AIESEC India - LEAD Mentor Induction Booklet

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LEAD Mentor Induction Booklet

Why LEAD Mentorship? 1.  LEAD for TMP Par/cipants 2. Customizing LEAD to impact every member 3. Ensuring an individuals development contributes to organiza/onal growth.

Qualities of a good mentor Honest Personally Involved Good Listener Con/nues to Learn and Grow himself Leads by example Pa/ent

What competencies are we looking to develop through LEAD Mentorship? Responsibility: Self-­‐Awareness: -­‐ Awareness of my Leadership -­‐  Personal Effec/veness on a team -­‐  Personal Performance style, leadership stand, strengths Management and weaknesses

Team Management and Development: -­‐  Delega/on -­‐  Interpersonal rela/onships -­‐  Working together to achieve success -­‐  Empathy and effec/ve listening

Entrepreneurship: -­‐  Awareness of Leadership and Global Issues and connec/on with AIESEC -­‐  Managing Diversity -­‐  How am I contribu/ng? -­‐  Impact Orienta/on

Being a mentor is as important as anything else you do because it’s the best way to create the RIGHT LEADERS for AIESEC and in turn for INDIA.



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