Lifestyle real estate newsletter | September 2019
5 kitchen cleaning essentials for listing your home The kitchen is one of the mostused rooms in the house and one that can be most difficult to keep clean. But with a little planning and deep-cleaning up front, you can keep the mess at bay. Here are some recommendations for getting and keeping your kitchen in tip-top shape when it is listed: - Reducing clutter in cabinets is essential for making your kitchen seem spacious to potential buyers. I recommend that you only keep in your kitchen what you will actually need for the next 90 days.
Oven – The oven should get a
good cleaning on the self-clean cycle. Give the stovetop a deep clean, restoring it to new condition with the best of your ability.
Fridge – Make a concerted effort to declutter by, again, throwing away everything you aren’t taking with you. Old cheese, ketchup packets, and random condiments need to be disposed
of. Then give the shelves and drawers a good cleaning. Do a similar treatment to the freezer
Dishes and Glasses – When you
clean your cabinets, you may find that your dishes are chipped and you are ready for a new set. A fresh set of matching dishes and glasses can be just the ticket for breathing new life into your cabinet, but don’t include more than a set of eight.
of the rest. If they are in rough shape, resist the urge to use a pot rack or store them on the cooktop. Find a handy cabinet and stack neatly. A kitchen will usually be the make or break point for a potential buyer, so take the time to make this room shine and make it sparkle for the duration of the listing. Call or text me for more listing tips.
Pots and Pans – Determine your three to five most-needed pots and pans and pack up or get rid
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