Performance Analysis: View Rose

Harbour Town
Stadium Precinct
New Quay
Central Pier
Digital Harbour
Batman Hill
Victoria Harbour
Yarras Edge
Residential Commercial
Industrial Park / Green Space
Food & Beverage
Institutional/ Community
Parking/ Service
Under Construction
Permit Approved
Permit Applied
Within 5 minutes
Main Destinations:
District Docklands Mall
Ron Brassi Park, Tram Stop, Retail Shop
Within 10 minutes
Main Destinations:
Star Wheel, Restaurants
Supermarkets, Monument Park, Costco,
O’Brien Ice house
Within 20 minutes
Main Destinations:
Central Pier, Marvel Stadium, Southern
Cross Station
North Wharf, Library, Ferry Terminals, Trains, Buses, Docklands Park, CBD
5 minutes 10 minutes
20 minutes
Blocked Views
Unblocked View
December 21
Summer Solstice
June 21
Winter Solstice
December 21
Summer Solstice
June 21
Winter Solstice
Sunlight Hours
Winter Solstice, June 21
Summer Solstice, December 21 property-apartment-vic-docklands-133131722?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-136876826?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-135282202?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-134149650?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-136590866?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-137067406?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-136901618?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-apartment-vic-docklands-136748438?sourcePage=rea%3Abuy%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile property-studio-vic-docklands430511746?sourcePage=rea%3Arent
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I have learnt a lot about hybrids that i didn't know and solidified knowledge that i knew something about. The reading ‘This is Hybrid’ was insightful to an overview on hybrid structures and i look forward to learning more as the presentations progress. The guest lecturers provided a outlook on how architects use analysis in real world events as it is difficult to gauge how much these tools are used at university level as we are always completing a multitude of analysis tools. Keyword I would like to pursue in my design development are: Sensory, Integration, User Experience.
The most exciting part of last week's learning was recreating a precedent using parametric modeling tools and adapting and changing the design to analysis for a better outcome. New skills include grasshopper scripting, parameterizing tools to create everything in grasshopper to change for analysis. Learning the multiple types of common analysis. We usually know light and shadow but don’t look too much at views or sensory analysis. The most challenging part was to find new ways to adapt the form to analysis something different. Another challenge was to remember to change the EPW file location from Melbourne to Dubai (case study location) There were many times this was forgotten and a full analysis completed before realizing.
From the housing typology studies I learnt how to construct and layout a better matrix using tables, creating a better workflow and more consistent structure. I have seen many typologies through the studios from other groups and keep learning that there are more types out there. From my studies of the wedding cake and y block typology, I found they are difficult to make into a hybrid without keeping similar shape, structure and appearance. I have continued to study radiation design in terms of housing typologies. I have learnt that radiation analysis is great help not only for creating a well lit and comfortable space inside, but is also important at ground level for user experiences. Radiation analysis could be taken further in my designs to look at each factor as a separate matrix. For example summer, winter, facade design, street level interface. These are important for future housing designs to create a comfortable environment. I also looked at views to some extent in terms of the Y block typology to discover the best iteration had wider angles therefore the users are not looking directly into another apartment.
One of the biggest things I learnt from the lecture this week was how many different walk ability tools there are. I only knew of 2 pedcatch and ped sim. This creates an interesting path to study further to see how interfaces change and the adaptability of each. The reading enabled us to get a snapshot of regenerative design and its definitions. One quote from the reading that really struck me was “These days buildings only need to fulfill the needs of aesthetics, function, comfort level and cost efficiency.” This ‘regenerative’ idea would be great to bring forward in my design.
Key Findings from the site analysis were: finding functions within the public realm and doing walk-ability studies to ensure that the programs we choose will be used and are needed. For example DFO’s and Harbour Town shopping district close by so do not need mass retail. That there is lots of new and proposed development in Docklands so must be a great place to live and work. Many aspects focus on the water mainly for views as increase price for residents. Our site is not hugely protected as there are only buildings on the eastern frontage, so will need lots of thought for human comfort levels and planning to create usable and friendly spaces.
The lecture in week 4 helped with my understanding of analysis of UTCI and if we change or remove one parameter what the difference it makes, this was done with diagrams. These diagrams also gave an idea of diagrams i can and should be using for analysis alongside performance analysis studies. It was also interesting to learnt that wind is not really accounted for within the scripts for UTCI. It’ll be interesting to see how much wind will affect our site in docklands along the harbour where the material of water creates a cooling effect when paired with wind.
The reading on densification was interesting and had many relevant studies to our site. Case study in chapter 2 mentioned some interesting points that could be taken into consideration when writing our scheme and statement. “River pulls the heart of the neighborhood towards its bank.” “Integrated functions rather than separate uses,” bringing back to the hybrid functionality of the project but nicely stated. “Most vibrant activity towards the docklands area” when reading and discussing this we decided to focus our vision towards the water. Water for views, energy, cooling, activity, focus.
As we focused on the site analysis we did not look at particular case studies however did investigate the reading why density and chapter 2 case study of the Renault site.
This case study created a pathway that we previously did not look at which will drive the base for our design statement.
Nicole main points/ vision:
• Densify the urban environment
• Hard and soft performances
• Integration of functions rather than separate uses
• Parking for only half the residents to encourage walking, bikes and public transport
• Most vibrant activity towards docklands area/water
• River pulls the heart of the neighborhood towards it bank
- Unit Typology
- Livability
- Affordability
- Experience and point of view from a child
- Need and wants
- Programs/ functions
- To a child the home is their whole world
- Parameters for a 3-8yo??
- Sequence of experiences
- Flexible
- Multi family
- Multi generational
- Built to rent model
- Orientation
- Coldest and windiest place in Melbourne
- Link to capital bike trail
- Dead end road
- No grade a piece of architecture in Docklands
- Not great environment for outdoor spaces
- Winter gardens
- Connection to harbour and parks
- Bring experience inside
- Ensure safety - access to harbour isn’t too easy for children
This week was a formal presentation week to determine the effectiveness and priorities of our design proposal. Our group took 5 main points to focus on for feedback. Family living, Harbour and park, Building form, Functions and programs, and location. From here we expanded to pinpoint gaps, opportunities and challenges of our initial proposal to move forward.
We also took notes on important aspects of other groups feedback that could and will become relevant to our proposal and the way we present.
- Bridges
- Remove?
- Bridges cast shadows
- Do they have programs not just a circulation path
- Remove and have stand alone towers with a emphasis on more ground level (3 story max)
- History and culture of Docklands
- Are they occupied?
- One bridge as a public space/adds value?
- Built to rent
- Attitude to precinct design (multiple towers)
- Area is crazy windy, how can we address the wind through form?
- No concert hall- always added
- Schools/ child care if family living
- Don’t need as many functions to be hybrid
- Focus on family living so may remove affordable housing as separate unit and motel accommodation to allow more larger units
- What is there none of in area.
- Dead end road so not going to be used all the time
Eye height views. Views to. Views from. Context matters. Can model it but not considered. Compare before and after of site. Evidence based design. Impact on surroundings.
How plan to integrate data. Research and background. Street views. Photo montage. Volume control in iterations to keep similar to compare.
Low scale not viable and pay for itself. Need to go big. Hard and expensive to change waterfront. Character of streets. Living and working model (covid). Views to the building (adapted for our site).What see from harbour, What see from bolte bridge, What see from marvel area. Activate streets. Standardization of floor plates. September 22 10am-3pm. Don’t design in a vacuum. Challenge and speculate ideas.
Internal circulation. Focus on street scape design. Basement level.
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