DNI Thankful for You Insert

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Thankful for you! DATE GUIDE

Welcome to your DATE NIGHT IN Warmest greetings and welcome to your “Thankful For You” Date Night In! We want to start off by thanking you for allowing us to join you in your home to help make memories with your significant other. Your date tonight will be about showing gratitude and giving thanks to one another. It is important to reflect and take a moment to celebrate all the blessings we have in life. Each month, we give a FREE DATE to a couple who snaps a picture of themselves enjoying that month’s Date Night In. To qualify, simply post your photo to Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #DateNightIn. As always, we appreciate any social media sharing about our company. Head to www.nightinboxes.com to explore all of our subscription options. Please feel free to reach out to customerservice@ nightinboxes.com with any questions. Now it’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy your Thankful For You date experience!




Take a moment to consider the space where your date will occur. Setting the mood for your date is an important step to really enjoy your experience together. Don’t forget to access your custom Thankful For You playlist and recipes to go along with your date at DATENIGHTINBOX.COM/THANKFUL-FOR-YOU.

TABLE TALK It’s nice to take the time to look back on the past few months or years with gratitude. Days come and go but it’s important that we take the opportunity to stop and reflect on the things we are thankful for. There are many experiences, both positive and negative, to be grateful for. We all know that gratitude is an admirable character trait. So naturally gratitude would be beneficial for a happier and healthier relationship, right? It’s true! When couples show appreciation and give thanks in their relationships, it can begin a wonderful cycle of gratitude for each other that only has the potential to strengthen their love and commitment! We all can probably agree that it’s easy to focus on what we don’t have, what we didn’t achieve, what we’re not doing and what others are doing. It’s especially challenging today with how connected the world is on social media; we have a greater opportunity to compare our lives to someone else’s. And sadly, we tend to look at the negative side of those comparisons, rather than using it as a chance to appreciate and enjoy our life and our partner.


What characterist ics of our relat ionship are you thankful we have? W h at a r e s o m e m o m e n t s you ’ ve b e e n t h a n k fu l fo r our endurance through hard situations? What date in our relat ionship are you thankful to remember? What is something new to our relat ionship you are thankful to have trie d? W h at a r e a few way s t h at I c a n s h ow you my gratitude and appreciation? What act(s) of servic e are you most thankful we have re c eive d from some one? What act(s) of servic e c ould we do together that some one else would b e thankful to re c eive?

Snack & Show your APPRECIATION

MATERIALS Popcorn on the cob


Caramel drizzle

Now it’s time to create a delicious snack together! Have you ever popped corn still on the cob? If not, tonight is your night! Locate your included popcorn on the cob and follow the directions on the packaging to pop the corn. Then, drizzle caramel over the popcorn. Grab your included sticky notes and find a comfy spot to enjoy your caramel-drizzled popcorn. Divide the sticky notes between you and then take a few moments to think about the reasons you are thankful for your significant other. Write each reason on a separate sticky note and don’t let each other see! Once you have finished, HIDE your sticky notes around your home (maybe even in your partner’s car or wallet) in places where your partner will find them over time. Our hope is that you will find these notes and be sweetly reminded of all the reasons you appreciate each other.

Gratitude that becomes INTENTIONAL MATERIALS “Thank you for...” print | Wooden frame Dry erase marker

Your hidden notes will get the ball rolling to embrace gratitude, but we want to help you make gratitude an intentional and focused practice in your relationship long after the sticky notes have been discovered. It comes naturally to say thank you to the local barista or the stranger holding the door but oftentimes we forget to practice the same gratitude with the most important person in our life! It can be easy to take your partner for granted. When was the last time you really let your significant other know how much you appreciate them? Locate your included frame, “Thank you for…” printout and dry erase marker. Place the printout inside the frame and then place the frame in a spot you see everyday-perhaps next to the kitchen sink, by your keys or in your master bathroom. Use the dry erase marker to write something you’re thankful for. Take turns writing something new everyday or every week and see how the power of gratitude has the ability to transform your relationship.

doing the dishes for me!

Gratitude WORD SLAM


For your next activity, prepare to think on your feet with this fastpaced card game. As most good competitions begin, determine a wager for whoever loses the game. Maybe the loser does the dishes, has to give a back rub, or does laundry for the next week? It’s up to you! GAME PREP INSTRUCTIONS 1.

As a team, choose a short starting word having to do with love or date night.


Suggested Words: THANK, LOVE, DATE (feel free to use any other words you can think of. If you need to use more generic four- or five-letter words, feel free to do so).


Find the cards you need to form the starting word and place those cards on your table or playing surface where each of you can see and reach them. Make sure they form the starting word you have chosen. Leave a bit of space between the cards, so there will be no overlapping when other cards are placed on top.


Shuffle and deal the remaining cards equally between you and your significant other. There should be no cards left in the deck.

PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS Hint: As a reminder, the cards are two-sided. They are printed either with a different letter on each side or with blank spaces. Either side of the card may be played to make a legal word, with the blank serving as a “wild letter.” 1.

Play a quick game of rock, paper, scissors to determine who will start the game.


Place a letter from your hand anywhere on the starting word to form a new word as soon as you recognize a new play. This is a speed game; players do not take turns placing new letters on the word. –

You cannot play the same letter if it will make the same word. For example, if the current word is “THANK,” you cannot play another “A” immediately on top of the “A” in the word on the table. You can, however, play an “I” to change the word to “THINK” and then play “A” to change the word back to “THANK” if you can do so before your opponent changes the word to something else.

It is up to you to allow slang, acronyms, proper names for people or places, hyphenated words, or words with apostrophes.


Call “time out!” to challenge a word if you don’t think your opponent played a real word. Stop the play to discuss the legitimacy of the word and consult a dictionary if necessary.


Continue playing until one player runs out of cards or no more legal plays can be made. The player who is out of cards first is the winner. If both players still have cards and nobody can make a play, whoever has the fewest cards left is the winner.

Until Next Time!


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Which aspect of the date did you enjoy most? If you tried something new, what was it like to experience that with your significant other? How will you use this date to incorporate gratitude in your relationship moving forward?

Ways to continue YOUR NIGHT - - - -

Play Gratitude Word Slam. Continue to show gratitude with your “Thank You For…” frame. Give back to your community by volunteering together at a local soup kitchen. Watch a movie about gratitude or making a difference:

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Forrest Gump Freedom Writers Hidden Figures It Could Happen To YYou The Blind Side The Revolutionary Optimist


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