2013: India & AIESEC
Social issues • • • •
Lack of accessible & quality educa3on Corrup3on Casteism|Regionalism|Communalism Overpopula3on
Economic issues • • • •
Infla3on Rising public debt Slow rate of development Massive budget deficit
Socio-economic issues • Poverty • Unemployment
What do young people care about? • There were 30,249 between the age of 18 & 25 who answered a survey last year • 4,000 people were from India • Almost all of us have thought about represenCng young people, many on a global scale. • The majority of us think “Taking acCon” is the best way for young people to share their voice and make impact. • Almost half of us consider that “experience” more important in our lives than fun, impact, network, or employment. Another 15-‐20% choose impact. • When asked to idenCfy our top value, we chose honesty.
Have you ever thought about represen3ng young people? • 31% of young people from BRIC focused on represenCng young people “in my country”, in contrast with only 24% from the G8.
What is the best way for young people to share their voice and make impact? • AIESECers are more likely to prefer “taking acCon” than their peers, but no maTer what our AIESEC status or region of origin, the majority sCll choose this opCon.
Do you have a role model under the age of 30? • For about 700 of us, the role model is Mark Zuckerberg ;) . Two Cmes more English-‐language respondents wrote about role models who were “he” than role models who were “she. • Only half of us have role models under 30 – but AIESECers and young people from BRIC countries are more likely to have them.
“What is the most widely present problem in your society?” • Overall, respondents found corrup3on to be the most widely present problem in their socieCes, followed by quality of educa3on.
Keeping in mind all the issues that India as a country is facing; do you think that we, as AIESEC in India, are creating an impact on them?
• If not, why so? • If yes, how?
What does ‘impact’ mean to you?
what is The
AIESEC Way? The AIESEC Way is not only a description of the way (manner) we aim to make a positive impact on society, but also describes
the way (road) we are taking to achieve what we envision.
What is AIESEC?
“AIESEC is a global, non - political, independent, not-for- profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.”
Peace & fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential.
Our international platform
– ENABLES – young people to discover and develop their potential to provide
LEADERSHIP for a positive impact on society.
Develop Develop
The ‘WHY’ of the ‘WHY’ Well, simply put….our impact model (~people) helps us create more impact!
Values Activating Leadership Enjoying Participation Striving for Excellence Demonstrating Integrity Living Diversity Acting Sustainably Â
Be part of Our Way
The AIESEC Way what I do, but the way I do it. It's not only what I say, but the way I say it. It's not only
We are faced with an environment which holds political, economic, environmental and other kinds of uncertainty.
Our ability to adapt and innovate across these challenges will be tied to our ability to remain relevant: to utilize the most innovative technologies, to remain open to paradigm shifts in understanding, to constantly re-examine priorities.
We want to impact people for them to have a positive impact on society.
Last but not the least, understand this… No maTer how small your contribuCon is… ….you are creaCng a mark …you are enabling people to live life-‐changing experiences …you are changing India …and you are changing the world!
I AM a leader of AIESEC I AM a leader of AIESEC in India
I AM a leader of India
At the end of the day It’s all about what you want for your country And AIESEC India exists to enable
to be able to achieve that
Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. And watch your character for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become. Margaret Thatcher