KNI Manners Faith Guide

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Jesus said:

Matth ew 18:13-14 “Let

the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.� When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.

Me mo ry Ve rse :

peac e, the frui t of the Spir it is love , joy, ness , gent lene ss, self -con trol ; pati ence , kind ness , goo dne ss, fait hful ” agai nst such thin gs ther e is no law.

Ga l ati ans 5:2 2-2 3 “But

W ork w ith yo ur little o ne ( s ) to m e m o ri z e Gal ati ans 5 : 22-23 t h i s m o n t h . E nc ourage them to begi n re c o gni z i ng ho w the “f rui t s o f t h e s p i r i t ” a re disp l a yed thr o ugh the i r d ai l y c ho i c e s . A s yo u w i t n e s s th ese m o ments thr o ugh o ut thi s m o nth, b e s ure to a ckn ow ledge them with p rai s e and re as s uranc e . R em e m ber, mo deling g o o d m anne rs and e ti q ue tte f o r t h em will give a bo os t o f s e l f - c o nf i d e nc e that th ey will need to ma ke p ro p e r c ho i c e s o n the i r o w n . Head over to o ur websi te ni ghti nb o xe s . c o m /m us i c f o r a silly so ng abo ut th e f rui t o f the s p i ri t that yo u r l it t le on e( s) will lo ve. It w i l l w o rk as a he l p f ul to o l to a ssist t h em in memo rizi ng the i r ve rs e !

Rea d a l o ud: Have you ever seen an apple tree full of big juicy apples? Maybe you’ve even had the chance to pick some apples before. Apple trees grow big and strong and produce lots of yummy fruit for us to enjoy.

Do you know what an apple tree needs in order to grow to be so big and strong? They need time to grow, and they need to be fed plenty of water and sunlight. Did you know that in some ways, you and I are just like an apple tree? When our spirits are fed

fruit of the spirit to these possible situations. Discuss each scenario and ask


Would You Do?” )

Wh at wo uld

y o u do ?

his e he fel l and scr ape d r frie nd LOV E bec aus you w sho to nt wa 1. You pla yin g ou tsid e. kne e wh ile you we re ay par ty. Eve n new toy at her bir thd 2. You r frie nd got the coo les t FUL for her . , you wa nt to be JOY tho ugh you wa nt it too t you wa nt to pla y re you r fav ori te toy bu 3. Som eti me s it’s har d to sha . PEA CEF ULL Y wit h you r frie nd d, you nee d to t! Eve n tho ugh it is har 4. It is you r tur n to pic k des ser eat ing the ir sup per . til eve ryo ne is fin ish ed pra ctic e PAT IEN CE un t he is hu ngr y and his sna ck to sch oo l bu 5. You r frie nd for got to bri ng som e KIN DN ESS . you wa nt to sho w him las t tim e you fel l. by the po ol bec aus e 6. You ’re no t sup po sed to run pra ctic e GO ODN ESS . ing it bu t you wa nt to do are s nd frie r you All of . ds to be fed eve ry day r, Sir Squ eak s-a -lo t, nee ste ham pet r You 7. you wa nt to pra ctic e fee l like do ing it bu t Som eti me s you do n’t d car e of him . FAI THF ULN ESS by tak ing goo kid s and you gh wit h the you nge r 8. You see som eon e pla yin g rou ort ant ! tha t GEN TLE NES S is imp wa nt to rem ind the m sup po sed to eat kie bu t you are on ly 9. You rea lly wa nt ano the r coo litt le t ma ybe pra ctic ing a ing bu t you thi nk tha tch wa is e on No e. on do the rig ht thi ng. ON TRO L mig ht hel p you to


by Jesus’ love, we grow big and strong just the same! Jesus loves us so much that He gives us exactly what our spirits need to grow. The people around us will see that we

We can practice every day by remembering to mind our manners like B.B. Wolf.

are growing to be more like Jesus because of our fruit. I don’t mean that you are going

Everyone around you will see your fruit when you remember to be polite!

to start growing apples out of your fingers...that would be pretty silly!

LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF CONTROL. Our memory verse, Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that the fruit we grow is

Sometimes we forget that Jesus is helping us grow all of this fruit. That’s a long list to remember, isn’t it?! That’s okay because you and I can practice together. Just like an apple tree, it takes time to grow all of those tasty apples. (Grab your included Spirit Tree sheet, and colored pencils. Together, color the tree and fruit, when you are done coloring, cut out the fruit on the bottom of the sheet for your little one(s). As you go through the scenarios on the right add the fruit to the tree, until you have a full spirit tree. Let your little one(s) help you find ways to respond with the

Will you say your memory verse one more time with me?

Ga l ati ans 5:22-2 3

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Let’s pray together to thank Jesus for helping us grow.

Dear Jes us ,

Just like the apple tree needs sunlight and water to grow fruit, You give me exactly what my spirit needs to grow fruit, too. Thank You for being patient with me as I learn, and loving me even when I make mistakes.

A m en

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