There once wa s a girl who could light up the world. But her f lame wa s of ten ex t ing uished, here’s what un f urled...
The way she acted wa sn’t right or enough
They told her be shiny, be pla st ic, be warm, be st uf fed.
She tried her hardest to do what they say
But then she thought, there must be some other way...
A nother girl w ith another name Ran into circumstances just the same.
They say, “My dear, you’re to be a princess. You must behave, never stress, and always say yes.”
“Remember poise, don’t make noise, and never be one of the boys.”
“Sit st il l, look pret t y, sil ly girl, don’t tr y and be w it t y.”
Tired and wear y from al l they hear. A lone together and star t ing to tear.
The girls came together, the t wo now friends. They dreamt of a place where these ex pectat ions could end.
Realizing such a place doesn’t ex ist. Change comes from w ithin; you have to insist. Standards and convent ions she peek s through. Escape and freedom are in their v iew.
R ipping through the scenes that def ined. They’re break ing free and leav ing it al l behind.
Where the sheep roam and the f lowers bloom They can be themselves and strip away their cost ume.
A rm and arm, they sk ip in the sun. Their thoughts and act ions control led by no one.
Trading blush caked cheek s for sun-k issed ones Escaping con f inement, breathing fresh air in the lungs
A mong the f lowers, happy a s can be
The t wo girls: young, w ild, and free.
The End.