The first election for European Parliament representatives since the EU entered the current multilevel crisis is upon us.
For practical reasons, the May 2014 EP elections are the most important in EU’s history. The European Parliament has been given more powers including the election of the President of the Commission and has become increasingly definitive for EU policy making.
The 2014 EP elections are taking place in an awkward political framework. The lack of convincing EU answers to the European crisis has led to the rise of anti-EU tendencies. Both voting and not voting could make good sense and, in the present context, can be persuasively defended.
This collection does not aim at bringing together a series of rationalizations. It is about ACTION. Vote or no vote? For what reasons? Democratic values, ideology, partisanship, habit, apathy, frustration, distrust?
This collection is the outcome of an open call towards all EU citizens with no restriction whatsoever to age, edu