n I t h ig N te a D p m Ca
W e l come Greetings to you and your significant other! We hope this date finds you and your loved ones doing well. From bonfires to bunkbeds to playing outside, there’s something so nostalgic and sweet about summer camps. During this challenging season, our goal is to bring you back to simpler times. Whether or not you frequented summer camps growing up, our hope for this date is that you experience the fun, carefree spirit that many summer camps held. Don’t be shy about leaning into the innocence of this date, and forget your worries for a night. Our team is thrilled to bring you this truly unique experience. Each month, we give a FREE DATE to a couple who snaps a picture of themselves enjoying that month’s Date Night In. To qualify, simply post your photo to Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #DateNightInBox. As always, we appreciate any social media sharing about our company. If you are new to Date Night In, head to www.nightinboxes. com to explore all of our subscription options. Please feel free to reach out to customerservice@nightinboxes.com with any questions. Now, it’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy your Camp Date Night In date experience!
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P rep Your Popsicles HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Popsicle pouches | Drink mix
Before you begin your date, take a moment to prepare your popsicles to enjoy later on. Find your included popsicle pouches and drink mix. Follow the instructions on the back of the drink mix to create your popsicle mixture. If you’d like to kick it up a notch, add in your
chopped fruit, honey, or replace half the amount of water with your alcohol of choice! Then, pour the mixture into your popsicle pouches using a funnel or a container with a spout. Finally, seal the pouches and place them upright in the freezer for about two hours.
SET THE MOOD Take a moment to consider the space where your date will occur. Setting the mood for your date is an important step to really enjoy your experience together. We’re taking it old school this month with GLOW STICKS! Locate your included glow sticks and cylinder jar. Fill the jar 3/4 of the way with water. Using scissors, carefully cut the top off of the glow sticks over a sink. Pour the liquid inside the jar and gently swirl to create your glow in the dark lantern. Keep it nearby because you’ll need it for a game later in the date. Don’t forget to access your custom Camp Date Night In playlist and recipes to go along with your date at datenightinbox.com/camp.
Relationship Red Zone
WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 2 pens | Spare paper Included game pieces
One of the quintessential parts of any summer camp is outdoor physical activity. Whether it’s kickball, Ultimate Frisbee or pickup basketball, summer camp often features fun sports for camp-goers to enjoy. For your next activity, it’s time to metaphorically lace up your cleats, put on your shoulder pads and strap on your helmet for some Relationship Red Zone football. Grab two pens and your included spare paper to prepare. Then, take time to individually work through the questions below – be sure not to discuss or show your answers. Once you have each written down the answers to all of the questions, locate your included game pieces, and get ready for kickoff! Place both game pieces at the start line, and begin working your way through the questions and guessing your partner’s answers. For each question that you correctly guess your partner’s answer to, move forward 10 yards. The first one to score a touchdown wins the game! If one person scores before you get through all of the questions, read through the rest to see how you did.
R e l at i o n s h i p q u e s t i o n s
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What pet name do you use for your significant other most often? What is your favorite junk food? What is your biggest fear? If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be? What is your dream job? What is your favorite thing to do for date night? Name one thing you really want to learn to do. What is your favorite TV show? What is your significant other’s best personality trait? If you could pick a house chore to never do again, what would it be?
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Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone? What was the last book you read? What store do you shop at the most? What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Who do you talk to most frequently (besides your partner)? Who is your celebrity crush? What was your first car? What is your dream vacation destination? If you were to win the lottery, what would you buy first? If you could pick a superpower, what would it be?
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10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 TOUCHDOWN
Get Crafty HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Yarn | Wooden beads | Key rings Device to access internet
Sports activities aren’t for everyone; as an alternative, many summer camps offer arts and crafts. From painting to pottery to friendship bracelets, the options are endless. For the next part of your date, you’re going to create macramé keychains. Think of them as the upgraded and practical version of a friendship bracelet! Before you begin, discuss the questions below:
Did your relationship begin as a friendship,
Would you agree that a strong friendship is
or were there instant romantic sparks? a valuable foundation of a relationship? How can you continue to deepen your friendship with one another?
Locate your included yarn, wooden beads and key rings, and head to datenightinbox.com/camp to view the instructions for creating your keychains. Once your keychains are completed, add them to your keys or display them somewhere you’ll see often to remind you of this date and the sweetness of friendship in relationships.
Fireside Chats & Snacks HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Popsicles | S’mores Salt Water Taffy Date Guide
It can be so easy to get in conversation ruts with your significant other – by only talking about work, family or things around the house. As a part of each date, we hope to provide unique conversation starters to help strengthen your relationship. For this date, Table Talk has been renamed Fireside Chats and comes with not one, but two treats! If possible, we encourage you to head outdoors and create a bonfire together to really step up the ambiance. As an alternative, use an indoor fireplace, or head to datenightinbox.com/camp for a virtual campfire. No campfire is complete without delicious treats; check to see if your popsicles are frozen! While you enjoy your delicious popsicles and s’mores salt water taffies, talk through these fireside “would you rather” prompts. Which of these classic summer camp activities would you rather do?
R id e m o u n ta i n b i ke s
Rid e p ad dl e boards on t he l ake
E x p erie n c e w h i te w a te r r af tin g
Exp er ien ce a zi pl i ne c ourse
R elax wi th s’ mo r e s by the f ir e
Relax w ith yoga
G o on a g u i d e d h i ke
G o f o r a horse bac k ri de
L earn h o w to m a k e po tter y
Lear n n ew move s i n a danc e c l ass
Trust Challenge HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Bandana | 2 sheets of paper
There’s no doubt that one of the most important aspects of a relationship is trust. For the final part of your date, you will complete a few playful challenges to work on communication and trust. Before you begin, take a look at these seven ways to build trust in a relationship as identified by Psychology Today. Feel free to take a moment to discuss them or think about how you might be able to incorporate these actions into your relationship. 1.
Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
Be vulnerable--gradually.
Remember the role of respect.
Give the benefit of the doubt.
Express your feelings functionally, especially when it’s tough.
Take a risk together.
Be willing to give as well as receive.
Locate your included bandana and work your way through the following challenges to the right.
Reflection & How To Continue Your
D a t e N ig h t
Challenge 1
- Find a hallway or room with plenty of walking
space to complete the challenge. Begin by having one partner place the bandana around his or her head as a blindfold while the other partner sets up obstacles in the hallway or space. Use items from your date such as the box or the neon lantern and add additional items from around your home. Place your blindfolded partner at the beginning of the hallway or obstacle course and head to the end. Guide them through the course using ONLY verbal commands. If your blindfolded partner touches an obstacle, start over! Once he or she completes the course, switch roles and be sure to move the obstacles around to create a new challenge.
Challenge 2
- Build paper airplanes using the spare paper provided
in your box. Begin by having one partner place the bandana around his or her head as a blindfold while the other partner provides the sheet of paper. Only the blindfolded partner is allowed to touch the paper while the other partner provides verbal commands such as “rotate 90 degrees,” “fold vertically,” etc. Once he or she completes the airplane, switch roles and create a second airplane. Remember, the important part of this activity is the communication, not the end result. Feel free to race your airplanes once you’ve completed the activity!
Challenge 3
Find an area with open space and sit down with your
backs against each other. Both partners will bend knees and plant their feet firmly against the floor, press into each other’s backs and try to rise to standing! This may be difficult depending on the size and height difference between partners. Focus on breathing together and rising at the same pace, synching your movements will be key.
Ta k e a m o m e n t t o r e f l e c t o n y o u r C a m p D at e N i g h t I n d at e . Discuss these questions together:
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Which part of the date did you enjoy the most? Did you try something new as a part of your date? What was it like to experience it with your significant other? Are there any aspects of the date that you would like to incorporate into your relationship in the future?
H e r e a r e a f e w i d e a s t o c o n t i n u e y o u r d at e :
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Watch one of these movie classics featuring summer camp: The Parent Trap (1998), Friday the 13th (1980), Addams Family Values (1993), Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp (Netflix TV show) Book a camping trip for you and your significant other! Recreate “Relationship Red Zone” using your own questions. Build a bonfire under the stars and reminisce on summers past.
Until Next Time