• D re a m T o g e t h e r •
e d i u G
I t is G o d ’ s p r om i s e t o yo u t ha t a s yo u c o nt i nue t o d r e a m tog eth er an d s e e k H i s w i s d o m i n yo ur r e l a t i o ns hi p , H e w i l l r e v e a l h im s elf to y o u i n b e a ut i f ul w a ys . C o z y up a nd d i v e i nt o w ha t Go d h as in s tor e for yo u t hr o ug h s o m e ho ne s t d i s c us s i o n, r e f l e c t i o n an d p r ay er . Be s ur e t o ha v e yo ur b i b l e ha nd y. I f yo u d o n’ t ha v e ac c es s to on e, che c k o ut t he B i b l e Ga t e w a y a p p a v a i l a b l e o n yo ur A p p le o r A n d r o i d d e v i c e .
When did you stop dreaming big?
Let God be the author of your story
How will you know your dream is from God?
Another notion that we often find ourselves caught up in is that we can impress God with achieving our dreams on our own. We spend months and years trying to prove to God how resilient we are. We even say “God, when I become rich, I will give you most of my money.” but in living this way, we have drastically missed the mark. Proverbs 16:2 warns us “All a man’s ways are pure in his own eyes, but his motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be achieved. The Lord has made everything for His purpose…”
Why was it so easy when we were kids to dream big? We had no limitations. Time, money, and upholding a respectable reputation have overshadowed that part of our spirit since we were kids. I don’t believe as a child any of us had the thought “If I want to run for office, I’d better pin down my running mate before I hit double digits.”, “What are my financing options for a business loan?” or “What will people think of me when I set the world record for most baked beans eaten with chopsticks in one minute?” (currently 71 beans!) We just envisioned the end goal, how we were going to get there didn’t really matter. Now as adults, the idea of trying and falling short is enough for most of us to stay in the shadows. It’s easier to blend in than to stand out for a failure. For others of us, it may not seem practical that we were born for greatness. To have a steady job, pay our bills, and keep things moving forward with the least amount of interruption is how we intend to live out our days. There will always be something standing in our way, but God still fully intends to use you and I for great things. God has no limitations. Are you dreaming big enough?
If you could pass your dreams through a litmus test to see if they are God-given, it may look a little something like this.
You can’t escape it God designed each and every one of us to dream. Our dream may have many new faces over the years, but our driving force will remain constant- what “getting there” will “get us” is going to be a common denominator for us. Like a magnetic force, we are never free of its pull, even if we lose sight of it for a while. God places desires within us for our own good. He gave us hunger and He filled the land with food. He gave us thirst and covered 71% of the earth with water. He asked us to populate the earth and He gave us a desire for each other. He placed in each of us our unique common denominator and gave us the desire to pursue it. What is your common denominator?
It is bigger than you William Carey was a simple shoe cobbler in England who had a vision of taking the gospel to India. When he shared his vision, one pastor called him a “miserable enthusiast” and told him that God would reach the heathen in His own way without human aid (William Carey [Zondervan], Mary Drewery, p. 31). Setback after setback failed at keeping Carey from pursuing his calling. He eventually got to India, translated the Bible into almost 40 languages, founded a successful university, and saw God make a massive impact on the Indian subcontinent. Carey’s motto was, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”. Is your dream achievable without reliance on your Heavenly Father? Dream bigger!
It is eternal God reminds us in Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Jesus lived His life to seek and save those who are lost, offering them eternal life. We can know for certain that if we live to love God’s people, we are storing up treasure in heaven. Is your dream built on ego, earthly comforts, or things that will pass away? Or is it centered on the heart of God’s word; loving His people.
Where did we get the idea that, because something is scary or foreign (i.e.: going to the jungle to a primitive tribe as a missionary) it means that it is God’s will? Maybe the idea is that it is more spiritual to do something most undesirable to us. While it’s true that God wants you to submit to His will, He is a loving Father who wants to see His children happy and fulfilled. He gives us the desires and personality traits that we have. If He calls you to the jungle, it is because He has endowed you with the grace to thrive there. Don’t be afraid to let God put a big dream in your heart. He has promised to give you everything that you will need to follow it through.
Paul spent three years in the desert listening to God before he began his ministry. That was his seminary education. He said: “God, what is the overarching, all-consuming passion of my life? What will I do until I die?” Once he discovered his dream, he lived an extraordinary life. If a dream is not connected to God’s purpose for your life, it will never be fulfilling--even if it is reached.
Prayer & reflection
The amazing part is that you don’t have to have it all planned out. God wants to use us in ways beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. He may have placed a desire in you, given you a particular gift or skill, or allowed an injustice to break your heart. Maybe you don’t feel as though you have much to offer. But remember, little becomes much when you yield it to the Lord. He wants each and every one of us to recognize our dreams, acknowledge our shortcomings and lean on His power. As you continue to dream together, begin to incorporate these thoughts into your discussion. Share what God is laying on your heart so that you can lift each other up. Take a few minutes to close your discussion in prayer. If you aren’t sure where to start, pray these words:
Heavenly Father, I do not want to waste my life. I pray that You would humble me when I feel that I can dream bigger than you and set out to prove my independence. I pray that You would lift me up in your power when I feel the weight of the world feeding me the lie that I am not meant for greatness. I pray that You would put an undeniable dream in my heart and give me the grace to pursue it for the rest of my days. Amen.