Research Paper_Digital Twins - A Complementary Approach towards Design for Disassembly

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04 CONTENTS 21IntroductionAbstractBackgroundTerminologies2.1CircularEconomy2.2DesignforDeconstruction (DFD) 2.2.1 Benefits of DFD 2.2.2 Challenges in the present scenario for DFD to overcome Reusability Recyclability DE - Constructability 2.3 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 2.3.1 Benefits of LCA 2.3.2 Limitations of LCA 2.4 Material Passport (MP) 3 Cataloging the required Information for a 3.1MaterialPhysical Properties 3.2 Chemical Properties 3.3 Biological Properties 3.4 Location & Identification of Material within a Building 3.5 Unique Identification of Materials 3.6 Material Manufacturing 3.7 Material Management & Transportation 3.8 Material Health 09 10 - 11 12 - 19 20 - 35 21 - 23 23 - 2524 25 - 29 25 - 26 26 - 27 27 - 29 30 - 3233 32 - 33 33 - 34 36 - 383745 38 - 3939 39 - 40 40 - 41 41 - 42 42 - 43

05 3.9 Status during Operation 3.10 Potential for Reversibility & Deconstructivity 3.11 Potential for Reusbility or Reversibility 4 Transitioning towards Digitization 4.1 BIM & Mateial Information Management 4.2 Limitations of BIM 4.3 Industrial Revolutions 4.3.1 Industry 4.0 4.4 Digital Twins 4.4.1 Background 5 Digitizing the Material Passport 5.1 Potentials for Digitization 5.2 BIM and Digital Twins 5.2.1 Understanding the purpose of both 5.2.2 Integration of Information 5.2.3 Exchange of Information XML or JSON 5.2.4 The need for JSON based IFC Tranmitting BIM data to JSON Methodologies for IFC specification JSON encoding 5.2.5 JSON and JSON schema JSON - BIM Object JSON schema - BIM Object 43 - 44 44 - 4545 46 - 55 47 - 48 48 - 49 49 - 51 50 - 51 52 - 55 53 - 55 56 - 5781 57 - 61 58 - 5959 60 - 61 60 - 61 62 - 63 62 - 6363 63 - 87 65 - 66 67 - 70

06 JSON - Material Passport JSON schema - Material Passport ReferencesListConclusionofFigures 73 - 75 76 - 8887 90 - 92 94 - 99


The ever-growing needs for resource consumption are being countermanded with strategies such as Circular Economy, towards which the world progressing swiftly. Around 40% of resource con sumption is done by the construction industry (Layke et al., 2016). The same industry is respon sible for significant amounts of resources in the waste stream which is apparently 30% (excluding the mining waste) in Sweden (Kanters, 2018). To achieve resource efficiency, reduction in structure’s environmental impacts, material composition infor mation, and material flows are required which can be addressed by Design for Disassembly (DFD) and Material Passport (MP). Meanwhile, the mar ket is currently experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution which is all about digitization and dig italization. The building and construction industry, which has grown significantly over time, is one of the least digitized in the world, and its capacity to adapt to new technology will be essential in the fu ture years. (Bademosi and Issa, 2018). The sec tor has been cautious to embrace new developing technology, which renders it vulnerable to change (Lau et al., 2019). The concept that is garnering traction currently known as the Digital Twins (also known as surrogate models) can supplement both DFD and MP by documenting the past, present, and predicted behaviors of the physical assets into play (Kenett and Bortman, 2021).


Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Although the world is advancing toward implementing strategies, models & prac tices that thrive on realising closed-loop cycles by comprehending the long-term worth of the material flow (Baker-Brown, 2017), evidence indicates that the building industry’s current models are linear and unsustainable (Frosch and Gallopoulos, 1989), named as “Cradle to Grave” mod el (a term coined by William McDonough)/ Circular Economy. The industry, being the major resource consumer and waste producer, needs to be more resource ef ficient. Accessibility, functionality, and at tractiveness are what determine the value of a substance, which needs maintenance. Additionally, it is the reason why Design for Disassembly (DFD) and Material Passport (MP) are becoming more popular as strat egies for minimising a building’s environ mental impact, with added benefits includ ing reduced pollutants, carbon emissions, and embodied energy (Akinade et al., 2017). The world is also experiencing the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in the mean time and when it comes to embracing digi tization and digitalization, the construction industry is moving quite slowly. Despite estimates from the McKinsey Global In stitute from 2017 that though this sector produces around 13% of global GDP, it has seen only a 1% increase in its year ly productivity over the previous 20 years (Young et al., 2021). Having a “Digital Twin”, a physical object’s digital represen tation – by offering a chance for adoption and scaling MP and DFD at a higher level by compiling all stages of the product life cycle which is used to design, produce, use, and dispose of in an optimum manner can become industry’s backbone (Walden et al., 2021). The research examines how the DFD ap proach, which heavily relies on material passports might be further improved us ing the digital twins. Since the virtual twins have the capacity to monitor behavior and processes of materials and components by going down to the individual/ element level, it appears promising as at a global scale it can help attain a circular economy.


KEYWORDSMaterial Passport, Design for Disas sembly (DFD), Fourth Industrial Revolution, Digital Twin, Circular Economy

Historically, resources have been reused or upcycled to construct new buildings contrary to today where materials, either end up in landfills or are downcycled. This decrease in reusability and recyclability has been happening for the past 70 years. (Hobbs and Adams, 2017) This is mostly caused by the growing complexity of prod ucts and materials, particularly in the way several materials are joined together. The successful transition towards the interdis ciplinary concept of the circular economy would require all participants i.e., the cli ent, pertinent stakeholders, and account able parties to participate and be a part of the construction value chain. In the event that there are any alterations to the struc ture or any of its components, such as a change in ownership or refurbishment, pertinent information must be transferred and updated. (Heinrich and Lang, 2019). Although not all of the data may be useful to all actors at all times, it may be relevant for upcoming evaluations. The drawback with this information transmission is rare ly shared after the commissioning of the building. Additionally, standardization of data is needed so that it may be applied over the course of a building’s life. The as sessments made using this data may also be useful for Life Cycle Assessment, Cer tification, Material Flow Analysis (MFA), reversible design protocols, innovations, energy simulations and assessments, etc. It should be noted that in order to increase productivity and reduce the likelihood of errors and numerous data inputs for the same material, linking the information is required rather than having a single data base (Heinrich and Lang, 2019). Information technology is essential for ac quiring, storing, and determining dynam ic information over extended periods of time. In the past ten years, new phrases like “Big Data”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “In ternet of Things”, “Machine Learning” and “Cloud computing”, to name a few have been brought to the fore by the digital age, becoming catchphrases that have immense potential but only remain noticed for a relatively short time. The newest ad dition to this fleet is “Digital Twin”. The in creased reliance on the digital infrastruc ture of our towns, cities, and communities has brought a lot of attention to this phrase that was first used about 20 years ago

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11 (Batty, 2018). The ability to store the past and present functioning of the physical objects and use the captured information to identify possible behaviors and perform simulations, make digital twins very prom ising in creating the road map for the up coming “Digital Circular Economy.”


FIGURE 01Egyptian pyramids (Image Courtsey - Google Images)

FIGURE 02Ziggurat UR in Iraq build in the Mesopotamian era (Image Courtsey - Google Images)

As mentioned earlier, historically, strate gies for reuse were not uncommon. There have been numerous examples to sup port the above. The simplest and the most relevant till date is the tent that carefully considers using the resources allowing for disassembling, relocation, replacement, and maintenance of components. Pre-historic times witnessed civilizations build marvelous structures with limited construction materials and experience. Egyptian civilization saw pyramids which were assembled by assorting huge blocks of stone. Mesopotamian civilization saw structures such as palaces, temples, and ziggurats built by using mud bricks that were small er, lighter, and convenient to handle and joining them by the technique of drywall construction.

The ancient period saw material reuse in the built environment to some extent but mostly in a destructive manner. Buildings that were old and dilapidated were seen as sources of building materials though not being designed for disassembly. Mi chaelangelo uses stones from Colosse um’s façade in Farnese Palace’s court yard, the construction of which started in 1517, in renaissance Rome supports the above statement. Not only did the con quering barbarians in ancient Rome reuse the stone from the demolished buildings but also actually reprocessed it such as

Another example is the Quwwat al Islam mosque built in 1192 in the Qutub Minar Complex in Delhi which reused the pillars from razing 27 Jain and Hindu temples to build a mosque that were plastered with geometric shapes. Building with timber and not stone was the start of the design for disassembly. The scarcity of timber suitable for building in the Middle Ages saw regular reuse of


FIGURE 04BELOWABOVE (Image Courtsey - Google Images) - Colosseum, Rome - Farnese Palace courtyard - Ouwwat ul Islam Mosque in Qutub Minar complex in Delhi, India - Pillars from Hindu temples reused in the Mosque using kilns for lime extraction (mortar for newer constructions) from marble.

FIGURE 03BELOWABOVE (Image Courtsey - Google Images)

Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

Over time along with timber, metal build ings being lightweight and easy to handle, became common with the development of corrugated sheets and hot dip galva nizing (Crowther, 1999). When it comes to scale, an interesting example of disas sembly was the Crystal Palace built by Jo seph Paxton in 1851 to house “The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations”. The structural grid was moulded around the largest piece of glass available large members in Europe by the use of large timber pegs connecting the beams and allowing for disassembly of buildings once their intended use of them was over. Similarly, Japan, in their vernacular archi tecture used connections that could be al tered in the future with the primary frame catering to the structure while the sec ondary catering to the space allowing for the secondary frame that can be quickly modified to meet the shifting needs of the inhabitants with no wastage of the building


Thematerials.19thcentury saw the technique of dis assembly reach its peak in Great Britain which made it possible to build in places where labour and materials were often scarce. This could be noted by an adver tisement in 1837 in the Australian newspa per which outlined the advantages of the homes made by John Manning of London that could be detached to pieces at the beck and call of the user and could be ready for habitation in a few hours (Her bert, 1978). The cottages came in stan dard designs with interchangeable wall panels that were held together with the frame using bolts and could, using a span ner be easily assembled or disassembled.

FIGURE 05John Manning Houses (Image Courtsey - Google Images)

FIGURE 06ABOVECrystal Palace by Joseph Paxton between 1851 - 54 BELOWCrystal Palace remains at (Imagepresent Courtsey - Google Images)

Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly at that time. Cast iron columns intertwined with the iron trusses and timber were posi tioned on this grid. After the exhibition, the open construction approach enabled for the design to be disassembled, moved, and expanded to a new location (Peters, 1996).


Nissen Hut and Buckminster Fuller’s Dy maxion Deployment units are some ex amples of temporary and portable build ings designed in times of war. While four people could construct Nissen Hut, a barrel-vaulted structure out of corrugated sheet steel and wood in four hours, Fuller’s single steel cylinder required six people and a day to assemble.

FIGURE 08RIGHTLEFT (Image Courtsey - Google Images)

A major paradigm shift happened in the1960s amongst the new generation of Japanese architects that made them re think their purpose and what they could provide to the people who lost everything due to technology (Fukushima nucle ar disaster) and nature (earthquake and tsunami) and hence was marked as the beginning of the Japanese Metabolism movement. The primary understanding

The term was fading away in the east butit was gaining traction in the west known as “Urban Metabolism” with the ground-breaking article “Metabolism of Cities”, brought out by the Scientific Amer ican describing it as “… all the materials

FIGURE 07BELOWABOVE (Image Courtsey - Google Images) - Nissen Hut - Dymaxion Deplyment Units by B. Fuller was that cities and buildings are everchanging entities and not static with a “Me tabolism” like an organism. The movement did bring many innovative ideas for build ings that could be disassembled with the most notable being the “Plug-in City” by Archigram, but like many, these remained limited to the drawing board. 1970 Interna tional Expo did witness some of the princi ples actually be executed successfully on a full scale in Takara Pavilion and Capsule House. It was however the last collective effort by the Metabolist architects. - Takara Pavilion built in 1970 - The Plug-in City concept by Archigram


Digital18 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly and commodities needed to sustain the city’s inhabitants at home, at work, and at play” (Wolman, 1965). Cities being more complex could be considered as ecosys tems containing people, animals, and veg etation. Resembling self-sufficient ecosys tems in nature that consume dead organic materials and save mass by recycling them known as “Detritivore”, is the prima ry objective (Kennedy et al., 2011). The first metabolic research on actual cities took place in the 1970s. Since the nature of the issue was interdisciplinary, chemical engineers, ecologists, and civil engineers, respectively (Kennedy et al., 2011), ex amined the first three cities: Tokyo (Hanya and Ambe, 1975), Brussels (Duvigneaud and Denayeyer-De Smet, 1977), and Hong Kong (Newcombe et al., 1978). The Brus sels metabolism study included a natural energy balance as an input along with an thropogenic energy sources.

FIGURE 09In the early 1970s, In Brussels, Belgium applied scientist, ecologists, and structural engineers calculated quantitative through puts, as seen in the diagram. (Duvigneaud and Denayeyer-De Smet, 1977)


Urban Metabolism was the beginning of understanding cities and the introduction to new terminologies (which the following chapter discusses) coming up in order to reach a future that left a less anthropogen ic footprint.

TERMINOLOGIES Urban Metabolism that is applicable to achieving sustainability at a city or region al level when narrowed down to construc tion is referred to as Circular Economy. The drawback of the current architecture is that to make way for newer buildings are typically taken down after a decade or so, though being built to sustain around 70 and 100 years (Durmisevic and Yeang, 2009), resulting in the incorporation of a substantial proportion of fully serviceable components and materials that end up either being downcycled or thrown in the landfills. The “Cradle to Grave” Model/ Linear Economy is the name given to this system of Extraction, Production, Usage, and Dumping (Frosch and Gallopoulos, 1989). Businesses by using the circular economy business model can create a closed-loop material stream by knowing about the long-term benefits of the natural “life-cycle” of material and allowing them to develop design practices and strate gies (Baker-Brown, 2017). In their book of the same name, written by William Mc Donough and Michael Braungart in 2002, the authors refer to the method as “Cradle to Cradle.” With major businesses like Vol vo, Renault, Volkswagen Group, Microsoft, Apple, and many other electronic and au tomotive industries are already working together to make this happen and realize a circular economy. Raw material suppli ers and chemical producers, who offer the essential components for the manufactur ing industries, are gradually increasing their participation in the circular economy concept, supporting European Chemical Industry Council’s statement, “The 21st century will be an era in which products will never go to waste and technologies will harvest carbon from air” (Walden et al., There2021).are numerous obstacles to Circular Economy’s adoption despite the promise that it offers such as –Presence of complex rules and ad ministrative costs. Shortage of human resources, par ticularly in the Small-Scale Enter prises/ SMEs Lack of consistency in information Inconsistent application of the law by the relevant authorities


Circular2.1 Economy



Lack of transparency in the data ex change that determines whether a product is suitable for reuse, recy cling, upcycling, etc. A smooth transition towards a circular economy would require information about the product’s life cycle, its composition, and consumption (accomplished via Mate rial Passports and Life Cycle Assessment) which digitization may help with. “With the current advances, digital technology has the power to support the transition to a circular economy by radically increasing virtualization, de–materialization, transpar ency, and feedback–driven intelligence” (MacArthur, 2017). At EOL (End of Life) when material and component recovery is concerned, adoption of solutions like De sign for Deconstruction (DFD) would be crucial at the design stage itself. 10Illustration of the flow of materials in a Circular economy model. The Urban Village Project by ( urbanvillage)

Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

Design2.2 for Deconstruction (DFD)

Figure 12The Herman Miller Mirra (Lee and Bony, 2008)



FIGURE 11Illustration of the flow of materials in a Linear economy model. The Urban Village Project by ( urbanvillage) Though historically this practice was com mon as mentioned earlier, the term has re surfaced as the world is thriving toward a Circular demolition are already linear industries in terms of waste pro duction, and design for disassembly has gained prominence as a result of increased interest in circular economies as a way to lessen the environmental effect of build ings. While the world was still coming out of the second industrial revolution in 1969, design for assembly and design for man ufacture principles were widely applied. The 1970s witnessed Geoff Boothroyd’s research at the University of Massachu setts advance the DFD methodology. DFD is a comprehensive and systematic method of product design that seeks to make it as simple as possible to disas semble any product into all of its compo nent elements (Merrild et al., 2016). By employing this technique, the process’s numerous material components stay in a closed material cycle, enabling their re use, reassembly, and recycling/upcycling.

Digital24 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly Following are the strategies that DfD considers –

Preserving the materials for as long as possible in a closed loop termed as Cradle-to-Cradle concept, a concept that is similar to the one found in nature where “waste for one becomes feed for another”, will benefit the ecosystem (McDonough and Braungart, 2010). It not only lowers the cost of raw materials and increases their useful life but also lowers the carbon emissions and embodied energy of the building industry by evaluating some of the many environmental advantages (Chong and Hermreck, 2010). Due to the fact that DFD requires a lot of labour without the use of large machinery, it presents a significant prospect for job growth. Additional ly, because more people would be aware of how to construct with re cycled materials, it may serve as an educational tool. This would reduce the cost of building materials and have positive social and economic effects (EPA, 2008). DFD also provides financial advan Despite the numerous benefits of the strat egy, there are some challenges in terms of reusability, reversibility, and demonstra bility that it faces in the present scenario, some of which might be overcome at the moment and some over time.


tages in the form of a brand-new market for recycled materials. The producing sectors would also serve as a roadmap for tapping into this new Mouldings,market.doors, mantels, and oth er historic components from some of the structures slated for deacti vation could be saved and used to accentuate other structures (EPA, 2008).


Benefits of DFD Challenges2.2.2 faced and possible methods to Reusability2.2.2.1overcome

The following table describes the challeng Recyclability2.2.2.2


Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

The following table describes the challeng

FIGURE 13Challenges faced by DFD and ways to overcome in terms of reusability

es that DFD faces in terms of recyclability.

es that DFD faces in terms of reusability.

The following table lists the challenges that DFD faces in terms of de-constructability.


Challenges faced by DFD and ways to overcome in terms of recyclability


Digital28 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

29 CHAPTER 02 TERMINOLOGIES FIGURE 15Challenges faced by DFD and ways to overcome in terms of de-constructability

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Life2.3 Cycle Assessment (LCA)




DFD has emphasized the need to assess the Life Cycle of an entity/ component for it to be disassembled or reused. The reason for the negative impact of the products on the environment is the pro duction and not their use within a struc ture. Due to this precise reason, life cycle assessments of products began to be conducted in the 1980s and 1990s, giving rise to the phrase “life cycle assessment” (LCA) (Guinee et al., 2011), a technique that assesses and comprehends the so cial, environmental, and economic effects that arise at every stage of a material’s useful life, from raw material extraction to production, usage, maintenance, and any upgrades, to final recycling or disposal of the item (Guine et al., 2002). 16 To retain the value of biological resources as long as feasible, they are converted into new goods before eventually returning to the source (forest) as nutrients (Cradle to Cradle Model)


Four interrelated studies are conducted in order to understand LCA: Goal & Scope, Inventory analysis, Assessing the Impacts and Interpreting the obtained results.

The product’s purpose is acknowl edged in the “Goal and Scope” stage, which also states why the study is being done. It assigns a time and place to the information. It also establishes the parameters of the system, i.e., the time period for which the study is being undertak en. Examples include the extraction of raw materials, their use and dis posal, their potential for a second life, etc. Additionally, it describes the type of data needed for additional analysis while also recognizing the fact that the study had its limits.

All quantification of resource or en ergy use, waste production, etc. that can be related to a material’s life cycle is done at the “Inventory Analysis” stage. Finding potential effects on the en vironment or public health from system input data is part of the “As sessing the Impacts” stage. If any environmental or health effects

FIGURE 17Illustration of the modification of the traditional practice, where materials are seen as nutrients through recycling, regrowth and reuse (Wheaton, 2017)

FIGURE 18The four basic interdependent stages of Life Cycle Assess ment 2.3.1 Benefits of LCA Limtations2.3.2 of LCA Helps in understanding the pro cesses involved with a product from extraction to delivery. Offers the chance to optimize a specific system engaged in the life cycle of material along the value Itchain.ensures that fixing one problem in It cannot consider changes that oc cur over time because it is data in Involvingtensive. trade-offs disables any firm recommendations for it to offer in order to minimize the effects. If there are no numerical models the cycle does not lead to new ones in the Informsother.about the trade-offs that can have an impact on the balance of one cycle when implementation happens in another. For example, a technology introduced to reduce carbon emissions might require ex tra water in order to do its function. It is possible to compare items of the same type to determine which is best in a given circumstance and to establish standards. Helps to demonstrate how if one stage of the life cycle is improved, the entire cycle can be enhanced.

Digital32 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly were discovered in the previous stage, the “Interpretation of Results” can be thought of as a summary of the preceding three stages togeth er with suggestions and techniques for limiting the use of material.

Passport (MP)



To evaluate the life cycle of an entity/ com ponent (in this case materials), Material Passports come into the picture. Product, Circularity, or Material passports are active devices that keep traces of a product’s, material’s, or system’s activities from manufacturing, acquiring, and usage to upkeep for their potential for recovery and make that information easily acces sible to the necessary parties throughout their value chain (Luscuere, 2017). The EU Horizon 2020 project Buildings as Ma terial Banks (BAMB) describes Material Passports as educational and information tools identifying the qualities of products, materials, and systems and giving them value for immediate use, reuse, and recov ery (Heinrich and Lang, 2019). They pro available, it fails. Ignores the smaller components such as catalysts, pigments, and additives because production data is not easily accessible. vide data for assessment and certification that may be recorded into the passport rather than assessing the data (Mulhall et al., 2017). Its contents can be general, like details about a material’s qualities, or specialized, like details about how a ma terial is fastened in a structure. They also present a potential for innovation because many parties are involved in the process of creating material passports. The following are just a few of the many advantages that creating a physical pass port offersOver–time, the value of the materi als, goods, and systems is improved upon or maintained. It gives businesses and suppliers in centives to switch to a circular econ omy and produce materials that are healthy and environmentally benefi Itcial.offers material options for tasks in volving reversible building design. Serves as a transparent inventory that always makes information avail able to all parties concerned. Offers a chance to increase the ma

Since it uses a replica (in the form of a model) of the material/ prod uct/ system, it is detached from the real–time information and any future changes require recording/ assign ing and identification of information from Sincescratch.themanufacturer is responsi ble for providing the material pass port, recovering materials from existing buildings for the team be comes a laborious task where the information is not recorded, and no passport is available. As a result, these materials are better suited for projects using newer materials.


Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly terials’ quality and value while low ering the need for new resources, expenses, and trash disposal. Possess the ability to control the supply and demand for materi al and to evaluate future material Servepassports.asa strategic reference for reclaiming resources, goods, and However,systems.there are certain issues with the current method for producing Material Passports such as –Buildings as Materials Banks, or BAMB, is an innovation effort sponsored by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme that be gan in 2015. A project with 15 partners from 7 different nations in Europe works toward the shared objective of methodi cally implementing dynamic and adapt able circular solutions in the construction sector. The goal is to reduce the pace of resource consumption and turn structures into sources of useful materials rather than squandering them. What types of physical data must be cat aloged in order to create a physical pass port as mentioned and considered by BAMB are covered in the chapter that fol lows.

Non-availability of enough stan Othersdards


While some product information is already available but is stored in separate places, other sources are not accessible to the general public for proprietary reasons.



FIGURE 19Overview of Physical Properties



The physical characteristics that must be considered, would depend on the type of product or material. Tensile strength, for instance, must be considered when ana lyzing beams, but when considering floor ing, maintenance must be considered in addition to tensile strength, indicating that not all parameters are viable for all goods.


Overview of Chemical Properties

The chemical properties of a product are determined by the elemental composition of its ingredients because this information can be used to determine whether a ma terial is toxic, whether it can be recycled or used again, how long it will last, and whether it will remain durable throughout that time.

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This information emphasizes whether ma terial is renewable or not, as well as any potential processing, decomposition, etc. for the product’s use in the following cy cle. For instance, chemically treated wood may be thermally burnt due to environ mental dangers, while untreated wood may be processed for the next stage of its life cycle, such as chipboard, insulation, mulch, etc.



Materials and Their Locations

Overview of Biological Properties


Within a Building 3.5

Unique Identification of Materials

The building is made up of a sizable num ber of distinct materials and components, each of which requires a unique identifi cation and information linking to the rel evant material for ease of tracking over the course of their whole life cycle. The manufacturer and origination information should also be included in the connection information so that it is clear who will be held accountable for the materials’ future

It is necessary to document not just where each material utilised for the structure is located, but also how two materials in teract with one another, such as through connections. Additionally, it is necessary to document any alterations made to the structure’s initial condition during commis sioning. Using material passports (stan dardised documentation) and BIM, this procedure can be made more efficient (digital technology). Even though this kind of atypical recordkeeping necessitates additional labour expenditures to be con sidered, a material’s overall cycle potential is increased in the long run. 21 -



FIGURE 22Overview of Unique Identification of Materials

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

Recognized as EAN (European Arti cle Number) from 2005 to 2009, this is the number that is used for bar codes and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) – tags.

treatment is known as EOR (End of User Responsibility) where there are take-back systems available. The following methods are now being used to trace the materials and products –CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) Registry Number It currently recognizes over 144 mil lion distinct inorganic and organic


The effects on the environment and peo ple’s health are discussed at this stage.

Digital40 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly chemicals when assigned to every chemical substance.


Management & Transportation

Designing products is especially crucial because this is where opportunities for cir cularity are formed, such as in the material selection, ethical sourcing, consideration of reusability, or designing for disassem bly and replacement. material manufac turing

FIGURE 23Overview of



These procedures are a part of every life cycle, from the sourcing of raw materials to the end-of-life phase. In an ideal world, there wouldn’t be an end of life because

Material3.8 Health


Documentation of this information is also necessary so that materials that are now not harmful but could become so with time and further study can be located and re moved. Here are some examples of data sources that can be linked in order to de termine the material health (Heinrich and Lang, 2019) the material would be reused endlessly however, there are system losses that ne cessitate the transportation of some mate Material Manage ment Transportation rials to landfills, just like in any other mod el. The goal is to keep these system losses to an absolute minimum.

FIGURE 24Overview of


Given that the objective is to potentially re move harmful elements from the buildings, increasing material complexity necessi tates giving material health more weight.

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43 CHAPTER 03 CATALOGING THE REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR A MATERIAL BOMicals) (Bill of Materials) CLP (Classification, Labelling & Packaging) – Regulation SVHC (Substances of Very High MSDSConcern(Material Safety Data Sheet) CMR (Carcinogenic Mutagen Re Material databases such as Cra dle2Cradle material database GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification, Labelling & Pack aging of Chemicals) Product assessments and certifica tions by BREEM, LEED, etc. REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chem FIGURE 25Overview of Material Health


When using a building, any modifications to the original state of the materials (such as replacement, maintenance, etc.) must be recorded or updated in order to be use ful in the event that a building is decom missioned or if the owner of the structure

Deconstruction (DFD) is a method that considers the reuse of com ponents and resources without causing

Digital44 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly Status3.9 of Operation Potential3.10 for Reversibility & Deconstructivity

FIGURE 26Overview of Status of Operation TRGSprotoxic)(Technical Rules for Hazard ous Substances)

Data acquisition of the material composition in the current building, which is typically obtained after it is demolished or disassembled


Potential3.11 for Reusability or Reversibility

To catalog such a large amount of informa tion about a material, and when scaled to a building that is an amalgamation of ma terials, the information becomes more and more complex. This is where digitization and technology come to the fore.


on the potential for reuse

Current procedures downcycle the mate rials obtained during the demolition phase rather than upcycling them or at least re storing the material to its original worth, which goes against the principles of the circular economy. Despite the enormous potential for material reuse, it is untapped for the following reasons –

Doubt regarding reuse Financial hazard

Provision of past information, such as the location of the material, and future information, such as when the reclaimed material will be available for Informationsale.

The following can reduce all of the afore mentioned –any harm. This promotes reusability during the material’s second life and enables the construction of adaptive buildings that can be quickly disassembled while keeping the intrinsic value of a product, completing the material loops. Pre-dem olition audits now involve the acquisition of material data from scratch (a time- and money-consuming operation), but with the data that has already been captured with the help of material passports and an up dated building model (BIM), that process can be much simplified.

Quality Informationassurancegap

To establish a building model, BIM bases itself on necessary and required data of the construction project that can be sim ulated, collected, and managed along the whole lifecycle of a building. The eight parameters it works on are completeness, relevance, consistency of information, vi sualization, coordination, simulation, opti mization, and graphing (Na et al., 2021). The conventional techniques of manage ment have issues including data acquisi tion that is dispersed, which causes confu sion and makes it challenging to adapt to the needs of current organizations. Over all, the procedure is less effective. Studies have shown that for managing materials, maximizing utilization rate, and reducing the maintenance and management costs, BIM has the capability of controlling every link that involves the use, purchase, inven tory management, and later maintenance of materials. Costs can be reduced by specifying the location and time of storage of building materials. Currently, BIM saves data in the form of BIM objects, which serve as digital rep resentations of a product’s physical attri butes and operate much like the real thing does in a built asset. Technical details, materials, colors, finishes, geometry, links to the manufacturer, business details, and certificates are all included in the informa tion, and any changes would be reflected on all platforms that use it. These objects could be generic or specific. The former are used as placeholders containing no specific information that is to be replaced by an actual object in the later stage of the

Businesses learned that computers could boost productivity and replace labour and time-intensive manual operations during the New Age of Information in the 1970s, which resulted in the demise of hand draw ings and the shift to digital CAD drawings.


Building Information Model or BIM as we know now extended and continues to ex tend the capabilities of CAD by adding “n” dimensionalities like 3D, time, costs, scheduling, etc. which modified the work process to design, build and maintain a building.


& Material Information Management

Limtations4.2 of BIM

Digital48 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly project while the latter contains the objects that are manufactured and include the as sociated data, parameters, and informa tion relating to the actual product. The ob jects either be a material or a component. Flooring, tiles, insulation, etc. are materi al BIM objects with no actual geometry. Furniture, doors, etc. are component BIM objects with distinct geometry. The data is exchanged in the open, neutral IFC for mat, which combines geometric (2D and 3D) and non-geometric data without de pending on the use of the same software Technologyversion. and processes have been de veloped to manage the immense amount of complexity involved in a project. The purpose should be to think differently to do better and more efficient work rather than to think of unique ways of using the tool. Hence, the idea is to “Make the task dominate and make the tools invisible” as quoted by Donald Norman (Coates et al., Though2010). BIM has offered is considered to be the future of the construction industry and has offered many benefits such as facility management, collaboration via in formation exchange, cost analysis etc., it still has limitations which still need to be addressed.

The aim of architecture is to create spaces that are defined by objects that are thought and determined on the basis of ergonomics and anthro pometrics but BIM focusses only on objects ignoring the spaces and thought processes involved as of Therenow. are a variety of ways to think, including proprioceptive and pat tern-forming, abstraction, dimen sional etc., adoption of which at the right time is responsible for suc cessful architecture. BIM being a tool needs to enhance these range of thinking methodologies or align with some if not all and act as a de cision support system. BIM misses the simplicity and the fluidity in design that physical mod

The world is currently in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution which is marked by cyber-physical systems where systems are run and monitored by computers with the coming up of the internet of things. The term that has been gaining traction is Dig ital twins.

The globe has experienced four industrial revolutions to date, as shown in the image below. els and sketching offers, not allow ing for the human brain to analyse multiple options at once. Physical models provide a tactile quality while sketching provides immedia cy in exploring concepts efficiently.

Iterative design is where objects are anchored, and scenarios are tested upon them and after the user feed back are modified and improved. In the present model the understand ing of the term has transformed to redrawing dozens of times by the various stakeholders involved such as designers, services, and the construction team. BIM being a collaborative platform needs to address the issue by developing a “Lean Method of Construction”. There are many stakeholders in a construction project and BIM thrives on information exchange be tween them for collaborative work. One of the issues that is highlight ed during this collaboration are the legal issues such as responsibility of ownership of the building model, rights to modify and distribute and liability for any errors due to chang es. There also issues such as the protection of copyright of the digital property (Thomas, 2013). It only aids the architect in con structing a building and not create a liveable breathing model of a build ing that is operational. It still does not work on real time re Thesponsebehaviour of people and the layout of spaces that supports their wellbeing cannot be considered by the BIM model.





The four industrial revolutions that happened from 1784 to present. (Image Courtesy – Google Images)


The “First Industrial Revolution” primari ly focused on mechanization to transition from manual to automated production processes that improved human quality of life (Oesterreich and Teuteberg, 2016) with the coming up of steam and water en gines (Vaidya et al., 2018). The “Second Industrial Revolution” was brought about by mass manufacturing and was fuelled by electrical energy which made produc tion processes more complex while also becoming automated, bringing informa tion and communication closer to people as a result (Sanchez, 2019). Electron ic and automated production led to the “Third Industrial Revolution.” (Boyes et al., 2018) giving rise to a chance for adapt able production employing programmed equipment (Vaidya et al., 2018). The fourth industrial revolution was set in motion by the introduction of the “Internet of Things and Services,” which at very nascent stag es illustrated how computer and informa tion technology could be integrated. The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” would lead humans to machines that redefined them selves and carried out specific tasks. It is characterized by advanced digitization and integration, which contribute to the modern networked digital world. (Fonse ca, 2018). As much discussion as there is about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has dif ferent definitions around the world, “Indus try 4.0” has also gained a lot of traction with people. Although the terms “Industry 4.0” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” are sometimes confused, the former is actual ly just a subset of the latter.

Industry4.3.1 4.0

Digital50 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

The shift to self-awareness and learning brought about by Industry 4.0 can help regular machines perform better overall and manage their maintenance (Vaidya et al., 2018). Industry 4.0 is required be cause it enables the monitoring of data

FIGURE 28Towards the Digital Twin pathway (Aheleroff et al., 2021) in real-time, its status tracking in the cur rent environment, and instructions stor age for controlling industrial operations (Almada-Lobo, 2015). The Federal Gov ernment of Germany described Industry 4.0 as a structure that would soon be in place and heavily utilize global information and communications as a Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) for significant automated interaction. Its four key pillars include the Internet of Things (IoT), Indus trial IoT, smart manufacturing that is cloudThe smart manufacturing system lacks autonomy and social capabil Theities Internet Way of Networking’s (IWN) existing capacity is insuffi cient for transporting large amounts of data and communication.


Given how different data annotation is, ensuring the quality and integrity of the data is Self-organizeddifficult.manufacturing sys tems are theoretically possible, but research is currently being done to find a solution to decrease the dy based and aids in the process of becom ing fully digitized and intelligent, etc. (Erol et al., 2016). Even though Industry 4.0 appears to be promising for the future, there are still cer tain difficulties with its implementation in the current manufacturing industry, includ ing predictability, adaptability, resilience, and data embedding as stated by (Wang et al., 2016).

Digital52 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly namic equations in system model

Another term that along with Industrial Revolution has come to the fore is Digital Twin. Early simulations, which in the 1960s were exclusively available for specialized purposes, were followed by the introduc tion of standard tools in the 1980s and the development of multi-level systems in the 2000s. The newest development in simu lation and modeling is called digital twins (Rosen et al., 2015). A digital twin can benefit from both modeling and simulation to create mirror images when we consider transferring from the real world to the vir tual one (Ghosh et al., 2019). Making dig ital copies more accurate in terms of look, processes, systems, etc. can help break the traditional strategy of making modifi cations after construction, which can help provide better insights for mass customi zation in operations, performance, predic tions, and decision making.

Asing.connectivity and standardization in communications increase, the risk from attacks like cyber security also rises dramatically. While processing the product, dis persed decision-making necessi tates the development of modular ized and intelligent conveyance. A major issue for most of the emerg ing technologies is that the industry 4.0 technologies demand enormous sums of money to execute (partic ularly in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)).



Components of virtual twin (Aheleroff et al., 2021)



The essential idea of the Digital Twin con


The term “Digital Twin” refers to the amal gamation of all Industry 4.0 technologies, including IoT, Cloud Computing, Extended Reality (XR), Machine Learning, and Big Data, which help digital models at various phases of the digital replication process. The digital models are initially displayed in cyberspace using cloud technologies. IoT facilitates contact between the physi cal and virtual worlds, and the twin can be assisted by Big Data to grow in variety and volume and begin extracting knowledge from the data. Machine learning by rec ognizing patterns can help a product and its life cycles by offering valuable insights so that decisions can be made quickly. Fi nally, XR, which combines Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augment ed Reality (AR) would be useful to make the entire process accessible to the public and to fully exploit the potential of the vir tual twin. The virtual replica can be separated into four sections: the physical, the digital, the cyber layers, and the real-time data ex change that takes place between these three. The physical layer defines the ac tual, observable things that are present in the physical world. The digital layer stores data for the best possible solution using the real-time data from the physical lay er by creating, modifying, analyzing, an ticipating, simulating, etc. With the aid of Cloud computing, IoT, and Big Data, the cyber layer aids in enhancing digital ca pabilities such as data privacy, scalabili ty, and individualization (Aheleroff et al., 2021). This layer preserves historical data in addition to information about the vari ous masks. Sensors and actuators, which serve as a link between the physical and virtual worlds, provide communication across these layers.

FIGURE 29Digital replica of a marine centre (Image Courtesey - Goo gle Images)

The term “PLM” in the title refers to the idea that the two systems indicated above would be linked throughout the lifecycle (Grieves, 2016). The Apollo mission by NASA (Nation al Aeronautics and Space Administra tion) was the first to use the concept of a “twin,” launching one spacecraft into orbit while the other remained on Earth to match its flying conditions during the jour ney (Boschert and Rosen, 2016). Up un til 2010, NASA was the organization that formally introduced the idea of the digital twin, which was described as “an integrat ed Multiphysics, multiscale, probabilis tic simulation of a vehicle or system that uses the best available physical models, sensor updates, fleet history, etc., to mir ror the life of its flying twin” (Shafto et al., 2012). With the advent of IoT, cloud com

Digital54 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

cept has remained mostly constant since it was first proposed in 2002 by Dr. Michael Grieves and John Vickers, despite chang es in language over time. It all started in

FIGURE 31The presentation slide that Dr. Michael Grieves presented at the University of Michigan, Lurie Engineering Center, Dec 3, 2001 (Grieves, 2016) 2002 when Dr. Grieves presented this notion to the industry at the University of Michigan under the title “Conceptual Ideal for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)”. Even though it had all the components now associated with the phrase “digital twin,” it wasn’t called that back then. The funda mental tenet was that every spatially pres ent physical system had a virtual counter part that included all of that system’s data.

55 CHAPTER 04 TRANSITIONING TOWARDS DIGITIZATION puting, big data, and related technologies for data collecting and processing, AI, and simulation technology, the picture of digital twins became considerably apparent. The aeronautical industry is well known for a technique that can optimize, estimate the vehicle capacity, and make design selec tions. In a work that was published in 2014, the structure of the widely acknowledged “digital twin” (a physical and virtual entity and relationship) was proposed (Tao et al., 2017). Aside from the aeronautical indus try, other sectors like maritime, city man agement, agriculture, security, etc. have also used the concept of digital twins. With the advent of smart manufacturing, this concept of fusing the real and virtual worlds seems promising in the manufac turing and construction sectors as well.


tion of BIM and material passports would be advantageous. By referencing both the structure and the provenance of a mate rial, geo-information systems can sup plement BIM. The material flow and stock analysis, which are crucial for identifying demand and supply, can only be carried out when building level data and materi al level data have been prepared. When a surveyor or auditor wants to obtain mate rial information from an existing building, technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) make it possible for digital information to be displayed in the real world. The effort re quired to collect data, which is the ultimate goal, can be further decreased by means of virtual reality (VR), laser scanning, point clouds, etc. (Heinrich and Lang, 2019). When information is shared across phys ical devices, IoT can be helpful, and AI can help with pattern-based information assessment. The ability to forecast future behaviour is provided by machine learn ing. In order to verify data gathered from numerous databases, blockchain technol ogy can track ownership changes. The building and construction sector is lagging in terms of utilizing digital tech nology to its fullest potential as mentioned quite a few times previously. The necessity for digitalization to advance grows along with the complexity of products and ma terials. Internet of Things (IoT), Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), digital material passports, digital twins, and Blockchain technologies can track a product over its entire life cycle by offering opportunities for data security, transparency, and as sistance in globally implementing circular value chains (Yamaguchi, 2020). These technologies have the ability to provide re al-time data on a material’s location, avail ability, current state, journeys taken, com ponents, and linkages while also making this data securely available, giving rise to the chance to advance the circular econo my idea (Walden et al., 2021).

Digitizationof BIM5.2 and Digital Twins


When BIM serves as a digital twin that can save the past, reference the present, relate it to the future, and forecast it, the integra


Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly



technologiesSupporting 3D IndustrymodelFoundation Class (IFC) Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) Common data environment (CDE) 3D WirelessMachineDatamodelAnalyticslearningsensornetwork (WSN)

Purpose of both To establish the integration of BIM and Digital Twin first one needs to understand the difference between these which the following table discusses –

Focus of the application Error Interactionpreventionamong stakeholders Increase construc-tion produc Trackingtivity the pro-ject’s duration and price Predictive maintenance Improving efficiency of resources Predictive analysis for optimiza tion of Enhancingdesigncomfort of the tenant Closed loop design, which trans fers knowledge from the current structure to those to come

Users During the design and building phas-es, architects, engi-neers, and Facilitybuildersmanagers during mainte nance planning Architects, to offer suggestions for the de-sign of future struc tures based on problems and po tential improve-ment areas found dur-ing the usage phase. Facility managers to enhance the operation during the usage phase


Digital twins, which may model a more intricate and interactive construction pro cess and enable real-time asset viewing, performance monitoring, operation, simu lation, and optimization, can be supported by BIM. When connected to the internet, sensors that identify one or more physical asset conditions can transform them into signals that are readable by humans and machines. This allows the digital twins to communicate with one another and be come synchronized with the status of the physical assets. The sensors include bio

sensors in addition to GPS, image, prox imity, radio frequency identification, and motion. Digital twins are also capable of utilizing AI for sophisticated data analy ses. The use of digital twins for a variety of tasks, including information exchange be tween various stakeholders, linking smart city infrastructure to GIS, evaluating the sustainability of railroad station buildings, building bridges, assessing the risk of col lapse, and real-time asset monitoring and anomaly detection for built assets, has demonstrated their capacity to monitor assets in real-time, run “what-if” scenarios to identify risks, and optimize operations to create a dynamic construction environ ment.

FIGURE 32Understanding the purpose of BIM and Digital Twins


59 CHAPTER 05 DIGITIZING THE MATERIAL PASSPORT Software BIMOpenArchiCADMicroStationRevitSourceServer DasherPredix Ecodomus360

Stage of Lifecy cle Design, Construction, Use (main tenance), End of life Use (operation)


Exchange5.2.3 Informationof

Digital60 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

For effective and successful information sharing and exchange, a comprehensive and integrated system must be built. Sys tem integration’s primary objective is to en able systems to communicate, cooperate, and exchange data in order to achieve a common objective. The most important and initial step in system integration is in teroperability. Framework interoperability is done by using a similar communication language and protocols, whereas data interoperability focuses on creating com mon data models. The most comprehen sive method of BIM interoperability, known as IFC, a file format used to exchange BIM data and defines an abstract data frame work. It provides a thorough explanation of the project’s organizational structure, as well as its structural and spatial com ponents, analytical items, procedures, resources, controls, actors, and charac terization of the context. More than twenty vendors support it, and it is acknowledged as the de facto open BIM standard. Presently most of the information ex changed across the web is in XML (Exten sible Markup Language) format but when it comes to the complexity of data XML acts computationally expensive as it requires more space to store and parse data. Since JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is sim ple for computers to parse and has com prehensible syntax due to the use of a text format that makes it independent of any particular language, has proven effective in replacing XML. This creates models that are compact, hence enabling high scal ability. The studies that have compared XML and JSON have shown that –There is low efficiency in the XMLbased service. When compared to identical XML data, JSON is quicker and requires fewer resources. JSON performs better when it comes to parsing, serialization, and deseri

Thealization.Document Object Model (DOM) analysis of XML objects is time-con suming. Additionally, they need ad



61 CHAPTER 05 DIGITIZING THE MATERIAL PASSPORT ditional libraries in order to access data from DOM objects. JSON objects are analyzed as string FIGURE 33The images show a comparison between the repre sentation of same data in XML & JSON format


It should be noted tht the number of char acters in XML format in this case are 730 while in JSON it is 643. Now though the difference i.e. 87 characters in this example might seem small but when the data dealt with is large JSON can make the file signifi cantly small. arrays, which results in quicker per formance. XML format - JSON format

The advantages make it obvious to choose JSON over XML for web ser vices but there are fewer studies for the implementation of JSON serializa tion for specifying IFC data models. A technique that reduces server load, re sponse time, and bandwidth in transfer ring data asynchronously between a serv er and a browser is AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Though the initial development of AJAX was done with XML language, it soon came into the picture that XML proved to be inefficient when used for interactive pages. JSON is a na tive of JavaScript and with AJAX having good support for JavaScript, JSON can significantly provide better performance that XML.

An open source, browser-based BIM model viewer for translating BIM data to JSON format using a plugin exporter from Sketchup, 3DS Max, Revit, Grasshopper, etc. is vA3C (vA3C, 2022). It focuses only on geometry data for generating documents by using a proprietary JSON schema definition. Autodesk Forge Viewer, unlike vA3C, uses a different definition of propri etary JSON schema definition for converting 2D and 3D models made in over 70 file formats such as Auto CAD, Fusion360, and Revit, etc. to JSON file format (Forge, 2022).

Digital62 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

Another solution that is inspired by GeoJSON and is still under work is bimJSON (bimJSON, 2022). Though the primary purpose of GeoJSON is to serialize geographic data, it sup

Transmitting5.2.4.1 is another major effort in serializing JSON-based IFC. The models used in a project are cen tralized and stored in a database (Beetz et al., 2011).

There are already several projects for translating JSON formatted BIM data that have been initiated such as –

BIM data to

The5.2.4JSONneed for JSON based IFC

This could be done using two different methods. The first one being translating XML data to JSON serialization. There is decrease in data accuracy and mismatch of data although this translation can be applied and therefore is not recommend ed. The second is to directly make the translation using IFC EXPRESS instead of XML data. As part of the STEP standard, the information model specification lan guage EXPRESS was created for product model exchange. The translation process is however under development as there is no model readily available for this conver sion to happen now and hence the imple mentation faces the following challenges –

Methodologies5.2.4.2 for IFC specification JSON encoding JSON5.2.5 & JSON schema


Translation from EXPRESS to JSON data lacks standardization and nei ther there is any guideline or meth odology to map it. Lack of documentation for conver sion of EXPRESS to JSON schema. At present, there is no tool to vali date JSON and JSON schema at the same time, and therefore needs to be carried out separately. Geometric representation and attri bute visualization of JSON files are also lacking. ports some geometry data such as LineString, MultiString, Point, Mul tiPoint, Polygon, and MultiPolygon. When it comes to complex geome try the definition “properties” lacks addressing building data compo nent specification and is too broad.

The following images are an attempt to create both a JSON and JSON schema for the creation of a material passport as men tioned in chapter 3 while also referring to the work done in a similar direction of cre ating ifcJSON and ifcJSON schema in the paper by Kereshmeh Afsari, Charles East man and Daniel Castro-Lacouture (Afsari et al., 2017). The JSON file is validated using JSON formatter and JSON Validator (Validator, 2022). The JSON schema is val

of tehnical specifications

Following is ple on would look like download ed from

Following are the details



Following are the details of

how a JSON and a JSON schema

the details of specifications

Following are the details

an exam

of links


for a BIM object

- A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly idated using the JSON Schema Validator (Newtonsoft,

Twins 2022).

Following are

Following are the details of

Digital66 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

Digital68 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Digital70 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

Following table is used for creating the JSON and JSON schema file for a material passport.


Digital72 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly

Digital74 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly



Digital78 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Digital80 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Digital82 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Digital84 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Digital86 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly


Digital88 Twins - A Complementary Approach Towards Design for Disassembly CONCLUSION

As the globe is striving towards achieving a circular economy model and the world is amid the fourth industrial revolution, two terms that have become extremely important for the construction industry in transitioning from a linear sector and be ing one of the least digitized sectors are Design for Disassembly (DFD) and Digital twins respectively. Material information is an important factor in creating DFD de signs and has highlighted the need for Material Passports (MP). Materials pass ports not only capture the information about the material’s past such as its pro duction, owner, etc. but also needs to be updated regularly during its use to make the materials available for the next cycle of use. Manual capture of such complex information becomes difficult. Digital twins having the ability to capture an object’s past, present, and future can complement DFD and since it can down to the materi al level, it can also complement MP. The BIM model that is created at the design stage becomes the backbone for the cre ation of a virtual twin as presently BIM is unable to exchange data in real-time. For the exchange of information and integra tion to happen, interoperability becomes the first and the most crucial step. Pres ently, for BIM this happens in the IFC for mat which is exchanged across the web majorly using XML language. With BIM gradually moving to Cloud, capturing the real-time data for the numerous materials involved in a building is significant, which XML handles inefficiently. JSON is anoth er language that helps in data exchange across the web and studies have shown that when compared to XML, JSON easily parses data in a compact manner that is less time-consuming. There are very few studies when it comes to JSON serializa tion for specifying IFC models which is where the research attempts to create one, though further work would be required to bring extensively this idea to reality.

89 This kind of shift where materials are digitally tracked and buildings that are designed for disassembly would bring numerous social, economic, and environmental impacts with it. A profound change in how people view material things will be seen in the future. Every com ponent of a building, from bulbs to facades, could be rented by a manufacturer who would manage the ma terial’s end of life as well as provide the optimum per formance and ongoing maintenance. Such buildings may be seen around the world as temporary services rather than being owned. In addition to eliminating the anticipated obsolescence, this would promote account ability and transparency. The cost of residual garbage is roughly 18% of the initial building cost. People would consequently begin to consider the financial advantag es by realizing that materials are an asset rather than a burdensome expense. Buildings would transform into urban mines and material banks in a society with limit ed resources. By digitally tracking them and recycling them, the world would become more materially aware, which would immediately cut CO2 emissions and, in turn, climate change. Urban recycling would take place as an urban redevelopment process in inner cities as well to preserve the heritage for the time it serves. This practical strategy of retrofitting spreading suburbs will stop the field of urban density from expanding and a state of urban temporal continuity would be achieved.

ABOVE - Colosseum, Rome

CrystalABOVE Palace by Joseph Paxton between 1851 - 54


LIST OF FIGURES Egyptian pyramids (Image Courtesy – Google Images)

LEFT - Takara Pavilion built in 1970 RIGHT - The Plug-in City concept by Archigram (Image Courtesy – Google Images) In the early 1970s, In Brussels, Belgium applied scientist,

BELOW - Farnese Palace courtyard (Image Courtesy – Google Images)

ABOVE - Quwwat ul Islam Mosque in Qutub Minar complex in Delhi, India

CrystalBELOWPalace remains at present (Image Courtesy – Google Images) ABOVE - Nissen Hut BELOW - Dymaxion Deployment units by B. Fuller (Image Courtesy – Google Images)

John Manning Houses (Image Courtesy – Google Images)


Ziggurat UR in Iraq build in the Mesopotamian era (Image Courtsey - Google Images)

BELOW - Pillars from Hindu temples reused in the Mosque (Image Courtesy – Google Images)

The four basic interdependent stages of Life Cycle Assess Overviewment of Physical Properties19181716151413121110

Illustration of the flow of materials in a Circular economy model. The Urban Village Project by ( Illustrationurbanvillage)of the flow of materials in a Linear economy model. The Urban Village Project by ( Theurbanvillage)HermanMiller

91 ecologists, and structural engineers calculated quantitative throughputs, as seen in the diagram. (Duvigneaud and Denay eyer-De Smet, 1977)

To retain the value of biological resources as long as feasible, they are converted into new goods before eventually returning to the source (forest) as nutrients (Cradle to Cradle Model)

Challenges and ways to overcome by DFD in terms of reus Challengesability and ways to overcome by DFD in terms of recy Challengesclability and ways to overcome by DFD in terms of deIllustrationconstructabilityofthe modification of the traditional practice, where materials are seen as nutrients through recycling, regrowth and reuse (Wheaton, 2017)

Mirra (Lee and Bony, 2008)

Overview of Chemical Properties Overview of Biological Properties Overview of Unique Identifiaction of Materials

Overview of Material Helath Overview of Status of Operation

The four industrial revolutions that happened from 1784 to present. (Image Courtesy – Google Images)

Digital replica of a marine structure (Image Coutesey - Google ComponentsImages) of virtual twin (Aheleroff et al., 2021)

The images show a comparison between the representation of the same data in XML & JSON format


Towards the Digital Twin pathway (Aheleroff et al., 2021)

ABOVE - XML format RIGHT - JSON format

The presentation slide that Dr. Michael Grieves presented at the University of Michigan, Lurie Engineering Center, Dec 3, 2001 (Grieves, 2016) Understanding the purpose of BIM and Digital Twins

Overview of Material Manufacturing Overview of Material Management & Transportation




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