2015 jan

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Dear Reader, Happy New Year! Our new year has certainly started happily – as you are reading our magazine which offers you brand new articles. Thank you for your interest! Let me congratulate those who won the prizes for sending us the solutions of the quiz:  Dorottya Tabajdi got the Christmas pack offered by Fürész-Mayernik Melinda  Virág Vántora was the winner of goat milk soaps offered by Baranyi Noémi  Ildikó Pósa received Szor-Szer-Ször meséi offered by Királyné Ficsor Lilla Thank you for playing with us!

Wishing you Happy English Practice in this new year too: Niki Kranz, Your Guide to Tea Time Impresszum Felelős szerkesztő: Kranz Niki Minden jog fenntartva! A cikkek a szerzők szellemi tulajdonát képezik! Másolásuk részben vagy egészben kizárólag a szerzők hozzájárulásával lehetséges. 2015. január 6.


Ildikó tells you about ways of Creative recycling

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Melinda gives you ideas on Top New Year’s Resolutions

page 6

Szilvi provides an inspiring answer to the question Is New Zealand on your bucket list in 2015? page 9

Niki shares some ideas on how to Recycle Christmas


page 12

After moving to the UK, recycling seemed to be the biggest culture shock to my system. It was 1999 and I don’t suppose there were many other places in Europe having a recycling system in place at all, especially not like one the UK had. By now the system has been so refined that there are 5 different types of bins each household has to fill. There is the little brown bin that you usually keep in your kitchen or at least close to it since it is the bin where any food leftover is supposed to be disposed into. No food can go into the general waste bin which is usually the largest bin and the most similar one to those we use over there on the main land (Europe). Then there is the paper bin for newspapers, magazines and other types of paper, especially packaging. The plastic and can bin is usually the biggest because the Brits are big on the so called ‘frozen dinners’ or ready-made food that are usually sold in plastic containers. And finally there is the glass bin where you throw all the bottles and glass containers. All these are lined up weekly in front of your house waiting to be collected.

The system is set up with amazing precision and most people in the UK are happy to recycle and even pay extra money so their garbage is collected separately. It must also be mentioned how good the Brits are at disposing their clothes, their unused and unwanted personal items at various charity shops. It is true to say that the Brits do their best to be ecoconscious and act responsibly in order to guard their environment.


There is still one thing, though, I greatly miss and that is creative recycling. Majority of the UK’s population recycle and teach their children to recycle too. However there is not much emphasis put on reusing things in a creative manner, or at all. The Brits are great consumers. They purchase and dispose in a rather quick manner. Though their way of discarding things is rather responsible, their consumerism is not. No item lasts for long because there is already a new one out to have. And the garbage is just piling up nicely pre-separate!

Instead of disposing our goods just because we got bored of them and because there is a nicer looking one available already, we could pay more attention to maintaining and creatively recycling or reusing these items. No matter how well organized we are about our waste management, the amount of garbage we create does make a big difference in the ecology. We must realize that the smaller amount of garbage we create, the more we reuse and recycle creatively the things we purchase, the more responsible we become and the more we contribute to a cleaner world for ourselves and for the generations to come. This is how we recycled Spirit’n Art™ Recycled.

Kudlik Ildikó https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spiritn-Art-Recycled http://spiritinart.me/ http://snailfarm.me/

Photos: courtesy of Kudlik Ildikó and Spirit’n Art™ Recycled.


Happy New Year! Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution? Many people resolve to do something new or different in the new year. Especially, I don’t like resolutions, because it’s hard to keep them and I think when you would like to achieve something you don’t have to make a resolution, only make the new thing for your habit and practice it in your everyday life, like speaking English.  I love the idea of resolutions, but I get discouraged when I don’t keep them all… I prefer writing some simple goals that are flexible to be achieved over a long period of time, not just in one year. Simple habits that can change your life when developed over time... New Year’s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and forward to the coming year. It’s time to make resolutions for the new year. Let’s look at the most popular New Year’s resolutions:

Lots of people make plans to meet up with friends or family members often for example in a good restaurant. People decide that they will work less and do a lot of family programmes together with fun. Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those without them.


Mainly women make plans about dieting and getting fit. They decide to eat healthier and go to the gym or fitness classes every day. Studies show that fitness reduces the risk of some cancers, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood and lowers blood pressure. In short, exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better.

This is a very popular resolution every year, but the success mainly lasts only two or three weeks. Most people fail this, unfortunately. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good. Start enjoying the rest of your smokefree life! Maybe doctors can help. While many people use the New Year as an incentive to finally stop drinking, most are not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change all at once. Many heavy drinkers fail but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking. Alcoholics Anonymus meetings can help the success.

It is a very good resolution, and you can choose whatever you want. Have you vowed to make this year to learn something new? Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or just how to fix your computer? Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep. I recommend learning English by watching English DVDs or films, reading newspapers and magazines, like the English Tea Time. You can learn how to help your children learning English with me and during this you can learn the language, too.

Most people make plans about savings and monthly plans about their debt. You can take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list. Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Walk or ride your bike to work.

A popular, non-selfish New Year's resolution, volunteerism can take many forms. Whether you choose to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a child, or building a house, there are many nonprofit volunteer organizations that could really use your help.

Travelling helps people to manage stress, to get out of the rat-race of life, it allows us to tap into life as an adventure, and we can make changes in our lives without having to do anything too bold or dramatic. It makes you feel rejuvenated. It gets you out of your typical scenery, and the effects are revitalizing. It’s another form of new discovery and learning, and great for the body and the soul.


Long work hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending time with family and friends can contribute to stress. Relaxation, sleep, socializing, and taking vacations are all things we tell ourselves we deserve but don’t allow ourselves to have. Practise them! And these are my goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Spend more time with my family and friends Learn something new every day, develop myself Play English with my daughter - more  Keep my English classes and start new groups Mentor the parents to help their children’s English Listen more, talk less  Laugh every day

Have you got New Year’s resolutions? Would you like the learn English in 2015? Would you like to help your children’s English? We can help you! Read the English Tea Time magazine and Niki’s blog to start your English! If you would like to help your children, read my blog at www.angolkalauz.hu! Happy New Year and best wishes for your goals!

Fürész-Mayernik Melinda https://www.facebook.com/angolkalauz https://www.google.com/+AngolkalauzHuoldal https://twitter.com/fmmelinda http://www.angolkalauz.hu/blog/

Picture source: Morguefile.com Idea source: http://pittsburgh.about.com/


Are you an eco-traveller? Do you love extreme sports? I bet you have already been to New Zealand. At least it is one of your dream destinations.

Before travelling it is good to know some facts about the country your are visiting. ✈ New Zealand is a small country and it is really far-far away. The distance from Hungary is almost 18.000 kilometres. ✈ Its population is only four million people, the half of the amount of sheep to be found there. :-D


✈ New Zealand has mild temperature, moderately high rainfall and many hours of sunshine. As it lies on the Southern Hemisphere, it has opposite seasons as we have in Europe. Summer lasts from December to February. ✈ The peak season is between November and April. Should you plan your visit during this period, you have to book your accommodation in advance! ✈ New Zealand has a variety of awesome landscapes. Spectacular glaciers, picturesque fiords, rugged mountains, vast plains, rolling hillsides, subtropical forests, volcanic plateaus, miles of coastline with gorgeous sandy beaches - it’s all here. No wonder New Zealand is becoming so popular as a location for movie, too.

✈ New Zealand has the most unique flora and fauna in the world as it is separated from the continent. Over 20 percent of New Zealand is covered in national parks, forest areas and reserves. It also has two World Heritage Areas.

In New Zealand there is a lot to do. The hardest part of the planning is to decide what to reject. 10

 Adventure There's a long list of thrilling activities to get your blood racing. Bungy, skydiving, caving, canyoning ... New Zealand has every adventure activity and extreme sport you can think of and some you've never even heard of!  Walking & hiking Hiking is the best way to see New Zealand's natural beauty. With thousands of kilometres of tracks, walking options are available to suit all levels of fitness and experience.  Water activities Thousands of kilometres of coastline, lakes and rivers herald New Zealand as a water sports mecca. Sailing, diving, surfing, fishing are only a few options to choose from.  Nature & wildlife There are few places in the world where, within the space of one day, you can experience mountain vistas, ancient forests, volcanic landscapes and stunning coastline - all whilst spotting New Zealand wildlife found nowhere else on earth. Whale watching is a must! And do not forget dolphins and penguins, either!  Māori Culture Māori are the tangata whenua, the indigenous people, of New Zealand. The best place to observe Māori culture is on a marae (tribal meeting grounds). There are organized tours where you can hear Māori speeches and songs, meet the local people and enjoy there meal.  Food and wine The best way to get to know a new culture is to discover their gastronomy. And New Zealand won't disappoint you, it is a real paradise for food and wine lovers. So if you have 3-4 weeks off from work and about 1,5 or 2 Million Forints, you can start planning your travel. A lot of useful information can be found on official site of New Zealand Travel Bureau. (http://www.newzealand.com/). And of course, feel free to write me if you need assistance while organizing your trip. Your travel agent: Kovács-Mitter Szilvia utazzunkcsajok.blogspot.hu https://www.facebook.com/utazzunkcsajok Picture from: Pixabay.com Information cited from: http://www.newzealand.com/ http://www.straytravel.com/ http://www.destinationseeker.com/


My New Year’s resolution is to be more environment consicous. I would like save money with recycling and spend that money on travelling.

I decided to start recycling with Christmas. Did you know that a whole city can be heated for a month using all those trees that are collected from the households after the holidays? That is managed by the city. But what can we do?

If all goes well, you ate up everything that you had cooked and baked. I must confess, we usually buy many ingredients and bread – often more than we can consume. Before they are out of shelf life, it’s time to make:  Pörkölt from all those meat – see recipe and instructions here,  Mákos guba (best from dried bread and rolls, but leftover Bejgli can also be added)  any kind of cake to be made of and decorated by chocolate, gingerbread and cookies which you’ve had since beginning of the holidays.

This latter can be a perfect opportunity to spend time with your family and friends who you can invite to enjoy your special cake.

Let me admit that I love the nice napkins and wrapping papers that appear during Christmas! Should I throw away which used to cover that dear thing that I had received? At least one of those cute napkins with angel figures must be saved – they were decorating our feast table!


My husband tends to ask: ’What for?’ Here’s my reply: let’s make some lovely objects to enjoy and use them every day. You can create:  confettis for your next celebration  paper chain garland for the carnival season (szaloncukor wrapping is the best for this!)  gift tags for next Xmas  a cover your notebook where you write your New Year's resolutions  decoration on your shelves (mainly if they are also made of recycled materials)  organizers by gluing them around the excess cans and tins  a wrapping for the book you are reading – is it the one you found under the tree?  decoration for a shoebox - it will serve you perfectly in next year's charity actions or for daily storage  ribbons to decorate the gifts you are giving next time

The number of ideas is just endless. If recycling only depends on the fact that you need instructions for any of them, follow my Facebook page where I will post guidelines for paper crafts this month. There you can also share your ideas and pictures of the completed projects!

Kranz Niki www.yourguide.hu https://www.facebook.com/YourGuideKft

Picture source: Morguefile.com


Kudlik Ildikó I have 20 years of experience in different educational and developmental settings in various parts of the world. I also run my own self-designed courses sharing my vast knowledge and experience in the fields of creativity and creative self-expression as an educator and coach with all those who wish to provide support for themselves, their children/pupils and/or colleagues. For the past 10 years, I have also been creating various products and artwork in collaboration with other artist and educators under the brand called Spirit’n Art©. As an environmentalist artist I create products that intend to inspire creative eco-living under the brand called Spirit’n Art Recycled©. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spiritn-Art-Recycled http://spiritinart.me/ http://snailfarm.me/ Fürész-Mayernik Melinda I am a primary teacher of Maths and English in Hungary. I’m interested in early language learning and raising bilingual kids. Before my daughter, Míra was born I had been teaching Maths and English in a primary school and privately, too. I guided English playgroups in my town to babies and mothers, toddlers and nursery and school children with lots of movements and fun. Now, my greatest „teaching” project is on raising my toddler bilingual (Hungarian and English). I would like to show parents how they can make English language learning fun for their children and how they can help them at school. I support the parents from home. You can find me on: https://www.facebook.com/angolkalauz https://www.google.com/+AngolkalauzHuoldal https://twitter.com/fmmelinda

Follow my blog: http://www.angolkalauz.hu/blog/ 14

Mitter Szilvia I am your travel consultant! I was working as a travel agent for more than 10 years. I have experience in many fields of tourism from inbound to outbound, both in business and leisure travel. After the birth of my son I decided to be an independent home based agent. I specialize in women travelling solo or with children. And now I have been an official tourist guide since July, as well. An old dream came true! :-) It is a great feeling to help others to fulfill their dream holiday! Tell me your priorities for your next trip and I will put together a tailor made itinerary just for you. My motto is: Sometimes the cheapest costs the most. You can read travel related tips and stories on my blog: http://utazzunkcsajok.blogspot.hu











Should you need help to organize your next travel, please, feel free to contact me at szilvia.mitter@gmail.com

Kranz Niki

I am Your Guide to successful English communication and enjoyable nonstop language practice. You are most welcome to my online lessons which are accompanied by daily available online and offline practice, a useful weekly newsletterand now this monthly magazine. Read student success stories: www.yourguide.hu Get fun practice daily: https://www.facebook.com/YourGuideKft This is my project for nonstop teaching: http://www.nonstoptanar.yourguide.hu/miez.php This is my project for communication imrpovement: http://yourcomguide.blogspot.co.at/



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