Υπεύθυνος για τη Διοργάνωση • Νίκος Γιαννόπουλος, Σκηνοθέτης - Παραγωγός Organisation • Πολιτιστική εταιρία “Φώνημα” (Phonema) Οργανωτική Επιτροπή • Νίκος Τσινίκας, Τακτικός Καθηγητής στην Αρχιτεκτονική & Πρόεδρος Τμήματος Κινηματογράφου Organisation Committee • Χριστίνα Καλογεροπούλου, Σεναριογράφος, Πρόεδρος Eυρωπαϊκής Ένωσης Σεναριογράφων & Επίκουρος Καθηγήτρια του Τμήματος Κινηματογράφου • Παναγιώτης Ιωσηφέλης, Σεναριογράφος & Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Κινηματογράφου • Γεωργία Ηπιώτη (Δημόσιες Σχέσεις Crashfest) • Γιάννης Βολιώτης, τεχνικός υπεύθυνος • Linea Design, Κώστας Πετρίδης - Φίλιππος Πετρίδης, γραφίστες & υπεύθυνoι για το δημιουργικό του έντυπου υλικού Ευχαριστούμε θερμά τους Γιώργο Κατσάγγελο (Κοσμήτορα της Σχολής Καλών Τεχνών Α.Π.Θ., Πρόεδρο Φοιτητικής Εβδομάδας), Δέσποινα Many thanks Μουζάκη (Παραγωγός, Επίκουρος Καθηγήτρια του Τμήματος Κινηματογράφου), Θωμά Λιναρά, Μαλβίνα Ροκάκη, Ελένη Αποστόλου (Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης), Τίνα Αντωνάκου (Γραφείο Τύπου Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης), Νότη Φόρσο (Διευθυντή του Ολύμπιον), Άννα Μηλώση, Μαρία Πολυβίου (Οργάνωση Παραγωγής Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης), Ιωάννα Σταματάκη (Δημόσιες Σχέσεις Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης), Λένα Λουίζου (Γραφείο Τύπου Πρυτανείας Α.Π.Θ.), Φωτεινή Αλωπούδη (Φοιτητική Εβδομάδα) και τους εθελοντές, σπουδαστές του Τμήματος Κινηματογράφου Α.Π.Θ. Oι συμμετέχοντες στο φετινό φεστιβάλ προέρχονται από τις εξής σχολές (35 Σχολές, από 17 Χώρες) Participants οf the 5th Crashfest (35 Schools from 17 Countries)
Beijing Film Academy / Cinema Department – CHINA, Communication University of China – CHINA, HeBei Normal University / Journalism & Communication School – CHINA, Shanghai Theater Academy – CHINA, Nanjing Arts Institute / Communication School - CHINA, The Professional Training Academy of Radio, Film & TV – CHINA, Harbin Normal University / Communication College – CHINA, Czech republic – FAMU, Der Europaeiske Filmhojskole – DENMARK, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / Fine Arts / Film Department - GREECE, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / Medical Sciences - GREECE, Ionian University / Audio & Visual Arts Department – GREECE, University of Western Macedonia / Fine & Applied Arts – GREECE, IEK AKMH – GREECE, ΙΕΚ ΔΟΜΗ - GREECE, New York College – GREECE, 1o ΕΠΑΛ & ΣΕΚ ΑΡΓΟΥΣ / Τμήμα Ηλεκτρονικών – GREECE, L. V. Prasad Film & TV Academy – INDIA, Azad Univercity / Art Philosophy Department – IRAN, Scene 77 Films – LEBANON, E.C.A.M. / Madrid - SPAIN, Nordland Kunst – og Filmfaskole / Film Department – NORWAY, Univercity of Silesia - POLAND, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema – PORTUGAL, UNATC – ROMANIA, SLOVAKIA, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture – TURKEY, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University / Cinema Department – TURKEY, Democratic Socialist Republic of SRI LANKA, Edinburgh College of Arts – SCOTLAND / UK, University of the Arts London – UK, University of Leeds / School of Fine Arts – UK, Westminster University / Contemporary Media Practice – UK, Queen Mary University / Film Studies Department – UK, Olympic College / Dramatic Arts - USA
Μια διοργάνωση της πολιτιστικής εταιρίας “Φώνημα¨ για το Τμήμα Κινηματογράφου της Σχολής Καλών Τεχνών του Α.Π.Θ. Στο πλαίσιο των εκδηλώσεων της Φοιτητικής Εβδομάδας του Α.Π.Θ.
Υπό την αιγίδα τoυ
Με την χορηγία
Χορηγοί επικοινωνίας
Με την υποστήριξη των
Κάθε φορά που ολοκληρώνουμε ένα CRASHFEST εισπράττουμε μια μεγάλη ικανοποίηση. Φέτος όμως εισπράξαμε κάτι περισσότερο καθώς συνειδητοποιήσαμε πόσο μεγάλη απήχηση έχει η διοργάνωση μας στο εξωτερικό. Λάβαμε συμμετοχές από 33 Σχολές, από 17 διαφορετικές χώρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης φυσικά και της Ελλάδας. Το πιο σημαντικό όμως είναι ότι καταφέραμε να υλοποιήσουμε την 5η μας διοργάνωση με συνθήκες σχεδόν απαγορευτικές. Φέτος δεν πρέπει να μιλάμε για εθελοντισμό αλλά για αυτοθυσία. Είναι η φτωχότερη διοργάνωση, που όμως παρόλα αυτά κατάφερε να μην εκπέσει των φιλοδοξιών της. Δεν ζητάμε τα εύσημα γιατί ο πολιτισμός είναι για μας ανάγκη κι όχι μια περιττή πολυτέλεια που μπορούμε να αφαιρέσουμε από την ζωή μας προκειμένου να την συμμαζέψουμε οικονομικά, σύμφωνα με τις επιταγές των καιρών. Είναι επίσης και μια δράση αισιοδοξίας για το δύσκολο παρόν μας αλλά και για το μέλλον μας. Είναι και μια πράξη αντίστασης σε όσους θεωρούν ότι η φτώχεια θα μας στερήσει ανάλογες απόλαυσης. Γιατί ελπίζουμε ότι το CRASHFEST θα είναι μια από τις μικρές σπίθες για να ξεπεράσουμε τα παλιά, για να επικοινωνήσουμε με το καινούργιο, με το νέο. Ένας πόλος δημιουργίας για νέες γενιές που θα στιγματίσουν το πολιτιστικό μας μέλλον όπως και άλλες γενιές παλαιοτέρα. Ευχόμαστε ολόψυχα τα επόμενα χρόνια να μιλάμε για τις γενιές του 2000 και του 2010 και να εξαίρουμε τα επιτευγματά τους.
Nίκος Γιαννόπουλος Καλλιτεχνικός Διευθυντής
Every time we conclude a CRASHFEST edition, a great satisfaction overcomes, as our reward. Especially for this year, as we realized the big resonance CRASHFEST has over the frontiers of our country. We received applications and participations from 33 different Academies from 17 different countries, including Greece. But this year the most important is that we succeeded to realize the 5th edition of CRASHFEST under hard, nearly interdictory, conditions and circumstances. This year we are talking not any more for volunteerism but for self sacrifice committed by all the persons who worked in order to attain its realization: it is the poorest organization we ever did, that succeeded against all difficulties and didn’t gainsay the expectations. We are not looking for words of prize or awards, because we consider culture and art as a necessity, and not as a frivolous need we could easily exclude from our daily life expenses, as the pressing conditions in our days demand us to do. The realization of the festival is an action of belief and optimism, committed in the hard present in favor of the future. And it is an act of “resistance” against all who consider economical privation as the main factor that defeats art and culture. We do hope CRASHFEST will be one of the glimmering sparks during this period ,so that we will overcome all that is consumed and communicate with all that is new and fresh, a much point for creativity for the young people that will color our cultural future, as others did in the past. We wish from the bottom of our hearts, that in the next years, we will talk about the 2000 and 2010 generations and of their achievements.
Nikos Giannopoulos Festival Director
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ 1 PROGRAM 1 01 Antiquarian (The) (Norway-2009-13min)
We get to know an elderly Sámi antiquarian, who tries to sell his old items. But sales are bad, and he has to close the store. Then a boy comes to visit - and he gets the antiquarian to look at his goods —and his whole life— in another way.
Director: Inge Wegge Producer: Nordland kunst- og filmfagskole Scriptwriter: Inge Wegge Director of Photography: Jørn N. Ranum Editing: Inge Wegge Music: Erlend Elvesveen Sound Design: Inge Wegge Actors: Nils Utsi
02 Attempt | Απόπειρα (Greece-2009-14min)
Director: Artemis Samothrakis Producer-Scriptwriter-Art Direction: Artemis Samothrakis Director of Photography: Jim Back Editing: Despina Kontargiri Music: Dimitra Mastoridou Sound Design: Dimitris Fritzalas Actors: Andinoos Almpanis Actresses: Katerina Missichroni
03 Captain Dallas is Dead (Greece-2009-15min)
Director: Dimitris Tsatsoulis
The film depicts the deadlock of a relsationship that has ended logically but not emotionally and despite the problems still tries to survive.
Producer: Dimitris Tsatsoulis Following Captain Dallas’s shocking death, his Scriptwriter: Dimitris Tsatsoulis (based on characters created by beloved Helen Ripley is called upon to save her Dan O’Bannon & Roland Shusett) crew from the alien threat. Her inability to cope Sound Design: Dimitris Tsatsoulis with the loss of her lover, as well as the disturbing Art Direction: Dimitris Tsatsoulis presence of Ash, sabotage her efforts. A short DIY Actors: Kostas Mprilis, Haris Gioulatos version of Ridley Scott’s «Alien» (1979). Actresses: Anastasia Zafeiropoulou, Katerina Theodoropoulou
04 Clean (China-2009-1.30min)
Actually, the ordinary life includes rich and exuberant feelings, and the simple daily labour can involve wonderful and touching segments. Time goes by, but love never changes. We clean not only dusts, but also love and memories we thought can last forever. The short film is finished through a long length shot.
05 Dacil (Spain-2008-15min)
Director: Zhou Teng Producer: Zhou Teng Director of Photography: Zhou Teng
Director: Adrian Silvestre Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Sabina Urraka, Jorge Martinez, Adrian Silvestre Director of Photography: Aitor Uribarri Editing: Solano Gonzalo, Juliana Montanes Music: Rudiguer | Sound : David Almeida-Ribetro Art Direction: Lucia Ruiz, Berta Salinas Actors-Actresses: Circe Rodriguez, Roberto Carbonell, Fernando Valdivielso Director: Rodrigo Plaza Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Ruben Ordieres, Rodrigo Plaza Director of Photography: Victor Hugo Martin Editing: Inma Catena, Christina Laguna Music: Israel Arjona Art Direction: Maria Pares, Fernando F. Hevia Actors-Actresses: Andres Gertrudix, Antonio Luque, Hector Gomez
06 Enemy Territory | Territorio Enemigo (Spain-2008-11min)
07 Fish in the Sky (China-2009-5min)
The film tells a story of a man suffered from autism lives with his gold fish. The gold fish is living in the fish bowl. One day, the man decides to let the gold fish go. Thus a subtle change generates in his heart in the process, like a key to open the heart, and also like sunlight after passing a dark cave. At this time, the man suddenly realizes that he is the same to fish drifting in the sky….
Director: Lee Yu Xiao Producer: Lee Yu Xiao Director of Photography: Lee Yu Xiao
Director: German Talavera Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Jorge Martinez, German Talavera Director of Photography: Amparo de Miguel Editing: Alberto Froufe, Raul Fernandez Music: Ivan Boumans | Sound : Julio Cuspinera Hevia Art Direction: Beatriz Lendinez, Fernando Hevia Actors-Actresses: Javier Lomas, Laura Pomar, Akihiko Serikawa, Marko Ogo, Inaki Biarle
08 Gato de la Fortuna | Maneki Neko (Spain-2008-13min)
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ 2 PROGRAM 2 09 Go Home (China-2009-10min)
This is a story about the youth and about dream meets reality as well as rebellion comes to understanding. Simple yet thrilling, inspiring and touching, the film tells a good story of the return of a young rebellion.
10 Happy End (Greece-2010-15min)
Director: Yiwen Cao Producer: Ping Cao Scriptwriter: Yiwen Cao Director of Photography: Ze Xie Editing: Ye Jin Sound Design: Wenqiang Lai Actors: Xu Dai Actresses: Chengcheng Yang, Jing Peng Director: Odisseas Toulis
Producer: Kostas Akritidis Thanasis is engaed with Christina, Anna Scriptwriter: Odisseas Toulis is married to Thanasis and she is having an affair Director of Photography: Manos Tsesmelis with Thanasis. When Christina becomes aware Editing-Sound Design: Alex Papadopoulos of this situation she has esx with Thanasis to Art Direction: Kostas Akritidis, Dimitris Angelidis, Maria Papakosta get revenge from Thanasis.Their only hope for Actors: Christos Skrekas, Odisseas Toulis, Dimitris Angelidis “catharsis” is the servant girl… Actresses: Margarita Nasioula, Spiridoula Agathonikiadou, Maria Mpounatsou
11 Heads or Tails | Cara o Cruz (Spain-2008-11min)
12 Heart (Greece-2009-3min) A woman and a man. One game
Director: Jacobo Echeverria Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Jorge Coralles, Mariana Morales, Jacobo Echeverria Director of Photography: Lili Cabrera Editing: Carlos A. Flores Music: David Almeida | Sound : Luis Pendon Art Direction: Paloma Fayos, Irene Gomez Actors: Adrian Marin, Alejandro Parra
Director: Oliwia Producer: Oliwia Scriptwriter: Oliwia Director of Photography: Oliwia Editing-Sound Design: Oliwia Art Direction: Oliwia
Twardowska, Irene Bozopoulou Twardowska, Irene Bozopoulou Twardowska, Irene Bozopoulou Twardowska, Irene Bozopoulou Twardowska, Irene Bozopoulou Twardowska, Irene Bozopoulou Actors: Giannis Kalavrianos Actresses: Anastasia Bozopoulou
13 Hidden Occupations | Κρυφές ασχολίες (Greece-2009-7min)
The hidden occupations of an elderly man are not necessay usual. Is he a mentaly ill? May be a gay? Is he only a lonely man? Oh! No… Maybe He’s just…
14 It’s Locked (China-2009-13min)
Director: Fotis Simeonidis Producer: Fotis Simeonidis Scriptwriter: Fotis Simeonidis Director of Photography: Fotis Simeonidis Editing: Fotis Simeonidis Sound Design: Fotis Simeonidis Art Direction: Fotis Simeonidis Actors: Kleanthis Simeonidis
The first day Elise was sent to the nursering house for the aged people, she found there was a door on the wall which is between this room and the next room. Elise was so lonely that she even pretended to die. She needed quiet. But the one next door always made noise. Elise used piano to revenge, but her pearls rolled to the next room. Elise’s music reminded the old man’s memory. After he passed away, Elise found he was her first love
15 Kles_Ydra (Greece – 2009-3min)
Director: Wang Ying Producer: Wang Ying Director of Photography: Aivo Rannik Actors: Andres Ots Actresses: Ene Jarvis
Director: Christos Mitsianis Producer: Christos Mitsianis Scriptwriter: Christos Mitsianis Editing: Christos Mitsianis
MYΘΟΠΛΑΣΙΑ FICTION 16 Live | Ζωντανή σύνδεση (Greece-2009-9.30min) During a live TV broadcast, a journalist named Anna is trying to change the mind of a paranoid who warns that he can trigger a bomb hidden somewhere in the television station
Director: Paris Grigorakis Producer: Fotis Simeonidis Scriptwriter: Lefteris Dimitriou Director of Photography: Orestis Tsintzos Editing: Faedra Konstantinidi Sound Design: Daphne Psarra | Art Direction: Ioanna Peteinaraki Actors: Mihalis Sionas, Christos Kampouris, Kleomenis Katsaris Actresses: Anastasia Hatziliadou, Olga Ognianova, Haroula Thomaidou
17 Lucky Lottery (The) | Το τυχερό λαχείο (Greece-2010-8.30min) One couple dreams on how to spend the money they won in the lottery but they have different opinions.
Director: Thodoris Vournas Producer: Thodoris Vournas Scriptwriter: Christos Kotsarinis Director of Photography: Thanos Deddes Editing: Vicky Saleh Actors: Christos Kotsarinis Actresses: Noni Siabakouli
18 Martina and the MOON | Martina yla Luna (Spain2008-12min)
Director: Javier Loarte Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Isabel Rena, Javier Loarte The film depicts the deadlock of a relsationship that has ended Director of Photography: Ivan Martin Ruedas logically but not emotionally and despite the problems still tries Editing: Alberto Froufe, Angel Jonas Ojeda to survive. Music: Ignacio Perez Marin | Sound Design: Alfonso Hervas Art Direction: Isabel del Arroyo, Julen Pounier Actors - Actresses: Isabel Pena, Mariano Aguirre, Sagrario Calero
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ 3 PROGRAM 3 19 Miracle (Iran-2010-6min)
The girl takes her place in the driver’s seat angrily, starts the engine and drives the car…
Director: Seyyed Emad Hosseini Producer: Seyyed Emad Hosseini Scriptwriter: Seyyed Emad Hosseini, Morteza Abbasmiraee Director of Photography: Hadi Behrooz Editing: Morteza Abbasmiraee | Sound Design: Peyman Tavassoli Art Direction: Seyyed Emad Hosseini Actors: Seyyed Mohammad Peyghambarzadeh Actresses: Sara Foroozandeh
20 Monster (The) | Το τέρας (UK/Greece-2010-11min)
The Monster is a psychological thriller about a school teacher with forbidden des of his students, a beautiful ten-year-old girl, when things take a turn for the macabre…
21 Next station Neos Kosmos Επόμενη στάση Νέος Κόσμος (Greece-2010-5min)
22 Nowhere (Greece-2009-15min)
Director: Nikos Kalpakis Producer: Nikos Kalpakis, Christos Pithras Scriptwriter: Nikos Kalpakis Director of Photography: Shahram Shahbazi Editing: Nikos Kalpakis, Giannis Karambelas Sound Design: Giannis Karambelas, Joey Dianos Art Direction: Neda Alexander Actors : Paul Comrie Actresses:Alex Rintoul Director: Alexandra Grigoriou Producer: Alexandra Grigoriou Scriptwriter: Alexandra Grigoriou Director of Photography: Polyxeni Angelidou Editing: Alexandra Grigoriou Art Direction: Alexandra Grigoriou Actresses: Alexandra Grigoriou, Elsa Siskou
Director-Scriptwriter: Michael Monemvasiotis
Producer: George Hatzigeorgiou Andreas, a young man preparing to start his obligatory service in the greek Director of Photography: Gabriel Loukeris army, narrates a story to his girlfriend Dimitra outside of an abandoned Editing: Gabriel Loukeris | Sound Design: Miltiadis Koufidis house. This story is about another young couple, Ioli and Orfeas, which took Art Direction: Chris Aggelopoulos place in the same house 30 years ago. What he doesn’t know is that this Actors: George Perpinias , Dimitris Marcogiannakis, Andrew story is about to change his own fate. The four main characters interact in a Razos, George Konstantinou Actresses: Mara Kelidi , Dimitra Gyftopoulou, Elsa Tsiadi movie where present and past alternate constantly.
23 Observer | Παρατηρητής (Denmark-2010-8min)
Director: Viki Christaki
Producer-Scriptwriter: Viki Christaki In the Observer we follow a Mime at an airport. There are people at the airport but none of them seem to notice him. He gets to the waiting room for passengers. In the waiting room his «trip» continues through Director of Photography: Petros Goritsas his observation of different people. He observes a small boy who tries to fly like a superhero. He observes Editing: Rene Georg Johansen a girl who tries to sleep in an attempt to forget. Meanwhile, the voice over of the mime talks about humans Sound Design: Gillian Lykke Iversen, in their different situations. The airplane takes off and the waiting hall is empty. The Mime observes his Simon Stray Bull window-reflection. His voice over starts talk about himself as he realize that he can’t understand what he Art Direction: Viki Christaki has been observing; feelings/love. Because he is doomed to be only an observer. He tries to remove his Actresses: Olympia Kappou make up but can’t.
24 One Way (Greece-2009-6min)
A lost ticket, a day full of unexpected events, a couple trying to save their relationship
Director: Thanos Tsavlis Producer-Scriptwriter: Thanos Tsavlis Director of Photography: Dimitris Karteris, Dimitris Kostakis Editing: Thanos Tsavlis Sound Design-Art Direction: Thanos Tsavlis Actors: Thanos Tsavlis, Tasos Stamatis Actresses: Xristina Louiza Mauroudi
25 Passing Through | Pasajero (Spain-2008-12min)
Director: Miguel Gabaldon Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Jose Miguel de la Torre, Miguel Gabaldon Director of Photography: Christina Molino Editing: Oscar Nieto, Patricia Libertad Music : Santiago Barguno Art Direction: Isabel del Arroyo, Lucia Diaz Actors - Actresses: Aitor Lizarribar, Pablo de la Chica
26 Rights and Responsibilities | Derechos y Deberes (Spain – 2008-14min)
Director: Manuel Danino Producer: ECAM Scriptwriter: Manuel Danino, Sabina Urraka Director of Photography: Daniela Oliveira Editing: Solano Gonzalo, Montanes Juliana Sound : Susana Castro | Art Direction:Berta Salinas , Irene Gomez Actors - Actresses: Jan Cornet, Laura Diaz, Isabel Ampudia, Antonio Barbero, Silvia Casanova, Matias Gotor
27 Room (The) – Το δωμάτιο (Greece-2009-14.30min) A man decides to leave in the room that his girlfriend commit suicide and begins to get visits from her ghost
Director: Thodoris Vournas Producer: Thodoris Vournas Scriptwriter: Christos Kotsarinis, Thodoris Vournas Director of Photography: Thodoris Vournas Editing: Christos Lolos Actors: Christos Kotsarinis Actresses: Tzeni Stiliou, Eleanna Finokalioti
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ 4 PROGRAM 4 28 Safety Net | Δίχτυ ασφαλείας (Greece-2009-9min)
Director: Eirini Steirou Producer-Scriptwriter: Eirini Steirou Director of Photography: Joe Rivera Editing: Eirini Steirou Music: My Wet Calvin Sound Design: Adam Hain, Joe Menke, Ryan Frias Art Direction: Lisa Roxanne Hyden Actors: Cole Panther, Eric Andersen | Actresses: Jennifer Pauly, Judith Reuter
Safety Net is a psychological drama about dependability and trust that intercuts between the lives of a woman trapped in a failing marriage and a man faced with an extreme financial burden. The film examines their reactions in the face of betrayal and injustice, which set them on a collision course for disaster.
29 Saligia-1(Greece-2009-3.30min)
ENVY and its evil twin / it crept in bed with SLANDER / idiots they gave advice / but SLOTH it gave no answer / ANGER kills the human soul / with butter tales of LUST / We’re seven drunken pirates We’re the SEVEN DEADLY SINS
30 See You In My Dreams | Σε βλέπω στα όνειρά μου (Greece-2009-2.30min) A little boy is dreaming of his tale girl
31 Solitaire | Μαθήματα κατ΄οίκον (Greece-2009-11min)
Dimitris and Sotiris visit a brothel for the first time. They are both very anxious and the fact that they are fether and son makes thinks even more weird.
Director: Irida Zhonga Producer: Irida Zhonga Scriptwriter: Irida Zhonga Director of Photography: Jani Zhonga Editing: Konstantinos Mylonas Music: Dirty Granny Tales Art Direction: Booze Actresses: Maria Arvanitaki, Vasilia Tiniakoudaki Director: Fotis Simeonidis Producer: Cinematography Department Of Auth Scriptwriter: Fotis Simeonidis Director of Photography: Fotis Simeonidis Editing-Sound Design: Fotis Simeonidis Art Direction: Fotis Simeonidis Actors: Lefteris Sogias Actresses: Despina Sina Director: George Angelopoulos Producer-Scriptwriter: George Angelopoulos Director of Photography: Tasos Kikidis Editing: George Angelopoulos Sound Design: George Angelopoulos Art Direction: Dimitra Katrania Actors: Dimitris Nikolaidis, George Alevizakis Actresses: Martha Karayanni, Eva Angelopoulou
Director: Christos Sitaridis
32 Still (Greece-2009-11.30min)
Producer: Despoina Sifniadou Katerina is a photographer and Niki is a model. Not having seen each Scriptwriter: Christos Sitaridis other for a long time, they meet by chance during a photo shoot. Director of Photography: Alki Politi, Natasa Dara-Liaskou We soon come to realize that they used to have a relationship that Editing: Nikos Kyritsis did not turn out so well. Now, years later and without having any Sound Design: Anna Pigkou-Repousi kind of condact, there is a different kind of equilibrium and their life Art Direction: Sofia Kouloukouri Actresses: Evanthia Sofronidou, Errika Bigiou situations have changed.
33 Still Here (Greece-2010-3.30min) Happy Birthday…
34 Teddy (Greece-2010-5min)
A lonesome guy is lost in nowhere to find his salvation but today everything is going to change…
35 Tiny Fingers (Turkey-2010-5min) Great jobs by tiny fingers.
36 Tired Of Holding My Breath (Greece/Bulgary-2009-8min)
How can i bring you in my world, how can I become some thing in your world? A man trying to find something to change his world into something beautiful…
Director: Thanos Tsavlis Producer: Thanos Tsavlis Scriptwriter: Thanos Tsavlis Director of Photography: Thanos Tsavlis Editing: Thanos Tsavlis Music-Sound Design: Odysseas Dreyer Art Direction: Tsavlis Thanos Actors:Spyros Manolatos Director:Irmak Sueri Producer-Scriptwriter:Irmak Sueri Director of Photography:Burak Cora Editing:Omer Arabaci Music: Cihan Guvenc Sound Design:Zeynel Demir Art Direction:Okay Sayan Actors:Dora Caglar | Actresses:Naz Aker Director: Dimitra Babadima Producer-Scriptwriter: Dimitra Babadima Director of Photography: Dimitra Babadima Editing:Dimitra Babadima Sound Design: Dimitra Babadima Art Direction: Dimitra Babadima Actors: Constantinos Michailidis Actresses: Vasia Lakoumenta
37 What Went Wrong | Τι πήγε στραβά (Greece-2009-14min)
Director-Scriptwriter: Pavlos Sifakis Producer: Pavlos Sifakis, Fotini Tsakiri, Film Studies Department- Auth Director of Photography: Wiktor Roch Dobraczynski Editing: Evdoxia Kiropoulou | Music : Semeli Tagara Sound Design: Katerina Karipidou | Art Direction: Maria Eva Mavridou Actors: Themis Theocharoglou, Anastasis Papadopoulos, Panayotis Seremetidis, Stergios Tzaferis Actresses: Nefeli Anthopoulou, Ifigeneia Siozopoulou, Angeliki Efremidou
38 Winter Sonnet for the Golden Clouds Χειμερινή σονάτα για τα χρυσά μάτια (UK-2009-9min)
Director: Alexandra Mattheou Producer: Pavlos Sifakis, Fotini Tsakiri, Film Studies Department- Auth Scriptwriter: Alexandra Mattheou Director of Photography: Ishaya Bako Editing: Alexandra Mattheou Art Direction: Alexandra Mattheou Actors: Pierre – Antoine Fourny Actresses: Valeria Appel, Melita Karali
Alexis goes to a new school in the middle of the year. At his new school he meets Foivos and soon befriends him. Their friendship however is threatened when Alexis finds it hard to pick a side. Will he continue his friendship with Foivos or will he join the bullies that constantly “torture” his best friend?
Director: Dimitra Mpampadima Producer: Dimitra Mpampadima Scriptwriter: Dimitra Mpampadima Director of Photography: Dimitra Mpampadima Editing: Dimitra Mpampadima Sound Design: Dimitra Mpampadima Art Direction: Dimitra Mpampadima Actresses: Vasia Lakoumenta
40 Go a Walk to the Moon Πάμε μια βόλτα στο φεγγάρι
39 Cry of the Islanders (The) O choro dos ilhéus (Portugal-2009-15min)
The Azores isles are always a place for the senses for those who live far away and come back for a little while. They are islands of feeling that beat like a heart and breathe in our veins. Director: Laura Brasil Producer: Mário Carvalho Scriptwriter: Luis Bicudo Director of Photography: Gonçalo Codeço Editing: Patrícia Sampaio Sound Design: Levi Martins
To the end of decade 1950, where the popular song henceforth had been shaped and walked in step with the light song, two composers Manos Chatzidakis and Mikis Theodorakis having henceforth it matures synthetically they made feel their presence. This two composers for first time, wedding the westerner with the Greek popular music, setting not only verses written specifically for this aim, but also poems of valorisen poets as Giorgos Seferis, Nikos Gkatsos, Tassos Leibaditis, Yannis Ritsos e.t.c. With given the musical faculty of two composers, this songs became so much big successes, what these reason of all of important poets, for reaching vocalize from lips popular persons in the taverns and the neighborhoods…. Director: Electronic section Producer: Electronic section Scriptwriter: Electronic section Director of Photography: Electronic section Editing: Electronic section
43 Pond (The) (Netherlands-20101.30min)
42 Ordinary and Great (China-2009-10min)
41 Heros’ Clarinets (Greece-2010-6min)
A close look at the night of saint Simeon. Faces. Sights. Clarinets. Drums. Director: Oliwia Twardowska Producer: Oliwia Twardowska Scriptwriter: Oliwia Twardowska Director of Photography: Oliwia Twardowska Editing: Oliwia Twardowska Sound Design: Oliwia Twardowska Art Direction: Oliwia Twardowska
The film expresses that ordinary people from various places of China show their full supports for Beijing Olympic Game and their genuine feelings for motherland through their special modes during the Olympics. The film describes the group of ordinary people and discloses their great and marvelous spirits. Director: Yang Guonan Producer: The Fourth Production Team of Film and TV Studio of Communication College, Harbin Normal University Director of Photography: Yang Guonan
The Pond is a metaphor for E.U. and the ducks are the european members-countries. When everything is fine, all the members-countries of our community interactive well together and they live in Harmony. But what is happening when a problem comes to the surface? Then the harmony falls apart and they are each for their own. Director: Dimitris Argyriou Producer: Dimitris Argyriou Scriptwriter: Dimitris Argyriou Director of Photography: Vincent Van Den Broek Editing: Vincent Van Den Broek Sound Design: Vincent Van Den Broek Art Direction: Dimitris Argyriou
‘TAXIing in the City is a film based in forms of experimentaldocumentary practice, composed of animation, factual footage and performative research. The narrative of the project unfolds inside a taxi, during its drive through the streets of Athens, in January 2009. It is a collection of tales, interviews and dialogues about the city and its political events, influenced by the attacks on Gaza during that period. All these encounters take place within a taxi, with its driver the artist herself, who tries to approach Gaza city, while living in Athens. Director: Janis Rafailidou Producer-Scriptwriter: Janis Rafailidou Director of Photography: Janis Rafailidou Editing: Janis Rafailidou (and Animation & Drawings) Music-Sound Design: Elias Vamvakousis Art Direction: Janis Rafailidou Actors: (Aticipants) Naasim Alatra, Zaki Qudihe, Hasan Kudsi, Ahmed Hotary, George Juha, Amani Saied, Shada Shehadeh, Rania, Sary, Laith Qumsieh, Elias Vamvakousis Actresses: Janis Rafailidou (As Taxi Driver), Soti Triantafillou (VoiceOver)
50 Angle
45 Goal (China-2008-3min)
The film is about life and competition. It shows universality of the phenomena through some vague roles. Director: Amy Xu Producer: Amy Xu Director of Photography: Amy Xu
49 Alice in Wanderland H Αλίκη στη χώρα της περιπλάνησης
47 Sisyphus (China-2009-13min)
46 Like Crude Oil (Spain-2008-4min) Director: Daniel Pardo Producer: Claudia Bith-ECAM Scriptwriter: Victor Garcia-Daniel Pardo Director of Photography: Miguel Monedero Music: Peter Memmer Sound Disign: Alfonso Hervas Art Direction: Carmen Perez Editing: Daniel Pardo Hernandez Sound Design: Levi Martins
The experimental animation «Sisyphus» is full of experiment nature. It shows us an abstract fact, namely, who decides our ways of thinking and our stereotyped lives in the age of electronic information. How can we flight from the destiny of «Sisyphus»? People who are tired of the repetition may fight with it. However, it will produce a paradox... Director: Yang Fan, Chen Ci Producer: Yang Fan, Li Wei Director of Photography: Yang Fan, Chen Ci
Ms. Froggy was terribly disturbed
“-Tell me, come on.. -The story? -No, its end. -They lived happily ever after. -Smart. -Imaginary. -Hopeful. -Does the end hurt? -Only if it comes.” Vellis Miltos
Director: Oliwia Twardowska Producer: Oliwia Twardowska Scriptwriter: Oliwia Twardowska Director of Photography: Oliwia Twardowska Editing: Oliwia Twardowska Sound Design: Oliwia Twardowska Art Direction: Oliwia Twardowska
Director: Alexandra Grigoriou Producer: Alexandra Grigoriou Scriptwriter: Alexandra Grigoriou Director of Photography: Alexandra Grigoriou Editing: Alexandra Grigoriou Art Direction: Alexandra Grigoriou Actresses: Alexandra Grigoriou
48 Alone (Greece-2010-2min)
The short film shows contingency of life through a new form combining animation with real people. A lady who wants to commit suicide comes to the roof by lift and plans to finish her life by jumping. However, at that time, she receives a short message from a stranger, which reads «Be strong and continue your life!». She suddenly finds the courage to live, so she leaves the roof. A man downstairs is searching for signals by sending short messages to a randomly entered number… Director: Zhao Long Producer: Zhao Long Scriptwriter: Zhao Long Director of Photography: Zhao Long Actors: Wan Junhui Actresses: Zhou Ying
56 Water (China-2009-8min)
52 Once Upon Sometimes (Greece-2009-4min)
51 Door (China-2009-5min)
The film satirizes the modern social life and discusses functions of images in this age through a consecutive long length shot. Director: Xu Xiang Producer: Xu Xiang Director of Photography: Xia Yan
“Nothing is important, nothing is less important. The world is a game of shadows, but the reflections of everything in our soul has a deep, odd reality.. ” Hermann Hesse Director: Alexandra Grigoriou Producer: Alexandra Grigoriou Scriptwriter: Alexandra Grigoriou Director of Photography: Alexandra Grigoriou Editing: Alexandra Grigoriou Art Direction: Alexandra Grigoriou Actresses: Natasa Georgopoulou
55 Vertigo
53 Process
The young mother gets older and older since pregnancy, the beloved daughter grows from a baby to a bride, the lift door opens and closes, this film shows us the feeling experiences of a mother and a daughter as time goes by. Director: Lee Tian Ge Producer: Lee Tian Ge Director of Photography: Zhang Panfeng, Zhang Meng
Surrealism based on the poem by Jacques Prevert “The Flower Shop”
54 Scream Of Life Κραυγή ζωής (Greece-2009-3min) Director: Filippos Degidis Director of Photography: Apostolis Tsarouxas Editing: Filippos Degidis, Apostolis Tsarouxas
Director: Eleni Theodoridou Producer: Eleni Theodoridou Scriptwriter: Eleni Theodoridou Director of Photography: Eleni Theodoridou (Kun Kan) Editing: Eleni Theodoridou (Kun Kan) Art Direction: Eleni Theodoridou Actresses: Sofia Parcharidou
The film reveals blooming and withering of life through a long length shot lasting two months and three days and ordered edition of the frame-byframe recorded pictures. A perfect pure water bottle is crowed with household garbage caused by modern civilization, such as cigarette ends, broken stones, old and useless batteries, and electronic components and so on. The film is endowed with realistic meaning of social environment by utilizing the conceptualized symbols. There are several waste fans turn continuously on the surface of the bottle, which can show passage of time, and sighs for life. Director: Xu Xiang Producer: Xu Xiang Director of Photography: Xu Xiang, Guo Sheng, Zhouyao Yikuan, Wang Xinyan
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ 7 PROGRAM 7 57 Adeem (Lebanon-2010-12.30min)
58 Are you Ready for Laser Ball? (Greece-2010-3min)
Director : Adel Serhan Producer: Scene 77 Films
Director : Stefanos Gousios, Yiannis Ouzounis Producer: Ionian University
59 Butimar (Turkey-2008-20min)
Director: Erol Mintas
Butimar is the first of a mother and son trilogy. It is the story of a young Kurdish man living in a city who must look after his mother in horrible conditions.
Director : Tamilam Subas Producer: Tamilam Subas Scriptwriter: Tamilam Subas Director of Photography: Tamiliam Subas Editing: Tamiliam Subas Music: Nitharsan Actors, Actresses: Merin Vasthiampillai & Mary Elankeeran Animation Kavitha Ravikumar
60 Can I have a Dream? (Norway-2010-9min)
61 Grandma has gone (Poland-2009-18min) Jurek, a sixteen year old cottage boy, has problems at vocational school - he is permanent liar…
62 Kostakis (Greece-2009-26min)
Kostakis is a 25 year old man living in the small greek town of Volos. When he was 16 he decided to become a horse-saddles maker because of his vast love for nature and animals. He is a happy man.
Director: Tomasz Jurkiewicz Producer: Radio & Television Department of the Univercity of Silesia
Director: Theodora Maliarou Producer: Theodora Maliarou Scriptwriter: Silia Psichi Director of Photography: Vassilis Kirou, Theodora Maliarou, Elli Charalambous, Dafni Psara Editing: Theodora Maliarou Sound: Dafni Psara
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ 8 PROGRAM 8 63 Matruska (Turkey-2009-9min)
In the film which starts with the subject of objectifying individual by means of barcoding with ID numbers in System cylcle,subject of film and roles of main characters in film changes in each scene. End of all scenes correspond to the beginning of next scene. The former scene loses its reality in every transition of each scene. When the credits come,all scenes in film lose their reality.The film is composed of four scenes
64 No Title | Άτιτλο (Greece-2010-3min)
65 No Title | Άτιτλο (Greece-2010-3min)
Director-Script: Ayse Buruk (Matrushka Film) Producer-Distribution: Ayse Buruk (Matrushka Film) Director of Photography: Birand Yonder Editor: Erol Mintas | Sound: E. Yakup Yuzer Music Composer: Yosuke Yamashita Costume Designer: Gulden Kaygisiz Set Decorator: Baris Akar Art Director: Gulden Kaygisiz
Director-Animation: Antonis Dimitropoulos Producer: Ionian University
Director-Animation: Viki Bisbiki Producer: Ionian University
66 Palm Lines (Romania-2009-17min)
The fragile yet monumental actress Coca Bloos portrays a woman whose life is destroyed in the blink of an eye. Years later, she tells her story in front of the camera. Was her fate already sealed in the lifelines in her hand? In a series of tableaux in bleached-out colours, we see how after her life degenerated after an accident into endless repetition. From the bathroom to the living room, from the sink to the bed, day in, day out.
67 Postman (India-2009-16min)
Rama Krishnamurthy, the protagonist in this picturesque story, acts as a medium of communication between the people in his village and those of the outside world. He is a simple man and is an integral part of the village’s social framework. Through the passage of time, we see the arrival of new source of communication and one that could very well change his life.
Director: George Chiper Producer: Sorin Botoseneanu Scriptwriter: Mihai Mincan Director of Photography: George Chiper Editing: Dragos Apetri Art design: Signe Lillemark
Director: Manohar Masaki Producer-Scriptwriter: Manohar Masaki Director of Photography: Abinandan Ramanujam Editing: M Loaeswaran | Music: Dheena | Sound: Sathyaraj Art Direction:Berta Salinas, Irene Gomez Actors-Actresses: Iswar Srikumar, Armugam Ayya, Rangamma, Narasimha, Revathi, Fathima, Nayudu, Mahalingam,Siva, Mahalingam, Dinesh
68 Rented Car (The) | Το ενοικιαζόμενο αμάξι (Greece-2010-5min)
Director: Dimitris Politis Producer: Ionian University
69 Talking Piranhas (Scotland/UK-2009-17min)
Director: Gregory Vardarinos
Producer: Gregory Vardarinos, Willem van Heemstra Winnie wish to look twenty again. Her husband Willie Scriptwriter: Jean Pierre Magro who adores her like a goddess is broke but he will do Director of Photography: Kacper Rogala anything to make her dream come true. He will find the Editing: Mirela Muresan | Music: Neil MacDougall money needed for her operation whatever the cost. Sound Design: Michael Tedstone | Art Direction: Debbie Hannan Actors: Angus Macinnes, John McQuiston Actresses: Jemima Sinclair, Katia Kvinge
70 Vanni Mouse (Norway-2010-10min)
Director : Tamilam Subas Producer: Tamilam Subas Scriptwriter: Tamilam Subas Director of Photography: Tamiliam Subas Editing: Tamiliam Subas Music: Nitharsan Art Direction: Navasuthan Mouse Training Raj Actors-Actresses: Mice (Sindhu & Thulani)
11 13
ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΜΥΘΟΠΛΑΣΙΑΣ ANNEX FICTION 71 I Like Nora | Nora sa mi páci (Czech republic-2009-12 min)
She is a weirdo, gracefully confusing everyone. I can feel her and that it is going to be a long flight. But I think I have fucked it up already at the beginning.
72 Last Day Of Alexander Kaplani (The) | Η τελευταία μέρα του Αλεξάντερ Καπλάνι (Greece-2009-15min)
The family’s origin and the big transplant waiting list, lead to desperation. When the life of 7 year old Dimitris is coming to its end, his parents have to find a solution. Money appears not to be the greatest obstacle when at the time another person’s heart seems to be the only option...
Director: Aramisova Producer: Jakub Sláma Scriptwriter: Aramisova Director of Photography: Dan Soucek Editing: Roman Tesácek | Music: Lubo Burgr Sound Design: Jan Richtr | Art Direction: Aramisova Actors: Tomáš Behal, Marek Culen Actresses: Fany, Alena Ninajová
Director: Tatiana Nikolaidou Producer: Maria Repousi | Scriptwriter: Silia Psichi Director of Photography: Irini Saliakoura Editing-Sound Design: Evniki Apostolaki | Music: Etherovamon Art Direction: Tatiana Nikolaidou, Maria Repousi, Silia Psichi, Irini Saliakoura, Evniki Apostolaki | Actors: Christos Stilianou, Pantelis Stavrinos, Petros Lefas, Kleanthi Evaggelopoulou, Eleni Thimiopoulou
73 Visit (The) (Portugal-2009-11min)
74 Wolves and Foxes | Vlky a líšky (Slovakia-2010-14min)
Wolves and Foxes is a short film about a student named Zuzka who has a visit from a punk. They are hanging about in town, oblivious of time and every now and then they steal a bottle from a shop. After two days they come home to a frightened father who is awaiting her. The police notify the parents that she has been caught stealing in a grocers store. Zuzka tries to back out of the situation by blaming it on her classmate Katka. The father takes the daughter and together they head off into the night to visit her classmate’s parents.
• • • • • • • • • •
Film and Video Productions TV Series Advertising Films Corporate Videos Video Clips Festival Curating Events Management DVD Authoring Film and Video Training Location Management
Director: Susana Realista Producer:Barbara Moura Scriptwriter: Catia Silva Director of photography: Jose Pedroso Editing: Samuel Andres Art Direction: Claudia Realista, Susana Realista Actors: Miguel Loureiro Actresses: Luz Da Camara Director-Scriptwriter: Aramisova Producer: Aramisova Director of Photography: Robo Blaško Editing: Aramisova | Sound Design: Martin Krištof | Art Direction: Aramisova Actors: Jaro Vitos, Peter Drdák Actresses: Zuzana Škodronová, Kristína Hermanová, Sandra Kubániová
1 Say me | Di me que yo (15min)
5 Parking (11 min)
Production Company: Mateo Gil, User T38 S.L., Forosonoro | Direction: Mateo Gil
HE and SHE meet exactly at the same time they break up with their own couples... Is it possible for two strangers to begin a conversation full of recriminations, arguing until they get hoarse, and passionately reconcile as if they were a couple in the end?
2 Doppelgänger (20 min) Production Company: La Nube Studio | Direction: Óscar de Julián
Óscar de Julián discovered that there is ANOTHER Óscar de Julián. From that moment on, their lives will be intertwined. Both stories blend together. In the end, you will not be able to understand one story without the other.
3 La Tama (19 min)
Production Company: Chema de la Peña Producciones, Lavoz que yo amo Direction: Martín Costa
Production Company: Zoe Berriatúa P.C., Producciones Invisibles, Quimera Films Direction: Jorge Molina
An executive goes to get his car… when he discovers that someone else has beaten him to it.
The End (28 min)
Production Company: Prosopopeya Producciones, Intermedia Producciones, Cómplice Films, | Direction: Eduardo Chapero-Jackson
A middle class american family must fight for survival in a nation being torn apart by the lack of water.
7 Tu(a)mor (13 min) Production Company: Pantalla Partida S.L., Lolita Films | Direction: Fernando Franco
The sentimental relationship between Andres and Sara is a living organism.
8 A Better Life | Una vida major (15min) Production Company: Altamira Entertainment, 14 pies, Pluto Entertainment Direction: Luis Fernández Reneo
Tama is a troubled teenager. Tired of constantly fighting with her mother, takes off on a journey with no return.
Based on a true story, A Better Life is the faithful account of 3 Mexican children who got lost in the Sonoran desert while trying to cross the U.S. border. A history that repeats itself every week in the border towns of Mexico, feeding one of the most profitable illegal businesses: Immigrant smuggling.
4 Metrópolis Ferry (16 min) Production Company: Smiz and pixel | Direction: Juan Gautier
David returns from a trip to Morocco with his brothers. In the frontier with Spain an incident occurs and he decides to take part.
1 Γιάννης Βολιώτης Gianni Voliotis 2 Υβόνη Λαδά Ιvoni Lada 1
ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜOΣ ΣΕΝΑΡIΟΥ SCRIPT COMPETITION 13.06 ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ - ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΖΑΝΝΑΣ ώρα 11:00 13.06 SUNDAY - PAVLOS ZANNAS 11:00 Κάποιος να με σώσει Υβόνη Λαδά Westminster Univercity – UK
Σύγχρονοι ήρωες Ελένη Σιμεωνίδου Τμήμα Κιν/φου Α.Π.Θ. – Ελλάδα
Ο παππούς πέθανε Δημήτρης Αργυρίου Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο – Ελλάδα
400 μέτρα Σωτήρης Τσέλλος Τμήμα Κιν/φου Α.Π.Θ. – Ελλάδα
Η πεταλούδα και ο στρατιώτης Βαρβάρα Χρηστάκη European Film College
RETURN Oliwia Twardowska Τμήμα Κιν/φου Α.Π.Θ. – Ελλάδα
Ευχές και κολλήματα Ευστάθιος Κόλιας Τμήμα Κιν/φου Α.Π.Θ. – Ελλάδα
Γραβάτες Παύλος Σηφάκης Τμήμα Κιν/φου Α.Π.Θ. – Ελλάδα
ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΣΕΝΑΡIΟΥ JURY SCRIPT COMPETITION COMMITTEE • Δημήτρης Σοφιανόπουλος, Σκηνοθέτης - Αντιπρόεδρος Ε.Κ.Κ. • Παναγιώτης Ιωσηφέλης, Σεναριογράφος & Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Κινηματογράφου
ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΙΚΟΥ JURY COMPETITION COMMITTEE • Δημήτρης Πούλος, Σκηνοθέτης • Αργύρης Θέος, Διευθυντής Φωτογραφίας • Βασίλης Κεσσίσογλου, Σκηνοθέτης • Τάνια Κίτσου, Σκηνοθέτης - Σκηνογράφος
• Dimitris Poulos, Director • Argiris Theos, Director of Photography • Vasilis Kessisoglou, Director • Τania Kitsou, Director - Production Designer
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ PROGRAM ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 11.06 Παύλος Ζάννας FRIDAY 11.06 Pavlos Zannas
ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 12.06 Παύλος Ζάννας SATURDAY 12.06 Pavlos Zannas
ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 13.06 Παύλος Ζάννας SUNDAY 13.06 Pavlos Zannas
09:00-11:00 PROGRAM 6 11:00-13:00 PROGRAM 2 13:00-15:00 PROGRAM 7 15:00-17:00 PROGRAM 4 17:00-19:00 PROGRAM 5 19:00-21:00 PROGRAM 1 21:00-23:00 PROGRAM 3 23:00-01:00 PROGRAM 9
09:00-11:00 PROGRAM 4 11:00-13:00 PROGRAM 3 13:00-15:00 PROGRAM 1 15:00-17:00 PROGRAM 5 17:00-19:00 PROGRAM 10 19:00-21:00 PROGRAM 8 21:00-23:00 PROGRAM 2 23:00-01:00 PROGRAM 6
22:00 Αποχαιρετιστήριο Party CLOSING PARTY
01. Antiquarian (The) 02. Attempt | Απόπειρα 03. Captain Dallas is Dead 04. Clean 05. Dacil 06. Enemy Territory | Territorio Enemigo 07. Fish in the Sky 08. Gato de la Fortuna |Maneki Neko
09. Go Home 10. Happy End 11. Heads or Tails | Cara o Cruz 12. Heart 13. Hidden Occupations Κρυφές Ασχολίες 14. It’s Locked 15. Kles_Ydra 16. Live | Ζωντανή σύνδεση 17. Lucky Lottery (The) Τo τυχερό λαχείο 18. Martina and the Mοοn Martina yla Luna
19. Miracle 20. Monster (The) | Το τέρας 21. Next Station Neos Kosmos Επόμενη στάση Νέος Κόσμος 22. Nowhere 23. Observer | Παρατηρητής 24. One Way 25. Passing Through | Pasajero 26. Rights and Responsibilities Derechos y Deberes 27. Room (The) | Το Δωμάτιο
28. Safety Net | Δίχτυ ασφαλείας 29. Saligia-1 30. See you in my Dreams Σε βλέπω στα όνειρά μου 31. Solitaire 32. Still 33. Still Here 34. Teddy 35. Tiny Fingers 36. Tired of Holding my Breath 37. What Went Wrong Τι πήγε στραβά 38. Winter Sonnet for the Golden Clouds | Χειμερινή σονάτα για τα χρυσά μάτια
39. Cry of the islanders (The) O choro dos ilhéus 40. Go a Walk to the Moon Πάμε μια βόλτα στο φεγγάρι 41. Heros’ Clarinets 42. Ordinary and Great 43. Pond (The) 44. TAXIing in the City ΤΑΞΙδι στην Πόλη
45. Goal 46. Like Crude Oil 47. Sisyphus
9 ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ PROGRAM ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΜΥΘΟΠΛΑΣΙΑΣ ANNEX FICTION 71 I Like Nora Nora sa mi páci 72 Last Day Of Alexander Kaplani Η τελευταία μέρα του Αλεξάντερ Καπλάνι 73 Visit (The) 74 Wolves and Foxes Vlky a lisky
ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΑ EXPERIMENTAL 48. Alone 49. Alice in Wanderland | H Aλίκη στη χώρα της περιπλάνησης 50. Angle 51. Door 52. Once Upon Sometimes 53. Process 54. Scream of Life Κραυγή ζωής 55. Vertigo 56. Water
57. Adeem 58. Are you Ready for Laser Ball? 59. Butimar 60. Can I Have a Dream? 61. Grandma has Gone 62. Kostakis
63. Μatruska 64. No Title | Άτιτλο 65. No Title | Άτιτλο 66. Palm Lines 67. Postman 68. Rented Car (The) Το ενοικιαζόμενο αμάξι 69. Talking Piranhas 70. Vanni Mouse
10 ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ PROGRAM MAΔΡΙΤΗ ΣΕ ΣΥΝΤΟΜΙΑ MADRID EN CORTO 1. Say me Di me que yo 2. Doppelg�nger 3. La Tama 4. Metrüpolis Ferry 5. Parking 6. The End 7. Tu(a)mor 8. A better life Una vida major
Τελετή Award Απονομής Βραβείων Ceremony 5ου CRASHFEST 5th CRASHFEST Κυριακή 13 Ιουνίου Sunday 13 June ώρα 20:00 Ολύμπιον, 20:00 Οlympion Αίθουσα Παύλος Ζάννας at Pavlos Zannas Theater
Στην τελετή θα ερμηνεύσει τραγούδια από Songs from films and theatrical plays will τον κινηματογράφο και το θέατρο η be performed by Georgia Sillaiou, accomΓεωργία Συλλαίου. panied on the piano by Stergios Valioulis. Στο πιάνο θα την συνοδεύει ο Στέργιος Βαλιούλης.
Αποχαιρετιστήριο Party Closing Party στο bar EDEN ώρα 22:00 at the bar EDEN 22:00 Καλαποθάκη & Κομνηνών Kalapothaki & Komninon
Broken Dreams
Broken Dreams
Γεωργία Συλλαίου , τραγούδι Στέργιος Βαλιούλης, πιάνο
Georgia Sylleou, voice Stergios Valioulis, piano
Η Γεωργία Συλλαίου και ο Στέργιος Βαλιούλης συνεργάζονται από το 2005. ΄Εχουν παρουσιάσει ως duo προγράμματα με κινηματογραφική μουσική και τραγούδια, την παράσταση Cabaret Berlin (από τον Μεσοπόλεμο στον Tom Waits) σε πολλές πόλεις της Ελλάδας. Συμμετείχαν στην παράσταση “Bertolt Brecht… όλα αλλάζουν”, με ακόμη πέντε μουσικούς, η οποία ηχογραφήθηκε στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Θεσσαλονίκης και σύντομα θα κυκλοφορήσει σε CD. Επίσης ερμηνεύουν το τραγούδι Wild Is The Wind, του τιμημένου με όσκαρ συνθέτη Dimitri Tiomkin, το οποίο περιλαμβάνεται στη συλλογή Jazz Society Thessaloniki 2009.
Georgia Sylleou and Stergios Valioulis have been working together since 2005. They have performed as a duo cinema themes and songs and a project entitled Cabaret Berlin ( music and songs of the 20’s and 30’s up to the ballads by Tom Waits). They took part at the project – tribute “Bertolt Brecht…everything changes”, along with five more musicians. This concert was recorded at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall and a CD will be released this year. The duo performs the song Wild Is The Wind by composer Dimitri Tiomkin which is included in the CD collection Jazz Society Thessaloniki 2009.