DNI Blind Faith, Faith Guide

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What does biblical faith really look like? Are we called to ignore all reason as believers? Go in blind? In the age that we live, it may feel like anti-intellectual faith is almost encouraged. You may almost feel threatened when

Without a belief in a trustworthy God, ‘going in

someone challenges you for proof, which has become a

blind’ is next t o impossible; wouldn’t you agree? It has no

popular tool for the non-believer. Have you encountered

foundation! So, sharing with unbelievers that we are just

this in your walk with Christ? The idea that faith has

supposed to have faith and not concern ourselves with

nothing to do with reason is one that is almost universally

reason is an all too common tragedy. If you are a new believer,

accepted. Tonight as you dive in to this discussion

take heart in t he truth that the gospel is full of reason. If

together with your partner, I want to challenge you to

you claim the Word of God, be ready to speak its truths.

explore what the notion of blind faith means to each

Let these verses encourage you wherever you are in your

of you.

faith journey:

Yes, we are called to accept the gospel by faith, apart from the need for reason, but God has given us reason, and He has given us a voice to share it. Faith can be said to be “blind” only if the object of that faith is untrustworthy, and this kind of faith is foolishness. It

“Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have, but do so with gentleness and respect.” – 1 Peter 3:15

would be very unwise to place your faith in something or

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that

someone that you do not trust. Howev er, Bible believers

sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we

place their faith in God, who IS trustworthy. As a believer,

take captive every thought to make it obedient

your faith should be accompanied by, but not reliant

to Christ.”

on reason.

– 2 Corinthians 10:5 “Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your

T a k e a m inute : When you think about faith, do you sometimes agree with the idea that it is foolishness? Do you personally have enough reason to believe that God is tr ustworthy?

conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” – Colossians 4:5-6

T a k e a m inute : Do you believe that it is still considered “having faith”








evidence? Why, or why not?

L ets p ut this to the test : Grab your blindfolds and find an open area in your “When the Israelites saw the mighty power that The

living room. We all know the popular trust fall exercise,

Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were

but I want you to think about a few different things as

filled with awe before Him. They put their faith in him

you make your way through the exercise.

and His servant Moses.” – Exodus 14:31 Clearly, the Israelites had evidence that God existed and was helping them escape Egypt, and yet the text says they put their faith in Him anyway. So given this piece of scriptural evidence we know that a believer can still base their b elief that the Bible is true on the basis of evidence and still be able to have faith in God. Think about this...if someone is holding you over a ledge and you know in your heart that not only will they not let you fall, they’ll pull you up to safety; you undoubtedly have faith in that person (hopefully the person sitting next to you). You know that they exist. You have very powerful evidence that they exist, yet in the heat of the moment, all the evidence in the world can not tell you for certain that they will save your life. You must have faith.

– – Without your blindfolds on, take a few turns falling into eachothers arms. With your arms straight out to the side, keep your body completely straight as you fall backwards or forwards. Your partner will catch you under the arms. Now, you have reason to believe that your partner has the ability to catch you. – – Taking turns, one of you will now place your blindfold over your eyes and repeat the exercise.

If you are uns ure where to start, pray these words from Psalm 31:

P r a y e r and Reflection


In you, O Lord, do I take refuge;

In order to complete the previous exercise using your

let me never be put to shame;

blindfold, you must have faith in your partner. You can

in your righteousness deliver me!

look at the evidence and have reason to believe, but no one would ask you to prove that your partner will catch


you. This is putting faith into practice. In the same way,

Incline your ear to me; rescue me speedily!

it would be counted as foolishness if you were to walk

Be a rock of refuge for me,

up to a stranger on the street and fall on them with the expectation that they will catch you. Spending time in

a strong fortress to save me!

scripture, in community with other believers, and in prayer will give you a firm foundation to place your faith in Christ.


Take a look back through your discussion guide and

For you are my rock and my fortress; and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me;

highlight some areas that stood out fo r you. Where were you encouraged by what God’s Word has to say? Take a


minute to pray together, silently or aloud.

you take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for you are my refuge.


Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God


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