United Religions Initiative Corporate Identity Guidlines

Page 1

Table of Contents 1 !"#$%&'(")(!"*&"*+'%(,-%#'.'/ 2 0"1"(+#-(2"*-3+*4 4 5/&"1*+&6/ 5 7.1#+'8*%(3.989% 6 !"*&"*+'%(9'+'."#%*/ 9 !"*&"*+'%(:+$4+1.#1(0+;%<.#1 17 !"*&"*+'%(0.'%*+'8*% 21 ,<<89'*+'."#9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................


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Logo and wordmark 56%( 8#.'%-( >%<.1."#9( .-%#'.'/( &*"1*+3( 2+9( <+8#$6%-( .#( B&*.<( GHIIE2.'6( '6%( .#'*"-8$'."#( ")( +( #%2( =>,( <"1"A( 56%(9.1#+'8*%($"3;.#%9(1%"3%'*.$(96+&%9E("*1+#.@%-( 9/33%'*.$+<</( .#( "*-%*( '"( &*%9%#'( %.16'( *%1."#9( 26%*%( 63* IBWF JUT SFQSFTFOUBUJWF PGmDFT BOE FBDI DPMPS IBWF 9/3;"<.$(3%+#.#1A((56%(9.1#+'8*%()"*39('6%()"8#-+'."#( 8&"#( 26.$6( '6%( %#'.*%( J*+&6.$( ,-%#'.'/( &*"1*+3( .9( ;8.<'A( ( ,'( $+&'8*%9( '6%( =>,C9( .3&"*'+#'( 6.9'"*/( +9( 2%<<( +9( "8*( ;"<-( ?.9."#( )"*( '6%( )8'8*%A( 56%( .-%#'.'/( &*"1*+3( JT EFTJHOFE UP CF n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mHVSBUJPOT 0OF PG UIPTF BQQSPWFE mMFT TIPVME CF +<2+/9( 89%-( 26%#( *%&*"-8$.#1( '6%( <"1"A( ( 56%( <"1"( .9( QSFGFSSFE JEFOUJmFS GPS UIF CBDL PG BMM CSPDIVSFT

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ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica Neue Ultra Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica Neue Light


ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica Bold Typography is one of the most important design elements. It is used to differentiate sections of information as headlines, text or captions. From the hunderds of type fonts available, Helvetica was selected for use in URI visual communications to ensure consistency and effectivness throughout all its communication materials. When Helvetica is not available, default first to other vesions of Helvetica.


Never change the color of the signature.

Never distort the signature.

Never outline the signature.

do not use drop shadow


Signature misuse "OZ NJTVTF PG UIF TJHOBUVSF BSUXPSL EJNJOJTIFT JUT JOUFHSJUZ BOE UIBU PG UIF 63* CSBOE BT B XIPMF 5IF FYIJCJUT GFBUVSFE 6%*%(*%&*%9%#'(9"3%($"33"#(3.989%9('6+'(389'(;%(+?".-%-(26%#%?%*(-%9.1#.#1(2.'6('6%(9.1#+'8*%A(K%?%*("8'<.#%('6%( 9.1#+'8*%A(>%3%3;%*('6+'('6%(9.1#+'8*%(389'(#%?%*E(8#-%*(+#/($.*$839'+#$%9E(;%(+<'%*%-("*(*%$*%+'%-(.#(+#/(2+/A


Corporate stationery In order to project a consistent image and to further enhance the value of URI!s brand, stationery guidelines were developed in accordance with URI!s brand, which has been outlined in other sections of these guidelines. United religions Initiative has GHYHORSHG JXLGHOLQHV IRU VWDWLRQHU\ WKDW DOORZ JUHDWHU テ?[LELOW\ DQG FXVWRPL]DWLRQ WKDQ HYHU EHIRUH ZKLOH VWLOO HQVXULQJ GHVLJQ consistency. Proper use of logos, colors and typography will enhance the information you are communicating and allow you to present a professional appearance.

The following color and layout options are available for letterhead. Letterhead should only be printed from approved templates. IA](.#A GA](.#A


Envelopes should only be printed from approved template. When working with this template the positions of the elements should not be moved. Type size is 8 pt. Logo must be at least one inch away from the upper and left edge.

The following color option is available for business cards. Business cards should only be printed from approved template. When working with these template the positions of the elements should not be moved excepted as noted below. Back side of the buisness card is pattern made of logos.


Corporate Packaging Labeling Packaging is the only application where the logo may be used in a repeating pattern. Artwork is supplied electronically in various formats. The logos are on their own as core components and also prearranged in a patch which can be further ganged up to the required size and in the preferred pattern. Applications will include sheet material using both SDSHU DQG SODVWLF VXEVWUDWHV VR SURSHU FDUH VKRXOG EH WDNHQ WR REVHUYH DQ\ VSHFLÀF SULQWLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV EHIRUH ÀQDOLVLQJ WKH GHVLJQ 'LIIHUHQW FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG PDQXIDFWXULQJ PHWKRGV PDNH LW QHFHVVDU\ WR JLYH EDVLF SULQFLSOHV which should be carefully applied in each case.

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Standard book dimensions are 11x17 in. Book title type face is Helvetica, sizes 8, 12, 14, 20, 22, 48, 72, 100 All colors are available on the page 3, as well as color codes. The same color scheme is used throughout the whole book layout. Logo is used in patterns on labels and the cover pages of the book. Created pattern is standardised and should not be changed in any way. Grid system used for this corporate identity guidelines book is made out of three rows. Pagination is used on every page with exception on the chapter pages, which have their own page numbers. Each page number is placed in a ractangle, 1.5 in. away from the margin. Typeface used for pagination is Helvetica, color black, type size 8pt. All imagery (photos and illustrations) included in this book are used in order to provide a better insight into the design and corporate identity of the United Religion Initiative and should not be used in any other purposes. Paper used for this book is size 11x17 in. Book Binding - Standard Staples


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