TOPOS ALLOU, arts and theatre organisation is an artistic theatrical non-profit organisation that was founded in 1985. It specialized in repertory theatre and the research of ancient Greek drama (and not only) The board of administration consists of many well-known people of Literature and the Arts that have a substantial work in the Greek Artistic Area. Head of the board is Mr. Nicholas Kamtsis who is a professional Theatre writer & Director for the last 30 years. TOPOS ALLOU is also : • member of the INTERNATIONAL THEATRE INSTITUTE • member of the EUROPE INTERPLAY FESTIVAL FOR YOUNG PLAYWRIGHTS • Has participated in foreign Theatre Festivals like Munich, London, Helsinki. Washington DC-USA, Antipodes festival Melbourne-Australia, Verona Festival-Italy, Chelmsford-England, Sofia-Bulgaria, Augsburg-Germany, Kiev-Ukraine. TOPOS ALLOU: • Presents performances of classic and contemporary theatre works • Presents performances based on Cultural heritage and ancient drama. • Presents performances and various activities for children and young people. • Hosts performances of international & European theatre groups • Directs seminars for Teachers and educators based upon innovative methods (Creative Learning) • Participates in National and European Projects concerning Theatre and education. • Travels abroad with performances and workshops
TOPOS ALLOU specialises in: • Educating Adults and young people in Theatre Studies, Ancient drama, traditional storytelling and creative writing, Stage & Costume design & Fine Arts • Research and collection of material concerning the History of the Theatre & Costume . There exists important material in books, video- tapes, photos and magazines-newspapers as well as in digital form. • Research upon the History of the European Popular Theatre Forms : Marionnettes, large –scale puppets, masks and shadow- theatre elements. • Adult Education and Training for Teachers and Pedagogues in the use of Arts & Theatre as a Creative Learning method with the use of the New Information & Communication Technologies. • It has a significant collection of costumes and accessories. The natural real costumes it has in its collection are over 1200 pieces. It has also thousands of photos, models, gravures of historical, theatrical and folk costumes. • Research upon the History of the European Popular Theatre Forms : Marionnettes, large –scale puppets, masks and shadow- theatre elements. Our theater also... has significant teaching experience in the Arts, Theatre and Cultural studies. Its philosophy is to practice with open and distant learning methods and to take advantage of the new forms of ICTs to eliminate distance barriers. Therefore, bringing different European Cultures together has as a result to enrich the traditional teaching & learning practices.
is one of the most vivant and alive theatre , artistic and cultural organizations of our country. An organisation of Culture with multiple characteristics and activities.
TOPOS ALLOu-AEROPLIO Theatre is “a factory that wants its engines constantly working and its chimneys constantly smoking”, as a critic said.
T O P O S A L L O U A r t s a n d Theater organization Athens GREECE
Ruins of Passion Based on Ancient tragedy and the myth of Atreides
Against the war in Syria, Afganistan and everywhere on the planet. With the participation of 1018 theaters world wide
Lysistrata Project A world wide project for peace
2006 2007
The folly a man commits when he marries a woman of higher rank than his own. Molière’s Dandin is an impersonation of a husband who has patiently to endure all the extravagant whims and fancies of his dame of a wife.
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Molière George Dandin ou le Mari confondu
. e e r t h t i w d a o r y r t n u o C Dusk Estragon Nothing happens Vladimir That I am beginning to believe it myself
Estragon Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it’s terrible
Samuel Beckett
Waiting for GODOT
One of the most important French playwrights of the 18th century, w r i t i n g numerous comedies for the C o m e d i e Française and also the C o m Ê d i e Italienne of Paris
This fantastic embroidery of language has a certain charm, and suits the somewhat unreal gallantry and sensibility which it describes and exhibits. Marivaux possessed, moreover, both thought and observation, besides considerable command of pathos
Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux
La commere
Viola is shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria She loses contact with her twin brother, Sebastian, Disguising herself as a young man under the name Cesario she enters the service of Duke Orsino Orsino has convinced himself that he is in love with Olivia, Olivia’s father and brother have died, and she refuses to see any suitor Orsino then uses ‘Cesario’ as an intermediary to profess his passionate love Olivia falls in love with ‘Cesario’, as she does not realise ‘he’ is Viola in disguise. In the meantime, Viola has fallen in love with Orsino.
Meanwhi le..
William Shakespeare
Twelfth Night
All of old Nothing else ever Ever tried Ever failed No matter Try again Fail again Fail better You’re on Earth There’s no cure for that
Samuel Beckett
SHE realizes that she has nothing to her name, as her thoughts and emotions were taught to her by her mother and her father. She asks Jean if he knows of any way out for her. He takes a shaving razor and hands it to her and the play ends as she walks through the door with it, presumably to commit suicide
August Strindberg
what happened to that Nora, who once upon a time opened the door of her (Doll)house and went out to breath fresh air
Henrick Ibsen
After NORA
Tennessee Williams
Memories are killing. So you must not think of certain things, of those that are dear to you, or rather you must think of them, for if you don’t there is the danger of finding them, in your mind, little by little.
Krapp’s Last Tape S a m u e l
B e c k e t t
Musical C a ba r e t
Madam Jojo Bou rl esq ue
Rai n i s pou ri n g o u t s i d e . A w and eri ng t roop of act ors, i s st ra nde d at the corner, outside of the theater. They are desperate. They enter Topos A l l o u Th e a t re t o s av e t hemselv es from t he heav y ra in. T he y c o m e u p o n s t a g e a nd d i scov er t here i s an aud i ence the re . Let’s perform. Why not? The first sounds of the accordion are heard and the actors take their positions.It is the troop of Madame JOJO
Festivals A b r o a d
V e r o n a F e s t i v a l I
J u n e 6 th 2 0 1 2 i n t h e a m a z i n g patio of Lapidario museum among ruins and ancient monuments
The passion ofthe Atreides family in the historical centre of Verona A
E u r o p e a n
C u l t u r e
p r o j e c t
Ancient Pathos European project
The f a m o u s f o r u m / f e s t i v a l o f A n c a r a Tu r k e y o r g a n i z e d b y t h e N a t i o n al t heat er of Ancara w i t h t h e p a r t i ci pat i on of t he b est t h e a t e rs i n E urope. I t b e co m e s a meet i ng poi nt for t he t h e a t e r a nd t heat er people. TO PO S AL L Ou t heat er recei v ed a n i n v i t a t i o n t o organi ze a w i d e w o rks h o p o n anci ent comed y w i t h t h e p a rt i ci p a t i on of t eachers and a ct o rs .
Ancara Festival TURKEY workshop on Aristophanes “PEACE”
A European Culture project based on the oral tradition and fairytales With the participation of theaters from Italy, B u l g a r i a , Roumania. Coordinator and leader was TOPOS ALLOU theater
Thalassa of myths Two year project Festival A t h e n s Brescia
A mu
l a t y r i a f l a c i s abou
n e r d l i h c r o f e
t bra very
e g d e nowl
k ige nc l e s
s s fle
s s ne
love Pa r t o f K i d s E u r o Fe s t i v a l 2 0 1 1 .
Kennedy center
Washighton DC-USA
Of Fire of the Wind and of the Road Without Return
Theater TOPOS ALLOU presented the EUROPEAN Project ANCIENT PATHOS to AUSTRALIA. Melbourne and Sydney. To theaters school and Universities
Alphington School
Exploring Australia Balwyn School
to another continent
Thornbury College +30-2108656004