the demotion, in a telephone interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), in Lagos. Fagbohun said the demotion of the lecturer was a decision taken by the governing council, adding that the university management had implemented it. NAN reported that the university’s governing council decision followed a petition against the lecturer by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), LASU chapter. The union had petitioned the governing council, headed by Professor Adebayo

Ninolowo, alleging that the former vice chancellor, Professor John Obafunwa, promoted the lecturer without due process. A five-man panel was consequently set up to investigate the allegations levelled against the lecturer. Some concerned members of staff of the university had also lodged complaints that Abanikannda was not qualified to be a professor but was promoted by Professor Obafunwa. NAN reported that the panel, after several meetings and investigations, recommended the demotion of the lecturer. It was gathered that the council also reprimanded the former vice-chancellor and the current registrar, Mr Akinwunmi Lewis, for taking certain decisions contrary to the laid down rules and regulations of the university.

Taiwo Adenowo clocks 80 today MRS Taiwo Adenowo (nee Buraimo), will be 80 years today (Thursday). A thanksgiving service to mark the event will hold at the Cathedral Church of St Paul, Sagamu, Ogun State, at 10.00 am, on Saturday. The thanksgiving service will be presided over by the Archbishop Ecclestical Province of Lagos and Diocesan Bishop of Remo, Most Reverend (Dr) Olusina Fape. Entertainment of guests is at Awabat Event Centre, off Ewusi Street, beside Bright Fashion Junction, Makun, Sagamu, Ogun State.

Taiwo Adenowo

Abandoned babies CYNTHIA Hope Amosun, a baby girl of about few weeks old, was deliberately abandoned by her mother, along Iju-Ota Road, Songo-Ota, Ogun State, on September 10, 2016, at about 8:30 hours.

SOLOMON Hope Amosun, a newly born baby boy of about few days old, was given birth to by a suspected insane woman. The woman gave birth to the subject along the main road of Olomu area, Power line Ifo, Ogun State, on October 24, 2016, at about 17:00 hours

ANYONE with useful information about the whereabouts of their parents/relatives of their mothers should, please, contact the nearest Police Station or the Director of Social Welfare Services, Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, Ogun State.



Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Buhari meet S/East senators over Kanu, appointments

Lagos launches state policy on youths Newton-Ray Ukwuoma - Lagos

Taiwo Adisa and Ayodele Adesanmi - Abuja

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari and senators elected from the South-East geopolitical zones met on Wednesday, at the Presidential Villa, in what sources described as a bid to secure the release of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu. Sources at the meeting also told the Nigerian Tribune that other issues raised at the meeting included the non appointment of citizens of South East extraction into sensitive positions in the administration. Nigerian Tribune also gathered that the South-East senators, selected on the basis of one per state, were led to the villa by the chairman of South East caucus in the National Assembly, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe. It was learnt that the meeting requested the president to take immediate steps to redress what they called “glaring non-appointment of people of South East into the National Security Council of the Federation.” Sources confirmed that the issue of IPOB and Kanu were also discussed as well as the security problems in the region. According to sources, the South East delegation also raised the issue of rampaging herdsmen, who had seized various farmlands in the zone. On infrastructure, the delegation was reported to have highlighted the deplorable state of federal highways and poor funding of projects. It was further learnt that a participant at the meeting told the president that “not up to 10 per cent of appropriated funds is released annually for the past 10 years, leading to worsening state of infrastructure in the region. The lawmakers were said to have also demanded a standard gauge railway from Agbor to Onitsha, to meet up with the standard gauge of Warri to Lokoja rail.

Acting chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu (left) and the Secretary of the commission, Emmanuel Aremo, at the unveiling of 21 new operational vehicles to mark the first anniversary of Magu’s appointment, at the commission’s headquarters, Abuja, on Wednesday. PHOTO: NAN

Lowo Oyediran’s murder: Prosecution witness demands N500, 000 Yejide Gbenga-Ogundare and Mariam Olateju

TWO prosecution witnesses in the ongoing trial of 28-year-old Yewande Oyediran (nee Fatoki), a lawyer with the Oyo State Ministry of Justice, who was alleged of unlawfully causing the death of Lowo Oyediran, her 38 years old husband, have demanded for the sum of N500, 000 before they will appear to give testimony in the matter. Trial was scheduled to continue in the case before Justice Munta Abimbola of the Oyo State High Court 1, High Court Complex, Ring Road, on Wednesday, but the matter stalled when the two witnesses; Chief John Adelodun Akinpelu and his wife, Esther, failed to appear to testify. The Private Prosecutor, S.S. Akinyele, had informed the court that he needed the court’s direction in a development he described as novel to him in all his years at the bar. Akinyele informed the court that the witnesses, who were eyewitnesses to the events that led to Lowo

Oyediran’s death, are the landlords of the couple, adding that they wrote him that they will not come to court until they are paid for their services. “My Lord, the witnesses I am supposed to call today are not in court and I want to call them first before any other witnesses as they are eyewitnesses to events that

led to this matter. I will be asking for the court’s direction in this matter as there is a development that is novel to me. “The witnesses wrote a letter to me through their counsel, Michael F. Lana Esq, the letter is dated 22nd October, 2016. In the letter, the witnesses are demanding for the sum of N500,

Magu unveils 21 vehicles to mark 1st anniversary as EFCC boss Saliu Gbadamosi - abuja

THE acting chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu, on Wednesday, unveiled 21 new operational vehicles to mark his first anniversary of presiding over the anti-corruption commission. The 21 vehicles unveiled by Magu at the commission’s headquarters in Abuja, comprised Pick-Up vans and buses. Speaking at the event, an enthusiastic Magu informed that the vehicles were supplied to the commission by the government, adding that they would be utilised to aid the operations and logistics aspect of the war against cor-

ruption. According to the anticorruption Czar, “They are operational vehicles being supplied to us by the government to further aid our concerted efforts to rid Nigeria of economic and financial

A micro finance bank, Lead City Micro Finance Bank, has petitioned the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibadan zone over a N59 million fraud perpetrated by its former managing director and four others. The suspects, according to the petition are the then Managing Director, Mrs

Afolakemi Soba, ex-Credit Manager, Mr Adejuwin Abiodun, Mr Adelusi Ilesanmi, ex-marketer, Mr Owolabi Olawale, ex-marketer and Mr Ogbeibu Charies, also a former IT staff. The microfinance bank, in a petition written by its solicitors, Kola Ajayi and Co, signed by Ife Olamiju, dated October 12, 2016, and addressed to the chairman of the commission was

delivered through a courier service, Obokun Express Limited. The 0.5kg petition sent via Obokun Airway bill teller number: 0000074, was received on behalf of the commission by Richard Ade on October 14, 2016. According to the petition titled: “Petition on N59,000,000 fraud in Lead City Micro Finance Bank Limited”, the sus-

crimes,” he said. He expressed appreciation to the Federal Government for its support to EFCC, and called on Nigerians to also show solidarity with the anti-graft agency, in order to move the country forward.

Insurgency: Group to establish trauma centre for wounded soldiers in N/East Christian Okeke - Abuja

A group, Fallen Heroes Project, has unveiled plans to establish trauma centre where soldiers wounded in the battle against insurgency in the North-East region, would be given specialist medical attention. The group expressed con-

Micro finance bank petitions EFCC over alleged N59m fraud By Tunde Ogunesan

000 to cover what they called their past and future expenses. “For reasons of absence of the witnesses, the case is hereby adjourned till December 5,2016 for continuation of trial. “Witness summons is to be served on the witnesses before this date,” Justice Abimbola ruled.

pects were accused of having committed the offence between February 2009 and 2016 in issuance of loans without collateral and approval of the Board of Directors. “We are solicitors to Lead City Micro Finance Bank Limited hereinafter referred to as “Our client” and we have her authority to relate with you on the above subject matter refers.

cerns over the sacrifices being made by security agents in the battle, as well as the supreme sacrifice that some of them had to pay. Speaking while exchanging views with the Corps Marshal of Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Boboye Oyeyemi, at the corps’ headquarters in Abuja, on Wednesday, national coordinator of the Fallen Heroes Project, Kenneth Ibe-Kalu, disclosed that the group equally had plans to float scholarship scheme for children of the fallen heroes. Oyeyemi was represented by Deputy Corps Marshall and Head, Motor Vehicle Administration Department, Charles Theophilus. He said the association also had plans for an empowerment programme for widows of the soldiers killed in active service.

THE Lagos Ministry of Youth and Social Development has launched the first state-sponsored document on youths’ rights, development and welfare. The 76- page document tagged: “Lagos State Youth Policy,” was officially presented to the public on Tuesday, in Ikeja and provides uniform policy framework for all ministries, departments and agencies on youth-related activities in the state. The Commissioner for Youth and Social Development, Mrs Uzamat AkibileYusuf, who spoke during the public presentation, said the policy was in tandem with the vision of the state government to prioritise youth agenda as well as to harmonise strategies of harnessing the potential of youths in the state. “The Lagos State Youth Policy document contains commitments by the government, the youth of Lagos State and the society to pursue the growth and development of young people. “It also provides a crucial framework guiding the state’s approach on youthrelated activities in order to ensure that the large number of youths resident in the state are provided with high quality of life, that their potential are realised and that they become veritable assets to the state’s economic and social development,” she said.

Zamfara orders investigation into miners’ killings THE Zamfara government has directed security agencies to investigate the killings of local miners at Gidan Ardo Village of Bindin district in Maru Local Government Area of the state. About 40 local miners were allegedly killed by bandits in the last Monday’s attack in the area. The state acting Governor, Malam Ibrahim Wakkala, gave the directive after its emergency security meeting in Gusau ,on Wednesday. Wakkala, in statement by his Press Secretary, Mr Yusuf Idris, urged the security operatives to intensify measures to ensure quick investigation into the killings and prosecute any culprits involved in the incident. “It is very unfortunate the way some criminals embark on killing of innocent people, despite the effort by both state and Federal Government to address the security challenges in the state,” he stated.



DR. J.K POOLS – 07039275802.

(5XX7) 13-18-19-20-24.

Are you ready? Let us start again from this season to know who is who in pool world, Please try to keep regular record of our performances. I want to introduce what i did in the late 40s in the defunct sporting OBSERVE. I am now say authoritatively of 3/3,4/4, and 5/5 before the end of this a current uk pool SEASON. Please read my message in my weekly text message and following my advice.those who have not enroll should do so now and pay to EKHOMU JOHN account no2085795936 at Zenith Bank. Now staker pick two bankers from 13.. 18, 19, 20, 34, and add to the above breaket games Good luck says DR.J.K.POOLS.


08054352685 (40XBK 41)

Still selling fast 3Sure Draw Sat N40, 000 when you win grab our 3sure draws at N40, 000 when win or N1000 MTN card. You must win and win well Wk17 Resort = 13xxx 40Pair 17xxx20 30 or 3 is assured. This Wk 18 40 x BK4

THE LILIES 08086944309 (43 JACKPORT 45)

Stay put with us and traps the elusive Jackpotxs send N1, 500 MTN card and grab our Jackpotxs we have the Jackpotxs call now and win big Jackpot on pools 43 Jackpotx45

MISTER DRAW 08030415683

Wy combe Wanderes to hold morecamb united plus 2 super draws cost N2000 MTN card. Call now and win big fortune on pools 22x22x22x22.


NEW SYSTEMS SET FOR WK 18 A Wk after Cup COST N25000 4. BANKERS WK 17 NO 10x 11f 12f 28x= 4/4 Wk 18 a Wk after Cup No Nap Nap Nap Nap= 4/4 WITH GOD one Bankers N2000 Wk 17 NO 10x WK 18 CUP. MOLLY one Banker N2000 Wk 17 NO 28x WK 18 NO NAP. USA One Banker N2000 Wk 17 No 11f CUP WK 18 CUP BIG MAN one Banker N2000 Wk 17 No 13x Wk 18 No Cup CUP. Stakers try to molly one Banker Group. 4 Special draws this cost N25, 000 Wk 17 FA Cup 1 No 10x 11f 12 28x= 2/4 Wk 18. a Ak after Cup No Nap Nap Nap Nap N25, 000 send MTN Card 08055230300.


READERS NO 43XXCBK To draw with 2 others make it 3 over 3 on Saturday play it any where you must win our 3 fixed draws cost #10,000.cash Call 09050512097

DOSA 08072216644 45 PAIR 46

Invest you money wisely, DOSA 3 nap draws and 1 hot pair this week 18 . don’t allow master na lie confuse you from sending #5,000 MTN recharge card to DOSA. You will shout halleluyah on Saturday if you send to him, thanks.

FORTUNE NAP 08067881958

Wk 18 No. 11x 16x 20 / 19 x 38 Free to enable you buy our wk 19 special release cost: ¦ 25,000 after wk 18 result for wk 19 Draws call: 08067881958.



A week after Cup usual wins at Short Gun please Call and Win Sure Nap. We are now ready to enrich all stakers both registered and unregistered clients. Call for details – N25, 000. Goodluck.

F.A. CUP SUNDERLAND SYSTEM= 09038460009= 18 NAP 19

ENGLISH SYSTEM BOOKLET OUT N30,000. MEMBERSHIP N50, 000 Wk 17 No CUP CUP CUP CUP= 4/4 4. Bankers N6, 000 Wk 16 NO 10X 29X 30X 40X 4. Bankers N6, 000 Wk 17 F.A. CUP I NO 10X 13X 14X 15F 4. Bankers N6, 000 Wk 18 CUP NO NAP NAP NAP NAP WK 19 NO NAP NAP NAP NAP Two Bankers N3000 Wk 16 RED NO NAP 10X 30X Two Bankers N3, 000 Wk 17 NO 10X 13X PAIR 28X 29F WK 18 NO NO CUP CUP Time to win pool this Wk 18 Sunderland system 4 special Draws this Wk 18 will play 4/4 correct hurry up to get your copy today two Bankers cost N3000 4. BANKERS COST N6000 Send MTN Card 09038460009




Premiership magic – Man city lost top spot in the EPL after th 1-1 draw at home against Middlesbrough. I think Guardiola’s army still felt the effect of the UCL in over Bercelona – while Arsenal blow the chance on top of the leaga after 1-1 draw against Totteham. In fact it was a derby match and good game from both sides on Saturday. Alas! The dramatic Liverpool slaughters Walford 6goals to one to move 3 steps up the premiership table with a point lead over Chelsea to top the league table which was managed by Manchester City and Arsenal for a while, the 2 teams now occupied third and forth position respectively. Draws are likely at Gillingham, Oldham, Peterboro, Portvale at league one. Shrewburry, Blackpool, crewe Portmouth and Stevenage in league two. The English conference league looks fertile for draws,Bromley,Eastleigh, Macclesfield,Solilull.M,Southport and Wrexham are favoured. Dumbarton,Queen of South in Scottish championship and Airdrie, Albron Rover, Queenspark, Albroath, Cowdenbeath and Annan are Scottish division one and two tips. NOTE-Matches which were postponed would often have their results adjusdicated, for the sake of the football pools result by a board known as the Pools Panel. HAPPY WINNING.

DR. NICHOLAS AGAIN – 09066465222.

SUCCESSFUL – HISTORY WINNING GAZET IN 2014 and 2016 Weeks 32, 33, 34, 35 and Wks. 15, 16, 17, 18 NOTE – A Cup Week must fall within the Stipulated weeks. Week 32” 2014 – 39x 45x 48xxx – 20x (5drs) Week 15’ 2016 – 39x 45x 48xxx 01x (11drs) MIDDLESBRO AS STANDING DRAW and 39x 45x 48xxx must be the last 3 draws on board to confirm the other 3 weeks fixed Naps 2nd Week 33/16 10X 29X 40X – 09xx 13 3rd Week 34/17 13x 28x – 47X 31X 21 4TH WEEK 35/18 X X X – 29x 21 Draws are picked and fixed by the Pools Panel officials only Compilers with reliable Experts can make winning possible on their directives – 09066465222. Goodluck= N100,000= 2 clients left. Call for details. (Must Win).


The doyen of African pools compilers, Prime Willy Ehi Obinyan proved his mettle again with naked draws flashed in his papers. In his papers, he gave out Nos 10xx 13xx 17xx 25xx 28xx 31xx and 47xx to deal with the promoters and enrich stakers who have been following his papers. The group of his papers which gave out the draws in their columns include Shoot Pointers, Pools telegraph, New dream, Zetters pools guild, Murphy sports and final result. He therefore enjoined stakers to continue to patronize his group of papers for their winnings.


Our winning streaks continue this week as we land on coupon No 45 & 46 for a compulsory draw, play them any where. On form and sequence, they are best pair on the cards this week , Don’t ignore them. Kindly add them to our 1bk this week and smile to your bank on Monday morning. Our 1bk sell for #1,500.00, 2 draws cost N3,000.00 and 3draws for N15,000.00 this week on 08035324990 be a regular winner!


6XXX45XXX PHONE 08140575314,08085005634

The compiler of Ola-city international and sir waddy Naps assures stakers and all registered members of his 3 fixed draws for the week 19 and 21 at accost of ¦ 10,000 cash each week which will surely get all correct pay your ¦ 10,000 cash to first bank plc. Account No. 3033318854in the name of Olafewa R. Ola-city and collect the 3 draws of phone after confirmation of your payment pairs 6xxx 45xxx for a draw must. Happy weekend.


Week 17 cup = 1xx , 10xx, 28xx, as promised earlier, weeks 17 and 18, are sure and guaranteed wins for all my customers and any interested staker to win, with my games . Do not be left out. Last week got 1xx 10xx 28xx as just a tip of the iceberg . week 18 Nap cost only #10,000 cash payable at GTB to Alhaji Sadiku Adedeji acct No. 0030411077.

ACHIEVER INTER 08034097902

Week “16” RESULT 16xx 29xx & 30xx 3/3 Week “18” – 06xx 07xx. We congratulations to all our numerous customers member end who bought our current key in wk 16, with key no ‘1’ draw 16xx 29xx 30xx play 3/3. Which has been working wonderful well has been promised to elfish pout the naked draws OPERATION no mercy for pools promoters begins this November till December. We have killed draws for the 2 mouth wk(18- wk25) 8 week operation, Join us for a ball out of recession which been like the century at the moment, members hip respiration is N2,000,000 where is deposit only 100,000 to balance from the winning. (OR) 60, 000 for the key current our system booklet will be out finally .stakers if you area heaving stacker come to our office. This week for 4 games for 3 draw in our office with air cement. This week –06xx 07xx plus 3 others Calls – 08034097902-08057309501 06xxx 06xx, 07xx, 06xx 07xx.

WITH CONFIDENCE. F.A. CUP. MASTER= 08166222529, 08139714848= 3 NAP 4XX Two Bankers= N5000 Wk 15 RED NO 21X 24 PAIR 28F 29X Wk 18 A Wk after Cup No Nap Nap Two Banker= N5000 Wk 16 A WK TO CUP NO 10X 40X PAIR 30X 41F Two Bankers N5000 Wk 17 NO 10x 28x Pair 26x 27f Wk 18 No Nap Nap Pair XX One Bankers= N2500 Wk 15 RED No 39x Pair 20x 21x Wk 16 30X PAIR 40X 41F One Bankers= N2500 Wk 17 F.A CUP NO 26x Pair 28x 29f wk 18 No Nap Nap Pair Nap Nap League Table Two Bankers= N3000 Wk15 NO 29X 39X PAIR 8X 9F WK 16 A WK TO CUP NO 29X 30X PAIR 9X 34F NAP WK 17 F.A CUP NO CUP CUP PAIR CUP CUP Wk 18. a wk after No Nap Nap Pair XX LEAGUE TABLE One Banker N2000 Wk 15 NO 48X WK 16 NO 10x WK 17 A 23x Wk 18 No Nap Wk 19 No Nap Stakers try to get with Confidence two Bankers this Wk 18 cost N5000 two N2500 League table two Bankers cost N3000 one Bankers cost N2000 we set for 6 Wks operations. Wk 15, 16, 17, 18. Send MTN Card 08166222529. The game will send to you by text message. 08139714848.



2014-2016. CONGRATULATIONS ON ANNUAL SANDWICH 3WKS CUP. NAPS. WEEKS-16,17 ND 18 3WEEKS IN 3YEARS=2014,15 & 16. 21 MUST 32. —2013 — 2014 — 2015 — 2016 WK.16 – 7X 21X 36X — 8X 36X 49X — 5X 26X 47 — 6X 29X 36X 40X WK.17 – 9X 15X 44X — 5X 19X 44X — 2X 21X 35X — 28X 30X 31X 47X WK.18 — 3X 23X 40X — 7X 24X 48X — 10X 22X 46X — X X X The above chat shown our previous years performance. Welcome to the Madams of Mr Joshua winning pay point = N50,000 — Call our media manager for more details (Mr Joshua 08023329191) — Good luck =

Thursday, 10 - 16 November, 2016 MODUPE NAP – 13X 26X 47XX IBUKUN OLU NAPS 07026839837. 45CBK

The managing director of IBUKUN OLU NAPS offer coupon no 45 CBK this week 18 plus 2,other it’s 3 over 3 This week my 3 draws cost #10,000 cash do not miss it, you are a winner call 07026839837.

HEAD MASTER 08032747136

NAP 13,23,33, our week 19 release will cost ¦ 50,000 if you want to be part of winner this week and week 19 play the above games 13,23,33 for 2 draws and call for details.


F.A. CUP 08135637650 (6XX 9XX)

UK SYSTEM TWO BANKERS N2000 WK 17 F. A. CUP 1 NO 10x 28x WK 18 A Wk after Cup No Cup Cup= Wk 19 No Nap Nap POWER X POWER N2000 WK 17 F. A. CUP 1 NO 13x 28x No Wk 18 a wk after Cup No Nap Nap Wk 19 No Nap Nap Winner code 505 two Bankers N2000 Wk 17 F. A Cup 1 No 10x 14x Wk 18 No Nap Nap Ade. Sure Nap two Bankers N2000 Wk 17. F.A. Cup No 11F 12F Wk 18 No Cup Cup 4 Expert Special Draws this Wk 18 cost N25, 000 Wk 17 10x 11F 12F 28F= N25, 000 Wk 18 No Nap Nap Nap Nap= 4/4. Send MTN Card 08135637650. The Game will send to you by text message.


08084077244 (40XX 41) (43XX 45) (11XX 21)

Lastweek winners on our free 5games and all callers that were given the 3 direct draws are now in full cash. Sure win for this week is ready with the above pair = 3 DIRECT DRAWS COST N10, 000

CARMARK SUPE -08186673842

20X21X22XXX-2 draws week 17= 7F 10X 23XX- 2 FREE DRAWS. Luton vs Accrington= Whenever it appear on coupon is to promote 3 fixed/direct Nap is sure. ¦ 10,000. Payable at IBTC Bank no 0001361916. in favor of Mr S.B. Odesola. Don’t miss this golden opportunity. Good luck.

MADAM DORCAS NAP – 08163902330

11X 21X 32XXX 27X 37X Introduction free win on the above games. To prepare you for weeks 19, 20, 21 sure Naps – cost N100, 000 = make good use of the above games. Goodluck

BIG BROSS 07053681965 AGAIN BANK 12 OR 21 OR 21 WITH ANOTHER TWO BANKERS + 1 FREE BANKER COST 10,000 =it is going to be 3/3 and 4/5 on Saturday 12/11/2016. Delay is dangerous.


(31 PAIRS 32) 08078546261

All is set for special release this week as the blue colour setting that got 18xx,19xx,20x 3/3 in week 14 will get it again this week and to promote another 3/3 next week. The weekly release cost just #25,000.00 pay to savings acct no 3023114822 First Bank in person of Mr Onaolapo Peta a and call on 08076546261. Meanwhile 31 or 32 fr x.



TO 09038633666



TO 09038633666



TO 09038633666

MODUPE WINNING RECORDS – 08033566694 WEEK 15 – 8X 24X 33XXX 3/3 WEEK 16 – 9X 33F 40XXX 2/3 WEEK 17 - 13X 26X 47XXX 3/3 WEEK 18 – X 29X X =3/3 Another sure win at Modupe winning place where every staker is a winner. Call 08033566694 and win.




X10X X30X

X14X X23X







X47X F48F


SEND MTN CARD TO 09038633666

AUSTINE CHUKWU – 08054462577 RELEASE! RELEASE!! RELEASE!!! The most awaited week is here for you. It is a CHAIN DRAW, winning gazette. You will be giving the key after payment. Pay to AUGUSTIN OFUOGU at UBA a/c number 1004207536 – N10, 000 Week 13 FREE – 23x 24x 34x Week 17 FREE – 30x 31x 36x Week 18 NAP – NAP – NAP = PAIR 17:36 Congratulations. Call for details.


07040478677/08056390550 NAP:- 2X 3X 18X 19X. I hereby advise stakers to use the above games against wk19,wk20,wk21 special release. Pls read more on my advert next wk19 cost #20,000 cash each week. And sure you keep your records. Pay to Mrs Modupeola Oseje, a/c No 2016981168. U.B.A Bank. (18.19.20 for 2draws) Good luck.

CUP – CUP – CUP = WINNING AFFAIR TOTTENHAM AWAY No 1xx – WESTHAM HOME – 10XX NAP – TOTTENHAM, MANCITY, WESTHAM = 2015 and 2016 WINNING GAZETTE. Week 17 – 2015 – 01x 02x 10xxx – 19x 23x Week 17 2016 – 01x 08x 10xxx – 17x 25x. PAIR – Q.P.R AND A. WIMBLEDON = 5\5. Congratulations to all our last week winners on 5\5 fixed win on fixed teams. WIN AGAIN. WEEK 18’ 2015 and 2016 SURE WIN AGAIN ON SFREWSBURY HOME 11 Week. 18’ 2015 – x x x – Week. 18’ 2016 – x x x – (32xx 34) Yes! Your winning is SURE again this week. NOTE: All our last winners on 5\5 are to pay as agreed before noon on Thursday and big congratulations to all payers. N50, 000 = contact\ starting fee. 08168157259.

MR BILLY 08034970970




Congratulations to all my registered members/customers that won with my 2bks:- 14,30, pair 25x44 al5t- 36 it was 3/3 and 4,5 last wk17. Congratulations again this week 18 again bank 30 or 40 with another 2bks and 1 alt which must give us 3/3 and 4/5 again cost N10,000. Don’t miss it.

AUTHORITY NAP – 09030084552(06BK) WEEK 17 – 01XXX FREE. BANKER 13X 28X 47XXX WEEK 18 – 06xxx and other 3 draws. Calls Mr authority for another sure win designed to stakers N25,000 = Good luck.


LKO – 33 P.P.P – 38, 39, 42, 44. SUNDAY - 3 AND 9 VOID – 36

4 YEARS ANNUAL WEEK 18 WINNING RECORDS – 2013/2016 WEEK 18 – 2013,2014,2015 AND 2016. 2013 – 12X 24X 47XXX 21X2014 – 09X 27X 40XXX 21X2015 – 10X 22X 46XXX 21X2016 – X X X 21X29XXX Congratulations to all our esteem clients/friends we are now back to give you a memorable 2016 Xmas shopping with our 4weeks operational/directed Naps. ¦ 35,000- starting fee= Goodluck.


STAKERS RELIEF ON AUTHENTIC WINNING ADVICE WEEK 15 – SUCCESS – 07X 24X 29X 33XX FREE 4 WEEKS BANKERS DRAW. WEEK 15 24XCBK – WEEK 16 = 20CBK – WEEK 17 = 14xbk - WEEK 18 - 32 Week 15 – 07x 24x 29xx 33F Week 16 - 16x 29x 36x 20xx 09x Week 17 – 14x 28x 39x 21x 10x Week 18 - x x x 29x 11x Don’t be left out of our newly chilled and served menu for your winning pleasure and get out of the current economic recession. Trust Mr Njoroge the winning Assurance that care for your winnings. OUR PRIDE IS YOU Njoroge Assurance. N50,000 = free Nap win and standing win.





01X 10XXX 17X 25XX CUP – CUP – CUP = WINNING AFFAIR TOTTENHAM AWAY No 1xx – WESTHAM HOME – 10XX NAP – TOTTENHAM, MANCITY, WESTHAM = 2015 and 2016 WINNING GAZETTE. Week 17 – 2015 – 01x 02x 10xxx – 19x 23x Week 17 2016 – 01x 08x 10xxx – 17x 25x. PAIR – Q.P.R AND A. WIMBLEDON = 5\5. Congratulations to all our last week winners on 5\5 fixed win on fixed teams. WIN AGAIN. WEEK 18’ 2015 and 2016 SURE WIN AGAIN ON SFREWSBURY HOME 11 Week. 18’ 2015 – x x x – Week. 18’ 2016 – x x x – Yes! Your winning is SURE again this week. NOTE: All our last winners on 5\5 are to pay as agreed before noon on Thursday and big congratulations to all payers. N50, 000 = contact\ starting fee.

F.A CUP INNOCENT NAP (08095602590) 9XX 10XX

English N30, 000 Winner Membership Group A. N50, 000 ENGLISH SYSTEM BOOKLET N30, 000= Wk 16 9x 10x 11x 12f= 4/4 WITH 28 29X 4 Special Draws N6, 000 4 Special Draws N6, 000 Wk 17 CUP 1 NO 13X 17X 18F 23X Two Bankers Wk 17 NO 13X 23X pair 24F 25X WK 18 NO NAP NAP pair NAP NAP WK 19 NO NAP NAP pair NAP NAP Stakers try to get Innocent 4 special draw this Wk 18 A WK after cost N6, 000. Send MTN Card 08095602590 the game will be sent to you by text message 08095502590.

PETAFE- 08059186433

A week 18 – 12CBK 3 or 4, Your 3 fixed draws is ready to serve all stakers Cost N10,000 cash per week OR N200,000.pay after winning good luck.

DR. SAM 08084077244 (40XX 41) (43XX 45) (11XX 21)

Lastweek winners on our free 5games and all callers that were given the 3 direct draws are now in full cash. Sure win for this week is ready with the above pair = 3 direct draws cost N10, 000. Goodluck.


08038245181 NAP 10 or 20 My highly esteemed stakers and customers, my key is fully set for 3 automatic unstoppable Nap draws in weeks 18 and 19 cost only N10,000 per week . Pls do not miss it. Pay at First Bank to Mrs Sanni Faleti Abiodun, a No. 3007847537.

MID WEEK OFFERS 12/13 (08087176217)

The juicy week international is happy to give all punters coupon NOS 12/13 for a sure draw this weekend unfailingly . Add this duo to our 1bk and get your usual 2/3. Our 1bk still costs only N1,500.00, 2bks cost N3,000.00 and 3 sure draws sell for N10,000.00 on 08087176217. Best of luck!

SIR MICHEAL NAP (5 PAIR 13) 09091874579

Congratulation, last week release got 1xx, 8xx, 36xx 3/3, the pair published got 5fail,14x making 4/5. Another 3/3 and 4/5 cost N20,000 call for acct no or mode of payment , Do not miss it.

SOLOMON RESORT BREAK SILENCE... -09091111800 (29X30)

13X 25X 49XXX (10X free) break our silence last week cup SOLIHULL M. on SOUTHPORT -29XX30. Is the week 18 controlled master key to 3 fixed draws for your winning delight. History is only kept by the wise . Join the wise SOLOMON of our time on winning procedure -¦ 35,000=week 18 – win –sure –Nap =alt 29xx30. Call for the payment advice -09091111800. Good luck


4 bankers cost N6000 wk 18 a wk after cup No Nap Nap Nap Nap 4 bankers cost N5000 wk 18 f. a cup 1 No Cup Cup Cup Cup with 6.7 4 bankers cost n5000 wk 19 No Nap Nap Nap Nap 4 bankers cost N5000 wk 20 No Nap Nap Nap Nap stakers try to get 4 members 4 bankers this wk 18 f.a cup 1 cost N6000 winner membership aussie 2016 n50, 000 key wk 18 no 6xx 7xx plus 3 others. Others cost N6000. Send MTN card.



M.B.A EXPERT (08104694618) PAIR - 13XXX 34

All the past 3 weeks of Blue colour fixtures had pegged draws at between 10 and 13. Coupon number 41 distinguished itself with 3straight draws in all the 3weeks just as wks. 6 and 10 recorded back – to – back draws at 14 and 35. Both Nos 34 and 43 have similar science of Numbers pools computation with 09 as prime factor coupon 13, although one of dates of play poses for a super draw. Apart from this sequence, the past performances quality it to give a convincing draw. Numbers to watch include 04, 13, 49. Weeks 6,10,14 lined up the draws at 46, 47, 48 respectively while 49 should complete the trend. Goodluck.


10X 17X 28XXX 25X – 47X48FX 49= 6/7 GATSHED AND YEOVIL HOME 49=47X48X49X

BRADFORD.C. HOME No 1. In week week after cup = week 18 reference to week 18 -2013. 9drs=week 18’2013 – 03x 23x 40xxx 12x 9drs=week 18’2016 – x x x -11xx12. Your winning is crystal clear this week again we are sure winning directive/ instruction from notable foreign experts. Join the progressive -¦ 50,000= call & win. Goodluck ALAS DRAWS – 09081716580. 27XX37X. We are back to enrich all our dear stakers with unequal winning sequence from the source the above pair is sure for one and other 3 fixed draws call for details . Goodluck.

NAZAR MASTER REMAINS STAKERS CHOICE Stakeholders in the Pools industry have lauded NAZAR Master Pools Company Limited, Ibadan, for its commitment to the development of the disclosed in a statementn issued by the leading Pools Company inn Oyo State and environs, which was made available to TRIBUNE POOLS during the week. According to the Pools company, “We have continued to recieve accolades from stakeholders in the Pools business for our honesty of purpose and prompt payment of winnings. They also commended us for the big dividend we are paying of recent.”

MR. SOLUTION – 08072974720. (11XX 29)

3 WEEKS STRAIGHT NAP & WIN ON ANNUAL SCHEDULED 2015/2016/17 The current winning diary as this is stock. A week to cup – cup= a week after cup Weeks 16 – (Cup) 17 and 18. Week 16 2015 – 05x 14x 47xxx – 19x= 9drs - 2016 - 06x 11x 48xxx - 42x 14 drs Week 17 2015 – 11x 23x 38xxx – 20x= 11drs 2016 - 13x 23x 36 x - 34x 47 Week 18 2015 – 15x 22x 46xxx – 21x= 9drs. 2016 - x x x - 11xx 29 Records are only by the wise, confirm the above winning statement from your nearest agent and start winning with US – now. Weeks – 16= N50, 000, wee 17 N500, 000 and week 18= N1 Million. Experts another 3 weeks full payment win again. Get solution to all your finances call & Win. S Mr Solution is here. N50, 000= starting fee. Welcome & Goodluck 08072974729.

FINANCE SOLUTION= 08142362005= 08103222635= NO 18XX 19. NEW SYSTEM SET FOR WK 18, 19, 20

4. Special draws= N30, 000 wk 15 No 21x 24x 29x 39x= 4/4 N30, 000 4. Special draws= N30, 000 wk 16 A wk to cup No 9x 10x 11x 40x with 13 14f n30, 000 4. Special draws= N30, 000 wk 17. F.A Cup I No 10x 13x 23x 28x= N30, 000 4. Special draws= N25, 000 wk 18 A Wk After Cup No Nap Nap Nap Nap= N3000. 4. Special draws= N30, 000 wk 19 RED No Nap Nap Nap Nap= N3000 Following Wk 18 F.A Cup to control 4 Special draws cost N30, 000 4 Wks operations. Send your money to UBA or First Bank Account Number. Call= 08142362005= 08103222635.

FORTUNE DONOR DONATES 18-28 (08099111828)

We told you that winning continues on 17xx/18 last week. We were vindicated with 17xx resulting in a draw. This week is not going to be an exception. Coupon Nos 18/38 will mandatorily produce a good draw this weekend. Combine this formidable pair with our unfailing 1bk and get your 2/3 compulsory. Our 1bk sells for N1,500.00, 2bk cost N3,000.00 and 3 draws sell for N10,000.00 on 08099111828. Wishing you God’s blessings.


After an extensive consultation with the bookmakers and the pools panel and after receiving the green light, our forecast is back with good tidings for stakers. This week, coupon No 37 must draw with other classified games to enrich stakers. Our registration fee remains N250,000. This is a new deal and a new dawn. Call me on 08092621480 for further details and discussions.

ADEOTI SYNDICATE. 07051327960. (43X)

I COMMAND PETERHEAD PK TO PLAY 1-1 DRAWS. Sorry for our this year F.A . cup RD.1 disappointed score one over five nos:02F.19F,39x pair:- 11f.2if. Last week result cant stop this weeks release .Those who buy the release should expect this week this week game free as a compensation. Last year week 08 I command Peterhead-Albion R. to play 1-1. With 4 others. Because Albion R is prompted team, this week 18. I command peterhead—Queen’s Pk> to play 1-1. Again with 4 others because queen’s PK is a promoted team again. Send your #5,000 cash. To Ahmed Shafiri A/C Nos. 2001788431. Zenith Bank. Or MTN recharge card of #5,000. 43x43x43x43-1-1. Thank Goodluck all

MADAM EMILIA – 08068523407

THE WINNERS CHOICE OF POOLS STAKERS FREE STAR PAIRS FOR WEEK 18 BLUE !!! (2&7) OR (14&20) OR (30&34)XXX Success doesn’t come easily so be patient, keep moving and you will get there celebration season is at the corner, so join us in week 19,20,21 and 22 with guaranteed 3 Nap draws and a pair cash week cost N35,000.00 so be part of success. For further information call 08068523407.


7 – 7 – 7 STAND FOR COMPLETION = 10 – 10 WEEKS WIN Week 7 – 14x 23x 26xxx – 21x 23x Week 17 – 14x 23x 26xxx – 21f 23x Congratulations another 10 – 10 weeks Naps of weeks of 8s is sure again to enrich all stakers that missed out lastweek - Check your records for confirmation Week 8 – x x x (17x) Week 18 – x x x (17x18x) GRIMSBY MUST HARTLE POOL = 17XX18X At Zenith the winners abode your winning is our strength – N50, 000 = 3direct fixed Naps, WIN – WIN – WIN = Goodluck.

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We are back to enrich all our dear stakers with unequal winning sequence from the source the above pair is sure for one and other 3 fixed draws call for details . Goodluck.

F.A. CUP. KING OF CHAIN DRAWS 08142362005= 08103222635= 5. 6. 7

Wk 16 A Wk to CUP No 9x 10x 11x with 29x 30x 31f Wk 18 No Chain Chain Chain Chain with Chain Chain Chain. Following Wk 19 To control 3 Chain draws cost N7000= 08142362005, 08103222635= Wk 19, 2016 No 13 Chain Chain Chain With Cup Cup Cup N7, 000 WK 18= 2016 No Cup Cup Cup Cup With Cup Cup Cup. Send MTN Card= 08142362005= 08103222635.


WEEK 17 FINAL POOLS RESULT 1,8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 36, 39, 47, 49.

Thursday, 10 - 16 November, 2016 DR.B4 DR. (32XX45) 08062748396 10X 30X 36XXX – 47X48X49X - 2DRS

GATESGEADS ON49= in well 16&17 Promoted 2draws from 47x 48x 49xxx.and 10x30x 36xxx as NAP = called from 2016/17 winning gaZette. Gates head on 49- firsyt48xx, 2ndwek 48x49xand 3rdweek 48 to reset for 47x 49xx. And Cup TOTTENHAM AWAYNO1 CLYDE on MONTROSE –45xx46, Key that open week 18 no – premiership teams on board3 fixed draw and the above pair bonus = We are on authentic winning information from our reliable overseas expects. Visit doctors winning place to have a long lasting winning experience to xmas N50,000 = Good luck.


Congratulation to all our customer as our 4 gazette draws scored 3 over 3 correct last Week17 F.A CUP round one on No 13x 28x 39x 43f for your information another special released come up in wk 20 4 gazette draw cost #100,000. Cash call08160052969


Winning series continue this week, not only with unfailing pair but with scintillating draws that will shake promoters to their marrows on 1718-46 – 11/12. Mark it down, those five games will produce not less than 4 goals draws come Saturday. Use them to your best ability. Same set will surely sell for thirty thousand naira next week when there will be scrambling to have it. Make hays while the sun shines. Good luck!

MALLAM BAWA MUSA TOO HOT 08052506287 HOT 5, OR 6, WK 17= 10X, 17X 28X = 3/3 NAP

Correct congrats to all my fans and costumers who gave my week 17 cup Nap that scored 10x, 17x, 28x all correct. Pls keep to our agreement by sending your appreciation timely. Winning continues in weeks 18 and 19 with another 3 unfailing Nap draws and pair cost #15,000 cash weekly, payment access bank to mallam Musa Ibrahim Bank, acct No. 0042075587.

SHADOW 08087670776 9 PAIR 10 (1xx pair 2) Week 17=25xx26xx31xx

It is must for all my fans to win on pool staking this week 18. The best thing you should do is to look for money to stake coupon and money to buy my 3 draws and a pair. Don’t look here and there for another game this week than shadow 3 draws and a pair, you are a winner if you can follow my advise. cost N5000 MTN recharge card you are told.

DAVID SUPER NAP REAMAIN STAKER NO1 CHOICE – 07088103080 –(11 must12)

01x 10x 23xxx.QPR. BRADDFORD. C AT HOME NO1. AGAIN. Watch black pool on Colchester at home = Reference to week 3 and now result. Week 13 - 03x 17x 34xx – 12x 11x Week 18 –X X X - 11x 12x David super naps remain stakers last option to winning on our considered cost despite unequal winning get out of the current Economic recession, join the winners. N50,000. Good luck.

3 UK COMPILERS 08166222529= 09038633666= 5 NAP 6

Release winner membership English 2016 N50, 000 4 Special Draws N6, 000 Wk 16 No 9X 10X 29X 30X 4 Special Draws N6, 000 Wk 17 CUP 1 No 10X 13X 14X 28X= 4/4 4 Special Draws N6, 000 Wk 18 No Nap Nap Nap Nap= 4/4 WK 19 No Cup Cup Cup Cup Two bankers N3, 000 Wk 17 CUP 1 NO 10X 28X PAIR 13X 14X Two bankers N3, 000 Wk 18 No Cup Cup Cup pair Cup Cup Stakers try to get MANCITY 4 Stakers draws this Wk 17 A F.A. CUP cost N6, 000, two Bankers this Wk 17 cost N3000. Send MTN Card.

GREGS. NAP – 09095680491

25x 40X 48xxx ALT 01x 21x Enough of weekly losses, now win the above Nap and Perm assurance win, starting of our 3 weeks operational directed Nap – week 19 cost N100,000 make use of this golden chance. Call – 09095680491.


Congratulations to all our last week winners on 5\5 fixed win on fixed teams. WIN AGAIN. WEEK 18’ 2015 and 2016 SURE WIN AGAIN ON SFREWSBURY HOME 11 Week. 18’ 2015 – x x x – Week. 18’ 2016 – x x x – (32xx 34) Yes! Your winning is SURE again this week. NOTE: All our last winners on 5\5 are to pay as agreed before noon on Thursday and big congratulations to all paid stakers/winners. N50, 000 = contact\ starting fee. 08168157259.


Our welcome back NAP is irresistable to all winning desired stakers. Call and win in weeks 18, 19, 20. 09085712800. N50,000.


CHUBY POOLS INTERNATIONAL WEEK AFTER CUP GIFT 30,31,32 2draws (TEL: 08163631159) Dear fans, winnings of last week is just not encouraging because of many draws. However, compiler Bolton Brown to recover all you have lost in pool In fact we want you to start arranging your self for this coming Christmas. If you never build house, kindly buy this wk18, 3 draws and make sure you did not miss our game from this week till the next four weeks. Build your house now and buy your jeep, ready before Christmas. Kindly make use of this free 3 games for 2 draws to enable you raise cash to afford our direct 3 draws this wk18, cost only N10,000 cash. 08163631159.











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Our 3 week Cup SENSOR/CENSOR WAPS Week 16, Week17 and Week18, Cup WIN. Started well last week with new subscribed fee pf #50,000 = #100,000. Week 16 – 29x 36x 48xxx. 11x Week 17 – 17x 28x 36x 21f 25x. Week 18 – x x x 43x 45. Hurray our new subscriber free remain #50,000 Just for consideration the overhead cost appreciate after each successful win. Join the Victorious People = #50,000 – Regulars – #100, - #250,000 = as agreed. Good luck.


WEEK 15 – 8X 24X 33XXX 3/3 WEEK 16 – 9X 33F 40XXX 2/3 WEEK 17 - 13X 26X 47XXX 3/3 WEEK 18 – X 29X X =3/3 Another sure win at modupe winning place where every staker is a winner. call 08033566694

JOSEPH IS BACK-08167278061. 14XX 32XX

COVENTRY 2 WEEKS GAZZETED WIN ON SUNDAY DATE OF PLAY Congratulations we are back for good, to enrich both our old and new clients . Tagged (winning is sweet) 2weeks free from current economic recession to week 17. First round and Wk. 18. Information makes success. Week 17- 13X 25X 49X — 14 X 32 Week 18- X X X — 14 X 32 The current special key with Coventry on Sunday dates of play 2weeks winning programme is to put smiles to all stakers faces. In which you are ONE = NOW-#25,000=week16 cost #100,000= Goodluck.

AKIN MR AKIN - 07067202291 (32XX 21)

BRADFORD C. HOME NO 1 Controled 3 usual fixed draws Week 18’ 2013 —3x 12x 40xxx 21x 32 Week 10’ 2016 —8x 17x 24xxx (21x 32) Week 18’ 2016 —X X X (32x 21) Your darling 2 in one Experts are equal to your winning on standing key of Bradford C. home 1= N35, 000= 3 fixed draws. Call for your winning instruction= Goodluck.

FAITHFUL INTERVENTION IS BACK – 07082899957 (21XX29) 4 YEARS ANNUAL WEEK 18 WINNING RECORDS – 2013/2016 WEEK 18 – 2013,2014,2015 AND 2016. 2013 – 12X 24X 47XXX 21X2014 – 09X 27X 40XXX 21X2015 – 10X 22X 46XXX 21X2016 – X X X 21X29XXX Congratulations to all our esteem clients/friends we are now back to give you a memorable 2016 Xmas shopping with our 4weeks operational/directed Naps. N35,000- starting fee= Goodluck.

3. OVERSEA COMPILERS= 08103222635= 23XX 28

3 Special Draws N6, 000 WK 17 wk cup 1 No 10x 23x 28x PAIR 13x 14x 3 Special Draws N6, 000 Wk 18 A Wk after CUP No Nap Nap Nap Pair XX 3 Special Draws Wk 19 No Nap Nap Nap Nap with Nap Nap WK 19 NO CUP CUP CUP CUP Two Bankers N3000 wk 17 No 10x 23x No Cup Cup Wk 18 No No Cup Cup= Stakers try to get last Hope 2016. 4 special draws this wk 17 CUP cost N6000 and two bankers cost N3000 following wk. 18 to control 4. Special draws cost N6, 000 two bankers cost N3000 send MTN.

JACOBSON SURE WIN – 07065292905 (4-4) YEARS CONFIRM WIN. 2008 – 2012 – 2016.

Winning statement released to Jacobson as stakers end of the year gift. Week 26’ 2008 – 19x 30x 47xxxWeek 25’ 2012 – 04x 39x 42xxxWeek18’ 2016 – x x x -(29xx 32) Tranmere and ST. Mirren = always on Pal. Your winning is long overdue this week of full payment . All our last week winners on 25x 28x 47xxx alt. 23xxx. are scheduled to ¦ 50,000 – like other new clients due to the glut of draw. Win now on full payment - ¦ 50,000 =Goodluck. Sorry our phone number was wrongly posted in previous week – 07065292905


Unlimited winnings in your darling pools page from our unrelented evergreen compilers. Last week they promised winnings to all reader and it was fulfilled. Promoters are again in big trouble, they assured. Dr. J.K Pools lead the winning chat with 4draws. Austin Chukwu, Madam De Madam, Dr Sam, Modupe and Isreal Bail out on 3 direct draws welcome NAPS, whao! Promoters in web. Alhaji Sadiku and Carmark were superb on 2bankers series. Narrowly missed at Headmaster, Faith Nap, Midweek, ATM and Magic-kingdom double cabin permutation. Kudo to Authority Nap on one banker series and Mister draw Our Pair mangers fulfilled their usual promises that added to our readers winning dividends Jacobson, Fortune Donor, Last Hope, Akin mr Akin, Solomon Resort, Shadow, Triple Spice, Innocent, Patrick Sure, David Super, Mr Billy, Victorious Victor, the Lillies, Sunderland, Short Gun, Innocent, Molly one Banker, Finance Solution and Mr Assurance (Njoroge) added good value to all punters winning dividends, (Jumbo pay). Please appreciate our pools page compilers to serve you better (To whom much is given much is equally expected). Goodluck. ATTENTION ALL COMPILERS, OUR POLICY ON NO ADVERT NO WRITE UP STILL IN PLACE —MANAGEMENT.


NO 16,630



“Before laying the blame entirely at the doorsteps of Lawyers and Judges, society must firstly undertake a scrutiny of which or what values are still held dear or sacrosanct by its members. Like a popular musician once sang: “If you want to change the world, take a look at yourself and make that change!”


HIS week I want to draw attention to what I will, not for want of a better phrase, refer to as the Nigerian or human factor in the administration of Justice System in Nigeria. EROSION OF SOCIETAL ETHICS AND ITS EFFECTS ON ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Every society is defined largely by the ethics which overtime have been accepted by its people. I am not here concerned with a scholastic definition of ethics. I am for the purpose of the subject of this discussion concerned with those values such as selflessness, honesty, hard-work, humility etc which are meant to guide members of virtually all societies in their everyday lives and which as I have said earlier ultimately define that society. Nigeria is no exception to this concept. Given my age I can say that I have experienced life in Nigeria at almost every pivotal aspect of its development as a Nation. I can therefore attest to the fact at the very beginning, Nigerians largely epitomized the best of virtues and that perhaps the same can still be said even today of the vast majority of Nigerians who daily strive to eke a living through various honest endeavors. However it cannot be denied that just like every aspect of human existence, our values have been eroded by numerous factors the most prominent being the attitude “of anything goes” by which many have come to believe that just about anything can be achieved in Nigeria by less than honest or honourable means with great assurance that there will be no attendant legal consequences. This can be seen in most aspects of our national life and a prominent example was the last collapse of some banks owing to large scale mismanagement and corrupt practices. Unfortunately this attitude extends even to judicial proceedings in numerous forms such as bribery, threats of


A woman has reportedly been arrested in Akwa Ibom State after she stole a month-old baby. The woman, Peace Chukwuemeka, said she had been married for 10 years without a child. Having waited for that length of years for a baby, can she say that she is still at ‘peace’ after her arrest for stealing a baby?



Justice: Loss of public confidence Another look at the role of lawyers and judges violence and even actual violence. I will refer to some personal experiences. PERSONAL EXPERIENCES In the late sixties, I was involved in a prominent case at Ila-Orangun. Given the proximity of the place to Osogbo, I decided to pass the night on some occasions in Osogbo before proceeding to Court the following day. On one of such nights I was informed by the Hotel Manager that I had some visitors who turned out to be the opponents of my clients in the matter in Court. Not only was their visit to me strange, but stranger still was the fact that they came with a bag filled with currency which they offered to me to secure my “assistance” in the case as according to them they were worried at the turn the case was taking in Court. I rejected their offer and asked the Hotel Manager to summon the Police to have them arrested. After much pleadings, I allowed them to leave with their bag of money. The following morning I was surprised to meet a huge party made up of supporters of my client at the outskirts of the town who were dancing and jubilating that the other side were unable to bribe me! Some years later I was involved in another land matter which in those days were a veritable source of revenue for lawyers. At the time of briefing, my client asked to know what I would do to ensure that he did not lose the case. I assured him that I would do my best within the confines of the law to secure his interest. His response was “What if the parties on the other side all die?” I dismissed this question as nothing more than

the misguided comments of man frustrated at having to litigate over something that he felt was rightfully his. I turned out to be wrong. Not too long after the matter began, the Principal party on the other side died. When another member of the family of the deceased party was brought in to substitute him, he too died not too long after. A third member of the family brought in again after that also died! After this third death, even the Judge began to ask questions and eventually the matter was abandoned as all parties became wary of the seeming fixation of death on the parties. Sometimes in the 90s, I was briefed by a prominent Politician to represent him in a matter which threatened to cut short his then just blossoming Political career. He told me expressly that he just needed my clout by putting up an appearance for him in court as according to him he had already been assured of victory by the Judge in charge of the case. This experience is similar to one in which a well-known society figure had falsely obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars from a former member of the last military regime on the premise that I requested for the said amount as my fees for representing him. Not only had I not met with him, I had also never discussed with anybody, the possibility of representing the retired military official. In another recent development, a court registrar was convicted of soliciting and receiving bribes from an accused person standing trial before the Court to which she was assigned as Registrar. She had deceived the accused person into believing that the

Judge had requested the bribe. Luckily for the Judge, who incidentally was and is still acknowledgedtoday as one of the shining lights of the Judiciary, nothing was found even remotely suggesting that he had knowledge of or had approved of the scheme of his Registrar. I have referred to all these examples to show the role played by the public themselves in contributing to the malaise affecting our justice delivery system. The win at all costs attitude encourages many to employ all manner of unscrupulous means to achieve their own ends without reference to the lawyer. A situation in which litigants believe that bribery of the opposing lawyer or the Judge is the way out is not one that will augur well for anyone. Sadly it is attempts like this that fuel the insinuations or unfounded allegations that some Judges had been bribed. It is for example not impossible that the accused person who gave money to the Court Registrar would have confided in some confidants that he had already bribed the Judge who as stated earlier was totally in the dark about the criminal conduct of his registrar. Thus before laying the blame entirely at the doorsteps of Lawyers and Judges, society must firstly undertake a scrutiny of which or what values are still held dear or sacrosanct by its members. Like a popular musician once sang: “If you want to change the world, take a look at yourself and make that change!” To be continued… AARE AFE BABALOLA SAN, CON

W/Cup qualifier: Eagles are condemned to beat Algeria —Pinnick David Mark bouys up team Saliu Gbadamosi And Ayodele Adesanmi - Abuja PRESIDENT of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Amaju Pinnick, has declared that the Super Eagles are condemned to defeat Algeria’s Desert Foxes in a 2018 World Cup qualifier in Uyo on Saturday. Nigeria go into Saturday’s match as leaders of the African qualifying Group B with three points ahead of the Algerians, who are on a point having drawn their opening day match against Cameroon. Having started on a strong footing, Pinnick believes the Eagles have no other option but to

defeat Algeria to consolidate on their leadership position. “The Eagles are condemned to win Saturday’s match against Algeria in Uyo,” Pinnick stated in Abuja on Tuesday, declaring that, “winning that match will consolidate our leadership position in our group.” He commended the Akwa Ibom State government, which mobilised construction company, Julius Berger, for the rehabilitation of the Godswill Akpabio International Stadium, Uyo, venue of the World Cup qualifier. Pinnick informed that with what the state

government did on the stadium, the venue is ready to host the crucial match and appealed to Nigerians to come out to cheer the Eagles to victory. In another development, former President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, on Wednesday tasked the Super Eagles not leave anything to chance against the Algerians. Senator Mark said the Eagles new squad looked very promising but reminded them that the new spirit should culminate in victory on Saturday. Speaking when former African queen of the track, Mary Onyali led the Nigeria Olympic

Fund Management committee on a visit to him in Abuja, Mark urged the Super Eagles to prove that Nigeria is truly the giant of Africa in all ramifications. According to him, “we have all the talents. All we need to do is to harness the talents to make them effective and positively productive. We just have no excuse not to qualify for the World Cup with the abundant human and material resources.” On the 2020 Russia Olympics, Senator Mark said the antidote to the nation’s poor outing in the past is early preparation, promising to do every thing possible to make sports an integral part of the Nigerian national life.

Printed and Published by the African Newspapers of Nigeria PLC, Imalefalafia Street, Oke-Ado, Ibadan. E mail: editornigeriantribune@yahoo.com Website: www.tribuneonlineng.com MANAGING DIRECTOR / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: EDWARD DICKSON. EDITOR: DEBO ABDULAI. All Correspondence to P.O. Box 78, Ibadan. ISSN 2712. ABC Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. 10/11/2016.

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