Nine Magazine | September/October 2020

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For Members of the Nine Network of Public Media

Nine’s On-Air Classrooms Ease Back-to-School Anxieties p. 4

PBS KIDS Special on Race and Racism p. 12

Vintage Vinyl Gets Its Due p. 17

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Sep–Oct 2020 Volume 11, Number 5





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16 24 25 26 28 30 39

Photo Montage Message from the President

Back to School in the Safety of Home Some of the region’s best educators accepted Nine’s challenge to record lessons from their homes to keep kids engaged in learning.

8 New on Nine The locally produced BrainWorks, now airing nationally, aims to destigmatize brain disorders and transform health outcomes. Plus, six new drama series, packed with action, love, mystery, betrayal and, most importantly, drama, are set to premiere this fall. Nine Networking 10

Register for an upcoming virtual food event Results of latest community survey PBS KIDS special on racism Hair Love spinoff on HBO Halloween and other resources from PBS KIDS New kids’ series highlights the power of observation New PBS KIDS channel lineup PBS announces dedicated channel for its documentaries

September Listings September Primetime Nine PBS KIDS Nine Create Nine World October Listings October Primetime

Editor Lynanne Feilen

Nine Network 3655 Olive St. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 512-9000 Fax (314) 512-9005

Designer Allie Bronsky Advertising Sales Elaine Bodker Margo Cooper (314) 432-8097

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Marvin Sanders (314) 514-9137 ©2020 St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of nineMagazine without express written permission from the publisher is prohibited. nineMagazine (ISSN 1086-8828) (USPS 736-890) is published bimonthly by St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc., 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Periodicals class postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to nineMagazine, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Subscriptions are available by annual membership contribution of $60 or more to the Nine Network.

On the cover: Students continue learning in curriculum-aligned lessons on Teaching in Room 9 on-air classrooms. Above: Elinor Wonders Why encourages children and parents to ask their own questions and experience the joy of discovery and understanding together.

TheNineNetwork @TheNineNetwork TheNineNetwork TheNineNetwork



The Nine Network respects the privacy and confidentiality of our donors and will not sell, give or exchange any information to any entity.

September–October 2020




udrey Wenger, granddaughter of Project Manager Sonya Stevenson, keeps busy A learning.

2 Director of Digital Strategy Joe Prosperi’s kids, Amelia and Jonathan, have fun while learning.


Parent Engagement Manager Fatama Moorer’s kids, Demarco, Khloe, and Nariah prove learning is a family affair.

Ellie, granddaughter of IT Manager David Schultheis, enjoys some 4 time with Elmo. Budding artists Coltrane and Gillespie Stallings, sons of Alex 5 Stallings, Director of Early Learning.






Nine Network Board of Directors Chair Mark C. Lindgren Vice Chair Cynthia Brinkley Treasurer Kathy Barney Secretary Ashley Kemper Immediate Past Chair David Steward II Members Donald Aven David Conner Tim Goodson Harvey A. Harris Dennis Hummel Rob Kirkland Robert Koplar Mark Krieger Brendan Lind Dennis Lower Thomas C. Melzer Mary Nelson Cynthia Peters David Rabe Hugh Scott, III James Snowden Chad Stiening James E. Williams, Jr. Emeritus Dan Burkhardt Maxine Clark Pepe Prince Finn Juanita Hinshaw Janet M. Holloway Ted Koplar Ken Kranzberg Jeffrey McDonnell Kim Olson Jack Schreiber Patrick Sly Dr. Donald Suggs Milton P. Wilkins, Jr. Nine Network Senior Staff Dick Skalski, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial and Operations Officer Angela Carr, Vice President and Chief Impact Officer Russ Hitzemann, Vice President and Chief Individual Giving Officer Matt Huelskamp, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Chrys Marlow, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Kate Diouf, Senior Director of Organizational Excellence Open to the public: The public is invited to meetings of the Nine Network board of directors. For information about Nine's public meetings, call Cathy Peterson at (314) 512-9017.

Dear Friends, With a very different start to this school year, a pandemic to contend with, and federal, state, and local elections around the corner, this is shaping up to be a fall like no other. Happily, we can still celebrate birthdays and anniversaries! Nine will celebrate its 66th anniversary on September 20. We are honored that you have placed your trust in us all these years and we work hard to keep that trust every day. We have directed our resources in recent months to bring you voices from our neighbors, virtual screenings, local and national programs that bring context and depth to issues of the day, and on-air classrooms for early learners. Our cover story in this issue features Teaching in Room 9. Our series of early childhood lessons is our way to assist families, caregivers, teachers, and students in this challenging time. It will continue until at least the end of the year to serve the one in three children in our region without a reliable internet connection or devices. The health and well-being of the Nine staff is a top priority. We continue to work remotely to do our part to flatten the curve. We’ve recently reorganized our teams to ensure maximum collaboration, clarity, and effectiveness in service to our community. Read about staff changes at /pressroom. Nine strives every day to bring you the best in public television programming. We have some stellar election-related programs

coming up as well as a special on local women who are achieving remarkable things in our community. Local specials and on-the-ground initiatives create a dialog around critical issues in our region with the hope that these conversations will lead to durable changes and help solve seemingly intractable problems, like quality early education for all. Nine’s early learning initiative provides free, evidence-based educational resources that help educators and caregivers build social and emotional learning, literacy, social studies, and fine performing arts skills for children in underserved families in the St. Louis region. With your continued support, we can positively impact the future of early education by increasing kindergarten readiness, decreasing the digital divide, increasing the quality of childcare and education, and increasing family connections. Thanks to our supporters, partners, volunteers, board members, and staff. Nine’s impact is greater because of you. Best,

Amy Shaw President and CEO



September–October 2020



SCH OO L in the Safety of Home Nine’s steady drumbeat of early learning initiatives manifests in an on-air classroom with local teacherled instruction and guided practices without special tools or technology. During the schooling crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic, Nine was called on by school districts and educators to respond to the needs of early learners. Nine, whose top priority is serving the educational needs of children, jumped into action immediately. We developed an online Educator and Caregiver Toolkit, but the real game-changer was Teaching in Room 9. Nine’s on-air classroom has the potential to reach every student, family, and educator, making us the region's largest classroom. Consistency is also important, says Dr. Samantha March, Interim Director of Early Childhood Education, Saint Louis Public Schools. “Teaching in Room 9 has been extremely helpful...because a consistent routine of strong educational content is aired daily,” she says. “Being able to participate in lessons at the same time on the same network daily provides students with the stability that they comfortably had in classrooms.”


September–October 2020



“They were instrumental in reaching out to get some of the best and brightest teachers. Nine helps make sure we have the tools to help educators still reach students.” —Art McCoy, PhD Superintendent of Schools, Jennings School District

Lauren Williams, who teaches first grade at Windsor C-1 School District in Jefferson County, says being a part of Teaching in Room 9 was important to her because she saw a gap that needed to be filled. “I feel like Teaching in Room 9 gives students a kind of classroom community that they're missing. It gives them a safe place.” And, it has provided a respite for parents who are stressed with juggling parental and teacher responsibilities. “Kids aren’t just sitting in front of the television; they are getting curriculum and social emotional skills,” she says. “It’s high-quality instruction that doesn't require anything extra,” says Maggie Klonsky, former middle school teacher and parent to a 3-year-old and 6-year-old, except maybe paper and pencil. “There are no frills and bells, and yet the teaching is so good. It reminds me of the essence of what good teaching is when you have something that is just so engaging, because it's about curiosity and investigation,” she says. “Teaching in Room 9 provides relevant content in an interactive manner. On-air educators intentionally use methods to keep students engaged throughout the lesson as if they were in the room together.” The pandemic has forced children to learn in unconventional ways. Some of the region’s best educators accepted the challenge to record lessons from their homes for broadcast weekday afternoons on Nine PBS. Numerous lessons are available on Nine’s YouTube channel as well. Nine is one of only four public media stations in the country airing locally developed lessons for kids.

At-Home Learning Schedule Weekdays on Nine PBS PreK–3rd Graders September 14–December 18 (subject to change)

Monday–Thursday 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00

PreK-K (Reading and Math)

1st (Reading and Math)

2nd (Reading)

2nd (Math)

3rd (Reading)

3rd (Math)

Friday PreK-K







(Social Studies)




(Social Studies)

Our Region’s Largest Classroom! nineMagazine


September–October 2020


Distance learning and online videos can seem impersonal. “The learning has not felt personal, and direct instruction and the guided practice have been missing,” says Klonsky. Teaching in Room 9 gives an authentic experience that feels like you are interacting with a teacher in your family room. “My own children, who do not know the teachers, feel like they're interacting with them personally,” she says. Teachers are doing heroic work, and our community can take pride in the educators in Teaching in Room 9. Klonsky believes Nine did a thoughtful job curating exemplary educators who have wonderful skills and relationships with children in their schools and districts. Art McCoy, PhD, superintendent of schools, Jennings School District, says the Nine team has really stepped up. “They were instrumental in reaching out to get some of the best and brightest teachers. Nine helps make sure we have the tools to help educators still reach students.” Nine has always believed in the promise of all kids in our region and providing education opportunities so that kids can succeed in school and in life. Nine has a history of innovation in educational television for children, including longstanding partnerships with regional educators. Back in 1952, the St. Louis Board of Education agreed to provide the first year of operational expenses for the fledging KETC educational television station (now Nine Network). Teaching in Room 9 lessons are informed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and education leaders across the region so that key parts of the public-school curriculum are covered in these broadcasts.


September–October 2020



Student Audrey Wenger experiences a semblance of normalcy watching a Teaching in Room 9 lesson.

“Teaching in Room 9 provides relevant content in an interactive manner. On-air educators intentionally use methods to keep students engaged throughout the lesson as if they were in the room together.”

—Maggie Klonsky Former middle school teacher and parent

Teaching in Room 9 is supported by Bank of America, the Dana Brown Charitable Trust, and Emerson in partnership with Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, regional district and education leaders, Washington University Institute for School Partnership, Crabtree Publishing, and St. Louis Black Authors of Children’s Literature.

A fourth-grade fan of Teaching in Room 9 wrote to Nine expressing her thanks.

The goal was to provide high-quality learning resources for children, especially the 1 in 3 children in our region without reliable internet or devices. Since launching Teaching in Room 9 in late April through July 31, 279 episodes have aired featuring lessons in literacy, math, and science. They have been watched 477,905 times by kids ages 2-11. Now that this year’s back-to-school plans have been impacted by COVID-19, Nine will continue Teaching in Room 9 at least through the end of the year. “I'm continually impressed by Nine's thoughtfulness around educating the whole child, and also our whole community, and making sure that they're thoughtful about how they're curating their resources and the people that they choose to interact with in different spaces, who they choose to go to for expertise, and how they implement their programs,” says Klonsky. The public health crisis has created “stressful times of uncertainty and difficulty" for families, says March. “Families have had to navigate through ambiguous factors such as housing, income, food, and obtaining Wi-Fi and devices. Teaching in Room 9 has proven to be a reliable source of education during the pandemic because the easy accessibility nearly eliminates the digital divide families are facing.”

Mr. Speed is our letter writer's favorite educator on Teaching in Room 9.



September–October 2020


new on nine The Human Side of Brain Disease New Nine-produced national series on the mysteries of the human brain begins October 7.

You have heard us report on BrainWorks before; its history goes back years. What began as an annual TED-style lecture series about advances in neuroscience at Barnes-Jewish Hospital became medical science theater—a new way for the public to experience medicine and the human brain. The December 2014 theatrical production was produced by BarnesJewish Hospital. It featured the play’s authors, Washington University neurosurgeons Dr. Albert H. Kim and Dr. Eric C. Leuthardt. Nine Network televised segments of this performance for a 2015 special and broadened the reach of BrainWorks across Missouri and Illinois. The broadcast won a 2016 Regional Emmy for Best Informational/Instructional Program.

The series can be viewed at


September–October 2020



Eric C. Leuthardt, MD

Albert H. Kim, MD, PhD


Now, a new edition of BrainWorks hits the airwaves nationally through American Public Television. in July Four stories inspired by research, patients and treatment. PresentedPerformed live, on stage. 2019 at the Loretto-Hilton Center for the Performing Arts, Drs. Albert Kim and Eric Leuthardt teamed up with a cast of professional actors to guide audiences through the general pathology, symptoms, and challenges of four neurological disorders: Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, brain tumors, and stroke. Kim and Leuthardt worked with professional playwrights to write these engaging, educational one-act plays based on real-life patient stories. { FOR TICKETS, VISIT BARNESJEWISH.ORG/BRAINWORKS }


“Medicine determines if we are healthy or unhealthy; medicine determines if we live or die,” said the play's director Seth Gordon. “To pair those questions with an art form that deals with human empathy and human behavior is something I’m proud to bring to the stage.” One of the plays, "Rinse & Repeat," highlights the challenges, dedication and even humor involved in caring for someone with dementia. Another play, "Double Windsor," demonstrates how new therapies and emerging technologies, such as the brain-computer interface, are improving the lives of people who have experienced stroke and other traumatic brain injuries. The play "X Marks the Spot" focuses on a mid-career professional whose personality undergoes profound changes caused by meningioma—a benign, treatable brain tumor. Finally, the play "Brain Interrupted" walks audiences through the neuroscience of adolescent epilepsy and discusses new brain-mapping technology that eases the suffering of those who live with seizures.

New Sunday Dramas Six new series, packed with action, love, mystery, betrayal, and, most importantly, drama, premiere this fall. Van Der Valk on Masterpiece

COBRA October 4, 9 pm Follow the British Prime Minister and his Cabinet Office Briefing Room A (COBRA) committee, comprised of leading contingency planners and senior politicians, as they navigate the difficulties in overcoming a major national crisis.

September 13, 8 pm Set in Amsterdam, the series follows the work of Commissioner Van der Valk (played by Marc Warren from The Good Wife), a street-smart and unapologetic Dutch detective who navigates the lively and enigmatic city, solving mysterious crimes using astute human observation and inspired detection.

The Trouble with Maggie Cole October 18, 7 pm See what happens when idle gossip escalates out of control and starts to affect people’s lives. Set in a picturesque fishing village, the series centers on Maggie Cole, the self-appointed oracle of this closeknit community.

Last Tango in Halifax Season 4 | September 20, 7 pm After seven years of marriage, Alan and Celia discover that wedded bliss isn’t always blissful. Clashing politics, Alan’s new job, and a wild local lad create tension. Caroline gets emotionally embroiled at work. Alan’s brother visits.

Roadkill on Masterpiece November 1, 8 pm Ambition knows no bounds, nor does corruption in the political thriller starring Hugh Laurie as a scheming U.K. government minister. Scripted by two-time Academy Award nominee David Hare, Roadkill airs in four, action-packed episodes.

Flesh and Blood on Masterpiece October 4, 8 pm The lives of three siblings are disrupted when their recently widowed mother declares she's in love with a new man. The older woman's budding romance provokes suspicion among her adult children and their inquisitive next-door neighbor, and a detective investigates whether an unfortunate incident was an accident or a heinous crime.

Full episodes of PBS programming will stream for free following each broadcast and be available for two weeks on and the PBS Video App. Following the two weeks, Nine PBS members can view episodes via Passport. Go to to learn more.



September–October 2020


nine networking Chew in the Lou Live! What started as Nine's Facebook group to ponder food trends, restaurants, recipes, and other foodrelated topics with other St. Louisans, Chew in the Lou has expanded to include a series of free, live, virtual events with chefs and public television personalities.

To learn more about our live events and to register, visit

Preview screenings of local and national food-related content, watch cooking demos, get recipes, and have fun at these virtual events.

Upcoming Schedule September: To be announced. October 21: Catherine Neville, host of tasteMAKERS and Feast TV, publisher of Feast magazine November 18: Nick Stellino, host-chef of Storyteller in the Kitchen and Cooking with Friends Join the Chew in the Lou Facebook group at or on Twitter @chewinthelou.

10 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

We Are Listening! Nine Network sends biannual surveys to its email list. In July, more than 1,100 community members responded to the survey, and we are listening. The survey responses help us set priorities, provide input on content creation, and give feedback on our community events. The results reaffirm that our work is making a difference in our community, but there is room for improvement. Our next steps include finding additional ways to solicit feedback from the community, featuring more experiences from more communities in the region, and ensuring we provide content that is trusted, balanced, and fosters understanding around community priorities. We deeply appreciate the time survey respondents gave us to share their feedback. The full report is available on /community-survey.

Survey highlights

75 %

of survey respondents said Nine is addressing issues that are important to them.


of survey respondents indicated they watched programming on Black history and experiences.


agreed that after watching Nine content, they’re more aware and have a greater understanding of issues facing our region.


of the respondents watched content about our region’s response to COVID-19.

Creating warm meals and moments throughout Missouri From cooking together to laughing around the dinner table, Spire is proud to be a part of the meals and moments that nourish, comfort and unite us.



September–October 2020


New Kids' Special on Race and Racism PBS KIDS Talk About: Race and Racism special will feature authentic conversations between real children and their parents, and will include content from PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Arthur, and Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum. The show will feature kids and their parents talking about race- and racialjustice-related topics in an ageappropriate way, such as noticing differences in race, understanding what racism can look like, and embracing the role we all have to play in standing up for ourselves and each other. It offers viewers ideas to build on as they continue these important conversations at home. The special airs October 10 & 11 at 7:30 am; and October 12 at 7 am and 3 pm on Nine PBS.

Now Open! Reservations required!*

New Animated Series Based on Hair Love The Oscar-winning animated short Hair Love is being turned into a 12-part series for HBO Max. Dave Steward II, Nine’s immediate past board chair, and principal at Lion Forge in St. Louis, who was an executive producer on the film, will also be part of the new series, called Young Love, which will continue the story of the family in Hair Love—father, mother, daughter, and the pet cat.

12 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine


Illustrations by

Forest Park • 314.746.4599 •


Halloween and Bullying Prevention Resources Nine PBS KIDS invites families to participate in Halloween fun by sharing DIY masks, pumpkin stencils, creative costume ideas, and more from the Halloween collection on PBS KIDS for Parents ( halloween).

New Digital Series on Parenting from Nova

October (Bullying Prevention Month) also is a great time to focus on kindness and other social and emotional learning skills.

Parenting is full of obstacles that can be hard to navigate—even without a toddler yelling in your face. There’s no instruction manual, which means discerning fact from fiction and reasonable from ridiculous can be maddening.

Find resources on kindness, empathy, and friendship on

Join hosts pediatrician Alok Patel and comedian Bethany Van Delft (mother of two) as they dive into

the topics nearly all parents face— from pregnancy to poop, fevers to tantrums, and preschool to puberty. Personal, informative, and witty, Parentalogic explores what science has to say about the questions that keep parents up at night, turning trial into triumph. Watch the episodes on the Parentalogic YouTube channel.

Now enrolling talented art students Grades 6-12


Grand Center Arts Academy is the area’s only charter middle and high school for visual and performing arts.









September–October 2020


Introducing Elinor Wonders Why Reaching and engaging kids with fresh content is critical in helping us deliver on our mission to use the power of media to support children’s learning. PBS KIDS’ newest series, Elinor Wonders Why, will join the lineup on Labor Day, Monday, September 7. Developed for kids ages 3-5, Elinor Wonders Why centers on the adventures of Elinor, the most curious and observant bunny rabbit in Animal Town, who models the foundational practices of science inquiry and engineering design using her amazing powers of observation and her willingness to ask questions. Elinor Wonders Why encourages children and parents to ask their own questions and experience the joy of discovery and understanding together.


“‘If better is possible, good is

not enough.’ That’s my motto. It’s why I chose the Foundation to help me amplify my

New Nine PBS KIDS schedule A new schedule for the 24/7 Nine PBS KIDS channel and live stream will take effect September 7, with the launch of Elinor Wonders Why. The schedule will change again on October 5, when Curious George is added to the lineup. See page 25 for the full schedule.

14 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

community-driven initiatives that focus on youth sports, women and entrepreneurship.” Khalia Collier Owner, St. LOuiS Surge St. louiS Surge Community impaCt Fund

PBS Announces Prime Video Channel for Documentaries


On August 4, PBS Distribution launched a new documentaryfocused Prime Video Channel– PBS Documentaries. For 50 years, PBS has been America’s trusted home for documentaries. The channel is another way for curious viewers to access PBS content outside the PBS Video App. It will include a robust library of critically acclaimed, thought-provoking programs including the entire Ken Burns collection as well as films from Nova, Frontline, American Masters, Nature, American Experience, Independent Lens, POV, and many independent producers. The channel will feature nearly 1,000 hours of award-winning programming for subscribers to enjoy, including Ken Burns’s landmark series The Civil War and Country Music, Stanley Nelson’s The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution, and Academy Award-Nominated films like Frontline: For Sama and American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam.

Do you need

WiFi at home? Or a laptop? Borrow for free! Stop by or visit for details.

The subscription rate for the PBS Documentaries Prime Video Channel is $3.99/month with an Amazon Prime or Prime Video subscription via Prime Video Channels and is available in the U.S. only. Every purchase helps support public television for all.

nineMagazine 16415 CHROMEBOOK_HOTSPOT NINE MAG AD.indd 1


September–October 2020


7/17/20 10:56 AM


over the air

digital cable


september PROGRAM LISTINGS September primetime grid on page 24. For program updates, visit or follow Nine on social media.








Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

Listings Key (9) Nine Network production (PB) Program contains pledge breaks








Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News


Wild Kratts


Hero Elementary


Xavier Riddle


Curious George (Clifford starts 9/14)


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

1:00 BBC World News


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

1:30 Amanpour and Company


Elinor Wonders Why


Sesame Street


Pinkalicious & Peterrific


Dinosaur Train

evening 7:00 Frontline: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians Challenge your assumptions about the origins of Christianity. (PB)

late night 12:00 Wish You Were Here: A Century of Missouri State Parks (PB) (9)

2:30 NHK Newsline 3:00 Food Fix with Mark Hyman, MD

WED | SEP 2 evening

11:30 12:00 12:30

Teaching in Room 9 On-Air Classroom

1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Wild Kratts


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Odd Squad




Cat in the Hat Know a Lot about That


BBC World News America


PBS NewsHour

16 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

7:00 John Denver: Country Boy An intimate profile of the legendary pop singer-songwriter. (PB) 8:30 Fever: The Music of Peggy Lee Vintage interviews and performances along with new commentary. (PB) 10:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide Advice on planning for and thriving in retirement. (PB)

late night 12:00 Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-White (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline 3:00 The Bee Gees One for All Tour (PB)

Papa Ray’s Vintage Vinyl Roadshow Vintage Vinyl is one of St. Louis' most beloved institutions. This documentary tells the history of the independent record store, with archival footage and videos from in-store performances and signing events, including the man who has owned and operated it for decades, Tom “Papa” Ray. Explore the apex of Vintage Vinyl’s cultural influence on the city. Thursday, September 3, 8 pm (encore September 5, 6:30 pm, and September 8, 8 pm)


late night 1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Decades (9)


7:00 Donnybrook (PB)

2:00 Food Is Love: Street Food (9)

8:00 Papa Ray's Vintage Vinyl Roadshow (PB) Explore the record store’s cultural influence on St. Louis.

3:00 3 Steps to Pain-Free Living (PB)

late night

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline 3:00 Deepak Chopra: The Spiritual Laws of Success (PB)

FRI | SEP 4 evening 7:00 Washington Week (PB) 7:30 Won't You Be My Neighbor? A film about Fred Rogers from Oscar-winner Morgan Neville. (PB) 10:00 Pink Floyd: Live in Venice The band's legendary 1989 "Night of Wonders" concert. (PB) 11:30 Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD (PB)

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street

1:30 Retire Safe & Secure with Ed Slott 2020 (PB)

3:30 Deepak Chopra: Becoming Metahuman (PB)

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood


7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali


8:00 Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda Esmonde-White A plan to keep your mind sharp and body active. (PB)

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

9:00 How to Be a Breadhead: A Beginner's Guide to Baking (PB)

10:30 3 Steps to Pain-Free Living Exercises to correct muscle imbalance. (PB)

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

afternoon 12:30 America's Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special (PB) 2:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide Key steps for achieving the ultimate retirement. (PB) 4:00 Moments to Remember (My Music) Classics from the late-50s and early-60s pop era. (PB) 6:30 Papa Ray's Vintage Vinyl Roadshow (PB) The history of St. Louis’ beloved independent record store.

12:00 Fever: The Music of Peggy Lee (PB)


10:30 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)

late night

9:30 Won't You Be My Neighbor? Celebrate the legacy of icon Fred Rogers. (PB)

2:30 NHK Newsline

9:30 Johnny Cash: A Concert Behind Prison Walls One of only two Cash concerts shot for television. (PB)

12:00 Let's Talk Menopause Common symptoms, health risks, and therapies. (PB)

evening 8:00 The Avett Brothers at Red Rocks American folk rockers at historic concern venue in CO. (PB)

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Forever Painless with Miranda Esmonde-White (PB) 9:30 Change Your Brain, Heal Your Mind with Daniel Amen, MD (PB) 11:30 Feel Better with Pressure Point Therapy (PB)

afternoon 12:30 Let's Talk Menopause (PB)

1:30 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)

3:00 Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories (PB) (9) 4:30 70s Soul Superstars (My Music) An all-star reunion of the legends of 1970's Motown. (PB) nineMagazine


September–October 2020


Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show Filmed on the 25th anniversary of its first full performance in Dublin, this new cinematic experience immerses viewers in the extraordinary and elemental power of music and dance. Celebrated the world over for its Grammy®-winning score, Riverdance brings thrilling energy and passion to Irish and international dance. Sunday, September 6, 7 pm


evening 7:00 Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show Celebrate the passion of Irish music and dance. (PB) 9:00 Ken Burns: America's Storyteller A tribute to the acclaimed filmmaker. (PB) 11:00 Rhythm, Love & Soul (My Music) (PB)

late night

1:00 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)

2:30 Let's Talk Menopause (PB) 3:30 Longevity Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD (PB)

MON | SEP 7 evening 7:00 John Sebastian Presents: Folk Rewind (My Music) Classic 50s and 60s folk music, with historic footage and new performances. (PB) 9:00 70s Soul Superstars (My Music) Host Patti LaBelle celebrates Motown, R&B, and soul. (PB) 11:30 A Baseball Legacy: Fans Remember the St. Louis Browns (PB)

late night

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline 3:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

18 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine


11:30 Neil Diamond: Hot August Night III A celebration of the multiplatinumselling collection. (PB)

7:00 The Vote: American Experience (1 of 4) Leaders galvanize thousands to demand equal citizenship.

late night 1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

8:00 Papa Ray's Vintage Vinyl Roadshow The history of St. Louis’ beloved independent record store.

2:30 NHK Newsline 3:00 Johnny Cash: A Concert Behind Prison (PB) 4:00 Marian Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years (PB)

9:00 Harbor from the Holocaust Jews find refuge in Shanghai during World War II. 10:00 50 Years with Peter, Paul and Mary The film celebrates the group’s activism and inspiration. (PB)

THU | SEP 10 evening 7:00 Donnybrook (PB) (9)

late night

8:00 The War: Pride of Our Nation The end of WWII seems only a few weeks away.

12:00 Wish You Were Here: A Century of Missouri State Parks (PB) (9)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 NHK Newsline

10:30 Rhythm, Love & Soul (My Music) The legends of R&B, Motown, and soul. (PB)

3:00 Ken Burns: America's Storyteller (PB)

late night 12:30 Rick Steves' Tasty Europe (PB) 1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company


2:30 NHK Newsline


3:00 Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show (PB)

7:00 Nova: Human Nature How far should we go in editing human DNA? 9:00 Hacking Your Mind: Living on Auto-Pilot (1 of 4) Discover how others hack your mind. 10:00 Brain Secrets with Dr. Michael Merzenich (PB)

FRI | SEP 11 evening

7:00 Washington Week 7:30 70s Soul Superstars (My Music) An all-star reunion of the legends of 1970's Motown. (PB)

10:00 Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show A reinvention of the groundbreaking show. (PB)

7:00 Hero Elementary 7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:00 Members’ Favorites Nine PBS is a beacon of information, education, and entertainment. (PB)

late night 12:00 Marian Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years (PB)

1:00 BBC World News

1:30 Amanpour and Company


2:30 NHK Newsline

12:00 Members’ Favorites Nine tells stories that raise awareness and foster dialogue. (PB)

3:00 Grateful Dead: Downhill from Here (PB)

4:00 Members’ Favorites Public media gives a voice to all people. Show your support at (PB)

SAT | SEP 12

6:30 Lucy Worsley's Royal Palace Secrets (PB)


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe


5:30 Travelscope 6:00 Molly of Denali

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

10:00 Members’ Favorites Public media deepens understanding about the challenges facing our society.

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:00 Members’ Favorites Public media is a place where we can come together for important conversations. (PB)

1:00 Members’ Favorites Public media is a place where communities can come together for important conversations. Show your support at /support.


evening 7:00 The Vote: American Experience (2 of 4) African American women in the movement.

7:00 Women of Achievement (9) Women committed to improving the quality of life in St. Louis.

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

evening 8:00 Members’ Favorites Public media is a space where we can come together for important conversations.

8:00 Frontline: Policing the Police 9:00 Building the American Dream 10:00 Women of Achievement (9)

late night

10:00 POV: Love Child A political love story about Leila and Sahand, and their escape from Iran.

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 Members’ Favorites Public media deepens our understanding about the challenges facing society.

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline 2:00 Women of Achievement (9)

1:00 Nova: Human Nature

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:30 NHK Newsline

SUN | SEP 13

3:00 Smart Travels 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

TUE | SEP 15


4:00 Members’ Favorites Our commitment to diverse stories and storytellers runs deep. (PB)

Tuesday, September 15, 9 pm

MON | SEP 14

2:00 Members’ Favorites Public television presents facts and speaks truth to power. (PB)

Travel to Texas, where immigrant construction workers are seeking justice and equality in an industry rife with exploitation. Across the state, there’s an unprecedented building boom, fueled by Latino laborers with little or no rights.

late night

12:00 Members’ Favorites The role of journalism is critical  to our democracy. Support us at (PB)

Building the American Dream

8:00 Van Der Valk on Masterpiece Art, politics, and passion mix in a case that breaks in a new assistant.

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:00 Molly of Denali 6:30 Wild Kratts



September–October 2020


Islands of Wonder Journey to three of the most exotic, mysterious, and remote islands on the planet: Madagascar, Borneo, and Hawaii. Isolated from the rest of the world, they harbor remarkable wildlife and pioneering human communities found nowhere else on Earth. Wednesdays, September 16, 23, 30, 7 pm

WED | SEP 16 evening

8:00 The War: Fubar American soldiers are ordered into Germany's most fiercely defended terrain.

7:00 Madagascar: Islands of Wonder Explore the oldest island on earth.

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

12:30 NHK Newsline

5:30 Travelscope

1:00 Madagascar: Islands of Wonder

6:00 Molly of Denali

2:00 Nova: Secret Mind of Slime

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

8:00 Curious George

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

late night

9:30 Elinor Wonders Why

FRI | SEP 18

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 POV: Dark Money The shadowy world of anonymous campaign contributions in MT.

10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Lidia's Kitchen


11:00 Pati's Mexican Table New season begins.

7:00 Washington Week

2:30 Living St. Louis (9)

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders During an eclipse of the sun, an amateur astronomer is killed.

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

afternoon 12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television New season begins.

10:30 Food Is Love: Balkan Treat Box (9)

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News

12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

11:30 Amanpour and Company

THU | SEP 17

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline


1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Frontline: Policing the Police

20 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

SAT | SEP 19

late night

11:00 BBC World News

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:00 Fake: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation Learn to identify fake news and evaluate the biases of legitimate sources.

11:00 BBC World News

9:00 Hacking Your Mind: Weapons of Influence (2 of 4) See how social media companies use big data to influence your decisions.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:00 D-Day at Pointe-Du-Hoc How a Ranger battalion destroyed six German cannons.

8:00 Nova: Secret Mind of Slime Scientists investigate the bizarre "intelligence" of slime molds.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country New season begins. 2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Pies & Tarts

3:00 Smart Travels

3:00 The Inn at Little Washington: A Delicious Documentary A self-taught chef pursues a third Michelin star.

4:00 Motorweek Automotive series compares vehicles and fuel-efficient options.

4:30 American Woodshop

2:00 Great Performances: Romeo and Juliet A ballet filmed on atmospheric sets and locations throughout Budapest. 4:00 Great Performances: Now Hear This Explore the work of famed composer Joseph Haydn's career.

5:00 This Old House

5:00 Beyond the Canvas

5:30 This Old House

5:30 History with David Rubenstein Presidential historian Michael Beschloss is the guest.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love: Balkan Treat Box (9)

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend


6:30 Food Is Love: Balkan Treat Box (9)

7:00 Antiques Roadshow


8:00 Royal House of Windsor Charles' matchmaker. 9:00 Movie: Brian's Song (1971) A growing friendship between white and Black football teammates.

7:00 Last Tango in Halifax Alan and Celia don't see eye to eye.

10:15 Movie: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) Two high-school buddies time-travel to complete their final history presentation.

8:00 Van Der Valk on Masterpiece A worker at an addiction clinic is found dead. 10:00 Movie: Five Easy Pieces (1970) A classical pianist opts for a blue-collar existence.

late night

late night 12:00 Van Der Valk

12:00 Van Der Valk on Masterpiece

3:00 Smart Travels

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

MON | SEP 21

SUN | SEP 20



7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

7:30 Food Is Love A visit to Egg Restaurant in Benton Park. (9)

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman 6:00 Molly of Denali 6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

8:00 Antiques Roadshow 9:00 Antiques Roadshow Recut 9:30 Family of Us: A PBS American Portrait Story

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

10:00 POV: In My Blood It Runs The life of a 10-year-old Aboriginal boy growing up in Australia.

8:00 Curious George 8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

11:00 BBC World News

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

11:30 Amanpour and Company

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

late night

10:00 Food Is Love: Balkan Treat Box (9) 10:30 Donnybrook (9)

12:30 NHK Newsline

11:00 John Lewis: Get in the Way

afternoon 1:00 Beyond the Canvas

1:30 Children's Crusade Revisited: Slaughterhouse Five

1:00 Hacking Your Mind: Living on Auto-Pilot

2:00 Hacking Your Mind: Weapons of Influence

12:00 Women of Achievement (9)

Tuesday, September 22, 8 pm

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

Every four years, Frontline tells the dual biography of the two presidential candidates that steps back and looks beyond the heated political rhetoric, taking measure of the two individuals and the events that have shaped their lives and values.

2:00 Last Tango in Halifax

2:00 Secrets of the Tower of London

The Choice 2020: Trump vs Biden

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

TUE | SEP 22 evening 7:00 The Vote: American Experience (3 of 4) Stung by defeats, the suffragists concentrate on passing a federal amendment. 8:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020: Trump vs Biden 10:00 William Allen White: What's the Matter with Kansas A journalistic giant who advised presidents and world leaders. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting



September–October 2020


2:00 Nova: How Writing Changed the World

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Continental Cakes

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Smart Travels

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

3:30 Food Is Love (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:00 Motorweek

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:30 Food Is Love (9)

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope

5:30 This Old House

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

FRI | SEP 25

4:30 Travelscope

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

evening 7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders The murder of a journalist echoes a 1960's horror film.

WED | SEP 23

evening 7:00 Borneo: Islands of Wonder The secret to its great diversity of life.


7:00 Antiques Roadshow 8:00 Royal House of Windsor Diana's popularity challenges the royal family.

8:00 Nova: How Writing Changed the World (1 of 2) Follow the evolution of the written word.

10:30 Food Is Love (9)

9:00 Movie: Postcards from the Edge (1990) Hollywood actress stays with her mother after rehab. 11:00 Austin City Limits Billie Eilish.

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

late night

9:00 Hacking Your Mind: Us vs Them (3 of 4) Discover how our biases fuel our nation's divisions.

12:30 NHK Newsline

12:00 Movie: Five Easy Pieces

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

10:00 The Last Artifact The story of how scientists redefined the kilogram standard in 2018.

2:00 Secrets of Scotland Yard

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

1:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020

3:00 Smart Travels 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:00 Molly of Denali

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

5:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

6:00 Molly of Denali

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

THU | SEP 24

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:00 Curious George

8:00 Curious George


8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

9:30 Elinor Wonders Why

8:00 The War: The Ghost Front Newspaper headlines tell of new losses.

10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

10:00 Food Is Love (9)

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:30 Living St. Louis (9) 10:00 Food Is Love (9) 10:30 Donnybrook (9)

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News

11:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020


1:00 Beyond the Canvas

1:30 Great Performances at the Met: Der Fliegende Hollander Wagner’s masterpiece about a sea captain cursed to sail forever.

4:00 Great Performances: Now Hear This Celebrate the work of Franz Schubert.


11:30 Amanpour and Company

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

late night

12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Borneo: Islands of Wonder

22 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe



3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

SUN | SEP 27

SAT | SEP 26

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

The Campaign of Miner Bo After his 2016 conversation with presidential candidate Hillary Clinton goes viral, unemployed coal miner Bo Copley runs for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in West Virginia. But without enough money or experience, he quickly discovers that being a politician is harder than it looks. As his long-shot campaign continues, Copley fights not only to pull off a monumental upset, but also to validate his own sense of self-worth after two years of unemployment. Tuesday, September 29, 10 pm

5:00 Beyond the Canvas

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Building the American Dream

3:00 Smart Travels

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

evening 7:00 Hawaii: Islands of Wonder The most remote island chain on earth.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

evening 7:00 Last Tango in Halifax Alan and Celia's relationship comes under increasing strain.

8:00 Van Der Valk on Masterpiece An eco-fashion vlogger turns up dead during his video feed.

4:30 Travelscope

8:00 Nova: How Writing Changed the World (2 of 2) The printing press ignites the Industrial Revolution.

TUE | SEP 29

9:00 Hacking Your Mind: The Wings of Angels (4 of 4) Learn how to hack your mind to improve your life.


10:00 Movie: Finding Forrester (2000) A young writing prodigy finds a mentor in a reclusive author.

10:00 Roadtrip Nation: Making It Balance Venture into the world of accounting and auditing.

8:00 PBS NewsHour Presidential Debate: A Special Report

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

7:00 The Vote: American Experience (4 of 4) Efforts lead to passage of amendment giving women the right to vote.

12:30 Van Der Valk 2:30 Last Tango in Halifax 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 BBC World News

late night

10:00 The Campaign of Miner Bo An unemployed coal miner runs for U.S. Senate.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

WED | SEP 30

late night

5:30 History with David Rubenstein Author Doris Kearns Goodwin is featured.

4:30 Travelscope

12:30 NHK Newsline

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

MON | SEP 28

2:00 Living St. Louis (9) 2:30 Food Is Love (9)

9:00 Antiques Roadshow 10:00 POV: Our Time Machine An artist creates “Papa’s Time Machine” for his father, who has Alzheimer’s.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:30 Food Is Love (9) The story of Gulf Shores Restaurant, a Black-owned business. 8:00 Antiques Roadshow

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:30 NHK Newsline

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

late night


1:00 Hawaii: Islands of Wonder

2:00 Nova: How Writing Changed the World (2 of 2)

4:30 Travelscope

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company



September–October 2020


primetime 7:00









Frontline: From Jesus to Christ



John Denver: Country Boy

Fever: The Music of Peggy Lee


Papa Ray's Vintage Vinyl Roadshow

FRI 4 Washington Week

Won't You Be My Neighbor?


Avett Brothers at Red Rocks

(6:30) Papa Ray's Vintage Vinyl….

Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement

Pink Floyd: Live in Venice Won't You Be My Neighbor?


Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show

Ken Burns: America's Storyteller


John Sebastian Presents: Folk Rewind

70s Soul Superstars


The Vote: American Experience

WED 9 THU 10

Papa Ray's Vintage Viny Roadshow

Harbor from the Holocaust

50 Years with Peter, Paul and Mary

Hacking Your Mind

Brain Secrets

Nova: Human Nature Donnybrook

FRI 11 Washington Week

Rhythm, Love & Soul

The War 70s Soul Superstars

SAT 12

Brain Secrets

Johnny Cash: Concert Behind Prison…

Riverdance 25th Anniversary

Members’ Favorites

SUN 13

(6:30) Lucy Worsley's Royal Palace…

MON 14

Women of Achievement

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

POV: Love Child

TUE 15

The Vote: American Experience


Building the American Dream

Women of Achievement

WED 16

Madagascar: Islands of Wonder

Nova: Secret Mind of Slime

Hacking Your Mind

Fake: Searching for Truth

THU 17


FRI 18 Washington Week

Living St. Louis Donnybrook

SAT 19

Antiques Roadshow

SUN 20

Last Tango in Halifax

MON 21

Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

TUE 22

The Vote: American Experience

WED 23

Borneo: Islands of Wonder

THU 24


FRI 25 Washington Week

SAT 26

Antiques Roadshow

SUN 27

Last Tango in Halifax

MON 28

Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

TUE 29

The Vote: American Experience

WED 30

Hawaii: Islands of Wonder

24 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

D-Day at Pointe-Du-Hoc

The War Father Brown

Midsomer Murders Movie: Brian's Song

Royal House of Windsor Van Der Valk Antiques Roadshow


Nova: How Writing Changed the World

Food Is Love (10:15) Movie: Bill & Ted's Excellent… Movie: Five Easy Pieces

Family of Us...

Frontline: The Choice 2020

POV: In My Blood It Runs William Allen White: What's the Matter…

Hacking Your Mind

The War

Living St. Louis Donnybrook

Members’ Favorites

Van Der Valk

The Last Artifact Food Is Love

Father Brown

Midsomer Murders

Royal House of Windsor

Living St. Louis Food Is Love

Movie: Postcards from the Edge Movie: Finding Forrester

Van Der Valk Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

PBS NewsHour Presidential Debate Nova: How Writing Changed the World

Hacking Your Mind

POV: Our Time Machine The Campaign of Miner Bo Roadtrip Nation: Making It Balance

Sep–Oct PBS KIDS SCHEDULE This schedule is effective September 7. The 24/7 channel is free on 9.2 or watch on Spectrum digital cable: 710. The regular schedule is preempted Friday–Sunday from 6–9 pm for PBS KIDS Family Night.


6:30 Molly of Denali

5:00 Splash and Bubbles SAT & SUN - Caillou

5:30 WordWorld SAT & SUN - Clifford (Classic)

6:00 Peg + Cat SAT & SUN - Esme & Roy

7:00 Hero Elementary

7:30 Odd Squad

8:00 Arthur

8:30 WordGirl

9:00 Cyberchase

6:30 Peep and the Big Wide World

9:30 Molly of Denali

7:00 Sid the Science Kid

10:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Super WHY!

10:30 Elinor Wonders Why

8:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

11:00 Sesame Street

8:30 Clifford the Big Red Dog (Reboot)

11:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

9:00 Let's Go Luna!

9:30 Dinosaur Train

12:00 Let's Go Luna!

10:00 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot about That! 10:30 Martha Speaks

1:00 Wild Kratts 2:00 Xavier Riddle

2:30 Molly of Denali


12:00 Arthur

3:00 Hero Elementary

3:30 Odd Squad

12:30 Odd Squad

1:00 Cyberchase

4:00 Arthur

4:30 WordGirl

1:30 Molly of Denali

11:30 Ready Jet Go!

12:30 Nature Cat 1:30 Wild Kratts

11:00 Nature Cat


2:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

2:30 Elinor Wonders Why

3:00 Sesame Street

3:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:00 Let's Go Luna! Curious George starts Oct. 5

4:30 Nature Cat Curious George starts Oct. 5

5:00 Wild Kratts

5:30 Wild Kratts

6:00 Xavier Riddle

Hero Elementary

Watch anytime at



September–October 2020


Membership drive preempts regular programming September 1–13. For the late-night schedule and the October Create schedule, consult These programs are available on channel 9.4 and Spectrum 184.

MONDAY 5:00 AM 5:30

The Legacy List/Great Estates, 9/7







Life in Bloom

Make It Artsy

Make Your Mark

For Your Home

Classical Stretch

Classical Stretch

Growing Passion

Start Up/You Are Cordially Invited, 9/16

Beads & Baubles

Growing Bolder

Step It Up with Steph

Classical Stretch


Sewing with Nancy

Quilting Arts

Knit & Crochet

Quilting Arts

Sewing with Nancy

Love of Quilting

It’s Sew Easy


Paint This

Landscapes through Time

Painting with Wilson

Painting with Paulson

Paint This

Wyland’s Art Studio

Grand View


This Old House

Craftsman’s Legacy

Woodwright’s Shop

Craftsman’s Legacy

This Old House

Ask This Old House

Classical Stretch


Ask This Old House

Woodsmith Shop

Classic Woodworking

Woodsmith Shop

Ask This Old House

This Old House

Classical Stretch


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

Nevin’s Irish Food

Ciao Italia

Nevin’s Irish Food

Garden Home

Christina Cooks


Savor Dakota


America’s Test Kitchen


America’s Test Kitchen

Growing a Greener World

Jazzy Vegetarian



Passion Italy

Travels & Traditions

Wild Travels

Cycle around Japan

Trails to Oishii Tokyo


Fly Brother


Places to Love


Travels with Darley

Journeys in Japan


Rick Steves’ Europe


Best of Joy of Painting

Garden Home S H OWC A S E


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

Nevin’s Irish Food

Ciao Italia

Nevin’s Irish Food


To Dine For


America’s Test Kitchen


America’s Test Kitchen

Noon1:30 PM

Repeats 6–7:30 am


Best of Joy of Painting

Garden Smart

S H OWCAS E This Old House


Sewing with Nancy

Quilting Arts

Knit & Crochet Now

Quilting Arts

Sewing with Nancy

Ask This Old House


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

Nevin’s Irish Food

Ciao Italia

Nevin’s Irish Food

America's Test Kitchen


Savor Dakota


America’s Test Kitchen


America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country



Passion Italy

Travels & Traditions

Wild Travels

Canvasing the World

Garden Home

Jamie’s Ultimate Veg/My Greek Table, 9/20


Fly Brother


Places to Love


Travels with Darley

Garden Home

Simply Ming


Rick Steves’ Europe

A Chef’s Life


Jamie’s Ultimate Veg/My Greek Table, 9/12

Eating in with Lidia


Simply Ming

Field Trip

Hirsch Lifestyle

Project Smoke

Simply Ming

Project Smoke

Field Trip/Sara’s Weeknight Meals, 9/13


Cook’s Country

Magic of a Dish/Taste of Malaysia, 9/8

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Magic of a Dish/ Taste of Malaysia, 9/13

26 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

SHOWCA SE S Sep 4–10 | Labors of Love

7:00 PM

Sep 11–17 | Milk Street Food Fest

Sep 18–24 | Pati's Food and Fiesta





America’s Test Kitchen

In Julia’s Kitchen

Eating in with Lidia

Milk Street

America’s Test Kitchen

Jamie’s Ultimate Veg




Sep 25–Oct 1 | This Old House: Detroit Project




Family Travel

Passion Italy

Fly Brothers


Travels & Traditions Places to Love


Rick Steves' Europe


Best of Joy of Painting


No Passport Required/ No Passport Required/ Somewhere South, 9/12 Somewhere South, 9/13 Best of Joy of Painting


The Legacy List

The Legacy List

Flavor of Poland

To Dine For

Ciao Italia


Ciao Italia


Wild Travels Travelscope


Jamie’s Ultimate Veg/My Greek Table, 9/14




America’s Test Kitchen

In Julia’s Kitchen

Eating in with Lidia

Milk Street

Nevin’s Irish Food

America’s Test Kitchen


Simply Ming

Field Trip/Sara’s Weeknight Meals, 9/15

Hirsch Lifestyle

Project Smoke

Nevin’s Irish Food

America’s Test Kitchen

NEW SE A SO NS/ SERI ES Sep 1 | Passion Italy

Sep 9 | Knit and Crochet Now

Sep 18 | Pati's Mexican Table

Sep 2 | Eating in with Lidia

Sep 11 | Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

Sep 25 | T his Old House Create Showcase: Detroit Project

Sep 12 | Somewhere South

Sep 30 | Curious Traveler

Sep 16 | You Are Cordially Invited

Sep 30 | Make It Artsy

Sep 3 | Wild Travels Sep 7 | Great Estates Scotland

Holly Holden explores privately owned estates containing distinguished collections of artwork, furniture, and other design elements in Great Estates Scotland.



September–October 2020


At-Home Learning Beginning September 15, Nine World celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with 26 films, including some highlighted below, with more on the way in October.

Nine World continues its At-Home Learning block of programming for 6-12th graders, weekdays from 11 am–4 pm through the end of the year.

Local, USA: Pandemic in Seattle Viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at how Seattle and King County public health cared for its most vulnerable in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. See how local officials scrambled to stop the spread of the disease, tracked and isolated those who became ill, and educated people about what they could do to help. Monday, September 7, 8 pm

Doc World: Siqueiros– Walls of Passion Mexican visual artist David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896– 1974) made his name on the world stage: he painted murals in Mexico, the U.S., Cuba, Chile, and Argentina; fought as a soldier in the Mexican Revolution and the Spanish Civil War; and even taught Jackson Pollock the drip technique in his experimental workshop in New York. Siqueiros was a controversy-stirring revolutionary and lifetime activist who lived with theatrical flair and painted on an epic scale. Sunday, September 20, 9 pm

Doc World: Sands of Silence As reporter Chelo Alvarez-Stehle documents the transformation of sex-trafficking survivor Virginia Isaias—a Mexican American woman whose past is engulfed in a cycle of sexual exploitation—into an inspiring advocate committed to break that pattern, Chelo undertakes a parallel journey of healing and introspection and sets out to shatter the silence about sexual abuse in her own life. Sunday, September 27, 9 pm

Nine World, a free channel over the air on 9.3 or on digital cable, Spectrum 185, often broadcasts encores of many of the premieres you see on Nine PBS. Independent Lens, POV, and Frontline are just some of the quality programs rebroadcast on Nine World. 28 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

PBS VIDEO APP Stream the best of PBS. Anytime, anywhere. DOWNLOAD THE APP



September–October 2020



over the air


digital cable



October primetime grid on page 39. For program updates, visit or follow Nine on social media. The schedule below is preempted for these specials:








• Arthur and the Haunted Tree House: 10/14, 4:30 pm; 10/21, 4 pm; 10/30, 3 pm; 10/31, 6 am • Cat in the Hat Know a Lot about Halloween: 10/16, 4:30 pm; 10/29, 4:30 pm; 10/30, 7 am, 10/31, 9 am

Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

• Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest: 10/22, 9 am; 10/27, 7:30 am; 10/30 & 31, 8 am • Wild Kratts: Creepy Creatures: 10/28, 2:30 pm; 10/31 7 am






Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News


Wild Kratts


Hero Elementary


Xavier Riddle


Clifford the Big Red Dog


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood





7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Living St. Louis (9) 8:00 The War: A World Without War In the final episode, Allied leaders set forth the terms to end war. 10:30 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Elinor Wonders Why


Sesame Street


Pinkalicious & Peterrific


Dinoasaur Train

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope




12:00 12:30 1:00

7:00 Washington Week

Teaching in Room 9 On-Air Classroom

1:30 2:00 2:30

Wild Kratts


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Odd Squad




Cat in the Hat Know a Lot about That


BBC World News America


PBS NewsHour

30 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

1:00 Food Is Love Marathon

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders Serial killer strikes members of a chess club. 10:30 Food Is Love (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 The Campaign of Miner Bo

Variety Studio: Actors on Actors These specials take you inside the biggest movies of the year through candid conversations between some of today's most acclaimed actors. The new season of the Emmy-winning series was filmed entirely from actors’ homes and includes one-onone conversations between stars from potential contending shows in this year’s Emmy race. Sunday, October 4, midnight

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

5:30 Ask This Old House

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

9:00 Movie: The Caine Mutiny (1954) An officer spreads suspicion about a captain’s suitability.

11:00 Austin City Limits

morning 5:30 Travelscope 6:00 Molly of Denali

7:00 Hero Elementary

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9)


1:30 Food Is Love (9)

7:00 Last Tango in Halifax Alan's new job brings challenges. 8:00 Flesh and Blood on Masterpiece The premiere of an unconventional thriller about family turmoil.

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:30 Elinor Wonders Why

9:00 COBRA New series about British prime minister and cabinet.

4:30 Travelscope

10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

10:00 Movie: The Caine Mutiny (1954) An officer spreads suspicion about a captain’s suitability.


11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

late night


12:00 Variety Studio: Actors on Actors Regina King and Reese Witherspoon.

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe


5:30 In the Americas

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

12:30 Variety Studio: Actors on Actors Sandra Oh and Kerry Washington.

6:00 Molly of Denali

12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Pastries

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

3:30 Food Is Love (9)

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:00 Motorweek

10:00 Food Is Love (9)

4:30 American Woodshop

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

4:00 Great Performances 5:00 Night at the Symphony (9)

2:00 Royal Wives at War

8:00 Curious George

5:00 This Old House

12:00 Midsomer Murders

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

3:00 Art in the Twenty-First Century: Beijing

late night

1:00 Flesh and Blood

2:00 Last Tango in Halifax 3:00 Rudy Maxa's World 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

8:00 Curious George

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

11:00 Unladylike220: American Masters Stories of American women in politics.

1:00 Latino Americans: Empire of Dreams

2:00 Art in the Twenty-First Century: London

8:00 Royal House of Windsor Prince Charles promises a different vision for the monarchy.


6:30 Wild Kratts


4:30 Travelscope

afternoon 12:00 Latino Americans: Foreigners in Their Own Land

4:30 Travelscope



September–October 2020






7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

7:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: X Marks the Spot (9)

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:00 Washington Week

9:00 Classic Albums: John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band The creation of his first solo album.

8:00 PBS NewsHour Debates: A Special Report

9:00 British Antiques Roadshow 9:30 British Antiques Roadshow

10:30 Lennon NYC: American Masters Lennon and Ono leave London in 1971 in search of freedom.

10:00 Influenza 1918: American Experience With parallels to COVID-19, the film examines pandemic’s social effects.

10:00 POV 11:30 BBC World News

late night 12:00 Amanpour and Company


7:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Rinse & Repeat (9)

7:30 Food Is Love A visit to Mai Lee and Nudo House (9)


late night

1:00 Hacking Your Mind: The Wings of Angels

11:00 BBC World News

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

2:00 Frontline: Medical Supply Crisis

2:00 Roadtrip Nation: Making It Balance

12:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:00 Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 The Hispanic Heritage Awards

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


8:00 Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground

5:30 Travelscope 6:00 Molly of Denali


9:00 Frontline: America's Medical Supply Crisis

10:00 New Leash on Life: The K9s for Warriors Story Soldiers handle stress through aid of companion dogs.

8:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan New interview series explore guests' universal humanity and passions.

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:00 BBC World News

9:00 The Murder of Emmett Till: American Experience Till's death sparked the civil rights movement.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Antiques Roadshow

10:00 POV: Whose Streets? The Ferguson uprising after Michael Brown is killed by police.

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

11:30 Amanpour and Company

2:30 Food Is Love (9)

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:00 Curious George 8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:30 Elinor Wonders Why 10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Lidia's Kitchen 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Kitchen

late night

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

12:30 NHK Newsline

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

1:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience

1:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

32 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe


7:00 The Hispanic Heritage Awards

SAT | OCT 10

4:30 Travelscope


4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope

afternoon 12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations 1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Advanced Dough

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:30 Food Is Love (9)

2:00 Defining Hope

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

4:30 Travelscope

Driving While Black The documentary chronicles the history of African Americans on the road from the 1930s to the 1960s, a crucial and transformative period in American racial, cultural, and social history. The film explores the genre of travel literature aimed at helping Black travelers navigate Jim Crow America. At the heart of the film is a powerfully revealing narrative of freedom, mobility, and race in America—one still relevant and resonant today. Tuesday, October 13, 8 pm

4:00 Motorweek

4:30 American Woodshop

8:00 Curious George

1:00 Flesh and Blood

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

2:00 Last Tango in Halifax

5:00 This Old House

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

5:30 Ask This Old House

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

10:00 Food Is Love (9)

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Rinse & Repeat (9)

evening 7:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:00 Hero Elementary 7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

late night

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

1:00 COBRA 2:00 COBRA


3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

7:00 Last Tango in Halifax In finale, Gillian is pushed to her breaking point.

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 BBC World News 12:00 Amanpour and Company

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:30 Wild Kratts

10:00 POV

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

9:30 British Antiques Roadshow

5:30 History with David Rubenstein Author Ron Chernow is the guest.

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

6:00 Molly of Denali

8:00 Antiques Roadshow 9:00 British Antiques Roadshow

5:00 Beyond the Canvas

2:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

5:30 In the Americas

1:00 Latino Americans: War and Peace

4:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

12:00 Lennon NYC: American Masters


7:30 Food Is Love (9) Cherokee Street's Jerk Soul.

2:00 Lennon NYC: American Masters

late night

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

12:00 Latino Americans: The New Latinos

11:00 Austin City Limits

SUN | OCT 11



9:00 Movie: Absence of Malice (1981) A reporter is duped into running an untrue story.

MON | OCT 12

11:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: X Marks the Spot (9)

8:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets Explore Elizabeth I's image as a warrior queen.

8:00 Flesh and Blood on Masterpiece Vivien and Mark grow closer. 9:00 COBRA Politicians navigate difficult times. 10:00 Movie: Absence of Malice (1981) A reporter is duped into running an untrue story.

late night 12:00 Variety Studio: Actors on Actors Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow. 12:30 Variety Studio: Actors on Actors Zendaya and MJ Rodriguez.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

TUE | OCT 13 evening 7:00 Finding Your Roots: Fashion's Roots New episode. 8:00 Driving While Black The role of the automobile in Black lives. nineMagazine


September–October 2020


10:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Rinse & Repeat (9)

9:30 Elinor Wonders Why

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:00 Baking with Julia

10:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: X Marks Spot (9)

11:00 BBC World News

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

12:30 NHK Newsline

11:00 BBC World News

1:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience (9)

1:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience (9)

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

late night

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Kitchen


2:00 Age of Nature: Awakening

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

2:30 Food Is Love (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:30 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Patisserie

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

FRI | OCT 16

4:00 Motorweek

4:30 American Woodshop

7:00 Washington Week


7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders Secrets emerge after death at a dairy.

7:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Brain Interrupted (9) 7:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Double Windsor (9)

5:00 This Old House 5:30 Ask This Old House 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9)


10:30 Food Is Love (9)

8:00 Nova: Reef Rescue

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

11:00 BBC World News

9:00 Age of Nature: Awakening

8:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets Gossip about Queen Anne's love life destroyed her legacy.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:00 Rewilding Kernwood A couple erase their footprint in Alaska.

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:30 BBC World News

late night

9:00 Movie: The Way We Were (1973) Opposites attract, but wife’s activism threatens husband's reputation.

2:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

12:00 Amanpour and Company

11:00 Austin City Limits

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

1:00 Finding Your Roots

late night

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:00 Influenza 1918: American Experience

12:00 Midsomer Murders

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

SAT | OCT 17

4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


5:30 Travelscope

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

7:00 Hero Elementary

8:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

34 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

4:30 Travelscope

6:00 Molly of Denali


9:00 Freedom Riders: American Experience College students bring civil-rights inequities to the forefront.

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

THU | OCT 15

1:30 Food Is Love (9)

2:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:30 Food Is Love (9)


WED | OCT 14

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

SUN | OCT 18 morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 In the Americas

8:00 Curious George

6:00 Molly of Denali

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

9:00 British Antiques Roadshow

12:30 NHK Newsline

9:30 British Antiques Roadshow

10:00 Independent Lens

2:00 Walter Winchell: The Power of Gossip: American Masters

8:00 Curious George

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:30 Amanpour and Company

2:00 Resistance A group of committed rebels produce a newspaper.

11:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Double Windsor (9)

4:30 Travelscope

THU | OCT 22

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

12:00 Latino Americans: Pride and Prejudice


7:00 Donnybrook (9)

4:30 Travelscope

1:00 Latino Americans: Peril and Promise

2:00 Great Performances

7:30 Living St. Louis (9) 8:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

TUE | OCT 20

3:30 Living St. Louis (9)

9:00 Driving While Black 11:00 BBC World News


4:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan 5:00 Beyond the Canvas

11:30 Amanpour and Company

7:00 Finding Your Roots: DNA Mysteries New episode.

5:30 History with David Rubenstein Author Drew Gilpin Faust.

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

8:00 Walter Winchell: The Power of Gossip: American Masters

1:00 Nature

9:00 Frontline: Whose Vote Counts

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9)


2:00 Age of Nature

10:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Brain Interrupted (9)

7:00 The Trouble with Maggie Cole The premiere of series centered on a picturesque fishing village.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:30 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Double Windsor (9)

8:00 Flesh and Blood on Masterpiece Jake gets a hot tip.

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News

9:00 COBRA Series about British prime minister and cabinet.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

FRI | OCT 23

late night

10:00 Movie: The Way We Were (1973) Opposites attract, but wife’s activism threatens husband's reputation.


12:30 NHK Newsline

7:00 Washington Week

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Delicious An encore of season 1.

2:00 Living St. Louis (9) 2:30 Food Is Love (9)

late night

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

12:00 The Trouble with Maggie Cole

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

1:00 Flesh and Blood

10:30 Food Is Love (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

2:00 Finding Your Roots 3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

late night

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World


4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 COBRA

11:00 BrainWorks: The Theatre of Neuroscience: Brain Interrupted (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:30 NHK Newsline

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

12:30 NHK Newsline

WED | OCT 21

4:30 Travelscope

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)


MON | OCT 19 evening

2:00 Frontline: Whose Vote Counts

7:00 Nature: Pandas: Born to Be Wild

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

8:00 Nova

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

9:00 Age of Nature: Changing

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

10:00 Dismantling Democracy

7:30 Food Is Love (9) Popular brunch spot, Turn.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 Finding Your Roots

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

late night

10:00 Food Is Love (9)

late night

11:00 BBC World News

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope



September–October 2020


Independent Lens: Represent In Detroit, rural Ohio, and Illinois, three women take on entrenched political systems to reshape local politics. The journeys of female candidates of color from different Midwest communities, support systems, and political parties demonstrate that even in local politics, the stakes are high. Monday, October 26, 10 pm PHOTO CREDIT: HILLARY BACHELDER

SAT | OCT 24 morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

7:00 Hero Elementary

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Kitchen

5:00 Generation Nation: A PBS American Portrait Story 5:30 History with David Rubenstein 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

4:30 Travelscope

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

SUN | OCT 25

7:00 The Trouble with Maggie Cole Gossip starts to affect people’s lives.


12:30 Kitchen Queens: New Orleans


2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Finale

8:00 Flesh and Blood on Masterpiece Romantic relationships spiral out of control.

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 In the Americas

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

6:00 Molly of Denali

3:30 Food Is Love (9)

36 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

4:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


5:00 This Old House

3:30 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

4:30 American Woodshop

2:00 Michael Tilson Thomas: Where Now Is: American Masters

2:30 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

4:00 Motorweek

afternoon 12:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020

2:00 Food Is Love (9)

10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

11:30 Rick Steves' Europe

12:30 Delicious

10:00 Baking with Julia

11:00 Chavis Chronicles

late night

9:30 Elinor Wonders Why

1:30 Cook's Country

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

11:30 Austin City Limits

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

10:00 Food Is Love (9)

9:00 Movie: In Cold Blood (1967) Ex-convicts hatch a plan to rob a wealthy Kansas family.

8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

8:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets The doomed queen, Marie Antoinette.

8:00 Curious George

9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:00 Curious George 8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood


6:00 Molly of Denali 6:30 Wild Kratts

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

5:30 Travelscope

7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary

9:00 COBRA Politicians navigate difficult times. 10:00 Movie: In Cold Blood (1967) Ex-convicts hatch a plan to rob a wealthy Kansas family.

Freedom Summer: American Experience During the summer of 1964, the nation’s eyes were riveted on Mississippi. Over 10 memorable weeks, more than 700 student volunteers joined with organizers and local African Americans in a historic effort to shatter the foundations of white supremacy in the nation’s most segregated state. The campaign was marked by sustained and deadly violence, including the notorious murders of three civil rights workers, countless beatings, the burning of 35 churches and, the bombing of 70 homes and Freedom Houses. 2014 encore. Thursday, October 29, 9 pm

TUE | OCT 27

late night 12:30 The Trouble with Maggie Cole

12:30 NHK Newsline


1:30 Flesh and Blood

7:00 Not Done: Women Remaking America

2:30 Living St. Louis (9) 3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

10:00 Battleground

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 BBC World News

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

MON | OCT 26

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

WED | OCT 28 evening

late night

7:00 Nature: Australian Bushfire Rescue

12:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

8:00 Great Conversations: Congressman John Lewis and Rachel Maddow

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

2:00 Resistance

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

10:00 Independent Lens: Represent

1:00 COBRA


3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

7:30 Food Is Love (9) La Chata Mexican's backstory.

THU | OCT 29

2:30 Food Is Love (9)

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

8:00 Antiques Roadshow Celebrate Halloween with thrilling and chilling finds.

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)


1:00 Not Done: Women Remaking America

2:00 Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

8:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

late night

8:00 Nova

9:00 Freedom Summer: American Experience 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

9:00 Age of Nature: Understanding

10:00 Not Done: Women Remaking America

2:00 Age of Nature

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 Nature: Australian Bushfire Rescue

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope



September–October 2020


FRI | OCT 30

4:30 American Woodshop

12:00 Delicious

5:30 Ask This Old House

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

2:00 To be announced

6:30 Food Is Love (9)

3:00 Rudy Maxa's World

evening 7:00 Washington Week Election 2020 8:00 Swingin' Sesame Street Celebration: 50 Years and Counting

9:00 Delicious 10:30 Food Is Love (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

7:00 Antiques Roadshow An encore of Halloween episode. 8:00 Monstrum: The History of Zombies

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:00 Austin City Limits

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:30 Food Is Love (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting


9:00 Movie: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust.

late night

late night

5:00 This Old House

4:30 Travelscope

2:00 Frontline: The Choice 2020 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

SAT | OCT 31 morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 Travelscope 6:00 Molly of Denali

6:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Hero Elementary 7:30 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

8:00 Curious George 8:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 9:30 Elinor Wonders Why 10:00 Baking with Julia 10:30 Lidia's Kitchen 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Kitchen

afternoon 12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 Kitchen Queens: New Orleans

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

2:00 The Great British Baking Show Season 2 encore begins with cakes. 3:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:30 Food Is Love (9)

4:00 Motorweek

38 September–October 2020 | nineMagazine

primetime 7:00




Living St. Louis


Washington Week






Last Tango in Halifax

Flesh and Blood


Hispanic Heritage Awards


Food Is Love

Midsomer Murders

Royal House of Windsor

Food Is Love


BBC World News

Father Brown

Antiques Roadshow

Living St. Louis


The War




Movie: The Caine Mutiny Movie: The Caine Mutiny

COBRA British Antiques

Antiques Roadshow Latino Vote: Dispatches from...






Living St. Louis

Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan


Washington Week


Father Brown

British Antiques



New Leash on Life

PBS NewsHour Debate

Influenza 1918 POV: Whose Streets?

The Murder of Emmett Till

Classic Albums: John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band

Lennon NYC

SAT 10

Antiques Roadshow

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths...

SUN 11

Last Tango in Halifax

Flesh and Blood


Movie: Absence of Malice

Antiques Roadshow

British Antiques... British Antiques...


MON 12 TUE 13

Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

Finding Your Roots

Movie: Absence of Malice

Driving While Black

WED 14



Nova: Reef Rescue

THU 15


Living St. Louis

Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

FRI 16

Washington Week


Father Brown



Rewilding Kernwood

Age of Nature: Awakening Freedom Riders

Food Is Love

Midsomer Murders

SAT 17

Antiques Roadshow

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths...

SUN 18

The Trouble with Maggie Cole


Flesh and Blood

Movie: The Way We Were

Antiques Roadshow

British Antiques... British Antiques...

Independent Lens

MON 19

Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

Movie: The Way We Were

TUE 20

Finding Your Roots

Walter Winchell: Power of Gossip


WED 21

Nature: Pandas


Age of Nature: Changing

THU 22


Living St. Louis

Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

FRI 23

Washington Week


Father Brown



Dismantling Democracy

Driving While Black Food Is Love


SAT 24

Antiques Roadshow

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

SUN 25

The Trouble with Maggie Cole

Flesh and Blood


Movie: In Cold Blood

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

Independent Lens: Represent

MON 26

Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

TUE 27 Not Done: Women Remaking America WED 28 THU 29

Nature: Australian Bushfire Donnybrook

Living St. Louis


Frontline: The Choice Nova Great Conversations: Congressman...

FRI 30

Washington Week Election 2020

Swingin' Sesame Street Celebration

SAT 31

Antiques Roadshow

Monstrum: The History of Zombies

Movie: In Cold Blood

Age of Nature: Understanding

Not Done: Women Remaking America

Freedom Summer Delicious

Food Is Love

Movie: Dr. Strangelove nineMagazine


September–October 2020




Repeat times for select programs in September and October are listed below. Consult for the latest information. Please note that programs listed here can be preempted for special programs, pledge programs, or live events.

3 Steps to Pain-Free Living

Lennon NYC

70s Soul Superstars (My Music)

Let's Talk Menopause

Age of Nature

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

BrainWorks Rinse & Repeat: 10/9, 1 am; 10/11, 11 am, 10/13 10 pm X Marks the Spot: 10/9, 1:30 am; 10/11, 11:30 am; 10/13, 10:30 pm Brain Interrupted: 10/16, 1 am; 10/18, 11 am; 10/20, 10 pm Double Windsor: 10/16, 1:30 am; 10/18, 11:30 am; 10/20, 10:30 pm

Not Done: Women Remaking America


Rhythm, Love & Soul (My Music)

10/13, 20 & 27, 1 am; 10/13, 2 am

9/10, 10:30 pm


Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show

9/5, 10:30 am; 9/8, 1 pm

10/11, midnight and 2 pm

9/7, 9 pm; 9/11, 7:30 pm

9/4, midnight; 9/6, 12:30 pm; 9/7, 2:30 am

Fridays at 2 am

Sun 10/11 &1 8, 2 am; 10/25, 2:30 am 10/28, 10 pm; 10/29, 1 am

PBS KIDS Talk About: Race and Racism

10/10 & 11, 7:30 am; 10/12, 7 am & 3 pm

9/11, 3 am, 1 pm, 10 pm

10/25, 12:30 am; 11/1, midnight

Rivertowns: 100 Miles, 200 Years, Countless Stories

Fever: The Music of Peggy Lee

9/6, midnight

9/6, 3 pm

Flesh and Blood

The Trouble with Maggie Cole

10/5, 12 & 19, 1 am; 10/26, 1:30 am

10/19, midnight; 10/26, 12:30 am

Food Is Love

Van Der Valk

Typically repeats Saturdays at 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm; Sundays at 10 am and 6:30 pm

9/20 & 21, midnight; 9/28, 12:30 am Wish You Were Here: A Century of Missouri State Parks

9/9, midnight

Hacking Your Mind

Tue 9/22, 1 & 2 am; 9/29 & 10/6, 1 am

Women of Achievement

9/15, 10 pm; 9/16, 2 am; 9/20, 12 pm

Hispanic Heritage Awards

10/8, 1 am

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Influenza 1918: American Experience

9/5, 9:30 pm

10/15, 2 am

Johnny Cash: A Concert Behind Prison Walls

9/10, 3 am

Last Tango in Halifax

Mon 9/21 & 10/5, 2 am; 9/28, 2:30 am

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Title of publication: Nine Magazine. Publication no.: 1086-8828. Date of filing: 9/1/20. Frequency of publication: bi-monthly. No. of issues published annually: 6. Annual subscription price: $60. Mailing address of known office of publication: 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Mailing address of headquarters or general business office of publisher: 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Publisher: Nine Network of Public Media, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Editor: Lynanne Feilen, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-

3601. Managing editor: Lynanne Feilen. Owner: Nine Network of Public Media, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages or other securities: none. The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization has not changed during the preceding 12 months. Extent and nature of circulation: Total no. of copies (Average no. of copies of each issue

during the preceding 12 months) 39,900; (Actual no. of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date) 38,750. Outside county paid subscriptions: (Avg) 14,373; (Actual) 14,694. In-county paid subscriptions: (Avg) 22,897; (Actual) 23,623. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counter sales and other outside USPS: 0. Paid distribution by other classes of mail though USPS: 0. Total paid distribution: (Avg) 37,270; (Actual) 38,317. Free or nominal rate outside county (Avg) 196; (Actual) 0. Free or nominal rate inside

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The Future of Nine Depends

ON YOU Mike McGrath, a resident of Ferguson, knows that when you get behind an organization, it enhances it, strengthens it, and makes it grow. That’s why he is a Legacy Nine member. By including a bequest to Nine in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that Nine will be here for future generations as a trusted voice that informs, educates and enriches the lives of the St. Louis community. Visit or contact Roya Bromell at (314) 512-9129,

“You are only as strong as your community. I’ll know that a little piece of me, somewhere down the road, helped the Nine Network.” —Mike McGrath Legacy Nine and Torchlight Society Member, Volunteer

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¨ I have already included a gift in my will to the Nine Network. If you check this box, we will be quietly in touch so we can include you in special events for our Legacy Nine members. (You can, of course, choose to be included as “Anonymous.”)

Thank you. Please return your completed form in the

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