Faith - Family - Fun
RISE UP! Kids Night In Box
Dear adults, Welcome to your Faith Family Fun discussion guide! Thank you for letting us join in as you encourage your little one(s) to experience the love of Jesus. Our hope is to offer an interactive and enjoyable way for your little one(s) to connect to the beautiful message of the Gospel. Work with your little one(s) to memorize Galatians 5:22-23 this month. Encourage them to begin recognizing how the “fruits of the spirit” are displayed through their daily choices. Bullying can be as simple as an unkind comment or following a selfish impulse. None of us are immune to its harmfulness, but teaching our little one(s) to act in love and kindness will set them up to be their very own superhero!
MEMORY VERSE Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
READING TIME Did you know that Jesus was a lot like a superhero when He lived a long, long time ago? That’s right! He knew just what to do to put a smile on anyone’s face. He was loving, kind, gentle and could see right into the heart of everyone He met. Jesus showed love by talking to people that were lonely, sad or being bullied by others. He told them that God, His Father, loved them very much and that they would always have a friend in Him. As you learned from your memory verse, Jesus uses the fruits of the spirit as his superpower. He wrote them down just for you so that you can be a superhero too! Jesus loves us so much that He gives us exactly what we need to use our superpowers. The people around us will see that we are like Jesus because of our fruit. That doesn’t mean that you are going to
start growing apples out of your fingers... that would be pretty silly! It does mean that when you are loving, you show Jesus’ love to your friends. When you are gentle with the other kids at school, you show Jesus’ gentleness. Your light shines just like Jesus’ did. Our memory verse, Galatians 5:22-23, tells us that our superpowers, (or superfruit) are LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL. Sometimes we forget to use our superfruit when we are with our friends. That’s a long list to remember, isn’t it?! That’s okay, because you and I can practice together.
HOW CAN YOU BE A SUPER-BUDDY? Let’s talk about some ways that we can practice using the fruit of the Spirit to be a super-buddy! We’ll learn just what each “fruit” means, hear about an example and share how you can practice your superpowers to be a super-buddy. LOVE means caring for someone else’s needs before your own. 1. You want to show your friend LOVE because he fell and scraped his knee while you were playing outside. How would a super-buddy show him love? JOY means choosing to be cheerful no matter what. 2. Your friend got the coolest new toy at her birthday party. Even though you want it too, you want to be JOYFUL for her. How would a super-buddy show joyfulness to her? PEACE means being slow and thoughtful with your words and actions. 3. Sometimes it’s hard to share your favorite toy, but you want to play PEACEFULLY with your friend. How would a super-buddy show peace to their friend?
or actions, but instead, you choose to show SELF-CONTROL.
PATIENCE means calmly waiting until it’s time. 4. It is your turn to be line-leader! Even though it is hard, you need to practice PATIENCE until everyone is ready to line up for recess.
How would a super-buddy practice selfcontrol when it’s their turn?
How would a super-buddy practice patience while waiting?
Just as a superhero has superpowers, we can practice being kind to others every day by using our superfruit!
KINDNESS means being friendly and helpful in any way you can.
5. Your friend forgot to bring his snack to school, but he is hungry and you want to show him some KINDNESS. How would a super-buddy show their friend kindness? GOODNESS means obeying the rules even when it’s hard. 6. You’re not supposed to run by the pool, because last time you fell. All of your friends are doing it, but you want to practice GOODNESS. How would a super-buddy show goodness to his friends? FAITHFULNESS means remembering your friendly duties. 7. Your friend always meets you in the same spot on the playground every day during play time. You know she is waiting for you and want to show her FAITHFULNESS, but you also really want to play with the other kids instead. How would a super-buddy show faithfulness to her?
Will you say your memory verse one more time with me? Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Let’s pray together to thank Jesus for helping us grow.
“Dear Jesus, Just like superheroes have superpowers, You give me exactly what I need to be a super-buddy. Thank You for being patient with me as I learn and loving me even when I make mistakes.
Continue to recite the prayer above with your little one(s) this month.
Encourage your little one(s) to recite their memory verse, Galatians 5:22-23. Extra points if they can recite the whole thing!
As you witness your little one(s) displaying one of the fruits of the spirit, don’t miss the opportunity to offer them praise and encouragement by acknowledging the good choice they made.
Sing and dance to the Fruit of the Spirit song by heading to
GENTLENESS means having soft words and soft actions. 8. You see someone playing rough with the younger kids, and you want to remind them that GENTLENESS is important! How would a super-buddy remind others to show gentleness? SELF-CONTROL means doing the right thing when it’s hard. 9. It is your turn to play on the swing, and your friend is not getting off when you ask. You feel like using mean words