Tayori - Winter 2014

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Winter 2014

Tayor i A

Ne w s l e t t e r

o f

Ni k k e i

C o nce r ns

Making ever y day the best day for residents, participants, staff, and community!

Volu me 3 9 • I s s ue 1

European Adventure in the Footsteps of the 442nd 26 hardy Nikkei Horizons adventurers traveled in the footsteps of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (the WWII Nisei fighting unit) through Italy and France, in partnership with the Nisei Veterans’ Committee. From town to town, the group’s personal discoveries added a depth of understanding for the achievements and sacrifices of the soldiers and enhanced their European experience. As they viewed the modest monuments and historical landmarks, they honored friends and loved ones who fought bravely and sacrificed much in service to their country.

Mary Hirata pointed out her husband (in a photo of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team) to Bruyères Mayor Yves Bonjean. The townspeople of Bruyères, who have long memories and great affection for those associated with the 442nd, warmly welcomed the group with a reception and dinner. Several volunteers, in period outfits, accompanied the adventurers to memorials around Bruyères.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE European Adventure in the Footsteps of the 442nd


Making the most of every day


Bringing our A game


Holiday Wishes and Apple Pie Dreams


In style at Fashion Fête


Better moving, grooving, and eating


Honors, Inspiration, and Happiness at the Omusubi Connection Luncheon


The Chef’s Corner シェフのコーナー



See the sights and walk

in the footsteps of hero


w you Nikkei Horizons will sho u’ve never Italy and France as yo seen them before. and Sign up by 12/26/2014 e fre a s plu t, gif receive FREE class. or p ho rks wo Spring Quarter AY-1214. me Please ntion code PL . .org or 206.726.6465 nce at yuto@nikkeico rns ick Qu Uto kie Yu ct Conta

Don Maekawa, Allan Nakamoto, Atsushi Kiuchi, and Steve Maekawa helped take down the U.S. flag at the American Cemetery near Bruyères, France. The enormity and impact of the Nisei soldiers’ wartime experiences resonated as the adventurers witnessed the depth of gratitude and appreciation of the locals.

日系人442部隊の足跡を追うヨーロッパの旅 第442部隊(第二次世界大戦時の日系二世部隊) の足跡 を追う日系ホライゾン、 イタリア・フランスの旅に二世ベテ ランズコミッティーの皆さんを含め26名が参加しました。 街から街を巡り、参加者は日系442部隊の功績と犠牲の 精神に理解を深め、 ヨーロッパでの思い出がより深いもの になりました。戦地を訪れ、 そこに残る記念碑とともに遠 い故郷の人々のために自らを犠牲に勇敢に戦った家族、 友人に思いを馳せました。 Continued on page 7

NIKKEI CONCERNS 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Ann Oiye, President Neill Urano, Vice President Noriko Goto Palmer, Secretary Kevin Nagai, Treasurer Frank Fukui Brenda Handley David Hayasaka Vicki Toyohara Mukai Hideo Suganuma Bill Tashima Ted Tomita Dennis Yamashita Pastor Joe Yoshihara Honorary Board Members Janet Deguchi Tomio Moriguchi Tosh Okamoto COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Joan Michiko Ching Norigiku Horikawa Fusako Kamihara Bill Kawahara Nancy Kitano Kenneth Mayeda, MD Ali Myers Charles Natsuhara Tosh Okamoto Sam Shinozaki Carol Suehiro Elsie Taniguchi Shizue Yahata Ed Yakushijin Douglas Yoshida FINANCE, INVESTMENT, & AUDIT COMMITTEE Bruce Brundige Kathy Hasegawa Kevin Nagai Julie Ann Oiye Ted Tomita Ken Yokoyama TAYORI Publisher: Jeffrey Hattori Editor & Circulation: Darcia Tanabe Layout & Design: Yvonne San Luis Design CONTRIBUTORS Contributors: Dr. Glenna Burmer, Andre Chow, Jeffrey Hattori, Julie Ann Oiye, Mary Shih, Eugene Tagawa, Darcia Tanabe MAILING Ciara Asamoto, Bi Hoa Caldwell, Katie Cunningham, Malcolm Kanemoto, Ken Kurata, Paul Miyahara, Wanda Miyahara, Thomas Nelson, Kentaro Quick, Irene Saito, Bill Tashima, Florence Terami, Janice Urano, Neill Urano Tayori, the newsletter of Nikkei Concerns, is published four times a year. OUR MISSION To enrich and support the lives of elders and meet their needs in a way that honors and respects Nikkei culture and values. 2

TAY O R I Winter 2015

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Dear Friends, “Making the Most of Every Day” This uplifting phrase certainly describes a philosophy of life we can all embrace. When it comes to health and wellness, the statement points to a way of approaching one’s advancing moments, days and years with a positive spirit. For Nikkei Concerns, it means we have opportunities everyday to give excellent customer experiences in our care to the community. Those experiences can be little or big, planned or spontaneous, one to one, or in a group setting. The important result in those encounters, is that we enhance a person’s situation, with effective tools, encouragement and support for healthy living. As the NC Board of Directors looks ahead, we all agree that quality service is our ultimate goal across the organization. We are on a path that looks to continually assess, innovate and act so that we can proudly serve the community with not only what is needed but that we deliver those services in a way that truly elevates the everyday life of all members of the NC Family. Of course, we couldn’t do it without you. I encourage you to continue the conversation with us. With appreciation,

Julie Ann Oiye Board President

Dear Friends, As we enter the 40th year of YOUR Nikkei Concerns, I recall stories of the monumental challenges when Seattle Keiro first opened… and the tremendous courage and fortitude to “stay the course.” It literally took “making the most of each moment” to get through the day. Today, we find ourselves in a similar position. Health care reform has created unprecedented change. Over the past 2½ years we embraced, studied and planned for it… and are now beginning to “roll out” enhanced and new services. Please allow me to highlight a few meaningful and exciting developments in 2014: • We celebrated Tomio Moriguchi and Tosh Okamoto for their decades of servant leadership and honored the founders/initial members of the wonderful Ayame Kai Guild! • Seattle Keiro received another “5 Star” rating (3rd straight year!), will shortly launch electronic health records and begin renovations of our Rehabilitation/Restorative areas as we continue to grow our “short-term” stay capacity and quality of care! • Nikkei Manor enhanced their services/care and achieved the Bronze rating by the AHCA/NCAL, the National Quality Award Program. They are going for Gold! • The NC Transportation Program launched in March, with much-needed service for all NC programs and the broader community! • Kokoro Kai has followed Nikkei Horizons to the Eastside and opened at Grace Lutheran Church in Bellevue! • Health/Wellness is our primary focus. The Living Well Health Fair, in partnership with Seattle JACL, shared a variety of healthy living practices, food and more with more than 50 exhibitors and demos! • We are “testing” health technology and developing a program of home/community-based services to support individuals’ health and wellness at home! • The Board continues to chart our future with major Strategic Planning! This did not happen overnight (and we are not done!)… Our residents, participants, family members, donors, volunteers, community supporters, and NC Board and staff…collectively “made the most of every day!” On behalf of the entire NC Family, I wish each of you and your families a most joyous Holiday Season and Happy New Year! Itsumo ganbatte imasu!

Jeffrey Hattori CEO

NIKKEI CONCERNS MANAGEMENT Jeffrey Hattori, CEO 206.726.6500 jhattori@nikkeiconcerns.org

Making the Most of Every Day

Janice Deguchi, COO 206.726.7838 jdeguchi@nikkeiconcerns.org

Nobu-san was never an earth-mother. She had a hard life growing up in Japan, and “gaman-shinasai” (put up with it) was the term I most often remember her saying to me.

Tina Masuda Draughon, Chief Financial Officer 206.726.6510 tdraughon@nikkeiconcerns.org

A child prodigy, she was drawing before she could talk, but being the only girl among six children, her father, an art professor, refused to send his daughter to art school. She watched the Hiroshima bomb kill her friends. She watched her proud samurai parents lose their business. She was fierce, independent, and brilliant, simply a force of nature. She became a professional artist, famous for her cats and dragons. I have no memory of her ever apologizing, or ever admitting that she needed anyone.

Rick Takeuchi, Human Resources Director 206.726.6506 rtakeuchi@nikkeiconcerns.org

painted by Nobuko Burmer

Now that her brilliance has receded, her fierceness has mellowed, and she is in the final stages of her life, we have become closer than ever. My fierce samurai mother finally needs me, and I am there for her, almost every day. It has taken me my whole life to admit how much I am like her. And as her aspirations have gone from planning for a show at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, to enjoying flowers on her table at Keiro, I am there for her. I am making the most of every day with my force-of nature mother, whom I love so dearly. And when I, too, reach the stage of needing others, like she needs me, I can only hope that I will be taken care of by people who have as much love and compassion as the staff at Keiro. When each of us reaches that stage where we can only make the most of every moment, what really matters is that we are surrounded by those who care. Glenna Burmer, M.D., Ph.D. Daughter of Nobu Kamimura Burmer

Volunteers needed

for FREE Nikkei Concerns Aging in Community Pilot Program! Nikkei Concerns seeks 25 volunteers to participate in a groundbreaking 6-month pilot health care program called NC Club, beginning in 2015. NC Club aims to decrease social isolation and improve health in its members. For more information or application, please contact Kara Mayeda, Director of Home/Community-Based Services. Applications accepted through 1/31/2015.

Patty Hiroo Mastrude, Philanthropy Manager 206.726.6523 phiroo@nikkeiconcerns.org Randi Saeter, Administrator Seattle Keiro 206.726.6504 rsaeter@nikkeiconconcerns.org Lisa Waisath, Manager Nikkei Manor 206.726.6471 lwaisath@nikkeiconcerns.org Naoko Ulstein, Director Kokoro Kai 206.726.6474 naokou@nikkeiconcerns.org Yukie Uto Quick, Manager Nikkei Horizons 206.726.6465 yuto@nikkeiconcerns.org Kara Mayeda, Director Home/Community-Based Services 206.588.4669 kmayeda@nikkeiconcerns.org

Requirements: • 50 years and up • Live in Seattle or Bellevue • Of Asian descent • Have at least one chronic health condition • Feel socially isolated • Committed to full participation in the 6-month program Program features: • Weekly check-in call and remote electronic health monitoring to keep you active and in charge of your health • Quarterly home visits by a registered nurse and a personal concierge • Registered nurse will help coordinate ongoing care. • Personal Concierge will connect you with community programs as well as provide fee-based access to Nikkei Horizons and Kokoro Kai, Asian meal delivery, and home health care. • Up to 2 trips per week with NC Transportation

Ron Higashi, Manager NC Transportation Services 206.726.6468 rhigashi@nikkeiconcerns.org NIKKEI CONCERNS Administrative Offices 206.323.7100 SEATTLE KEIRO Rehabilitation and Care Center 206.323.7100 NIKKEI MANOR Assisted Living Community 206.726.6460 KOKORO KAI Senior Activity Program 206.726.6474 NIKKEI HORIZONS Continuing Education Program 206.726.6465 Nikkei Concerns is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. TAY O R I Winter 2015 o­3 ­ TAY O R I Fall 2010 o­3

M en ’ s D ivision Grand Champions John Roehm / Roger Goodwin Jeff Rau / Tony Pass

Fun and philanthropy joined forces at the 13th Annual Founders’ Golf Benefit. Excitement ran high, as golfers raced to sign up, and the field filled two months ahead of the tournament. Golfers were in high spirits, anticipating both great golf and yummy goodies that make the NC tournament many golfers’ favorite.

S enio r M en ’ s D ivision Harry Nishimoto / Mel Asato Takashi Tsukamaki / Pat Leong

M i x ed D ivision

The silent auction and dinner that evening opened up the event to non-golfers as well as golfers. The bidding was fast and exciting, and the Dessert Dash and raffle drawing had hopes running high. The Domo Arigato Award honored Frank and Penny Fukui and Gobo Enterprises.

Anne Hidaka / Mark Shimizu Tom Hoshikawa / Roger Chikamura

Together, we raised over $100,000, with almost $15,000 funding our Sensory Experience Systems Project for the residents at Nikkei Manor and Seattle Keiro. The power of technology will help residents and participants Skype with loved ones, view their favorite shows in a familiar language, and improve their brain fitness through music, social media, and online memory training.

W omen ’ s D ivision

S enio r M i x ed D ivision Pat Iboshi / Bruce Kaneshiro Mun Taketa / Jeff Ko

Next year’s benefit takes place at Fairwood Golf & Country Club, on Friday, August 7. Golfers can sign up today at www.nikkeiconcerns.org! Many thanks go out to our golfers, sponsors, and donors, as well as to Rainier Golf & Country Club. Thank you to all of the volunteers, especially the Golf Committee and co-chairs Jay Deguchi and Debbie Shimizu! Their commitment, diligence, innovation, and hard work made this year’s event better than ever! All for golf & all for fun! Golfers played a scramble format in one of five flights – Men, Senior Men, Mixed, Senior Mixed, and Women. Congratulations to our Grand Champions, the Key Bank foursome, led by John Roehm.

Alisa Hashimoto / Ann Imus Jill Lum / Kris Stimpson

S pecial T eam A wa r ds : Long Drive, Hole 16: Men: Team Tran – 523 Yards Senior Men: Team Nishimoto – 438 Yards Mixed: Team Hidaka – 438 Yards Senior Mixed: Team Deguchi – 352 Yards Women: Team Hashimoto – 316 Yards


Bringing our A game

Closest to the Pin, Hole 15: Men: Team Higashi – 17' Senior Men: Team Nishimoto – 31' 3"″ Senior Mixed: Team Shinbo – 28' 4" Women: Team Hashimoto – 42' 6"″

Putt-off! Warre n Yasutake, Rik Harada, and for the pre-shot Joe Hwang tie gun Putting Con d test. After a qu shot, best ball), ick putt-off (1Warren emerge d the victor! H Anser 2 Putter. e won a Ping 4

TAY O R I Winter 2015

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P latin u m S ponso r s

G old S ponso r s Bainbridge Island ACE Hardware Matson Navigation Company McKesson Medical-Surgical Osaka Garden, Inc. Premier LTC Pharmacy Union Bank

the ladies to Hashimoto led Captain Alisa omen’s Flight. finish in the W their 1st place

P u tting C ontest S ponso r

H ole S ponso r s ,

Gobo Enterprises

Willon Lew Don Mar, Jon and Kathy Okada Richard and Kathy Miyauchi Nisei Veterans Committee & NVC Foundation Officemporium – Mutual Fish Co. – Automotive Brake and Service Ohashi Landscape Services Poulsbo RV Sakahara & Hashimoto, LLC Seasia, Inc. Seko Family – In Honor and Memory of Haruno Morishima PY Sugamura Jr. & Company, P.S. Justin, Jason and Mary Tokunaga West Coast Printing, Inc.

S ilve r S ponso r s Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bonney Watson Concourse Concessions Sid Ko – Dignity Memorial – Sunset Hills, Greenwood, Butterworth & Bleitz Norman and Linda Furukawa Hansen, Hunter & Company, PC Maruta Shoten, Inc. Tomio & Jenny Moriguchi Nintendo of America, Inc. Noriko and Doug Palmer Pine Island Construction, Inc. Woodburn Company

H ole S ponso r s Aki’s Body Shop, Inc. ASMdirectmail – Ed Tan Bank of America Merrill Lynch The Bank of New York Mellon City Produce Company, LLC Clark Computer Services, Inc. Larry and Jody Clovis Ecore Global, Inc. Kiyo Hashimoto Kohtuku Enterprise, Inc.


T ee S ponso r s Jeffrey Hattori Nikkei Concerns Golf Committee


D inne r S ponso r

$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 H ole - in - one S ponso r Ogishima Insurance & Pike Place Fish Market

Holiday Wishes and Apple Pie Dreams Happy shoppers had a fantastic time at the annual Ayame Kai Holiday Craft Fair. Kokoro Kai’s Famous Takuwan, Ayame Kai Apple Pies, and lots of beautiful arts, crafts, t-shirts, and many other gifts (sweet, savory, and giftable) went home to make the holidays merry. Bento lunches, Spam musubi, and curry rice helped shoppers power on throughout the day. Thank you to all of the guests, vendors, and volunteers! All of your efforts helped make this annual fundraiser a huge success. A huge thank you to everyone who worked behind the scenes, especially the volunteers for the apple pie baking and distributing and the takuwan making.

Unique gifts of every shape and style tempted shoppers to cross off their holiday gift lists and purchase a few items for themselves!

Kokoro Kai’s takuwan sold out in a couple of hours – a satisfying reward for two days of concentrated teamwork by over 40 volunteers. TAY O R I Winter 2015


In style at Fashion Fête

Fashion Fête, a new Nikkei Concerns event, transformed the Seattle Keiro Garden into a fashion destination. Guests indulged their inner fashionistas with Marketplace shopping, irresistible appetizers provided by NC Catering, and the wow of the Asian-inspired runway show. Polished professional and enthusiastic amateur models gave dimension and movement to the artists’ amazing collections. Thank you to all of our guests, designers, sponsor, donors, models, vendors, beauty stylists and artists, and volunteers. Together, we altered perceptions of Seattle Keiro from a nursing home to a vibrant gathering place where life happens!

Volunteer models, like Yuji Okumoto of Kona Kitchen, received many oohs and aahs as they strolled down the runway. Our fashion event producers, Misha Jammal and Mimi Nero of Huntress & Haute (image & style concierge services), showed them the ropes and applauded their efforts. Professional models carried off the more daring and dazzling creations that floated down the runway.

Hawaiian designer Anne Namba featured her stunning collection, inspired by Japanese kimono and obi. Mieko Mintz, Gei Chan, Bo Choi, Linda Hoshide, sandylew, and Momo completed the impressive lineup of local and national Asian American designers. Each collection projected its own personality, from Bo Choi’s cutting edge Force of Nature wearable art to the easy-to-wear sandylew and Momo pieces.

Guests enjoyed a total fashion experience, shopping the Marketplace before the runway show and mingling with some of the designers. Vendors included Anne Namba, Ayako & Family, the OBA Project, Café Push, Constance Brinkley/Bo Choi, Dolce & Gabbana/Jo Malone, Jewelry by Doug Tsujii, Huntress & Haute, Kobo/Mieko Mintz, Jewelry by Linda Hoshide, My Green Tea, Southern Wine & Spirits, and T Free.

Better moving, grooving, and eating The 3rd Annual Living Well Health Fair featured fun, friendly, and easy ways to introduce healthy habits into busy lives. Visitors discovered great info, giveaways, demonstrations, plus free door prize drawings all day long. Our remarkable panelists moved the audience with their experiences in their quest for improved health. The Health Fair was free for all, thanks to our sponsors! Consonus Healthcare was our Living Well Sponsor, and our Genki Sponsors were the Korean America Health Professionals Association, Seattle Human Edge/Willon Lew, and Town & Country Markets.

Prevention was the name of the game, with almost 50 exhibitors (double last year’s!) from many backgrounds encouraging better health. The Korean America Health Professionals Association promoted better dental health, and Tzu Chi Foundation members tested blood pressure. Consonus Healthcare assessed many visitors’ posture, grip strength, and balance. Walgreens gave free flu shots, AARP answered questions on safety, Nikkei Concerns tested people’s handwashing skills, and so much more! 6

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Mouths were watering for Kanako Koizumi’s fantastic healthy Japanese cooking demo (kenchin jiru, kurumi ae, and ume sho bancha), and Mary Shih’s healthy good eats (see Chef’s Corner on page 10 for her Spaghetti Squash Salad) were so easy and delicious. Qi Gong with Jenny Hones, Energance with Tomoko F., and Aroma Yoga with Haruko Komiya gently raised heartrates and nurtured peaceful smiles. Others got back to basics with artisan Sakuko Miyagi’s soapmaking techniques.

Honors, Inspiration, and Happiness at the Omusubi Connection Luncheon The sequel to last year’s Omusubi Connection Luncheon captured the same spirit of togetherness and community with memories, revelations, and joy. We highlighted the many contributions of the Ayame Kai Guild and the women who started this wonderful organization. We found our a-ha moment of happiness with the guidance of keynote speaker Jean Steel. NC family member Sean Sudo shared his grandmother’s story to help raise funds for Seattle Keiro’s new Occupational Therapy Suite, part of the Rehab Renovation, to better transition rehab patients back home. And in awesome Nikkei Concerns style, we closed out the event with Tomoko F.’s engaging and irresistible Energance! 20 incredible women initiated and nurtured the Ayame Kai Guild into the amazing group that it is today. Lillian Hayashi shared the treasured memories and accomplishments with family and friends. Thanks to their belief in Nikkei Concerns, Ayame Kai has raised over $1.5M for the residents and participants of Nikkei Concerns.

Jean Steel, master of happiness, shared a fortifying hug with Ayame Kai co-chair Mike Nakano. Warm, funny, and dedicated to making the most of every day, she spoke to the audience, giving practical and common sense suggestions to pursue their own happiness.

Ayame Kai Guild Founders & Initial Members Jody Clovis (Matsubu-Yamanaka) Kachi Ikeda Hiroko Ima* Shiz Kaku Judy (Yoshino) Kanzaki Ossie Katayama*

Amy Kuramoto* Ruth (Otani) Luders* Edna Matsubu* Lovett Moriguchi* Joyce Nakamura* Toshi Okamoto

European Adventure in the Footsteps of the 442nd Santé, salute, and cin cin! The adventurers took time to enjoy the atmosphere, culture, and astounding beauty that surrounded them, while guides shared the history of the cities and towns and the wartime experience. From the global centers of Rome and Paris to cultural icons of Pisa and Florence and many other towns and cities, the travelers ate, drank, and made merry.

Maida Okazaki* Linda Osada* Betty Otani Nobi Otsuji Fumi Sakamoto* Joan Seko

Corrine Toda* Mary Sada Uno * deceased

continued from page 1 Nikkei Horizons offers a second tour in Spring 2015. Space is limited, so sign up today. Prepare for your Spring Adventure with some Nikkei Horizons classes! Try EnhanceFitness to improve your strength, endurance, and balance; take the Writing Your Memoirs class to prepare to record your memories for posterity; and learn European etiquette, plus conversational Italian and French – from our European Tour director, Philippe Theriault – in upcoming Winter 2015 workshops. Register at www.nikkeiconcerns.org. TAY O R I Winter 2015



The NM Kazoo Revue and Dr. I-Jen Chen showed off their talents at our Cheers to Summer 2 Party at Nikkei Manor. Singing, dancing, magic, and hula hooping revealed hidden abilities, and we shared lots of fun and laughter.

Chef Taichi Kitamura of Sushi Kappo Tamura prepared a gourmet autumn feast for the Seattle Keiro residents and community guests. Everyone was thrilled at his familiar, yet exquisitely flavored dishes. Many thanks to Chef Kitamura for giving the residents and community such a special treat.

Halloween transformed volunteer Mineko Remillard and Keiro resident Su Mu Yun Huang into mysterious and magical beings. Many other residents and staff at Seattle Keiro joined in with trick-o’-treating and the annual dance party. UW cheerleader Maddie Lee danced along with a mystery cheerleader, who turned out to be CEO Jeffrey Hattori.

Chef Shinya Asami returns as our next featured Genki Gourmet on Wednesday, January 28.

Moon Festival took place a little before moonrise, and Seattle Keiro residents sent their good wishes to the sky and hopes for happiness floated with their handcrafted lotus flowers in the Seattle Keiro Garden pond. Tasty mooncakes followed!

Zina Baza, Uone Chau, and Yone Terada received the LeadingAge (our state advocacy and education organization) Silver Star Award for 25 years of service at Seattle Keiro. Thank you and congratulations, from the residents, families, volunteers, and staff!

The delicacy and power of koto came to life in the masterful hands of artist Sawa Fujii. She and Maki Nakaji gave a special performance at Seattle Keiro, for the residents and open to the community. Thank you Fujii-san!

NC in the community:

Lillian Hayashi, surrounded by former co-workers and friends, received the NW Asian Weekly’s Amazing Women Mentor Award. A former NC employee, current volunteer, and long-time Ayame Kai member, Lil also received an additional special award at the event, from some of the Seattle Keiro staff, to honor her for the impact she has made on so many lives at Keiro. 8

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Seattle Keiro resident Connie Asaka proudly wore her Walk to End Alzheimer’s t-shirt. The NC Rollers, a mob of 20 residents, volunteers, and staff, bundled up and did their part to end Alzheimer’s, walking around South Lake Union Park.

The Nikkei Horizons Ukulele Band was a hit at this year’s Aki Matsuri in Bellevue. Crowds loved the talented hula dancers and ukulele masters. Our favorite Wheel of Fortune was popular at the Nikkei Concerns table.

The community celebrated the enormous contributions made by Nikkei Concerns co-founders Tosh Okamoto and Tomio Moriguchi. The 2Ts|40 YRS party packed Nisei Vets Memorial Hall with family and friends, with lots of praise and awe for their accomplishments. Nikkei Concerns presented them with one-of-a-kind twin bobbleheads custom made with their likenesses.

This quartet of UW students wants to keep the Kokoro Kai participants safe. For their Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy project, they are helping to assess Kokoro Kai physical activities and suggest some improvements to prevent falls.

Is that green man really one of our Keiro volunteers? Richard Hiramoto and Carmen Tsuboi Chan think so and celebrated a Halloween moment together with Art Yoshida.

Kokoro Kai participants and volunteers stormed the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery and went eye to eye with the fish. Nikkei Horizons students warmed up thoroughly in EnhanceFitness at our new Bellevue location at Grace Lutheran Church. Many thanks to Symetra for funding better health on the Eastside.

FAMILY ALBUM Sun Yi Chong bravely touched the creepy crawly crab on the Seattle Keiro residents’ trip to the Seattle Aquarium.

The Nikkei Concerns Family has great moments to preserve and share. As a family, we embrace the residents, participants, volunteers, staff, and community members. We honor long-held traditions and value kind gestures of friendship and love. Our Family Album is full of precious and treasured memories.

Mary Ann Harano and several other resident green thumbs added to Nikkei Manor’s new free-standing vertical planter on the 2nd floor patio. Many thanks to returning volunteer Helen Wilson and Amy Wagenfeld, PhD, for their design expertise.

The Vietnamese SDA volunteers transcended all cultures with their lively musical performance for the Keiro residents. The Vietnamese residents, in particular, appreciated their special talents. TAY O R I Winter 2015


Organic Spaghetti Squash


Ingredients: 1 medium size organic spaghetti squash 2 tablespoons sesame oil

Organic Spaghetti Squash Salad Organic spaghetti squash and liquid aminos (a gluten-free soy sauce alternative, available online or in specialty stores) make this Chinese salad a change from the expected. Mary Shih prepared this refreshing dish for guests at our recent Living Well Health Fair. She is a wonderful Taiwanese cook who believes that food can be both healthy and delicious. 慢慢吃! (Enjoy!)

2 tablespoons liquid am inos Small bowl of finely cut green onion Small bowl of finely cut cilantro Method

Steam the entire squash for 20-25 minutes (depen ds on the size of the squash) until the color turn s to deeper yellow and small cracks appear on hard shell. the Fully cool down the squ ash, then cut it open. Rem ove the seeds using a spoon, then wear vinyl gloves to remove the con tents of the squash. The be easily to be separated y will into strips as fine spaghe tti noodles. Sprinkle the sesame oil and liquid aminos on the strips of spaghetti squash toss, then add green oni , on and cilantro before ser ving.

Cook like your mom used to! South China goodbye Farewell to Perry Ko’s South China Restaurant, which closed its doors last month. We thank the Ko Family for their tremendous generosity and support for over 30 years and for the staff’s kindness, patience, and dedication that gently guided us each year through the South China Dinner. Together, we raised over $500,000 for the residents and participants. The memories of community remain and endure. You will always be a member of the Nikkei Concerns Family.

Thank you.

Domo arigato. Doh je. 10


TAY O R I Winter 2015


The Dragonfly Journey Cookbook, Volume 2, is on sale now!! Great community cooks have contributed simple recipes packed with WOW! A great gift for everyone from aspiring beginners to experienced masters. $25 each at the Seattle Keiro front desk. Additional $5 for delivery via USPS

Volunteers Volunteers

Kobe University Yumiko Koizumi Yoshiko Komura Asuka Kon Pat Kono Korean Seventh-Day Adventist Church Sara Kosugi Hitomi Kuefler Bernie Kumasaka Ayano Kuraishi Kimie Kuramoto Ken Kurata Kumiko Kurosaka Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke Yuko Kusakabe Akiko Kusunose Calvin Kuwan Tiffany Kwai Kyoto City Board of Education Global Leadership Academy Kyoto Tachibana University Emi Landgren Alex Leavitt Christine Lee Gayle Lee Nicole Lee Julie Leiendecker Mark Levy Justine Leyson Ryan Liddell Wen Shu Lin Sybella Loeb Jackie Lum Victoria Lum William (Bill) Mace Rica Mackert Junko Maeda Anna Mamiya Kuniko Mancini Jeri Mar Hollie Marovich Kazuko Masunaga Haley Mathisen Joe Matsudaira Narumi Matsufuji Tomoko Matsuno Kathy Matsuura Kato Mayeda Nancy Mayeno Megumi Preschool Meito Shodo Kai Calligraphy Association Yoko Melrose Tomoya Minagawa MJ Mitoma Miyuki Mitsumoto Paul Miyahara Wanda Miyahara Milan Miyamoto Richard Miyauchi Betty Mochizuki Edward Moore Mami Morohoshi Allison Moroni Scott Moy Gail Mukai Sunnie Nagai Misao Nagai Junior Nagaki Michie Nagaoka Richard Nagaoka Kayoko Nakajima

Kent Nakamura Ruby Nakamura Kiyoko Nakanishi Michael Nakano Bob Nakayama Erik Nelson Charlene Neuss Man Yuk Vivian Ng David Niimi Yae Niimi Nikkei Horizons Ukulele Band Mary Nishida Harry Nishimoto Ron Nobuyama North American Korean Mission Church Northwest Taiko Kingsley Northcott Kaoru Nukui Bill Ogasawara Yoshika Ohara Naomi Ohnishi Julie Ann Oiye Mitsuko Okada Naomi Okai Iyoko Okano Shizuko Okawa Mitsuyo Ruth Oki Okinawa Kenjin Kai Taiko Okinawa Middle School Naomi Okinishi Jerry Okubo Sharon Okubo Angie Okumoto Yuji Okumoto Akiko Osawa Kaye Ostgard Sunkie Oye Rachel Page Paris Miki Optical Yoko Pearson Michiko Pesek Jenny Porter Denise Quach Megumi Quick Yuka Rafael Rainbow Chorus Brian Readdy Yoko Reed Mineko Remillard Junko Riehl Kazuko Roku George Saito Herb Saito Irene Saito Terue Saito Fred Sakura Sachi Sasaki Sasebo Commercial High School Hana Sato Hideko Sato Yoko Sato June Saty Kiyo Sawa Sawa Fujii Yoko Sawano Seattle Betsuin Bon Odori Dancers Seattle Betsuin NW Youth Buddhist League Seattle Betsuin Summer Kids Program Seattle Betsuin Youth Buddhist Association Naomi Schneider

We have made every effort to be thorough and represent each name accurately. If an error or omission has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact us at 206.726.6523 so that we can correct our records.

Sho Schrock-Manabe Seafair Clowns Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Church Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Church Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church Sonoe Seiber Joan Seko Karen Senboutarath Robin Shapiro Naomi Sheller Richard Sherrill Grace Shibayama Jim Shibayama Etsuko Shimbo Cho Shimizu Debbie Shimizu Yoko Shimizu Bill Shinbo Michiko Shinoda Silk Strings Marcia Sohns Seung Hye Song Sound Singers Komayo Spahr St. Andrew Korean Catholic Church St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Students from Okinawa Sachiko Sugimoto Gina Suguro Yuriko Sunuwar Kathy Suyama Dez Suzrez Ellen Suzuki Kenji Tachibana Eugene Tagawa Kinji Takahashi May Takahashi Momoye Takakoshi Renee Takeuchi Barbara Talkington Libby Tamura Jan Tanabe Lisa Tanaka Makiko Taya Junko Taylor TDC Kayoko Terada Midori Kono Thiel Eiko Toguchi Yuzo Tokita Ted Tomita Nobuyuki Tono Toyo University Michiko Toyoshima Kui-Ching Tsai Masako Tsuoka Tulalip Church of God Tzu-Chi Foundation U I Singers UCDS Mieko Udagawa Noriko Ueno Miharu Umehara Janice Urano Neill Urano Vietnamese SDA Suh Jiuan Vogel Voice Library Voices In Praise Pat Wakazuru Rosa Wang Asumi Wantz


7/1-9/30/2014 Terie Akada Melisa Akai Helen Akamine Jack Akamine Kim Akimoto Suzin Alejandro Marcia Almassy Fumi Ando Ayumi Aoki A.C. Arai Hiroshi Asano Eric Ashihara Henrylyn Kau’i Auwae Ayame Kai Guild Genei Azama Chelsea Beers Victoria Binuya Yasuko Blachman Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Zac Boeckle Cecilia Boehme Kami Bohlinger Laura Brauner Linda Briggs Janine Brodine Minako Brunelle Sawako Buchanan Bi Hoa Caldwell Kathy Carmichael Yaeko Cella Gei Chan Matt Chan Max Chan Dorothy Chen Fuji Chen James Chen Ai-Li Chiong-Martinson Althea Chow Chukyo Gakuin University Sara Cole Jake Colter Annica Crouse Brandon Cullen Fiona Dawn Catherine Degracia Jay Deguchi Janice Divina Kazumi Dixon Yoshie Dodobara Rebecca Durham Tomoko Edwards Setsuko Evans Faith Bible Church Sachiko Fitzpatrick Masako Fry Naoko Fujii Sue Fujino Etsuko Fujishima Bob Fukano Risa Fukuda Keiko Fukuda Carla Furukawa Hiroko Furuta Fussa City Youth Aileen Gagney Yu-San Gartz Naoko Gendzwill Asako Go

Gabe Gonzalez Mary Ann Goto James Grob Farah Halane Chelsea Hamilton Peggy Hanada Bob Hashimoto Gail Hashimoto David Hayasaka Lillian Hayashi Ilene Hayatsu John Hayatsu Nancy Hayatsu Steven Hayatsu Steve Hillson Takako Hirai Bobby Hiraki Yuki Hiraki Amy Hirasawa Mary Hirata Takako Homma Yuka Honda Hannah Hsu Cathy Hughson Qing (Vicky) Hui Vicki Hurley Jack Ichikawa Aiko Ii Miyoko Ike Deanna Ikegami Naomi Ikezawa-Schoenbaum Taryn Imanishi Hiro Imoto Betty Inouye Howard Inouye Sumiko Inouye Sandy Ishihara Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing School Yuko Ishimaru Arlene Iwai John Iwai Teresa Iwasaki Ray Iwata Japanese Baptist Church Japanese Congregational Church Yasuaki Jono Phil Jordan Joy’s Club Chifumi Junior Junior Ambassador Friendship Mission Justin, Mikey & Ellie Jyosho Gakuen Shiz Kaku Audrey Kamemoto Eileen Kanemoto Malcolm Kanemoto Andrea Kaseguma Hatsumi Kato Gloria Kawabori Isamu Kawabori Beth Kawahara Bill Kawahara Rina Kawakami Kristine Kawaoka Yumiko Kayukawa Kunio Kikuchi Ae Ja Kim Asami Kirino Taichi Kitamura Eric Kobashigawa Hiroko Kobayashi Koko (Fukuko) Kobayashi

TAY O R I Winter 2015





Keiko Watanabe Kerry Watanabe Shiz Watanabe Raven West Helen Wilson Min-Min Wong Shizue Yahata Ed Yakushijin Maxine Yakushijin Ed Yamada Patsy Yamada Sallie Yamada Teresa Yamada Fujie Yamasaki Kazuko Yano Perry Yano Cindy Yee Jeannie Yee Judy Yew Wai Yin Ho Ken Yokota Yumi Yokota York Benimaru Art Yoshida Fuyo Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Harry Yoshihara David Yoshino Gloria Yoshino

GOLF BENEFIT VOLUNTEERS Tom Akada Keiko Arakane Jake Colter Jay Deguchi Brady O’Bannon Dibble Janice Divina George Fujimoto Penny Fukui Mary Furuta Dana Gerry Jan Gerry Brooks Gokami Jan Tsutsumoto Gokami Mary Ann Goto Bob Hashimoto Gail Hashimoto David Hayasaka Hideyo Hayashi Hiroshi Hibi Anne Hidaka Glenna Higashi Yuki Hiraki Mary Hirata Wai Yin Ho Taryn Imanishi

Coleen Morisaki Jay Yasuaki Jono Andrea Kaseguma Richard Kent Thomas Kihara Nancy Kitano Pattie Kitano Larry Knapp Sid Ko Jeff Legere Rica Mackert Gary Matsudaira Stephanie McGuire MJ Mitoma Christopher Miyamoto Milan Miyamoto Jennifer Nagai Susan Nakagawa Kari Nasu Allison Nester Dean Nester Helen Nicdao Kumiko Nomoto Martin Oiye Naomi Okinishi Sara Park Sharon Parks Michiko Pesek Lori Potter Grace Shibayama Jim Shibayama Debbie Shimizu Bill Shinbo Marc Solin Gerin Suehiro Ryuta Sugiyama Gina Suguro Ellen Suzuki Eugene Tagawa Robby Takeuchi Ryan Takeuchi Jan Tanabe Yuzo Tokita Bryon Tokunaga Ted Tomita Amanda Tsang Sylvia Tsang Janice Urano Neill Urano Lynne Uyehara Pat Wakazuru Betty Hiroo Williamson Justin Woo Irene Yamamoto Jeannie Yee Arthur Yoshida

Thank You to West Coast Printing Farewell to West Coast Printing, and domo arigato to the Tomita Family. They have been a community institution, working over the years behind the scenes to produce so many Tayori, annual reports, brochures, programs, posters, postcards, and tickets for Nikkei Concerns and the community. They helped us share our stories and are truly part of the Nikkei Concerns Family. 12


TAY O R I Winter 2015


MEMORIALS SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN Shizue Claflin Carmen Tsuboi Chan Patty Hiroo Mastrude Michael Higa Dennis and Patsy Yamada Roy and Chieko Iguchi The Iguchi Family: Robert and Eileen Iguchi, Steven and Linda Uyehara, Harry and Shirley Yamamoto Tom Iwata Grace Tazuma and Bruce Brundige Glen Kiyonaga Dennis and Patsy Yamada James Matsuoka Carmen Tsuboi Chan Ray Okamura Carmen Tsuboi Chan Mary M. Osaki Carmen Tsuboi Chan Kenji Yamada Robert and Eileen Iguchi Ken and Bea Saito Peter and Joyce Tsai Alan Yamada Dennis and Patsy Yamada Teresa Yamada The Family of Kenji Yamada Kenji Yamada’s Grandchildren Patty Yamashita Carmen Tsuboi Chan Dennis and Patsy Yamada GENERAL Elaine Reiko Akagi Harue Nakatani Kinuko Akagi Harue Nakatani Katchi Aoyama Terie Akada George Aoyama Bob and Patsy Crouch Janice Divina Jack and Akiko Ichikawa Kay and Toshi Ikeda Dennis and Mimi Iwami Patty Hiroo Mastrude Yo Yo Mikami Kenzo and Carol Moriguchi Anna Nagai Terry Nakano Ray and Julia Otani Gerald and Gail Oyabe Frank and June Sato Norio and Nancy Tanaka Jim and Yone Terada Ron and Tina Tsunehara Roy and Lillian Watanabe Shizue Claflin Roy and Jane Tsuboi Masue Cresse Lillian Aoyama Kay Kamikawa Chek and Helen Fong Serena Chapman

Sou Ying Fong Linwena Eng Gene Fujita Yoshi Tokita-Schroder and Jerry Schroder Mary Fukuyama Walter and Emiko Fukuyama Masako Gibbon Lindsay Gibbon Dr. Arthur S. Gorai Mike Higashi Alice Hayakawa Terry and Sue Fujinaga Masue Heyamoto The Ito Family: Janice Ito Abe, Susan Ito Abe, Jerry Ito, Jim Ito, Richard Ito, Ted Ito Gary and Cynthia Heyamoto Dale and Linda Miyauchi Donna Ohashi Hats Higa Marian Matsui Michael Higa Akiyama, Wright, and Fujimoto Families Jean Chihara Mae Deguchi Curtis and Nancy Fukuhara Frank and Penny Fukui Jeffrey Hattori Yoshi Kanemori Jenifer Kimura Patty Hiroo Mastrude George and Hiroko Nakashima The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Paul and Sono Sakaguchi Ron and Gloria Shigeno Steve and Linda Suzaka Louise Tanagi Jim and Yone Terada Jeff and Chris Yada Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Ken Higashi Arthur Kuniyuki Elsie Kuniyuki Lorraine Kuniyuki Richard Kuniyuki Leroy Hisayasu Peter and Joyce Tsai Gayle Hoshino Nori Suguro Yukio and Kimi Tazuma Fumi Hyatt Donald Hyatt Shizuko Ichikawa Stan and Pilar Ichikawa Taeko Imaizumi Michelle Coleman Fred “Yosh” Imanishi The Very Rev. Father Rubye-Lew-Huey Pang Vera Ing Yoshi Tokita-Schroder and Jerry Schroder

George Ishii Louise Ono and Nate Nouchi Tom Iwata Henry and Jan Kumasaka Harry Kadoshima Tak and Ruth Fukuchi Lois Kaneko Lonny Kaneko Scott F. Kanemori, DDS Steve and Kathi Takahashi Amy Kataoka Kenny and Linda Kataoka Min and Jean Muromoto Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Chom Chu Kim Christina Lee and the Lee Family Hiroshi and Peggy Kitamura Harue Nakatani Glen Kiyonaga Mae Deguchi Arthur, Joan, Jarrett, and Jennifer Habu Warren and Susii Higa Nori Suguro Peter and Joyce Tsai David, Dina, and Michael Uchida Fusa “Miki” Kozu Lisa Moriguchi and Jason Loui Aki Kurose Carl and Louisa Nomura Tebo Matsudaira Jim and Hisa Matsudaira Yoshi Tokita-Schroder and Jerry Schroder James Matsuoka Ted and Janice Divina James Takano Nobuko Miyazaki Richard Choi and Gayle NakashimaChoi Mae Deguchi Sue Fujikado Arthur, Joan, Jarrett, and Jennifer Habu Warren and Susii Higa Thom and Beverly Ikeda Kris and Keiko Kosugi Larry and Bisim Lee Patty Hiroo Mastrude Yo Yo Mikami Marti Murakami The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Jack Sameshima James Sameshima and the Sameshima Family Meri Shimada Karen and Rich Shimizu Jim and Yone Terada Peter and Joyce Tsai Roy and Jane Tsuboi Jeff and Chris Yada Teresa Yamada David and Diane Yamamoto Don and Fuyo Yoshida

Asako Okubo Chie Noma Ed Suguro Mary Osaki Sue Apperson Yasuko Fukano Kim and Derek Fukuda Miyuki Hanada Mary Hirata Miyoko Kawaguchi Paul and Taka Kogita Tats and Esther Kojima Tom and Kimie Kuramoto Sara and Jeffrey Law Patty Hiroo Mastrude, and Mickey and Yoshie Hiroo Paul Murakami Minoru and Toyoko Nakagawara The Osaki Famly: Carl, Thomas, and David The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Seattle Dojo, Inc. Meri Shimada Fumi Taniguchi Ken and Lynne Tanino Kiwamu Tsuchida Kerrie Tsujii Michael and Nancy Windus Benjamin and Amy Yorita Edward and Suzanne Yoshitome Hissie Sakanashi Fudge Umemoto Isaac and May Sakuma Isamu and Kathy Aono Mary Seike Mae Deguchi Mary Takeuchi Harry Shigaya Min and Jean Muromoto Nancy Shoji Wah and Midori Eng Clara Stewart Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Susumu Takahashi Mitsue Suguro Sue Yoshiyama Chickie Sumimoto Michi Hirata Yo Yo Mikami Warren Suzuki Mike and Marion Fukuma Mits Takahashi John and Polly Shigaki Bobby Terada Jim and Yone Terada George Terada Frank and Irene Nishimoto Masato and Toshi Terada Jim and Yone Terada Jiro Todo Jan Russell Tama Tokuda Isamu and Kathy Aono Jun Tomita Tim and Tamara Uselman

Masako Tomita Frank and Penny Fukui Tak Tsuchida Kathy Joyce Patty Hiroo Mastrude, and Mickey and Yoshie Hiroo Richard Nakano James and Namie Oki The Family of Masao and Beulah Sakagami Mary Takeuchi Masako Tanaka Dean and Kirie Tsuchida Susan Uyeji Isao “Sun” Tsujii Kim Fukuda Kiyo Yabuki The Very Rev. Father Rubye-LewHuey Pang Kenji Yamada Kathy Cummins Janice Divina Seattle Dojo, Inc. Al and Michi Yamaguchi Fudge Umemoto George Yamamoto Harue Nakatani Helen S. Yamamoto Harue Nakatani Lillian Yamamoto Barbara Iwata Beckley Patty Yamashita Barbara Fujita Chizuko Yasui Neal Cohen and Connie Munekiyo Kathy Hasegawa Steve Hasegawa Mary Hikida Wayne Hikida Kenny and Linda Kataoka Dan and Cindy Ko Sara and Jeffrey Law Julie and David Lock, and Family Jon Mastrude and Patty Hiroo Mastrude Richard and Kathryn Miyauchi Roy, Jami, Taryn, and Shelby Namba Kurt Nogaki and Candace Kato-Nogaki Jack and Taeko Poltz Carol and Glenn Takagi Mary Takeuchi Peter and Joyce Tsai Susan Uyeji Jeff and Susie Yamane Benjamin and Amy Yorita Takako Yoda Shuji Yoda Taye Yorita Yuki Mizuta Ron and Gloria Shigeno Ruth Yoshimura Fudge Tsuchikawa

TRIBUTES SEATTLE KEIRO GARDEN In Honor Of Tomio Moriguchi Neill and Janice Urano Tosh Okamoto Neill and Janice Urano GENERAL 103rd Birthday Sallie Yamada Marcia Almassy 100th Birthday Matt Yorita Yuki Mizuta Ron and Gloria Shigeno 90th Birthday Maureen Brousseau David and Cindy Nomura Ayame Tsutakawa James and Suwako Maeda 88th Birthday Lilli Kanegae The Very Rev. Father Rubye-LewHuey Pang James Takano Mits and Lilly Kodama Kenzo and Carol Moriguchi 80th Birthday Gloria Nakamura Anonymous In Honor of Gei and Matthew Chan Paula Reynolds Janice Deguchi Sumie Akizuki Mae Deguchi Sue Yoshiyama Ted Endow Anonymous Sou Ying Fong Linwena Eng Lillian Hayashi Yick and Nina Chinn Mickey Delanty Dale and Shizue Kaku Patty Hiroo Mastrude Kats Okamoto Ted and Aki Taniguchi Suma Yagi Don and Kiyo Maekawa Dianne Yatsu Tomio Moriguchi Jerry and AC Arai Yick and Nina Chinn Brenda and Chuck Handley Dale and Shizue Kaku Thomas Lane and Susan Okamoto Lane George and Irene Mano Mark Mano and Lisa White Patty Hiroo Mastrude Kats Okamoto Craig and Sheila Omoto Frank and June Sato

Teresa Sato and Rick Wilkerson Suma Yagi Obon Anonymous Tosh Okamoto Jerry and AC Arai Yick and Nina Chinn Brenda and Chuck Handley Dale and Shizue Kaku Thomas Lane and Susan Okamoto Lane George and Irene Mano Mark Mano and Lisa White Patty Hiroo Mastrude Kats Okamoto Craig and Sheila Omoto Frank and June Sato Teresa Sato and Rick Wilkerson Suma Yagi Yone Terada Akiyama, Wright, and Fujimoto Families Goya Fujii Terrie Watanabe Terrie Watanabe Cindy Watanabe-Mezs In Appreciation of Seattle Keiro Staff and Volunteers The Osaki Family: Carl, Thomas, and David Nikkei Manor Mark Uomoto In Celebration of Aki Matsuri Seattle Keiro Shohei Karibe


Aiko Mizuki Yoshi Tokita-Schroder and Jerry Schroder Sadako Moriguchi Mary Dunnam Haruno Morishima Jean Chihara Jim and Grace Shibayama Sueto Murai Shiori Murai Motoi “Mo” Naito Nona Santos Hiro Nakai Tomio and Jenny Li Moriguchi Bradley Nakatani Harue Nakatani Kenny and Akiko Nakatani Harue Nakatani Roy Nakatani Harue Nakatani Rinzo and Shio Ohara Mari Ohara Nobuko Oiye Judith Zelter Mineko Okamura Toshikatsu and Bonnie Fujii Katherine Hutchings Orin Kato James and Amy Matsuoka James Takano Susan Uyeji Ray Okamura Diane Ash Jean Deguchi Gary and Carrie Dodobara Toshikatsu and Bonnie Fujii Mary Furuta Sue Furuta Stan and Kris Hiraoka Katherine Hutchings Pat Iboshi Fran Kato Orin Kato Ray and Marilyn Kihara Vic and Patti Kihara Brenda and George Kikuchi Henry and Jan Kumasaka Dave Kusumoto Patty Hiroo Mastrude, and Mickey and Yoshie Hiroo James and Amy Matsuoka Nadine Miyahara Trisha Morton Arata and Kieko Nakamura Terry Nakano Steve and Liz Okamura Sadami Ono and Gary Craig Bob and Cathy O’Rear Ken and Sue Seno John and Polly Shigaki Bill and Carol Shinbo James Takano Sam and Masako Uchida Marcia Usui Susan Uyeji Ed and Maxine Yakushijin

TAY O R I Winter 2015


Contributions GENERAL

Dragonfly Journey Program Jeri Mar Marcia Sohns and Mark Levy Fashion FĂŞte Anne Namba Designs, Inc. Esther Furugori H. Lee Kilburn, MD Mary Lewis My Green Tea Doug Tsujii Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience - Beth Takekawa General Donations Anonymous (5) Crispin Chinn Aurea Chittenden Atsuko Dendrinos and Christos Dendrinos Tina Masuda Draughon Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program Leanne Furugori Paul and Gertrude Jone Calvin and Julie Kam Morris Kanekuni Gerald Kibe and Becky LaPlante Estate of Mary Jane T. Kobayashi Yuri Kojima Kimi Momoda Tom and Debby Morio Yo Nagai Wayne Nakai Alex and Pauline Nakamura Ted and Carolyn Nakamura Ken Norikane NW Aerotech, LLC Joe and Diana Ohashi Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Sharon Owens Pacific Medical Centers Fred Sakura Lucy Sato Yosiko Sorensen Anne Stadler Evelina Tabisula Libby Tamura Alvin Tenpo Wyman Youth Trust Misako Yashima Sue Yoshiyama Tom Yotsuuye Golf Benefit Donations Brenda Handley Gail Hashimoto Dale and Shizue Kaku Cheryl Morisaki Golf Fund-a-Need Anonymous Bev Akada Ayame Kai Guild Bruce Brundige Janice Deguchi Jean Deguchi Rose Dracobly



TAY O R I Winter 2015


George Fujimoto Frank and Penny Fukui Tamotsu Furukawa Mary Furuta Jessica Giron Glenn and Jan Tsutsumoto Gokami Roger Goodwin John Hall Brenda Handley Bob and Alisa Hashimoto Jeffrey Hattori Mary Hindal Ed Hirota Pat Iboshi Coleen Morisaki Jay Debbie Kashino Gerrie Kawabata Bill and Beth Kawahara Jenifer Kimura Gary Kuranishi Dave Kusumoto Jill and Jeff Lum Paul Mar Ann Matsudaira and Steve Otani Gary Matsudaira Richard and Kathryn Miyauchi Cheryl Morisaki Trisha Morton Ernie and Sunnie Nagai Kevin and Jennifer Nagai Allen and June Nakamoto Steve Nakamura Michael Nakano Rich Nobuyama Julie Ann Oiye Tosh and Toshi Okamoto Sadami Ono Jon Shimada Don Shimono Shawn Sudo David Suguro James Takano Terry Takeuchi Louise Kashino Takisaki Rick Tanabe Harold and Diane Taniguchi Yuzo and Lilly Tokita Bryon Tokunaga Mitsuo Tomita and Patricia Perkovich Ray Tong Susan Uyeji Pat Wakazuru Steve and Wendy Woo Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Keith Yamaguchi Warren Yasutake Kokoro Kai Anonymous (2) Setsuko Ainsworth Kokoro Kai Volunteers Noboru and Michiko Shinoda Astha Tada Akiko Wyland Dave Wyland Nikkei Horizons Anonymous (5) AC Arai Megumi Berg

Yoshiko Betz Minako Brunelle Gei Chan Don Chikuma Mitsu Connery Aiko Corkery Keiko Davis Saya de Lara Rebecca Durham May Eng Haruko Felton Sylvia Fok Jane Fujimoto Etsuko Fujishima Mas and Toshi Fukuhara Esther Furugori Kaoru Green Yuki Henn Harry and Emiko Hikida Mary Hirata Naomi Ikezawa-Schoenbaum Janet Inahara John Iwai Lynette Kaiura Fusako Kamihara Gail Kaminishi Mary Katayama E. Mary Kawaguchi Taeko Kimm Masao Koba Kimiko Kodagoda Miyoko Kodama Janet Kojima Bernadette Kumasaka Carolyn Kunihiro Sachiko Kusachi Phyllis Lee Maxine Loo Jackie Lum George and Irene Mano Kay Matsuura Tak Miyabe Jean Murakami Wash Murakami Joyce Nakamura Walter and Shirley Nakatsukasa Ethel Nayematsu Nikkei Horizons Baby Play Group Nikkei Horizons Mom and Me Yoga Class Akio and Mabel Nishizaki Ruth Mitsuyo Oki Mari Okumura Esther Onishi Sylvia Otani Nobi Otsuji Yoshimi Ott Thomas Robinson Mary Shigaya Gloria Shigeno Meri Shimada Gina Sugawara Florence Sumida Astha Tada Momoye Takakoshi

Louise Kashino Takisaki Libby Tamura Shizue Tanaka Shoko Tanaka Sue Tanaka Peggy Tanemura Elsie Taniguchi Merrily Taniguchi Shox Tokita Tosh and Dolly Tokunaga Massie Tomita Grace Uyeda Jeannie Uyeda Yasuko Wakayama Shiz Watanabe Terrie Watanabe Yuko Watanabe Toshiko Willgerodt Maxine Yakushijin Eiichi and Yoko Yamashita Nikkei Manor Estate of Fred Nakagawa Hiro and Dorothy Nishimura Albert and Natalie Ong Sadako Willis Omusubi Luncheon Massie Tomita Tina Tsunehara Charlene Yoritsune Seattle Keiro Anonymous (2) Fukui Ken Club Ted and Janice Divina Virginia and Richard Hiramatsu Chizuko Ishimatsu Hyung Sik and Boon Hi Kim Herbert Saito Theone Scholl-Tollefson Louise Tanagi Scott Terada James Yuasa Transportation Naomi Anderson Volunteers Associates in Cultural Exchange Atlas Tours Azumano International, Inc. Global Educational Network, LLC Global Partners Institute Washington Hyogo Business & Cultural Center Kyoto Tachibana University Nursing Group Tokyo Express International Co. Ltd. Vehicle Donation Program Tak Akiyama Alan Anderson City Produce Company Hiroko Evans Ko Hashiguchi Tom Hirai, Jr. Akira Horita William and Eydie Kooiman Steve Mikami Norman Nakamura Miwa Peoples James Zumoto

WORKPLACE AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Douglas Eng Lisa Hirai Stacie Ito Bank of America United Way Campaign Alice Doi Gail Suzaka James Vail Chevron Humankind Employee Engagement Fund Katherine Coble City of Seattle Eric Ishino Joy Nishimura Combined Federal Campaign of King County Linda Brandeis Ruth Hamada S. E. Huntoon John V. Ikeda Marla E. Iwata Eric G. Kasahara Calvin Low Kristine M. Martin Cynthia Masada Terry Matsuda Frances F. Palmer Alan Quick Gerald J. Quintua Kristin Sullivan Greg Terada Deborah Yamamoto Robert W. Yokobe Costco Wholesale Corp. Anonymous Steve Kato Gail Tsuboi Shelley Wilson King County Employee Giving Program Anonymous K. Chan Lisa Kunihiro Dennis Lock Janet Shibuya Eugene Sugita Karen Yoshioka Microsoft Employee Giving Program Sharlene Ayabe Elliot Omiya Port of Seattle Wendell Umetsu United Way of King County Anonymous (4) Teresita Batayola Marcia Chow Judith Daikoku Marcia Fujimoto Theresa Fujiwara Julie Masumoto-Joyce Robert Miyahara

IN-KIND In Honor of Nobuko Miyazaki Hiro Nishimura Tosh Okamoto Lily Shitama General Anonymous (3) Terie Akada Sumiko Akai and Jane Inaba Phyllis Boyd Linda Briggs Mitzi Butler Jennie Ching Jane Cho Setsuko Cockle Yoshie Dodobara Michiko Faber Joel Fadul Bonnie Fujii Sue Fujino Noriko Fujita Nancy Fukuhara Mitsuko “Mitzi” Gagne Karen Hara Kisae Hashimoto Lillian Hayashi Takako Hirai Lillian Horita Linda Hoshide Miyo Ike Deanna Ikegami Sandy Ishihara Satoshi “Sugar” Kaku Shizue Kaku Malcolm and Eileen Kanemoto Fumi Kaseguma Kinko Katagiri Bill and Beth Kawahara Miyoko Kodama Sara Kosugi Tomoko Kuwanoe Kyoko’s Beauty Salon Joyce Yorozu Larson Mark Levy Lien Luong Junko Maeda Haruko Mamiya Maruta Shoten, Inc. Karen Matsumoto Mamiko Matsushita Nobi Miyazaki Betty Mochizuki Sharon Monillas Trisha Morton Yoshiko Nakamura Mari Nakashima Joyce Nehira Shigeko Neubecker David Niimi Yae Niimi Motoko Nishimura OBA Project Frances Ogino Steve and Liz Okamura Jerry and Sharon Okubo

Quilters of St. Matthew/San Mateo Episcopal Church Brian Readdy Alyssa Robbins Connie Saito Rick and Gail Sakoda SEVEN Salon Etsuko Shimbo John and Kathryn Smith Adolf and Frances Spandler Gina Suguro Yuki Takahashi Momoye Takakoshi Peggy Tanemura Yuzo Tokita Fukiko Tsuchiya and Ami Tsuchiya Miyoshi Tsuji Yoko and Koichi Tsukamoto Noriko Ueno Betty Vanderveen Jason Watabe Ed Watanabe Benny, Gail, and Justin Wong Akiko Wyland Ed and Maxine Yakushijin Sara Yamasaki Sharon Yorita Christine Yorozu Elaine Yoshida Ruth Yoshida Fashion Fête Amore Pacific Gei Chan Dolce & Gabbana, Bellevue Nordstrom Ayako Gordon and Family Linda Hoshide Huntress & Haute Jo Malone, Bellevue Nordstrom MOMO Nikkei Concerns Nordstrom of Bellevue Salon Nouveau sandylew Seasia, Inc. Starbucks Coffee Company – Koichi Kitazumi

GOLF IN-KIND Anonymous (2) A Friend of Nikkei Concerns (2) Acacia Florist, Inc. Active Golf Training Center - Chris Aoki and Kirk Smith American Wines – Hideyo Hayashi Andy Phibbs Pottery Linda and Shinya Asami Azuma Gallery – Linda Suyama Bait Shop Bakery Nouveau Ballard Barber Shop BDA, Inc. Kathy Becker Ben Bridge Jeweler, Inc. Bush Garden Restaurant Cakes of Paradise Clarence Cal, Jr. Erika Chan Densho Food Services of America Four Seas Restaurant Frank Lau Jewelry, Inc. Frank Fujii George and Nancy Fujimoto Fumie’s Gold – Fumie Kumagai Carol Gamble Gemstar International, Inc. Gobo Enterprises - Brenda Handley Jan Tsutsumoto Gokami and Glenn Gokami Char Grinolds Karen Hara Gail Hashimoto Healing Grounds Massage – Mark Quintana Ron Higashi and Mary Furuta Kay Hirai Pat Iboshi Tricia Iboshi and Frank Barbieri Keli Imus Michael and Ann Imus Judith Inchino Chris and Donna Ishii JAE Awards – Steve Hayatsu Jefferson Park Golf Course JFC International, Inc. – Terry Kawahara John Howie Restaurants King’s Hardware Bea Kiyohara Janet Ko Kristin Ford Jewelry with Meaning Linda’s Tavern Macrina Bakery Madison Park Bakery Maneki Restaurant Bryan G. Maruhashi, DDS MasterPark / SeaTac Airport – Troy Hashimoto Patty Hiroo Mastrude McCracken Tough Restaurants MOMO – Lei Ann Shiramizu Miki Monahan My Chi Delights, LLC

We have made every effort to be thorough and represent each name accurately. If an error or omission has occurred, please accept our apologies and contact us at 206.726.6523 so that we can correct our records.

Nikkei Concerns Board of Directors Nikkei Horizons Nikkei Manor Margie Nomi NuCulinary – Naomi Kakiuchi Oddfellows Cafe & Bar Ogishima & Associates Trina Olheiser Paddy McNeely Porcelain Jan Paul Phiten USA Inc. – Midori Johnson Pike Place Fish Co. Pink’s Ice Cream Poulsbo RV Kent Rainier Golf and Country Club Red Apple Markets - Hilltop/ Promenade Mineko Remillard Renaissance Seattle Hotel – Tim Miyamoto Alyssa Robbins Seasia, Inc. Seattle Seahawks Seattle Sounders FC Setsuko Pastry LLC – Setsuko Agata Carolyn Shigetomi Debbie Shimizu Sitka & Spruce Smith Aki Sogabe South China Restaurant Sun-Ya Seafood Restaurant Ellen Suzuki Tallulah’s Eugene Tagawa Mark Takagi and Connie Ricca Jan Tanabe Bill Tashima Christopher Togawa Insurance Agency Janet Tomita Trophy Cupcakes Tsukushinbo Restaurant Thomas Tsutsumoto Union Bank – Tim Otani Neill and Janice Urano Uwajimaya, Inc. - Bellevue Uwajimaya, Inc. - Seattle Don Wakamatsu WineBid.com Woodburn Company – Frank and Penny Fukui Dave Wyland Yamamoto Landscaping – Terry Yamamoto Liz Yokobe

General Donations

Richard Munekiyo Stan Nakano Heidi Yamamoto Scott Yasui Marylyn Yoder UPS Foundation, Inc. Cathy Inouye Don Tsuboi WA State Employees Combined Fund Drive Anonymous (2) Paul Aoki Michael Aratani Charles Asher Susan Carr John Ishimaru Mariko Kakiuchi Wendy Nagasawa Kathleen Oberman Lisa Okubo-Garcila Karen Sakahara Jeanne Semura Julie A. Sharp Britton Steel Kim Tanaka-Hill Julie Tin MATCHING GIFTS Chevron Humankind Employee Engagement Fund Costco Wholesale Corp. GE Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

TAY O R I Winter 2015


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1601 E. Yesler Way Seattle, WA 98122-5640

Gala Save the Date! Friday, October 23, 2015 Nikkei Concerns turns 40 next year, and we want to celebrate with you!

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