Ninja magazine #17

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intro spective

photo Jessica Tremp


We thought we would change the world but it is the world that has changed us


ninja magazine by Pierre Cialdella


1 lightness

Alan Aubry

Warum Soldaten

Jessica Tremp

Casting Fellini

of being

Katja Sonnewend

Paola Pitagora & Lou Castel in the film “i pugni in tastca”

Lili Zoe


my life is...

Enter in Matter

I love Sneakers

Blunt part 2

Sabine Weiss

Picture from the movie Salvatore Giuliano directed by Francesco Rossi




little art in the prairie


4obscurs clairs


Sophie O. Kiefer

Martina Maffini

Michel Guèranger

Paul Cassidy

Igor Melnikov

Christto Sanz

Iván Navarro

Amateur photo sent to Federico Fellini

Cataldo Cialdella 1955

from Russia with love

Anna Magnani in Roma, città aperta directed by Roberto Rossellini

Iván Sanjuán

6 fashion is not style

Frederick Marques

Stefan Giftthaler

Correction Générale 2 by SLOAN LEBLANC


intro spective issue

Robert Cormier

Willa Cather

There are only 2 or 3 stories in the lives of human beings that are repeated as cruelly as if they never happened, and (...) there are 2 kinds of people : those chasing pleasure and those running from pain (and from all kinds of everything)

Nobody gets to escape their pain it is there when you brush your teeth at night and it is there before breakfast it comes up fierce and sharp and lay in your blood The most you can hope for is one good day because on a good day you get to tell yourself “I can fix this, today can be different�

Milan & Rome

Get in the ring 10 th Anniversary

Il 18 maggio a Milano, all’ATA HOTEL EXECUTIVE, un giorno intero di seminari gratuiti, workshop e corsi a pagamento sulle novità più importanti a livello di grafica, sviluppo, tendenze, modalità di lavoro, software e hardware il tutto powered by creativity.

18 maggio Milano 12 ottobre roma FOTOGRAFIA / 3D / GRAFICA / WEB /MARKETING / TENDENZE / VIDEO


A video projection of this issue of Ninja magazine will be presented at the upcoming Creativity Day in Milan / Italy On the occasion of the tenth birthday of this Digital Media Congress on May 18h Pierre Cialdella founder of the Ninja will hold a conference on visual trends

Picture from the movie Salvatore Giuliano directed by Francesco Rossi

1 lightness

of being

Alan Aubry

Jessica Tremp

Lili Zoe

Katja Sonnewend

Jessica Tremp the architect

I am building a fort like when I was seven with the pillows and the chairs my aunties cats hairs and a safety blanket with its holes where the light came through I’ve got the string I’ve got cookies and milk I’ve got scarves of silk

but this one extends to the beach and lets the seagulls nest on my belly

this one runs down to the woods and nuzzles with the deer this one won’t be interrupted by ‘dinner’s ready’ or ‘turn off the telly’ this one is ‘no trespassing’ for both our safety you won’t even see it or me within it’s my new safe shell in my own little hell

Lili Zoe

Alan Aubry During the years preceding the end of Apartheid, some Afrikaner’s politicians and activists were interested in creating a white province, a fallback in a system they knew doomed to disappear. This idea of a white province was rejected by the ruling and opposition parties negotiators while finding an end to Apartheid However, a small part of the Afrikaner ideologists had already bought an almost deserted and derelected settlement from the Department of Water, so they could create a private town for the white descendants of the “Great Trek pioneers”. An enclave with the intention of allowing the Afrikaner’s community to live separately and in an independent way towards the other populations sharing the same territory. Today, this town called Orania has 700 inhabitants and would extend over some 8000 hectares of mainly agricultural land. Numerous inhabitants came for ideological reasons, some for work or safety.

Some Afrikaners are convinced of it, in this countryside has begun to resurrect South Africa, their South Africa.

Dave Prinsloo Bly in Orania vanaf 1999

Joelene Jacobs Bly in Orania vanaf 2010

JozĂŠ Du Plessy Bly in Orania vanaf 2009

Lottie Erasmus Bly in Orania vanaf 2009

Ben & Charles Nie toegelaat om te vestig in Orania

Katja Sonnewend

Paola Pitagora & Lou Castel in the film “i pugni in tastca”


my life is...

Warum Soldaten

Casting Fellini

Enter in Matter

I love Sneakers

Blunt part 2

Robert Klebenow

warum soldaten

Amateurs Photos sent to

Federico Fellini - unknown italian women hoping to get a part in one of his films -

Errol I started collecting sneakers about three years ago. In search of more knowledge I turned to internet forums, full of details, stories, descriptions and ethusiastic collector’s vibe.

Being a photographer, one day I found myself struck with an idea to start to document some of the collectors and a selection of their shoes. This was around 7 months ago. I’ve always been interested in original people who are driven to be or have something different. People who have the ultimate need to stand out of the crowd rather than blend in. I wanted to go right across the board, mix in the top-shelf collectors with a domestic passionates. People with a genuine interest in sneakers, but with no intention to make it a main subject of their life.

It was very important to show the ‘normalness’ of the collectors. Rather than arranging “fashion” shots, I chose to achieve it by shooting in the house or flat, where more often than not what is in the background becomes just as important as the subject. Although primarily my project is about sneaker collectors at the end of the day it is also a bit of a glimpse into real life.





Nicolas Merault

Ninja is proud to offer you the 2nd episode of BLUNT (A new episode in each issue of the magazine)

Sabine Weiss


from Russia with love


The Moscow Photo Biennale March 10th to June 27th 2010



Восьмой Международный Месяц Фотографии в Москве Huitième Mois International de la Photographie à Moscou

Moscow 8th International Photography Month 2010 • “Manege” state exhibition hall • Moscow Museum of Modern Art • State Museum of Contemporary Art / Russian Arts Academy • Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery

• State Museum of Architecture

• Cultural Foundation "Ekaterina" • Proekt Fabrika ...

Portfolio organized by the alphabetical order of the photographer’s name

Pierre Boulat Les cadets de West Point - Beast Barracks – U.S.A. – 1957. La leçon de danse

This 1st and largest international Russian photo festival will be devided in 3 themes: “Vive la France!” “Retrospective” “Perspectives”. 2010 is the Year of Russia / France, so Moscow will organize some large-scale retrospective of photographers and agencies such as Magnum, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martine Franck, Elliott Erwitt, Sarah Moon (who will present a video about one of the most «photographic book publishers» Robert Delpira, etc… This year, the Moscow Biennale takes a look into the archives of the largest International Photo Festival "Les Rencontres Photographiques d'Arles", whose work has lasted for forty years, identifying the most interesting and significant personalities in the world of photography. The exhibition "Moscow / Paris" at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art will present the work of French and Russian photographers who have received the support of the Municipality of Moscow and the Municipality of Paris for the past 14 years. One of the most anticipated project of the Biennale is a retrospective of the German photographers Bernd and Hilla Becher (collection Kunst Palace, Dusseldorf), who have largely determined the modern photographic vision. Commissioned by the French Ministry of Culture, the CNAP (National Center for Plastic Arts) will show "Mosaic", on the theme of youth. The Photomuseum of Sundsvall will show "Ten Photographers", a project dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the existence of this Swedish group. The "Time is within us" will unite the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art and Fotomuzeem Thessaloniki, for an exhibition from Russian, Greek and Turkish photographers. The "Moscow House of Photography" has prepared a retrospective called «Reminiscences», with artists such as Valeria Schekoldina, Alexandra Borodulina, Andrew Bezukladnikova and Juozas Budraitis. «Manege» will show a unique retrospective of Paolo Roversi. And "Factory" will focus on French photographers from Chateau Saut d'Eau, who became famous thanks to the Internet portal flickr. The festival will present projects from Russian authors-photographers Ivan Mikhailov, Natasha Pavlov, Margot Ovcharenko, Natasha Zhdanova, as well as a video program with the participation of Tatyana Ahmetgalievoy, Julia Lebedeva, Aline Gutkin, Gleb Kosorukova.

Andrew Bezukladnikov Artiste et poète Gor Chahal, Moscou 1990

Andrew Bezukladnikov




Dispensaire antituberculeux rĂŠgional, Perm 1985 Vieille Ville. Perm 1985 Pipeline. Osa, rĂŠgion de Perm 1984

Alexander Borodulin <


Rue Gorki. Moscou, 1969 Yom Kippour - Guerre. IsraĂŤl, 1973

Pierre Boulat




Noce Berichone, France - Un couple à l’écart de la noce, 1945 Les Cadets de West Point - Beast Barracks U.S.A, 1957 Les Egyptiens découvrent le Pepsi Cola - Le Caire Egypte, 1946

Chateau d’Eau Olivier Metzger Nightwatcher, 2008

Chateau d’Eau Olivier Metzger Secondary road, 2009


MDF School < Lana Abramov “Hospice” 2009 Ilina Tatiana Les Cadets de West Point - Beast Barracks U.S.A, 1957

Ivan Mikhailov Space For Loneliness, 2009

Ivan Mikhailov Space For Loneliness, 2009

Margo Ovcharenko Escape, 2009

Sabine Weiss Les amoureux des bancs publics, Paris, 1982


Valery Schekoldin Moscou, 1976


Oulianovsk, 1974


Ten photographers, Sweden < Pül-Nils Nilsson Piazza del Popolo, Rome, 1950 Tore Johnson Paris. 1948–1958


Arkady Shaikhet < Parade in Red Square. Hurrah!!! 1924 International Youth Day. Girls-athletes in Red Square. 1924


Arkady Shaikhet Kolomenskoye village. Breastfeeding mother at ploughed field. 1927 < Bathing of homeless child at Pokrovski children reception centre. 1927

Vladimir Mishukov Paris 2004

Vincent Debanne Last summer 2008

Paris - Moscow Photography 10 years of trade residences between the City of Paris and the House of Photography in Moscow.

Capital of the world, Paris draws its cultural vitality and creativity in trade and cultural diversity. This openness is reflected by an active policy of welcoming artists or cultural events. In this spirit, an ambitious program of residencies

crossed with other capitals has grown over the past ten years. The privileged relationship established with Olga Sviblova, director of the House of Photography in Moscow, and the complicity of Culturesfrance, help French photographers, often fascinated by Russia, to live and work in Moscow for several weeks. In return, the new eyes of young Russian photographers have made at the discretion of their stay, a new light on Paris and France.

The opportunity is now given, as part of the France - Russia Year and the cultural protocol that links Paris and Moscow, to show the rich images born from these exchanges. After the Museum of Modern Art in Moscow, the exhibition will be held at the CitĂŠ Internationale des Arts in the heart of Paris.


top Dmitry Zverev Paris 2009 Thibaut Cuisset Moscou 2007

Igor Moukhin Paris 1999

Photographie de la nouvelle Russie 1990-2010

Boris Kudryanov - Miroir de la guerre, Grozny, 1996

Exposition présentée dans le cadre de l’Année France-Russie 2010, et organisée par le Centre Multimedia des Arts Actuels de Moscou.

De la photographie russe, l’on connaît essentiellement les prodigieux travaux avant-gardistes menés par Alexander Rodtchenko, El Lissitzky, Gustav Kloutsis et la revue Lef, sous la forme de photomontages à la gloire du bolchévisme, et de photographies relevant de la Nouvelle Vision, plongées, contre-plongées, plans rapprochés, obliques, fragmentations, etc. Mais aussi, hélas, les produits formatés du réalisme socialiste, lorsque Staline prit le pouvoir et liquida toutes les avant-gardes au profit d’un art et d’une photographie dont la seule fonction était de louer le régime et le Petit Père des Peuples. Pendant des décennies, ce fut le silence, l’oppression, la chape de plomb, même si l’on peut imaginer que certains eurent le courage, au risque de leur vie, de résister. Ce n’est qu’avec la « Perestroïka », à la fin des années quatre-vingt, qu’apparut enfin au grand jour un art non-officiel, émanant de la culture underground. L’individu l’emporta peu à peu sur le collectif, tandis que tout était à réinventer : nouvelles formes, nouvelles thématiques, nouveaux modes d’expositions, dans les journaux, les galeries, les Biennales, à l’étranger enfin. Il devenait urgent de se défaire des vieux oripeaux idéologiques, d’affronter le vrai visage de la Russie, loin des mirages du communisme dur, loin des discours officiels formatés, et d’en rendre compte par l’image. Le documentaire – parce qu’il se veut une lecture fidèle de la réalité – fut incontestablement l’une des formes visuelles privilégiées, ainsi que la Street photography, qui rendait compte, dans une sorte de vivante immédiateté, du flux énergique des villes. Citons Alexander Abasa, Yevgeny Kondatov, Yuri Kozyrev, Vladimir Mishukov, Georgy Pervov, Valeri Schchekoldin, Vladimir Siomin, Aleksander Sliusarev, Vladimir Viatkin, Mikhail Yevstafiev, et peutêtre surtout Igor Mukhin, qui se montre particulièrement attentif à la dialectique complexe entre les vestiges d’un communisme défunt et l’émergence agressive d’un capitalisme libéral très offensif, de même qu’aux paysages urbains, aux gens, aux visages et aux plus jeunes... Tous s’attachent à décrire et à analyser un pays en proie à des mutations souvent contradictoires. Mais si la forme documentaire est très puissante dans la photographie russe contemporaine, elle n’exclut pas ce que l’on a pu appeler la « photographie plasticienne », une photographie qui revendique son appartenance à l’histoire de l’art et refuse les cloisonnements académiques. Ainsi en va-t-il de ces artistes qui utilisent le medium photographique bien plus qu’ils ne se disent photographes, tels que Serguei Bratkov, Olga Chernijshova, le groupe Fenso, Vladimir Kuprianov, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monro, Ilia Piganov, Arsen Savadov, et surtout Oleg Kulik ainsi que le groupe AES+F. (...) Le corps, banni par le stalinisme comme toujours susceptible de verser dans la pornographie, fait retour dans l’image. Il le fait aussi sous la forme plus « glamour » de la photographie de mode, qui se déploie depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix autour de Vladimir Fridkes, Vladimir Glynin, Mikhail Koroliov, Yevfrosina Lavrukhina, Vlad Loktev, etc. Si l’exhaustivité ne saurait être le propos de cette exposition présentée par la MEP, il n’en demeure pas moins que se donnent ici à voir la polyphonie et l’extraordinaire vitalité de la photographie russe contemporaine.

Olga Sviblova, Commissaire de l’exposition

Igor Moukhine - Promus de l始茅cole, 1999

Georgy Pervov - Totalrealism, 2002

Sergey Tchilikov - Russian Regions, 1994

Anna Magnani in Roma, cittĂ aperta directed by Roberto Rossellini

4obscurs clairs


Ivรกn Sanjuรกn


Sophie O. Kiefer

Martina Maffini


Porque extravagante es deambular por senderos, que a veces no conducen a parte conocida - esperada alguna

, Sandra-Vanessa Liegeois

With views

A marine landscape is like a window with a view. The pictures from the collection With views are also paintings in which one can see and feel the human intervention in its omnipresence on the European seashore. From the couple washed ashore to the ligthouse we discerne far away, all these traces reveal our actions on the coasts and on the environment. In an eclectic way, I make the inventory of what seems to be the identity of a time, a time when the presence of men is everywhere touchable. From the simple landscape to the portrait of a place, I try to intertwine scenes and postures. I want to express the close link uniting mankind and the environment, as an heritage. There is a strange feeling coming from so many connections between places so different. Everyone can recognize a familiar place. But, in this case, are we in Brittany or in Galicia, in Corsica or in Sweden, close to the sea or facing the ocean ? Maybe we are, for a moment, only facing ourselves.

, , Ivan Sanjuan


Sophie O. Kiefer

Alan Aubry Down memory lane

After a serial work on objects or urban areas, I faced the South Africa of my childhood, using photography to

expose a part of my own history. My father worked on numerous constructions sites abroad, in particular in Cape Town from 1979 to 1985, building a nuclear power station. I arrived there at the age of five, left at the age of eleven and only came back at the age of 32.

Martina Maffini

David Schenker

Cataldo Cialdella 1955

little art in the prairie


Michel Guèranger

Igor Melnikov

IvĂĄn Navarro

Ninja magazine presents

call for entries


The Mois de la Photo-OFF, the fringe festival organised in parallel to the official Mois de la Photo, has opened its call for entries.

Les inscriptions pour les candidatures du Mois de la Photo-OFF sont maintenant ouvertes. Tenu en parallèle du Mois de la Photo officiel, avec pour but d’offrir une sélection alternative, le ‘Off’ est plus jeune, plus dynamique, plus accessible et moins conventionnelle.

The goal of the festival, held in Paris every two years during the whole month of November, is to offer a dynamic selection of emerging photographers exhibited in young galleries and unexpected spaces such as a train station... The call for entries is open to galleries, cultural centers, studios and any other spaces that are susceptible to exhibit photography. Individual photographers may also submitt a dossier as long as they already have a space in which to show their work.

L’appel est ouvert aux galeries, aux lieux culturels, aux librairies, aux lieux insolites et tout autre espace capable d’exposer un travail photographique et ceci sans thème particulier. Inscription en 31 mai 2010.



Dead-line: may 31st 2010, online.


Julie Chovin

my little ponies

21 x 29,7 cm, color pencil on paper, 2009

, Michel Gueranger



L ambit,ion de ce festival est de , faire decouvrir ou de redecouvrir la photographie documentaire.

Organisé par l’association CéTàVOIR, en partenariat avec la Ville de Sète, et destiné à un large public, des amateurs aux professionnels, il se déroulera du 13 au 30 mai 2010 à Sète, sous la direction artistique de Gilles Favier de l’Agence Vu. Chaque année, CéTàVOIR invite un photographe de renom pour réaliser une carte blanche sur la ville de Sète. Ce travail est ensuite exposé dans le cadre de la programmation du festival. Après Anders Petersen et Bertrand Meunier, c’est au tour de Juliana Beasley, jeune photographe new-yorkaise de donner à voir son regard sur l’île singulière. Une quinzaine d’expositions dans une dizaine de lieux avec une programmation inédite : Pendant plus de deux semaines, la photographie investit les musées, les galeries et lieux insolites. Trois soirées de projections sur grand écran lanceront le festival du 13 au 16 mai dans les chais Skalli. Ces projections ont pour but de découvrir de jeunes photographes du monde entier, et de redécouvrir l’œuvre de grands noms de la photographie documentaire. Signatures de livres, conférences et rencontres seront également au rendez-vous. L’accès à l’ensemble du festival est gratuit.

Juliana BEASLEY “Sète #10”

Juliana BEASLEY “Sète #10”



Jacob HOLDT “American Pictures”



Jacob HOLDT “American Pictures”

Dominique DELPOUX “Les Boxeurs”

Yohanne LAMOULÈRE “Bord à Canal”

Visual souvenirs from 2010

Art Paris


Ivรกn Navarro Die Igor Melnikov School




Jarmo M채kil채



J茅r么me Zonder

Arsen Savadov



Franรงoise Petrovitch


Xiao Fan Mao 2008 <


Choi Xooang The girl

Cell63 artgallery, Berlin present

Camilla Falsini and Giovanna Pistone

Invitro is a medieval monk’s laboratory where

potions are made of animals kept under glass jars. The exhibition is a mix of paintings and sculptures of these animals, and the presentation texts looks like a biology book.

Amateur photo sent to Federico Fellini

6 fashion is

not style

Paul Cassidy

Christto Sanz

Frederick Marques

Stefan Giftthaler &

Paul Cassidy,

with Cristina Duran

Christto Sanz Siempre mi mirada ha sido capturada por las cosas que están fuera de su lugar, en caos, como en caos perfecto; desorden perfecto que solo ocurre una vez. Lo irreverente que despierta conciencias, la sorpresa y lo irracional que se parece tanto a los sueños o a la vida misma. La belleza que podemos encontrar en el monstruo dormido, en la pared rayada de historias urbanas,Pero más que todo en la belleza de la cicatriz, indestructible como la huella imborrable de la fotografía que emana en

el interior del sujeto. Ese interior que es evidente en su retrato, interior que es fracturado, mutilado y construido por su entorno. Cuando digo sujeto, muchas de las veces me refiero a mi mismo, a mi autorretrato, entiendo al sujeto como una maza repartida o esparcida pero que al final son un

todo.Mi trabajo explora los traumas o situaciones de la psiquis, los momentosde crisis e ideas que se hacen parte del proceso creativo del artista. Me interesan los mundos íntimos y los transcursos de la identidad añorada.

Stefan Giftthaler

Riccardo Bernardi




optical caftan MILLY pants P.A.R.O.S.H under wear CALVIN KLEIN scarf WUNDERKIND necklace WUNDERKIND


Pierre Cialdella, age 10 - Grenoble

It’s when you work out who you really are that you start to live

It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop curator / art director magazine layout publication director pierre cialdella



info@ninja - © 2010 Pierre Cialdella & Artists * All rights reserved worldwide

* Happy 45th Wedding Anniversary *

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