nineMagazine March/April 2015

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American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam p. 4



For Members of the Nine Network of Public Media


March–April 2015 Volume 06, Number 02

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American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam The Nine Network

Program Guide

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Photo Montage Message From the President he Fall of Saigon T American Experience documents the emotional, gripping, fraught final moments of the United States’ conflict in Vietnam in the Oscar-nominated film Last Days in Vietnam.

8 Nine Networking

Ken Burns executive produced Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies. • The American Graduate special 180 Days: Hartsville shows that schools can improve. • Become an American Graduate Champion. • There’s a ticket discount waiting for Nine members at the St. Louis Symphony. • Thanks to sustaining members, there is one less day of pledge. • Bringing back the original Jewel in the Crown. • Talk about the intriguing topics raised by Independent Lens by attending Nine’s Community Cinema. • Favorites return in Masterpiece: Mr. Selfridge and Call the Midwife. • Nine’s Science Matters is off to a calculatedly smart start. • Viewers share memories of what they’ve learned because of Nine. • Meet volunteer Nancy Suelflow.


Nine to Grow On Open your ears to how St. Louis has influenced the sound of American music in the two-part Nine Network special City of Music.

March Listings March Prime Time Kids, Create and World April Listings April Prime Time Repeat Schedule

On the Cover: South Vietnamese scramble to board barges to escape advancing North Vietnamese on April 29, 1975. Photo courtesy of Nik Wheeler/Corbis. Above: Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (L) and President Gerald Ford. Photo courtesy of Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Nine Network 3655 Olive St. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 512-9000 Fax (314) 512-9005 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday–Friday Member Services (314) 512-9199 (800) 729-9966

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nineMagazine (ISSN 1086-8828) (USPS 736-890) is published bimonthly by St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc., 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Periodicals class postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to nineMagazine, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Subscriptions are available by membership contribution of $40 or more to the Nine Network, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601, of which $3.50 is allocated for the publication of the magazine and is not tax deductible.

Advertising (314) 432-8097 TheNineNetwork @TheNineNetwork

Editor Terri Gates (314) 512-9036 Art Director Matt Huelskamp Designer Mike Young Editorial Assistant Nancy Hofheinz Advertising Sales Elaine Bodker Margo Cooper Richard D. Grater The Nine Network respects the privacy and confidentiality of our donors and will not sell, give or exchange any information to any entity.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


More than a dozen STL250 cakes in the Public Media Commons attracted visitors to Grand Center’s First Night celebration on December 31.

Kathie Ernst (L) and Dr. Richard Ernst (R) visit with the Earl of Grantham, who couldn’t attend Nine’s Downton Abbey screening but sent his cardboard self instead.

In Nine’s studio in February, genealogy enthusiasts screened a clip from one of Genealogy Roadshow’s St. Louis episodes, then got to talk with the show’s Josh Taylor via Skype.

(L-R) Nine Network board member Kathy Barney, board Chair Maxine Clark, President and CEO Jack Galmiche, Bob Fox and Vanessa Cooksey preview the new season of Downton Abbey at Nine’s studio in December.

After their December performance at the Fox Theatre, the men who make up the a cappella group Straight No Chaser met Nine Network members.


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

Nine Network Board of Directors Chair Maxine Clark Vice Chair Steven Frank Treasurer Pepe Prince Finn Secretary David Steward II Members Kathy Barney Spencer Burke Dan Burkhardt Marianna Deal Michael A. DeHaven Jeffrey Hall Harvey A. Harris Juanita Hinshaw Janet M. Holloway Edward Koplar Ken Kranzberg Dennis Lower Eugene J. Mackey III Jeffrey McDonnell Kim Olson Randy Schilling Jack Schreiber Hugh Scott III Thad Simons Patrick Sly Chad Stiening Dr. Donald Suggs Milton P. Wilkins Jr. Nine Network Senior Staff President and CEO Jack Galmiche Senior Vice President, COO and CFO Richard E. Skalski Senior Vice President of Community Engagement Amy Shaw Vice President of Programming Patricia Kistler Vice President of Engineering and Operations Chrys Marlow

Nine Network President and CEO Jack Galmiche (L) with Vice President of Production Patrick Murphy, producer of, among other programs, Arts America, Night at the Symphony and City of Music.

Dear Friends, I hope you’ve had an opportunity to see our new series Night at the Symphony and Science Matters. Both of these series exemplify our commitment to engage our community and showcase our region’s achievements. These local series, as well as Stay Tuned, Arts America, Donnybrook, Living St. Louis and specials like our two-part City of Music program on March 16 and 17 are an important aspect of our value to the St. Louis region. I can’t help but ask you to consider where else you can learn so much about our region and experience so much of what our region has to offer. We are very proud to be actively engaged in work that strengthens our region’s education, health, environment, arts, science and economy. This is our home and we want to do everything we can to stimulate ideas and actions that will help us meet our challenges and seize our opportunities. We are also proud of our national content and the value PBS brings to our region and our nation. For 11 consecutive years, an annual national survey has confirmed that PBS is the country’s most trusted institution. Much of that trust is founded in the long-term relationships PBS stations have built in their communities. Many of you have become sustaining members of the Nine Network, and I hope many more of you will express your trust in us with a sustaining membership. As you know, nearly 90 percent of our funding comes from individuals, businesses, organizations and foundations right here in our region. Now, with the coming of spring, we are ready to begin our first full season in the Public Media Commons, an exciting, larger-than-life, multiscreen environment where the community can come together to share experiences in the arts and so much more. We’re very pleased to see that the Public Media Commons is stimulating so many creative and innovative ideas. Yours truly,

Vice President of Production Patrick Murphy Vice President of Marketing and Communication Kay Porter

Jack Galmiche President and CEO Nine Network of Public Media

Open to the Public: The public is invited to meetings of the Nine Network board of directors. For information about Nine’s public meetings, call Cathy Peterson at (314) 512-9017.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


(Above) A CIA employee helps Vietnamese evacuees onto an Air America helicopter from the top of a building a half mile from the U.S. Embassy.


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine


In her Oscar-nominated documentary Last Days in Vietnam, filmmaker Rory Kennedy explores the gallantry and heroism of Americans determined to leave no friend behind.

pril 1975. During the chaotic final days of the Vietnam War, as the North Vietnamese Army closed in on Saigon, South Vietnamese resistance crumbled. City after city and village after village fell to the North while the few U.S. diplomats and military operatives still in the country contemplated withdrawal. With the lives of thousands of South Vietnamese hanging in the balance, those in control faced an impossible choice—who would be evacuated and who would remain to face brutality, imprisonment or even death.

Stuart Herrington

Stuart Herrington

tenuous ceasefire between North imprisonment or possibly death in the and South Vietnam, and mandated event of a North Vietnamese victory. the removal of almost all U.S. forces. As the North Vietnamese troops drew Following this latest ceasefire dangerously close to Saigon, U.S. violation, President Ambassador Gerald Ford asked Graham Martin, Congress for himself the an emergency father of a fallen appropriation Vietnam veteran, to aid the steadfastly beleaguered refused to discuss South Vietnamese an evacuation, government. both for fear The White of panicking House expected Capt. Stuart Herrington and his daughter the South that neither Kim as he evacuates his family to Thailand. Vietnamese Congress nor the The American Experience documentary American people would support a population and out of a stubborn Last Days in Vietnam details with reluctance to admit defeat. reengagement in Vietnam. Says thenprecision and compassion the grand Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, With the clock ticking and the city finale to America’s involvement in “We knew we were not going to get under fire, American officers on the Southeast Asia. It premieres in April, the $722 million. By that time, it made ground found themselves faced airing in conjunction with the 40th no big difference, [but] President Ford with a moral dilemma: whether to anniversary of the fall of Saigon. said first he owed follow official policy and evacuate The film, directed it to Vietnam to U.S. citizens and their dependents and produced by make a request.” only, or to ignore their orders and Rory Kennedy, save the Vietnamese men, women was nominated By early March for an Academy 1975, huge swaths and children they had come to value and love in their years in Vietnam. At Award this year in of territory were the Documentary overrun daily and, the risk of their careers and possible courts-martial, a handful of individuals Feature category. by the end of the (The winner month, the North took matters into their own hands. was announced Vietnamese Army Engaging in unsanctioned and often makeshift operations, they waged February 22, too had surrounded In the U.S. Embassy parking lot, refugees hurry a desperate effort to evacuate as to board a helicoptor to escape advancing late to be included the capital, North Vietnamese. many South Vietnamese as possible. in this article.) preparing to This was the ninth Academy Award nomination for American Experience.

launch its final assault on Saigon— 11 months ahead of schedule.

In the days leading up to the final attack, U.S. Army Capt. Stuart Herrington was one of a number of American officers who bypassed the ambassador and organized a “black op” evacuation effort, transporting his South Vietnamese contacts to an airbase and sneaking them aboard an outbound U.S. cargo flight to the Philippines.

Variety wrote that Last Days in Vietnam To the U.S. diplomats and military was “astounding in its immediacy” operatives still in Saigon, one thing and The Hollywood Reporter said it was was clear—a Communist victory “both heartrending and inspiring.” was inevitable. The Americans grew “The suspense is nerve-wracking,” increasingly concerned for the safety reported The New of their South Vietnamese allies, Yorker called the film a “masterpiece” co-workers and friends who faced while the San Francisco Chronicle called it “a film of Last Days in Vietnam anchors other programming on Nine PBS related to the Vietnam War. great sadness, but also a galvanizing American Experience: The Draft (April 28, The Day the ’60s Died Dick Cavett’s Vietnam, depiction of My Lai (April 21, 7:00 p.m.; repeated (April 27, 8:00 p.m. repeated (April 27, 9:00 p.m.; heroism.” 8:00 p.m.; repeated April 30, 1:00 a.m.) April 29, 2:00 a.m.), repeated April 29, The 1973 Paris Peace Accords had forged a

April 23, 2:00 a.m.), explores one of the darkest events of the war.

looks at the history of the selective service system in America.

chronicles the nation’s upheaval during May 1970, the month in which four students were shot dead at Kent State University during a protest against the Vietnam War.

3:00 a.m.), is a look back at the conversations the talk show host had about the war with a range of high-profile public figures.

For a look at Vietnam today, check out Martin Yan’s Taste of Vietnam airing on Nine Create Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 8:00 p.m. beginning March 10.

Hugh Doyle

As the situation became increasingly dire, Department of Defense official and former Navy officer Richard Armitage arrived by plane in Saigon. In consultation with his former counterpart, South Vietnamese Navy Capt. Kiem Do, Armitage developed a plan to remove U.S. Navy ships before they fell into Communists’ hands. When evacuation day came, Armitage discovered the Vietnamese sailors had packed the ships with nearly 30,000 South Vietnamese refugees. Recalls Armitage, “I thought it was a lot easier to beg forgiveness than to get permission. So the decision was made.” On April 29, the Saigon airport was attacked, forcing an immediate

evacuation. Floating offshore in the South China Sea was the USS Kirk, part of the fleet sent to facilitate the evacuation of Americans. The crew and the ship—with its single, tiny helipad—was entirely unprepared for the role it was about to play in the scramble to evacuate the city. Soon, a seemingly unending stream of helicopters, piloted not by Americans, but by South Vietnamese airmen fleeing for their lives with their families and friends, descended upon the American destroyer.

Ambassador Graham Martin used American resources meant for his own protection to extract thousands of South Vietnamese during an 18-hour airlift from the embassy compound. The war was over. The final battle decision was, “Who goes and who gets left behind?”

However, most of the action on that final, fateful day took place at the besieged U.S. Embassy in Saigon, where thousands of South Vietnamese hoping to secure a last-minute evacuation scaled the walls while a U.S. intelligence analyst ran his own underground railroad of evacuees to barges on the Saigon River. In the final hours of the evacuation,

Tune In: merican Experience: Last Days A in Vietnam airs Tuesday, April 28 at 8:00 p.m. on Nine PBS, and will be rebroadcast Thursday, April 30 at 2:00 a.m.

Looters swarm the embassy compound.

Juan Valdez

Sailors push a helicoptoer off the USS Kirk to clear room for more helicopters dropping off refugees.

Last Days in Vietnam Participants (in order of appearance): Stuart Herrington, retired colonel, U.S. Army, was a captain at the time of the Vietnam War, and served as an intelligence advisor to the South Vietnamese military. Henry Kissinger joined President Richard Nixon’s administration as national security advisor in 1969. He later served as secretary of state and national security advisor under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. In 1973, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in negotiating the United States’ withdrawal from Vietnam. Juan Valdez, retired master gunnery sergeant, was the noncommissioned officer in charge of the Marine security guard detachment stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. He was the last American soldier out of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Frank Snepp served in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1968 to 1976. During the Vietnam War, he


was a chief analyst of North Vietnamese strategy in Saigon. Kiem Do was a Navy captain in South Vietnam. He served as the Navy’s deputy chief of staff for operations during the war. Ron Nessen was White House press secretary serving under President Gerald Ford from 1974 to 1977. Binh Pho was a college student in South Vietnam during the war. Following the war, he spent a year in a re-education camp, but escaped by boat to Malaysia in 1978. He now lives in the U.S. Steve Hasty, retired colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, served three tours of duty in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, the last as a staff sergeant commanding the Marine Security Guard Detachment assigned to the U.S. Consulate General in Can Tho. Rep. Pete McCloskey (R, California) served in the U.S. House of Representatives from

March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

1967 to 1983. In 1972, he ran for president against Richard Nixon on an anti-Vietnam War platform. He served in the U.S. Navy, followed by the U.S. Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve. He retired as a colonel. Terry McNamara served as consul general to Vietnam from 1974 to April 1975. Hugh Doyle was the chief engineer on the USS Kirk. Gerald Berry, retired colonel, was a captain in the Marine Corps at the end of the Vietnam War. On April 29, 1975, he was sent to extract Ambassador Graham Martin from the U.S. Embassy and in the process helped airlift hundreds of South Vietnamese over 18 hours. Richard Armitage joined the U.S. Defense Attache Office in Saigon in 1973, after three combat tours in Vietnam as an ensign in the U.S. Navy.

Joseph McBride served with the U.S. State Department in Saigon during the evacuation in 1975. Dam Pham was a Navy lieutenant in South Vietnam during the war. Jim Laurie was an NBC News correspondent stationed in Saigon covering the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia. Mike Sullivan, retired master sergeant, was a staff sergeant in the Marine Security Guard and assistant to master sergeant Juan Valdez, serving to protect the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. Paul Jacobs, retired commander, U.S. Navy, was a captain and commanding officer of the USS Kirk at the time of the Vietnam War. Miki Nguyen, a South Vietnamese native, was 6 years old when his family evacuated Saigon in 1975.



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nineMagazine | March–April 2015


Stephanie Berger

Nine Networking

Siddhartha Mukherjee, M.D., (L) and filmmaker Ken Burns, who executive produced a documentary airing in March based on Mukherjee’s book about cancer.

Charlie Bean (center) is one of the Nine Network’s American Graduate Champions.

Ken Burns’ Film About Cancer

Do You Know a Champion?

Hollywood producer Laura Ziskin (Pretty Woman, Spider-Man) had wanted to produce a documentary about cancer from the time she had been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. In 2010, Ziskin contacted Siddhartha Mukherjee, M.D., author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, to obtain the film rights. Simultaneously, Sharon Percy Rockefeller, president and CEO of public TV station WETA in Washington, D.C., read the book during her treatment for cancer. Shortly thereafter, Rockefeller connected with filmmaker Ken Burns, who lost his mother to cancer when he was 11. The two connected with Ziskin, and in early 2011 brought on awardwinning filmmaker Barak Goodman. The result of their collaboration debuts this month. Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies tells the comprehensive story of cancer, from its first description in an ancient Egyptian scroll to the gleaming laboratories of modern research institutions. The film interweaves a sweeping historical narrative with intimate stories about contemporary patients, and an investigation into the latest scientific breakthroughs that may have brought us, at long last, within sight of lasting cures. The three-part, six-hour documentary, broadcast March 30–April 1 at 8:00 p.m. (repeated April 1–3 at 2:00 a.m. and 8

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April 6, 13 and 20 at 1:00 a.m.) is directed by Goodman, executive produced by Burns, and is based on Mukherjee’s book. (Ziskin, who lived with cancer for seven years, died in June 2011.) The local broadcast is supported by Siteman Cancer Center at BarnesJewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine.

American Graduate Programming Follow a year inside two elementary schools in South Carolina, a state where the school system is ranked a dismal 45th in the country. The twopart documentary 180 Days: Hartsville shows what happens when the small town of Hartsville makes strides by involving everyone in the community in their plan for education. The film highlights the critical leadership roles of two elementary school principals and the district superintendent in determining resources and focus for the schools and the entire system. As the two schools fight to help their students rise above the statistic, 180 Days: Hartsville explores whether their success points toward universally applicable solutions. 180 Days: Hartsville airs March 22 at 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on Nine PBS and is part of the Nine Network’s American Graduate initiative. To find out more about Nine’s American Graduate work, visit the website

From a school crossing guard to a local musician, many grownups across the region demonstrate that one person can make a difference when it comes to a young person succeeding in life. As part of its American Graduate initiative, Nine is looking for these positive role models—American Graduate Champions—whose influence encourages, supports or inspires young people to succeed. It could be someone like Charlie Bean, who finds and recruits dropouts to join his St. Louis Public Schools graduation program, or Elizabeth Shumpert, a veteran crossing guard in University City who dispenses hugs along with safe passage to the other side of the street. If you or someone you know plays an active role in improving educational outcomes for students, let us know. Visit nineNet. org/AmericanGraduate to nominate a deserving individual to be recognized on the American Graduate website.

Keeping a NoPledge Promise Friday the 13th is everyone’s lucky day, thanks to 1,000 people who accepted a recently mailed invitation from the Nine Network to become a sustaining member. Nine promised to cut one day out of the March membership

drive if 1,000 people signed up to become sustainers—and they did! March 13 is the day sustainers saved, when there will be no pledge breaks and no pledge programming. The invitation still stands! If 1,000 more sustainers join, a day in a future pledge period will be cancelled. A sustaining membership is an easy membership option in which your contribution is automatically deducted monthly from your savings or checking account with an electronic fund transfer, or charged monthly to your credit card. Go to or call (314) 5129199 for more information or to set up your sustaining membership.

The St. Louis Symphony’s David Robertson will conduct in March for Nine members.

Nine Night at the Symphony Join other Nine Network members at the St. Louis Symphony on March 13. Nine’s cameras will be there to record a future program, and you can be there, too. Nine Network members can purchase two-for-one tickets to the 8:00 p.m. performance of “Folk Dances: Brahms and Bartok,” including Ginastera’s Four Dances from Estancia, Borodin’s Polovtsian Dances and Brahms’ Hungarian Dance No. 5. Tickets may be purchased directly from the St. Louis Symphony box office in person, at (314) 534-1700 or online at Use the promotion code “NineNetwork” to receive your member discount. Continued on page 10

The Public Media Commons is free and open to the public from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily and available for private events. Go to for a schedule of events, rental information and more.

The Missouri Bar, in cooperation with the Saint Louis University School of Law, presents

Mini Law School for the Public 6 WEEKS. 6 OPPORTUNITIES. MARCH 18 - APRIL 22 The law impacts our daily lives. Learn how to better navigate the legal field in this exciting series taught by some of the brightest legal minds in the state. Law professors, judges and practicing attorneys will share their experiences and provide insight on topical issues. Participants will learn how grand juries work and how municipal courts operate. Plus, we’ll look at unconscious bias and its impact on the law as well as the media and the law. Join us at Saint Louis University School of Law’s new location for these topics and more.

CALL 1-866-366-0270 FOR MORE INFORMATION. When:

Series begins March 18, 2015 and runs through April 22, 2015 Where: Saint Louis University School of Law 100 N. Tucker Time: Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. Cost: $35 fee covers all sessions* Register: Call 1-866-366-0270 or go to Registration is limited. $35 payment required at time of registration.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


Nine Networking Continued from page 9

free, monthly previews of upcoming Independent Lens films that are followed by discussions with experts and people involved with the issues locally. All screenings take place at the Missouri History Museum’s Lee Auditorium.

Winner of a Golden Globe Award, three Emmy Awards and an International Emmy Award, among other honors, The Jewel in the Crown is set in India when the country was still the empire’s “jewel.” The miniseries begins in 1942, when Gandhi launched a movement to get rid of the British and the Japanese were threatening to invade. The Jewel in the Crown captures two distinct class systems—British and Indian. The series features a stellar cast that includes Dame Peggy Ashcroft,

Charles Dance (L) and Geraldine James in The Jewel in the Crown.

Charles Dance (Game of Thrones, Foyle’s War), Geraldine James (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Midsomer Murders), Art Malik (Poirot, New Tricks), Judy Parfitt (Call the Midwife), Tim Pigott-Smith and Susan Wooldridge.

Community Cinema Independent Lens documentaries are too thought-provoking to merely watch. The Nine Network’s Community Cinema screenings offer the opportunity to become more active viewers through

Tributes In Honor Of

In Memory Of

Susan Connell Louise Bullock

Geraldine Brischetto Dwight Guerrant Stewart & Stewart, CPAs, P.C.

Connie Dorsey The Karcher Family Esther Ellspermann Leanne and Harvey Schneider Mrs. Claire Jacobs Mrs. Shirley H. Cohen Nancy and Ken Kranzberg Ms. Eleanor J. Moore Lewis Shepley and Jeff McDonnell Anne and John McDonnell

In February, Community Cinema screened American Denial, about Swedish sociologist Gunnar Myrdal’s landmark 1938 study of race and inequality in the United States. The film airs on Nine PBS Sunday, March 29 at 10:00 p.m.

Lois George Alison George Bobbie and Frank Guelker Margaret Marr Lilian Pester Tom, Carol, Carrie, Scott, Tracie, Craig, Sandy and Jeff Myers Dallas Schmitt Tina Moore and Visiting Angels

Peggy Symes Carol Gusdorf These tributes were given from October 2014 through January 2015. The Nine Network Tribute Fund offers a unique way to support quality television and remember or honor family and friends. Gifts of all sizes are appreciated. Send your gifts to the Nine Network Tribute Fund, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601, or call the development office at (314) 512-9129.

Samuel J. Vega

More than a quarter-century after it first aired, The Jewel in the Crown, the beloved drama series based on Paul Scott’s epic four novels known collectively as The Raj Quartet, returns to Nine PBS re-mastered and in high definition. The 14-part series, originally broadcast in 1984, airs Fridays at 9:00 p.m. beginning with a two-hour opener on March 20.

ITV Global Entertainment Limited for Masterpiece

This Jewel Still Sparkles

Independent Lens explores the plight of homeless teens such as Anthony in The Homestretch.

The next Community Cinema presentation screens The Homestretch on April 1 at 7:00 p.m. The film follows three homeless teens as they work to complete their education while coping with the trauma of being alone and abandoned at an early age. Part of Nine’s American Graduate initiative, it airs on Nine PBS on Sunday, April 19 at 10:00 p.m.

More Midwife and Selfridge As rewarding as good drama is on the Nine Network, the wait for new episodes of favorite series can be agonizing. Happily, the wait is over in March for fans of Mr. Selfridge and Call the Midwife. They both begin Sunday, March 29—Call the Midwife at 7:00 p.m. (repeated Tuesdays at 1:00 a.m.) and Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge at 8:00 p.m. (repeated Tuesdays at 2:00 a.m.) Before sitting down to the new season of Mr. Selfridge, which picks Continued on page 12


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

As a math teacher and Sunday school teacher, Doris Wolff inspired her students to learn and to acquire values that would be important throughout their lives. When she provided for the Nine Network through her will, she touched even more lives than those who had the fortune of being her students.

“The future belongs, not to those who have the most, but to those who do the most with what they have.”

—Eugene P. Odum

Leave the gift of enlightenment, truth and joy. Leave a gift in your will to the Nine Network. You can make sure that the next generation lives in the age of enlightened television—that they delight in learning with quality programs like Sesame Street and Sid the Science Kid, and that they become adults who are alive to the arts, their community, and the natural world around them. Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address _ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Email _________________________________

I have already included a gift in my Will to the Nine Network. If you check this box, we will be quietly in touch so we can include you in special events for our Legacy Nine members. (You can, of course, choose to be included as “Anonymous.”) I am considering including the Nine Network in my Will, but would like more information. Please send me more information.

Thank you. Please return your completed form in the envelope provided on page 1 of this magazine. Your answers are held in strictest confidence. | March–April nineMagazine 2015 11

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Nine Networking Continued from page 10

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up in 1919 after the end of World War I, review the major plots points thus far with the special Mr. Selfridge: A Celebration, airing March 24 at 7:00 p.m. (repeated March 26 at 1:00 a.m. and March 29 at 3:30 p.m.). The program will feature behind-the-scenes footage and key interviews with the actors and production personnel, plus an enticing preview of season three.

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March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

Workers sample stains on the Arch in an episode of Science Matters.

Making Science Matters Viewers of Science Matters have already been taken to Antarctica, the mouth of the Bronx River and a highway in Sweden as well as more familiar spots: the Gateway Arch, the St. Louis Zoo and rooftops in South St. Louis. The weekly program, which debuted in January, is a collaborative effort of 18 PBS stations around the country sharing stories on advancements in science and technology that are impacting our lives and our environment. It airs Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m. on Nine PBS (repeats Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 10:30 p.m.). “This is an opportunity to share some of the great work being done locally in our science and tech communities with a local and a national audience,” says Science Matters producer and host Jim Kirchherr. “Some the best science and tech stories are the ones that are part of our everyday lives. They’re in our homes and neighborhoods, in our rivers, streams and even our sewers.” One of the first local stories on Science Matters, about the analysis of stains on the Gateway Arch, featured dramatic images of a worker dangling from a harness over the edge of the Arch to obtain samples. There will be a follow-up story after a report

on the stains is complete. Other local stories that have aired or are in production focus on the flu, trauma training using realistic robot patients, a Washington University professor’s lifelong fascination with geometric shapes, and efforts to teach women the language of computer coding to help build a high-tech workforce.

Network of Memories Since September, the Nine Network has been inviting viewers to send in favorite memories of the station to help celebrate our 60th anniversary. Many viewers have recounted how Nine changed their lives. For instance, while watching Ken Burns’ The National Parks: America’s Best Idea, Colleen LaCroix heard mentioned a familiar family name. “As a result, I found a lost branch of my family tree.” She also shared a long, one-thingleads-to-another story that starts with watching Sesame Street as a teenager to learn Spanish and ends with meeting opera singer Denyce Graves. Karen Buckey recalls a dog-training show produced by Channel 9 circa 1954. After watching the weekly series and practicing with the family pet at home, participants were invited to the station’s parking lot for a live, televised finale. She recalls, “The station was newly opened and such local programming was exciting... . Perhaps 15–20 owner/pet pairs—most were adults or at least older than 8-yearold me... . Brownie and I dutifully performed. A highlight for both of us!” D.A. Becker writes, “I'd like to share a memory and how Channel Nine changed my life many, many years ago.” In the 1970s, Becker relates, she visited Nine to ask for the opportunity to learn television, even though she was “sure they would have no use for a young gal with absolutely NO experience.” To her surprise, she was welcomed and trained during vacation time from her day job and on weekends. She worked Channel 9’s live, fast-paced Auction. “I’d never felt such excitement

and the thrill of being a part of live television before. After one week of nonstop action, I was totally hooked!” She continues, “I owe a lifelong career in television that has taken me to multiple states and networks, culminating in a satisfying freelance career in Los Angeles... . The people I've met, places I've seen, and programming that I worked on to syndicate in 122 markets globally, have all been such a grand reward. “Today, I've returned to St. Louis... . A large button that I wore to identify myself as a KETC Auction staff hangs near my computer system... and offers me an opportunity to reminisce about how it all began with KETC’s live Auction. “It thrills me to see how well the station is doing to this day. I know how much it means to our community and continues to contribute to people’s lives in so many ways. Thank you, KETC for so much!”

Make your memories part of Nine’s 60th anniversary celebration. Email, phone (314) 512-9617 or write to Memories, Nine Network of Public Media, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108.

Volunteer Passion With a warm smile and a sweet personality, Nancy Suelflow has a heart for volunteering. She regularly contributes her time to the Nine Network, stepping up to do everything from clerical duties to working Nine’s booth at Belleville’s Art on the Square. Over the year she has volunteered at the Nine Network, Suelflow’s favorite opportunity has been working the front desk as the receptionist. “You never know who is going to come through the door or call on the telephone so you always need to be at your best,” Suelflow explains. She has also stuffed envelopes, filed, assisted in a data Continued on page 14

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nineMagazine | March–April 2015


Nine Networking Continued from page 13 ®

Nancy Suelflow enjoys many volunteer jobs at Nine.

entry project and answered phones for a recent membership drive. Suelflow appreciates the flexibility volunteering gives her. “As volunteer opportunities are presented, I’m able to volunteer as much or as little as my schedule permits,” she says. Suelflow, a member since 2005, says, “Just in the short time I have volunteered, I have really gained an insight as to the impact volunteers can have.” Because she has included the Nine Network in her estate plans, she is also a Legacy Nine member.

PNC ARTS ALIVE KEEPING THE ARTS THRIVING We know what art can do, how it changes perspectives, even changes lives. That’s why the PNC Foundation has extended its commitment to the arts with PNC Arts Alive in the Greater St. Louis area. This sixyear, $2-million initiative supports the visual and performing arts. From classical music to film to dance and theater, we’re committed to keeping the arts alive. To learn more about this initiative, go to

©2013 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

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With a bachelor’s degree in accounting and business management, a minor in German and economics, and an MBA, Suelflow spent her career in accounting and internal auditing for a pharmaceutical company. Now retired, she lives with her four rescued cats (Tammy Ann, Sissy Marie, Frankie and Café Mocha) in the Princeton Heights neighborhood in the home she grew up in. She enjoys traveling the world with her vivacious 85-yearold mother, playing indoor pickleball and volunteering on the Friends of Tower Grove Park board, the board of Brightside St. Louis, and the Audit Committee and Finance Committee at the Missouri Athletic Club. Reserve a seat at the next volunteer orientation on March 10 at 6:00 p.m. at the Nine Network, 3655 Olive St. by contacting volunteer manager Brittany Farmer at or (314) 512-9031. —Garryn Hasty

Nine to Grow On

Denise Thimes (center), Peter Martin at the piano, Chris Thomas on bass and Montez Coleman on drums.

St. Louis Sounds Ragtime, jazz, blues, R&B, rock ‘n’ roll, hip hop, classical and opera—whatever the genre, much of the history of American music was written in St. Louis. During the city’s 250 years, St. Louis has served as a meeting ground of musical influences that sprouted new styles and innovative combinations. The Nine Network explores the legacy and contributions of St. Louis to America’s music heritage in City of Music, a two-hour special broadcast in two parts: on Monday, March 16 Jay Hutson on saxophone and Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. and Billy Peek (repeated March 25 at 8:00 p.m. on guitar. and 9:00 p.m., and March 27 at 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.). City of Music weaves a historic narrative and interviews with performances from some of St. Louis’ top musicians including Peter Martin, Denise Thimes, Kim Massie and Billy Peek. Singer and recording artist Brian Owens hosts the special. For City of Music, Nine’s executive producer and Vice President of Production Patrick Murphy and creative consultant Paul Reuter, executive director of the Sheldon Concert Hall, teamed up last fall to record musical artists performing before a live audience in different venues throughout The Sheldon’s building. Each performance illustrates a musical genre, sometimes as a straightup tribute, and sometimes as a modern interpretation or cross-genre fusion. “As I researched this special, I was absolutely blown away at the amazing influence St. Louis has had on shaping American music over the last century,” says Murphy. The program features the premiere of three original compositions: “St. Louis Reds,” an homage to W.C. Handy’s

blues tradition by Stefan Freund of Alarm Will Sound; “con/influences,” also by Freund, a celebration of 250 years of life and music in St. Louis; and “Miles-Re-Vision,” a piece by pianist Peter Martin inspired by the music of Miles Davis and the legacy of St. Louis artists and composers over the past 250 years.

Brian Owens hosts and performs in City of Music.

Among the highlights in City of Music’s two hours of music history are pianist John Orfe playing a medley of Scott Joplin rags, Denise Thimes singing “St. Louis Blues,” Two Times True playing Miles Davis’ “Dig,” Kim Massie belting an R&B version of Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It” and “Rollin’ on the River,” Billy Peek rocking out to Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode,” and host Brian Owens and Martin uniting to pay tribute to the late Donny Hathaway’s cover of Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend.” In interviews, Larry Morris talks about “hip hop fusion” with his group iLLPHONiCS; St. Louis Symphony Music Director David Robertson discusses the symphony’s deep roots in the city and versatile talents of its members; General Director of Opera Theatre of Saint Louis Timothy O’Leary explains how the group pulls in a worldwide audience for annual presentations of four new operas; and Jazz St. Louis President and CEO Gene Dobbs Bradford reflects on collaborations with other musical institutions. Bradford’s musings expand on St. Louis’ place in American music. He says, “The dream is that...a hundred years from now in some fine arts class they’re talking about this period in St. Louis as a very fertile time for collaborations and because of the collaborations that took place...some magnificent works were created. So, it would be the St. Louis period.” nineMagazine | March–April 2015


A Nine Network Gift Annuity can offer big financial benefits for you... and a significant contribution to children and adults throughout our region.

Call Roya Bromell at 314-512-9129

Gift Annuity Rates


10% 8% 6.80%

6% 4% Age











Please send me a sample analysis based on a gift of __$20,000 __$10,000 __Other $___________ ($10,000 minimum) Name _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________ Address _ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Email _ ___________________________________________


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

Please return to: Nine Network of Public Media 3655 Olive St. St. Louis, MO 63108



Program Listings Channel Guide


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Listings Key



(9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nine Network production.





(p. ) . . . . . . . . . Page number of related article(s). (PB) . . . . . . . . . Program contains pledge breaks. For March program grid, see page 24. For repeated programs, see page 36. For the latest program changes, visit the Nine Network’s website at

Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

March Weekdays Monday







Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News




Curious George


Curious George


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Sesame Street


Dinosaur Train


Dinosaur Train


Peg + Cat


The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!


Super WHY!

12:00 Membership Medley It’s quick and easy to donate to the Nine Network of Public Media online by visiting (PB) 6:30 The Great British Baking Show The three remaining bakers face their final three challenges. (PB)


Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood


Martha Speaks

Sid the Science Kid

Thomas & Friends


Simply Ming (preempted 3/2, 9) Membership Medley (3/2) Feast TV (3/9)

America’s Test Kitchen (preempted 3/3, 10) Membership Medley (3/3, 10)

Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless (preempted 3/4, 11) Membership Medley (3/4, 11)

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen (preempted 3/5, 12) Membership Medley (3/5, 12)

Martha Bakes (preempted 3/6, 13) Membership Medley (3/6) The Great American Seafood Cook-Off (3/13)


Charlie Rose (preempted 3/2–6, 9–12)


Sesame Street (preempted 3/2–6, 9–12)


Clifford the Big Red Dog


Odd Squad


Wild Kratts


Wild Kratts




Nightly Business Report


PBS NewsHour

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Membership Medley Membership has its privileges. Find out more when you offer your financial support to the Nine Network of Public Media. (PB)



Because of the membership drive, start times of programs broadcast March 2–6 and 9–12 may vary by a few minutes.

1 Sunday

8:00 Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey (Conclusion) The Crawleys go to a shooting party at a castle in Northumberland. (PB) 10:00 Membership Medley If you value the Nine Network, now is the time to offer your financial support. We couldn’t do it without members like you. (PB)

Late Night

1:00 Earth: A New Wild: Water 2:00 Italian Americans: Loyal Americans (1930–1945)/The American Dream (1945–Present) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

2 Monday Evening

7:00 Membership Medley Being a sustaining member means you’re as committed to the Nine Network as we are to you. Become a sustainer today. (PB)

nineMagazine | March–April 2015




3 Tuesday Evening

7:00 Membership Medley Do your part to keep Nine thriving by contributing today. (PB)

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

4 Wednesday Evening

7:00 Membership Medley Show us you support commercial-free programming in St. Louis by calling in and pledging today! (PB)

5 Thursday

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions


7:00 Donnybrook Donnybrook is often imitated, never duplicated. You can support this esteemed program by donating today. (9) (PB) 8:00 Doc Martin’s Portwenn A new behind-the-scenes look at the hit series, filmed during the sixth season, provides a revealing look at how the finished product is made. (PB) 9:00 Membership Medley Help us to continue to provide the programs you love by pledging your financial support. (PB)

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

6 Friday Evening

7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Membership Medley As a sustaining member your donation is deducted from your credit card monthly so the only thing you have to worry about is catching Downton Abbey. Become a sustainer today. (PB) 9:00 Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey (Conclusion) Join the Crawleys at Downton for a joyful Christmas holiday. (PB) 11:00 The Great British Baking Show See which of the three remaining bakers will be crowned the winner. (PB)

Late Night

12:30 Programming to be announced 1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

7 Saturday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Membership Medley Quality children’s programming like Curious George and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood are made possible by people like you. Donate today! Your kids will thank you. (PB)


12:00 Membership Medley Did you know that 95 percent of the Nine Network’s funding comes from people like you? Help us keep up the good work by pledging your financial support today. (PB) 2:00 Feast TV A visit with students at a cooking school, and advice from a chef for success in the culinary field. 2:30 Membership Medley Nine is committed to keeping you informed on issues in our region including the arts, education and health care. Show your support by donating today. (PB)


7:00 Membership Medley The great programs continue with performances from some of your favorite stars of yesterday and today! (PB)

Late Night

1:00 Movie: The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954) (1 hr, 56 min) Due to daylight saving time, there is one less hour of programming. 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

8 Sunday Morning

Doc Martin’s Portwenn Until new episodes arrive next year, this special about the making of Doc Martin’s sixth season bridges the wait with a unique guided tour of the sets from producer Phillippa Braithwaite, interviews with cast members, and a fascinating comparison of the rehearsals with the finished product. (Pictured: producer David Rubinsohn interviews Martin Clunes.) Thursday, March 5, 8:00 p.m.


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Membership Medley Help us to continue to provide the programs you love by pledging your financial support. (PB)


7:00 Membership Medley You love to watch programs without commercial interruption. Your financial support makes it possible! (PB)

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Feast TV The chefs at Truffles in Ladue have refined butchering, taking it beyond the realm of a supermarket counter. This month, Feast TV explores how executive chef Brandon Benack (pictured) makes meat-cutting an art. Other stories visit culinary students at Hickey College, David Ford of Port Fonda in Kansas City and the mixed drink program at Sycamore in Columbia, Missouri. Saturday, March 7, 2:00 p.m. Repeats Monday, March 9, 1:00 p.m.

11 Wednesday Evening

7:00 Membership Medley Thanks to viewers like you, the entire community can enjoy programs like Nature. We appreciate your support! (PB)


12:00 Membership Medley Become a sustaining member and never worry about renewing your membership again! (PB)


7:00 Membership Medley If you value the Nine Network, now is the time to offer your financial support. (PB)

1:00 2:30 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: Sundown (1941) (1 hr, 31 min) Movie: Bird of Paradise (1932) (1 hr, 23 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

9 Monday Evening

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

12 Thursday Evening

7:00 Donnybrook Watch tonight to see how you can meet Charlie Brennan and the gang in person at a DonnyBash. Pledge now to attend the next taping of this once-a-year event. (9) (PB) 8:00 Membership Medley Nine is a great asset to our community, and you are the most important asset we have. Continue to make a difference in the St. Louis region by donating today. (PB)

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

13 Friday Evening

7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week 8:00 Miss Marple: The Body in the Library (1 of 3) A strange young blonde is found strangled in the library of Miss Marple’s neighbor.


14 Saturday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Membership Medley A donation to the Nine Network is twice as energizing as a cup of coffee in the morning. Donate today! (PB)


12:00 Membership Medley If you value the Nine Network, now is the time to offer your financial support. (PB)


7:00 Membership Medley You have probably enjoyed the programming on Nine for years. Give your support now to keep quality programming alive in St. Louis. (PB)

1:00 2:50 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: A Star Is Born (1937) (1 hr, 51 min) Movie: The Flying Deuces (1939) (1 hr, 8 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

15 Sunday

Late Night

1:00 BBC World News 1:30 Charlie Rose 2:30 Tavis Smiley 3:00 Wild Photo Adventures 3:30 Travelscope 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

7:00 Membership Medley Tune in for great programming and thankyou gifts available for your support. (PB)

Miss Marple: The Body in the Library (2 of 3) Miss Marple: The Body in the Library (Conclusion) BBC World News Charlie Rose


10 Tuesday

9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30


5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Membership Medley Begin your morning by supporting the commercial-free programming only found on Nine. (PB)


12:00 Membership Medley The great programs continue, featuring some of your favorite performers. (PB)

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


7:00 Membership Medley Do your part to keep Nine thriving by contributing today. (PB)

1:00 2:30 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: The Big Trees (1952) (1 hr, 29 min) Movie: The Beachcomber (1938) (1 hr, 32 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Mike Garner

March 9.1


16 Monday

The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II Nineteenth-century critics sniffed that Bavaria’s King Ludwig II built extravagant castles “so ridiculous they are beyond all taste.” Today, these stunning palaces—one the inspiration for Disneyland’s castle centerpiece—are among Germany’s biggest tourist attractions. Discover more about the beloved, handsome boy-king and his pursuit of architectural beauty in this hour-long special. Dan Cruickshank (pictured) hosts.


7:00 City of Music (1 of 2) St. Louis musicians, including Peter Martin, Denise Thimes and Alarm Will Sound, review 250 years of music in St. Louis through performances at the Sheldon Concert Hall. (9) (p. 15) 8:00 Antiques Roadshow Circa 1925 diamond and platinum ring. 9:00 Antiques Roadshow A long-lost 19th-century Arthur Brown watercolor scene of Yellowstone National Park. 10:00 The Music of Northern Ireland With Eamonn McCrystal Celebrate a wide array of music composed and performed by the country’s artists, including popular songs from Van Morrison, Jimmy Kennedy and others, as well as haunting, traditional pieces. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:30 4:00 4:30

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30


7:00 City of Music (Conclusion) The musical review of St. Louis’ tuneful history continues with Billy Peek, Kim Massie, David Robertson and more. (9) (p. 15) 8:00 The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II Documentary explores the rich aesthetic of Ludwig II, a legendary figure who spent his life in pursuit of the ideal of beauty. 9:00 Rick Steves’ Dynamic Europe: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin Travel guru Rick Steves tours three of Europe’s most energetic capitals. 10:00 Globe Trekker Travel west across the U.S. on the Blue Ridge Parkway and Route 66. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

March–April 2015 | nineMagazine


7:00 Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories (1 of 3) Sir David Attenborough revisits key places and events in his wildlife filmmaking career. 8:00 Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories (2 of 3) Attenborough shares his memories of the scientists and the breakthroughs that helped shape his own career. 9:00 Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories (Conclusion) Hear Attenborough’s reflections on the dramatic impact human beings have had on the natural world. 10:00 Science Matters Jim Kirchherr introduces regional and national science stories. (9) (p. 12) 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

19 Thursday

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow The Music of Northern Ireland With Eamonn McCrystal Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

18 Wednesday

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Movie: Pygmalion (1938) (1 hr, 35 min) Movie: The 39 Steps (1935) (1 hr, 26 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

17 Tuesday


Tuesday, March 17, 8:00 p.m. Repeats Thursday, March 19, 1:00 a.m.; Monday, March 23, 10:00 p.m.; and Wednesday, March 25, 3:00 a.m.

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II 2:00 Rick Steves’ Dynamic Europe: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin 3:00 Frontline 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions


7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Doc Martin Bert’s restaurant gets a bad review from one of Louisa’s students. 9:00 Stay Tuned Discussion of science innovation. (9) 10:00 Front and Center: CMA Presents Lady Antebellum The six-time CMA Award winners share stories behind many of their hits, in an exclusive acoustic performance in Nashville. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories (1 of 3) Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories (2 of 3) Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories (Conclusion) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

20 Friday Evening

7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week 8:00 New Tricks Tragedy strikes for Griffin when his friend Ellen Barker is found murdered. 9:00 The Jewel in the Crown (1 of 14) The award-winning 1984 series about the final days of the British Raj in India, based on Paul Scott’s novels. Tonight: The Japanese, having conquered Burma in 1942, are now threatening India. (p. 10)

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Donnybrook (9) 1:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 2:00 Stay Tuned (9) 3:00 Globe Trekker 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

10:00 Poirot: Curtain: Poirot’s Last Case An ailing Poirot returns to Styles with Hastings nearly three decades after solving their first mystery together there in order to prevent an unscrupulous and ingenious serial killer from claiming more victims. 11:30 Movie: The Man on the Eiffel Tower (1949) Psychological drama has a police inspector (Burgess Meredith) chasing a murder suspect (Franchot Tone). (1 hr, 30 min)

21 Saturday Morning

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Rick Steves’ Europe Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa Curious George Curious George Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Thomas & Friends Paint This With Jerry Yarnell Pati’s Mexican Table Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef Joanne Weir Gets Fresh


12:00 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Groups that give back to the community. 12:30 Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen Mac and cheese; grits. 1:00 America’s Test Kitchen Classic fare with flair. 1:30 Martha Bakes Baking with phyllo. 2:00 Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Four French bistro classics. 2:30 Simply Ming Crab cooked four different ways. 3:00 The Mind of a Chef Scandinavian preservation and aging. 3:30 Arts America (9) 4:00 Woodsmith Shop Curved-front wall cabinet. 4:30 Hometime Find out what’s new in kitchens. 5:00 This Old House An infiltration system to disperse water. 5:30 Ask This Old House Transforming an old backsplash. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Islands Without Cars An exploration into the lives of American and British ex-patriot writers and artists who escaped to the Greek island of Hydra.


7:00 Poirot: Elephants Can Remember While Poirot investigates the murder of a renowned psychiatrist, Ariadne Oliver’s goddaughter tasks her to find out the truth about her parents’ mysterious deaths. 8:30 Poirot: The Labours of Hercules Poirot’s pursuit of an infamous art thief leads him to a snowbound hotel in the Swiss Alps, where he is met with a familiar face from the past.

1:00 2:30 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: His Girl Friday (1940) (1 hr, 32 min) Movie: Topper Returns (1941) (1 hr, 28 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

22 Sunday Morning

8:00 The Politician’s Husband (2 of 3) Aiden plots revenge against his old friend Bruce, and then Freya. 9:00 The Politician’s Husband (Conclusion) A sex scandal threatens Aiden’s chance of a comeback. 10:00 180 Days: Hartsville (1 of 2) Experience a Southern town’s efforts to address the urgent demand for reform in public schools. (p. 8) 11:00 180 Days: Hartsville (Conclusion) What happens when the systems that can either fuel or diffuse reform interact and intersect. (p. 8)


11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose


Late Night

12:00 Front and Center: CMA Presents Lady Antebellum 1:00 Movie: Santa Fe Trail (1940) (1 hr, 50 min) 2:50 Movie: Colonel Effingham’s Raid (1945) (1 hr, 10 min) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Dinosaur Train 9:30 Bob the Builder 10:00 Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 Donnybrook (9) 11:30 The McLaughlin Group


12:00 Nova: Deadliest Volcanoes Scientists try to determine the likelihood of eruptions and how deadly they could be. 1:00 Arts America (9) 1:30 La Dolce Vita: The Music of Italian Cinema Joshua Bell, Renee Fleming, Josh Groban and others join the New York Philharmonic in a concert of memorable movie themes. 3:00 Pasquale Esposito Celebrates Enrico Caruso A concert from Naples featuring the music of Enrico Caruso, interspersed with segments on the important places in Caruso’s life. 4:00 Lark Rise to Candleford Who is the mysterious recluse who’s been hiding at the Golden Lion Hotel for months? 5:00 Lark Rise to Candleford Daniel has a big newspaper story about a Crimean war veteran. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 A Chef’s Life Dozens of people assemble in Ben and Vivian’s Deep Run home for Thanksgiving.


7:00 The Politician’s Husband (1 of 3) Miniseries about the shifting power dynamics in a marriage where the personal and the political collide. Tonight: In a cabinet reshuffle, Freya is appointed and Aiden falls into obscurity.

The Politician’s Husband David Tennant and Emily Watson (pictured) star in this three-parter as Aiden and Freya Hoynes, two happily married cabinet ministers. When his career comes to an abrupt halt as hers simultaneously soars, the balance in their marriage shifts, causing Aiden to risk everything in his desperate efforts to cling to power. Sunday, March 22, 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. Repeats Tuesday, March 24, 1:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


March 9.1

23 Monday Evening

7:00 Living St. Louis (9) 7:30 British Antiques Roadshow 8:00 Antiques Roadshow Coca-Cola Santa ads; a letter from George Washington at Valley Forge. 9:00 Antiques Roadshow A 19th-century Japanese suit of armor. 10:00 The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II The flamboyant castles of Ludwig II are key to understanding his personality and motives. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30


7:00 Mr. Selfridge: A Celebration Go behind the scenes with actors and production personnel of Mr. Selfridge in anticipation of season three beginning March 29. (p. 10) 7:30 James Baker—The Man Who Made Washington Work The career of politician and statesman James A. Baker III is an eye-opening story of power, persuasion and diplomacy at the highest levels. 9:00 Frontline 10:00 Globe Trekker Land of conquistadors and Aztecs. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose 12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

25 Wednesday Evening

7:00 Nature: Ireland’s Wild River Cameraman Colin Stafford-Johnson follows the Shannon River from dawn to dusk, through the four seasons. 8:00 City of Music (1 of 2) St. Louis’ influence on American music. (9) (p. 15) 9:00 City of Music (Conclusion) How St. Louis helped create the alt-country and alternative rock sounds. (9) (p. 15) 10:00 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose


Meryl Streep (pictured) and Amy Adams star as two women separated by decades but united by food in this 2009 film. In concurrent storylines, famed cookbook author and television chef Julia Child discovers the joy of French cuisine in 1950s Paris, and 60 years later, fledgling food blogger Julie Powell commits to making all 524 recipes in Child’s legendary Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

Tavis Smiley The Politician’s Husband (1 of 3) The Politician’s Husband (2 of 3) The Politician’s Husband (Conclusion) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

24 Tuesday

Julie & Julia

Late Night

March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

Saturday, March 28, 8:00 p.m. Repeats Saturday, March 28, 10:00 p.m.

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Mr. Selfridge: A Celebration (p. 10) 1:30 James Baker—The Man Who Made Washington Work 3:00 Frontline 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

26 Thursday Evening

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Doc Martin Martin is coerced into taking James to play group. 9:00 Stay Tuned Tonight’s topic is cancer. (9) 10:00 Front and Center: Keith Urban The country music superstar performs nearly all of his 16 number-one songs at New York’s Highline Ballroom. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Nature: Ireland’s Wild River City of Music (1 of 2) (9) (p. 15) City of Music (Conclusion) (9) (p. 15) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

27 Friday Evening

7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week 8:00 New Tricks A mix tape from 1983 is discovered, containing the voice of a murdered girl.

9:00 The Jewel in the Crown (2 of 14) On a night of rioting and protest, Daphne returns home, claiming she’s been raped. (p. 10) 10:00 The Queen’s Mother-in-Law A look at one of the royal family’s most remarkable but little-known personalities. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Donnybrook (9) 1:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 2:00 Stay Tuned (9) 3:00 Globe Trekker 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

28 Saturday Morning

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Rick Steves’ Europe Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa Curious George Curious George Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Thomas & Friends Paint This With Jerry Yarnell Pati’s Mexican Table Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef Joanne Weir Gets Fresh


12:00 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home A look at the latest in gardens and design. 12:30 Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen Texas potato salad; hard cooked eggs.


7:00 Antiques Roadshow Irish dragoon swallowtail guidon flags used in the Battle of Nashville. 8:00 Movie: Julie & Julia (2009) A young woman sets a goal to cook every recipe in Julia Child’s first cookbook. (2 hrs, 3 min) 10:00 Movie: Julie & Julia (2009) Amy Adams and Meryl Streep (as Julia Child) star in Nora Ephron’s screenplay. (2 hrs, 3 min)

12:10 2:20 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) (2 hrs, 12 min) Movie: Kansas City Confidential (1952) (1 hr, 39 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

29 Sunday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Dinosaur Train 9:30 Bob the Builder 10:00 Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 Donnybrook (9) 11:30 The McLaughlin Group


12:00 Nova: Deadliest Tornadoes How we can protect ourselves. 1:00 Arts America (9) 1:30 L’Allegro With the Mark Morris Dance Company Morris’ 1988 “work of genius,” set to Handel’s Baroque masterpiece.

3:30 Mr. Selfridge: A Celebration Sneak a peek at season three and enjoy moments from past seasons. (p. 10) 4:00 Lark Rise to Candleford Dorcas decides to pay a visit to Sir Timothy, but instead comes face to face with Lady Adelaide. 5:00 Lark Rise to Candleford Pearl and Enid, a newcomer to town, form an instant bond, but then Pearl discovers the seamstress is not who she says she is. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 A Chef’s Life Winter rolls with pickled turnips.


7:00 Call the Midwife (1 of 8) Season four begins with the community welcoming a new decade and a new nurse. (p. 10) 8:00 Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (1 of 8) Harry and the family attempt to move on with their lives after Rose’s death. (p. 10) 10:00 Independent Lens: American Denial A four-year investigation by Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal explores the contours and consequences of implicit bias and denial. (p. 10) 11:00 Independent Lens: Little White Lie A filmmaker unlocks a powerful family secret about her real father’s identity.

12:00 1:00 2:40 4:00 4:30

31 Tuesday Evening

7:00 Twice Born: Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (1 of 3) Groundbreaking medical procedures in an intimate look at fetal surgery. Tonight: an attempt to remove a tumor from a fetus. 8:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (2 of 3) Progress is made in understanding the essential nature of the cancer cell. In the late 1990s, advances in research begin to translate into more precise targeted therapies with breakthrough drugs. (p. 8) 10:00 Globe Trekker Travel to Lima, Cusco and El Misti to discover more about the Incas of Peru. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 4:00 4:30


1:00 America’s Test Kitchen Springtime sweets. 1:30 Martha Bakes Four favorite desserts containing alcohol. 2:00 Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Recipes with ground meat. 2:30 Simply Ming Funky cuts of meat. 3:00 The Mind of a Chef Spring in Sweden, with young herbs. 3:30 Arts America (9) 4:00 Woodsmith Shop Heirloom music box. 4:30 Hometime Transitional home decor. 5:00 This Old House Patching holes left by recessed lights. 5:30 Ask This Old House Repairing broken sash cords. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Islands Without Cars France’s island of Porquerolles boasts nature, a grand hotel and a great story of conservation.


Late Night

Tavis Smiley Antiques Roadshow Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (1 of 3) (p. 8) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Late Night

Front and Center: Keith Urban Movie: Algiers (1938) (1 hr, 38 min) Movie: Dinner at the Ritz (1937) (1 hr, 18 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

30 Monday Evening

7:00 Antiques Roadshow Andy Warhol lithographs; Frederic Remington portrait. 8:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (1 of 3) A historical narrative of cancer, interwoven with patient stories and scientific breakthroughs. Tonight: the centuries-long search for a cure, leading to chemotherapy and a “war on cancer.” (p. 8) 10:00 Rick Steves’ Dynamic Europe: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin In each city, Steves shares his insights on art, culture and history, along with his practical, experience-enhancing travel advice. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Call the Midwife (1 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (1 of 8) (p. 10) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit With exclusive access to the elite Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and its Special Delivery Unit, this gripping, three-part series takes an intimate look at rare surgeries done on babies still inside the womb. Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. beginning March 31 Repeats Thursdays, 1:00 a.m. beginning April 2 and Mondays, 3:00 a.m. beginning April 6

nineMagazine | March–April 2015



Prime Time March 7:00


(cont. from 6:30 p.m.)

sun 1 The Great British Baking Show


mon 2

Membership Medley

tue 3

Membership Medley

wed 4

Membership Medley

thu 5


fri 6

Washington Week

sat 7

Membership Medley

sun 8

Membership Medley

mon 9

Membership Medley

tue 10

Membership Medley

wed 11

Membership Medley

thu 12


fri 13

Washington Week

sat 14

Membership Medley

sun 15

Membership Medley





Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey

Doc Martin’s Portwenn



Membership Medley

Membership Medley

Membership Medley

Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey

Membership Medley Charlie Rose— The Week

Miss Marple: The Body in the Library

Miss Marple: The Body in the Library

Miss Marple: The Body in the Library

mon 16

City of Music

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

The Music of Northern Ireland With Eamonn McCrystal

tue 17

City of Music

The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II

Rick Steves’ Dynamic Europe: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin

Globe Trekker

wed 18

Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories

Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories

Nature: Attenborough’s Life Stories

Science Matters

thu 19


Donnybrook… Your Turn

Doc Martin

Stay Tuned

Front and Center: CMA Presents Lady Antebellum

fri 20

Washington Week

Charlie Rose— The Week

New Tricks

The Jewel in the Crown

sat 21

Poirot: Elephants Can Remember

sun 22 mon 23

Poirot: The Labours of Hercules

Science Matters

Poirot: Curtain: Poirot’s Last Case

The Politician’s Husband

The Politician’s Husband

The Politician’s Husband

180 Days: Hartsville

Living St. Louis

British Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II

Mr. Selfridge:

James Baker—The Man Who Made Washington Work


Globe Trekker

tue 24 A Celebration wed 25

Nature: Ireland’s Wild River

City of Music

City of Music

Science Matters

thu 26


Donnybrook… Your Turn

Doc Martin

Stay Tuned

Front and Center: Keith Urban

Washington Week

Charlie Rose— The Week

New Tricks

The Jewel in the Crown

The Queen’s Mother-in-Law

fri 27

Science Matters

sat 28

Antiques Roadshow

Movie: Julie & Julia

Movie: Julie & Julia

sun 29

Call the Midwife

Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge

Independent Lens: American Denial

Antiques Roadshow

Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies

Rick Steves’ Dynamic Europe: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin

Twice Born: Stories From the Special

Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies

Globe Trekker

mon 30

tue 31 Delivery Unit









Because of the membership drive, start times of programs broadcast March 2–6 and 9–13 may vary by a few minutes.


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

These programs are available on channel 9.4. SUNday






5:00 AM

Knitting Daily

Quilting Arts

Knit and Crochet Now

Knitting Daily

Knit and Crochet Now

Quilting Arts


Beauty of Oil Painting With Gary and Kathwren Jenkins

Paint This With Jerry Yarnell

The Best of the Joy of Painting

Beauty of Oil Painting With Gary and Kathwren Jenkins

The Best of the Joy of Painting

Paint This With Jerry Yarnell


Jacques Pepin: More Fast Food My Way

Perfect Day

Chef John Besh’s Family Table

Jacques Pepin: More Fast Food My Way

Chef John Besh’s Family Table

Perfect Day


Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless

Mike Colameco’s Real Food (ends 3/16) Sing For Your Supper With Bob Waggoner (begins 3/23)

Taste This!

Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless

Taste This!

Mike Colameco’s Real Food (ends 3/13) Sing For Your Supper With Bob Waggoner (begins 3/20)


Pati’s Mexican Table (ends 3/15) Kevin Dundon’s Modern Irish Food (begins 3/22)

Ciao Italia

The Jazzy Vegetarian

Pati’s Mexican Table (ends 3/11) Kevin Dundon’s Modern Irish Food (begins 3/18)

The Jazzy Vegetarian

Ciao Italia


Cooking With Nick Stellino

Joanne Weir’s Cooking Confidence


Cooking With Nick Stellino


Joanne Weir’s Cooking Confidence


Islands Without Cars (ends 3/1) Openroad (begins 3/8)

Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa (ends 3/17) Smart Travels—Pacific Rim With Rudy Maxa (begins 3/24)


Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa (ends 3/12) Smart Travels—Pacific Rim With Rudy Maxa (begins 3/19)


Travel With Kids (ends 3/8) Family Travel With Colleen Kelly (begins 3/15)

In the Americas With David Yetman

Travel With Kids (ends 3/4) Family Travel With Colleen Kelly (begins 3/11)

In the Americas With David Yetman


Ask This Old House

This Old House


Ask This Old House


This Old House


American Woodshop

Rough Cut—Woodworking With Tommy Mac

Woodsmith Shop

American Woodshop

Woodsmith Shop

Rough Cut—Woodworking With Tommy Mac


Growing a Greener World

P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home

Victory Garden’s Edible Feast

Garden Smart

Victory Garden’s Edible Feast

P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home


Katie Brown Workshop

Beads, Baubles, and Jewels

For Your Home

Katie Brown Workshop

For Your Home

Beads, Baubles, and Jewels

Globe Trekker

11:00– Repeat of Saturday marathon 4:30 5:00

Ask This Old House

Globe Trekker

Repeat of 5:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. programming except 3:00 p.m. Rick Steves’ Europe This Old House



Ask This Old House


This Old House

Martha Bakes (ends 3/6) Kevin Dundon’s Back to Basics (begins 3/13)


Moveable Feast With Fine Cooking

Simply Ming

Sara’s Weeknight Meals

Moveable Feast With Fine Cooking

Sara’s Weeknight Meals

Simply Ming


Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef

Essential Pepin

Baking With Julia

Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef

Baking With Julia

Essential Pepin


Martha Stewart’s Cooking School (ends 3/1) Martha Bakes (begins 3/8)

Lidia’s Kitchen

Martha Stewart’s Cooking School (ends 3/3) Martha Bakes (begins 3/10)

Lidia’s Kitchen

Martha Bakes

Lidia’s Kitchen


America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen

America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen

America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen


A Chef’s Life (ends 3/8) Martin Yan’s Taste of Vietnam (begins 3/15)

New Scandinavian Cooking

A Chef’s Life (ends 3/3) Martin Yan’s Taste of Vietnam (begins 3/10)

New Scandinavian Cooking

A Chef’s Life (ends 3/5) Martin Yan’s Taste of Vietnam (begins 3/12)

New Scandinavian Cooking


This Old House

8:30 9:00

Martha Bakes (ends 3/6) Kevin Dundon’s Back to Basics (begins 3/13) Ask This Old House

This Old House


Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 10:00

Rudy Maxa’s World


Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Rudy Maxa’s World

Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions



Martha Stewart’s Cooking School (ends 3/1) Martha Bakes (begins 3/8)

Lidia’s Kitchen

Martha Stewart’s Cooking School (ends 3/3) Martha Bakes (begins 3/10)

Lidia’s Kitchen

Martha Bakes

Lidia’s Kitchen


America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen

America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen

America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen


Moveable Feast With Fine Cooking

Simply Ming

Sara’s Weeknight Meals

Moveable Feast With Fine Cooking

Sara’s Weeknight Meals

Simply Ming


Jacques Pepin: More Fast Food My Way

Perfect Day

Chef John Besh’s Family Table

Jacques Pepin: More Fast Food My Way

Chef John Besh’s Family Table

Perfect Day


Rick Steves’ Europe

1:00– 4:30

Repeat of 7:00 p.m.–10:30 p.m. programming

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


5:00 Thomas & Friends

5:30 Caillou

6:00 Anne of Green Gables:The Animated Series

6:30 Peep and the Big Wide World

7:00 The Berenstain Bears

7:30 Maya & Miguel

8:00 WordWorld

8:30 Cyberchase

9:00 Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps

9:30 Bob the Builder

a.m. a.m.

10:00 Dragonfly TV 10:30 Biz Kid$ 11:00 Thomas & Friends 11:30 Caillou

p.m. p.m.

12:00 Anne of Green Gables:The Animated Series 12:30 Peep and the Big Wide World

1:00 The Berenstain Bears

1:30 Maya & Miguel

2:00 WordWorld

2:30 Cyberchase

3:00 Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps

3:30 Bob the Builder

4:00 Dragonfly TV

4:30 Biz Kid$

5:00 Thomas & Friends

5:30 Caillou

6:00 Anne of Green Gables:The Animated Series

6:30 Peep and the Big Wide World

7:00 The Berenstain Bears

7:30 Maya & Miguel

8:00 WordWorld

8:30 Cyberchase

9:00 Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps

9:30 Bob the Builder

Arab American Stories The estimated 3.5 million Arab Americans living in the United States today hail from more than 20 countries, practice a variety of faiths and work in a wide range of professions. Hosted by NPR’s Neda Ulaby, Arab American Stories traces the impact of this ethnic group on American institutions and public life. The series profiles entrepreneurs, innovators, educators, doctors, lawyers, executives and others including radio host Diane Rehm, Afro-Cuban jazz drummer Robby Ameen, author Alicia Erian, opera singer Hanan Al-Attar, fashion designer Ramy Kashou, chef Kamal Al-Faqih and stand-up comic Dean Obeidallah. Sundays, noon

War Zone/Comfort Zone Women account for roughly 14 percent of the active-duty U.S. military and more than 24 percent of the National Guard, yet they often receive less than a hero’s welcome upon their return to civilian life. Many face poverty, homelessness and joblessness; deal with the psychological and physiological effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; and often receive poor service from a Veterans Administration ill-equipped and, in some cases, unwilling to help them. This Emmy-nominated documentary uncovers the plight of these veterans through the intense and personal stories of four women veterans. Sunday, March 23, 3:00 a.m.; Friday, March 27, 5:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, March 28, 1:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m.; Monday, March 30, 3:00 p.m.; Tuesday, March 31, 4:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.; Wednesday, April 1, 1:00 a.m.

10:00 Dragonfly TV 10:30 Biz Kid$ 11:00 Thomas & Friends

a.m. a.m.

11:30 Caillou

Tune in to Nine World for documentary, news and non-fiction programming including Frontline, Independent Lens, Nova and, in March, the programs listed below. Find Nine World broadcast over the air on 9.3 or on Charter digital 185. Complete listings for Nine World are not available in time to make it into nineMagazine, but they are posted on

12:00 Anne of Green Gables:The Animated Series 12:30 Peep and the Big Wide World

1:00 The Berenstain Bears

1:30 Maya & Miguel

2:00 WordWorld

2:30 Cyberchase

3:00 Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps

3:30 Bob the Builder

4:00 Dragonfly TV

4:30 Biz Kid$

These programs are available daily on channel 9.2 26

March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

Saturday Marathons on March 7

Wine and Cheese Pairing

March 14

Basics With Kevin Dundon

March 21

Ultimate Restorations

March 28

Spin It With Spinach These programs are available on channel 9.4.


Channel Guide


Program Listings Over the Air

Charter Digital Cable



Listings Key



(9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nine Network production.






(p. ) . . . . . . . . . Page number of related article(s). (PB) . . . . . . . . . Program contains pledge breaks. For April program grid, see page 35. For repeated programs, see page 36. For the latest program changes, visit the Nine Network’s website at

Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

1 Wednesday

April Weekdays monday





Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News




Curious George (preempted 4/3) Curious George Swings Into Spring (4/3)


Curious George (preempted 4/3)


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Sesame Street


Dinosaur Train


Dinosaur Train


Peg + Cat


The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!


Super WHY!



Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood


Simply Ming (preempted 4/6) Feast TV (4/6)

America’s Test Kitchen

Martha Speaks Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless


Charlie Rose


Sesame Street


Clifford the Big Red Dog


Odd Squad


Wild Kratts


Wild Kratts




Nightly Business Report


PBS NewsHour

Sid the Science Kid Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen (ends 4/9) Lidia’s Kitchen (begins 4/16)



7:00 Nova: Alien Planets Revealed Discover how the Kepler telescope has helped scientists find new planets and provide tools for imagining creatures that we might someday encounter. 8:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (Conclusion) Cancer’s daunting complexity leads many to call for a focus on prevention and early detection. Undeterred, others keep at it and by the second decade of the 2000s discover new vulnerabilities that the human immune system might attack. (p. 8) 10:00 Science Matters Local and national science topics. (9) (p.12) 10:30 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies, a Conversation Katie Couric discusses the illness with Ken Burns, Sharon Percy Rockefeller and Siddhartha Mukherjee. (p. 8) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Thomas & Friends

Martha Bakes

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (1 of 3) 2:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (2 of 3) (p. 8) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

2 Thursday


7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Doc Martin Al and Morwenna each have an Internet dating disaster, and romance is blossoming for Bert.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015



9:00 Stay Tuned Live, social media-enabled discussion. (9) 10:00 Front and Center: Paul Rodgers The former member of Free and Bad Company performs the music of Stax Records. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose


12:30 1:00 2:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Nova: Alien Planets Revealed Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (Conclusion) (p. 8) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

3 Friday


7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week 8:00 Angels Sing, Libera in America The London-based, 32-voice choir of 9- to 17-year-old boys sings hymns and folk tunes at Washington, D.C.’s, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. 9:00 The Jewel in the Crown (3 of 14) Daphne dies giving birth of Hari’s daughter, and her aunt, Lady Manners, decides to raise the child herself. (p. 10) 10:00 The Jewel in the Crown (4 of 14) The Layton family gathers at Mirat, but what should be a happy occasion is overshadowed by unexplained incidents. (p. 10) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Donnybrook (9) 1:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 2:00 Stay Tuned (9) 3:00 Globe Trekker 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

4 Saturday Morning

5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Rick Steves’ Europe Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa Curious George Curious George Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Thomas & Friends Paint This With Jerry Yarnell Pati’s Mexican Table Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef Joanne Weir Gets Fresh


12:00 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Finding and cultivating “your happy place.”


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

Masterpiece: Wolf Hall Mark Rylance (pictured) as Thomas Cromwell, a brutal blacksmith’s son who deftly picks his way through a court where “man is wolf to man,” and Damian Lewis (Homeland) as King Henry VIII, obsessed with protecting the Tudor dynasty, star in this six-part adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s novels. Sundays, 9:00 p.m. beginning April 5 Repeats Tuesdays, 3:00 a.m. beginning April 7 12:30 Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen Oklahoma onion burgers and Louisiana meat pies. 1:00 America’s Test Kitchen Mahogany chicken and asparagus stir-fry. 1:30 Martha Bakes Southern style cooking. 2:00 Feast TV Making sheep’s milk cheese in Weston, Missouri, and the Springfield family that invented cashew chicken. 2:30 Simply Ming Ming and his parents cook favorite dishes. 3:00 The Mind of a Chef How an idea becomes a restaurant dish. 3:30 Arts America (9) 4:00 Woodsmith Shop Slat-wall storage system. 4:30 Rough Cut—Woodworking With Tommy Mac Making a patio food prep station. 5:00 This Old House Progress on the floors and in the kitchen. 5:30 Ask This Old House Wiring a basement. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Rick Steves’ Europe: Remote, Sacred, Wild In this special, Steves celebrates the great outdoors and religious sites, from a Dutch nature reserve to the Dead Sea.


7:00 Antiques Roadshow Andy Warhol lithographs; a pair of southern dolls. 8:00 Movie: Barabbas (1962) The biblical thief (Anthony Quinn) toils, turns gladiator and seeks salvation after being pardoned in place of Christ. (2 hrs, 14 min) 10:15 Movie: Black Narcissus (1946) Anglican nuns attempt to maintain a convent school and hospital in the Himalayas. Deborah Kerr stars. (1 hr, 39 min)

12:00 2:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: Meet John Doe (1941) (2 hrs, 1 min) Movie: The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) (1 hr, 57 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

5 Sunday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Dinosaur Train 9:30 Bob the Builder 10:00 Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 Donnybrook (9) 11:30 The McLaughlin Group


12:00 Nova: Alien Planets Revealed What the Kepler telescope reveals about the 3,500 planets it’s discovered. 1:00 A Celebration of Peace Through Music Multiple musical ensembles honor the 2014 canonizations of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII by Pope Francis. 3:00 Live From Lincoln Center: Billy Porter in Concert The Tony winner for Kinky Boots showcases his versatility with guest Cyndi Lauper. 4:00 Lark Rise to Candleford When the Lark Rise school loses its teacher, Emma discovers a talent she never knew she had.


7:00 Call the Midwife (2 of 8) Sister Julienne and a prospective benefactor knew each other many years ago. (p. 10) 8:00 Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (2 of 8) Harry attends a fateful auction, and Edwards’ new book instigates a crisis. (p. 10) 9:00 Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (1 of 6) The meteoric rise of Thomas Cromwell from blacksmith’s son to Henry VIII’s closest advisor. Tonight: Wolsey’s restoration to the king’s favor lies with Cromwell. 10:00 RX: The Quiet Revolution Filmmaker David Grubin, the son of a doctor, discovers health care professionals transforming the way we receive our medical care and lowering costs at the same time. 11:30 Mustang—Journey of Transformation Efforts to rescue one of the last sanctuaries of authentic Tibetan Buddhist culture.

Late Night

12:00 Front and Center: Paul Rodgers 1:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (1 of 3) (p. 8) 3:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (1 of 3) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

6 Monday


7:00 Night at the Symphony Resident conductor Steven Jarvi leads the orchestra and violin soloists Jessica Cheng, Angela Smart, Jooyeon Kong and Alison Harney in a performance of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. (9) 8:00 Antiques Roadshow Letters from a young Bill Clinton in 1968; Lalique hood ornament. 9:00 Antiques Roadshow An 1843 artillery sword and belt; sequined flapper dress; 1925 heirloom rings. 10:00 The Jewish Journey: America Trace Jewish immigration to the U.S. through the centuries with history and personal stories. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Call the Midwife (2 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (2 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (1 of 6) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

7 Tuesday Evening

7:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (2 of 3) Get a close-up look at surgery on a baby in the womb—the first time ever in a major TV broadcast. 8:00 The National Mall—America’s Front Yard The surprising and inspiring story of the Mall’s evolution. 9:00 Frontline 10:00 Globe Trekker Pacific journeys from Tonga to New Caledonia. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Night at the Symphony (9) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

8 Wednesday


Late Night

10:00 Front and Center: The Fray The group performs in an intimate concert from New York City’s McKittick Hotel. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes (1 of 3) 2:00 Nova: Emperor’s Ghost Army 3:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: Hitler’s Megaships 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions


5:00 Lark Rise to Candleford When Mrs. Mullins discovers that her daughter is pregnant, she assumes that Daniel is the father. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 A Chef’s Life Turnip greens.


10 Friday


7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week 8:00 An Evening of Nostalgia With Annie Lennox The Eurythmics star turns her talents to the American songbook, performing “Summertime,” “Georgia on My Mind” and other tunes from her new Nostalgia album. 9:00 The Jewel in the Crown (5 of 14) Lady Manners works to procure Hari’s freedom from jail. (p. 10)

7:00 Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes (1 of 3) Animals’ do-it-yourself dwellings. Tonight: bird nests, built with everything from sticks and wool to spider silk and plastic bags. 8:00 Nova: Emperor’s Ghost Army Explore the new discoveries surrounding China’s 8,000-strong terracotta warrior army of cavalry, infantry, horses, chariots, acrobats, musicians and more. 9:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: Hitler’s Megaships Hitler sees battleships as the ultimate status symbol, but the British will stop at nothing until his boats are sitting on the sea floor. 10:00 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose 12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (2 of 3) 2:00 The National Mall—America’s Front Yard 3:00 Frontline 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

9 Thursday Evening

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Doc Martin Martin’s mother returns to Portwenn with some interesting news. 9:00 Stay Tuned Join the conversation during this live discussion of issues that affect our region. (9)

Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes Animals, like humans, need a place they can call home. For this three-part series, ecologist Chris Morgan (pictured) serves as guide and animal real estate agent, evaluating and deconstructing animal homes, their material, location, neighborhood and aesthetics. Wednesday, April 8, 15 and 22, 7:00 p.m. Repeats Fridays, April 10, 17 and 24, 1:00 a.m.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015


April 9.1

10:00 The Jewel in the Crown (6 of 14) In Calcutta, Sarah comes face to face with the war and its pain. (p. 10) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Donnybrook (9) 1:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 2:00 Stay Tuned (9) 3:00 Globe Trekker 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

11 Saturday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Thomas & Friends 9:30 Paint This With Jerry Yarnell 10:00 Pati’s Mexican Table 10:30 Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless 11:00 Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef 11:30 Joanne Weir Gets Fresh


12:00 P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Building a solid foundation in your garden. 12:30 Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen Colorado chili; slow cooker baked ziti. 1:00 America’s Test Kitchen The Italian vegetarian.

1:30 Martha Bakes Chocolate baked Alaska. 2:00 Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Modern take on four Italian favorites. 2:30 Simply Ming More favorites prepared by Tsai and family. 3:00 The Mind of a Chef People and places in France that have impacted Nilsson. 3:30 Arts America (9) 4:00 Woodsmith Shop Heirloom demilune table. 4:30 Rough Cut—Woodworking With Tommy Mac Making a Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired rocking chair. 5:00 This Old House Using bluestone, porcelain tile and antique granite. 5:30 Ask This Old House Visit a bonsai nursery. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Painting the Town With Eric Dowdle Debut. Dowdle gets to know towns throughout North America before rendering them on canvas. Tonight: Plymouth.


7:00 Antiques Roadshow Letters from a young Bill Clinton in 1968; Lalique hood ornament. 8:00 The National Mall—America’s Front Yard The institutions that line the grand space known as the Mall in Washington, D.C. 9:00 Movie: That’s Entertainment! (1974) Unforgettable collection of sequences from MGM’s greatest musicals. Astaire, Crosby, Kelly, Minnelli, Sinatra and Rooney host. (2 hrs, 12 min) 11:15 Movie: Barabbas (1962) Anthony Quinn portrays the thief who was pardoned instead of Jesus. Arthur Kennedy, Katy Jurado. (2 hrs, 14 min)

2:30 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: One-Eyed Jacks (1961) (2 hrs, 22 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

12 Sunday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Dinosaur Train 9:30 Bob the Builder 10:00 Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 Donnybrook (9) 11:30 The McLaughlin Group


12:00 Nova: Emperor’s Ghost Army Recent revelations about China’s terracotta warriors. 1:00 Arts America (9) 1:30 Night at the Symphony Resident Conductor Steven Jarvi leads the orchestra in a performance of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. (9) 2:30 Feast TV In the kitchen with Gerard Craft at Niche. 3:00 Live From Lincoln Center: Norm Lewis: Who Am I? The stage and screen star in a show that crosses stylistic boundaries from opera to gospel. 4:00 Lark Rise to Candleford Fisher Bloom has returned, intent on winning Laura back. 5:00 Lark Rise to Candleford With the help and determination of her staff and friends, Dorcas tries to find a way to save the post office and their jobs. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 A Chef’s Life Recipes for chicken.


Painting the Town With Eric Dowdle As a tourist, artist Eric Dowdle searches out the true essence of a place before producing one of his signature folk-art paintings that reflect his experiences and the individuals he met along the way. Follow his travels in this new, 13-part series. Saturdays, 6:30 p.m. beginning April 11


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

7:00 Call the Midwife (3 of 8) A mother’s husband turns her life upside down and Nurse Crane tries to aid a malnourished woman. (p. 10) 8:00 Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (3 of 8) Agnes and Henri call it quits, and Harry and Nancy reach an understanding. (p. 10) 9:00 Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (2 of 6) Cromwell remains in London after Wolsey is forced to move to York. 10:00 Independent Lens: Little Hope Was Arson/A City in Flames See how the burning of 10 churches ignited the largest criminal investigation in East Texas history. 11:30 Games of the North: Playing for Survival Ancestral Inuit sports remain vital today for surviving in the unforgiving Arctic.

14 Tuesday

American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler For more than half a century, Jascha Heifetz was an artist for whom only perfection would do. Through interviews with other famous violinists and his former students, this documentary reveals Heifetz as a legendary but inscrutable figure whose story embodies the nature of artistic genius: the paradox of how a mortal man lives with immortal gifts. Friday, April 17, 8:00 p.m. Repeats Monday, April 20, 10:00 p.m. and Wednesday, April 22, 3:00 a.m.

Late Night

12:00 Front and Center: The Fray 1:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (2 of 3) (p. 8) 3:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (2 of 3) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

13 Monday


7:00 Living St. Louis (9) 7:30 British Antiques Roadshow 8:00 Antiques Roadshow Signed first edition of To Kill a Mockingbird. 9:00 Antiques Roadshow Walter Anderson linocut; 1899 Buffalo Bill poster; bronze sculpture of Russian Ballet dancers. 10:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: Hitler’s Megaships Hitler’s ultimate status symbol—bigger, more powerful and more heavily armored battleships. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Call the Midwife (3 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (3 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (2 of 6) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

7:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (Conclusion) Follow a couple seeking help for their unborn child, who has a lower urinary tract obstruction. 8:00 Escape From a Nazi Death Camp The escape of 300 Jewish prisoners from Sobibor, the remote Nazi death camp in east Poland. 9:00 Frontline 10:00 Globe Trekker A new season of adventures begins in Mumbai. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Antiques Roadshow 2:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: Hitler’s Megaships 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

15 Wednesday


7:00 Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes (2 of 3) Even for beavers, tortoises and woodrats, it’s all about location, location, location. 8:00 Nova: The Great Math Mystery Mathematician Mario Livio ponders whether mathematics is a human invention or the hidden language of the entire universe. 9:00 Kamikaze Along Japan’s coast experts uncover caves, bunkers and bases where planes, rockets and torpedoes guided by humans were built and launched. 10:00 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (Conclusion) 2:00 Escape From a Nazi Death Camp 3:00 Frontline 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

16 Thursday Evening

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Doc Martin Ruth and Margaret have a showdown. 9:00 Stay Tuned (9) 10:00 Front and Center: Richard Thompson The British songwriter showcases his iconic guitar work. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes (2 of 3) 2:00 Nova: The Great Math Mystery 3:00 Kamikaze 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions



17 Friday Evening

7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week 8:00 American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler Rare, vintage performance clips, and interviews with other famous violinists and former students, show why Heifetz is considered the first modern violin virtuoso. 9:00 The Jewel in the Crown (7 of 14) Sarah meets Jimmy Clark, who challenges many of the values by which she lives. (p. 10) 10:00 The Jewel in the Crown (8 of 14) Susan is becoming increasingly agitated by her new baby and Merrick, too, is close to madness. (p. 10) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Donnybrook (9) 1:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 2:00 Stay Tuned (9) 3:00 Globe Trekker 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

18 Saturday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Thomas & Friends 9:30 Paint This With Jerry Yarnell 10:00 Pati’s Mexican Table 10:30 Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless 11:00 Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef 11:30 Joanne Weir Gets Fresh

Afternoon 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00

P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Getting the most out of your soil. Lidia’s Kitchen London broil with sundried tomatoes. America’s Test Kitchen Spa cuisine gets a makeover. Martha Bakes Stewart’s four favorite cakes. Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Techniques for meat on the bone.

nineMagazine | March–April 2015



April 9.1

2:30 Simply Ming Cooking with miso. 3:00 The Mind of a Chef How traditions bond families and individuals. 3:30 Arts America (9) 4:00 Woodsmith Shop Dartboard cabinet. 4:30 Rough Cut—Woodworking With Tommy Mac A queen-sized pencil post bed. 5:00 This Old House Mudroom storage system. 5:30 Ask This Old House Lightning protection system. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Painting the Town With Eric Dowdle New Orleans.


7:00 Antiques Roadshow A signed first edition of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.

2:00 4:00 4:30

19 Sunday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Dinosaur Train 9:30 Bob the Builder 10:00 Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 Donnybrook (9) 11:30 The McLaughlin Group


12:00 Nova: The Great Math Mystery Was math invented by humans, or found? 1:00 Arts America (9) 1:30 Great Performances at the Met: Macbeth Anna Netrebko’s searing portrayal of Lady Macbeth, the mad and murderous mate of Zeljko Lucic’s doomed Macbeth. 5:00 Lark Rise to Candleford The once-wealthy Gabriel Cochrane arrives in Candleford looking for a new start. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 A Chef’s Life Appalachian wild leeks, known as ramps.


Gone With the Wind Film fans may disagree whether Gone With the Wind is the greatest movie ever, but there’s no arguing that since its release in 1939 it still thrills and remains the most successful movie in box office history. Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh (both pictured), Olivia de Havilland, Leslie Howard, Hattie McDaniel and Butterfly McQueen are among those who demonstrate their star power in this screen epic. Saturday, April 18, 8:00 p.m. Repeats Saturday, April 25, 9:45 p.m. 8:00 Movie: Gone With the Wind (1939) A fiery Southern belle (Vivien Leigh) struggles to return her family’s estate to its original magnificence after the Civil War. (3 hrs, 42 min) 11:45 Movie: That’s Entertainment! (1974) Screen legends Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby and more recall Hollywood’s golden age with clips from MGM musicals such as Singin’ in the Rain. (2 hrs, 12 min)


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

7:00 Call the Midwife (4 of 8) Sister Winifred’s eyes are opened to Poplar’s seedy underworld when she cares for an expectant prostitute. (p. 10) 8:00 Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (4 of 8) Locksley makes a surprise move and Princess Marie, too, makes a move. (p. 10) 9:00 Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (3 of 6) Cromwell’s enemies keep a close watch on him after Henry’s marriage to Anne. 10:00 Independent Lens: The Homestretch Follow three ambitious Chicago teens who fight to stay in school and graduate. (p. 10) 11:00 Soundstage: Blues Summit in Chicago Blues legends Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, Koko Taylor, Junior Wells, Pinetop Perkins and others in a July 1974 concert.

20 Monday

Late Night

Movie: Penny Serenade (1941) (1 hr, 57 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

7:00 Living St. Louis (9) 7:30 British Antiques Roadshow 8:00 Antiques Roadshow A Margaret Keane “Big Eye” painting; an Italian hotel proprietor’s autograph book signed by Steinbeck, Tolstoy and Twain. 9:00 Antiques Roadshow A 1943 signed National League baseball; 1811 silk-on-silk embroidery. 10:00 American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler The violin virtuoso as seen by Itzhak Perlman, students and archival performances. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Call the Midwife (4 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (4 of 8) (p. 10) Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (3 of 6) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

21 Tuesday


Late Night

7:00 Inside the Court of Henry VIII Venture behind the glamorous facade of Henry’s court to understand why courtiers lost their heads. 8:00 American Experience: My Lai Examine the My Lai massacre, its cover-up and efforts of soldiers who broke rank to halt atrocities. (p. 4) 9:00 Frontline 10:00 Globe Trekker In Poland, the church where John Paul II served as a young priest, and the Pomeranian coast. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose 12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Antiques Roadshow 2:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:00 American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

22 Wednesday

Late Night

12:00 Front and Center: Richard Thompson 1:00 Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (Conclusion) (p. 8) 3:00 Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit (Conclusion) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions



7:00 Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes (Conclusion) Creatures live in groups for protection or predation, while others, like the leaf cutter ants in Costa Rica, build acrewide cities to aid multigenerational care. 8:00 Nova: Hubble’s 25th Anniversary The remarkable story of the telescope that forever changed our understanding of the cosmos and our place in it.

Waltz, tango, cha cha, mambo, foxtrot, quickstep, rumba, jive and cabaret. Join Mary Murphy and Tony Meredith in this three-part series to find out which two couples advance to the grand finale and then which one is named “America’s Best Ballroom Couple.” Fridays, 8:00 p.m. beginning April 24 9:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: The Siegfried Line Five times the length of Hadrian’s Wall, Hitler’s Siefgried Line was one of the greatest fortifications in the history of warfare. 10:00 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Inside the Court of Henry VIII 2:00 American Experience: My Lai (p. 4) 3:00 Frontline 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

23 Thursday


7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Doc Martin Louisa has shocking news for Martin; Al has a business proposition for Ruth. 9:00 Stay Tuned (9) 10:00 Front and Center: Richie Sambora Founding member of Bon Jovi pays tribute to his idol Les Paul. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes (Conclusion) 2:00 Nova: Hubble’s 25th Anniversary 3:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: The Siegfried Line 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

24 Friday


7:00 Washington Week 7:30 Charlie Rose—The Week

8:00 America’s Ballroom Challenge (1 of 3) Participants compete across dance styles, striving to be named America’s best. Tonight: American Smooth and American Rhythm divisions. 9:00 The Jewel in the Crown (9 of 14) Susan’s baby is rescued from a ring of fire and Barbie makes an appalling discovery. (p. 10) 10:00 The Jewel in the Crown (10 of 14) Guy Perron, working in intelligence with Merrick, meets Sarah in 1945 Bombay. (p. 10) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Donnybrook (9) 1:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 2:00 Stay Tuned (9) 3:00 Globe Trekker 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

25 Saturday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Thomas & Friends 9:30 The Grand View Landscape painting with Stefan Baumann. 10:00 Pati’s Mexican Table 10:30 Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless 11:00 Hubert Keller: Secrets of a Chef 11:30 Joanne Weir Gets Fresh

Afternoon 12:00 12:30

P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Garden herbs to use in drinks. Lidia’s Kitchen Pork medallions with grapes.


America’s Ballroom Challenge

1:00 America’s Test Kitchen Gluten-free pizza and cookies. 1:30 Martha Bakes A nutritious breakfast cookie. 2:00 Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Cheese. 2:30 Simply Ming Why Kobe beef is so special. 3:00 The Mind of a Chef How the restaurant sources locally. 3:30 Arts America (9) 4:00 Woodsmith Shop Silverware tray; elegant bandsawn vase. 4:30 Rough Cut—Woodworking With Tommy Mac A classic Windsor chair. 5:00 This Old House Garage radiators and doors. 5:30 Ask This Old House Landscape lighting. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Painting the Town With Eric Dowdle Portland, Oregon.



7:00 Antiques Roadshow Italian hotel proprietor’s autograph book; a Keane “Big Eye” painting. 8:00 Movie: Black Narcissus (1946) Nuns trying to establish a convent in the Himalayas are hampered by the location and mental demons. Deborah Kerr, Flora Robson, Jean Simmons. (1 hr, 39 min) 9:45 Movie: Gone With the Wind (1939) Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland star in the original movie blockbuster as Southerners whose personal civil wars nearly eclipse the real one. (3 hrs, 42 min)

1:30 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Movie: Drums in the Deep South (1951) (1 hr, 26 min) Movie: The Yellow Rose of Texas (1944) (57 min) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

26 Sunday Morning

5:00 Rick Steves’ Europe 5:30 Smart Travels—Europe With Rudy Maxa 6:00 Curious George 6:30 Curious George 7:00 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 7:30 Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 8:00 Sesame Street 8:30 Dinosaur Train 9:00 Dinosaur Train 9:30 Bob the Builder 10:00 Religion & Ethics Newsweekly 10:30 Science Matters (9) (p. 12) 11:00 Donnybrook (9) 11:30 The McLaughlin Group


12:00 Nova: Hubble’s 25th Anniversary The venerable telescope that remains on the cutting edge of science.

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April 9.1

1:00 Great Performances at the Met: Carmen Richard Eyre’s mesmerizing production of Bizet’s steamy melodrama with Anita Rachvelishvili in the title role. 5:00 Lark Rise to Candleford When Daniel’s newspaper launches a poetry competition, some folks believe the outcome is rigged in Laura’s favor. 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 A Chef’s Life Egg varieties; the perfect deviled egg.


7:00 Call the Midwife (5 of 8) A Christian Science couple refuses medicine for their newborn. (p. 10) 8:00 Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (5 of 8) Gordon’s debut as store deputy skirts scandal, and Doris wrestles with a dilemma. (p. 10) 9:00 Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (4 of 6) Cromwell takes action when Anne gives birth to a girl, not Henry’s longed-for male heir. 10:00 Independent Lens: The Great Invisible Explore the stories behind the disastrous Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 11:30 Katmai: Alaska’s Wild Peninsula Visit a wilderness of volcanoes, vast tundra and the greatest concentration of brown bears on Earth.

Late Night

12:00 Front and Center: Richie Sambora 1:00 RX: The Quiet Revolution 2:30 Mustang—Journey of Transformation 3:00 Soundstage: Blues Summit in Chicago 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

27 Monday


7:00 Antiques Roadshow A Lambert magician automaton, circa 1900, still in working condition; a Ray Bradbury archive collected by his high school English teacher. 8:00 The Day the ’60s Died The turbulent spring 45 years ago when four students were shot dead at Kent State. (p. 4) 9:00 Dick Cavett’s Vietnam Examine the Vietnam War and its impact through interviews conducted on The Dick Cavett Show. (p. 4) 10:00 Nazi Mega Weapons: The Siegfried Line The men who built—and attacked—one of the greatest fortifications in the history of warfare. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

Late Night


March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 Call the Midwife (5 of 8) (p. 10) 2:00 Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge (5 of 8) (p. 10) 3:00 Masterpiece: Wolf Hall (4 of 6) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

Nova: Dawn of Humanity In an almost inaccessible chamber deep in a South African cave, scientists discovered an astounding wealth of ancient fossils that fill a crucial gap in the record of human ancestors. The site required a specially recruited team of experts slender enough to squeeze through the maze of passages. Nova joins the investigation in this two-hour special. Wednesday, April 29, 8:00 p.m. Repeats Friday, May 1, 2:00 a.m.

28 Tuesday Evening

7:00 The Draft Hear from those who fought and supported the draft—a controversial issue with continuing effects. (p. 4) 8:00 American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam Oscar-nominated documentary about the unlikely heroes who attempted to save as many South Vietnamese as possible at the Vietnam War’s end. (p. 4) 10:00 Globe Trekker The dangers of Vietnam’s railway, and Hanoi, Hue, the DMZ and Ho Chi Minh City. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Antiques Roadshow The Day the ’60s Died (p. 4) Dick Cavett’s Vietnam (p. 4) Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

29 Wednesday


7:00 Nature: Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La The story of a family of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys, a recently discovered species of hauntingly beautiful, elfin primates that are gentler than others of their kind. 8:00 Nova: Dawn of Humanity Join experts deep in a South African cave as they excavate a wealth of fossils that could fill the gap in the record of human origins.

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Science Matters (9) (p. 12) Science Matters (9) (p. 12) BBC World News Charlie Rose

Late Night

12:30 Tavis Smiley 1:00 The Draft (p. 4) 2:00 American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam (p. 4) 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

30 Thursday


7:00 Donnybrook (9) 7:30 Donnybrook…Your Turn (9) 8:00 Martin Clunes: Heavy Horsepower The Doc Martin star sends his own Clydesdales, Ronnie and Bruce, to a trainer and travels to Europe and America to learn more about working horses. 9:00 Stay Tuned (9) 10:00 Front and Center A new season begins. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose

12:30 1:00 2:00 4:00 4:30

Late Night

Tavis Smiley Nature: Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La Nova: Dawn of Humanity Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions









WEd 1

Nova: Alien Planets Revealed

Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies

thu 2


Donnybrook… Your Turn

Doc Martin

Stay Tuned

Front and Center: Paul Rodgers

Washington Week

Charlie Rose— The Week

Angels Sing, Libera in America

The Jewel in the Crown

The Jewel in the Crown

fri 3

Science Matters

Cancer... a Conversation


sat 4

Antiques Roadshow

Movie: Barabbas

sun 5

Call the Midwife

Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge

Masterpiece: Wolf Hall

RX: The Quiet Revolution

Night at the Symphony

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

The Jewish Journey: America

Twice Born—Stories From the Special

The National Mall—America’s Front Yard


Globe Trekker

wed 8

Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes

Nova: Emperor’s Ghost Army

Nazi Mega Weapons: Hitler’s Megaships

Science Matters

thu 9


Donnybrook… Your Turn

Doc Martin

Stay Tuned

Front and Center: The Fray

fri 10

Washington Week

Charlie Rose— The Week

An Evening of Nostalgia With Annie Lennox

The Jewel in the Crown

The Jewel in the Crown

sat 11

Antiques Roadshow

The National Mall—America’s Front Yard

Movie: That’s Entertainment!

sun 12

Call the Midwife

Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge

Masterpiece: Wolf Hall

Independent Lens: Little Hope Was Arson/A City in Flames

mon 13

Living St. Louis

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

Nazi Mega Weapons: Hitler’s Megaships

Twice Born—Stories From the Special

Escape From a Nazi Death Camp


Globe Trekker

wed 15

Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes

Nova: The Great Math Mystery


Science Matters

thu 16


Donnybrook… Your Turn

Doc Martin

Stay Tuned

Front and Center: Richard Thompson

Washington Week

Charlie Rose— The Week

American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler

The Jewel in the Crown

The Jewel in the Crown

mon 6

tue 7 Delivery Unit

British Antiques Roadshow

tue 14 Delivery Unit

fri 17

(10:15) Movie: Black Narcissus

Science Matters

Science Matters

sat 18

Antiques Roadshow

Movie: Gone With the Wind

sun 19

Call the Midwife

Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge

Masterpiece: Wolf Hall

Independent Lens: The Homestretch

mon 20

Living St. Louis

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler

Inside the Court of Henry VIII

American Experience: My Lai


Globe Trekker

wed 22

Nature: Nature’s Guide to Animal Homes

Nova: Hubble’s 25th Anniversary

Nazi Mega Weapons: The Siegfried Line

Science Matters

thu 23


Donnybrook… Your Turn

Doc Martin

Stay Tuned

Front and Center: Richie Sambora

Washington Week

Charlie Rose— The Week

America’s Ballroom Challenge

The Jewel in the Crown

The Jewel in the Crown

tue 21

fri 24

British Antiques Roadshow

Science Matters

sat 25

Antiques Roadshow

Movie: Black Narcissus

sun 26

Call the Midwife

Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge

Masterpiece: Wolf Hall

Independent Lens: The Great Invisible

Antiques Roadshow

The Day the ’60s Died

Dick Cavett’s Vietnam

Nazi Mega Weapons: The Siegfried Line

The Draft

American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam

Globe Trekker

wed 29

Nature: Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La

Nova: Dawn of Humanity

Science Matters

thu 30


Martin Clunes: Heavy Horsepower

mon 27 tue 28


Donnybrook… Your Turn




Prime Time April

(9:45) Movie: Gone With the Wind


Stay Tuned


Science Matters

Front and Center




nineMagazine | March–April 2015


Repeat Schedule Program title in bold Original broadcast listed first • Repeat broadcast in italic

Draft 4/28, 7:00 pm • 4/30, 1:00 am

American Experience: Last Days in Vietnam 4/28, 8:00 pm • 4/30, 2:00 am

Escape From a Nazi Death Camp 4/14, 8:00 pm • 4/16, 2:00 am

American Experience: My Lai 4/21, 8:00 pm • 4/23, 2:00 am American Masters: Jascha Heifetz: God’s Fiddler 4/17, 8:00 pm • 4/20, 10:00 pm, 4/22, 3:00 am America’s Test Kitchen Tuesdays, 1:00 pm (preempted 3/3, 10) • Saturdays, 1:00 pm (preempted 3/7, 14) Antiques Roadshow Mondays, 8:00 pm (3/30, 4/27, 7:00 pm)(preempted 3/2, 9) • Wednesdays, 1:00 am (preempted 3/4, 11); Saturdays, 7:00 pm (preempted 3/7, 14, 21) Mondays, 9:00 pm (preempted 3/2, 9, 30, 4/27) • Wednesdays, 2:00 am (preempted 3/4, 11, 4/1, 29) Arts America Saturdays, 3:30 pm (preempted 3/7, 14) • S undays, 1:00 pm (preempted 3/1, 8, 15, 4/5, 26)

Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II 3/17, 8:00 pm • 3 /19, 1:00 am; 3/23, 10:00 pm; 3/25, 3:00 am Feast TV 3/7, 2:00 pm • 3/9, 1:00 pm 4/4, 2:00 pm • 4/6, 1:00 pm; 4/12, 2:30 pm Front and Center Thursdays, 10:00 pm (begins 3/19) • Sundays, midnight (begins 3/22) Frontline Tuesdays, 9:00 pm (preempted 3/3, 10, 17, 31, 4/28) • T hursdays, 3:00 am (preempted 3/5, 12, 4/2, 30) Globe Trekker Tuesdays, 10:00 pm (preempted 3/3, 10) • S aturdays, 3:00 am (preempted 3/7, 14) Gone With the Wind 4/18, 8:00 pm • 4/25, 9:45 pm

Barabbas 4/4, 8:00 pm • 4/11, 11:15 pm

Great British Baking Show 3/1, 6:30 pm • 3/6, 11:00 pm

Black Narcissus 4/4, 10:15 pm • 4/25, 8:00 pm

Inside the Court of Henry VIII 4/21, 7:00 pm • 4/23, 1:00 am

Call the Midwife Sundays, 7:00 pm (begins 3/29) • Tuesdays, 1:00 am (begins 3/31)

James Baker—The Man Who Made Washington Work 3/24, 7:30 pm • 3/26, 1:30 am

Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies 3/30, 31, 4/1, 8:00 pm • 4/1–3, 2:00 am; 4/6, 13, 20, 1:00 am Charlie Rose Monday–Friday, 11:30 pm (3/2–6, 9–13, 1:30 am) • T uesday–Friday, Monday, 1:30 pm (preempted 3/2–6, 9–13) City of Music 3/16, 17, 7:00 pm • 3 /25, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm; 3/27, 2:00 am, 3:00 am Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen Thursdays, 1:00 pm (preempted 3/5, 12) (ends 4/9) • S aturdays, 12:30 pm (preempted 3/7, 14) (ends 4/11)

Julie & Julia 3/28, 8:00 pm • 3/28, 10:00 pm Kamikaze 4/15, 9:00 pm • 4/17, 3:00 am Lidia’s Kitchen Thursdays, 1:00 pm (begins 4/16) • Saturdays, 12:30 pm (begins 4/18) Martha Bakes Fridays, 1:00 pm (preempted 3/6, 13) • S aturdays, 1:30 pm (begins 1/24) (preempted 3/7, 14) Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey 3/1, 8:00 pm • 3/6, 9:00 pm

Day the ’60s Died 4/27, 8:00 pm • 4/29, 2:00 am

Masterpiece Classic: Mr. Selfridge Sundays, 8:00 pm (begins 3/29) • Tuesdays, 2:00 am (begins 3/31)

Dick Cavett’s Vietnam 4/27, 9:00 pm • 4/29, 3:00 am

Masterpiece: Wolf Hall Sundays, 9:00 pm (begins 4/5) • Tuesdays, 3:00 am (begins 4/7)

Donnybrook Thursdays, 7:00 pm • S aturdays, 1:00 am (preempted 3/7, 14); Sundays, 11:00 am (preempted 3/1, 8, 15)

Mexico—One Plate at a Time With Rick Bayless Wednesday, 1:00 pm (begins 3/18) • Saturdays, 10:30 am (begins 3/21)

Donnybrook...Your Turn Thursdays, 7:30 pm (preempted 3/5, 12) • Saturdays, 1:30 am (preempted 3/7, 14)


Music of Northern Ireland With Eamonn McCrystal 3/16, 10:00 pm • 3/18, 3:00 am Mustang—Journy of Transformation 4/5, 11:30 pm • 4/27, 2:30 am National Mall—America’s Front Yard 4/7, 8:00 pm • 4/9, 2:00 am; 4/11, 8:00 pm Nature Wednesdays, 7:00 pm (preempted 3/4, 11, 4/1); 3/18, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm • Fridays, 1:00 am (preempted 3/6, 13, 4/3); 3/20, 2:00 am, 3:00 am Nazi Mega Weapons 4/8, 22, 9:00 pm • 4/10, 24, 3:00 am; 4/13, 27, 10:00 pm; 4/15, 3:00 am Night at the Symphony 4/6, 7:00 pm • 4/8, 3:00 am; 4/12, 1:30 pm Nova Wednesdays, 8:00 pm (4/1, 7:00 pm) (preempted 3/4, 11, 18, 25) • Fridays, 2:00 am (4/3, 1:00 am) (preempted 3/6, 13, 20, 27); Sundays, noon (preempted 3/1, 8, 15) Politician’s Husband 3/22, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm • 3/24, 1:00 am, 2:00 am, 3:00 am Rick Steves’ Dynamic Europe: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin 3/17, 9:00 pm • 3/19, 2:00 am; 3/30, 10:00 pm RX: The Quiet Revolution 4/5, 10:00 pm • 4/27, 1:00 am Science Matters Wednesdays, 10:00 pm (preempted 3/4, 11) • Sundays, 10:30 am (preempted 3/1, 8, 14); Wednesdays, 10:30 pm (preempted 3/4, 11, 4/1) Simply Ming Mondays, 1:00 pm (preempted 3/2, 9, 4/6) • Saturdays, 2:30 pm (preempted 3/7, 14) Soundstage: Blues Summit in Chicago 4/19, 11:00 pm • 4/27, 3:00 am Stay Tuned Thursdays, 9:00 pm (preempted 3/5, 12) • Saturdays, 2:00 am (preempted 3/7, 14) That’s Entertainment! 4/11, 9:00 pm • 4/18, 11:45 pm Twice Born—Stories From the Special Delivery Unit 3/31, 4/7, 14, 7:00 pm • 4/2, 9, 16, 1:00 am; 4/6, 13, 20, 3:00 am

Corporate Underwriters We gratefully acknow­ledge the fol­low­ing underwriters and en­courage you to sup­port these com­panies that support public television. For information about underwrit­ ing, please call our underwriting office at (314) 512-9165. Art on the Square General support

Kodner Gallery Antiques Roadshow

Bunge North America BBC World News

The Little Gym of South County and St. Charles Children’s programming

Callier’s Catering General support Central Trust and Investment Co. General support Ces and Judy’s Catering General support Chaumette Vineyards General support Citi Clifford the Big Red Dog The Curtain Exchange Masterpiece Delta Dental Living St. Louis Donnybrook Washington Week Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company Sid the Science Kid Flotron & McIntosh Strategic Governmental Consultants News and public affairs programming The Fox Theatre General support The Gatesworth Donnybrook PBS NewsHour Antiques Roadshow Gourmet FoodWorks and First Impressions Catering at the Bevo Mill General support Grand Center, Inc. General support The Jewish Federation The Story of the Jews With Simon Schama Karr Bick Kitchen & Bath Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey

LoRusso’s Catering General support The Magic House Children’s programming McCarthy Sesame Street Mercy Kids The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! Midwest Valet Parking General support Missouri Baptist Medical Center General support Missouri History Museum General support Monsanto General support Nidec Motor Corporation General support Paducah Convention and Visitors Bureau Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Pasta House Company General support PNC Bank Performing arts Primary Network General support Saint Louis Art Museum General support Saint Louis Science Center General support

South County Urological Inc. Saturday night movies Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey St. Louis Altenheim General support Saint Louis Art Fair General support St. Louis Business Journal Women’s Conference General support St. Louis Cardinals General support St. Louis Classical Guitar Society General support St. Louis Community College Living St. Louis Special: Teen Talent Showcase St. Louis Mercantile Library Chouteau’s Journal: In His Own Words General support St. Louis Regional Chamber PBS NewsHour St. Louis Speakers Series General support St. Louis Symphony General support TEDxGateway General support Urban Eats Cafe General support Wildflowers, LLC General support With Love Catering General support Worn Vintage Rental General support

The Sheldon Concert Hall General support Smith Moore Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey

Mr. Selfridge: A Celebration 3/24, 7:00 pm • 3/26, 1:00 am; 3/29, 3:30 pm

March–April 2015 | nineMagazine

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Explore life along the rivers of the new frontier through the masterworks of Missouri’s most famous artist. On view through May 17 Tickets are available at the Art Museum, through MetroTix or by phone at 314.534.1111. Free on Fridays. George Caleb Bingham, American, 1811–1879; Watching the Cargo, 1849; oil on canvas; 26 x 36 inches; On loan from the State Historical Society of Missouri Columbia Research Center and Gallery, Columbia, Missouri The exhibition has been organized by the Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas, and the Saint Louis Art Museum. It is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities and in part by generous grants from the Henry Luce Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. The St. Louis presentation is generously supported by the William T. Kemper Foundation—Commerce Bank Trustee. Financial assistance has been provided by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.


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