Tayori - Summer 2015

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Summer 2015

Tayor i A

Volu me 3 9 • I s s ue 3

Ne w s l e t t e r

o f

Ni k k e i

C o nce r ns

O ne Com m u nit y | Transfor m i ng L iv e s | Ce le brating 40 Yea r s

Yesterday & today 40 years of Nikkei Concerns Life seems so different when we look back on the “old days.” But important things remain constant, like our values and beliefs, which motivated a community to create Nikkei Concerns. We look back on Nikkei Concerns’ first 40 years and realize that yesterday and today are not so far apart. From a hope and a dream — an idea scribbled on a napkin — Nikkei Concerns has grown and blossomed into a forward-thinking health & wellness organization.

Strong leadership + gre at courage = Nikkei Co ncerns, then & now Tosh Okam oto, Tomio Moriguchi, and Harry Kadoshima

Humble Beginnings

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Yesterday & Today 40 years of Nikkei Concerns


Fun in the sun with NC Transportation


Rehab Renovation


NC in the community


Events 8 Family Album


Nikkei Horizons – Land of Souls Spring 2016

e! Shikoku, and mor u, sh yu K , a im sh Hiro ting, e orientation mee Sign up for the fre .m. – noon! 10/10/15,10 a

As the issei (first generation) aged, they encountered a world vastly different than that of their parents and experienced needs for the original Ribbon cutting ceremony that the traditional Seattle Keiro ways and mainstream nursing homes could not meet. Issei Concerns’ Our Founders, (our original name) founders, the Fabulous Seven the Fabulous Seven, Glenn Akai launched us into the world Harry Kadoshima of healthcare. Seattle Keiro, Sally Kazama was our first program to Henry Miyatake serve these elders’ unique needs. Keiro had space for Tomio Moriguchi only a few dozen residents, but Tosh Okamoto kind volunteers and staff related Fred Takayesu to and cared for them. The issei residents finally had peace of mind, and their quality of life improved because they could communicate in their native language, enjoy familiar food, and participate in meaningful cultural activities. Continued on page 4

NIKKEI CONCERNS 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Ann Oiye, President Brenda Handley, Vice President Noriko Goto Palmer, Secretary Kevin Nagai, Treasurer Frank Fukui Brenda Handley David Hayasaka Vicki Toyohara Mukai Hideo Suganuma Bill Tashima Ted Tomita Neill Urano Dennis Yamashita Pastor Joe Yoshihara Honorary Board Members Janet Deguchi Tomio Moriguchi Tosh Okamoto FINANCE, INVESTMENT, & AUDIT COMMITTEE Bruce Brundige Kathy Hasegawa Kevin Nagai Julie Ann Oiye Ted Tomita Ken Yokoyama TAYORI Publisher: Jeffrey Hattori Editor & Circulation: Darcia Tanabe Layout & Design: Yvonne San Luis Design CONTRIBUTORS Frank Bacungan, Jeffrey Hattori, Julie Ann Oiye, Eugene Tagawa, Darcia Tanabe SEATTLE KEIRO Rehabilitation and Care Center 206.323.7100 NIKKEI MANOR Assisted Living Community 206.726.6460 KOKORO KAI Senior Activity Program 206.726.6474 NIKKEI HORIZONS Continuing Education Program 206.726.6465 NC TRANSPORTATION 206.726.6468 NC CATERING 206.755.3078 HOME/COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES 206.588.4665 2

TAY O R I Summer 2015

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Dear Friends, Oftentimes in an organization that is dedicated to service, you will hear people say they work or volunteer because they want to help others. The desire to help someone generally translates into making a difference: bringing about positive change, improvement, new perspective, better outcomes. That is certainly the case at Nikkei Concerns (NC). It is witnessed throughout NC’s excellent services and programs. We expect that participants and residents benefit from quality service. What has been truly remarkable for me is the experience of the two-way transformation that takes place within the NC Family, whether it is between a staff person and a resident, a volunteer with a staff, a resident to resident. The adage, “I get more out of it than I give,” holds such truth. I’ve personally gained immeasurably by learning about life, living, health and aging from the many interactions I’ve had through NC. Indeed, all of our lives are enriched from the relationships we build among caregivers, family members, participants, residents, staff, volunteers and supporters. These are the times to transform and be transformed.

With gratitude,

Julie Ann Oiye Board President

Dear Friends, Transformation of lives can occur on multiple levels: community-wide to an individual; publicly or privately; over time or in “a moment in time.” It can be based on a word, a smile, an act, or an experience. It may require courage, compassion, and commitment and can be truly meaningful and life changing. I sincerely believe transformation occurs on a daily basis at Nikkei Concerns (NC), and you will see numerous examples throughout this Tayori issue! For me… NC has truly been transformational. My life’s journey has been intertwined with NC since I was a 14-year-old weekend janitor at the original Keiro. With some command of the Japanese language, I would spend half the time in the rooms of residents, listening (not working!) to their stories, and conversing. I learned about a wonderful community and spirit, where I came from, whose “shoulders” I stand on, who I am as a person… and decided that my goal in life would be to serve others… transformational, indeed! At a broader level, NC is transforming itself to support community “health & wellness” to enhance an individual’s ability to stay at home for as long as possible. Two key focus areas include: 1) Enhancing our short-term rehabilitation program, with “topnotch” physical, occupational, and speech therapists fluent in many Asian languages and dialects. In addition, our “rehab” gym remodel is almost complete (late June) and will include “state of the art” equipment! 2) Growing existing and launching “pilots” of our home- & community-based service menu that involves NC Club, NC Transportation, NC Catering/Delivers, Kokoro Kai Seattle & Bellevue, and Nikkei Horizons, where one will benefit from services including home care, tele-health, transportation, meals, socialization/activities, continuing education, and tours! As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, your NC will continue to push forward to transform the lives that we “touch…” for community and individual… through exceptional service and “heart!” Itsumo ganbatte imasu!

Jeffrey Hattori CEO

NIKKEI CONCERNS MANAGEMENT Jeffrey Hattori, CEO 206.726.6500 jhattori@nikkeiconcerns.org

Fun in the sun with NC Transportation

Janice Deguchi, COO 206.726.7838 jdeguchi@nikkeiconcerns.org

NC Transportation brings more fun to Legacy House Adult Day Service field trips. With our safe, reliable, and friendly drivers, program manager Frank Bacungan and his staff can concentrate on their clients and leave the travel logistics to us.

Legacy House ’s Adult Day H ealth program members have a blast at the Se attle Aquarium thanks to the N , C Transportatio n team.

With the collaboration with NC Transportation, I am able to transport all of our clients/residents/volunteers/staff. I have seen an increase in field trip participation since transportation is flexible – more people can attend the trips, even with last-minute additions and cancellations. Special thanks to NC Transportation for providing our community with this opportunity to get our seniors out to enjoy monthly field trips. – Frank Bacungan, Legacy House Adult Day Service and Nutrition Services Program Manager

NC Transportation drivers also provide door-to-door service for Legacy House’s clients to attend the program. Clients enhance their health, happiness, and sense of independence, forming relationships with our caring drivers.

R E G I S T E R T O D AY ! Friday, October 23, 2015

Nikkei Concerns’ 40th Anniversary Dinner & Auction • • • • •

Live Auction Silent Auction Raffle Raise-the-Paddle And more!

General, VIP, and Anniversary VIP tickets available at www.nikkeiconcerns.org. (Register early! General ticket discount through September 8, 2015.)

Tina Masuda Draughon, CFO 206.726.6510 tdraughon@nikkeiconcerns.org Rick Takeuchi, Human Resources Director 206.726.6506 rtakeuchi@nikkeiconcerns.org Patty Hiroo Mastrude, Philanthropy Manager 206.726.6523 phiroo@nikkeiconcerns.org Darcia Tanabe, Communications Manager 206.726.6550 darciat@nikkeiconcerns.org Ibtissam Davis, Facilities Director 206.726.6558 idavis@nikkeiconcerns.org Randi Saeter, Administrator Seattle Keiro 206.726.6504 rsaeter@nikkeiconconcerns.org Jessica Giron, RN, DNS Seattle Keiro 206.726.7836 jgiron@nikkeiconcerns.org Lisa Waisath, Manager Nikkei Manor 206.726.6471 lwaisath@nikkeiconcerns.org Kara Mayeda, Director Home/Community-Based Services 206.588.4669 kmayeda@nikkeiconcerns.org Linda Asami, Community Relations Manager 206.726.6501 lasami@nikkeiconcerns.org Naoko Ulstein, Director Kokoro Kai 206.726.6474 naokou@nikkeiconcerns.org Yukie Uto Quick, Manager Nikkei Horizons 206.726.6465 yuto@nikkeiconcerns.org Ron Higashi, Manager NC Transportation Services 206.726.6468 rhigashi@nikkeiconcerns.org Ron Youmans, NC Catering Director 206.726.6520 ryoumans@nikkeiconcerns.org

O n e C o m m u n it y | Tr a n s f o r m in g Lives | Celebr at ing 40 Year s www.nikkeiconcerns.org

OUR MISSION To enrich and support the lives of elders and meet their needs in a way that honors and respects Nikkei culture and values. Nikkei Concerns is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. TAY O R I Summer 2015 o­3 ­ TAY O R I Fall 2010 o­3

Yesterday & today 40 years of Nikkei Concerns

01.2015 NC Club & Home/Community-Based Services begins

03.2014 NC Transportation launches

10.2011 NC Catering begins

01.1998 Nikkei Manor opens

09.1990 Nikkei Horizons begins

06.1987 New Seattle Keiro opens


continued from page 1

Community commitment The community built Issei Concerns with inspiration and generous gifts of both time and funds. The 100+ volunteers from the early days has grown to over 300 regular volunteers and more than 1,000 individuals and groups who participate in events or perform for the residents. The first donors funded the staggering $500,000 needed to make Seattle Keiro a reality, and our current donors honor their legacy. They share a love for elders and passion for giving back through many philanthropic channels. They honor loved ones, contribute through workplace campaigns, matching donation programs, planned giving options, and event fundraisers. The Ayame Kai Guild, our auxiliary organization, is a force for both events and fundraising. Thanks to their efforts, the quality of life has been greater for thousands of residents and participants.

The outpouring of volunteers’ and donors’ generosity has built Nikkei Concerns on a strong foundation.

Name Change Issei Concerns is now Nikkei Concerns

03.1978 Kokoro Kai begins


Gala Auction Request

Ayame Kai Guild established

10.1976 Seattle Keiro opens

09.1975 Issei Concerns established

Add your personal touch to the silent auction with a special donation Jerry and Charlene Lee donated the first major auction item – a Super Bowl XLVIII helmet autographed by Richard Sherman.

Artwork • Fine dining gift cards • Travel opportunities Golf packages • Special event tickets • Unique experiences Please provide your auction item donation by Monday, August 1, 2015. .

For more information, contact Patty Hiroo Mastrude, Philanthropy Manager, at 206.726.6523 or phiroo@nikkeiconcerns.org. 4

TAY O R I Summer 2015

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500 Out and about at the local Tully’s with Nikkei Manor residents or taking on Italy with Nikkei Horizons Adventurers, Nikkei Concerns is there.

Smarter drivers thanks to Nikkei Horizons

370,500 pounds of rice served to Seattle Keiro residents

In touch From the beginning, keeping the community in the know was key, and Issei Concerns accomplished that through the Seattle Keiro Newsletter. Issei Concerns changed to Nikkei Concerns, and the newsletter transformed into Tayori, which translates as “message.” In addition, we touch a broader family through our website, Facebook, Twitter, electronic newsletters, and e-mail messages. Still, the goal remains the same – to inspire; share what’s new and treasure the not-so-new; tell people’s meaningful, everyday stories; and thank everyone who helps us transform lives and build community.

6,000,000 cups of tea served to Seattle Keiro residents

Changing needs New needs inspired broader services to touch the lives of the whole community. Kokoro Kai soon developed, Seattle Keiro moved and expanded, followed by the launch of Nikkei Horizons and Nikkei Manor. These core programs served elders for many years, but as needs and desires of the community changed, Nikkei Concerns responded. NC Transportation, NC Catering, and Home/CommunityBased Services support elders’ independence and help them stay healthier at home and connected to the community.

The future

Yesterday and today, Nikkei Concerns keeps in touch with the comm unity.

We celebrate our 40th anniversary this October and pay tribute to those who risked it all, sacrificed much, asked questions, pursued solutions, and empowered us to continue the founders’ legacy. The future demands no less from us as the community itself evolves. Thanks to the care, love, and support we have received over the last 40 years, we are eager to meet health and wellness needs and the challenging healthcare environment.

500 Seattle Keiro admissions since 2013

200+ Happy birthdays at Nikkei Manor

586 student buddies with Kokoro Kai participants TAY O R I Summer 2015


R ehab R enovation Our Rehab/Restorative Gym has almost transformed from its outdated and cluttered past into a contemporary and sophisticated retreat. Therapy patients and residents will soon utilize every square inch to gain greater strength, flexibility, and range of motion. We will throw a grand opening party in July, so the community can see our new space! (No details have been confirmed at press time.) More details on our reno blog at www.keirorehabreno.wordpress.com.

New studs

Restorative before

After demo

Wallboard and plaster

Architectural rendering

BRING HEALTHY HABITS INTO YOUR LIFE! Saturday, July 25 • 11 a.m.– 4 p.m. Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Presented by


3301 24th Ave. S • Seattle, WA 98144


Cooking Demonstrations

DELICIOUS Admission is free, so please join us! 入場無料、 ぜひご参加ください! 무료이오니 꼭 참석 해주세요. 入場是免費的,請大家參加! Vào cửa tự do, bạn đến tham dự nhé!


TAY O R I Summer 2015

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Food Samples

Exercise Demonstrations


Speakers & Health Tips


Blood Pressure & Blood Glucose Screenings


Door Prize Drawings

and so much more!

N C in the community :

CEO Jeffrey Hattori shared his NC knowledge and good cheer with event-goers at the Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration. Residents from Nikkei Manor and Seattle Keiro joined in the festivities, too. Thanks to event organizer Peter Tsai, who always makes sure the residents get front-row seats!

Paro, our robotic baby harp seal companion, made a splash at the Pioneer Network’s Conversation Café. Healthcare professionals experienced the same smiles, tranquility, and laughter that Seattle Keiro residents enjoy when interacting with Paro.

Visitors to the Nikkei Concerns table at the Cherry Blossom Festival discovered new programs, like NC Catering, and took a spin on our Wheel of Fortune.

Nikkei Concerns joined with community organiziations to present filmmaker Junichi Suzuki’s Nisei Trilogy. Toyo’s Camera, an insider’s photographic record of the wartime incarceration experience, kicked off the series. The other films are Live with Honor, Die with Dignity (44nd Regimental Combat Team) and MIS: Human Secret Weapon (Military Intelligence Service).

Kara Mayeda, Director of Home/ Community-Based Services with NVC Vice Commander Rick Takeuchi. Kara spoke to the Nisei Vets audience about the new NC Club. The audience was very excited about the possibilities and appreciated the idea of enjoying future services at home.

Yukie Uto Quick, Nikkei Horizons Manager, educated a new generation on the benefits of lifelong learning with Nikkei Horizons. The Japanese conversation class was popular among the animeloving attendees.

Ron, Terry, Brad, Russ, Jak e, and Thomas – your NC Transportation Team

TAY O R I Summer 2015



Seattle Keiro resident Uri Matsuda and opera singer Nina Yoshida Nelsen became good buddies after Nina shared her beautiful voice with the Seattle Keiro residents. They swapped stories about Uri’s and Nina’s grandmother’s younger days growing up in Seattle. Nina will sing in the Seattle Opera’s American Dream this summer. $43K in one day! From our first donation at 12:40 a.m. through the final gift at 11:46 p.m., giveBIG, the Seattle Foundation’s one-day online giving event, was huge. With employee matching gifts plus the Seattle Foundation’s sponsored Stretch Pool funds, we could reach our $50K goal. Thank you to all of our donors!

Volunteers Etsuko Fujishima and Janice Divina celebrated their door prizes from one of the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheons. (We needed two events to fit in all of those who rsvp-ed!) 8

TAY O R I Summer 2015

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Crazy Hat Day was a fun way to celebrate Nursing Home Week and brought out the Nikkei Concerns spirit in all of Seattle Keiro. Daily contests, tasty food, theme dressing, and a prize drawing kept energy levels high. Thanks to James Grey at Schryver Medical for donating our grand prize – a flatscreen tv!

Kuniko Fukushima, one of In Concert at Seattle Keiro’s featured artists, entertained Nikkei Concerns residents and community members with her soulful sound. She performed a meaningful blend of original and familiar music that touched hearts and took the blues out of a gray day.

Janice Deguchi (COO) and Lil Hayashi (Kokoro Kai volunteer) joined in the tankobushi at Kokoro Kai’s Shinnenkai Luncheon. Song, dance, participants, volunteers, and staff filled Joy Palace Restaurant. Many thanks to the Rainbow Chorus and the Minyo Dance Team for their entertainment and the Kokoro Kai Volunteers for making the event special.

The Nikkei Concerns staff united to honor Earth Day with a two-site cleanup day. The insides of Nikkei Manor and Seattle Keiro got an extra scrubbing, and staff also cleared trash and debris in the gardens, parking lots, and surrounding area.

Shamisen master Kumiya shared her spirited personality and lovely voice with the residents and community at Seattle Keiro. Afterward, she created a special video with some music and best wishes for her new Seattle Keiro family.


The Nikkei Concerns Family has great moments to preserve and share. As a family, we embrace the residents, participants, volunteers, staff, and community members. We honor long-held traditions and value kind gestures of friendship and love. Our Family Album is full of precious and treasured memories.

The Nikkei Horizons adventurers took on France and Italy on their recent European Discovery Tour. They not only walked in the footsteps of history but also enjoyed a wonderful tourist experience, with lots of great food and wine.

Activities Assistant Vicky Truong loves our new van! Thanks to the Ayame Kai Guild and Doug and Pat Ikegami of Doug’s Lynnwood Mazda/Hyundai/Cadillac/SUV Service for making our wishes come true. Residents will travel in high style now. Ly Luong embraced the spirit and the fun of Kodomo no hi (Children’s Day) with the other Seattle Keiro residents. It was a day to be a kid again!

Residents from both Nikkei Manor and Seattle Keiro traveled through time to uncover the lost village of Yama (an old sawmill village on Bainbridge Island), thanks to the kind invitation of the Olympic College Archaeology Department.

Hideko Terada cheered on the Mariners as they beat the Oakland As. Seattle Keiro residents and their escorts enjoyed the spring sun, the tasty goodies, and of course, the win!

Emily Leong and Suzanne Gollhofer applied their collective brains in a recent Microsoft Office training. Many thanks to June Kubo and her Microsoft training team for elevating our staff’s skill levels.


Saturday, November 21 For the Ayame Kai Craft Fair

Kokoro Kai participants felt on top of the world gazing upon the Seattle waterfront from their viewpoint at Kerry Park. Warm sun, good friends, and Kokoro Kai… ingredients for a great outing.

UNIQUE handcrafted Japanese and Japanese-inspired gifts VINTAGE Japanese collectibles INNOVATIVE crafters from Washington, California, Hawaii and Oregon MUST-HAVE home-baked traditional and Asian goodies A fundraiser to benefit Nikkei Concerns TAY O R I Summer 2015


Volunteers 1/1-3/31/2015 Terie Akada Melisa Akai Helen Akamine Jack Akamine Kim Akimoto Marcia Almassy Fumi Ando Ayumi Aoki A.C. Arai Marvin Aramaki Shinya Asami Hiroshi Asano Eric Ashihara Asian Senior Concerns Foundation Henrylyn Kau’i Auwae Ayame Kai Guild Genei Azama Victoria Binuya Yasuko Blachman Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Cecilia Boehme Linda Briggs Janine Brodine Minako Brunelle Sawako Buchanan Bush School Kathy Carmichael Yaeko Cella Matt Chan Dorothy Chen Fuji Chen James Chen Benjamin Chew Chinese Southern Baptist Church Jake Colter Katie Cunningham Karen Cunningham Yoshiko Dahl Janice Dawson Jay Deguchi Janice Divina Kazumi Dixon Yoshie Dodobara Rebecca Durham

Setsuko Evans Faith Bible Church Kiani Ferris Sachiko Fitzpatrick Four Seasons Choir Masako Fry Naoko Fujii Sue Fujino Etsuko Fujishima Bob Fukano Keiko Fukuda Carla Furukawa Yu-San Gartz Naoko Gendzwill-Yamaguchi Asako Go James Grob Chelsianita Halim Peggy Hanada Bob Hashimoto Lillian Hayashi John Hayatsu Nancy Hayatsu Akiyo Hernandez Anne Hidaka Takako Hirai Bobby Hiraki Yuki Hiraki Chiaki Hirate Takako Homma Yuka Honda Jaekyoung Hong, MD Lillian Horita Cathy Hughson Qing (Vicky) Hui Vicki Hurley Akiko Ichikawa Jack Ichikawa Aiko Ii Miyo Ike Deanna Ikegami Naomi Ikezawa-Schoenbaum Taryn Imanishi Hiro Imoto Betty Inouye Howard Inouye Sumiko Inouye

Sandy Ishihara Ishihara Piano Studio Yuko Ishimaru Arlene Iwai John Iwai Ray Iwata Japanese Baptist Church Japanese Congregational Church Coleen Morisaki Jay Chifumi Junior Shizu Kaku Gail Kaminishi Dale Kanemoto Eileen Kanemoto Malcolm Kanemoto Shirley Karasawa Andrea Kaseguma Hatsumi Kato Lilian Kato Gloria Kawabori Isamu Kawabori Beth Kawahara Bill Kawahara Kristin Kawaoka Alyssa Kawasaki Kaori Kawazoe Yumiko Kayukawa Kentaro Kihara Kunio Kikuchi Minhyun Kim Asami Kirino Kisaragi Kai Eric Kobashigawa Hiroko Kobayashi Koko (Fukuko) Kobayashi Kobe Nursing College Yoshiko Komura Pat Kono Korean Seventh-Day Adventist Church Sara Kosugi Hitomi Kuefler Bernie Kumasaka Kumiya Ayano Kuraishi Kimie Kuramoto

Tom Kuramoto Yuko Kusakabe Akiko Kusunose Emi Landgren Alex Leavitt Gayle Lee Julie Leiendecker Mark Levy Justine Leyson Tian Liang Wen Shu Lin International Lion Dance Team Keiko Lu Jackie Lum Victoria Lum William (Bill) Mace Kuniko Mancini Jeri Mar Mariko Spuk & Kei Judd Joe Matsudaira Narumi Matsufuji Tomoko Matsuno Kathy Matsuura Danielle Matusalem Nancy Mayeno Michelle McVadon Meito Shodo Kai Calligraphy Association Yoko Melrose Mitaka Middle & High Schools MJ Mitoma Miyuki Mitsumoto Paul Miyahara Megumi Miyajima Milan Miyamoto Richard Miyauchi Betty Mochizuki Edward Moore Gail Mukai Na Aikane Band Misao Nagai Sunnie Nagai Junior Nagaki Saori Nagamatsu Michie Nagaoka Richard Nagaoka

Kayoko Nakajima Kent Nakamura Ruby Nakamura Kiyoko Nakanishi Michael Nakano Ayako Narita Sakiko Narusaka Taiki Narusaka Charlene Neuss Man Yuk Vivian Ng Helen Nicdao Yae Niimi Mary Nishida Harry Nishimoto Xiaoyi Niu Ron Nobuyama North American Korean Mission Church Kaoru Nukui Bill Ogasawara Julie Ann Oiye Mitsuko Okada Naomi Okai Iyoko Okano Ruth Mitsuyo Oki Jerry Okubo Sharon Okubo Akiko Osawa Aya Osias Sunkie Oye Rachel Page Paris Miki Optical Yoko Pearson Peninsula Japanese Women’s Club Michiko Pesek Rainbow Chorus Pamela Rapanan Yoko Reed Mineko Remillard Junko Riehl Scott Rodgers Rong Rong Chinese Folk Choir of Seattle Kay Rowry George Saito Irene Saito

We have made every effort to be thorough and represent each name accurately. If an error or omission has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact us at 206.726.6523 so that we can correct our records. 10


TAY O R I Summer 2015


Yumi Yokota Art Yoshida Fuyo Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Harry Yoshihara David Yoshino Gloria Yoshino Takako Zamberlin

MEMORIALS 1/1-3/31/2015 SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN Robert Chung Dennis and Patsy Yamada Amy Hirasawa Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Keiko Hirasawa The Oiye Family Dennis and Patsy Yamada Mits “Yogi” Katayama Carmen Tsuboi Chan Clara Meo Dennis and Patsy Yamada Nobuko Miyazaki Dennis and Patsy Yamada Mark Nakagawa Dennis and Patsy Yamada Terue “Teri” Saito Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan

Katchi Aoyama George, Nancy, and Bradley Fujimoto Doug and Pat Ikegami Ruby Aoyama David and Karen Aoyama PFC John M. Borero Jon and Deborah Demello Eva Chou Emilie Chen Craig Fujii Jerry and Olivia Uyeda Lutes Fujita Chiaki Hada Paul and Sono Sakaguchi George Fukeda Meri Shimada


Tanpopo no Kai Bill Tashima Makiko Taya Junko Taylor Ten Sushi Kayoko Terada Philippe Theriault Midori Thiel Nobuko Thiesen Eiko Toguchi Yuzo Tokita Tokyo Kasei University Ted Tomita Michiko Toyoshima Kui-Ching Tsai Jane Tsuboi Doug Tsujii Masako Tsuoka Tulalip Church of God Tzu-Chi Foundation U-I Singers UCDS Mieko Udagawa Janice Urano Neill Urano Jessica Valdez Vietnamese Senior Association Trung Vo Suh Jiuan Vogel Voice Library in Japanese Pat Wakazuru Rosa Wang Asumi Wantz Joe Watanabe Keiko Watanabe Kento Watanabe Kerry Watanabe Shizue Watanabe Yoko Weaver Naoko Wentworth Min-Min Wong Shizue Yahata Ed Yakushijin Maxine Yakushijin Teresa Yamada Fujie Yamasaki Jeannie Yee Wai Yin Ho

Sakiko Nakashima Gyes The Family of H.T. Kubota: Doris M. Fujii, Kikue Kubota, and Irene S. Plosky Mack Harada Blake Harada

Amy Sato Dennis and Patsy Yamada

Rose Harrell Keiko Yanagihara

Amy Seko Jim and Grace Shibayama

Christina Harui Keiko Yanagihara

Elmer Tazuma Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Peggy Tanemura Frank A. Tsuboi

Jim and Hiroko Hasegawa Kathy Hasegawa


Fred Sakura George Satake Hana Sato Hideko Sato Keiko Toulegenova Sato Yoko Sato Kiyo Sawa Yoko Sawano Naomi Schneider Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Church Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Church Seattle Martyrs Church Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church Seattle Opera Sonoe Seiber Joan Seko Karen Senboutarath Shakunage Kai Naomi Sheller Grace Shibayama Jim Shibayama Shichida Child Academy Bill Shimbo Debbie Shimizu Yoko Shimizu Michiko Shinoda Emily Shoji Marcia Sohns Seung Hye Song Komayo Spahr St. Andrew Kim Korean Catholic Church St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Sachiko Sugimoto Gina Suguro Yuriko Sunuwar Kathy Suyama Ellen Suzuki Hideko Tachibana Eugene Tagawa Barbara Taira Kinji Takahashi May Takahashi Sam Takahashi Kuniko Takamura Patricia Takizawa Nancy Tamanaha Libby Tamura

Elsie Tokita Hide Tachibana Marie Wong Elaine Wetterauer Anonymous June Yamada Carmen Tsuboi Chan Rev. Kiyoshi S. Yamashita Neill and Janice Urano GENERAL Marilyn Akita Keiko Yanagihara

Kikuko Hasegawa Ed and Ellen Kubokawa Agnes Hirai William Hirai Amy Hirasawa Anonymous Janet Baba and Irwin Yoshimura Teru Beppu Mae Deguchi Paul and Nancy Fong Sue Fujino Yasuko Fukano Curtis and Nancy Fukuhara Fukushima Club Yoko Hamanaka Peggy Hanada TAY O R I Summer 2015


Contributions Steve Hasegawa Jeffrey Hattori Roy and Lillian Hayashi Mary Hirata Michi Hirata Akira and Lillian Horita Kachi Ikeda Victor and Mary Ikeda John and Arlene Iwai Kathleen Kajita Dale and Shizue Kaku Jeannie Kamihara Yoshi Kanemori Bev Kashino Debbie Kashino Yasunori and Ritsuko Kawahara Marilyn Kawasaki Taka Kogita Sara Kosugi Yukio and Julianne Kumasaka George and Irene Mano Patty Hiroo Mastrude Hiro and Irene Matsuda Lance and Patti Matsuda Sakie Matsuda Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Curt and Vivian Nagai Jean Nagai Fumi Nakamura Akiko Narusawa Harry and Fran Nishimoto Bill Ogasawara Julie Ann Oiye and Randall Asplund Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Jean Okazaki James and Namie Oki Kim Oki Kiyo Ono, Leslie Wittman, Stuart Ono, and Kevin Ono Marie Ozawa Connie Saito Paul and Sono Sakaguchi Mary Shigaya Josh and Carol Ann Suehiro Glenn and Corey Sugiyama Kathy Suyama Louise Kashino Takisaki Kimi Tanaka Rikuko Tanaka 12


TAY O R I Summer 2015


Emiko Taniguchi Jim and Yone Terada Tosh and Dolly Tokunaga Grace Uyeda and Jeannie Uyeda Jeff and Chris Yada John and Arlene Yamada Teresa Yamada Keith Yamaguchi Hannah Yamasaki and Fujie Yamasaki Keiko Yanagihara Don and Fuyo Yoshida Harry Yoshimura

Yoshiko Kawamura Marie Ozawa

Paul Murakami The Noboru Nomura Family

Frank Robinson Jimmy Kamada

Bill Kawata Lisa Nelson

Motoi “Mo” Naito Nona Santos

Terue “Teri” Saito Amy Matsuoka

Sally Kazama Ken Katayama and Shirlee Tsuchida-Katayama

Kim Nakamura Anonymous James Takano

Matsuo Sakagami Nancy Fye

Duk Soo Kim Anonymous

Tsuruko Nakano Anna Nagai

Glen Kiyonaga Sid and Janet Ko

Terry Nishimura Amy Shimizu

Gayle Hoshino Lisa Nelson

Tad Kuniyuki Ruth Wong

Taeko Imaizumi Michelle Coleman

Marie Kurimura Marti Murakami

Paul Nishimura Joy Nishimura Hideo and Kayko Watanabe

Harry Imamura Joy Fujihira Rupert and Goya Fujii Patty Hiroo Mastrude Terry and Audrey Yaplee, and Jayna and Sam Umeda

Hugo Kurose Keiko Yanagihara

Rikio Isomura Toshiko Isomura Nami Ito Mary Hosoda Dolly Ito Mary Izutsu Chiaki Hada The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Yuriko Kamada Janet Masuo Lois Kaneko Lonny Kaneko Mits “Yogi” Katayama Jean Chihara Gladys Chinn Jean Deguchi Henry and Jan Kumasaka Mako and Carolyn Murakami Bill Ogasawara David and Patricia Ono Keiko Yanagihara Toshi Paul Kawaguchi Rod and Kris Kawakami

Hing Pui Lee Collinea Wong Kum Sun Lee BJ Kim York Luke Anonymous Edith Mar Craig Ishino The Moriguchi Family Min and Hana Masuda Tina Masuda Draughon Esther Matsuda Keiko Yanagihara James Matsuoka Keiko Yanagihara Nobuko Miyazaki The Moriguchi Family Tatsuo Mizumoto Nobuko Mizumoto Mikio and Emma Mori Marv and Pat Yoshinaka Carl Nagai Anna Nagai Julia May Nagasawa Victor and Mary Ikeda Michi Murakami

Martha Nishitani Keiko Yanagihara Susumu and Donna Nitta Douglas Nitta, M.D. Yoshi Nogaki Starr Hashiguchi Rose Obata The Les D. Obata Foundation Nobuko Oiye Julie Ann Oiye and Randall Asplund Judith Zelter Jane Okada Louise Matsumoto Masako Tanaka Ray and Mineko Okamura Pauline Sakuma Masako Okazaki Keiko Yanagihara Margie Okita Calvin, Gloria, Chad, Bryce Kunimoto, and Family Asako Okubo Meri Shimada Mary Osaki Masako Tanaka Chin Moon Park Anonymous

Kazie Sasaki Kunio Otani Amy Sato Anonymous (3) Mary Katayama Mutual Fish Company, Inc. Lilly Nakano Toki Sekijima Henry and Jan Kumasaka Audrey Yaplee and Jayna Umeda Amy Seko Jean Chihara Gary and Carrie Dodobara Rupert and Goya Fujii Gary and Patty Grembowski Catherine Hall Chrysti Harrington Nancy Hasegawa Hamako Kawamura Miye Kawata Sid and Janet Ko Mits and Lilly Kodama Pat Kono June Kubo Patty Hiroo Mastrude The Miller/Kovtynovich Family Dan and Julianne Miura Kimi Momoda The Moriguchi Family Mako and Carolyn Murakami Dick and Barbara Nagaoka Mark and Lorraine Nakamichi Terry Nakano Louise Ono, Susan Lamb, and Irene Ohashi Betty Otani The Shina Otoshi Family Marie Ozawa Janis Peralta Ikumi and Sharell Sakamoto Joan Seko

Jim and Mary Shimizu Sid and Janet Ko

Elmer Tazuma Sumie Akizuki Joni Fulton Charlie Furukawa and Linda Hoshide Chiaki Hada Steve Hasegawa Dale and Shizue Kaku Becky Kosugi Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Ronald Tazuma Gordon Umino Grace Uyeda and Jeannie Uyeda

Clara Stewart Keiko Yanagihara

Tomi Terao Victoria Terao

Judy Suto Tats and Esther Kojima Meri Shimada Josh and Carol Ann Suehiro Al and Marge Woo Jeff and Chris Yada

Elsie Tokita Anonymous Eric and Carol Ashihara Yick and Nina Chinn Rupert and Goya Fujii Roy and Lillian Hayashi John and Nancy Hayatsu Fran Kato Sid and Janet Ko Henry and Jan Kumasaka Patty Hiroo Mastrude Kenzo and Carol Moriguchi Toshio and JoAnne Naganawa Brian and Ellen Namba George and Betty Nomura Joan Seko Glenn and Corey Sugiyama Sue Tanaka Taeko Taniguchi Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Al and Marge Woo

Hannah Yamasaki and Fujie Yamasaki Elaine Yoshida and Pauline Yoshida Jimmy and Gloria Yoshinaka Harry Shigaya June Hayakawa-Fung and Larry Fung Mits Shimada Meri Shimada

Kiyoko “Patty” Takayoshi Marcia Almassy June Takeshita Kinji and May Takahashi Kay Takeuchi David and Jeanette Hirano Arlene Kadoshima Bill and Beth Kawahara Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Dan Tanabe Miyuki Hanada Irene Tanabe Sid and Janet Ko Lily Shitama Louise Kashino Takisaki Jim and Yone Terada Evelyn and Herbert Yabuki Masao Tanemura Elizabeth Tanemura, Lisa Nelson, and Cari Copner Hitoshi Taniguchi Five Senses, Inc. Henry Tatsumi Jono Crider

Isao “Sun” Tsujii Kim Fukuda Bob Tsukui Jeanette Tsukui Atsushi Watanabe Fred and Susan Horsley June Yamada George Aoyama George, Nancy, and Bradley Fujimoto Debbie Kashino Ray and Julia Otani Jim and Yone Terada

Sallie Yamada Marcia Almassy Linda Hoshide Gerri Furuta Patty Hiroo Mastrude Curtis and Charlene Nakayama Lillian Otani Masako Tanaka Masao Yamaguchi Taeko Taniguchi Sueko Yamaguchi Jerry and AC Arai Mari Eng May Eng Hank and Rose Fukano Jean Ishii Pat Kono Amy Matsuoka Eugene and Betty Okamura Albert and Natalie Ong Aiko Shida Lily Shitama Toshi Sunohara Kinji and May Takahashi Shoko Tanaka Carmel Walder Kimi Yamamoto Amy Matsuoka Rev. Kiyoshi S. Yamashita Jeffrey Hattori Patty Hiroo Mastrude Julie Ann Oiye Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Akio Yanagihara Mary Hirata The Estate of Akio Yanagihara Mary Yee Kai Eng Randy Fujita, Janis Peralta, and Sandy Choy Louise Matsumoto The Moriguchi Family Dick and Barbara Nagaoka Bob Namba The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Meri Shimada Louise Kashino Takisaki

Jerry and Mary Woo Keiko Yanagihara Mary Yokoyama The Terashima Family Amy Yorita Meredith Eastman Steven and Betty Law Ken and Betty Nishimura David Osaki The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Bradley and Diane Wong Rick and Carolyn Yasui Ben Yorita Matt Yorita Josh and Carol Ann Suehiro Ruth Wong Taye Yorita Ruth Wong Akemi Yoshida Richard Yoshida Hiroko Yoshida Dick and Barbara Nagaoka John Yoshida Jean Chihara Mary Hirata Dick and Barbara Nagaoka David and Patricia Ono Meri Shimada Lily Shitama Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy George and Toshi Takahashi Louise Tanagi G. Page Tanagi and Sharon Nakamura Hideo and Kayko Watanabe Mick and Laura Woo and their children, Nika and Kalissa Kazuo and May Yoshinaka Marv and Pat Yoshinaka

Toshi Moriguchi Fred Natori Jane Pastores and Renaldo Pastores George and Karen Sakamoto Meri Shimada James Takano Paul Toshi Robin and Bob Whelan Jeff and Chris Yada

TRIBUTES 101st Birthday Harry Imamura Grace Uyeda and Jeannie Uyeda 90th Birthday Hiroko Akiyama Tak Akiyama George and Nancy Fujimoto In Honor of Jay Aguas Anonymous Sakae Aoyama David and Karen Aoyama Tomoko Armagost Anonymous Frank and Mineko Davis Michelle Davis Sam Shinozaki John and Viola Loflin Terrie Watanabe Cindy Watanabe-Mezs In Appreciation of Nikkei Horizons Elsie Taniguchi Ray and Julie Otani Jim and Yone Terada Seattle Keiro Randy Fujita, Janis Peralta, Sandy Choy

Jerry Yuasa Eric and Carol Ashihara Doug and Pat Ikegami Kris and Keiko Kosugi The Moriguchi Family Kenzo and Carol Moriguchi TAY O R I Summer 2015


Contributions GENERAL

Employee Fund - Seattle Keiro Anonymous Jing Tao Li General Donations Anonymous (2) Robert and Toshi Chinn Byron Fujikawa Frank Fujita Princess Hall Kazuko Halliday Estate of Tom Y. Hayashi Japanese Presbyterian Church Sharon Kaku Harry Kamada Gary Kawahara and Glenna Locke Dan and Mae Kusaka Phyllis Lee Bob and Ruth Loboduk Mak Fai Washington Kung Fu Club Lion Dance Team Tom and Debby Morio Yasuko Morita Eugene and Ethel Mukai Mari Nakamura Hanaes and Chiyeko Ono Stewart and Vicki Perry Fred and Cheryl Sakura Susan Ishimitsu Stimac Louise Kashino Takisaki Coco Valle Vietnamese Senior Association Chiye Yabuki Misako Yashima Golf Tournament Don and Elaine Shimono Kokoro Kai Anonymous Ayame Kai Guild Kokoro Kai Volunteers Misao Korekiyo Gary Matsudaira Rev. Timothy Nakayama and Mrs. Keiko Nakayama Noboru and Michiko Shinoda Sadako Willis Akiko Wyland 14


TAY O R I Summer 2015


Dave Wyland

Nikkei Horizons Anonymous (4) Marcia Almassy Ayame Kai Guild Jane Braziunas Minako Brunelle Paul Chan and Carmen Tsuboi Chan Don Chikuma Mitsu Connery May Eng Esther Furugori Shirley Hirahara Joyce Ichihara Melanie Ito Fusako Kamihara Miyoko Kaneta E. Mary Kawaguchi Maxine Loo Joyce Nakamura Walter and Shirley Nakatsukasa Charlene Nakayama Ethel Nayematsu Yae Niimi Nikkei Horizons Baby Play Group – Bellevue Nikkei Horizons Baby Play Group – Seattle Nikkei Horizons FBAR Workshop Participants Nikkei Horizons Winter Casino Tour Participantss Nikkei Horizons College Financial Planning Workshop Bellevue Carl Nomura Frances Palmer Yukie and Alan Quick Mary Shigaya Gloria Shigeno Meri Shimada Louise Kashino Takisaki Libby Tamura Peggy Tanemura Merrily Taniguchi Jane Tiffany Shox Tokita Tosh and Dolly Tokunaga Massie Tomita Grace Uyeda Jeannie Uyeda

Yasuko Wakayama Shiz Watanabe Terrie Watanabe Tae Watson Toshiko Willgerodt Keiko Yanagihara

Nikkei Manor Ayame Kai Guild Margaret Gojio Family of Mickey Hiroo Harriet Jurcan Nami Tanaka Seattle Keiro Ayame Kai Guild Bill and Linda Kelso Herbert Saito Kengo Sakamoto Shakunage Japanese Women’s Support Masako Webber Estate of Akio Yanagihara Vehicle Donation Program Jeanne Semura Volunteers Associates in Cultural Exchange Atlas Tours Azumano International, Inc. Global Educational Network, LLC

WORKPLACE GIVING AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Douglas Eng Lisa Hirai Stacie Ito Bank of America United Way Campaign Alice Doi Gail Suzaka James Vail City of Seattle Eric Ishino Joy Nishimura Combined Federal Campaign of King County Linda Brandeis Kazuko R. Hamada S. E. Huntoon John V. Ikeda Marla E. Iwata Eric G. Kasahara Calvin Low Kristine M. Martin Cynthia Masada Terry Matsuda Frances F. Palmer Alan Quick Gerald J. Quintua Kristin Sullivan Greg Terada Deborah Yamamoto Robert W. Yokobe Costco Wholesale Corp. Anonymous Steve Kato Gail Tsuboi Shelley Wilson Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company Anonymous Douglas Akizuki June Akizuki Paul Egashira Stephen Hasegawa Steve Ishimitsu Eric Kato Kenneth Khoo

Eydie Kooiman Richard Kuniyuki Kelly Kuwahara Debra Locke Edward Lowe Akira Maeda Michael Mori Lori Nakahara Richard Nakatsu Cheryl Ohashi Gary Okazaki Karen Reid Ronald Sakura Carolyn Sawa Kevin Shigaya Scott Sugiyama David Suguro Lynne Tanino Victoria Terao Jana Yamamoto Warren Yasutake Federated Department Stores, Inc. Sharon Watanabe King County Employee Giving Program Anonymous K. Chan Eileen Chikamura Lisa Kunihiro Dennis Lock Thai Nguyen Janet Shibuya Eugene Sugita Karen Yoshioka Microsoft Employee Giving Program Sharlene Ayabe Elliot Omiya Union Bank Employee Workplace Campaign Irene Yamamoto United Way of King County Anonymous (4) Christopher Barry Teresita Batayola Judith Daikoku Marcia Fujimoto Barbara Fujita

Theresa Fujiwara Julie Masumoto-Joyce Robert Miyahara Richard Munekiyo Julie Okada Heidi Yamamoto Scott Yasui Marylyn Yoder

UPS Foundation, Inc. Cathy Inouye WA State Employees Combined Fund Drive Anonymous (3) Paul Aoki Susan Carr John Ishimaru Mariko Kakiuchi Wendy J. Nagasawa Kathleen Oberman Lisa Okubo-Garcila Karen Sakahara Jeanne Semura Julie Sharp Britton Steel Kazuko Stoesz Kim Tanaka-Hill Julie Tin MATCHING GIFTS Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Costco Wholesale Corp. Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Federated Department Stores, Inc. FM Global Foundation GE Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Qualcomm Matching Grants Program Quest Diagnostics Matching Gifts Program UBS Wealth Management Employee Giving Programs

Anonymous (11) Terie Akada Joyce Akiyama Marcia Almassy and Sallie Yamada Linda Batch Robert Berg Linda Briggs Carmen Tsuboi Chan Jean Chen Dorrienne Chinn Gayle Choi Yukie Chow Kyu Sun Chu City Produce Company, LLC Consonus Healthcare Services Emie Cupat Ibtissam Davis Janice Dawson Janice Deguchi Delta Dental of Washington Kazumi and Dan Dixon Tina Masuda Draughon Bruce Faber Masako Fry Jeanne Fujii Nancy Fujimoto Sue Fujino Barbara Fujita Frank and Penny Fukui Nanci and Mike Gardner Garfield High School Jazz Bands Jessica Giron Charlene Grinolds Janice Hamasaki Brenda Handley Gloria Hara Karen Hara Jeffrey Hattori Lillian Hayashi Toshiko Hayashi Ronnie Higashi Yuki Hiraki Fusako Hirano Michi Hirata Lillian Horita Cathy and Walter Hughson Katherine Hutchings Aldena Hutchinson

Carole Ideta Miyo Ike Deanna Ikegami Japanese Presbyterian Women’s Group Shizue Kaku Eileen Kanemoto Debbie Kashino Louise Kato Kaori and Shinichiro Kawazoe Miyoko Kodama Michael and Inge Koura Tom and Kimie Kuramoto Kinue Kuwahara Tony and Cecilia Kwan Gayle Lee Jerry and Charlene Lee Wing Lee Myron Leonard Will Lew Wendy Li Jing Tao Li Paul Liao Keiko Lu Masako Machida Mariko Mano Patty Hiroo Mastrude Tomoko Matsubara Larry and Karen Matsuda Nancy Matsudaira Jaymi Matsudaira Tomoko Matsuno Mamiko Matsushita Tran McBryde Megumi Miyajima Betty Mochizuki Haruko Moniz Judge Vicki Toyohara-Mukai and Don Mukai Fumiko Muthui My Green Tea B. G. Nabors-Glass Kevin Nagai Sunnie Nagai Susan Nakagawa Hajime Nakashima Mari Nakashima Rev. Timothy Nakayama and Mrs. Keiko Nakayama Diane Narasaki Todd Natsuhara

Joyce Nehira Yae Niimi Nisei Veterans Committee Frances Ogino Julie Ann Oiye Jerry and Sharon Okubo Dori Omori Noriko Palmer Adrien Yorozu Piro Yukie Quick Marcia Reed Mari Robinson Michele Ruess Randi Saeter Yukio Sakiyama Harry Sato Perry Scarlatos Seattle Fukushima Club Seattle Opera Sonoe Seiber Joan Seko Karen Selboe Koharu Sera Mike Shimizu Bill Shinbo Kathryn Smith Aki Sogabe Tracy Starcher Hideo Suganuma Gina Suguro Ed Suguro Ellen Suzuki Hide Tachibana Barbara Taira Yuki Takahashi Frieda Takamura Takara Sake USA, Inc. Joan Takasugi Ayako Takatama Louise Kashino Takisaki Nancy Tamanaha Teruko Tanaka Peggy Tanemura Bill Tashima and Chris Bentley Shox Tokita Ted Tomita The Tsuboi Family Noriko Ueno Naoko Ulstein Jayna Umeda Mark Uomoto

Uwajimaya, Inc. Grace Uyeda Lilly Uyeda Vinum Wine Importing and Distributing, LLC Hiroko Wada Pat Wakazuru Joe Watanabe Shiz Watanabe Terrie Watanabe Elaine Wetterauer Estate of Elaine Wetterauer Dave Wyland Jin Tao Xiong Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Gail Yamada JoAnn Yamamoto Tina Nakayama Yee Ben Yorita Christine Yorozu Arthur Yoshida Pauline Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Terry Yoshikawa Ron Youmans Yuen Lui Studios -- Elisa Huerta-Enochian, Janelle Shipman, and Jarik Bautista Melanie Zottman

General Donations

United Way of Snohomish County Anonymous


TAY O R I Summer 2015



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Nikkei Concerns’ 14th Annual Founders’ Golf Benefit

Dinner & Auction Fairwood Golf & Country Club

Friday, August 7, 2015 5 p.m. Silent Auction 6 p.m. Dinner $75 per guest www.nikkeiconcerns.org

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