RYLC 2013 Facilitator Booklet

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Regional Youth Leadership Conference 2013

Introduction: With this conference vision we welcome a new recruit to the first steps in rediscovering himself through a profound leadership experience process. This experience is a journey of self-discovery in a structured environment. The facilitators support the delegates in thinking about what type of leader they are and who they wish to become and go through this journey together. By being a facilitator for RYLC 2012, you commit to a 6-day intense and profound leadership journey.

Objectives of RYLC 2012: • • • •

Delegates explore their personal values and purpose of leadership Understand the relevance of AIESEC and why they are in AIESEC Deep 2015 understanding Living Team Experiences

Flow of the conference:

Belief in AIESEC, India and the relevance of AIESEC in India.

Imagining themselves, AIESEC and India in 2015 and understanding how this integrates into the AIESEC Exp.

Connecting operations and selling to our purpose. And simulation of what we really do by creating experiences.

Understanding the imp of team XPs and international internships to achieve.

connecting me to AIESEC to India.


Before taking you through the session flow a few important points are: • •

In order to ensure consistency in messages we are passing on to members, please go through this carefully; ask as many questions as possible if needed. Remember – Do not continuously read the guides in front of delegates or your Faci group. Read it at the beginning of everyday and maybe 10 minutes prior to the session again.

Overall roles and responsibilities and expectations: The Faci team delivers the conference along with the MC Team: 1. 2. • • • • • • • • • •

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The conference objectives are met ( refer page 2 ) The desired conference atmosphere is created: Energy and enthusiasm Be approachable and have conversations with new recruits Participation is the key Be outgoing Have fun – its part of your role to get the party started! Keep smiling – know that it can get difficult but keep having fun and smiling through the conference J Share your AIESEC and life experiences as much as possible Talk about the possibilities of AIESEC, why AIESEC exists, etc Live the AIESEC Values throughout the conference and talk about value based leadership as much as possible through the conference! The conference talks a LOT about the value of team experiences. The best way for new recruits to see that is by the faci team being ONE team with a purpose, values, having fun and working hard at the same time. LIVE AIESEC AS A TEAM. There is no better way for a new member to see the value of team experiences J ALWAYS BE ON TIME! We are going to run a conference that is absolutely on time as a team. HELP each other in delivering a better conference

Some important messages we want to pass through the conference:

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AIESEC Exists for Impact on Individual. AIESEC will change me and the powerful experience will enable me to do something for me country. “I want to go for an internship this summer”

AIESEC is all about team experiences. Only a good team player can make a good team leader. Each team in AIESEC has a team purpose that connects to our vision as an organization.

FLC Number 1. Brazil 2. Russia 3. China 4. Colombia 5. Indonesia 6. Egypt 7. South Africa 8. Taiwan 9. Poland 10.Germany 11. Mauritius 12. Italy 13. Ukraine 14. Sri Lanka 15. UK Day 1: BELIEVE: -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ •


Other responsibility

Ice-breakers – 10 facis involved. My journey Opening Plen India and AIESEC – no faci involvement AIESEC Way:– 10 facis – Facis are to run a treasure hunt in plen. 2 facis for each element of the AIESEC Way. When the new recruits reach your corner, you explain the element of the AIESEC way by sharing a story. 2 boys have to carry a school uniform and 2 girls have to carry ethnic clothes for the session.


Day 2 – DREAM: -­‐ Morning Plen: Intro to faci groups – faci intro video, faci group introduction and names. You have to make sure they break the ice, feel super comfortable with each other and start enjoying being part of that group. Roll call etc.

- Images of the future and Generation 2013: 1 main actor who is Vikram Gandhi. Other people have to come and go depending on the role – roles are OC, EB, and LCP etc. The


session is about introducing new recruits to the 3 statements of 2015 in a very innovative manner. Facis are needed to release balloons. • As a faci you need to show your commitment to Generation 2013 fully. And how you know this generation is about DOING and making AIESEC 2015 HAPPEN for AIESEC India and India. Understanding How: Facis have to be involved in an activity within their FLCs. Point of the session is to show the new recruits the connection between programmes and functions, then connect this to our what and then connect that to our purpose and impact model.

Global Village to introduce new recruits to the international aspect of AIESEC. Duration is 2 hours long! Just enjoy this and keep interacting with new recruits. Make it fun! J

Day 3 – CREATE: -­‐ -­‐ -­‐

Commissions – second block (Refer to your PPTs) I am a star seller (Siddharth) – facis to just be with new recruits in their FLCs. Simulation:

• Division •




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Letter of Intent Process Explanation Member Allocation • Getting the plen ready for the RAISING • Raising ( 30 Minutes)

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1 post grad 2 under grad 3 NGOs 3 Companies 1 Visa Consular • Promotions (15 Minutes)

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Charts Make your own marketing campaigns

• .net (Matching) ( 30 Minutes) • o 6 people o 1 FACI registering GCDP o § iGCDP § oGCDP o 1 FACI registering GIP o § iGIP § oGIP o .net closes for 20 minutes o LCs have to figure out partnerships o updates by FACI

• Realization ( 30 Minutes) o All the LCs will go to different parts of the Plen o LC wise the EPs will go the host LCs o The host LCs welcome o LCs have to innovate in the realization

The Living Library

The session objective is: 1. 2. 3.

Taking new recruits through every stage of the AIESEC experience through a story told by a faci member. The idea is to take them through real @ xps Impact on Individual is why AIESEC exists. AIESEC is a platform and its upto you.

1. Intro to the session. MC member in the middle of the room with the spotlight on him/her 2. Small Intro of each Faci (turn based spotlight) 3. Groups moving to different Faci's 4. Closing of the session - talk to them about the AIESEC XP - tell them how they just moved through it and connect everything they did to it. Profile of Faci's TMP - ICX member, OGX member, OC member for an event, OC member for a conference | TLP - VP, LCP, MC member | GCDP ICX - Trainee | GCDP OGX - EP | LLC - Alumni Structure of conversations *Small Intro*Kind of work*Impact on people*Network*Personal development + soft skills*Challenges*Solutions*Personal growth*This is leadership*Experience* #Each conversation will last for 8 minutes after which the group will move to the next Faci. #There is no space for questions during this session because of lack of time - if new recs have questions of further conversations that they want to have with teh Faci's, they can do so during the Open space or Dinner at the end of the day. #All conversations will be in the 'flow' as given above. The same will be communicated to the Faci's

Day 4: -­‐ -­‐

Simulation: Inferences LEAD: Facis to take new recruits through the belbin test

Summerships: Session objective – Promoting winter internship opportunities to new recruits. Role of faci: •

Throughout the conference talk about the relevance of an international internship.

Siddhant and a faci will take this session.

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