Spring 2015
Tayor i A
Volu me 3 9 • I s s ue 2
Ne w s l e t t e r
o f
Ni k k e i
C o nce r ns
O ne Com m u nit y | Transfor m i ng L iv e s | Ce le brating 40 Yea r s
Better health & wellness at home Nikkei Concerns and AARP joined forces to improve health and wellness among Asian seniors at home yet living alone. With the support of a $150,000 AARP Cares grant, Nikkei Concerns launched a 6-month pilot program in March called NC Club – Aging in Community. 25 selected participants (50+ years young) in the Seattle/Bellevue area will be the first to enjoy the innovative and exciting services of NC Club. When the pilot is complete, we will make improvements based on the participants’ experiences and offer the new services to the public.
Doris Koo, AARP Board Member, Nikkei Concerns’ Julie Ann Oiye, Jeffrey Hattori, Janice Deguchi, and Kara Mayeda, with a big check to launch NC Club’s pilot program
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Better health & wellness at home
Turning the big 4-0
Rehab Renovation
Wheels in motion
Reaching out to the Eastside
Good eats for the community
this Autumn! Dine in Japan
Kyoto & Tokyo Introduction to e Gourmet Cuisin | Fall 2015 10 days/8 nights eligible for sters for the tour is gi re ho w ne yo er Ev ss nese language cla one (1) FREE Japa in 2015! cooking workshop EE FR ) (1 e on D AN Quick at Contact Yukie Uto 6.6465. ns.org or 206.72 er nc co ei kk ni @ to yu
ident Rev. Timothy Nikkei Manor res ology. res the new techn plo Nakayama ex
日系コンサーンズとAARPがアジア人独居シニアの健康 改善プログラムに共同参画します。AARPの15万ドルの 支援により、今年3月から、NCクラブ-コミュニティでの老 後と題して6ヶ月のお試し期間を開始。25名の参加者(50 歳以上) にシアトルとベルビュー地域でNCクラブの革新 的なサービスの受給が始まります。 お試し期間終了後、 NC クラブは参加者の皆様の声を反映した素晴らしいプログ ラムを一般の方々に向けて発信します。 Continued on page 6
NIKKEI CONCERNS 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Ann Oiye, President Brenda Handley, Vice President Noriko Goto Palmer, Secretary Kevin Nagai, Treasurer Frank Fukui Brenda Handley David Hayasaka Vicki Toyohara Mukai Hideo Suganuma Bill Tashima Ted Tomita Neill Urano Dennis Yamashita Pastor Joe Yoshihara Honorary Board Members Janet Deguchi Tomio Moriguchi Tosh Okamoto FINANCE, INVESTMENT, & AUDIT COMMITTEE Bruce Brundige Kathy Hasegawa Kevin Nagai Julie Ann Oiye Ted Tomita Ken Yokoyama TAYORI Publisher: Jeffrey Hattori Editor & Circulation: Darcia Tanabe Layout & Design: Yvonne San Luis Design CONTRIBUTORS Bruce Carlson, Jeffrey Hattori, Julie Ann Oiye, Eugene Tagawa, Darcia Tanabe, Ron Youmans MAILING Ciara Asamoto, Bi Hoa Caldwell, Katie Cunningham, Malcolm Kanemoto, Ken Kurata, Paul Miyahara, Wanda Miyahara, Thomas Nelson, Kentaro Quick, Irene Saito, Bill Tashima, Florence Terami, Janice Urano, Neill Urano SEATTLE KEIRO Rehabilitation and Care Center 206.323.7100 NIKKEI MANOR Assisted Living Community 206.726.6460 KOKORO KAI Senior Activity Program 206.726.6474 NIKKEI HORIZONS Continuing Education Program 206.726.6465
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Dear Friends, The excitement is already building toward the 40th anniversary celebration of Nikkei Concerns and indeed, it is time to celebrate the past, present, and the future. The accomplishments to date are a remarkable legacy as evidenced by the strong programs we have today and by the devoted efforts of many to strengthen and build in new forms of service for current and foreseeable needs. All this is made possible by a community that consists of many, many people who believe in the mission and vision of the highest quality of care for our elders, changing and evolving as the times and needs require, so that each life we touch can have their best day, each day! That’s incredibly transformative. Our residents and participants, family members and supporters, staff, individuals and groups – all of you – one community – give us something truly worth celebrating! Thank you ever so much for your dedication and active involvement. Save the date! Friday, October 23! With gratitude,
Julie Ann Oiye Board President
Dear Friends, As I reviewed various definitions of community… I thought this was very appropriate: “A community is a social unit of any size that shares common values.” In the context of the Nikkei Concerns (NC) “community,” I think of the 10,000+ individuals in our community who each, over the course of 40 years, contributed toward a “greater good.” They continue to honor and “make every day the best day” for our “collective parents and grandparents” with commitment to the highest quality of health & wellness care/services grounded in sincere compassion. These residents, participants, family members, volunteers, donors, staff (with a rich diversity, representing 17 different ethnic groups and speaking 28 different languages), organizations, and many others may not necessarily reside in the Pacific Northwest (many live throughout the US and abroad) nor are connected “virtually” through technology. Rather, they are “tied together as one” based on something invisible but extremely powerful… common values. I would like to share a story that might make us think of the NC community a little differently. Recently, I was leaving a parking garage and noticed the attendant was of East African descent… specifically, Ethiopian. I mentioned that I recently participated in a Habesha (Ethiopian cultural celebration) at my workplace, and his eyes immediately lit up. He asked me, “Where do you work?” I said, “Nikkei Concerns, and we had a Habesha at Seattle Keiro.” He quickly responded with a big smile, “Ah… that is our place!” He went on to explain that the Ethiopian community considers Seattle Keiro to be a part of their community, for many work there and feel comfortable and embraced. Very powerful! I am so excited as we enter the dawn of a new era for NC and celebrate our 40th anniversary! Throughout this issue you will read and see how we are expanding our services, partnerships… and “community…” with community! Itsumo ganbatte imasu!
Jeffrey Hattori CEO
NIKKEI CONCERNS MANAGEMENT Jeffrey Hattori, CEO 206.726.6500 jhattori@nikkeiconcerns.org
S av e t h e D at e ! Friday, October 23, 2015
Nikkei Concerns’ 40th Anniversary Dinner & Auction
Janice Deguchi, COO 206.726.7838 jdeguchi@nikkeiconcerns.org Tina Masuda Draughon, CFO 206.726.6510 tdraughon@nikkeiconcerns.org Rick Takeuchi, Human Resources Director 206.726.6506 rtakeuchi@nikkeiconcerns.org Patty Hiroo Mastrude, Philanthropy Manager 206.726.6523 phiroo@nikkeiconcerns.org Darcia Tanabe, Communications Manager 206.726.6550 darciat@nikkeiconcerns.org
O n e C o m m u n it y | Tr a n s f o r m in g Lives | Celebr at ing 40 Year s www.nikkeiconcerns.org
Ibtissam Davis, Facilities Director 206.726.6558 idavis@nikkeiconcerns.org Randi Saeter, Administrator Seattle Keiro 206.726.6504 rsaeter@nikkeiconconcerns.org
Scan the code to register today!
Jessica Giron, DNS Seattle Keiro 206.726.7836 jchow@nikkeiconcerns.org Lisa Waisath, Manager Nikkei Manor 206.726.6471 lwaisath@nikkeiconcerns.org Kara Mayeda, Director Home/Community-Based Services 206.588.4669 kmayeda@nikkeiconcerns.org
Turning the big 4-0 For 40 years, Nikkei Concerns has served our community — enhancing and promoting health & wellness and transforming lives. We will celebrate our triumphs and share our future plans with a joyful dinner and auction Gala this fall.
Linda Asami, Community Relations Manager 206.726.6501 lasami@nikkeiconcerns.org
Jerry and Cha rlene Lee dona ted the first major auction item – a Super Bowl XLVIII helmet autographed by Richard Sherm an.
Gala Committee co-chairs Tomoko Matsuno, Sunnie Nagai, Ellen Suzuki, and Pat Wakazuru have recruited an enthusiastic and experienced volunteer group to plan all of the details for the quinquennial (that’s every 5 years) extravaganza. They generated momentum and excitement for the event with a kick-off party to inspire the committee members, recruit table captains, and seek sponsors.
Naoko Ulstein, Director Kokoro Kai 206.726.6474 naokou@nikkeiconcerns.org Yukie Uto Quick, Manager Nikkei Horizons 206.726.6465 yuto@nikkeiconcerns.org
Guests – Register today, become a table captain, and encourage your family members to fill a table or two!
Ron Higashi, Manager NC Transportation Services 206.726.6468 rhigashi@nikkeiconcerns.org
Sponsors – We seek sponsors at all levels, from Community Partners to our Presenting Sponsor. Thank you to Bellevue Children’s Academy for being our first sponsor.
Ron Youmans, NC Catering Director 206.726.6520 ryoumans@nikkeiconcerns.org
Donors – Unique and special donated items will enhance our live and silent auctions. Volunteers – Please help out on the big day! We’ll have more information later this year. If you have questions, please contact Patty Hiroo Mastrude, Philanthropy Manager, at 206.726.6523 or phiroo@nikkeiconcerns.org.
OUR MISSION To enrich and support the lives of elders and meet their needs in a way that honors and respects Nikkei culture and values. Nikkei Concerns is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. TAY O R I Spring 2015 o3 TAY O R I Fall 2010 o3
Architectural renderings of the Rehab/Restorative Gym, including the Occupational Therapy Suite
Rehab Renovation From top to bottom, Nikkei Concerns is rehabbing our rehab services at Seattle Keiro to provide residents and patients an exceptional experience. They can look forward to an updated and tranquil Rehab/ Restorative space, rooms dedicated to rehabilitation residents, and a well-trained nursing staff focused on wellness.
Rehab/Restorative Gym The Restorative and Rehab sections of Seattle Keiro will become one integrated Gym that benefits all. In the new surroundings, rehab patients and long-term residents will focus their energies side by side, in activities that support their appropriate therapies. A new Occupational Therapy Suite will give therapy patients real-life practice with everyday tasks and fully prepare them for life as
usual. Patients will re-learn how to safely get out of bed, do the dishes, take a shower, do laundry, and so much more in a setting similar to home. Demolition began in March, and construction will take 8 to 10 weeks, with completion scheduled for May.
Rehab Resident Rooms Future Seattle Keiro rehab patients can look forward to a peaceful retreat for their short stay. We hope to ease the transition from home to Seattle Keiro with upgrades to 16 rooms. Patients deserve a restful space to relax and recuperate after therapy. Room updates will occur gradually, as they become available.
Nursing and Rehab Team The Seattle Keiro nursing team continues to enhance skills through training and builds partnerships with other health organizations to improve approaches and techniques. They
Wheels in motion The wheels on the bus are rolling, and NC Transportation Services is growing. Each month, we provide over 1000 oneway rides. Residents at Nikkei Manor and Seattle Keiro go to and from clinical appointments, community members enjoy bento lunches via NC Delivers, and now our NC Club pilot program participants will take 1-2 rides per week, all thanks to our wonderful drivers. (That’s Brad, Russ, Terry, Thomas, and Ronnie, with 1-2 more in the near future.) Our fleet has grown with a third bus from King County, and a fourth waits for our expansion. Community-wide general transportation is parked for now, while we learn how to deliver exceptional service on a larger scale. Each trip and each new rider teaches us something, and we will grow. 4
TAY O R I Spring 2015
o Â
The Consonus Re hab Team at Se attle Keiro: Ray Tong, Yasm in Viernes, Eric Poon, (front row) Wei Fan Yu an, Jeanie Agre gado (back row)
are dedicated to reducing the need for patients to return to the hospital and minimizing their recuperation time. Our Consonus Rehab staff members, who specialize in physical, occupational, and speech therapies, have won over patients and gently guide them through the often intensive therapy to prepare them to return home.
Reaching out to the Eastside Kokoro Kai East Did you know that Kokoro Kai, our very special senior activity program, is in Bellevue, at Grace Lutheran Church? The same kimochi that is a hallmark of Kokoro Kai in Seattle is alive and kicking at Kokoro Kai East! The amazing volunteer spirit and wonderful staff make Kokoro Kai East a new family for Eastside seniors.
The Kokoro Kai East Gang celeb rated the holidays.
Many thanks our new family at Grace Lutheran Church for giving Kokoro Kai East a home!
What’s going on with Nikkei Horizons East? Baby Play Group • Club Cha-en • Macrobi Club • How To Wear Kimono • Self-Defense • Jewelry Making • Infant Massage • EnhanceFitness • Japanese Conversation • Foreign Account & Asset Reporting • College Financial Planning • Seven Tips for Successful Job Interviews Whew! And there’s more in Spring Quarter! Many thanks to Bellevue Children’s Academy and Grace Lutheran Church. d up a Kimiko Kodagoda worke ss. tne sweat with EnhanceFi
Good eats for the community NC Catering makes its formal debut on the community scene this year. They tested the waters with twice-monthly dinners for the Midori Condos residents, appetizers at last year’s Fashion Fête, plus other Nikkei Concerns and private events. Japanese comfort food is their specialty, but NC Catering prides itself in offering both Asian and Western cuisine and can accommodate most special requests. Director Ron Youmans and Manager Chris Manio are crafting their menu offerings and want to work with you to make your event memorable. Contact Ron at 206.755.3078 or ryoumans@nikkeiconcerns.org for more information. NC Delivers plans to bring healthy Japanese cuisine to your door. The weekly bento lunch delivery is perfect for those who miss Asian food or just need a break from cooking. Thanks to Fumiko Muthui, the artful Japanese bento are full of delicious, irresistible, and healthy morsels. The team has successfully tested bento delivery to residents of the Midori Condos and is working out logistics to add days and delivery locations. The next step is to deliver bento lunches to Kokoro Kai in Seattle. In the future, NC Delivers will feature as an a la carte service for the new NC Club.
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Register today! Friday, August 7, 2015
14th Annual Founders’ Golf Benefit Dinner & Auction
Fairwood Golf & Country Club 11 a.m. Tournament 6 p.m. Dinner Sign up today at www.nikkeiconcerns.org!
Better health & wellness at home
continued from page 1
In the know NC Club participants’ new best friends will be their Nurse Navigator and Personal Concierge. The Nurse Navigator will coordinate their health care and coach the participants via remote health monitoring and personal and electronic home visits. The Personal Concierge will help link participants to community resources and activities. Both will connect on a frequent basis through innovative technology, a customized touchscreen system (currently in English or Japanese and expandable to accommodate additional languages) designed to measure blood pressure, glucose levels, and activity levels. It also opens up channels of communication with care providers, community, and family.
SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, July 25 Earlier this year!
On the go Transportation is key with seniors on their own, and our NC Transportation drivers will take participants on 1-2 trips per week, wherever they need to go (within reason, of course). Participants will enjoy the increased independence, and our drivers are thoughtful, safetyoriented, and friendly. For more information on NC Club, please contact Kara Mayeda, Home/Community-Based Services Director, at 206.558.4669 or kmayeda@nikkeiconcerns.org.
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Presented by
& Admission is free, so please join us! 入場無料、 ぜひご参加ください! 무료이오니 꼭 참석 해주세요. 入場是免費的,請大家參加! Vào cửa tự do, bạn đến tham dự nhé!
The Mamiya Family and friends shared their time and Mochitsuki expertise to celebrate at Seattle Keiro. Family members and a huge team – including some of the Seattle Keiro residents – mixed, pounded, formed, and served the fresh, soft mochi that made happy memories for residents and families of all backgrounds and ethnicities that make up the Seattle Keiro community.
Guest Chef Shinya Asami prepared a sumptuous and inspired vegetarian luncheon for this season’s Genki Gourmet at Seattle Keiro. The residents and more than 40 community diners gained a new appreciation of vegetarian dining and were wowed by the delicious flavor and texture combinations. Thanks to Chef Asami and to all of the helping hands who made this restaurantquality experience possible for the residents.
Kwai Leung went face to face with one of the lions at Seattle Keiro’s Lunar New Year celebration. The eagerly awaited International Lion Dance Team was part of the 3-day, multi-cultural entertainment extravaganza.
Serkalem Mengesha and Abeba Anagaw dance for joy at Seattle Keiro’s second Habesha Day. Through food, video, music, and dance, the Habesha (Ethiopian) employees brought the vitality of their culture to the global community that the Keiro volunteers and staff represent.
Jazz pianist and composer Kentaro Kihara returned to Seattle Keiro and touched the hearts of the audience. His lyrical interpretations of familiar Japanese and American songs brought joy to all.
The Nikkei Concerns Family has great moments to preserve and share. As a family, we embrace the residents, participants, volunteers, staff, and community members. We honor long-held traditions and value kind gestures of friendship and love. Our Family Album is full of precious and treasured memories.
Nikkei Manor resident Rev. Timothy Nakayama led the Christmas carol sing-along, adding his voice to the jubilant atmosphere. The season was full of music, love, and fantastic goodies, of course!
Aloha from Nikkei Horizons’ lei making class! Artistic crafters Joyce Nakamura and Cari Murotani created lovely leis out of yarn and ribbon with the guidance of instructor Henrylyn Kau’i Awuae. Kau’i-sensei’s Spring Quarter class will feature different lei-making techniques, so sign up today!
Terri Natsuhara said “hello!” from her picture window at Kokoro Kai East! Participants discovered their inner covergirl as they dressed up and posed for photos. Seniors form a new social circle at our new Bellevue location.
Seattle Keiro resident Dang Nguyet hammed it up on the Nutcracker ballet outing. Thanks to the Ayame Kai Guild for funding for the tickets, dozens of residents were able to see the show in its final season.
Mary Ann Harano, Miyoshi Tsuji, Teruko Tanaka, and Akiko Wyland of Kokoro Kai crafted mochi to help celebrate the new year. Many skilled hands made the work fun, and everyone enjoyed this special treat. TAY O R I Spring 2015
Volunteers 10/1-12/31 Terie Akada Helen Akamine Jack Akamine Kim Akimoto Marcia Almassy Alpha Kappa Delta Phi – University of Washington Torey Anderson Fumi Ando Anthony & Peters Tap Dancers Ayumi Aoki A.C. Arai Shinya Asami Hiroshi Asano Eric Ashihara Henrylyn Kau’i Auwae Ayame Kai Guild Genei Azama Tina Bagoshvili Victoria Binuya Teos Bisbee Yasuko Blachman Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Cecilia Boehme Linda Briggs Yuri Brockett Janine Brodine Minako Brunelle The Bush School Kathy Carmichael Yaeko Cella Carmen Chan Tsuboi Linda Chaw Matthew Chaw Dorothy Chen Fuji Chen James Chen Benjamin Chew Grace Choi Jessica Chow Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Lonny Dara Darian Disrud Janice Divina Kazumi Dixon Yoshie Dodobara Beverly Dosono Victoria Duan Rebecca Durham Tomoko Edwards Jessie Elop Lily Eng Setsuko Evans Evergreen Glee Club
Faith Bible Church Kiani Ferris Sachiko Fitzpatrick Masako Fry Naoko Fujii Mineki Fujima Minekimi Fujima Sue Fujino Etsuko Fujishima Keiko Fukuda Carla Furukawa Aileen Gagney Yu-San Gartz Asako Go Jim Grob Peggy Hanada Kiku Hayashi Lillian Hayashi Sachiko Hayashida John Hayatsu Nancy Hayatsu Takako Hirai Bobby Hiraki Yuki Hiraki Amy Hirasawa Mary Hirata Chiaki Hirate Takako Homma Jenny Hones Robin Hones Cathy Hughson Qing (Vicky) Hui Wendy Hui Hula Ohana Kaitlin Hunt Vicki Hurley Akiko Ichikawa Aiko Ii Miyoko Ike Deanna Ikegami Naomi Ikezawa-Schoenbaum Hiro Imoto Betty Inouye Howard Inouye Sumiko Inouye Sandy Ishihara Yuko Ishimaru Arlene Iwai John Iwai Ai Iwamoto Ray Iwata Japanese Baptist Church Japanese Congregational Church Kana Johnson Yasuaki Jono Chifumi Junior
Mebuki Kakami Shiz Kaku Gail Kaminishi Eileen Kanemoto Malcolm Kanemoto Andrea Kaseguma Debbie Kashino Hatsumi Kato Lil Kato Gloria Kawabori Isamu Kawabori Mary Kawaguchi Beth Kawahara Bill Kawahara Kristine Kawaoka Yumiko Kayukawa Kunio Kikuchi Abby Kim Bradley Kim Mariko Kimball and her friends Asami Kirino Eric Kobashigawa Fukuko (Koko) Kobayashi Hiroko Kobayashi Yumiko Koizumi Yoshiko Komura Pat Kono Korean Seventh-Day Adventist Church Sara Kosugi Akiko Koyabu George Kozu Mary Kozu Hitomi Kuefler Bernie Kumasaka Ayano Kuraishi Kimie Kuramoto Ken Kurata Kumiko Kurosaka Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke Yuko Kusakabe Akiko Kusunose Emi Landgren Alex Leavitt Cheryl Lee Gayle Lee Julie Leiendecker Mark Levy Justine Leyson Wendy Li Tian Liang Vanessa Lin Wen Shu Lin Ann Fujii Lindwall
Pat Norikane Logerwell Jackie Lum Victoria Lum The Mamiya Family Kuniko Mancini Jeri Mar Joe Matsudaira Narumi Matsufuji Kyle Matsumoto Tomoko Matsuno Kay Matsuura Danielle Matusalem Nancy Mayeno Meito Shodo Kai Calligraphy Association Yoko Melrose MJ Mitoma Hikaru Mitsukida Miyuki Mitsumoto Megumi Miyajima Milan Miyamoto Makiko Miyasaka Richard Miyauchi Betty Mochizuki Edward Moore Mami Morohoshi Allison Moroni Gail Mukai Mulvanny G2 Singers Misao Nagai Sunnie Nagai Junior Nagaki Michie Nagaoka Richard Nagaoka Kayoko Nakajima Janice Nakamura Kent Nakamura Ruby Nakamura Kiyoko Nakanishi Michael Nakano Charlene Neuss Vivian Ng Thanh-Van Nguyen Yae Niimi Nikkei Jin Kai Mary Nishida Harry Nishimoto Frank Nishimura Haru Nishimura Xiaoyi Niu Ron Nobuyama North American Korean Mission Church Kaoru Nukui Bill Ogasawara Julie Ann Oiye
We have made every effort to be thorough and represent each name accurately. If an error or omission has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact us at 206.726.6523 so that we can correct our records. 8
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Mitsuko Okada Naomi Okai Iyoko Okano Arlene Oki Mitsuyo Ruth Oki Jerry Okubo Sharon Okubo Akiko Osawa Aya Osias Sunkie Oye Rachel Page Rhea Panela Paris Miki Optical Yoko Pearson Allison Pham Kathrina Phimviengkham Rainbow Chorus Pamela Rapanan Brian Readdy Yoko Reed Mineko Remillard Junko Riehl George Saito Irene Saito Terue Saito Fred Sakura Sachi Sasaki Hana Sato Hideko Sato Yoko Sato Jeff Saul Kiyo Sawa Yoko Sawano Naomi Schneider Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Church Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Church Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church Sonoe Seiber Joan Seko Karen Senboutarath Naomi Sheller Grace Shibayama Jimmy Shibayama Etsuko Shimbo Cho Shimizu Debbie Shimizu Linda Shimizu Yoko Shimizu Michiko Shinoda Hideaki Shiotsu Norihiro Shiotsu Emily Shoji Marcia Sohns Seung Hye Song Songs Violin Studio students Komayo Spahr
Norman Flores Stacie-Dee Motoyama
Charles Furuta Mary Furuta
Kenji and Linda Ma Murray and Marjorie Mar Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Jack Sameshima Jim and Grace Shibayama Lily Shitama Sue Tanaka Elsie Taniguchi Timothy Tsubahara
Gayle Hoshino Brian and Cherie Yorita
Sei Adachi Yoko Adachi
Chiyo Fujimura Roy and June Nishimura
Shigeko Kikuchi Dave and Gloria Yoshino
Cynthia Allen Roy Nishiyori
Toshiko Kunishige Jessie Hashimoto
Toku Aoki Bette Inui
Gene Fujita Jeannette Mougel-Fujita and Gilles Mougel Michi Murakami
George Mizuki Tsune Mizuki Kimiko Nakamura Dave and Gloria Yoshino
Katchi Aoyama Tosh and Tomi Mano Anne Moriyasu Kiyo Scott
Toshifusa Oiye Susan Nakagawa and Martin Oiye
Ruby Aoyama David and Karen Aoyama
Masako Okazaki Dave and Gloria Yoshino
Yone Arai-Bartholomew Anonymous
Toyoko Okiyama Steve Okiyama and Cherie Yorita
Toshio and Jane Arakaki David and Lynn Arakaki
Mary Osaki Dennis and Patsy Yamada
Akira Aramaki Alan and Fran Aramaki Hanako Aramaki
Memorials 10/1-12/31/2014 SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN Paul Aburano Peggy Tanemura
Clara Stewart Brian and Cherie Yorita Judy Suto Peggy Tanemura Akio Yanagihara Peggy Tanemura Dennis and Patsy Yamada
Fred Arima, Sr. Fred Arima Shizuko Arima Susan and Stanley Nakamura Lincoln Beppu Amy Matsuoka
Shiro and Teruko Fujihira Joy Fujihira Yoshito and Yukiko Fujii Mark Mano and Lisa White Kenneth and Betty Fujiki Amy Matsuoka
Sachiko Fujita Chie Noma
George Fukeda Jack Ishida Mary Katayama Neva Lee Patty Hiroo Mastrude Joe and Diana Ohashi Eugene and Betty Okamura Louise Ono The Otani Brothers - Kunio and Shig Fudge Tsuchikawa Elaine Yoshida Pauline Yoshida Ruth Yoshino William O. and Mitsu Fukui David H. Fukui Shiz Fukuma Mike and Marion Fukuma Sachi Fukutomi Anonymous
Chizuko Yasui Teresa Yamada
Taft Beppu Amy Matsuoka
Mary Yee Dennis and Patsy Yamada
Carl Brewer Atsuko Brewer
Miye Hada George and Vi Matsuoka Chie Noma Joe and Hideko Terada
Matt Yorita Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Tsune Mizuki
Amy Chihara Theodore Chihara
Gladys Hamano Jerry and Sharon Okubo
Mr. and Mrs. Kaizo Chikamura Amy Kobayashi
Grace Hamano Jerry and Sharon Okubo
John Yoshida Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Gerald Yuasa Joyce Nehira Myrna Yuasa GENERAL Tazu Abe Miyo Kanda Paul Aburano Jerry and AC Arai John and Nancy Hayatsu Frank and June Hori Henry and Jan Kumasaka Frances Locke
Barbara Chin Calvin Chin Fung Chinn Frances Chinn and Family Shizue Claflin Ken and Leslee Kay Murray and Marjorie Mar Kathryn Smith Amy Doi Mark and Leila Uomoto Aner Erickson Yoshi Erickson
Teresa Yamada Fujie Yamasaki Lea Yang Jeannie Yee Yumi Yokota Art Yoshida Fuyo Yoshida Naomi Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Harry Yoshihara David Yoshino Gloria Yoshino Joy Zhang Lorain Zhang Yutong Zhang
St. Andrew Korean Catholic Church St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Gerin Suehiro Gina Sugawara Sachiko Sugimoto Gina Suguro Yuriko Sunuwar Kathy Suyama Ellen Suzuki Eugene Tagawa Hironori Tajika Kinji Takahashi May Takahashi Hiroko Takamura Kuniko Takamura Louise Kashino Takisaki Libby Tamura Harold Taniguchi Bill Tashima Makiko Taya Junko Taylor Midori Kono Thiel Victoria Tjok Eiko Toguchi Ted Tomita Keiko Sato Toulegenova Michiko Toyoshima Trajal USA Monica Tran Kui-Ching Tsai Masako Tsuoka Tulalip Church of God Tzu-Chi Foundation UCDS Uguisu Kai Jayna Umeda Janice Urano Neill Urano Jessica Valdez Suh Jiuan Vogel Voice Library In Japanese Pat Wakazuru Aya Wakita Rosa Wang Asumi Wantz Keiko Watanabe Kerry Watanabe Shiz Watanabe Yoko Weaver Jessica Wong Min-Min Wong Elaine Xie Jiajie Xu Kathy Xu Shizue Yahata Ed Yakushijin Maxine Yakushijin Patsy Yamada Sallie Yamada
Jane Hanada Janine Chinn Ruth Watanabe Michikiko Handa Dan Handa Yuki Moore Laurenti Minnie Handa Dan Handa Yuki Moore Laurenti Takeyoshi and Yuki Handa Yuki Moore Laurenti Mitsi Hara Nobi and Rita Hara TAY O R I Spring 2015
Contributions Michisuke Harada Setsu Harada Fudge Tsuchikawa Mitsuyo Harada Setsu Harada Tad Harada Mary Harada Setsu Harada Fudge Tsuchikawa Rose Harrell Gei and Matt Chan Jean Deguchi Kai Hong and May Eng Jeffrey Hattori Alice Hayashida Mickey Hiroo and Patty Hiroo Mastrude Jack and Akiko Ichikawa Roy and Deanna Ikegami Jack Ishida Taka Kogita Pat Kono George and Irene Mano Murray and Marjorie Mar Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Anne Moriyasu Stephanie Ojima Ray and Julia Otani Mary Shigaya Elaine Wetterauer Sueko Yamaguchi Hiroko Hasegawa Kathy Hasegawa
Satoshi “Sugar” Kaku Candyce Hudson
Masue Heyamoto Victor and Lilly Takemoto
George and Tedi Kanda Stacy Kanda
Frank and Teresa Hidaka Paul and MJ Patterson
Sam Kanda Jim and Yone Terada
Mike Higa Margaret Gojio Bill and Carol Shinbo Colin and Barbara Tsuchikawa Cindi, Rick, Kelsey, and Kyle Yokoyama
Lois Kaneko Lonny Kaneko
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hiranaka Daniel and Grace Hiranaka Arthur and Miyako Hiroo Jon, Patty, and Alysse Mastrude Kanroku and Kiyono Hiroo Jon, Patty, and Alysse Mastrude
Henry and Shizuko Hashimoto Leroy Hisayasu Hiroshi and Katsumi Fujita Ken and Bea Saito Mark and Lori Hashimoto Tak Hori Jun and Alice Hayakawa Susan Hori and Robert Hori Lee Lyttle and Janet Hayakawa
Kitaro and Mitsui Hayashi Akira and Lillian Horita
Kasumi and Toshiko Horita Akira and Lillian Horita
Fumi Hayashida Gene and Yoshiko Betz Gladys Dalzell Leo Egashira Sharon Fujii Hank and Rose Fukano Margaret Gojio Gary and Sandee Hamatani Jeffrey Hattori Hiro and Loretta Hayashida John and Nancy Hayatsu Mary Hirata Merry Ishino Miyoko Kodama Brad Kojima Tats and Esther Kojima Jolene and Steven Louie Patty Hiroo Mastrude
Gayle Hoshino Anonymous Murray and Marjorie Mar Sam Umeda
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Kimi Ishii Murray and Marjorie Mar
Amy Matsuoka Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Shigeru Moritani Mutual Fish Company, Inc. James and JoAnn Nakamoto Ruth Mitsuyo Oki Albert and Natalie Ong Jim and Grace Shibayama John and Polly Shigaki Steve and Linda Suzaka Ken and Gayle Takemura Betty and Laurie Tanaka Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Colin and Barbara Tsuchikawa Fudge Tsuchikawa Mary Yoshijima Harry Yoshimura
Shizue Howard Kathleen and Brian Boggs David and Tina and Bill Howard Fumi Hyatt Donald Hyatt Isao and Matsuye Hyodo Ted and Frances Tanabe Shizuko Ichikawa Stan and Pilar Ichikawa Taeko Imaizumi Michelle Coleman Nobu Ishida Gene and Lori Nishimatsu
Harry and Ruth Iwata Ray Iwata and Margaret Gartrelle All of My Japanese Friends The Very Rev. Father Rubye-LewHuey Pang
Glen Kiyonaga Hank and Rose Fukano Michael Fukano Joe and Hideko Terada Scott Terada George Kobayashi Frances Kobayashi
James and Betty Komura Philip Jenner Rev. Donald Castro and Shuri Saigusa David and Mary Ellen Carter Wendy Joyner Sumi Joyner
Fred Kondo Judge C. Kimi Kondo
Harry Kadoshima Arlene Kadoshima Rachel and Faith Kadoshima
Tom Konishi Hana Konishi
Mits “Yogi” Katayama Raymond Ishii Ken Katayama and Shirlee TsuchidaKatayama Patty Hiroo Mastrude Bob and Sharon Tomiko Santos Jim and Yone Terada Terrie Watanabe
George and Miyoko Koyama Frank and Elaine Koyama Shiro and Ryoko Kunimatsu Ann Tsubota Tad and Kuni Kuniyuki Josh and Carol Suehiro Hugo Kurose Sue Tanaka Jean Kusumoto Dave Kusumoto Nancy Kuwada Marc and Jan Keltner Estate of Nancy Kuwada Nori Suguro Shizuka La Grange Victor and Lilly Takemoto Emiko Taniguchi
Yoshio and Toshiko Katayama Wayne Lew Ken Katayama and Shirlee TsuchidaMurray and Marjorie Mar Katayama Henry L. Louie Masaru Kato Lesley Louie Amy Kato Michael and Karen Nakamura Shigeo and Mitsu Kato York Luke Shigemi Kato Anonymous Tom and Lorraine Sakata Que Thi Luu Hatsume Kawaguchi Sally Cambre Harold Kawaguchi Michi Maebori Iwao Jake Kawakami Grace Kanda John and Viola Loflin Betty Maekawa Jim and Grace Shibayama Frank and June Sato Leo Kawasaki Lucy Sato George and Kimi Tanbara Victor and Lilly Takemoto Bill Kawata Esther Matsuda George and Laura Kaminishi Sho and Loen Dozono Miye and Luann Kawata Ellen Gotchy Joyce Kikuchi Margaret and Joseph Gotchy Brenda and George Kikuchi Stan and Pilar Ichikawa Robert and Eileen Iguchi Mary Kimura Jenifer Kimura Doug and Barb Kanaya Edna Koyama Masuyo Kimura Donald and Diana Matsuda Devi Lally Ed and Candy Matsuda
Paul Murakami and the Murakami Family Christine Nakagaki Murphy and the Nakagaki Murphy Family Garnet Nakashima, Dai Nakashima, and Pat Hokama Roy and Jere Okada Ken and Bea Saito Jerry Shigaki John and Polly Shigaki Varaporn and Sharon Sribhibhadh Norio and Nancy Tanaka Teresa Yamada Mary Yoshijima Dave and Gloria Yoshino James Matsuoka Amy Matsuoka Kiiko McNabb Susan McNabb Fusako Mito Robert and Annika Mito Henry Miyatake Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Roger and Saki Shimizu Nobuko Miyazaki Margaret Gojio Victor and Lilly Takemoto Jim and Aiko Mizuki W. Hasegawa Merry Mochizuki Amy Matsuoka Sadako Moriguchi Harvey and Hisako Nakaya Haruno Morishima Victor and Lilly Takemoto Ruth Yoshino Chester Murakami Marti Murakami Tama K. Murotani Tina Masuda Draughon Shigenari Nagae Peggy Nagae Yei Naganawa Toshio and Joanne Naganawa Julia May Nagasawa Kim and Massie Muromoto Virginia Ryning Chris Tachibana Lillian Naito Bruce and Carleen Naito Motoi “Mo” Naito Bruce and Carleen Naito Nona Santos Manzaburo Nakahara Yasuko Nakahara
Kim Nakamura Eric Ashihara Don and Thelma Chikuma Tina Masuda Draughon Henry and Tomi Egashira Mary Furuta Jeffrey Hattori Alice Hayashida Mickey and Yoshie Hiroo Donald and Karen Holert Linda Hoshide Roy and Deanna Ikegami Lloyd Inouye Dale and Shizue Kaku Rod and Kris Kawakami Yuri Kojima Henry and Jan Kumasaka Carolyn Kunihiro Hap and Susan Laeder Mary Maniwa Patty Hiroo Mastrude Betty Mochizuki Kenzo and Carol Moriguchi Marti Murakami Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Junior Nagaki and Janice Nakamura JoAnn Nakamoto Joe and Diana Ohashi Eileen Okada Nobi Otsuji Bev Perry Irene Plosky Patti Saito Patsy Sawa Roger and Saki Shimizu Steve and Linda Suzaka Ken and Gayle Takemura Sue Tanaka Grace Uyeda Jeannie Uyeda Elaine Wetterauer Akiko Wyland and Dave Wyland David and Laura Yamashita Paul and Nobuko Yamashita Harry and Elaine Yoshihara Mary Yoshijima Harry Yoshimura Esther Yoshioka Kimi Nakanishi Helen Kawaguchi Kazuo Nakano Harvey and Rikki Nakano Sawako Nakano Anonymous Harvey and Rikki Nakano
Tsuruko Nakano Jerry and Sharon Okubo
David and Peggy Shimono Don and Elaine Shimono Evan Shimono Luk Shimono Luke Shimono Misa Shimono Ron Shimono Terry and Judy Shimono Yosh, Diane, and Landon Shimono
George and Mikayo Suzuki Steve and Karen Kozu
MaryAnn Shimono Heather and Kevin Riggs David and Peggy Shimono Don and Elaine Shimono Evan Shimono Luk Shimono Luke Shimono Misa Shimono Ron Shimono Terry and Judy Shimono Yosh, Diane, and Landon Shimono
Komaji and Shigeo Takano Amy Matsuoka
Tomi Okano Eydie and William Kooiman
Ronald and Barbara Nakatani Yasuko Natsuhara Akio and Mabel Nishizaki Mako and Jo Ann Okada Robert and Bettie Okura The Osaki Family - Carl, Thomas, and David Ken and Bea Saito Jean Sakita Bruce and Kathy Sako Dianne Sako Gordon and Marcia Sako Masako Sako Sam and Lillian Sako Pauline Sakuma Alvin and Donna Sasaki Delbert and Cynthia Sasaki John and Polly Shigaki Mary Shigaya Steven and Joyce Suzuki Peggy Tanemura Jim and Yone Terada Yas and Midge Teramura Julie Tin Daisy Tsujii Doug Tsujii Laine Tsujii Ryan Tsujii Grace Uchimura Minoru Uchimura Toyoko Watanabe Elaine Wetterauer Brian and Cherie Yorita Sharon Yorita and Matt Yorita Donna Yuasa
Tatemasa Oki John and Annie Walker
Toshio Ota Anonymous
Henry Okubo Aiko Jane Okubo
Shogo and Yayoi Saito Aki and Chiyoko Saito
Kiyoko June Ono Wesley Ono and Mary MacKenzie
Karry Sakamoto John and Polly Shigaki
Tsutomu and Ruth Onouye David and Lynn Arakaki
Miyoko Sakamoto Carolyn Kunihiro
Mary Osaki Anonymous Mary Furuta Hideo and Ruth Harada Sharon Harada Jeffrey Hattori John Iwai Rose Kasahara Momoko Kido Haruko Kobuki Daisy Kuramoto Nobuko Watanabe LeMay Anne Moriyasu David and Elsie Murakami Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Todd and Marcia Nakamura
Ben Seike Rick Sugawara Murray and Marjorie Mar Gina Sugawara Bruce and Shirley Nishimura Irene Nishimura and Susan Nishimura Carol Suguro Anonymous Mary Seike Chickie Sumimoto Murray and Marjorie Mar Margaret Gojio Toki Sekijima Judy Suto Grace Kanda Rod and Melody Arinobu Eugenia Nakamoto Joy Fujihira Lily Shitama Mickey and Yoshie Hiroo Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Patty Hiroo Mastrude Mark Shigihara John and Polly Shigaki Kenichi and Sarah Sato Grace Uyeda Kiyoshi and Fujie Shimono Marianne and Tom Wick and Family Heather and Kevin Riggs
Yoshi Nakashima Tsutomu Nakashima Bob and Yoshiko Nakatsu Lisa Nakatsu Asako Nishi Lisa Harris Genya and Fumi Nishimura Hana Konishi Toshiko Nishimura Hank Nishimura George Nomaguchi Marilyn Kato Victor and Lilly Takemoto Noboru “Tubby” and Rae Nomura Suzuye, Michael, Cindy, and David Nomura Sheila Ogasawara Bill Ogasawara Kenju and Chiyoko Ohtomo Alma Ohtomo John and Matsuno Okada John C. Okada Toni Okada Joe Okamoto Sumi Okamoto Ray Okamura Barry and Shelley Kikuchi
Yuji Shimono Heather and Kevin Riggs Carol Shimono David and Peggy Shimono Don and Elaine Shimono Evan Shimono Luk Shimono Luke Shimono Misa Shimono Ron Shimono Terry and Judy Shimono Yosh, Diane, and Landon Shimono
Fred and Chisato Takagi Susan Lamb Dick Takano Amy Matsuoka George Takano Amy Matsuoka
Tsukiyo Takano Amy Matsuoka William Takano Amy Matsuoka Hanayo Takashima Kiyo Takashima Hiroshi Takashima Jim and Mary Mayeno Nancy Mayeno Kiyo Takashima Kiyoko “Patty” Takayoshi Lillian Aoyama Hamako Kawamura Wayne and Yuka Kimura Chie Noma Marie Ozawa Steve and Penne Sakuma John and Polly Shigaki
Ben Nakamura Amy Matsuoka Yoshio and Doris Yari
Shizue Takeda Peter and Sylvia Domoto
Juki Shimoyama Janis Jasper Joanne Kushner Karen Tsugawa
Rikizo and Toshiko Takei Carolyn Takei
Peggie Shoji Kazuko Kitajo
Shima Taketa Amy Kato
Dr. Evan Shu Geraldine Shu
Shimano Taketa Kiyo Takashima
Dr. Ruby Inouye Shu Lloyd Inouye Geraldine Shu
Kojiro and Yasu Taki Taki LTD
June Takeshita Kinji and May Takahashi
Sumio Taki Keiko Taki Taki LTD Takako Taki Taki LTD Hank Tamada Susan Iwata Nobuichi Tanaka Sue and Warren Wong Don Tekawa Murray and Marjorie Mar Tetsuzo and Ume Terao Setsu Harada
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Contributions Tomi Terao Setsu Harada Suzuye, Michael, Cindy, and David Nomura Victoria Terao Corinne Toda Jerry and AC Arai Jiro Todo Jan Russell Frances Tokuda Aiko Jane Okubo Tama Tokuda Stan and Pilar Ichikawa Masako Tomita Victor and Lilly Takemoto Henry and Gloria Tsuboi Ted and Frances Tanabe Sally Tsuboi Murray and Marjorie Mar Victor and Lilly Takemoto Tom Tsubota Liane Tsubota and Philip Lecato Arusa Tsugawa Janis Jasper Joanne Kushner Karen Tsugawa Isao “Sun” Tsujii Kim Fukuda Janet Tsujii Kerrie Tsujii Edward and Hide Tsutakawa James and Suwako Maeda Thomas and Kiki Tsutakawa James and Suwako Maeda Ryoko Uno Misae Taketa Mike Usui Harvey and Rikki Nakano Lily Uyeno Anonymous Tsuneye Wada Tad and Fran Wada Atsushi Watanabe Teresa Yamada Joe and Hideko Yada James and Suwako Maeda Michiko Yamada Carl and Pat Yamada Hide Yamamoto Yo Ishimitsu Yasuko Yamamoto Hideo Yamamoto Yasuko Yamamoto
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Ken Yamamoto June Yamamoto
Mary Yamamoto Joy and Jim Nakata Akio Yanagihara Bob and Noreen Burr Jeffrey Hattori Jack and Akiko Ichikawa Mary Katayama Bill and Beth Kawahara Henry and Jan Kumasaka Nancy Mayeno Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Junior Nagaki and Janice Nakamura Curtis and Charlene Nakayama Joe and Diana Ohashi Mako and Jo Ann Okada Kunio Otani and Shig Otani May Shigihara Victor and Lilly Takemoto Elaine Yoshida Pauline Yoshida Mary Yoshijima Chizuko Yasui Anonymous (3) Allison Akahoshi Jeff and Chris Yada James Yasui and Family Rick and Carolyn Yasui Sharon Yorita and Matt Yorita Mary Yee Sumie Akizuki George Aoyama Sandy Choy Stephanie Eng Mitzi Fukuhara Horace and Mary Ann Hall Starr Hashiguchi Bobby and Yuki Hiraki Debbie Kashino Aiko Kimura Yo Yo Mikami Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Anne Moriyasu Jean Nagai Terry Nakano Akiko Narusawa Joyce Nehira Bill Ogasawara Joe and Diana Ohashi Jerry and Sharon Okubo Louise Ono Marie Ozawa Jack Sameshima Bob and Amy Seko John and Polly Shigaki Geraldine Shu Victor and Lilly Takemoto Jim and Yone Terada
Shiz Watanabe Terrie Watanabe Elaine Yoshida Pauline Yoshida Mary Yoshijima Dave and Gloria Yoshino
Takako Yoda Tak and Midori Chikamura Shobo and Toyo Tanaka Yukio and Kimi Tazuma Frank Yokoyama Neva Lee Mary Yokoyama Curtis and Nancy Fukuhara Neva Lee Joe and Diana Ohashi Joan Seko Shobo and Toyo Tanaka Florence Tsuchida Jeff and Chris Yada Elaine Yoshida Pauline Yoshida Matt Yorita Allison Akahoshi Jeffrey Hattori Calvin and Lorraine Hoshibata Patty Hiroo Mastrude Amy Matsuoka Yuki Mizuta Trisha Morton and Steve Okamura Wash and Kathleen Murakami Terry and Jerrie Nosho Rick and Carolyn Yasui The Matt Yorita Family Dave and Gloria Yoshino Henry Yorozu Susan Tripp Jean Yorozu Susan Tripp Judy Yorozu John Yoshida Don and Midori Akagi Judy Daikoku Cindy Floresca Jeffrey Hattori Audrie Hayes Debbie Kashino Patty Hiroo Mastrude Anne Moriyasu Marti Murakami Mako Nakagawa Ken and Mari Nakamura Gerry and John Pearson John and Polly Shigaki Gina Sugawara Nobie Takahashi Louise Kashino Takisaki Masako Tanaka
Jim and Yone Terada Mary Uno Gary Yasumura Taeko Yasumura Don and Fuyo Yoshida Erin Yoshida and Natie Coppinger June Yoshida
Jerry Yuasa Don Arai and Naomi Kimura Gerald and Maria Beppu Sharon and Tim Daly Kenneth Foster Linda Ishii Ted and Diane Ito Sharyl, Duane, Drew, and Deren Kamihara Bob and Jenifer Katahira Mary Katayama Ray and Marilyn Kihara Patty Hiroo Mastrude Nadine Miyahara Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Ernie and Sunnie Nagai Arata and Kieko Nakamura Ted and Carolyn Nakamura Ray and Julia Otani Paul and MJ Patterson Joe and May Sasaki John and Polly Shigaki Louise Kashino Takisaki Victoria Terao Giff Thomas Marianne and Tom Wick and Family Benny and Gale Wong Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Joan Yamada Harry Yoshimura Fred and Katherine Young Debra Yuasa James and Betty Yuasa
In Honor of Ayame Kai Guild Neill and Janice Urano
Suiyu Zhou Lanlan, Jinging, and Taotao Zhou
SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN Wedding Anniversary Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Kiku Hayashi
Tak and Hiroko Akiyama Louise Akiyama Wright GENERAL 65th Anniversary Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Jeffrey Hattori Roy and Lillian Hayashi Dale and Shizue Kaku Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Frank and June Sato Hide Tachibana Shiz Watanabe 100th Birthday Matt Yorita Calvin and Lorraine Hoshibata 95th Birthday Yoshi Nogaki Kathleen Nogaki Spector and Lou A. Nogaki 94th Birthday Mary Furuta Brett and Angela Nosho Kirk Nosho Louise Kashino Takisaki Grace Uomoto 90th Birthday Hajime Nakashima Richard and Gayle Choi Tosh Tokunaga Mickey and Yoshie Hiroo Thomas King and Julia TokunagaKing Jon, Patty, and Alysse Mastrude Wayne Tokunaga 88th Birthday Mary Hirata Yoshi Kanemori Grace Uomoto Ron and Kathy Yamamoto Birthday Yaeko Cella Rita Odenheimer 25 Years of Employment at Seattle Keiro Yone Terada Kiyo Scott
Junior Nagaki and Janice Nakamura Ron Takemura and Sharon Sakamoto
In Honor of Tak and Hiroko Akiyama Louise Akiyama Wright
Susan Nakagawa and Martin Oiye Hank and Susan Anderson
Sumie Akizuki Anonymous
Hajime Nakashima Teresa Nakashima
Sakae Aoyama David and Karen Aoyama
Frances Ogino Anonymous
Shizuko Arima Carolyn Nakamura
Tosh Okamoto James and Suwako Maeda John and Polly Shigaki Tad and Fran Wada
Ayame Kai Guild Founding Members John and Polly Shigaki Fujiko Boettcher George Boettcher Rita Clovis Larry and Jody Clovis Janice Deguchi Toshiko Suguro Yoshiye Flores Stacie-Dee Motoyama Jan Tsutsumoto Gokami Teresita Batayola Jeffrey Hattori Hiroko Evans George and Kayoko Kakiuchi Kachi Ikeda Keith Ikeda Thom and Beverly Ikeda Randle Inouye David Niimi
Toshi Okamoto Susan Okamoto Lane Joyce Okamoto Miyabe John and Sharon Okamoto Sheila Omoto Ruth Mitsuyo Oki John and Annie Walker
Nikkei Concerns Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Women’s Association Tosh and Toshi Okamoto John and Sharon Okamoto Seattle Keiro Won S. Cho Ken Katayama and Shirlee Tsuchida-Katayama Steve and Penne Sakuma Ruth Watanabe Jim and Grace Shibayama Jim and Yone Terada In Celebration of Thanksgiving Day The Very Rev. Father Rubye-LewHuey Pang Christmas gift for Larry and Jody Clovis Kiyoko and James Goldhardt
Kiyo Ono Stuart Ono
Tom and Kazzie Tanigawa Richard and Kathryn Miyauchi
Fusako Sasaki Tom and Janet Kometani
Seattle Keiro CNAs and RNs Tetsuo and Linda Miyata South China Restaurant and the Family of Perry Ko Anonymous Hide Tachibana Jane Grubb Kathleen Stuart
Harriet Jurcan Ats Kiuchi
Clarence Takashima Anonymous
Hisako Kato Stephanie and Hans Ulstein
Louise Kashino Takisaki Patty Hiroo Mastrude
Kokoro Kai Volunteers Naoko Ulstein
Jack Tsuchiya Herb Tsuchiya
Margaret Lawson Geraldine and Richard Banigan
Terrie Watanabe Cindy Watanabe-Mezs
Hing Pui Lee The Hing Lee Family
West Coast Printing and the Tomita Family Anonymous
Tama K. Murotani Mr. and Mrs. John Holter
Patty Hiroo Mastrude Pat Iboshi
Kenji and Martha Onishi Eugene and Kathryn Onishi
Yukiko Iwai Anonymous
Tomio Moriguchi James and Suwako Maeda John and Polly Shigaki Tad and Fran Wada
Kokoro Kai Drivers The Yoshie Hiroo Family
The Yanagihara Family Aiko Hayashi Yoshiko Yoshida June and Gary Pankiewicz In Appreciation of Kokoro Kai Noboru and Michiko Shinoda
Seattle Keiro Garden Anonymous Dawn Closs and Dan Higgins Norman and Linda Furukawa Bobby and Yuki Hiraki Kiyoaky Hori Grace Kanda Joseph Kelley William and Nami Koida H. Ray and Chiyo Nakanishi Mark and Sandra Sumi 70th Birthday Reunion Anonymous Alan and Fran Aramaki Carolyn Asari Sharon Fujii Colin and Irene Fukano Curtis and Nancy Fukuhara Tamotsu Furukawa Fred Hirota Ross Hori Katherine Hutchings David and Suzanne Kanetomi Kenny and Linda Kataoka Pablo and Kris Lambinicio Jan Lee and Philip Sandness Ellen Matsui-Mar Glenn and Eileen Miyamoto Toshi and Susie Moriguchi
Joyce Nehira Judy Nomura David and Fumiko Ojima Doug and Noriko Palmer John and Polly Shigaki Carol Suehiro Mike Tagawa and Nina Laboy Rick Tanigawa Goro and Hatsune Tokita Ted and Janet Tomita Marge Woo Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Taka and Nancy Yamaguchi Ron Yamamoto Dick Yamasaki Pauline Yoshida Dave and Gloria Yoshino Ed and Suzanne Yoshitome Employee Fund Margaret and Bill Fechner Robert and Eileen Iguchi The Nakashima Family Naomi Nomura-Barry and Christopher Barry Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Michihide Totoki Mark Uomoto Endowment Rev. Donald Castro and Shuri Saigusa Robert and Eileen Iguchi Fashion Fête Shinya Asami General Anonymous (6) Jim Akita Hikari Asami Bainbridge Island ACE Hardware – Steve and Becky Mikami Agnes Chan I-Jen Chen, MD Kathleen Conner and Steve Butler Linda Day Anastasia Dendrinos Linda Fjeld Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program Mark and Terry Fugami Craig and Wei-Jayne Fujimoto Wil and Jean Fujimoto Etsuko Fujishima Florence Fujita Frank Fujita Leanne Furugori Gerri Furuta Nanci and Mike Gardner William and Norma Geenty Olivia White Gilman Gobo Enterprises
Helen Gota Mal Suk Han Gloria Hara Keiko Hara Craig Hashimoto Dave Hawes Carmen Hayakawa Rev. Richard K. Hayatsu Charley and Martha Hirai Henry and Tomi Hirano Home Angels Health Care Kiyoaky Hori Joy Huckle Paul Ikeda Sumi Ikeda Victor and Mary Ikeda John and Arlene Iwai Eiko Jenkins JKU Foundation Art Kageyama Morris Kanekuni Steve and Ayako Kanno M. T. and Chizuko Katsumoto Iwao Jake Kawakami Carolyn Kelly Jan Keltner Richard Kinoshita Shig and Miyoko Kitayama Ayako Koczur Paul and Taka Kogita Kohtoku Enterprise, Inc. Janet Kojima Tats and Esther Kojima Yuri Kojima Hisako Kubota Ronald Kuse Toshiko Kuse Diane Lee Pat Leong Willon Lew Cuong Lo Betty Lock Henry and Lina Louie Michael and Wilawan MacLeod Bobby Masumoto Gene and Linda Matsusaka Yaeko Mikami Paul Miyake Eiichi Morimoto Jane Morimoto Thomas Morio Robert and Judy Motoyama Donald and Lillian Munakata Raymond Murakami, DDS Takenori Nakagami Mat Nakamura Daisuke Nakashima Yasuaki Nakatsu Isaac and Lensey Namioka Ken Norikane
Retirement Joy Nishimura Dean and Lynn Nishimura Valerie Nishimura
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Contributions Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Kenji Okubo Kenji and Martha Onishi Mark and Leigh Ota David and Sylvia Otani Robert and Marion Reed Retired Letter Carriers Club Shiuko Sakai Masako Sako Fred Sakura Ron Sasaki Ray and Traci Sato Eddie and Linda Shimizu Roy and Kazumi Shimizu Tom and Ako Shimozato Fran Shintaku Shoji Shirakata Bruce and Joy Smith Ed Suguro Fred Takemoto Louise Kashino Takisaki Ted and Martha Tamaki Kats and Terrie Tanino Allan and Kayoko Terada Judy Teshima Massie Tomita Umeya Rice Cake Co. Toshie Uyeda Glen and Linda Uyenoyama David and Betty Walters Eugene and Marilyn Webb Sueko Yamaguchi Lillian T. Yamamoto Mark and Suzi Yamamoto Isao and Jeannine Yamashita Misako Yashima David and Janice Yasuda Ted Yasuda Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yee Elizabeth Yee Diane Yoshimi Skip and Tracy Yotsuuye Tom Yotsuuye Jeffrey Yutani Inouye Endowment Lloyd Inouye Kokoro Kai Anonymous (4) Kimi and Stephen Bell Reiko Hara Jayanne Hino Ted Kaino Norm and Dale Kaneko Vincent Koike Robert and Andrea Kurosu Steve and Nancy Okawa Ruth Mitsuyo Oki Michiko Toyoshima
TAY O R I Spring 2015
Bruce Walton and Joy Walton Kawasaki Akiko Wyland Dave Wyland Kokoro Kai Volunteers Terie Akada
Nikkei Horizons Anonymous (5) Terie Akada Eiko Bailey Don Chikuma Bill Evenson Sylvia Fok Esther Furugori Joyce Ito Miyoko Kodama Sheila Koyama and Alec Colovos Carolyn Kunihiro Sachiko Kusachi Phyllis Lee Maxine Loo Jackie Lum Don and Kiyo Maekawa Irene Mano Masako Matsunaga Tak Miyabe Laura Nakamura Walter and Shirley Nakatsukasa Nikkei Horizons Baby Play Group Bellevue Nikkei Horizons Baby Play Group Seattle Akio and Mabel Nishizaki Mari Okumura Nobi Otsuji Frances Palmer Prasit and Yaeko Rojnuckarin Mary Shigaya Gloria Shigeno Meri Shimada Linda Shimizu Louise Kashino Takisaki Elsie Taniguchi Fumi Taniguchi Merrily Taniguchi Allan and Kayoko Terada Tosh and Dolly Tokunaga Massie Tomita Frank Tsuboi Yasuko Wakayama Shiz Watanabe Terrie Watanabe Naoko Wentworth Mako and Pauline Yaguchi Maxine Yakushijin Sueko Yamaguchi Kazumi Yoneyama Elaine Yoshida Pauline Yoshida
Nikkei Manor Anonymous Rita Clovis Sachiyo Enomoto Brian Ito and Laura Sameshima Katharine Kato Estate of Esther Matsuda Haruko Nagaishi Hajime Nakashima Steve and Nancy Okawa Noella and Les Rawlings Nikkei Manor Garden Project Lorraine Blackler Omusubi Connection Luncheon Anonymous Cindy Chin Mary Ann Midori Goto Victoria Lum and Randy Nye Paul Murakami Jean Wakamatsu Irene Yamamoto Omusubi Connection Luncheon Fund-a-Need for Occupational Therapy Suite Terie Akada Karen Akada-Sakata Keiko Arakane James and Dorothy Chen Brien and Marcia Chow Larry and Jody Clovis Mickey Delanty Ted and Janice Divina Tina Masuda Draughon Jane Ellis Mary Ann Midori Goto Jeffrey Hattori Kiku Hayashi Roy and Lillian Hayashi Alice Hayashida Teresa Hesse Kachi Ikeda Fusako Kamihara Fred Kiga George and Mary Kozu Yukio and Julianne Kumasaka Pat Norikane Logerwell Patty Hiroo Mastrude and Jon Mastrude Gary Matsudaira Koji and Tomoko Matsuno Denise Moriguchi Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Tyler Moriguchi and Thy Pham Sunnie Nagai Susan Nakagawa and Martin Oiye The Family of Joyce Nakamura Lisa Nakamura Derek and Pam Nakano
Michael Nakano Nisei Veterans Committee / NVC Foundation Julie Ann Oiye and Randall Asplund Judy Otsuji Nobi Otsuji Denise Quach The Sakamoto Family Meri Shimada Debbie Shimizu Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy Jean Steel Bill Sudo Shawn Sudo Linda Suzaka Ellen Suzuki Mike and Marcia Takahashi Peggy Tanemura Bill Tashima Bryon Tokunaga Massie Tomita Frank Tsuboi Jackie Uyeji and Coleen M. Jay Jean Wakamatsu Keith Yamaguchi Kendee Yamaguchi Christine Yorozu and Richard Smith Seattle Keiro Anonymous (5) Nancy Adachi-Osawa Tak and Hiroko Akiyama Kimi and Stephen Bell Glenn Carroll Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Arlene Cheng Courtney Chinn and Grace Chen Lisa Maria D’Aquila Sachiyo Enomoto Ted Fujioka Lola Hanada John and Nancy Hayatsu Calvin and Lorraine Hoshibata Sadako Houghten May Ishida Masashi and Marilyn Ishii Craig Ishino Brian Ito and Laura Sameshima Connie and Ron Jusenius Shohei Karibe Miyoko Kawaguchi Hyung Sik and Boon Hi Kim Daisy Kuramoto Gayle Lee Haruko Mamiya Alvin and Marianne Matsumoto Yo Yo Mikami Shigeru Morita Nichiren Buddhist Church Fujinkai Louise Oda Connie Okada
Emiko Okada Robert and Carol Okano Richard Omata and Carol Moody Herbert Saito Dennis Shibata Fumio Shibata Neil and Rolanda Shiosaki Nancy Shioyama Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy Britton Steel Frieda Takamura Fred and Betty Takasumi Kiyoshi and Elsie Taki Karen Takizawa Steve and Nancy Tanemura Scott Terada Doug Uyeda Don and Fuyo Yoshida James Yuasa Transportation Margaret and Bill Fechner Vehicle Donation Program Mel Asato Jane Inaba Taro Kusunose James Mano Robert Okazaki Volunteers Mina Kiive / Jyosho Gakuen
WORKPLACE GIVING AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Douglas Eng Lisa Hirai Stacie Ito Bank of America United Way Campaign Alice Doi Gail Suzaka James Vail Chevron Humankind Employee Engagement Fund Katherine Coble City of Seattle Eric Ishino Joy Nishimura Combined Federal Campaign of King County Linda Brandeis Ruth Hamada S. E. Huntoon John V. Ikeda Marla E. Iwata Eric G. Kasahara Calvin Low Kristine M. Martin
Cynthia Masada Terry Matsuda Frances F. Palmer Alan Quick Gerald J. Quintua Kristin Sullivan Greg Terada Deborah Yamamoto Robert W. Yokobe
Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company Anonymous Douglas Akizuki June Akizuki Paul Egashira Stephen Hasegawa Steve Ishimitsu Eric Kato Kenneth Khoo Eydie Kooiman Richard Kuniyuki Kelly Kuwahara Debra Locke Edward Lowe Akira Maeda Michael Mori Lori Nakahara Richard Nakatsu Cheryl Ohashi Gary Okazaki Karen Reid Ronald Sakura Carolyn Sawa Kevin Shigaya Scott Sugiyama David Suguro Lynne Tanino Victoria Terao Jana Yamamoto Warren Yasutake King County Employee Giving Program Anonymous K. Chan Lisa Kunihiro Dennis Lock Janet Shibuya Eugene Sugita Karen Yoshioka Microsoft Employee Giving Program Anonymous Sharlene Ayabe Elliot Omiya
United Way of King County Anonymous (6) Teresita Batayola Michelle Chinn Marcia Chow Judith Daikoku Marcia Fujimoto Theresa Fujiwara Julie Masumoto-Joyce Robert Miyahara Richard Munekiyo Heidi Yamamoto Scott Yasui Marylyn Yoder United Way of Snohomish County Anonymous UPS Foundation, Inc. Cathy Inouye Don Tsuboi WA State Employees Combined Fund Drive Anonymous (2) Paul Aoki Charles Asher Susan Carr John Ishimaru Mariko Kakiuchi Wendy Nagasawa Kathleen Oberman Lisa Okubo-Garcila Karen Sakahara Jeanne Semura Julie Sharp Britton Steel Kim Tanaka-Hill Julie Tin MATCHING GIFTS Chevron Humankind Employee Engagement Fund Costco Wholesale Corp. GE Foundation Liberty Mutual Foundation Match Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Oracle Matching Gifts Program Peach Foundation UBS Wealth Management Employee Giving Programs
IN-KIND GIVING Anonymous (20) 5th Avenue Theatre Community Involvement Program Helen Adachi Setsuko Ainsworth Terie Akada
Marcia Almassy Susan Anderson Lillian Aoyama Shari Armstrong Jo Ann Asato Rosa Bach Blaine Memorial Church Women’s Group Linda Briggs Mitzi Butler Mihoko Casada Carmen Tsuboi Chan and Family Erika Chan Gui Juan Chen Benjamin Chew Kang Choe Richard and Gayle Choi Yukie Chow City Produce – Mark Hidaka and Pat Suyama Clark Computer Services Inc. Consulate-General of Japan Crystal Angels Harue De Jesus East-West Investment Co., Inc. EC Wilson Meats Co. Ecolab – Alex Sari and Steve Anderson Vivian Egashira Nancy Evans Sachiko Fitzpatrick John and Patricia Fromong Goya Fujii Sharon Fujii Sue Fujino Barbara Fujita Elsa Gapuz Yoshiko Gerald Margaret Gotchy GreenRubino Alan and Fumiko Groves Art Harano Lillian Hayashi Nobuko Hino and Kristie C. Koda Takako Hirai Virginia and Richard Hiramatsu Home Angels Health Care Mrs. William Hon and Elein Ng Gladys Hoshijo Candyce Hudson Cathy Hughson Miyo Ike Deanna Ikegami Betty Inouye Yukiko Iwai Japanese Community Service Japanese Presbyterian Women’s Group JFC International, Inc. Yasuaki Jono Kimiko Juagpao
Connie Jusenius Shizue Kaku Malcolm and Eileen Kanemoto Dwight Kanno Kristin Kawaoka Wilma Kawasaka Alan Kazama Katie Kelly Kyoko Koda Miyoko Kodama Sara Kosugi Kimie Kuramoto Sachiko Kusachi Yuko Kusakabe Devi Lally Susan Okamoto Lane Joyce Yorozu Larson Margaret Lawson and Family LeadingAge Washington Char Lee Dale Lee Legacy House Wendy Li Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple Lin Liu Kenneth Loveridge Huong Luong Masako Machida Mariko Mano Mari’s Beauty Salon Patty Hiroo Mastrude Hank Matsubu Nancy Matsudaira Janet Matsumoto Mamiko Matsushita DyAnne Middaugh Megumi Miyajima Dr. Michael Mizumoto Betty Mochizuki MOMO Leslie Morishita Anne Moriyasu Paul Murakami Reynold Muranaka and Family Michie Nagaoka Susan Nakagawa and Martin Oiye Mari Nakashima Joyce Nehira Linda Nelson Joy and John Nielsen, Jan Yamaguchi and Mark Katayama Yae Niimi Mary Nishida Fran Nishimoto Hiro Nishimura Jill Ohara and Thanne Rose Toshi Okamoto Okinawa Kenjin-Kai of Washington State Taiko Group Jerry and Sharon Okubo Midori Omori
Paddy McNeely Porcelain June Pankiewicz Quilters of St. Matthew / San Mateo Episcopal Church Brian and Laura Readdy Sumi Reid Renaissance Flowers Tomiko Sakiyama Marcia Sako Pauline Sakuma Dianne Sawa Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Women’s Association Seattle First Hill Lions Club Megumi Sherrill Etsuko Shimbo Mike Shimizu Michiko Shinoda Lily Shitama John and Kathryn Smith Britton Steel Jean Steel David and Gina Suguro Eugene Tagawa Yuki Takahashi Junko Takashima Kiyo Takashima Alice Tanaka Teruko Tanaka Shox Tokita Michi Toyohara Miyoshi Tsuji Doug Tsujii Jayna Umeda Terrie Watanabe Aiko Watson Robin Whelan Akiko Wyland Dave Wyland Shizue Yahata Ed and Maxine Yakushijin June Yamada Patsy Yamada Emiko Yokoyama The Yorita Family Christine Yorozu Elaine Yoshida Emi Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Yoshiko Yoshida Fumi Yoshimoto Wei Fan Yuan
General Donations
Costco Wholesale Corp. Anonymous Steve Kato Gail Tsuboi Shelley Wilson
Mile High United Way Steven Omoto
TAY O R I Spring 2015
1601 E. Yesler Way Seattle, WA 98122-5640
Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Seattle, WA Permit No. 118
Mark Your Calendar & Get Your Tickets! Ayame Kai’s 6th Annual Steak Dinner
Saturday, June 13 5-8 p.m. Tickets: $20/person • $10 each for children 10 and under Available from Ayame Kai Members, Nikkei Concerns Board Members, and at the Seattle Keiro/Nikkei Manor front desks
a gathering for the whole community • Mouth-watering, masterfully grilled steaks (vegetarian option) • Homemade bakery item sale • Lively silent auction • Free door prize drawing
Questions? Call 425.827.4930 or 425.747.5143.