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Chitrakatha Internation Student Animation Festival 23-27th October, 2013 Department of Animation Film Design National Institute of Design Paldi, Ahmedabad, 380007, India Designed by Nikhil Mittal Guided by Mona Prabhu Set in Graublau Sans & Playfair Display typeface









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Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

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Director’s message The Animation Film Design (AFD) discipline was set up at the National Institute of Design (NID) in 1985, after a lot of research and experimentation that followed the establishment of the institute. In its initial years, the discipline saw eminent people such as Clair Weeks, Leo Lionni, Roger Noak, Bhaskar Chandravarkar, Shyam Benegal, P.K. Nair, and Ram Mohan come in as faculty in the discipline and strengthen NID’s design culture as a whole. Today, I am happy to see that the Animation Film Design discipline has succeeded in acquiring a noteworthy balance between content and context. With the strong alumni network that the discipline has, and with the guidance and spirited teamwork of Sekhar Mukherjee and his team, Chitrakatha has become a robust platform for storytellers to share their views with the world. This film festival began in 2007 by acknowledging the 20 glorious years of the discipline’s journey in animation filmmaking and storytelling. After the success of the first, second, and third editions of Chitrakatha in 2007,

Organizer 2009, and 2011 respectively, this biennial international student animation film festival has acquired an integrity of its own and has become a name to reckon with. Therefore, I am confident that this festival is here to stay and will go a long way. This fourth edition of Chitrakatha will be a truly celebrated event, where our partner school Hoschschule Luzern Design & Kunst, Luzern, Switzerland will be the guest school. I am also happy to welcome other friends from across the world to come and share their experiences, glories, and stories and enliven the spirit of the festival. I wish the entire team of Chitrakatha 2013 all success in its efforts to showcase the talents of the Animation Film Design discipline at NID, and its larger role in design education. Mr Pradyumna Vyas Director NID

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival


Subsequent to a two-year stint as cartoonist, illustrator, and graphic artist at the Economic Times, Sekhar Mukherjee joined NID as a student of Animation Design in 1992. After graduation, Sekhar worked in various fields of Communication Design and joined NID as a faculty in the Animation Film Design discipline in 2002. Since 2003, Sekhar has been heading the Animation Film Design discipline and mentoring the future generation of Indian graphic storytellers.

Publications, UK. Sekhar is a regular invitee to many animation film festivals and events as the jury member and resource person both in India and overseas.

Mr Sekhar Mukherjee Festival Director Co-ordinator, Animation Film Design NID, Ahmedabad

He organises an international students’ animation film festival called Chitrakatha at NID; this has helped promote hitherto unknown stories from the Indian subcontinent. Sekhar regularly contributes two comic strips for the Sunday cartoon column in Ananda Bazaar Patrika, a leading newspaper published from Kolkata. In May 2009, he received the CNBC-Aptech award for his outstanding contribution to animation education in India. He is also on the editorial board of Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, published by Sage 7

Chitrakatha Chitrakatha-The biennial student animation festival from NID, celebrates the coming together of numerous creative minds that share a common dream: The celebration of original animation and it’s future. Not only does the festival celebrate moving image but also graphic narratives, comics and doodles. Its a celebration of the senses! Chitrakatha brings together storytelling masters of international acclaim like Peter Parr, Bahram Azimi, Raimund Krumme, Coke Rioboo, Rolf Bachler with emerging artists, student filmmakers, teachers, activists and enthusiasts. Chitrakatha also digs deeper and brings traditional storytellers like Gonds, Patuas, Sufi singers from remote corners of the nation to showcase and share their talent. It is an arts festival for the ages! Among many innovative ways of celebrating sustainable designs, All of the festival publicity material is produced by a team of enthusiastic students and supporters. The result is a unique range of batik and screen-printed t-shirts, cowbells, gift bags made in collaboration neighborhood marginalized groups. ‘Humanism’ is the motto. Re-use, Reduce and Recycle is the basis for Indian Animation’s special ecosystem and it is something to be celebrated so we have incorporated it into our festival.

Not only does the festival celebrate moving image but also word and image in the form of graphic narratives, comics and doodles and also the celebration of five senses of human kind! On one hand Chitrakatha brings storytelling stalwarts of international acclaim like Peter Parr, Bahram Azimi, Raimund Krumme, Coke Rioboo, Rolf Bachler, on the other it is now a stunning platform for emerging artists, student filmmakers, teachers, activists and enthusiasts to gather and share. Chitrakatha also digs deeper and brings traditional storytellers like Gonds, Patuas, Sufi singers from remote corners of the nation showcase and share their talent with the mad overexposed urbanized world. Among many innovative ways of celebrating sustainable designs, the festival can boast of creating every little material for publicity in house, produced by a team of enthusiastic students and supporters. The result is a unique range of batik and screen-printed t-shirts, cowbells, gift bags made in collaboration with various groups from the neighborhood with various marginalized groups. Indian Animation’s ecosystem needs all of us to celebrate and share. During this fantastic spirited COWfest, simultaneous activities are hosted: screenings of world class animation

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

films both on 35 mm projection & DVDs combined with post screening discussions; master classes with animators from across the globe; workshops on sketching, doodling and etching on 16 mm film; sound designing; cooking and a host of merry making. Chitrakatha earned its reputation as supporters from various corners including alumni members, sponsors, other animation schools, independent filmmakers & other reputed animation festivals bring alive the spirit of animation and storytelling.

hammer on the ‘Animation Education’ and its survival in today’s globalized economical film world. Chitrakatha means commitment,passion and hard work. Chitrakatha means optimism. Come join us for this fantastic third edition of what we hope will be one of many to come. This edition of Chitrakatha due from October 23 to 27, 2013, will once again remind all of us the strength of our boiling pot of untold & unsung stories.

Over the past three editions the festival has gathered support and cooperation from organizations as well as individuals: Isabel Herguera and her Spanish caravans, friends from Cartoon Network, Pro Helvetia’s positive folks, French Embassy, Alliance Franciase, British Council, Wacom, Anima, Goethe Institute, CG Tantra, Animation Express, Spanish Embassy. We take this opportunity to announce our next edition of Chitrakatha and cordially invite you to be a part of the festival. Your support and participation will enhance our efforts of showcasing innumerable stories to the world and celebrating the creative medium. For more details please feel free to get in touch with us. But this time we will surely



Mission Questions, arguments and a Story. - by Prakash Moorthy. S. The joy of seeing our drawings breathe is an experience. However, the basic act of animating objects does not require much cerebral activity. Which only means that even mindless squiggles will exhibit a worm-like-early-earth-life when projected one after the other. And then we know that it is not the squiggles we made that moved but those squiggles we did not make, that moved and give us the illusion of life. Animation is not the movement of art as we might think, but the art of the movement. We all know this. Bust most of us still get knocked off the pavement every time we think of it. Some of us don’t get up. Some others get up and reflect on ways of looking at our Animation Industry. One is the boisterous chest thumping high way of the “we can do it too! Look we did some shots of that Hollywood hit!” Another is the frothing exclamation of “Oh we did the best Indian Animation so far…” And there is another: Of wholeheartedly accepting standards of ‘Indian animation’ set by broadcasters who will tell us what is good for Indian Animation. Many of us are very happy with these highways. However, in between these sticky ways is yet another one. One full of questions and arguments. History tells us that animation is the elder sister of cinema. Animation in many forms

existed even before the brothers invented the trick. It is normal that the sisters get compared to one another. Why does one sister stride ahead in our country while the other is forever fumbling and lumbering about sadly? The first Indian animation is of a growing pea done by none other than the Dada Saheb. “I was well up in all the arts and crafts that go toward making a motion picture -- drawing, painting, architecture, photography, drama, magic… I was fully convinced that it can be done!” he said in 1917. The animation “Growing Pea” shattered much glass, but since then it was her sister (live cinema) who Dada SahebPhalke jumped up and ran amuck with. With much glamour and sparkle, the realization that this new art form (cinema) was collaborative, also happened when Manto, Chughtai, MulkRaj Anand and others from the many Progressive Writer Groups of India began to prowl about the film studios. In a swirl of associations, artists, writers, theatre artists, filmmakers, held hands, anticipating the birth of the new nation. Practicing Poets, Authors, Painters, Philosophers, Dancers, Singers, Mechanics, Magicians and Tricksters joined in to make cinema. In the early years of the Soviet Union, the painter, poet Vladimir Mayakovski’s

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival


involvement took Soviet animations to their loftiest. Futurism had hit animation. It is certainly his mark that gave later Russian, Eastern European and independent animators of the world the courage to sidestep cuteness and look at animation as avant-garde. It is Mayakovski who is the real changer of sensibilities, because he drove the avant-garde into the old trickfilm. Clair Weeks came to Films Division, Mumbai, National Institute of Design happened, and Rammohan Sir did his best. But for some reason, Practicing Poets, Authors, Painters, Philosophers, Dancers, Singers, Mechanics and some Tricksters did not join in. Was there no sparkle? Was there no glamour? Or was it because animation soon became the club of those who could draw in a certain supple sweet way? Did they put off the Progressive Artists like it does even now? Is the rounded smooth cuteness of Gospel according to Clair Weeks to blame? We truly have the best of Contemporary World Literature, the best of Contemporary Art, but we will not let them in. Because we are a special people and we draw in a special way and animation according to us is supple sweet cute and poodle. We write silly stories ourselves from our grand mythology or from somewhere nearby, plant gooey plots and animate cute things with a vengeance until everyone is diabetic. Or we string ‘awsum’ poses from

Hollywood animation and cook a below sea level plot. Then we walk about like fat cats with whiskers because we also spent 30 to 40 crores of Rupees doing it. The logic of course being, we can’t go wrong after spending so much rupees…can we? Then we look sideways with unhidden jealousy at a film like ‘Persepolis’ which was made in about 1/5th of that above mentioned amount and by a woman from Iran and announce loudly that it is only black and white. Instead of learning from episodes from History, soldiers of the cute argue that mythological fare is the best bet. Do they not know that our poor country is wounded? A couple of generations ago our parents would buy us Classics Illustrated Junior, stories by R K Narayan, and the wonderful AmarChitraKatha that told stories of not only Ram, Laxman and Hanuman but also Akbar, Ashoka, Christ, Buddha, Subhash Chandra Bose and Babur. Later, when the world opened up with one thousand channels and the Internet, the new parents insisted that their children see more of ‘our mythologies’. To protect ‘our cultural heritage’! We all know about the wounding that happened in the interim. The rants of “don’t sing like this…Don’t paint like this…Don’t laugh like this… Don’t


Comic jury write like this… Don’t make films like this” is louder than before. Soon, if we are not careful they will do a Horst Wessel. They will clear the streets and march. Just like some unrealized sequence out of Boorman’s “Hell in the Pacific”, that bizarre tale of two soldiers, Anime strides ahead just like Toshiro Mifune. To the last scene Mifune remains governed by his land- in his body language and in the method he reacts to situations. Anime is like that. Noh, Kabuki, Kyogen and other forms of their theatre live in there. Anime has sub cultures and numerous genres. Hollywood Animation has none. Anime is where Art likes to perform . It no longer lives in Japan like some local phenomenon but belongs to the world. Along with Manga and lately, “superflat” the new art movement it sprung! Yet, the creative discussions of Moebius of ‘bandesDessinees’ and Miyasaki in his film “Nausicaa of the valley of the wind” is an example of the kind of collaborations that anime will boldly allow.

we may hold our traditional forms of theatre and dance dramas inside our song and dance. Will some song and dance rescue Indian Animation from all the fluff? The curriculum that the young faculty developed at the National Institute of Design in 1985 is one of the best in the world. In slow increments, the animation graduates along with some Practicing Poets, Authors, Painters, Philosophers, Dancers, Singers, Mechanics, Magicians have begun to influence the story of Animation in India. The task is not easy. But Chitrakatha is bold. It argues that it is time for a push.Chitrakatha is a call to gather, to take steps forward. Chitrakatha will question and argue the story we must write.

Indian cinema is also distinct. Though we dress up in western style clothes we do our own thing when the mood hits us. When we are happy we jump up and down and when we are sad we howl like lion tailed macaques. We are different and so is our cinema. But what saved Indian cinema from Hollywood is our song and dance. They are so very special. While exposing predictable plots and alarming scenarios

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival


Gianmarco Serra was born in Pisa,Italy in 1969. Since 1998 he directed documentaries for RAI 3 the Italian public TV channel that focuses on culture and education. He also worked as an independent producer for national and international institutions directing several documentaries on the subject of social themes. He gave workshops and lectures at the University of Pisa department of Political science (prof. Cubeddu). At the University of Florence department of Filosophy (prof. Toschi) on the issue of freedom of expression. He published two books: Professione Reporter, Effata’ Torino 2000, treating on the subject of the representation of the cinema.

Dhiman Sengupta was a student of Animation Film Design, Dhiman Sengupta graduated from NID in 1999. He worked in Mumbai and Delhi, for a decade in the areas of e-learning, broadcast and motion graphics, and visual effects. Since 2009, Dhiman has been a faculty at NID in the Animation Film Design. He conducts courses in Basic Animation, Film Title Sequence Design, Kinetics, Motion Typography, Music Appreciation, Sound Design and Visual Scripting and conducts a Comic Book Workshop. He is a voracious reader, a prolific writer, an artist, and illustrator. Besides this, he is also a film enthusiast, a musician, a composer, and a singer.

Philippe Martin has a Double Masters in Arts & Culture from French Universities and wrote his dissertation on the subject of traditional music in the globalized “World Music” environment. Since September 2010, he is the director of the Alliance Française, Ahmadabad, India, working in the field of pedagogical and cultural cooperation between France and India. He is pursuing various cultural initiatives with different partners and institutions, like the “Graphic Narrative Project” in collaboration with Sekhar Mukherjee, National Institute of Design , Ahmedabad.


Animation jury

Maureen Selwood utilizes handdrawn animation and live-action footage for films, installations and works on paper. The role played by external devices in our lives and their totemic value often triggers Selwood’s process. She weaves internal images influenced by real events and her response to them. Her well know films are: As You Desire Me, where there is a ritualistic and dreamlike quality filled with mortality and loss and Mistaken Identity, where she creates an alluring deconstruction of the 1955 noir classic, Kiss Me Deadly by Robert Aldrich. Her films have won many international prizes. Her drawings have been exhibited at the Drawing Center (NYC) and ARTEKO and ANIMAC in Spain. Selwood travels widely, participating in teaching and exhibiting films internationally. She is currently on the faculty of CalArts in the Film/ Video School.

Georges Lacroix is a French illustrator and graphic designer of great fame. Among his many achievements, he has been the artistic director of L’Express magazine. He is an independent film director and founder of Fantome studion (1985). His Animated series have won many prestigious international awards including an Emmy Award in 1994. He has been decorated with the “ Grand Prix National de la Creation Audiovisuelle” and “Chevaliers dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” by the French Government.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

Professor Arun Gupta is HOD and Senior Faculty in the Dept. of Film & Video at the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India. His courses include Scriptwriting, Direction and Film Appreciation. He organized the Alpavirama South Asian Short and Documentary Film Festival in 2011 at NID, In 2007 he was in Doha, Qatar, as a member of the International Jury at the Al Jazeera International Documentary Film Festival. In 2013 he was Chairperson of the International Jury at the Beskop Tshechu Bhutan Film Festival, in Thimphu, Bhutan. Before joining NID, Prof. Gupta worked in the Indian television industry for ten years, including in TV channels like Zee TV and Home TV. He has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Delhi and a PG Diploma in Cinema (Direction) from the Film & Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune.


Binita Desai is one of the reasons why there is an Animation department in NID. But she puts it as, “There was animation at NID even before there was a department.” She was the first co-ordinator of the Post Graduate Animation Department, 1985. Currently Binita Desai is a professor at the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, where she teaches Design and Animation to Post Graduate Design students and Animation to BTech Under Graduate students.

Otto Alder is founder and artistic director of Lucerne International Animation Academy 2009 (LIAA). Besides creating his own films, photographs and installations, in 2002 he began teaching history of moving images and animation history as professor at the the animation department of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and was the departments co-director from 2004 till 2010.Festival. Alder is cofounder and was co-director of Fantoche International Animation Festival (1994 – 2004). In 2009 he was selected Honorary President of the Ottawa International Animation Festival. In 2011 he became member of the Swiss Film Academy and of APSA (Asia Pacific Screen Academy).

Annick Teninge plunged into animation in 1990 when she started working at the Annecy Festival as Deputy to the Director. During this time, she built up professional relationships with numerous members of the international animation community. In 1996, Teninge left Annecy for Los Angeles where she was one of the founding members of the Animation World Network Website (AWN. com) which is the premier source for animation information on the Internet. She returned to France in 2001 to join the La Poudrière Animation Film School in Valence, Teninge is now the Director of La Poudrière.


Speakers points to be noted! Doris Cleven

Francois Chalet

Georges Lacroix

Neeta Madahar

create a story here ! share it with #chitrakatha13 #nid

Kate Owens

because stories are meant to share

Tania de Leon

Aditi Gupta

Tuhin Paul

Otto Alder

Arnab Chaudhari

Jonathan Marchant

Gianmarco Serra

Alfred Sesma

Kumar Vyas

Cecilia Traslavina

Maureen Selwood

Stefano De Angelis

Paolo Polleselo

Nina Sabnani

Prakash Moorthy

Prof Yuichi Ito

Aditi Chitre

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival


Animated by: Vinnie Ann Bose


A frame from the Flatlife Door vreated by Doris cleven

Speaker Doris Cleven ISTI (Institut Superieur de Traducteurs et Interpretes) Brussels


Doris Cleven graduated from the ISTI (Institut Superieur de Traducteurs et Interpretes) in Brussels with a degree in English–Russian translation in 1979. She then worked at the Maison des Femmes, the Fondation Travail Université and CARHOP (Centre d’archive de la vie ouvrière) before joining the Graphoui studio. She co-founded Folioscope, the organizing structure of the Anima Festival, in 1988, with Philippe Moins and has been co-director ever since. She teaches Visual Communication at the Haute Ecole Albert Jacquard and the History and Aesthetics of Animation at the ESA-Saint Luc. She is also a member of the film selection commission.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Illustration by Francois Chalet

Speaker Francois Chalet Independent Illustrator, Animator, Director and Visual artist


Francois Chalet has been working as an independent illustrator, animator, director and visual artist since 1997. He is a regular jury member and speaker at international conferences and festivals. François’ main focus of work is on the extension of animation. He shows new territories of animation in contemporary dance, installation work, visual music and new media.He moreover demonstrates how reduction is a pertinent strategy independent from style and zeitgeist. François Chalet is a one man company in Zurich (Switzerland), that was founded in 1997. He regularly works with different artists, production firms, agents and agencies depending on the mission.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Illustration by Georges Lacroix

Speaker Georges Lacroix Illustrator & Graphic Designer


Georges is a French illustrator and graphic designer of great fame. Among his many achievements, he has been the artistic director of L’Express magazine. He is an independent film director and founder of Fantome studio (1985). His animated series have won many prestigious international awards including an Emmy Award in 1994. He has been decorated with the “Grand Prix National de la Creation Audiovisuelle” and “Chevaliers dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” by the French Government.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Photographed by Neeta Madahar

Speaker Neeta Madahar Photographer, Mix media Artist


Neeta works with photography and timebased media exploring nature, artifice and perception with an auto-biographical context. Her work is held in collections including Harvard University’s Fogg Art Museum and the V&A Museum and has been featured in publications including Aesthetica, Time Out:London and The New York Times. Her photographic series ‘Flora’ is currently in the show Role Play at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Artwork by Kate Owens

Speaker Kate Owens Photographer, Creative Writer


Kate Owens Kate has worked with photography and text for 20 years exploring mental health, memory and memoir. She won a Rhubarb Rhubarb bursary with her series ‘28 Day Flower Diary’ which was published in Hotshoe magazine and The Sunday Times and shown at various galleries. She has lectured in photography and is currently doing an MA in Creative and Life Writing at Goldsmiths University. Her artists’ books are held in the Tate museum collection, London.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A frame from the experimental animation by Tania de leon

Speaker Tania de Leon Experimental Animator, Visual Artist


Tania is a visual artist dedicated to drawing, engraving and experimental animation. She pursued a PhD in Fine Arts at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, in the Program of Expressive, Formal and Spatial– Temporal Components of Animation.She obtained a Master’s Degree in Multimedia Production for Internet from the same university. She also has a Degree in Visual Arts from the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas – UNAM.Tania has worked in projects of Public Art and also as a teacher at the University Jaime Primero in Castellon, Spain and at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City and at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, UNAM, in Mexico.Her artwork has been exhibited in different countries and she has also won several scholarships and acknowledgments in the artistic and academic fields.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A comic book to create awareness about menstruation by Aditi

Speaker Aditi Gupta New Media Design


Aditi is an alumnus of NID having completed her post–graduation in New Media Design in the year 2009. Menstrupedia is her brain child and is based on her diploma project at NID. She works on designing educational materials for spreading awareness about menstruation. She makes sure the information is crafted in a way that is not only easy to understand but also sensitive towards the taboo nature of the subject.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



An illustration by Tuhin Paul

Speaker Tuhin Paul Comic book Artist


Tuhin, who is also a graduate from NID, is the artist and storyteller of Menstrupedia. He ensures that the experience of Menstrupedia visitors is not only fun and engaging but also a memorable one. Tuhin is currently working on a comic book for young girls to help them understand menstruation. They have recently raised more than Rs. 5 lakhs through crowd funding from 175 supporters to support the development of this comic.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A frame from the animation movie by Otto Alder

Speaker Otto Alder Artisitc Director, Photographer


Otto is the founder and artistic director of Lucerne International Animation Academy 2009 (LIAA). Besides creating his own films, photographs and installations, in 2002 he began teaching history of moving images and animation at the the Animation Department of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and was the department’s co-director from 2004 till 2010. Otto also works as a programme curator and serves on juries and selection committees for festivals all over the world. He is co-founder and was co-director of Fantoche International Animation Festival (1994 – 2004). In 2009 he was selected as the Honorary President of the Ottawa International Animation Festival. 2011 he became member of the Swiss Film Academy and of APSA (Asia Pacific Screen Academy).

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A frame from the animation Arjun created by Arnab

Speaker Arnab Chaudhary Animator

Arnab has been in the media industry for nearly 20 years. In that time he has worked for various brands including Channel [v], Cartoon Network, Pogo and the Walt Disney company. He is the director of the 2012 animated feature ‘Arjun the Warrior Prince’.He is currently working on the follow up film titled ‘Circle of Fire’.

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A frame of the stop motion created during a workshop conducted by Jonathan

Speaker Jonathan Marchant Animator, Educator


Jonathan studied animation at West Surrey College of Art and Design (UK). He went on to study techniques of drawing and painting and he now pursues a career as a professional artist and art workshop coordinator in Burnley, UK.His passion for stop motion animation is inspired by Ray Harryhausen.He has been involved in several stop-motion animation projects.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A book written by Gianmarco Serra

Speaker Gianmarco Serra Director, Writer, Educator


Gianmarco has been in the film business since 1998. He has directed documentaries for RAI 3, the Italian public TV channel, that focuses on culture and education. He has also worked as an independent producer for national and international institutions directing several documentaries based on social themes.He has taken workshops and lectures at the University of Pisa, Dept. of Political science and also at the University of Florence, Dept. of Philosophy on the issue of freedom of expression. He has published two books: Professione Reporter, Effata’ Torino (2000), on the subject of the representation of cinema and Berlusconia Ultimo Atto, Malatempora, Roma (2005) which is about the state of politics in Italy.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A scene from the virtual reality application created by Toon a ville

Speaker Gianmarco Serra Animator, Educator, Founder of Toonaville


Alfred has been working with animated cartoons for a long time and has devoted his career to finding the links between animation and cities. He has organized events, workshops and campaigns and has built an extensive network of friends and colleagues around the world, from Taiwan to Mexico, from arts centers to commercial markets. Currently, he is the director of Toon a Ville of Barcelona, an international festival that focuses on ‘Children Animation for Broadcasting’.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A book written by Kumar Vyas and Dhruva

Speaker Kumar Vyas Industrial Designer, Educator


Born in Uganda, Kumar Vyas studied in India and then was trained as an industrial designer at the Central School of Art and Design in London. He worked in London with Douglas Scott Associates as a designer for 5 years before returning to India to join NID in 1962 to set up its Faculty of Industrial Design and begin training the first cadre of Indian industrial designers and design educators. He worked at NID for 30 years during which he developed design educational materials which were the first of their kind in the country. His notable publications include one introducing the younger generation to the rationale of Indian design idioms, “Design and Environment: A primer” and another called “Design the Indian Context”. In 2011, Prof. Kumar Vyas was awarded Sir Misha Black Medal for his distinguished services to design education.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



La casa del Tiempo - A film by Cecilia Traslavina

Speaker Cecilia Traslavina Animator, Educator


Cecilia has worked at the Javeriana University as an animation teacher in the Visual Arts Department She has been a jury member in International short film festivals in Colombia and abroad. Also, she has presented lectures about Colombian animation at different national and international events. Her works have been selected at several film festivals in Germany, Poland, Brazil, Italy, Austria, Canada and Sweden. Some of her films include :Underdog (1990),La casa del Tiempo (2009),Perpetuum Mobile :A documentary about the relationship between animation and other arts.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A frame from Maureen Selwood ‘s film

Speaker Maureen Selwood Animator, Traveller


Maureen utilizes hand-drawn animation and live-action footage for films, installations and works on paper. The role played by external devices in our lives and their totemic value often triggers Selwood’s process. She weaves internal images influenced by real events and her response to them. Maureen travels widely, participating in teaching and exhibiting films internationally. Her well-known films are: As You Desire Me, Mistaken Identity; These have gone on to win many international prizes.Her drawings have been exhibited at the Drawing Center (NYC) and ARTEKO and ANIMAC in Spain. She is currently on the faculty of CalArts in the Film/Video Department.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Stefano De Angelis author of the book: ISIS vs Occidente

Speaker Stefano De Angelis Performance Artist, Actor, Inventor & Art Educator


Stefano is a performance artist, actor, inventor and art educator. He was born in Genzano, Italy.Together with Marco Ieie he founded ‘Circosenzatetto’, a cultural association that aims to educate both young people and adults through art and imagination. He has an extensive experience working with different social and community groups.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



An illustration by Paolo Polleselo

Speaker Paolo Polleselo Animator


Paolo Polleselo is neither an animator nor an animation scholar. His interest in animation is totally amateurish and comes from his interest in arts and his intellectual curiosity.After finishing his studies in Physics in Italy, he moved to Berlin to work as a patent examiner. Over time he acquired a certain knowledge on the matter, which brought him to be part of the organization team of the festival, ‘Luccanimation’ held in Lucca (Italy) in 2009.He is also the editor of the web-magazine where he publishes interviews with animation personalities like Raoul Servais, Pierre Hébert and Normand Roger and is an associate producer by crowdfunding several films which have been screened at festivals like Annecy, Fantoche, Anima and others.In his free time he enjoys visiting architecture and animation festivals.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A scene from a movie by Nina Sabnani

Speaker Nina Sabnani Animator, Director & Illustrator


Nina is an artist, animation director and illustrator based in Mumbai since 2006. She was a senior designer at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad where she taught in the areas of Animation and Visual Communication for 22 years.Alongside teaching she has been making films on diverse issues. She has experimented in transposing artistic styles into animation.Her latest animated film is ‘Baat Wahi Hai’ (It’s the same story) that is a collaborative work with the traditional artists and storytellers of the Kaavad tradition. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay where she recently completed her Doctoral Research. Her area of research concerned Storytelling models in India.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A scene from a movie by Aditi Chitre

Speaker Aditi Chitre Independent Animation Film maker


Aditi is an independent animation filmmaker. She received her BFA in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, MSU Baroda. Aditi has been exploring the animation medium as a painter. She often collaborates with other filmmakers and organizations like documentary filmmaker, Pankaj Rishi Kumar and Ireland based independent documentary filmmaker, Catherine Boyle.When she is not animating, Aditi conducts art and animation workshops for young people in different parts of the country, the most notable of which are her workshops in Bombay done in collaboration with the organization, The Pomegranate Workshop.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Characters of ‘Gali Gali Sim Sim’: Headed by Prakash Moorthy

Speaker Prakash Moorthy Independent Animation Film maker


A resident of Trivandrum, Kerala. Prakash Moorthy is a post–graduate from MS University of Baroda (MSU) and NID. In 1997 he was invited to show his animation films at the Hiroshima International Film Festival. He was the Production Designer of Shaji N Karun’s ‘Vanaprastham’ (Indian Feature Film 1999) and Markus Imhoof ’s ‘Raison de Coeur’ (Swiss Feature film 1997). He was head of Animation of ‘Gali Gali Sim Sim’ (Sesame Street) 2006 to 2009 and the creator, designer of ‘Sulochana and the Nature Detectives’, 2009, an animation pilot film for Turner Films. He has also published books such as :Animating an Indian Story (2005), Satyajit and Secrets of Lothal (2011) – a comic written and illustrated by him.He is a visiting faculty at the NID, Ahmedabad and at the DJ Academy of Design, Coimbatore.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



A scene from the Prof Yuichi Ito’s stop motion ”KNYACKI”

Speaker Prof Yuichi Ito Professor of Animation, Animator


Prof Ito is a member of the board of directors of the Japan Animation Association. Professor in department of animation at Tokyo National University of Arts graduate school. Guest professor at Osaka University of Arts. Yuichi Ito was born in Tokyo in 1962. Graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, General Design Course. In 1998, he established and became the president of I.TOON Ltd. For his animations, he uses various techniques focusing on clay animation and directs TV animation programs, commercials and music videos. Ito is one of the top animation directors in Japan, and authority of puppet animation that keeps challenging possibility of expression. His outstanding work is “KNYACKI!” (NHK educational television). And more, Short Movie”NORABBITS’ MINUTES.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Winners of Chitrakaths 2011

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



10min 52sec

UNCAPTURABLE IDEAS Animator Masaki Okuda Uncapturable Ideas Winner Tokyo University of Arts Japan

A man is racking himself at a desk. On his desk there is a tiny man also racking himself at his desk. The big man remains still without any idea. The tiny man moves around in vain trying to catch some idea, which is supposed to be inside of him. Both man get cornered searching for idea, become desperate and after the daybreak the big man is struck by an idea...

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

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10min 52sec

LE 12TH HOMME (THE 12TH MAN) Animator Thomas Pons Le 12th Homme 1st Runner Up ENSAD France

Deep in the bleachers, The 12th Man is the perfect incarnation of gregarious instincts, of forgetting the self in favor of collective disappointments and jubilations.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

Scan the QR code to watch the complete animation



10min 52sec

GRANDPERE Animator Katherine Uerlimann Grandpere 2nd Runner Up HSLU Switzerland

Grandfather was an employee at the Hottingen telephone switchboard in the 1960s. The conditions at his workplace became such an increasing burden for him that he saw no other way out but arson. The biographical short film interweaves animation with historical documents.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

Scan the QR code to watch the complete animation



6min 28sec

NAAYO Animator Saheb Ram Tudu Naayo Jury Special Mention NID,Ahmedabad India

“Naayo�, it means in Santali (Tribal Language) mother or woman, the lady who is a wife or mother carrying the responsibility of the whole family on her shoulders. This poem is based on Santal woman and her tragic journey, but at the end of my film she is celebrating her life.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

Scan the QR code to watch the complete animation



4min 44sec

CLOUDS Animator Nikita and Stephanie Clouds Encouragement DSK Supinfocom India

Clouds is a young girl’s imaginative narrative about where the ‘clouds’ come from.

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

Scan the QR code to watch the complete animation



4min 13sec

BADDHO Animator Dipanjan, ankana and anagha Baddho Encouragement St.Xaviers,Kolkata India

Baddho is the story of a village lad, Fonte, who aspires to become a poet. However, society brands his dreams as utopian and impractical. As obedient as he was, Fonte accepts this verdict, and his life starts to meander through various odd jobs. As Fonte strives to find an existence, Baddho is a story of a young mind trapped in the shackles of social prejudice

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival

Scan the QR code to watch the complete animation



Day 1 Time



09:00 am

Opening Ceremony

NID Auditorium

09:30 am

Best of NID Stop-motion

NID Auditorium

11.00 am

Inauguration of Chitrakatha’13 at Design Gallery with Design Gallery Puppet Exhibition & Expanded Animation

12:00 pm

Invited Artist-Francoise Chalet, Zurich, Switzerland

NID Auditorium


Lunch Break

Old Canteen

15:00 pm

NID Animation Batch Pre-Diploma Show


14:00 pm

Longest Linetest Jammin’ from Topolet


15:00 pm

Cucinema Workshop-I by CUCINEMA Team

Alliance Francaise

14:00 pm

School Presentation-St Xaviers Animation Program, Kolkata,India

NID Auditorium

15:00 pm

School Presentation-Hochschule Luzern Design & Kunst, Switzerland

NID Auditorium

16:00 pm

Invited Artist-Prof Yuichi Ito, I.TOON,Tokyo,Japan

NID Auditorium

17:00 pm


NID Auditorium

18:00 pm

HSLU Animation Dept Exhibition-opening by NID Director & HSLU Director

NID Aquarium

19:00 pm

Invited Artist-Georges Lacroix, GL Consulting,Paris,France

NID Auditorium

22:00 pm

Opening Feature-Approved for Adoption Directed by Laurent Boileau, Jung Henin, France

NID Auditorium

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Day 2 Time



09:30 am

Realizing 'Me and the Black Dog' by Neeta M & Kate Owens, UK

NID Auditorium

10:30 am

Menstrupedia Matters by Tuhin Paul & Aditi Gupta,Gandhinagar,India

NID Auditorium

11:00 am

Invisible Sight-Workshop by Lorenzo Lustri, Italy

SAC Rec. Room

12:00 pm

School Presentation

NID Auditorium

13:00 pm

Lunch Break

Old Canteen

15:00 pm

Feedback from Masters

Animation Lab

15:00 pm

School Presentation-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

NID Auditorium

16:00 pm

School Presentation-Tokyo University of Arts

NID Auditorium

17:00 pm


NID Auditorium

18:00 pm

Invited Artist-Tania De Leon, Mexico City, Mexico

NID Auditorium

19:00 pm

The Spirit of Genius-Animation Documentary by Otto Alder, Lucerne, Switzerland

NID Auditorium

19:00 pm

Chitrakatha’13 Feature-Day of the Crows Directed by Jean-Christophe Dessaint

Alliance Francaise

22:00 pm

Chitrakatha’13 Feature-Arjun: The Warrior Prince by Arnab Chaudhuri, India

NID Auditorium

22:00 pm

Opening Feature-Approved for Adoption Directed by Laurent Boileau, Jung Henin, France

NID Auditorium

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Day 3 Time



09:30 am School Presentation-Royal College of Art (Animation), NID Auditorium London, UK 10:30 am

School Presentation-Shristi School of Arts, Design & Technology,Bangalore,India

NID Auditorium

11:30 am

Abotani & Few Other Stories-by Tara Douglas & Jonathan Marchant, India/UK

NID Auditorium

12:00 pm

Animation’s New Playground by Alfred Sesma, Lerida, NID Auditorium Spain

11:30 pm

Pixilation Workshop

Alliance Francaise

13:00 pm

Lunch Break

Old Canteen

15:00 pm

School Presentation-Javeriana University, Bogota, Colombia

NID Auditorium

15:00 pm

Pataphysical Theatre by Lorenzo Lustri & team

SAC Rec. Room

15:00 pm

Feedback from Masters

Animation Lab

16:00 pm School Presentation-Cal Arts, California, USA

NID Auditorium

17:00 pm

NID Auditorium


18:00 pm About Cucinema by Gianmarco Serra, Tuscany, Italy

NID Auditorium

19:00 pm Chitrakatha’13 Feature-Approved for Adoption Directed by Laurent Boileau, Jung Henin, France

Alliance Francaise

19:00 pm Snapshot from Belgium-By Doris Cleven, Anima, Belgium

NID Auditorium

22:00 pm Repeat Screening-Chitrakatha’13 Feature-Moon Man, Directed by Stephan Schesch, France

NID Auditorium

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Day 4 Time



09:30 am

School Presentation-IDC, Mumbai, India

NID Auditorium

10:30 am

School Presentation-La Poudriere,Valence,France

NID Auditorium

12:00 pm

Kumar Vyas Presents…’Failed Roman’,NID,India

NID Auditorium

13:00 pm

Lunch Break

Old Canteen

15:00 pm

Children Book Workshop by Stefano De Angelis, Isabel Herguera & Team

Xplora Space

15:00 pm

Cucinema Workshop-II by Cucinema Team

Xplora Space

15:00 pm

Feedback from Masters

Animation Lab

15:00 pm

School Presentation-Yet to be announced

NID Auditorium

16:00 pm

School Presentation-NID Animation, Ahmedabad, India

NID Auditorium

16:30 pm

Chitrakatha’13 Feature-Moon Man, Directed by Stephan Schesch, France

Alliance Francaise

17:00 pm


NID Auditorium

18:00 pm

‘Perpetuum Mobile’ Animation Documentary by Cecilia Traslaviña Bogota, Colombia

NID Auditorium

19:00 pm

Invited Artist-Maureen Selwood, California, USA

NID Auditorium

19:00 pm

Art Talk-Georges Lacroix

Alliance Francaise

21:00 pm

Performing Animation presented by PG III Semester Animation Students & Francoise Chalet


21:00 pm

Chitrakatha’13 Dinner by Invitation only

Eames Plaza

22:00 pm

Chitrakatha’13 Feature-Day of the Crows Directed by Jean-Christophe Dessaint

NID Auditorium

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Day 5 Time



9:30 am

Cosmic Operatta-Workshop for kids by Stefano De Angelis & Team

Old Canteen

10:00 am

Animators’ Survival Strategy by Young NID Adventurers

NID Auditorium

10:30 am

Why Paolo’s Crowdfund? By Paolo Polesello, Berlin, Germany

NID Auditorium

11:30 am

At the Crossroads –An open discussion on ‘What is Indian?’

NID Auditorium

13:00 pm

Lunch Break

Old Canteen

14:00 pm

Cucinema Workshop-II by Gianmarco Serra & Team

NID Mess

14:00 pm

Day of the Crows Directed by Jean-Christophe Dessaint

Alliance Francaise

16:00 pm

Moon Man, Directed by Stephan Schesch

Alliance Francaise

18:00 pm

Approved for Adoption Directed by Laurent Boileau, Jung Henin

Alliance Francaise

15:00 pm

Cycle of Tales-Nina Sabnani,Mumbai,India

NID Auditorium

15:00 pm

Feedback from Masters

Animation Lab

16:00 pm

Self Taught Animation-Aditi Chitre,Delhi,India

NID Auditorium

17:00 pm


NID Auditorium

18:30 pm

Wake Up Call-Why Animation Appreciation? By Prakash Moorthy

NID Auditorium

19:30 pm

Award & Closing Ceremony & COW oath for Chitrakatha’15

NID Auditorium

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Supports of chitrakatha

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival




Special thanks to: Doris Cleven Francois Chalet Georges Lacroix Neeta Madahar Kate Owens Tania de Leon Aditi Gupta Tuhin Paul Otto Alder Arnab Chaudhari Jonathan Marchant

Gianmarco Serra Alfred Sesma Kumar Vyas Cecilia Traslavina Maureen Selwood

Stefano De Angelis Paolo Polleselo Nina Sabnani Aditi Chitre Prakash Moorthy

Prof Yuichi Ito

Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



Chitrakatha 2013 | International Student Animation Festival



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