Lifestyle real estate newsletter | January 2019
What can we expect for 2019? A common theme for real estate in 2018, which will continue into 2019, is that there are distinct forces at work, exerting force on the market: Supply, demand, and affordability. Although these are always at play, the increased pressure from all three have been intense in 2018 and will continue throughout 2019 on a national level. Let’s look at what makes up each of these areas:
Supply – There are only three ways
we get new inventory – existing resale homes, new homes, and foreclosures. The number of years we are staying in our homes has reached an all-time high of 10 years which is one of the main contributors to the inventory shortage (plugging up the resale pipeline). However, another contributor – and this is a big one – is the continued lack of new construction. We also don’t have many foreclosures to add to our inventory levels. Therefore, all three inventory supply sources are dripping instead of flowing.
Demand – Our economy is humming
along. Unemployment is at almost historic lows, GDP is up, Consumer Confidence is up, and Millennials are ready to buy (those who can afford to). Therefore, demand has been high and will continue to be so. If it wasn’t for the severe afford ability issue we are experiencing in many Metro markets, Millennials would be buying up a storm.
Affordability – High demand for
housing is causing prices to soar out of a comfortable price range
for buyers. In addition, the cost for builders to build (land, labor, materials, and regulatory demands) are all rising at a pace that makes new construction less affordable. Interest rates are also on the rise. All of these factors affect affordability and home sales. These three factors are in a pushpull relationship which was very evident this past year when home prices peaked in May. The market then quickly reacted with an adjustment in inventory. There was an initial surge of new listings concurrent with a moment in which buyers had had enough and affordability reached a tipping point. That surge caused buyers to step back and assess the situation instead of moving forward which caused another moment in which sellers were ready to sell but buyers were no longer willing to pay the inflated prices. Buyers figured out quickly that the market had hit its peak and they did not want to buy at the peak of the market. This led to even more inventory coming on the market with demand pausing as supply surged. Now that surge is receding – sellers who couldn’t get the price they wanted are taking their properties off the market and savvy buyers are working with sellers,
allowing both parties to make their next move. So, what can we expect for 2019? 1. Housing Inventory – I believe the inventory surge that we will begin the year with will be absorbed as sellers get realistic about their price or take their homes off the market. We will then see the spring and summer return to a more reduced inventory market. I expect buyers to also hop back into the market, trying to capitalize on interest rates that are expected to rise throughout 2019. Overall, I expect inventory levels to rise 5-7% in the mid-price range and 8-13% on the high end. 2. Housing Starts/New Construction – Our builders have not been able to keep up with the demand for new construction. Historically, we have needed 1.5 million units each year. That has recently increased to 1.62 million units. However, we are only on target to build 1.25 million units this year and next which means we are continuing to add to our deficit. Local issues in many areas such as zoning and water rights are also capping new construction opportunity. The cost of building supplies,
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