nineMagazine | May/June 2020

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For Members of the Nine Network of Public Media

Nine Team Rallies during Pandemic p. 4

History Night on Thursdays p. 8

At-Home PBS KIDS Learning Resources for Parents and Teachers p. 10

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May-June 2020 Volume 11, Number 3




2 Photo Montage 3 Message from the President 4 Q&A with Amy Shaw

14 19 27 28 30 31 39

A n interview with the first female president and chief executive officer of Nine Network about her journey, the community, and Nine’s role in the coronavirus pandemic.

8 New on Nine History Thursdays in May help you experience the world at home and keeps your lifelong learning quest on track.



May Listings May Prime Time Nine Create Nine World June Listings June Prime Time

Nine Networking 10

We have at-home learning programs over the air and to stream for all ages—preschool, elementary, middle and high school. Our resources are listed. Hero Elementary premieres June 1. Baseball is back with Ken Burns’ epic documentary on America’s favorite pastime. David Steward wins Academy Award as producer of Hair Love. Nine wins St. Louis Theater Circle award for Such Sweet Thunder.

©2020 St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of nineMagazine without express written permission from the publisher is prohibited. nineMagazine (ISSN 1086-8828) (USPS 736-890) is published bimonthly by St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc., 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Periodicals class postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to nineMagazine, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Subscriptions are available by annual membership contribution of $60 or more to the Nine Network.

On the cover: During stay-at-home orders, Nine staff stays in touch using video conferencing.

Nine Network 3655 Olive St. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 512-9000 Fax (314) 512-9005 9 am to 5 pm Monday–Friday Member Services (314) 512-9199 (800) 729-9966

Editor Lynanne Feilen Designer Allie Bronsky Advertising Sales Elaine Bodker Margo Cooper (314) 432-8097 Marvin Sanders (314) 514-9137 Jodi Zweifel (314) 514-9133 TheNineNetwork @TheNineNetwork TheNineNetwork TheNineNetwork

The Nine Network respects the privacy and confidentiality of our donors and will not sell, give or exchange any information to any entity.

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Nine Employees Work from Home 1 Lola, graphic designer Allie Bronsky’s dog, is ready to start the day. 2 Parent engagement coordinator Fatama Moorer, with her daughter Nariah, keep learning while at home.


ssociate producer Brooke Butler, and her daughter A Frankie, make the most of working remotely by tapping into PBS KIDS.

Angie Carr, director of community impact, gets 4 directions on the day’s tasks from daughter Liliann Mae.

“Supervisor” Lewis makes sure producer Kara 5 Vaninger stays focused.

Nine Network Board of Directors Chair David Steward II

Amy Shaw with PBS KIDS characters from the Super WHY? and Peg + Cat educational television series.

Vice Chair Mark C. Lindgren Treasurer Kathy Barney Secretary Cynthia Brinkley Members Donald Aven David Conner Tim Goodson Harvey A. Harris Janet M. Holloway Dennis Hummel Ashley Kemper Rob Kirkland Robert Koplar Mark Krieger Brendan Lind Dennis Lower Thomas C. Melzer Mary Nelson David Rabe Hugh Scott, III Thad Simons James Snowden Chad Stiening James E. Williams, Jr. Emeritus Dan Burkhardt Maxine Clark Pepe Prince Finn Juanita Hinshaw Ted Koplar Ken Kranzberg Jeffrey McDonnell Kim Olson Jack Schreiber Patrick Sly Dr. Donald Suggs Milton P. Wilkins, Jr. Nine Network Senior Staff Senior Vice President, COO and CFO Richard E. Skalski Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer Matt Huelskamp Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Chrys Marlow Vice President, Chief Development Officer Dean H. Mutter

Open to the public: The public is invited to meetings of the Nine Network board of directors. For information about Nine's public meetings, call Cathy Peterson at (314) 512-9017.

Dear Friends, Our community and staff have come together in big and small ways since the COVID-19 outbreak. I continue to believe that we become more of who we really are in times of crisis—and we have shown ourselves to be the amazing, talented, community-focused organization and people that our region needs us to be! Nine is an essential service and our team has risen to the challenge, working remotely under stressful personal and professional conditions. We are doing everything we can to support at-home learning for children and adults. Our unparalleled PBS KIDS content has been streamlined into an Educator and Caregiver Toolkit to help children, parents, and teachers navigate these complicated times. We’ve changed our afternoon schedule on Nine World to be more focused on educational content for middle and high school students. We’re airing some of Ken Burns’ epic documentary series as part of our History Nights on Thursdays. And, we’re continuing to show some of the best arts, drama and science content on television. We have managed to keep Donnybrook on the air, and as lively as ever, via video conferencing with the five panelists at home. And, in April, we went to a one-hour program to accommodate news about the pandemic. Donnybrook is available to watch on TV,, YouTube, and as a podcast.

our YouTube channel, and on our Facebook page. You can find everything from the symptoms of coronavirus, to where to connect to trusted resources, along with tips for working from home, and Nine’s role during the pandemic. And of course, we’re telling stories about the helpers, the amazing people and organizations in our region that are helping our community get through challenging times. During this time, Nine Network has been a source for trusted reporting of the facts, a place to retreat and get away from the stresses of the day, and a provider of educational programming and learning resources. This issue provides schedules for smart, entertaining, commercialfree content on all four of our broadcast channels. For facts on the virus, please go to We are seeing higher than usual audiences on all our platforms, which reinforces the essential work we are doing. It is because of all of you, our loyal members, that we can continue to provide these programs even through turbulent times. Thank you.

Amy Shaw President and CEO

Our producers have been busy producing stories that can also be found on air, on nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Q &A with

Amy Shaw

On February 3, Amy Shaw was named the first female president and chief executive officer in the 65-year history of Nine Network. A native of St. Louis, Shaw had worked in a variety of posts since joining Nine in 2003. She was promoted in 2010 to senior vice president of community engagement and, ultimately, added chief content officer to her role. Upon President and CEO Jack

Q: What was your first reaction to getting selected president and CEO of Nine Network?

A: It was my great honor to be chosen. I competed

hard for the position. I had the luxury of knowing what a wonderful team we have, so I was excited for us to move forward. But I do admit there was a brief moment when I allowed myself to reflect back on my childhood, and how I would come home with my parents from mass on Sunday, and the first thing we would do was turn on the TV and watch European League Soccer on Nine. My lifelong connection to Nine made this even more special.

Galmiche’s untimely death on April 16, 2019, Shaw led the station on an interim basis. Then came the pinnacle of her career: “After

Q: Even though you had run the station for

a rigorous and extensive nationwide search,

many months as interim CEO, it must be quite a challenge to face the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic so early in your tenure. What is that like?

we are proud to announce that Amy Shaw will be taking the helm of the Nine Network," David Steward II, chair of the Nine Network Board of Directors, announced. "She has done exceptional work as interim CEO and we are excited for her to lead the station.” We sat down with Amy to discuss her plans for Nine Network. 4

May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

A: Actually, in an unfortunate way, we had been

prepared to react quickly to crisis when Jack, who I had worked with closely for 12 years, passed away so suddenly. That was a very difficult and tumultuous time for our team, and everyone pulled together with such an amazing effort to move forward. I was very proud of them then, and I still am now.

Q: What did you take away from that experience? A: I like to say that in crisis you become more of who you

really are. And in crisis, I would say Nine is more of who we really are, which is community connected, supporting our youngest learners in particular, and supporting all the people in our community. Our team is pretty special, and I think people in the community knew that, and if they didn’t, they certainly do now.

Q: What would you say has been your top priority in serving that community in these difficult times?

A: Our top priority is serving the educational needs of our

children, which really means returning to the origins of why the station was founded when we first went on the air more than 65 years ago in September 1954. We went on the air to educate children via TV. Teachers would roll a TV into the classroom, and there was probably only one in the building at that time. They would gather the kids around the TV and there would be special programming on air for kids to learn the core subjects. That just grew and grew and grew. Nine back then, KETC, was a huge innovator in that space and we are known as an innovator to this day.

Q: And you had to do all this in a pandemic? A: It is quite a logistical challenge, because the team is

practicing social distancing, people working from home—in many cases, taking care of their own children—and putting in long hours to get the job done. I’m so proud of what our team was able to do in such a short period of time. The toolkit is just one example. Every person in the organization has played a role in supporting the community through this crisis. As Mister Rogers says, in a crisis, look for the helpers. At Nine, we’re helpers.

Q: So almost overnight, you were able to create the Educator and Caregiver Toolkit, among the other resources you’ve brought together?

A: It was really quite extraordinary. It’s online at All of the resources are readily available, they’re free, high quality, trusted, and they’re aligned with state learning standards. Everything is designed to help all kids learn. We’ve never had a time like this when everyone was home, with parents having to work while trying to care for their children and manage their learning at the same time. This has really been new territory for everyone in the country and the world.

Q: How did you update that role for the crisis presented by the coronavirus pandemic?

A: Actually, one of the first things we did was

get on a call with some education leaders in the region: school superintendents, folks from the charter community, curriculum and instruction people. What we heard very clearly from them were three key things: One, educators were very concerned about access to resources, meaning that while lots of children have really good internet access, there are many children who don’t; two, was that they were very concerned about children from pre-K to grade 4, because while our older kids were likely accustomed to doing some form of distance learning, our youngest children really aren’t; and third, the education leaders told us: you’re really going to need to help parents feel OK about this, because they’re not used to this, it’s whole new territory and you need to tell parents to go easy on themselves and to manage expectations.

Q: That’s a tall order. What was your strategy for doing all that in a hurry?

A: Very quickly our team took all that

information and pulled all these highquality resources we have available: Nine PBS LearningMedia which has over 30,000 video resources, lesson plans, and printable resources, all aligned with state standards for both Missouri and Illinois. We mobilized to create an Educator and Caregiver Toolkit, taking the resources we already had out there, but pulling them together in a way that was readily digestible. And we also focused on doing everything we could to support our most vulnerable children. We produced on-air messaging with our staff that were educating their children at home so our audience could see that we’re all in this together. For access to our Educator and Caregiver toolkit: nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Amy gives remarks at the PBS KIDS Edcamp for Early Childhood Educators last fall at Nine.

Q: Technology helps with that, doesn’t it? A: It certainly does. Most of the more than 40 PBS

KIDS® apps for kids and parents on mobile devices and tablets are free. These apps are based on quality PBS KIDS’ shows, like Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Clifford, Molly of Denali, and Wild Kratts. These are great tools, they’re trusted, and things kids can learn from. We’re trying to help parents relax a little bit. This can be a time of exploration for our kids. Their lives have been disrupted just like their parents. They’re missing their friends. These tools are a great way for them to learn, but also to enjoy themselves.

Q: Along with the renewed focus on local service to children and their parents in these difficult times, a large part of Nine’s mission continues to be delivering PBS’ solid lineup of favorite programs. What’s the show people are asking about the most?

A: People are clamoring for the next season of Victoria

on Masterpiece. There have been three seasons of Victoria, and not long ago, we ran a marathon of those seasons to give people a little extra comfort. Victoria has been such a wonderful show for us. There will be a fourth season, but it hasn’t gone into production yet. Believe me, when we get information on that, you’ll be the first to know. People need comfort right now, to see familiar faces, whether it’s with Victoria or local shows like Donnybrook.


May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

Q: It was good timing that you were able to the offer The Polio Crusade: American Experience in that same vein, wasn’t it?

A: I have to be candid: American Experience is

my favorite public television show. I know it’s like your children, it’s hard to pick a favorite. The Polio Crusade was so timely. This was a time when Americans banded together. This was a terrifying thing for families and children and those that went through it, just like FDR. It’s something that’s very germane to our times, but a lot of people won’t have remembered it or had a connection to it. This is the type of content we feel passionate about bringing to our audience because you’re learning something, but you’re also being entertained in the process.

Q: PBS also has received a little extra help from the great Ken Burns during the pandemic, correct?

A: Yes, Ken Burns has been such a great friend

to us, and he’s offered full access to his content, so we’ve been running “History Thursday” nights starting with The Roosevelts. When The Roosevelts first aired on Nine Network, we did gangbusters, but I have to say that Nine Network always does great with Ken Burns’ content. St. Louis loves Ken Burns. It has been a great way for people to learn and to be connected with some high-quality storytelling at this time.

Q: It sounds like much of what you’re doing today is informed by what you’ve learned during your time at Nine?

A: It really is. I think there’s a communal experience with public television. The media landscape is changing rapidly with new technologies and the availability of content; Nine must evolve, too. So much of viewing is done through streaming and DVRs, which is great, but there is something to be said right now about how people have been watching TV as a community. People are seeking reliable information from an institution they trust and Nine Network is tailored for that no matter how people consume our content—onair, online, or via their phone. We take our cue from the community, because we’re part of the community. Just like we always have been. Amy with David Newell (Mr. McFeely) from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

Q: You obviously have quite a history with the station. What were your favorite shows as a kid?

A: I loved Zoom and Sesame Street. My parents were big fans of Channel Nine, so I can tell you I spent every Sunday night on the couch with them watching Masterpiece. I was reared on Upstairs, Downstairs and the classics, and my dad was a big fan of This Old House, so we watched that a lot.

Amy with her mother, June Saxton, on the steps of her grandmother's home.

Q: You seem to view your role at the Nine Network as staying focused on the future, while staying true to its history. Would you say that, in a lot of ways, you’ve come full circle in your lifelong relationship with Nine, starting as a child and now serving as its leader?

Amy with her mother, June Saxton.

A: I think that’s a good way to look at it. I don’t

want to give away my age, but I grew up in a time when there wasn’t cable, not until my teens, so there were only a few channels, and Nine was very important to my family. My dad, who passed away some time ago, would have been delighted, and my mom, who we just recently lost, was beyond proud that I’m leading Nine.

Amy and her father, Robert Saxton.

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


new on nine HISTORY NIGHT ON THURSDAYS Encore presentations that keep you learning and experiencing the world from home.

The National Parks: America’s Best Idea Filmed at nature's most spectacular locales, like Acadia, Yosemite, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon, this Ken Burns’ docuseries is, nonetheless, a story about people. People from every conceivable background—rich and poor, famous and unknown, soldiers and scientists, natives and newcomers, idealists, artists and entrepreneurs—who were willing to devote themselves to saving some precious portion of the land they loved, and in doing so reminded their fellow citizens of the full meaning of democracy. Thursdays, June 18–July 23, 8 pm


May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

The Roosevelts: An Intimate History Hugely popular when it first aired in 2014, the seven-part film tells the stories of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. In the final episode of the series, “A Strong and Active Faith (1944-1962),” the Ken Burns’ documentary examines Eleanor’s role as civil rights and United Nations’ champion after FDR’s death. Stream all episodes on and the PBS App. Thursday, May 7, 8 pm

Black America through MLK, Parts 1 & 2

The Gilded Age: American Experience

Thursday, May 14 & 21, 8 pm

In the closing decades of the 19th century, during what has become known as the Gilded Age, the population of the U.S. doubled in the span of a single generation. The nation became the world’s leading producer of food, coal, oil, and steel, attracted vast amounts of foreign investment, and pushed into markets in Europe and the Far East. As national wealth expanded, two classes rose simultaneously, separated by a gulf of experience and circumstance that was unprecedented in American life. These disparities sparked passionate and violent debate over questions still being asked in our own times: How is wealth best distributed, and by what process? The Gilded Age presents a compelling and complex story of one of the most convulsive and transformative eras in American history.

In this two-part series, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., embarks on a deeply personal journey through the last 50 years of African American history. Joined by leading scholars, celebrities, and a dynamic cast of people who shaped these years, Gates travels from the victories of the civil rights movement up to today, asking profound questions about the state of black America—and our nation as a whole.


Thursday, May 28, 8 pm Forest Park • 314.746.4599 •

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


nine networking AT-HOME LEARNING Free educational content is at the core of Nine’s mission. Nine at-home learning resources are helping parents and educators fill educational gaps while schools are closed. From Sesame Street to Nova, Nine broadcasts trusted educational content all day, every day, on television and online.

Teacher Lesson Plans on Nine PBS (9.1) To further serve our youngest learners during stay-at-home orders, we have modified our mid-day, Monday-Friday schedule to bring you lesson plans from various teachers across the region.

• PreK–1st grade reading • 2nd–4th grade reading • PreK–1st grade math • 2nd–4th grade math On Fridays, select lesson plans will repeat from earlier in the week after Mister Rogers' Neighborhood at 12:30 pm.

After watching Let's Go Luna and learning about the U.S. and China, Dytania Harris’ daughters, Madison (left) and Alysia (right), discovered the continent of Asia and made flags of both countries.

Educator and Caregiver Toolkit  PBS KIDS educational programs and resources have always been the gold standard in kids programming. It was recently mentioned as a high-quality resource in new guidelines for parents by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The Nine PBS Educator and Caregiver Toolkit at provides free learning opportunities for educators, parents, and students. This toolkit was created with guidance from education leaders from across the region. The toolkit has broadcast, online, and mobile resources, as well as learning tools and tips that can be text messaged to phones. It includes a broadcast and streaming schedule of kids’ programs available by targeted ages, learning goals, air times and links to PBS KIDS apps. The toolkit is especially useful for learners in kindergarten through grade 4, but it also has resources for other grade levels. New things are added weekly. These resources help build social and emotional learning, literacy, STEM, social studies, and fine and performing arts skills for children across the St. Louis region. Supported by Emerson. 10 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

"[PBS KIDS] resources are so valuable during such uncertain and stressful times. ...The TV shows are educational, but the activities take learning even further! My daughters will continue to watch the shows and use the many activities that have been provided for them!" —Dytania Harris, mom and educator

PBS KIDS Learning Goals The second column from the left indicates grade level by learning goal.

SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL LEARNING Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Social & Emotional Learning

Sesame Street


Social & Emotional Learning, Literacy, Math, Spanish



Social & Emotional Learning


Esme & Roy


Social & Emotional Learning


Clifford the Big Red Dog


Social & Emotional Learning

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)

24/7 24/7

Social & Emotional Learning



Science Inquiry, Life/Physical Science, Math

Splash and Bubbles


Scientific Inquiry, Life Science

Peg + Cat



Curious George


Scientific Inquiry, Engineering, Math

Elinor Wonders Why


Scientific Inquiry, Life/Earth Science, Engineering & Technology


Scientific Inquiry, Life/Earth/Physical Science, Engineering & Technology

Peep and the Big Wide World




Social & Emotional Learning, Social Studies

The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!

Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum


Social & Emotional Learning

Dinosaur Train


Scientific Inquiry, Life/Earth Science

Sid the Science Kid


Scientific Inquiry, Life/Earth/Physical Science, Math

Nature Cat


Life/Earth Science

Wild Kratts


Scientific Inquiry, Life Science




Hero Elementary

4-8 Scientific Inquiry, Life/Earth & Space/Physical Science, Engineering & Technology

Odd Squad


Ready Jet Go!

5-8 Scientific Inquiry, Life/Earth & Space/Physical Science, Engineering & Technology


Super WHY!

2-5 Literacy






Martha Speaks


Literacy (Vocabulary Acquisistion)


Molly of Denali

4-8 Literacy (Informational Text)



Literacy (Vocabulary Acquisistion)

24/7 24/7



SOCIAL STUDIES, THE ARTS & MORE Pinkalicious & Peterrific

Let’s Go Luna!



3-6 The Arts, Creative Expression

The Ruff Ruffman Show


Scientific Inquiry, Physical Science, Engineering & Technology

4-7 Social Studies (World Cultures and Geography)

Design Squad Nation


Scientific Inquiry, Physical Science, Engineering

PBS KIDS ScratchJr


Computational Thinking



Scientific Inquiry, Life/Physical/Earth Science, Engineering & Technology, Math

Digital-Only Kart Kingdom


Systems Thinking

Oh Noah!


Spanish, Cultural Awareness

Scribbles and Ink

4-8 The Arts



nineMagazine | May–June 2020


New PBS KIDS Show Premieres June 1 Hero Elementary is a school for budding superheroes, where kids learn to master their innate powers, like flying and teleportation, while exploring science along the way. The series gives children ages 4 to 7 important tools to help them solve problems by encouraging them to think and act like scientists, igniting their natural curiosity. Hero Elementary also showcases character and social-emotional concepts, such as kindness, empathy, and commitment to working together to solve problems.

Timely Messages Right to Your Phone Bright by Text has partnered with Nine Network to provide research-based tips and links to trusted resources that help subscribing parents and caregivers support the learning and development of children. The texting service is available in English and Spanish. Current messages focus on helpful ways to talk to your children about COVID-19, as well as activities to do at home, how to manage stress during an outbreak, and more. Supported by Delta Dental of Missouri

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Join Teachers Group on Facebook Join the PBS Teacher Trading Post–St. Louis! Tell us what resources you need and start the conversations you want to have with other St. Louis-area teachers. Find a steady drum beat of PBS teacher resources and chime in with what is working for you, your students, parents, and fellow teachers. Join the conversation!

Let’s come together even though we’re apart.


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DOWNLOAD THE APP Hey St. Louis, let’s support local nonprofits caring for the most vulnerable during this time of unprecedented disruption. Donate now!

nineMagazine | May–June 2020



Special Family Night programming airs Friday-Sunday from 6–8 pm; the regular schedule will occasionally be preempted.

2:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

5:00 Cyberchase

2:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

5:30 Cyberchase

3:00 Cat in the Hat

6:00 Arthur

3:30 Dinosaur Train

6:30 Odd Squad

4:00 Let's Go Luna!

7:00 Ready Jet Go!

4:30 Nature Cat

7:30 Peg + Cat

5:00 Wild Kratts

8:00 Clifford

5:30 Wild Kratts

8:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:00 Xavier Riddle

9:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 Super Why!

7:00 Odd Squad

12:00 Let's Go Luna!

10:00 WordWorld

7:30 Arthur

12:30 Nature Cat

10:30 Splash and Bubbles

8:00 Ready Jet Go!

1:00 Wild Kratts

11:00 Sid the Science Kid

8:30 WordGirl

1:30 Wild Kratts

11:30 Caillou

9:00 Sesame Street

2:00 Xavier Riddle

9:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

2:30 Molly of Denali



Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood AM

12:00 Peep and the Big Wide World

10:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

3:00 Odd Squad

12:30 Martha Speaks

10:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

3:30 Arthur

1:00 Sesame Street

11:00 Cat in the Hat

4:00 Ready Jet Go!

1:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

11:30 Dinosaur Train

4:30 WordGirl

9:30 Nature Cat



1:00 Let's Go Luna!

5:00 Cyberchase

1:30 Nature Cat

10:00 Arthur

5:30 Cyberchase

2:00 Arthur

10:30 Arthur

6:00 Ready Jet Go!

2:30 Arthur

11:00 Odd Squad

6:30 Cat in the Hat

3:00 Odd Squad

11:30 Odd Squad

7:00 Splash and Bubbles

3:30 Odd Squad

7:30 Peg + Cat

4:00 Molly of Denali

12:00 Molly of Denali

8:00 Clifford

4:30 Xavier Riddle

12:30 Xavier Riddle

8:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

5:00 Wild Kratts

1:00 Wild Kratts

9:00 Sesame Street

5:30 Wild Kratts

1:30 Wild Kratts

9:30 Esme & Roy!

6:00 Family Movie Night

2:00 Xavier Riddle

10:00 Super Why!

6:30 Family Movie Night

2:30 Molly of Denali

10:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Family Movie Night

3:00 Odd Squad

11:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:30 Family Movie Night

3:30 Arthur

11:30 Dinosaur Train

8:00 Family Movie Night

4:00 Ready Jet Go!

8:30 WordGirl

4:30 WordGirl

9:00 Let's Go Luna!


12:00 Dinosaur Train

12:30 Pinkalicous & Peterrific

14 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine


Watch anytime at



Special Family Night programming airs Friday-Sunday from 6–8 pm; the regular schedule will occasionally be preempted.

2:00 Dinosaur Train


5:00 Splash and Bubbles

2:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

5:30 Clifford (Classic)

12:30 Nature Cat

6:00 Peg + Cat

3:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

1:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:30 Nature Cat

7:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

2:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Sesame Street

3:00 Sesame Street 4:00 Let's Go Luna! 5:00 Wild Kratts

12:00 Let's Go Luna! 1:00 Wild Kratts 2:00 Xavier Riddle

5:30 Wild Kratts

8:30 Esme & Roy

3:30 Odd Squad

9:00 Super WHY!

6:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 The Cat in the Hat

4:30 WordGirl

10:00 Nature Cat

6:00 Xavier Riddle 7:00 Hero Elementary

8:30 WordGirl

9:30 Wild Kratts

12:00 Odd Squad

9:00 Xavier Riddle

10:00 Dinosaur Train

12:30 Molly of Denali

10:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

1:00 Xavier Riddle

1:30 Wild Kratts

8:00 Arthur

11:30 Arthur PM

4:00 Arthur

7:30 Odd Squad

10:30 Ready Jet Go! 11:00 Cyberchase

3:00 Hero Elementary

11:00 Sesame Street

11:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific Molly of Denali


1:00 Xavier Riddle

5:00 Caillou

1:30 Wild Kratts

5:30 WordWorld

2:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:00 Peep and the Big Wide World

2:30 Let’s Go Luna!

10:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:30 Martha Speaks

3:00 Nature Cat

10:30 Let’s Go Luna!

7:00 Sid the Science Kid

3:30 Odd Squad

11:00 Nature Cat

7:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:00 Hero Elementary

11:30 Odd Squad

8:00 Sesame Street

4:30 Molly of Denali

8:30 Clifford (Reboot)

5:00 Xavier Riddle

12:00 Hero Elementary

9:00 Super WHY!

5:30 Wild Kratts

12:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 The Cat in the Hat

6:00 Family Movie Night

1:00 Xavier Riddle



10:00 Nature Cat

6:30 Family Movie Night

1:30 Wild Kratts

10:30 Ready Jet Go!

7:00 Family Movie Night

2:00 Family Movie Night

11:00 Cyberchase

7:30 Family Movie Night

2:30 Family Movie Night

11:30 Arthur

8:00 Family Movie Night

3:00 Family Movie Night

8:30 WordGirl

3:30 Family Movie Night

4:30 Family Movie Night


12:00 Odd Squad

9:00 Xavier Riddle

12:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 Wild Kratts

Watch anytime at

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


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HELPING THE WORLD HEAR BETTER FOR 80 YEARS WITH GAME CHANGING TECHNOLOGY The Beltone Amaze hearing aid has been recognized as a leader in hearing aids for its industry-first Android Streaming capability. Beltone collaborated directly with Google to develop the ASHA standard for streaming audio directly to hearing aids using Bluetooth. It is this game-changing technology for those with hearing loss that has won Beltone a 2020 BIG Innovation Award by the Business Intelligence Groups’ BIG Innovation Awards. “We are very proud of this accomplishment and are excited about the impact that the Beltone Amaze is having on our patients, helping them to hear better,” said Brad McMillin, President of Midwest Beltone.

SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT HEARING LOSS • Hearing loss can occur at any time in life • Noise-induced hearing loss is the most prevalent type of hearing loss, followed by age-related hearing loss • 4 out of 5 people who experience ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus,

The celebration of this honor coincides with another huge milestone for Beltone, it’s 80th Anniversary. Established by Sam and Faye Posen as a way to help a friend with hearing loss, the founders of Beltone recognized that there was a need for personalized and miniaturized hearing aid technology.

will likely have some degree of hearing loss • Hearing loss can frequently co-exist with other health conditions, such as dementia, diabetes, heart and cardiovascular diseases • Unaddressed hearing loss can lead to

Today, Beltone focuses on the needs of the more than 200,000 new cases of hearing loss that occur in every year in United States. Because of this commitment, they are continually researching and developming innovative new hearing technologies like the Amaze. If you suspect that you or someone that you love may have hearing loss, or were recently diagnosed, Beltone can help! Accepting hearing loss and taking action early can dramatically improve the quality of life of someone with hearing loss.

social isolation, anxiety and even depression, as well as poorer overall health


Beltone offers free hearing screenings daily, and can help you make an educated decision about your hearing or the hearing of your loved one. A free fiberoptic hearing screening can reveal problems such as excessive wax build-up, damage to the eardrum, fluid accumulation in the middle ear and other conditions that cause hearing loss. Schedule an appointment today for a free hearing evaluation.



Fiber Optic Otoscope exam may + Areveal such common problems as:

Charlie Daniels Country Music Hall of Famer

• Excessive wax build-up • Damage to the eardrum • Fluid accumulation in the middle ear • Other conditions

16 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

We know you rely on Nine for education and inspiration. We are working hard on fulfilling that promise by offering encore presentations of beloved Ken Burns’ docuseries, like Baseball and The Roosevelts. As Ken Burns’ said on re-releasing his Baseball documentary, “’s important that we find things that bring us together and show us our common humanity.” The Cardinal’s 2020 season may be on hold, but you can catch up on all the reasons you love baseball. The Emmy-winning documentary traces the history of America's great game, beginning with its origins in the 1840s and concluding with a summary of the years covering about 1970 to 1993. You can also relive the best of the Cardinals’ 2019 season, during the St. Louis Baseball Writers' Dinner special. In attendance to pick-up postseason awards: Kolten Wong, Mike Shildt, Dylan Carlson, Giovanny Gallegos, Dakota Hudson, Tommy Edman, Jack Flaherty, and Cardinals legend Ted Simmons. Stream on the free PBS Video App or at

Call Today to Schedule Your



Baseball is Back

Board Chair Wins Academy Award David Steward II, chair of Nine Network's board of directors and founder of Lion Forge, a St. Louisbased media company, is one of the producers of Hair Love, which won the 2020 Academy AwardÂŽ for Best Animated Short Film. Hair Love centers around the relationship between an African American father, Stephen, his daughter, Zuri, and her hair. View Hair Love on YouTube.


Such Sweet Thunder Wins Theater Award The production of Such Sweet Thunder last October in the Public Media Commons received the 2020 Outstanding Production of a Musical award from the St. Louis Theater Circle, which honors outstanding achievements in locally produced professional theater in 2019. The production was a collaboration between Nine Network, Shakespeare Festival St. Louis, Big Muddy Dance Co., and Jazz St. Louis.

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


over the air



May primetime grid on page 27. For program updates, visit Listings Key (9) Nine Network production

(PB) Program contains pledge breaks

Please note: Programming changes might occur to accommodate new programs inserted into the schedule to adapt to new viewing habits as a result of stay-at-home orders because of the COVID-19 pandemic.





Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News


Nature Cat


Wild Kratts


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Let’s Go Luna!


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Sesame Street


Pinkalicious & Peterrific


Dinoasaur Train


Cat and the Hat Knows A Lot about That


Sesame Street


At-Home Educational Content for Kids


At-Home Educational Content for Kids


At-Home Educational Content At-Home Educational Content Wild Kratts


Molly of Denal


Xavier Riddle


Odd Squad




Ready Jet Go!


BBC World News America


PBS NewsHour

digital cable









Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).






7:00 Washington Week

8:00 Father Brown

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Dark Rider

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

2:00 Secrets of the Dead: Building Notre Dame


1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

SAT | MAY 2 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

6:00 Sesame Street

5:30 Travelscope

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 8:30 Let's Go Luna! 9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Wild Kratts

10:00 Martha Stewart's Cooking School 10:30 Jamie's Ultimate Veg 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations nineMagazine | May–June 2020


George W. Bush: American Experience George W. Bush was one of the least prepared presidents in our history, yet faced some of the greatest challenges, says filmmaker Barak Goodman. Not since Lincoln has such an inexperienced leader been called upon in a moment of genuine existential crisis. The two-part film looks at how Bush evolved in office under these pressures —at first struggling mightily, but later finding his feet—illuminating not only his character, but the evolving nature of power and the presidency in an increasingly dangerous world. Monday and Tuesday, May 4-5, 8 pm



12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

2:00 Somewhere South

1:30 Cook's Country

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:00 PBS Newshour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS Season 2 encore begins.


7:00 Antiques Roadshow A 1928 Gibson Granada banjo. 8:00 Death in Paradise

9:00 Movie: Awakenings (1990) A new drug offers the prospect of reviving catatonic patients. (2 hr)

11:00 Austin City Limits Gary Clark, Jr.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

20 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

12:00 Great Performances: The Opera House The cultural life of 1950-60s New York City.

2:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:00 Smart Travels

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

1:00 Shakespeare & Hathaway

3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 Frankie Drake Mysteries The horrors of war haunt Frankie. 3:00 World on Fire on Masterpiece Harry's courage is tested at Louvain.

2:00 Frankie Drake Mysteries

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope



8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

late night

11:00 Brick by Chance and Fortune

7:30 Molly of Denali

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

late night

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

10:00 Best of Feast TV

12:00 Midsomer Murders: The Dark Rider

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

6:00 Sesame Street

4:00 Woodsmith Shop 5:00 This Old House

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:30 American Woodshop

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

9:00 Baptiste on Masterpiece Edward’s reckless move puts a case in jeopardy.

10:00 Great Performances: Much Ado about Nothing A modern interpretation of Shakespeare's romantic classic.

3:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:30 Best of Feast TV



7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

8:00 George W. Bush: American Experience (1 of 2) Bush's tumultuous youth and unorthodox road to the presidency.

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

10:00 Antiques Roadshow

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Celia and Alan hold their wedding at an eerie medieval hall.

11:00 BBC World News

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

12:30 NHK Newsline

5:00 Night at the Symphony (9) 6:30 tasteMAKERS


7:00 Call the Midwife The Turners receive an alarming phone call about their daughter.

8:00 World on Fire on Masterpiece Harry and his unit reach Dunkirk.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

1:00 Call the Midwife

3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 World on Fire

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope



7:00 Queen at War Interviews with historians, journalists and royal commentators about WWII.

8:00 George W. Bush: American Experience (2 of 2) Anthrax scares, Hurricane Katrina, and a serious financial crisis.

10:00 Touching the Sound Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii’s extraordinary ability to connect with audiences. 11:30 BBC World News

late night

12:00 Amanpour and Company


late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

2:30 Best of Feast TV

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


7:00 Spy in the Wild Spy creatures travel to the Northern Hemisphere.

8:00 H20: The Molecule That Made Us (3 of 3) A global movement towards water for profit.

9:00 Expedition with Steve Backshall A trek through subterranean Mexican caves.

10:00 Power Trip: The Story of Energy: Wealth 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

4:30 Travelscope


1:00 George W. Bush: American Experience (1 of 2) 3:00 Smart Travels

3:00 H20: The Molecule That Made Us (3 of 3)


7:30 Donnybrook (9)

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Murder of Innocence

late night

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

2:00 Queen at War

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Wild Kratts

10:00 Martha Stewart's Cooking School 10:30 Jamie's Ultimate Veg 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations


12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 Living St. Louis (9)


1:30 Cook's Country

3:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:30 Best of Feast TV

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS


7:00 Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Movie: Bugsy (1991) The story of how Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel started Las Vegas. (2 hr, 30 min)

8:00 Death in Paradise

11:30 Austin City Limits Herbie Hancock.

late night

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:30 Travelscope

8:30 Let's Go Luna!


12:30 NHK Newsline

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

11:30 Amanpour and Company

7:30 Molly of Denali

2:00 Somewhere South

11:00 BBC World News

4:30 Travelscope

10:30 In This Together: A PBS American Portrait Story

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

8:00 Father Brown

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

6:00 Sesame Street

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

7:00 Washington Week

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 George W. Bush: American Experienc e (2 of 2)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope

8:00 The Roosevelts: An Intimate History FDR’s death and Eleanor’s rise as a politician.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:00 BBC World News

1:00 Antiques Roadshow 2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

10:00 Frankie Drake Mysteries The story of how Drake Private Detectives was formed.


12:30 Midsomer Murders: Murder of Innocence

2:00 British Antiques Roadshow

3:00 Smart Travels

2:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 Travelscope

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


TUE | MAY 12


12:30 Great Performances: LA Phil 100 Celebrate the centennial of this landmark orchestra.

Asian Americans

2:00 Frankie Drake Mysteries Frankie is hired to protect a Russian princess.

3:00 World on Fire Harry and his unit reach Dunkirk. 4:00 Last Tango in Halifax The police search for Alan and Celia. 5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS


7:00 Call the Midwife Long-awaited incubator arrives.

8:00 World on Fire on Masterpiece Paris falls to the Nazis.

Led by a team of Asian American filmmakers, the series examines the significant role Asian Americans had in shaping American history and identity, from the first wave of Asian immigrants in the 1850s and identity politics during the social and cultural turmoil of the 20th century to modern refugee crises in a globally connected world.

Monday, May 11, 8pm; Tuesday, May 12, 7 pm

12:30 Queen at War

10:00 Great Performances: Kinky Boots The hit musical with songs by pop icon Cyndi Lauper.

late night

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:00 Smart Travels

SUN | MAY 10


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

MON | MAY 11

6:00 Sesame Street

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

2:00 Frankie Drake Mysteries

4:30 Travelscope

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

9:00 Baptiste on Masterpiece Julien plots an audacious move to frame Constantin.


7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

8:00 Asian Americans

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

10:00 Independent Lens: Rewind A horrifying secret buried within home video footage.

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

9:00 Nature Cat

10:00 Feast TV

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

11:00 Creative Music Making: This Is Me

11:30 Stella & Co.: A Romantic Musical Comedy Documentary Stories about what it's like to age in North America. 22 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

11:30 BBC World News

late night

1:00 Call the Midwife

3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 World on Fire on Masterpiece 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

7:00 Asian Americans

10:00 Day One Follows students at a St. Louis public school for immigrants. 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Asian Americans

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:00 Smart Travels

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

WED | MAY 13


7:00 Spy in the Wild Explore the islands of the South Pacific. 8:00 Nova: Eagle Power Bird specialist puts eagle to the test in a series of experiments.

9:00 Expedition with Steve Backshall Greenland's Stauning Alps.

10:00 Power Trip: The Story of Energy: Cities Cities consume 40% of U.S. energy sources. 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Asian Americans

4:30 Travelscope

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

THU | MAY 14

12:00 Amanpour and Company



7:00 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Black America since MLK: And Still I Rise (1 of 2) The last 50 years of African American history.

10:00 Creative Music Making: This Is Me 10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company



12:30 NHK Newsline


1:00 Spy in the Wild

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

2:00 Somewhere South

3:00 Smart Travels

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelatio ns

4:30 Travelscope

FRI | MAY 15


7:00 Washington Week

8:00 Father Brown

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Written in the Stars

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

2:00 Touching the Sound

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:30 Travelscope


6:00 Sesame Street

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS


7:00 Antiques Roadshow Celebrating Asian-Pacific heritage. 9:00 Movie: Funny Girl (1968) The life of early-1900's comedienne Fanny Brice. (2 hr, 35 min)

11:30 Austin City Limits Maggie Rogers.

late night

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS


7:00 Call the Midwife Sister Julienne takes funding into her own hands.

8:00 World on Fire on Masterpiece Harry has a second chance at saving Kasia.

9:00 Baptiste on Masterpiece The case comes to a devastating conclusion.

10:00 Movie: Funny Girl (1968) The life of early-1900's comedienne Fanny Brice. (2 hr, 35 min)

late night

3:00 Smart Travels

2:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

SUN | MAY 17

10:30 Jamie's Ultimate Veg

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax

9:00 Nature Cat

10:00 Martha Stewart's Cooking School

3:00 World on Fire

2:00 British Antiques Roadshow

9:30 Wild Kratts

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 8:30 Let's Go Luna!

2:00 Frankie Drake Mysteries The story of how the agency was formed.

12:30 Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration

5:30 Travelscope

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

8:00 Death in Paradise

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

3:30 Best of Feast TV

12:30 Midsomer Murders

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:00 Smart Travels

SAT | MAY 16

1:30 Cook's Country


12:00 Great Performances: Leonard Bernstein Mass Theater piece featuring Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories (9) 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

MON | MAY 18


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe


5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

8:00 Antiques Roadshow A 1985 Charles Schulz Snoopy sketch.

6:00 Sesame Street

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 8:30 Let's Go Luna! 9:00 Nature Cat

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words

11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

10:00 Feast TV

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

11:00 Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories (9)

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Spy in the Wild, A Nature Miniseries In the final episode of the series, “The Poles,” the spy creatures travel to the Arctic and Antarctic. From penguin chicks to elephant seals, and wolf cubs to polar bears, the cameras meet and observe the hardiest and most charismatic animals. Wednesday, May 20, 7 pm

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Call the Midwife

3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 World on Fire

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

TUE | MAY 19

WED | MAY 20


7:00 Nova: Deadliest Tornadoes The science behind the April 2011 outbreak. 8:00 Mr. Tornado: American Experience Ted Fujita transformed our understanding of tornados. 9:00 Frontline: Inside Italy's COVID War

10:00 Reel South Films about civil rights, race, social justice, and art. 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 Best of Feast TV

2:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

24 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

8:00 Nova: Decoding Covid-19 Doctors strategize to stop the spread.

9:00 Expedition with Steve Backshall

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Spy in the Wild

3:00 Smart Travels

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

2:00 Nova

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

FRI | MAY 22

11:00 BBC World News


7:00 Washington Week

8:00 Father Brown

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Death and the Divas

1:00 Nova: Deadliest Tornadoes

3:00 Smart Travels

11:00 BBC World News

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


2:00 Mr. Tornado: American Experience

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:30 Travelscope

THU | MAY 21

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:00 Spy in the Wild Spy creatures meet animals in the Arctic and Antarctic.

10:00 Power Trip: The Story of Energy: Transportation Modern transportation requires an enormous amount of energy.

late night


late night


7:00 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise (2 of 2)

10:00 tasteMAKERS


12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

2:00 Frontline

1:30 Living St. Louis (9) 3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

SAT | MAY 23 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

6:00 Sesame Street

5:30 Travelscope

SUN | MAY 24

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:30 Molly of Denali

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

9:00 Nature Cat

8:30 Let's Go Luna! 9:30 Wild Kratts


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman 6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 8:30 Let's Go Luna! 9:00 Nature Cat


12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

11:00 The Greatest Bond Four disabled veterans travel to be paired with a service dog.

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

2:00 Somewhere South

1:30 Cook's Country

3:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:30 Best of Feast TV

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS


7:00 Antiques Roadshow A 1919 William Faulkner handmade poetry book. 8:00 Death in Paradise

9:00 Movie: The Buddy Holly Story (1978) The life and career of the early rock and roll singer. (1 hr, 54 min)

11:00 Austin City Limits Khalid and Mac Demarco.

late night

12:00 Midsomer Murders: Death and the Divas

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow 2:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope


1:00 Great Performances at the Met: Wozzeck Artist’s interpretation of Berg’s tragic opera set in an apocalyptic pre-WWI. 3:00 World on Fire Can Harry save Kasia?

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax The wedding is called off. 5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter


7:00 National Memorial Day Concert America's national night of remembrance. 8:30 National Memorial Day Concert Encore

11:00 Movie: The Buddy Holly Story (1978) The rocker’s meteoric rise to stardom and untimely death. (1 hr, 54 min)

late night

8:00 Antiques Roadshow A Virginia Federal walnut cellarette.

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Divided We Fall: Unity without Tragedy Citizens explore what constitutes a "more perfect union."

10:00 Independent Lens: Eating Up Easter A booming tourism trade threatens Easter Island. 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Divided We Fall: Unity without Tragedy 2:00 The Registry The hidden history of the U.S. Armyʼs Military Intelligence Service during WWII. 3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

TUE | MAY 26


7:00 Finding Your Roots Guests with Jewish heritages. 8:00 Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations A terrifying portrait of global hatred in four countries. 9:30 Frontline

10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 The Greatest Bond

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:30 Best of Feast TV

3:00 Smart Travels

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

6:30 tasteMAKERS

10:00 Illinois Country The history of country music in Illinois.

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend


7:30 Molly of Denali

10:00 Martha Stewart's Cooking School 9:30 Living St. Louis (9) 10:00 Feast TV 10:30 Jamie's Ultimate Veg 10:30 Donnybrook (9) 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

MON | MAY 25

2:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations Antisemitism in the U.S. and Europe is rising and worsening in ways not seen since the 1930s. The film examines the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. In Hungary, a campaign against Jewish Holocaust survivor and billionaire George Soros that's reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. Moving to the far left in England, we see members of the traditionally anti-racist Labour party conflating Israel and Jews. And, in France, a seemingly endless wave of violence against Jews by Islamists and radicals. A virtual screening on June 4 is supported locally by Holocaust Museum & Learning Center and Staenberg Family Foundation. Details at Tuesday, May 26, 8 pm

WED | MAY 27

late night

2:00 Nova: Last B-24


3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

1:00 Nature: Sex, Lies and Butterflies

3:00 Smart Travels

12:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)

7:00 Nature: Sex, Lies and Butterflies Follow one of the greatest migrations on earth.

8:00 Nova: Last B-24

9:00 Expedition with Steve Backshall The unexplored Dhofar Mountains in Oman.

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

THU | MAY 28


7:00 Donnybrook (9)

7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9)

8:00 The Gilded Age: American Experience

7:00 Washington Week

8:00 Father Brown

late night

1:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

SUN | MAY 31

9:00 Midsomer Murders: The Sicilian Defense

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow 11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

6:00 Sesame Street

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

12:30 NHK Newsline

2:00 Frontline

11:00 BBC World News

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)


12:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)


4:30 Travelscope


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

6:00 Sesame Street

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

3:00 Smart Travels

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

SAT | MAY 30

10:30 Living St. Louis (9)

26 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

10:00 Joe Bonamassa: British Blues Explosion Live (PB)

10:00 tasteMAKERS

11:30 Amanpour and Company


8:30 Chuck Berry: Brown-Eyed Handsome Man (PB)


late night

2:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:30 Travelscope

FRI | MAY 29

11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:30 Daryl Hall & John Oates: Live in Dublin (PB)

11:00 BBC World News

1:00 Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

8:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)

7:30 Molly of Denali

10:00 Power Trip: The Story of Energy: War Energy can be both the cause and the instrument of modern war.

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific


12:30 NHK Newsline

12:30 NHK Newsline

7:00 Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli @ 60 (PB)

10:00 I'll Have It My Way with Hattie Bryant (PB)

11:30 Pink Floyd: Live in Venice (PB)

5:30 Travelscope

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

8:30 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)

late night

1:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)

prime time 7:00






MAY 8:30


Father Brown

Antiques Roadshow

Death in Paradise


Call the Midwife

World on Fire

Living St. Louis

British Antiques


Queen at War


Spy in the Wild



FRI 8 SAT 9 SUN 10 MON 11


Antiques Roadshow

George W. Bush (2 of 2)

Touching the Sound Power Trip: The Story of Energy Frankie Drake Mysteries

Father Brown

World on Fire

British Antiques...

Midsomer Murders

In This Together

Movie: Bugsy Baptiste

Kinky Boots

Asian Americans

Independent Lens: Rewind

Asian Americans Spy in the Wild

THU 14

Donnybrook Washington...


Father Brown Death in Paradise

SUN 17

Call the Midwife

World on Fire

British Antiques...

Expedition with Steve Backshall

Power Trip: The Story of Energy Creative Music...

Black America Since MLK (1 of 2)

Antiques Roadshow

Living St. Louis

Day One

Nova: Eagle Power

SAT 16

MON 18

Expedition with Steve Backshall

The Roosevelts

Call the Midwife

WED 13

FRI 15

Much Ado about Nothing

George W. Bush (1 of 2)

Death in Paradise

TUE 12

British Antiques...


Antiques Roadshow

Living St. Louis


Movie: Awakenings

H20: The Molecule That Made Us



Midsomer Murders




Midsomer Murders

Living St. Louis British Antiques...

Movie: Funny Girl Baptiste

Antiques Roadshow

Movie: Funny Girl

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas

TUE 19

Nova: Deadliest Tornadoes

Mr. Tornado


Reel South

WED 20

Spy in the Wild

Nova: Decoding Covid-19

Expedition with Steve Backshall

Power Trip: The Story of Energy

THU 21


FRI 22 SAT 23 SUN 24 MON 25



Antiques Roadshow

Father Brown

Living St. Louis

British Antiques...

Finding Your Roots

WED 27

Nature: Sex, Lies and Butterflies

THU 28

Donnybrook Washington...


National Memorial Day Concert Encore Antiques Roadshow

British Antiques...

Illinois Country

Divided We Fall

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations Nova: Last B-24

Living St. Louis

Movie: The Buddy Holly Story

Independent Lens: Eating Up Frontline

Expedition with Steve Backshall The Gilded Age

Father Brown Members’ Favorites

SUN 31

Members’ Favorites

Living St. Louis Power Trip: The Story of Energy tasteMAKERS

Midsomer Murders

SAT 30

tasteMAKERS Midsomer Murders

Death in Paradise

National Memorial Day Concert

TUE 26

FRI 29

Black America Since MLK (2 of 2)

British Antiques...

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


For the most up-to-date Nine Create schedule, consult These programs are available on channel 9.4 and Spectrum 184.

MONDAY 5:00 AM 5:30

Craft in America







Make Your Mark

Make It Artsy

Make Your Mark

Make 48

Classical Stretch

Classical Stretch

Life in Bloom/Growing Passion 5/26

Start Up

Baby Makes 3/Beads & Baubles 5/28

Urban Conversion

Yoga in Practice

Classical Stretch


Sewing with Nancy

Quilting Arts

Knit & Crochet

Quilting Arts

Sewing with Nancy

Love of Quilting

It’s Sew Easy


Paint This

Best of Simply Painting

Painting with Wilson

Painting with Paulson

Paint This

Wyland’s Art Studio

Art of a Cowboy


This Old House

American Woodshop

Garage with Steve Butler

American Woodshop

This Old House

Ask This Old House

Classical Stretch


Ask This Old House

Woodsmith Shop

Classic Woodworking

Woodsmith Shop

Ask This Old House

This Old House

Classical Stretch


Dining with the Chef

Ciao Italia

New Orleans Cooking

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

Garden Home

Christina Cooks


Savor Dakota

Lucky Chow

Yan Can Cook

Lucky Chow

Yan Can Cook

Growing a Greener World

Jazzy Vegetarian


Hometown Georgia

Bare Feet

Travels & Traditions

In the Americas

Crossing South

Trails to Oishii Tokyo


Seeing Canada


Places to Love


Travels with Darley

Journeys in Japan


Rick Steves’ Europe


Best of Joy of Painting

Garden Home S H O W CA S E


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

New Orleans Cooking

Ciao Italia

New Orleans Cooking


My Greek Table/To Dine For 5/25

Lucky Chow

Yan Can Cook

Lucky Chow

Yan Can Cook

Noon1:30 PM

Repeat of 6–7:30 am programming


Best of Joy of Painting


Garden Smart


Sewing with Nancy

Quilting Arts

Knit & Crochet Now

Quilting Arts

Sewing with Nancy

Ask This Old House


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

New Orleans Cooking

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

Cook’s Country


Savor Dakota

Lucky Chow

Yan Can Cook

Lucky Chow

Yan Can Cook

Lidia’s Kitchen


Hometown Georgia

Bare Feet

Travels & Traditions

In the Americas

Crossing South


Seeing Canada


Places to Love


Travels with Darley

Adventures with with a Purpose

George Hirsch Lifestyle Simply Ming


Rick Steves’ Europe

Cook’s Country


George Hirsch Lifestyle

Lidia’s Kitchen


Simply Ming

100 Days

Plates & Places

Project Fire

Simply Ming

Project Fire/Smoke

100 Days


Cook’s Country

Belton’s New Orleans/ Nick Stellino 5/12

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Nick Stellino

28 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

SH OWCASES May 1–7 | Pati’s Cinco De Mayo Fiesta May 22–28 | Craft in America

7:00 PM

May 8–14 | Mama Lidia

May 15–21 | Ming’s Marvelous Meals

May 29–Jun 4 | Red, White and BBQ





America’s Test Kitchen

In Julia’s Kitchen

Lidia’s Kitchen

Martha Bakes


George Hirsch Lifestyle




Family Travel

Bare Feet

Travels & Traditions

In the Americas


Seeing Canada


Places to Love




America’s Test Kitchen A Few Great Bakeries/ No Passport Requred 5/9

SUNDAY Sandwiches/ No Passport Requred 5/10

Best of Joy of Painting


Adventures with a Purpose

Adventures with a Purpose


Rick Steves’ Europe

Flavor of Poland

My Greek Table/To Dine For, 5/31


Best of Joy of Painting

Ciao Italia

Lucky Chow


George Hirsch Lifestyle

Ciao Italia

Lucky Chow



America’s Test Kitchen

In Julia’s Kitchen

Lida’s Kitchen

Martha Bakes

Kevin Belton

Yan Can Cook


Simply Ming

100 Days

Plates & Places

Project Fire

Kevin Belton

Yan Can Cook

12:30 AM

Cook’s Country

Belton/Stellino 5/12

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Ellie’s Real Good Food/ Christina Cooks 5/16

Jazzy Vegetarian



America’s Test Kitchen/ Best of Joy of Painting Hirsch Lifestyle



Repeats 11–11:30 am programming

New Orleans Cooking/ Yan Can Cook

Great Bakeries/ No Passport 5/9

Sandwiches/ No Passport 5/10


Repeats 7–7:30 am programming

This Old House/ Ask This Old

Adventures with a Purpose

Adventures with a Purpose


Rick Steves’ Europe

Ellie’s Real Good Food/ Christina Cooks 5/16

Ellie/Christina Cooks 5/10


Best of Joy of Painting

Jazzy Vegetarian

Jazzy Vegetarian

NEW SEASO N S / S E R I ES May 4 | Flavor of Poland

May 20 | Jamie's Ultimate Veg

May 10 | C hristina Cooks: Back to the Cutting Board

May 25 | To Dine For with Kate Sullivan

May 13 | Make It Artsy

May 26 | Growing Passion (Hometown Create*)

May 15 | Simply Ming May 18 | Craft in America

May 28 | American Woodshop

*Hometown Create features the best locally produced public television lifestyle shows from across America. Once content premieres nationally, each episode will be posted on and Create’s YouTube channel.

Host Aleksandra August meets chefs and home cooks from distinct regions in Flavor of Poland. nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Nine World, a free channel over the air on 9.3 or on

The May programming theme on Nine World celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

digital cable, Spectrum 185, often broadcasts encores of many of the premieres you see on Nine PBS. Independent Lens, POV, and Frontline are just some of the quality programs re-broadcast on Nine World.

Roots of ’Ulu

Seafaring Polynesians brought 'ulu, or breadfruit, to Hawaii 1700 years ago. It was a staple of the native cuisine for generations, until Western contact brought hamburgers and french fries—and diabetes and obesity. Could a return to traditional foods reverse these trends? Monday, May 4, 8 pm

Finding Samuel Lowe

Three successful black siblings from Harlem discover their heritage while searching for clues about their long-lost grandfather, Samuel Lowe. Their emotional journey spans from Toronto to Jamaica to China, reuniting them with hundreds of Chinese relatives they never imagined existed. Sunday, May 17, 9 pm

Resistance at Tule Lake

Resistance at Tule Lake tells the long-suppressed story of incarcerated Japanese Americans who defied the government by refusing to swear unconditional loyalty to the U.S. Though this was an act of protest and family survival, they were branded as “disloyals” by the government and packed into the newly designated Tule Lake Segregation Center. Sunday, May 24, 10 pm

30 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine


over the air


June primetime grid on page 39. For program updates, visit Listings Key (9) Nine Network production

(PB) Program contains pledge breaks

Please note: Programming changes might occur to accommodate new programs inserted into the schedule to adapt to new viewing habits as a result of stay-at-home orders because of the COVID-19 pandemic.





Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News


Wild Kratts


Hero Elementary


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Let’s Go Luna!


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood



Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Sesame Street


Pinkalicious & Peterrific


Dinosaur Train


Cat and the Hat Knows a Lot about That


Sesame Street


At-Home Educational Content


Educational Content At-HomeAt-Home Educational Content


Wild Kratts


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Odd Squad




Splash and Bubbles


BBC World News America


PBS NewsHour



digital cable









Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

MON | JUN 1 evening

7:00 St. Louis Browns: The Team that Baseball Forgot Relive the story of what could have been. (PB)

8:30 Joe Bonamassa: British Blues Explosion Live (PB)

10:00 Daryl Hall & John Oates: Live in Dublin (PB) 11:30 Chuck Berry: Brown-Eyed Handsome Man (PB) Celebrate the father of rock 'n roll with legendary artists. (PB)


Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

late night

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Change Your Brain, Heal Your Mind with Daniel Amen, MD (PB)

TUE | JUN 2 evening

7:00 Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Uncovering America (PB)

8:30 Linda Ronstadt: Live in Hollywood (PB)

10:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide Key steps for thriving in retirement. (PB)

late night

12:00 Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-White (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Dr. Fuhrman’s Food as Medicine (PB) nineMagazine | May–June 2020


THU | JUN 4 evening

7:00 Donnybrook (PB) (9)

8:00 Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis How St. Louis became a hotbed of modernist architecture. (PB) (9)

2:00 America's Test Kitchen: 20th Anniversary Special (PB)

3:30 Country Music: Live at the Ryman (PB)

9:30 Joe Bonamassa: British Blues Explosion Live (PB)

5:30 This Old House: 40th Anniversary Special (PB)


11:00 Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry (PB)

7:00 My Music: 70's Soul Superstars (PB)

12:30 Rick Steves' Tasty Europe (PB)

9:30 Pink Floyd: Live in Venice (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Feel Better with Pressure Point Therapy (PB)

4:00 Wish You Were Here! A Century of Missouri State Parks (PB) (9)

Linda Ronstadt: Live in Hollywood

11:00 Tom Lehrer: Live in Copenhagen 1967 (PB)

late night

12:30 Nature: Equus: Story of the Horse (PB)

3:30 America's Test Kitchen: 20th Anniversary Special (PB)



7:00 Washington Week

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

7:30 Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli @ 60 (PB)

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

9:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli @ 60 (PB)

9:30 Bob Hope: American Masters (PB)


On April 24, 1980, at Television Center Studios in Hollywood, Linda Ronstadt recorded a concert for an acclaimed HBO special that was considered by many fans to be a high point in her career. The concert, which featured electrifying performances of many of her greatest songs, captured America’s most popular female rock singer at the peak of her reign.

11:00 Chuck Berry: Brown-Eyed Handsome Man Celebrate the father of rock 'n roll with legendary artists. (PB)

Tuesday, June 2, 8:30 pm; Sunday, June 7, 5:30 pm

late night

12:30 Rick Steves' Tasty Europe (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Retire Safe & Secure with Ed Slott (PB)

WED | JUN 3 evening


7:00 Nature: Equus: Story of the Horse (PB)

8:30 Wish You Were Here! A Century of Missouri State Parks (PB) (9)

9:30 ADD and Loving It?! (PB)

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

11:00 Memory Rescue with Daniel Amen, MD (PB)

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

8:00 Mindfulness Goes Mainstream (PB)

9:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

11:00 How to Be a Breadhead: A Beginner's Guide to Baking (PB)


11:30 Collagen Diet with Dr. Josh Axe (PB)


1:00 Count Basie: Through His Own Eyes (PB)

2:30 Neil Diamond: Hot August Night III (PB)

4:00 Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis How St. Louis became a hotbed of modernist architecture. (PB) (9)

5:30 Linda Ronstadt: Live in Hollywood (PB)


32 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

12:30 Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry (PB)

late night

late night



7:00 Magic Moments: Best of 50s Pop (My Music) (PB)

9:00 Brain Fitness Program Discover the inner workings of the brain. (PB)

10:30 Leonard Cohen: Tower of Song A celebration in Montreal on the first anniversary of Cohen’s death. (PB)

THU | JUN 11

1:00 America's Test Kitchen: 20th Anniversary Special (PB)

7:00 Donnybrook (PB)

8:00 Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories Explore the changes in the Missouri River Valley. (PB) (9)

2:30 Magic Moments: Best of 50s Pop (My Music) (PB)

9:30 Leonard Cohen: Tower of Song (PB)

4:30 St. Louis Browns: The Team that Baseball Forgot Narrated by Jon Hamm, relive the story of what could have been. (PB)

6:00 Marian Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years (PB)

7:00 Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories (PB) (9)

8:30 Neil Diamond: Hot August Night III (PB)

late night

12:00 INXS: Live Baby Live (PB)

1:30 Wish You Were Here! A Century of Missouri State Parks (PB) (9)

2:30 My Music: 70's Soul Superstars (PB)




7:00 Antiques Roadshow: Junk in the Trunk (PB)

11:00 The Bee Gees: One Night Only (PB)

late night

8:30 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

12:30 Rick Steves' Festive Europe (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

10:30 My Music: 70's Soul Superstars (PB)

late night

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)


FRI | JUN 12 7:00 Washington Week

7:30 My Music: 70's Soul Superstars (PB)


7:00 Rick Steves’ Fascism in Europe (PB)

8:30 The Bee Gees: One Night Only (PB)

10:00 Jeff Lynne's ELO: Live at Hyde Park (PB) 11:30 My Music: Classical Rewind (PB)

10:30 Ken Burns’ Country Music (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Brain Fitness Program (PB)

late night

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Antiques Roadshow

3:00 Magic Moments: Best of 50s Pop (My Music) (PB)

WED | JUN 10 evening

late night

11:30 Iconic Women of Country (PB)


SAT | JUN 13 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 Travelscope 6:00 Sesame Street

7:00 John Denver: Country Boy (PB)

8:30 Joe Bonamassa: British Blues Explosion Live (PB)

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

10:00 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

11:30 Mel Brooks & Carl Reiner Salute Sid Caesar (PB)

late night

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Ken Burns: The National Parks (PB)

10:00 Memory Rescue with Daniel Amen, MD (PB) 11:30 Ken Burns: The National Parks (PB)



10:00 Mel Brooks & Carl Reiner Salute Sid Caesar (PB) 11:30 Grateful Dead: Downhill from Here (PB)

late night

1:30 The Bee Gees: One Night Only (PB)

3:00 Memory Rescue with Daniel Amen, MD (PB)

SUN | JUN 14 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-White (PB)

9:00 John Denver: Country Boy (PB)

10:30 Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories (PB) (9)


12:00 Iconic Women of Country (PB)

1:30 Brick by Chance and Fortune (PB)

2:30 Ken Burns: The National Parks (PB)

4:30 Stan Musial: The Legend of Stan the Man (PB)

7:00 Prince Albert: A Victorian Hero Revealed

8:00 Grantchester on Masterpiece New season begins.


nineMagazine | May–June 2020


American Masters: Mae West: Dirty Blonde Celebrated as a trailblazer, West possessed creative and economic powers unheard of for a female entertainer in the 1930s, and still rare today. She achieved great acclaim in every entertainment medium that existed during her lifetime, spanning eight decades of the 20th century. Tuesday, June 16, 7 pm

TUE | JUN 16

9:00 Beecham House on Masterpiece Solider carries a secret about a baby.

10:00 The Bee Gees: One Night Only (PB)

7:00 Mae West: American Masters

8:30 Antiques Roadshow Recut Fantastic finds related to American politics.

9:00 Frontline

late night

1:30 Grantchester

2:00 Beecham House

3:00 Country Music: Live at the Ryman

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

2:30 Best of Feast TV: Arts

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope

1:00 E.O. Wilson: Of Ants and Men

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

34 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

THU | JUN 18

late night

11:00 BBC World News

12:30 NHK Newsline

12:30 NHK Newsline

WED | JUN 17

late night

1:00 Mae West: American Masters

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:00 Independent Lens: Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project Radical activist secretly recorded American television 24/7 for 30 years. 11:30 Amanpour and Company

11:00 BBC World News


7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

10:00 America's Socialist Experiment A unique brand of socialism in Milwaukee, WI, from 1910–1960.

MON | JUN 15

11:30 Amanpour and Company


11:30 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

11:00 BBC World News


7:00 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea Congress passes an act that protects Yosemite.

10:00 tasteMAKERS 10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company


late night

7:00 Spy in the Wild, A Nature Miniseries The spycams go into into a wild dog pack.

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Spy in the Wild

2:00 Prehistoric Road Trip

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

8:00 Nova: Australia's First 4 Billion Years: Awakening A new series about the untold story of the Land Down Under.

9:00 Prehistoric Road Trip (1 of 3) Emily meets some surprising creatures.

10:00 The Future of America's Past 10:30 Seeing the USA: Alaska

FRI | JUN 19

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of Feast TV: Arts


4:00 Woodsmith Shop

7:00 Washington Week

4:30 American Woodshop

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

5:00 This Old House

8:00 Father Brown

5:30 Ask This Old House

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Schooled in Murder

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

6:30 tasteMAKERS

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

8:00 Death in Paradise

9:00 Movie: The Producers (1967) Producers make money with a sure-fire flop. (1 hr, 30 min)

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Frontline

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 Austin City Limits Chris Stapleton and the Turnpike Troubadours.

late night

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Prince Albert: A Victorian Hero Revealed

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Wild Kratts

Prehistoric Road Trip

12:00 Midsomer Murders: Schooled in Murder

SAT | JUN 20


A new natural history series combines science, culture and history and brings viewers along for unforgettable expeditions. Hosted by popular YouTube personality Emily Graslie, chief curiosity correspondent at Chicago's Field Museum, she hits the road for a fun and fascinating journey around the Dakotas, Montana, Nebraska and Wyoming. Each of the three episodes examines different eras in time, focusing on the geology, ecology and environment. A virtual screening on May 27 is supported locally by WTTW Chicago. Details at

SUN | JUN 21 morning

Wednesday, June 17, 9 pm

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

12:00 More or Less Perfect Union Everyday Americans weigh in on the rule of law.

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

1:00 Great Performances: Ann

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

3:00 Prince Albert: A Victorian Hero Revealed

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Season 2 encore begins.

5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

7:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets (1 of 3) Notable women and their roles in historical events.

8:00 Grantchester on Masterpiece

10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Jamie's Ultimate Veg


12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

2:00 Somewhere South Porridge for the soul.

10:00 Feast TV: Go East 10:30 Donnybrook (9) 11:00 Constitution USA Explore federalism.



nineMagazine | May–June 2020


Great Performances: Ann A no-holds-barred theatrical portrait of Ann Richards, legendary Governor of Texas (1991-95), written and performed by Emmy Award-winning actor Holland Taylor. Unfolding through public speeches and private phone calls with famous figures, Ann Richards is revealed as a complex, colorful and captivating character bigger than the state from which she hailed. Sunday, June 21, 1 pm

TUE | JUN 23

9:00 Beecham House on Masterpiece John finally fulfills his dream of having his family reunited.

10:00 Movie: The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) A naive business graduate is installed as president as part of a stock scam. (1 hr, 53 min)


7:00 Toni Morrison: American Masters

9:00 Frontline

late night

2:00 Beecham House

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:30 NHK Newsline

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

4:30 Travelscope

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

2:30 Best of Feast TV: Sweets

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

10:00 Independent Lens: Pipe Dreams Five ultra-talented organ players compete.

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Travelscope

THU | JUN 25 evening

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea The conservation movement begins.

10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Spy in the Wild

2:00 Prehistoric Road Trip

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope


7:00 Spy in the Wild, A Nature Miniseries Spies observe an orangutan washing with soap!

8:00 Nova: Australia's First 4 Billion Years: Life Explodes Scuttling arthropod armies.

9:00 Prehistoric Road Trip (2 of 3) When T. rex dominated the planet.

FRI | JUN 26

10:00 The Future of America's Past

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

10:30 Seeing the USA: Oregon

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:30 Travelscope

36 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

WED | JUN 24

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

3:00 Smart Travels

late night

MON | JUN 22

11:30 Amanpour and Company


1:00 Toni Morrison: American Masters

11:00 BBC World News

1:00 Grantchester

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

10:00 Lavender Scare Fired federal workers spark LGBTQ rights movement.

12:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline


7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Made-to-Measure Murders

11:00 BBC World News

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

Great Performances: Gloria: A Life This theatrical production features an all-women cast playing both male and female roles. Act one focuses on Steinem’s life and path to activism, while act two consists of a “talking circle” with the audience to discuss the play’s themes, moderated by Gloria Steinem herself. This unique format offers a forum for Steinem’s philosophy on the necessity of conversation as a catalyst for change. Sunday, June 28, 1 pm

11:00 BBC World News

1:30 Cook's Country

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

11:30 Amanpour and Company

2:00 Somewhere South Dumplings that stretch ingredients and imagination.

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Frontline

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of Feast TV: Sweets

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop

5:00 This Old House

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

6:30 tasteMAKERS

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

8:00 Death in Paradise

9:00 Movie: The Remains of the Day (1993) A butler realizes too late how misguided his loyalty was to his employer. (2 hr, 14 min)

SAT | JUN 27 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Wild Kratts

11:30 Austin City Limits Arctic Monkeys and Wild Child.

late night

12:30 Midsomer Murders: Made-toMeasure

2:00 British Antiques Roadshow

2:30 Living St Louis (9)

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Jamie's Ultimate Veg 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations


12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

1:00 America's Test Kitchen


SUN | JUN 28 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:00 Sesame Street

10:00 Feast TV: Water World 10:30 Donnybrook (9) 11:00 Constitution USA The Bill of Rights and stories ripped from the headlines.


12:00 More or Less Perfect Union Delve into the Bill of Rights.

1:00 Great Performances: Gloria: A Life

3:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax

5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

7:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets (2 of 3) How royal history is a mixture of facts and mythology.

8:00 Grantchester on Masterpiece

9:00 Beecham House on Masterpiece A murder throws plans of staying in Delhi into jeopardy.


10:00 Movie: The Remains of the Day (1993) A butler realizes too late how misguided his loyalty was to his employer. (2 hr, 14 min)

nineMagazine | May–June 2020


late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

10:30 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Conversation 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

2:30 Best of Feast TV: Funky Farms

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

TUE | JUN 30

And She Could Be Next


7:00 One Woman, One Vote A sweeping look at the women’s suffrage movement.

9:00 POV: And She Could Be Next, Part 2 The film embeds inside five political campaigns.

In a polarized America, women of color are claiming power by running for political office. Made by a team of women filmmakers between March and November 2018, the film asks whether democracy itself can be preserved—and made stronger—by those most marginalized. The stories of five candidates are revealed as they interact with voters, conduct embattled campaigns, and balance work and personal lives. June 29 & 30, 9 pm

late night

1:00 Grantchester

2:00 Beecham House

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

MON | JUN 29 evening

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

7:30 British Antiques Roadshow

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

9:00 POV: And She Could Be Next, Part 1 Women of color are claiming power by running for political office.

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

38 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

prime time 7:00










St. Louis Browns: The Team that Baseball Forgot

Joe Bonamassa: British Blues

Daryl Hall & John Oates


Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Uncovering America

Linda Ronstadt: Live in Hollywood

Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement


Nature: Equus: Story of the Horse




ADD and Loving It?!

A Century of Missouri State Parks Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis


Joe Bonamassa: British Blues

Andrea Bocelli @ 60


Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Pink Floyd: Live in Venice

70's Soul Superstars


Best of 50s Pop

Brain Fitness Program

Leonard Cohen


Antiques Roadshow

Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement

70's Soul...


Rick Steves’ Fascism in Europe

The Bee Gees: One Night Only

Ken Burns’ Country Music

WED 10 THU 11 FRI 12

John Denver: Country Boy Donnybrook Washington...

SUN 14

Prince Albert: A Victorian Hero

TUE 16

THU 18

Donnybrook Washington...

Mel Brooks & Carl Reiner


Beecham House

The Bee Gees: One Night Only

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

The Marion Stokes Project


America's Socialist Experiment


Mae West: American Masters Spy in the Wild

Jeff Lynne's ELO: Live at Hyde Park Neil Diamond

British Antiques...

WED 17

FRI 19

Leonard Cohen

70's Soul Superstars Rivertowns

Living St. Louis

Brain Secrets


SAT 13

MON 15

Joe Bonamassa: British Blues

Nova: Australia's First 4 Billion Years

Prehistoric Road Trip

National Parks: America's Best Idea


Father Brown

The Future of...

Seeing the USA


Living St. Louis

Midsomer Murders

British Antiques...

SAT 20

Antiques Roadshow

Death in Paradise

SUN 21

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths k


Beecham House

Movie: The Hudsucker Proxy

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

Pipe Dreams


Lavender Scare

MON 22

Living St. Louis

TUE 23

British Antiques...

Toni Morrison: American Masters

WED 24

Spy in the Wild

THU 25


FRI 26


Nova: Australia's First 4 Billion Years


Father Brown

Antiques Roadshow

Death in Paradise

SUN 28

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths


TUE 30

Living St. Louis

Prehistoric Road Trip

The Future of...

National Parks: America's Best Idea

SAT 27

MON 29

Movie: The Producers

British Antiques...

Antiques Roadshow

One Woman, One Vote

Seeing the USA

Living St. Louis Midsomer Murders

British Antiques...

Movie: The Remains of the Day Beecham House

Movie: The Remains of the Day

POV: And She Could Be Next POV: And She Could Be Next

Justice Ruth... nineMagazine | May–June 2020



repeat schedule


Repeat times for select programs in May and June are listed below. Repeats can also be found in our program listings and online schedule at Please note that programs listed here can be preempted for special programs, pledge programs, or live events.

We gratefully acknow­ledge the fol­low­ing underwriters and en­c ourage you to sup­p ort these com­p anies that support public television. For information about the benefits of underwrit­ing programs and services, please call (314) 512.9124.

America's Test Kitchen: 20th Anniversary Special

5/31, 2:30 pm; 6/6, 2 pm; 6/7, 3:30 am; 6/13, 1 pm

Air Comfort Service Heating & Cooling

Missouri Department of Transportation

Asian Americans


Missouri History Museum

American Quilters Society

Missouri Humanities Council

6/15, 2:30 am; 6/22, 6/29, 2 am

Art on the Square


Call the Midwife

Assistance Home Care

Nine Home Videos


Opera Theatre of Saint Louis

Bellefontaine Cemetery

Paducah Convention and Visitors Bureau

5/13, 5/14, 1 am Beecham House

5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 1 am George W. Bush: American Experience

5/7, 5/8, 1 am

The Greatest Bond

Beltone Midwest

Parents as Teachers

5/25, 1 am

Callier's Catering

How to Be a Breadhead: A Beginner's Guide to Baking

Carol House Furniture

6/6, 11 am

Chaumette Vineyards

Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital

Iconic Women of Country


Saint Louis Art Fair

Community Music School

6/1, 6/10, 8:30 pm; 6/4, 9:30 pm

The Curtain Exchange

Scotsman Coin & Jewelry

Mae West: American Masters

Delta Dental of Missouri

The Sheldon Concert Hall

Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis

Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company

Siteman Cancer Center

6/14, midnight

Joe Bonamassa: British Blues Explosion Live

6/18, 1 am 6/7, 4 pm

Prehistoric Road Trip

6/19, 6/26, 2 am

The Queen at War

The Fabulous Fox Theatre Gateway Region YMCA Grand Center

5/9, 2 am; 5/11, 12:30 am

Heise Advisory Group

Retire Safe & Secure with Ed Slott

6/1, 6/6, 3 am

Holocaust Museum & Learning Center

Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide

Iron Workers Local No. 396

6/2, 10 pm; 6/3, 6/9, 1 pm; 6/4, 6/12, 3 am; 6/5, 9 pm; 6/6, 9 am; 6/8, 8:30 pm; 6/13, 8 am; 6/14, 11:30 pm Toni Morrison: American Masters

Kemper Art Museum Kodner Gallery

6/25, 1 am

Mackey Mitchell Architects

Touching the Sound

The Magic House

Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations

Michele C. Catering and Events

5/16, 2 am 5/28, 1 am

40 May–June 2020 | nineMagazine

PNC Bank

Spire Starrs St. Louis Cardinals St. Louis Children’s Hospital St. Louis Community Foundation St. Louis Public Library St. Louis Regional Chamber St. Louis Speakers Series St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Wells Fargo Advisors The Willows Wood Financial Partners

Missouri Botanical Garden Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

nineMagazine | May–June 2020



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St. Louis Community Foundation

Our resources and staff have enabled Nine to continue broadcasting smart, entertaining programming. We have streamlined all of our PBS KIDS resources and placed them on the Nine PBS Educator and Caregiver Toolkit. These resources are free, high quality, trusted, and they’re aligned with state learning standards. Thanks to your support, Nine Network can continue to be a source of inspiration and information for our community during the coronavirus pandemic and in the future.

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