Nipun Garg
Flat 8, Edward Bond House, Cromer Street London WC1 H8DT 07833614480 | | |
M.Arch Urban Design, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
Grade: Merit
2021 - 2022
Devised a radical urban design project in a group of 3 by collaborating with other brilliant international students and tutors: explored use of collaborative gaming, metaverse, and capital incentives in an effort to reduce carbon emissions by making “In(visible) Visible” via five colours of carbon as a response to research cluster’s theme “Planetary Urbanization”
Acquired skills such as Grasshopper, Blender, Adobe After Effects, CycleGAN algorithm, Unreal Engine, ArcGIS
Conducted research: “Digital Twins - A complementary approach towards Design for Disassembly”
Managed and coordinated, designing and execution of B-Pro exhibition space for research cluster with a team of 20
Collaborated as a research assistant for research cluster
B.Arch Architecture, University School of Architecture & Planning, GGSIPU, Dwarka, Delhi, India
Grade: First-Class | 73.19/100
2014 - 2019
Attained a strong design ability to work on projects of varying complexities and scales from architectural to urban design and master planning along with teamworking and leadership skills
Gained a well-rounded understanding of architecture and urbanism, building typologies and critical dimensions, utility and infrastructure systems, economics, sociology, environment and ecology
Achieved proficiency in technical skills, such as drafting via AutoCAD, modelling via SketchUp, visualization via Lumion, graphics via Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
IPDM Services India Pvt. Ltd.
Architectural Assistant (Landscape)
New Delhi, India
Sep 2019 - Jul 2021
Initiated and brainstormed design concepts, utilized digital tools to document design at different phases and headed multiple landscape projects from retail, commercial, hospitality, residential to master-planning across India
Developed diverse graphic and visual productions from conceptual presentations for clients, design development drawings to good for construction drawings across various projects
Gained site visit experience for preparation of mock-up area, site documentation, site marking and services coordination meeting
Coordinated with material, plantation and lighting vendors, and contributed in creation of bill of quantities for a variety of projects
WeDesign Architects & Voxel Architectonics
Gurugram, Haryana, India
Dec 2018 - Dec 2020
Envisioned design concepts, prepared presentations, and visualized a residence, small temples, and a resort via three dimensional modelling and rendering softwares
Produced and developed architectural visualizations for a railway station, academic hospital, and a hospital complex
Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
Architectural Trainee
Formulated presentation and good for construction drawings for a hospital and a police headquarters
Gurugram, Haryana, India
Jul 2018 - Apr 2019
Enriched design concepts and visualizations of a mixed-used amenity building, government railway stations, and masterplans
Volunteered to attend a design pitch meeting with IRSDC (India Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd.), and gather insights
AECOM, India
Architectural Trainee
Gurugram, Haryana, India
Apr 2017 - Jul 2017
Articulated good for construction drawings operating Revit while assisting in a Naval base residents’ headquarters in India
Created design development drawings for a smart city project in Visakhapatnam
Black Taj by UnFUSE | Team of 2
Envisioned design replicated the concept of Taj Ganj by modifying concept of Mehtab bagh (Garden) by infusing market spaces and history of Black Taj to attract footfall and capture original essence of the idea
Skyscraper by CTBUH (Council of Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat) | Team of 2
Proposed and experimented a conceptual scheme for a skyscraper
GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) by | Team of 2 2016 NASA (National Association of Students of Architecture)
Visualized a design transcending conventional office typology while employing sustainable techniques to instil an experience and interaction not only between users but also nature
ANDC (Annual NASA Design Competition) by NASA | Team of 7 2016
Responded to theme of “Parallel Projection” by attempting at revitalization of mental-front as opposed to river-front
Designed a pavilion enlightening and making visitors witness harsh truth of state of river Yamuna
Louis I. Kahn Trophy by NASA | Team of 10
Advised in overall panel design for allocated university space and headed team for executing presentation of final sheets
Reubens’ Trophy by NASA | Team of 10
Guided in design of panel for university and generated a number of drawings for display on panel
Conference Paper selection
CAADRIA Conference 2023
3rd Best Research Paper
2nd Prize
Special Mention
Soft Skills
Conjugated Materiality - Reinstating material circularity via digital twins which is an extension of master’s research paper under guidance of theory and technical tutor
Research Seminar for Incoming Batch 2022-23 at Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
In the Urban Design batch of 2021-22 amongst 95 students at Bartlett School of Architecture and also published in the B-Pro Catalogue 2022
Annual NASA Design Competition amongst 300 colleges all over India
Louis I. Kahn Trophy & Reubens’ Trophy, NASA amongst 300 colleges all over India
AutoCAD, SketchUp, Adobe Photoshop, Lumion, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, ArcGIS, Adobe XD, Grasshopper, Unreal Engine, Blender, Microsoft Office
English & Hindi
Playing Synthesizer (Performed at television channels like Doordarshan and ETC Punjabi) & Piano (Performed at High Scorer’s Concert by ABRSM i.e. Royal School of Music), Sketching, Traveling, Photography
Self-starter : Playing Ukulele & Kalimba, Songwriting
Ms. Sujata Kohli Managing Director IPDM Services India Pvt. Ltd.William Huang
Theory & Technical Tutor, RC18
Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Zachary Fluker Lecturer (Teaching)
Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

Year Location
2021 - 2022
Urban Design
Academic Masters’ Group of 3
Urban Design

Academic Bachelors’
of 4


2020 - Ongoing
Hospitality, Landscape
Architectural Assistant

IPDM Group
Carbon X Planetary Urbanization

Designing, Presentation, Visualization & Rendering

Enriqueta Llbares Valls
Zack Fluckery

Planteray urbanization which suggests that operational landscapes in the extended urbanization also need to be considered unlike the present where urbanization is only conceived in terms of agglomerations, a dense concentration of population, etc. has brought attention to the melting of Antarctica. Antarctica weather and climate systems once thought to be largely isolated are now known to feed into the systems of the rest of the world and can act as a buffer to changes or continue climate changes long after the triggers have been stabilized.
This melting is due to the amount of carbon put into the atmosphere
by humans. Antarctica holds 26.5 million cubic meters of frozen ice can result in 60m of global sea level rise. It could be considered a barometer of climate change for the entire planet.
In response to this and with the belief that “A global issue requires a global action”, the project attempts to create a platform for the environment where people collaborate and are empowered to collect, store and share data on carbon in order for them to understand about how their local acts can have global implications and could possibly save this barometer from disappearing.
Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanisation

Climate change is a global problem triggered by the carbon interests which are produced by the human race. Most poeple let others take the strain, leaving the global problem unaddressed, making the situation relatable to a “Prisoner’s Dilemma”. The optimal solution to get out is “Collaboration”.
“Social Media” & “Games” have been popular mediums for collaboration over the past few years, connecting people from all age groups across the world.
ABOVE BELOW Games as a communication, educationa & collaborative platform Social Media - A platform where one voice could make a difference across the globe-

CARBON X Media Gaming Interface
With the soul motto being to “Think Local & Act Global”, it is a platform that connects people and gives them the power to generate data and create assets on carbon in order to rebalance the global carbon cycle It encourages the cities on a whole to reduce carbon emissions via the platform with rewarding 100 million dollars as announced by Elon Musk through XPrize to the city that achieves this feat first in their city.

To acquaint people with the presence of carbon around them, it addresses and helps them perceive carbon as “Colours of Carbon”.
Carbon came into radar of world climate change because of the melting ice caps in the polar regions specifically Antarctica as it consists about 90% of glacier ice. Antarctica is the origin to the discovery of different colours of carbons as they were first found here.

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanisation
Antarctica DEM (British Antarctic Survey)Chlorophyll Concentration (NASA Earth Observatory) Chlorophyll (mg/
The following is a graphical depiction of one of the maps showing how carbon has already been present around in the form of colours.
The left side of the map depicts the general perception of earth while the right side depicts the separates out Green carbon which is actually the Chlorophyll Concentration in water and

Data SourcesGlobal Map DEM ( NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Net Primary Productivity on land.
Similarly, Black & Brown Carbons are present as the Carbon Monoxide & Aerosol contents in the atmosphere respectively Blue Carbon data is present as Bathymetry data while the Red Carbon is present as the Sea Ice Concentration data.
Carbon X I August 2022
Categorisation and quantification of carbon in an urban environment is done via “Colours of Carbon”, thus helping in archiving the carbon data through the proposed interface which would make “Carbon X” as the “Global carbon monitor”.

Colours of carbon, thus become a parameter for rebalancing carbon on a global level. If one increases urban sequesters, so does the balance in colours of carbon increase and hence a step closer to restoring the global carbon cycle.
Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanisation DECIPHERING THE INTERFACE

The interface is an amalgamation of multiple technologies & databases that already exist in the real world
User details & contribution to carbon rebalance
Photogrammetry Mode
Capture, store & create the undocumented carbon assets
Point Cloud Mode
Percieve the carbon data through the colours of carbon lens
17.79 kg/ yr
Amount of CO2 generated (-) or sequestered (+)
Social Media Mode
Share & inspire to achieve the global carbon balance
Virtual Reality Mode
Immerse into the virtual world of point clouds while also discovering Antarctica
Augmented Reality Mode
Experience the digital overlay of carbon data & the micro-interventions by users to increase sequestration
The World of Antarctica
Discover this world each time when carbon balance is achieved in one of the neighbourhoods
ACADEMIC - Urban Design

Carbon X I August 2022
ABOVE BELOW Understanding the carbon stress that the user’s city has on the “Global Climate Indicator “ Situating the user with the carbon data within their urban environment-

Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanisation

The interface is an archive of carbon data. It makes users experience this data in the real world which brings the data from EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) and RHS (Royal Horticulture Society) databases (since the project is based in London in this case). Users can switch to the point cloud mode to visualise the same from the carbon lens which is perceived with the help of colours of carbon which categorises cabon into sequestration and emission.
ABOVE RIGHT Experiencing the carbon data in the physical world Envisaging carbon data through the “Carbon Lens”-

Carbon X I August 2022
Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanisation

ACADEMIC - Urban Design

ABOVE RIGHT The process of testing and placing the created assets in the physical environment Noticing the changes in sequestration that the placed assets have created-

Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanisation

Each time balance in colours of carbon is achieved in one of the neighbourhoods of the user‘s city, the user gets to experience Antarctica - the barometer of carbon in one of the avatars in their environment to see the challenges that they face due to melting of Antarctica.
The gaming map is customized according to the no. of neighbourhoods in one’s city which also act as a leader-board for the users to see how close their city is to winning the 100 million dollars reward.
ACADEMIC - Urban Design

Carbon X I August 2022

I Design Theme - Planetary Urbanization
Media as a platform for users to share their micro-interventions

Sharing and inspiring unique ideas of increasing sequestrations by various users via the social media mode
Connecting the users on a planetary level to rebalance the global carbon cycle
ACADEMIC - Urban Design

Revitalizing Jahangirpuri Unleashing the True Potential
4 Member Group Project
Designing, Presentation, Visualization & Rendering

Prof. Rekha Bhaskaran
Prof. Vijay Matangey
Prof. Akhil Das
The area is a mix of urban typologies varying from industrial area, Azadpur mandi (a heavy commercial development) to small squatters. This interesting yet complex mix of typologies is currently quite chaotic. Being at a prime location in the city, the area has a lot of potential awaiting to be unleashed so as to improve the quality of urban fabric as well as the users.
Proposal tries to inject a

new life to Azadpur mandi which is the Asia’s largest wholesale fruit and vegetable market along with the provision of spaces that the people in the vicinity earlier had to travel miles for the purpose of enjoyment.

I Unleashing the True Potential
Existing Proposals Landuse Distribution

Shifting Mandi to Narela IFC in order to reduce the congestion

Community center proposal in Adarsh Nagar
Shifting part of the industrial area to Samaypur Badli & Libaspur
Fire station near Jagjivan Ram Hospital
Road Heirarchy Sections

Greens - 46% Mixed Use - 01%

Residential - 06% Roads - 25%
Industrial - 15%
Commercial - 09%
Primary Road (30 - 60 M)
Secondary Road (8 - 20M)
Tertiary Road (4 - 7 M)

ABOVE BELOW Depicting the character of Mandi i.e. chaos due to truck movement Through metro line with small scale industries on one side & residential area on the other
ACADEMIC - Urban Design

Relocation of Industries
Relocation of Azadpur Mandi within site
Augmenting Permeability & Accessibility

Deterioration of air quality around the site
Reduction to polluted environment due to presence of Bhalaswa landfill
Residential Area
Reduced traffic, reduced congestion around the site Relocation to Narela (18 Km away) is opposed as prices would hike up due to increase in transportation distance.

Amenity buildings are zoned across the secondary road i.e. School, Fire Station, Police Station, Hospital, Vocational Training Centre, Meditation Centre, Banks, Daily needs shop

Street Character Setbacks
Mandi Road
Tabebubia Yellow Mimusops elengi
Shalimar Bagh Road
Delonix regia
Terminalia arjuna
Existing Situation Proposed Situation
Residential area is redensified and resettled within the site
Using native trees to define the uniqueness of various streets

Except for the amenity buildings all the setbacks are included in the public realm for engaging more eyes on the street & providing an opportunity for more social and visual interaction

Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Unleashing the True Potential
ABOVE BELOW Proposed Master Plan
SECTION 1 : Section through proposed Mixed use building and public realm

- Urban Design

I Unleashing the True Potential
ABOVE BELOW SECTION 2 - G.T Karnal Road detailed section
DETAIL A - G.T Karnal Road carriageway blow - up
No vehicular movement in the housing cluster
Street Connections
Ground & First floor should be proposed for retail so as to create active areas on street

The width of the road should be at least 9M with 1.5M lanes dedicated for surface parking on either sides

ACADEMIC - Urban Design
Green Roofs & Sky Garden
All terraces proposed should be green so as to provide thermal insulation & prevent Heat Island effect. Connections between buildings/plots shall be through sky gardens.

Each block could have a unique sports ground & its supporting infrastructure. This block has badminton court

Access for pedestrians is from outside the block & for vehicles from inside the block. Tall plantations in grown in areas where entry needs to be restricted
ABOVE BELOW Aerial view of one of the proposed residential blocks showing the block detail View from one of the terraces overlooking the central space
Urban Design - ACADEMIC

I Unleashing the True Potential
Grey water from the site is used in the water body after getting treated in the STP located on site, thus serving a dual purpose
The public plaza is surrounded by mixed use buildings, with ground floor usage as retail
An important feature of plaza is landscaping in order to provide breathing & relaxation spaces for the users which the current scenario lacked be it young or old

Aerial view showing the open space detail of the continuous public realm that is running along the G.T Karnal Road
View of the public realm from one the terraces above the proposed mixed use buildings
ACADEMIC - Urban Design

This ensures traffic calming & connects the two public spaces on either side

Different roads are planted with different variety of trees so that each road can have its separate essence & can be identified just at a glance
To ensure maximum comfort level to the pedestrians & cyclists, & encourage cycling & walking
Human eye perspective of Badli ki Sarai road
Aerial view of the Badli ki Sarai road
Aerial view depicting the street character of Badli ki Sarai road
I Envisioning a World - Class Race Club
Envisioning a World - Class Race Club

: : :
IPDM Services India Pvt. Ltd.

Designing, Presentation, Visualization & Rendering
Ar. Sujata Kohli
With an objective and mandate to marry the site with the building blocks/ built form, IPDM provided site levels, plinth levels, building block placement, built open relation, circulation pattern, entries, surface drainage etc.
The form of building blocks, its architectural intent, elevations, internal space planning etc., were notional and totally the

mandate of the appointed architects.
The main idea was to have an inward looking building with the building opening towards the east side that has major views towards a Fort and tombs of mughal era while also complementing the existing contours of the site.
- Hospitality & Masterplan
Tennis Court
Base Level - 115 Lvl.
Base Level - 116.5 Lvl.
Base Level - 118 Lvl.
Volleyball Court
Base Level - 115 Lvl.
Edge Level - 114 Lvl. Club - G+2
Plinth Level - 118 Lvl.
Base Level - 123 & 128 Lvl.
Pool Deck
Plinth Level - 118 Lvl.
Kids Pool Plinth Level - 118 Lvl.
Plinth Level - 114 & 117 Lvl.
Kids Play Area Level - 114 Lvl.
Base Level - 113 Lvl.
MLCP - G+2
Plinth Level - 118 Lvl.
Basketball Court
Base Level - 118 Lvl.
Hyderabad Race Club I December 2020

Pre - Function + Guest Rooms
Pre-function Area - 117 Lvl.
Guest Rooms - 123, 126, 129 Lvls.
Plinth Level - 117 Lvl.
Kitchen / Storage + Utility
Plinth Level - 117 Lvl.
Kitchen Plinth Level- 123 Lvl.
Plinth Level - 137 Lvl.
Billiards Room
Plinth Level - 133 Lvl.
Plinth Level - 129 Lvl.
Drop - Off
Plinth Level - 117.5 Lvl.
Hospitality & Masteplan - PROFESSIONAL
I Envisioning a World - Class Race Club
Site Context

The site has its primary access in the north direction connected via Neknampur Road while the service entry is situated in the west direction. Site is highly contoured with a level difference of 18M, with site rising from +112.00 to +130.00 level. One of the highlights are the large boulder formations in certain areas of the site which the proposed design tries to incorporate in the master planning exercise.
View of the Golconda Fort from the site
View of Mughal era tombs
View of on-site boulders

PROFESSIONAL - Hospitality & Masterplan

I Envisioning a World - Class Race Club



Schematic section through the Amphitheatre and Pool Blow up of the Pool side area Section near the Lake area

Envisioning a World - Class Race Club
ABOVE BELOW Aerial view of the entire proposal A view of the site entrance-

- Hospitality & Masterplan

ModPod.Zip Consumer to Prosumer

Designing, Presentation, Visualization & Rendering

BROAD Group - Skycity Challenge
Project & Design were finished after the submission deadline of the competition
Simple, fast production systems with a capacity to adapt and be able to respond to a varied complex scenarios is the primary need to solve the problem of future housing.
Vision is to provide a system capable of adapting to a no. of scenarios i.e from off-grid to communities to dense collective arrangements (high rises etc.) i.e from isolated entities to smarter collaborations
In a world where globally the fastest growing
cities are not skyscraper cities but self-made cities, ideas that are owned by everyone & are accessible to everyone, kind of wikipedia for stuff seems a small yet effective solution to the big question.
A vision that accepts & believes that, if the 20th century was about democratization of consumption then the 21st century is about democratization of production.
Dynamic Shelters -

COMPETITION - Dynamic Shelters


Bringing the consumer into the role of building homes for themselves while also believing that 21st century cities are not places made by a few with a lot but by many with a bit who bring with them a complete set of values and notions about the places they want to live.

Apart from provision of social interactive spaces like shared public spaces, library, gym etc. at various levels for the inhabitants, the flexibility of the system also allows the user to gather and build new homes which not only strengthens the communal ties but also acts as a source of providing employment since the consumer now becomes a producer.

Renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, waste to resource energy sources will be implemented according to the context while also enabling the possibility of Off-Grid living. While in a community base living these can be incorporated with a micro grid or a grid tie systems for communal benefit and equal distribution of power.

Collectively moving forward is the future. Therefore, there is a proposal of collaborating with existing companies that develop smart technologies for making the living self-sufficient, Techniques like Composting toilet, Homebiogas 2.0, Flexible indoor furniture by Flexilove, infill polymer panels via King Plastic, Washing machine by Drumi.

Harvesting fruits and vegetables via soil free aquaponic systems which use the best of all growing techniques while also mimicking the natural ecosystem that utilizes the waste of one element to benefit the other (In this case fish waste). System is also flexible and scalable.

Current ways of building affect the environment, are limited and outdated. With modern technology, sophisticated homes could be created to revolutionize future of housing.
Based on the above vision, Broad Core Building invented BCORE/ CTS slabs, which can be recycled, are lightweight, have high strength & long service.

PACKABLE in a container
Cutting B-CORE Panels
Two panels are combined to be a structural corner so that the walls act as infill, being easily adapted to a variety of contexts.
Area - 3 M2

Weight - 75 KG
Cost - 625 £

Easy Assembly
The infill surface could be made out of opaque panels, windows, doors or even frame where local material can be added so as to integrate the local context as well as save space in the container.
B-Core panels of sizes 6 x 2 M can be used as a floor slab, roof or even extended balconies or patios so as to provide a sturdy base for taking all the live and dead loads.
High Loft Option 1 Option 2

Solar Panels
Energy Production
Roof 2 B-CORE Panel 6 X 2 M
Rotatable about their central axis

Cabinet 1 - Bed & Storage
Cabinet 2 - Kitchen

Interior Cladding
Local materials, Wooden cladding
Metal Cladding
Cabinet 3
Extended Patio
2 B-CORE Panel (6 X 2 M)
Floor Slab
2 B-CORE Panel (6 X 2 M)
Infill Panel
Local Materials, Wooden Cladding
The module can be adopted to any type of soil
Dynamic Shelters - COMPETITION

Adaptable Home Conceptual Plan

Structure acts as a frame with community spaces like gyms, vertical farms etc. only, where the user can either dock their homes while on the move or choose to stay within the structure.
Structural flexibility allows for different unit combinations which can adapt according to user’s needs by adding or deleting a unit.

No specific core for the wet rooms of different units allowing them to sustain as individual units when not part of the structure and let the user be flexible within the unit by not restricting them to a particular layout.

ABOVE BELOW Typical Floor Plan (Can be modified according to apartment unit size) Floor Plan at every 10th Level (Community spaces like gyms, vertical gardens etc., so as to increase social sustainability and encourage more interaction between the inhabitants)

Dynamic Shelters - COMPETITION

ABOVE BELOW The possibilities of having a single house with changing sceneries

A view depicting how the single house could be expanded at a community scale

COMPETITION - Dynamic Shelters

Portfolio 2022 - 2023
Spaces & People are the two entities that define a region. The result of the former defines the result of the latter. Challenge is to attain equilibrium between the two for the success of the latter (region).
This symbiosis of spaces & people and their collaboration into a unified whole is what intrigues me and indulges me to look into a region through a variety of lenses, one which I surely aim to pursue.
The compiled portfolio consists of some of my recent works from academic to professional to competitions. Please feel free to contact me for your comments.
+44 7833614480