Elevator Access
Public Elevator Service Elevator
Office Staff Elevator
Stair Access
Workshop (Workers & Visitors)
Exhibition Space (Public)
Private Offices (Employees)
Escalator Access
Retail and Food court (Public)
Rooftop Bar (Public)
Terminal Exhibition (Pass Required)
Bridge Access
Workshops (Staff & Public)
Exhibition Space (Public)
Anchor points are placed to frame the boundary of the roof form. These points create different areas of interest and frame the landscape views from the building. There are 7 points for the 7 main senses of human beings.
The boundary of the roof is set, with the points acting as downwards forced on the form of the roof.
The roof is pulling upwards and arches are created for the main entrances as well as openings for interior views and circulation. The anchor points which are left on the ground create another sensual experience for the users of the space.
Voids are created as an opening for the tower as well as providing natural light to filter into the indoor spaces in particular areas.
Boat Arrival Point
Boat Deck
Boat Deck
Connection to Amphitheater
Water Feature/ Entry
Seating Area/ Tower
Seating Area/ Tower
The breakdown of the roof if fairly simple, grid and skin. For the skin we are using PTFE(Polytetrafluoroethylene) Fabric which will be taught over the timber beams. This material will also add waterproof qualities to the design enabling water catchment. Timber was chosen to reflect materials used in Docklands such as the Pier and Library. The timber will be joined with right angle steel and bolted together to hold its form.
Each anchor point hosts a range of different activities and experiences. The include boat docking, sitting areas, reflections and water features.
The roof was created using 7 connections to the ground. These images and map show how these points interact with the landscape, building and people using the space. Each individual column creates a different space and connection to its users such as seating, boat ports, and a water feature.
Using the skin to catch rainwater adds an element of sustainability to the building. This water can be stored and used throughout the building. Not only do these columns become a water catchment device but also are a feature of this building when it rains as patterns of water reflect on the PTFE fabric.
The timber beams all lay in the same direction as their own group creating the hexagonal structure. The ‘green’ is the top level with slots below. The purple is next, with slots either side to allow the ‘green’ and ‘pink to lock together’. The ‘pink’ beams then slot in at the bottom. To keep these beams together a steel structural angle, or fish plate will be used. These can easily be bolted to the beams once they are slotted together. This will increase the grids structural integrity allowing it to withstand the large loads, such as heavy rainfall and gailforce winds.
(Dunnings Engineering Hardware Supplies Pty Ltd 2019)
The video shows the waters edge and how it interacts with the Docklands site. This includes the sensory qualities that you may feel whilst in the Docklands Precincts especially as the waters edge. Use the link below to access the video.
This video shows the proposed masterplan development of Docklands. The video gives an insight to the sensory qualities and size of the project whilst also maintaining the waters edge quality from our site analysis video.
Use the link below to access the video.
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=zfjsbGJ6RoE
The final design outcome creates a very different proposal to previous ideation of this site in the heart of Docklands, Victoria. The open landscapes of green and blue create a sensual environment for its users and community. There were ups and downs throughout the development stages starting with ideas of bridges and boat ports which were developed into a great community hub. After many proposal we finally chose one.
The most important aspects of this project were the sensory elements such as the sounds of the water and wind pipes, and the views over Victoria Harbour and Yarra River.
The group had divides between ideas and preferences with some ideas just not being possible from a practical perspective, such as underwater elevators and roofs floating in the air, and towards the end timbers beams for the roof grid being one huge piece with no joins. One of the great things about this team was the mix of both conceptual and practical designers, enabling interesting ideas whilst also being able to bring them back to reality. In the end a final proposal was created to a high standard to the time we had to achieve its final outcome.
Overall Docklands has immense potential for great waterfront developments such as project Senso.
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