The Nihilistic Army

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Favorite German football club .'We are not intG football, sorry! \ (~ey, ~C St Pauli is the best!f '1-J ~,SG l

Tommy Crack also played in some german punkbands before. The last one was called "Trummerhaufen" (german word for a ruin). No one knows if they more been into getting wasted or playing music! Best gig vs worse On e of the best ones was with Turboneg ro in Hamburg 2013. A whole bunch of friend s in the • crowd and playing with the greatest band for me. What could make that night more successtu"ll? l feld ·off stage when we had soundcheck because l was so drunkl Another great night was just a few weeks ago with Reagan Youth. The guitar playertold us we were the bes~jlerman band they ever played with! (What about the worse? Didn't he remember it}' N 1-sl't) · ·



Best BBQ tips .. o Our area of.germany is weil known for their BBQ skills. Best thing is simply a piece of meat ~th somEl good marinade. Nothing is betterthan this kind of meal! Love it!

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Worse drink vs best ettink Captain Ch aos is the best drink ev er! lt's 4cl rum, 4cl gin and 4cl vodka. The rest of the glas is filled with orange and peach juice. You need one drink and then you know why it is called Captain Chaos! Hangoyer guarantee! Worst drinks are those cheap whiskeys from the supermarked. May b~ they are just made to clean something, but not to drink!

Plans for n~t this fall & next year. This sepfember/october we have a two weeks tour through t~e UK, trance, germany, belgium and the nethetiånds. November there will be another on e week tour with the chez band BOY throug_h fr.ance and germany. Between we play some weekend shows like we do all the year anyway. At=ter Christmas we will go to the studio to recon6 tbe next full length record which will be out in late sprin~ For april we are planing a tour through east europe! So be excited the way we are! · • ) • (Don't forget to sand me the new albuCJl!f ~tJS.E ... Paperzine & e·zine? l write for a online fanzine, but.l·also love · p~per fanzines. But l guess that's too much work for me. haha • .. ·) ~ (Just for g~tting free stuff, yeah l kdowJ ~ ISS~ . Favouite German punkband? l love "Die Toten Hosen", but everyone of us has another favourite german punkband. Nadine loves "Dackelblut" and all of us love "Pascow". Our drummer is a heavy metal pussy anyway! _, (Die Toten Hosen!!!!! Argll, my all time favourie German band. Flicken Bumsen BlasenflvtSt~ lnfuences? . . Main influences are for sure Turbonegro. But"also LEftover Crack, star Fucking Hipsters, Kvelertak, Poison ldea etc are im portant to us.' Other big influences are Jack Daniel, cheap weed, german beer and a bad mood!! · · (Hey, try she~p weed/ t-II~~J


Pussy or ass? llooove vagina! (Me too)





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Hey ifs lunchtime, what do you eat? And what city is you in? And the weather. Hey! l'm having a pizza for lunch, and another motherfucking pizza tonight, alright? l'm stuck in Basel, our hometown in the north of Switzerland. The weather sucks and we' re all ready for .some winter darkness. Is all of you Turbojugend members? Yes we are proud members of Turbojugend Basel. The Chapter with the world farnous president ,Mark The Dark"!


For how Iong has Bitch Queens existed? Ace (d rum mer) and l started to playing to~ether 13 years ag o with absolutely no clue how to handie ou r instruments or write a song. After 7 years of being an ear-raping punk disaster ou r curtent bass player Mark joined the band. Things started getting serious and Bitch Queens was formed. We've relea_sed one fulllength album, an EP and several split 7" records with bands like Trashmonkeys or Lombego Surfers. November 2014 we are releasing our seeondLP on LuxNoise Records, just like all the other shit.


BITCH QUEENS A high-energy live show, in-your-face riffs and a "fuck you" attitude-any questionsl? OK :.. the Bitch Queens sound isn't just plain 1-Z-3·4 Punk Rock. Next to the straight beats and three-chord verses there's plenty of room for some finesse. Here you'll find a·ton of influences on display: lt's a street fight with Motörhead and the Backyard . Babies, while next door the Dead Boys are drinking beer with The Datsuns. · Me! (Vox/Git), Ace (DrumsNox), Dan nY. {Guitar) and Marc (BassNox) have been on the rqa(:l"since 2008. They've proven themselves in countless shows and a bunch ~ftour.S . through Spain, Germafly, ltaly, Austria, Czech Republik, Holland, France and of. course Switzerland • playing with class acts like The Bellrays (US), The . Dats-uns (NZ), Dollhol)se (SWE), The Turbo AC's (US), The Lombego Surfers (CH), . ·aloo.Qiighfs._(N~R), Trashmankeys (D), etc. With Mascara and glitter oozing through thelr-veins, there m:~y be no other Swiss formation that can kick more ass on stage or :thro\v-a than the Bitch Queens. . . betfe"r"after'party ~ .· .

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Past bands you've been involved in? Everyone in the band has. been involved in other projects and bands but Bitch Queens will always be Nr. 1 for .us. . . · . •


Best gig vs worse •: • There's a fine Iine betWeen the two and we've had a Iot of both. The key is to prematurely ·.' eliminate thos~ potertial worst gigs and .. have. .mo re . energy . to go berserk at the good ones!

Best BBQ tips · • -onlythe on.e: l't matter what you eat as as you drink beer and take your pants off. Worst drink vs best drink Again, there's a fine Iine between the two. The key is to not give a shit and drink them both. Pussy or ass? Why should you choose on e if you can have both? Favorite football club Rather than sitting in the stadion watching a bu nch of beefcakes kick balls around we preter to kick balls on stag e with our guitars. Of course we show a healthy amount of support for our local FC Basel though . Plans fÖr next this fall & next year. We are releasing our new album ,Kill Your Friends" in November 2014 andwilltour all over Europe with it! To all you rock'n'rollers in the Turbojugend, keep your eyes andears open, soon we' Il be in your town pissing on your front lawns. Paperzine & e-zine? Anyzine!

Dead Boys!




lnfuences? On one hand a Iot of Scandinavian bands like Hellacopers, Backyard Babies & Turbanegro and on the other hand US bands from the early 70s like Stooges, MC5 and stuff like this. (Backyard Babies SUCKS!!!!) Anything else ya wanna say? Thanks a Iot for setting up this TJ-zine!

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WTJT X ' By Admiral Anus.

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Bitch Queens l Delilah77 -split 7". Wltat a killer Two great bands covering two classics. The best side is Delilah77 who do a killer version of ~-nti Nowhere L~agues "ForYou".

Bitch Queens- Gimme A Kiss 7". Really coolwhitevinyl with" no cover; The title'trac~ is a pussy-killer! · • • · Bitch Queens l Dirty Blondes - $plit 7". GET THIS ONE. Serious, Bitch Queen"s ve~i~n of ttle classic "Sonic Reducer" is a total hit! •

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"P.S. Du Suger" is out now on Punks Only. Amazing Punk with the coolestsinger ever For wholesale or single orders get in touch with http:l/


Yet again another summer has drifted on by (in a drunken haze) and with it another Weltturbojugendtage. • The 101h year in a row, and as"always the best plrty of the year. Weil, i would imagine ... lts on ly my.third year. But i would like to think that WT JT has been, is and always will be the pinnacle of awsome . This year was no exception and the city of Hamburg got filled with sexy sailor boys and girls Jooking to get thera freak on. We gathered in the district of St. Pauli, surrounded by prostitutes, trannys and drunks..With a sailorbar on every corner, lukewarm beer and altthe 50cent (Not the rapper) shcfts you can drink. Could you ask for a more perfeet scenery for a few days of denim debauchery, h~mosexuality and (way) too much alcohol? l say no! Theres just something about the slums of Hamburg that screams rock&roll. lts the smell of piss, the hornless punx and the occasional cowboy hat wearing midget. Me and my better half arrived in schlemmereck early on wednesday and descovered that the party had allready startad. Who started the party you ask? Was it Stockholms Syfelix who had to be carried horn e on the first night? Or theguyfrom G0teborg who later in the week rnanaged to swolow 56 maksikanas before painting the pavament red? Maybe it was Big Al or our favourite mexican friend PanDaemon Sicksicksicks ... l guess we'll never know. But one thing we do know is that the party kept on, non stop for the next couple of days. And why wouldnt it? TJ St. Paul i and St. Pauli itself made sure there was a Iot of things for us to do. Sametimes even to mu ch. Every year theres somethings l regret not doing. Sadly i didnt make it to the Jerry boat ride, the Sailor Jer'\ party, and the brewery tour. They each got lost in a fog of beer. But there was still other things i was ab le to do. The minigolf! Regretably without Turbojugends own minigolf general Orne who couldnt make it becouse of hes upcoming wedding. Luckly he ran of from hes bride taking here dress with him and was later spoted by yours truely on the reeperbahn drinking himself silly Jooking lovly in white. l had a great time on my first trip to DOM. With the Paris wheel, the log ride and ofcourse the drunk driving with bumper cars. ·

Friday and Saturdays conserts was a big highlight and with a lin up worthy of an anniversary. With the two headliners being Turbonagro and The Hip Priests. Turboneg ro deliverd as allways. But i couldnt help but notice that the temperature got a little bit in the way of what could have been a perfeet show. III still say that it was hotter last y~ r but it couldnt have been far of. Still it had its upsides. l guess you could say that the male bonding is at its all time high when sailors came over to rub ice cubes on eachothers neck and niples. l dont reafly remember allthe song s they played. Of course a Iot of my favot!fites. Personafly i still miss something from Never Is Forever. Like Grunge Whore and Nihil Sleighride. Afterwards l was lucky enough to go to the afterparty and meet som e of the guys witch is always nice. Another band that was a big hit was my fellow norwegians and personal favorittes Honningbarna (Check it out). They deliverd an amazing performance on saturday and made the audiens go crazy. Markus of Tj stockhol m was moshing in hes sexiest bikini.



Thetop of witch he trew in the vocalist face (out of respect). The night\morning end ed at the fischmarkt witch is always a stupid idea. staggering home at 7 or 8 in the morning did ofcourse mean that i was completly fucked the k>llowing day and r missed meksikana sunday for the third year in a row. lt was most Iikeiy also the reason i was sick for 1 and a half weeks after we whent hom e. lt was a bit of a relief w.hen we on monday morning borded the plane for home. But still l cant wait for next vear!


ATROPIN, RIPCORN and BAll Hey Chris Crusoe, ifs lunchtime whafs up? l am about to eat so me pea stew for lunch• l live in Opladen town, ho me of our TJ chapter. Opladen belongs to the city of Leverkusen, which again is in Germany. Today is august26th but the weather is rather octoberish. Octoberesk so to say.

.Is it just you the the band who is a T


l play in three bands at the moment, ATROPIN, RIPCORN and BAll. The only other TJ member is Fasti, who plays gultar in Atropin. Bot l played already at various related occasions and TJ oartles with all bands.

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For how Iong has Ripcotn existed, discc1graphy, label ... Have your bands released any CD/7"/LP? .; • Ripqorn exists since 1992 and aims to play Hard Rock and Heavy Metal.l think we have various, which reach from Chuck Berry to Motörhead and from E.L.O. to the Hellacopters.l joined the band in 2001 or 2002, can't tellyou exactly. We went on hiatus in 2005 because everybody was moving to other countries such as Sweden, Mexico, Germany and Uruguay. Since last year we are all back in Germany and continued with the band. In 2013 we played so me shows in Sweden and Germany and we just released a brand new EP "Back . To the Boots"which is free to downroad at We also offer CDs, which . we manufacture all DIY, as we did not look for a lable until now. We had a couple of recordings in the past, which can be found at the mentioned bandcamp page as weil, all rei'Sased as CD or as download. -!'J



• Ot.her bands you' re involved? l really like Atropin/excellent Punk, tell me about them. Is ·Rigcorn your mai_n band? Why not Atropin? · With Atropin we released 4 CDs and appeared on a s<tmpler. This year we took a break , "flt)m_playing con certs, kicked b ut all old song s and started to write a who le new set. Next · .. Vear is our 101h anniversary and we wanted to present something fresh. We' re not reafly !o • Punks, but all of us love Punkrock, so we startedthis band to have some tun, drive around •.' .. l+! e country and play at som e parties and shows. ' \'..rft~.third Band l play in is BAll. We play Postcor~lndie music with a strong DIY attitude and wiU. release å new 12" LP this year. There is notreallya main band,1because they are all pretty ~ifferent <!n d work pre!l"Y different as weil.



Best gig vs worse , aest show f rarnember with BAll was.jn tbe.Czech Repub!lc in.Cheb. We were on tour anq' . was the ino~t · iritensereacti.on we got from-a crowd arid thåt reqlly".kicked ~s. to throw ourselves in even mor'e. • · · ~est show with RIPCORN' was at the Rockerad Festivalen in Swede~ last year, wh.ich was actually a· friend's birthday party, but professionaiiY. put up like' ä bfg festival with ahu ge stage, camping area, and thousand of really wonderful details. We ended up in the outdoorhot tub after a great show with tons of nice people d'tinking bee,: and wh1sky. We were a!so • told, that we just caught the best weather ever,experienced in Sweden, so we won't ev er go back. We don't w;;mt to ruin our summer image of Linköping and Vikingstad. Best show with ATROPIN was probably one of the times we played in• Munich. They have a concert serie called "Volxtanz" and we aiWFJY~ experience~ the nieest team, audience and atmosphere there. Gothere ifyou' re in town: Volxtanz at the Glockl}n~achwerkstattin Muni$! Weil ~nd nobodywantsto read about bad gigs. (Hey, that's the best. l have so many sk>ries to tell about bad gigs ... ) · · · •

Best BBQ tip~ • • Never jump into the grill! l did that a couple of years ago af)d now l havethe word·"årbeque" with a miss ing "b" brand ed on my arm. Thaf was not intend~q by_ the_way. Not at all, · • _

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• Anything els\ya wanna say? • • .• Support your local bands! Support your local Turbojugend l Further literature:

Pussy or ass? Aren't that just different words for the same thing? (l'm not a doctor~ .. ) So l ~ifferel):tiate . between being "inside" or "outside" sorneone. ' . .


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Plans for this fall & next year. . . We' Il release the BAlL 12" LP and go on tou·r in spring. If anyone would like to see us feel fre·e to contact me. We will al so play mo re shows and keep on writing with RIPCORN and · ATROPIN. l just had to quit a fourth crust/hardcore band, because it turlied out to be a little . too much at once. • ·

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est movie? • • Basic lnsti-nct, Roger Rabbit Best drug? • • Alldbeg Whisky

abov e menti<?ne~ .beverages and. R!ng o•

Worse drink vs best drink · · . • Worst drink? Wurstwasser! Best drink? l am afraid l have to stic·k to .the obvious: b.eer, man! l want to ad d the on ly two quality criterias that matter: · • •• 1.) cold 2.) lots ·of.

Favorite football club Michael Schumacher, John McEnroe (What a stupid answer)

l like the haptic experlence of paper zines. lt also expresses a higher value in some way, beca"use it demands more work to manufatture and higher costs to cover. On the other hand l aiSE> like the av ailability of E·Zines. By the way, if you're not afraid of hars h german language, check out for which l write, too. Favouite punkband, popband and all time favorite song. Hard question. l fellin love with NIRVANA in 1991 and still feel this cut as· the deepest. The first Turbonagro show l saw was in 1998 and that aiso impressed me a Iot. They still do, so l guess l' m a.true admirer. Not on ly in it for the booze and jackets, you ltnow? ;-)Best Pop bands are probably ABBA and the BEACH BOYS. Melodies and arrangements, that just stick to your ears like glue and sperm and gluey sperm. Boysis betterthan Beach Boys)


~ \'IC~ ~#fP ~l~.~ The inbred; oversexed, white trash bastard sons of lggy P, Johnny T, Lemmy & Håndsome Dick. An awesome, glorious mess of Rampantly sexual, Souped up, Lubed up, Fucked up, Low Rent, HotAssed Anthemic (s)Punk Rock 'n' Roll to make the little girls weep and big girls wet. A sweet 'n' sweaty sonic tonic to accompany your re~~eational drinki~, druggin and fuckin'. Wasn't 'Rock 'o' Roll' originally a term for fucking anyway? Wasn't it fun? Provocative? Sexualised? Weren't parants meant to say 'Turn that noise down'? Yeah, they were ... So get down, get dirty and hall The Breakneck Babylon Babies, The spleen exploding Sermanisers of . the Sacred Sexualsonic Psalms, the Crazed messiahs of deep-fried bone rattting rock 'n' roll! The Righteous King Rockers of in your face Rock 'n' roll Bukkake. Ladies and Gentleman, Hot girls and pretty boys ... the bi ggest Di eks in Rock 'n' Roll... The Son ic Reproducers .. ~ The t! ip

Is all of you Turbojugend members? . Yeah we're all members of TJ Babylon Boys which was established by Lee back in 2003 when he liv ed in London. On e ot the first times l ev er actually met him was at a Turboneg ro gig on the- Party Animals tour where he was scouring the crowd for pretty you ng boys. He bought me a drink, whispered softly into lllY ear, bullied me into joining his jugend and we 1ve had a beautifully tender, loving relationship ever since! The other-two joined a few years ago, they kept complaining tlfat they. weren't as·cool or popula~ as me and Lee so we thought.We'd · better allow th_em lnto-the seedy, inner.sanctum of the ~abylon Boys: Al ":lost ltistar;ltty Tlm becamelhe best Iaoking and most lc?ved · mem~e~of the bartd and Vöri Cr:flz !lit the booze..hard and started chasing skirt like a man possessep.t. :. ·'· - . ; . ... . . .. .. . '\., . .




How was the gig at WT JT X? Mu ch like last- yeiu it was insanely fuckin hot in the ven ue. People wer~ weirdly attributlog this to the waather but w~ all know:the truth is thpt the heat wa~ being gen'erated by the giris b_urniRg. des ire ar, d the !UYS throbbing crotches in anticipation of us.hitting the stag e and · . aurally seducing each and every one of -them. Despite some of the heavy meta! pussles standing around outside the venue rather than \fatching the three killer bands on the bill, the hardcore were right up front and dancing round like fuckin lunatics. Those with the supreme good tasfe to watch the bands can forevar boast that they were there revel Ii ng in the glory of such a killer Iine up rather than standing outside swapping fuckin patches! For how Iong has The HP existed, discography, label... Band fell tagether in 2007, quickJy recorded a demo which was snapped up by Boatleg Booze Records before anyone else had heard it and they insisted an album was recorded straight away. Tight N Exciting was recorded real fast, got raved about constantly and we very quickly startep to get a load of labels asking to release our stuff so we've had to satisfy them all. Zodiac Killer Records put out two split EPs, the first with ou r Swedish lovers Sonic Negroas and then another with the legendary Electric Frankenstein. Around this time we lost gultarist Fast jJmmy samewhere in Europe and he's never been seen since and not Iong after Gary X-

Ray suffered a fatal midlife crisis. In stepped Von Cruz on vocals and the band kicked up three gears in an instant! No Balls and Ghost Highway Records co-released the next album Full Tilt Bullshit which sold out of all three pressings, one after another. The CD version was released by Fixing A Hole Records from Japan who also releas~d a compilation CD of demo and rare tracks called tJnleash The Priests. Last year got even mo re mental and we released five 7"s on different labels from all around the world, on e of which was with the mighty fucki Dwarves! Tracks featuted on these were Motherfucker Superior (No Balls Records), Jesus Died Sp We Could Ride (Speedowax), Turned.Up, Turned On (AM Records), Black N' Blue & Losers Lane (Ghost Highway) and finall y Saints Of Excess (Self Destructo). And now we've just release d our t hird album, the total masterpiece of sex, filth, hatred and contempt that is Black Denim Blitz. No Balls and Ghost Highway have released the euro edition which comes in silver -cover on black and white marble vinyl and is virtually sold out alreadyl Self .Destrucio, AM Records, Little T&A and Strange Magicare releasing the US version anytime "fl.OW which comes in gold cover on gold vinyl! Self Destructo and AM have also released the CD version. We are recording a brand new single for Ghost Highway next month and al so ·have plans for a ri-press of Full Tilt Bu lishit as weil as a compilation album of all the 7"s at some p'oint.Past bands' you've been involve~ in? • • We've 'all been in various bands over the years cos we' ve all wasted Ol-Ir ljves playing rock n roll and chasing the e1usive dream of strippers, hard drugs, champagne and jacuzzisl To be ~onest any past bands any of us have ~een in åre ~hits:ompared to The Hip Priests, it's adifferent leagt~e. We put olir heart arm soul into this lian d and we all get rock n roll in the same way; a point missed by so måny other. so cållet1 musicians. Whether people think we' re obnaxious or 1'\Pt, there!s-oot orie"bånd we've played with that hits it as hard or plays with as much passion as we do anstage..When this band is dead l' m done.


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Best gig vs wor~e . . . • • They're all fucl<in grE;!at as far as l'm concenied: l hone;tly can't think of one that l'd count as the worst? We've had fucked up ones where we got b'anned for allegedly touching up strip,ers (s~rry, burlesque performers!) arid stealing booze orthere was the bar in Croatia where there were right wing skinheads stood menacingly saJring jlt us while their girlfriands were grinding away at the front. All killer' shows no niatter wnat and even the weird ones we've played to close minded rockabilly crowds we've still just kloked out the jams and a fuckin blast._Highfights h4ve gotta be times where we've got tö go and play in new places and blow away new crowds cos that's the whole reason while we do this. The US tour , last year was a solid run of amazing shows including playing a strip bar in LA, hav i~ Nick Oliveri guest with us and on the last day playing a show in Big Al from TJLAs house which was full of local jugend partying hard! Best BBQ tips The best kind of BBQ is when you don't have to do anything at all and someon e does it all for • so you can just sit back in the sun and slowly get trashed. The fin~t time we played in ' Assen, Holland we stayed at Rutger's hou se and he was the perfeet fucked up party host! The fridge was full of beer, porn on the TV, the stereo was biasting out killer tunes and he cooked


f. ~l;·it' s c.ra~py, use touletpaper)

the fuck out of a loada meat in his backyard to feed us. That boy really knows how to look after his friends!


Worse drink vs best drink We're not fussy, we' Il pretty much drink anything at all. One stimulant is as good as any other in our book and there's no limit on the best way to get fucked up. Actually tlilere is one drink that Tcan't fuckin stand that the Turbojugend love and that's Jaegermeister, that stuff tastes like shit! l've drunk so mu ch of that stuff over the years and now just the smell of it makes me wanna puke, eugh!



. Favouite UK punkband? The Sick Livers, no contest! Five fuckin mad welsh men who make killer garage/punk/rock n' roll tunes, if you dorrt own therr album you need to get it fast. lt has been said that they're a less handsome, lazier, slower version but l've told Ginge's mu m not to be so negative!



Pussy or ass? • That's like asking _MC~ or Stc5oges, impossible to answer. One day r1111ight want feenage Lust • and then the next l' m eraving Dirt! · • • r·

Why does England suck in football?

1'11 pass this one·over to Skintight Tim cos l know fuck all about footbaJI... .... Skintight Tim • England don't suck at Football We Own it, We Boss it! We' re not botliered about the World Cup and tnfernational matehes played by a bunch of overpaid cheating ponces, we're talking about real men and women' playing for their local pub teams on a· pissing down rainy Sund..!!Y Morning with minging hangavers from boozing way to mucli the night before! Players withnameslike Fat Bob, Bonehead, Shit Tony, Lezza Gail and One Bollock An dy wheezing around the pitch desperately try ing to make it through to halt time lor that First Pintand Fag of the day. That's fuckin English F<7otball my friend and that's how we fuckin Roll. You can stick Ronaido up your fuckin ar~!

• More sport, favorite UK football_club Ea~, lt's Ttie Fuckin Farneils Le!cester City In ni! Duck! .

Plans for this fall & next year. We're playing a load of shows around the UK up to the end of the_year to promota the album • illcluding a quick trip to Seandinavia to headline a Turbojugend Capenhagen event and Oslo • Bloodbath. We've got a new 7" to record for Ghost Highway Records aa weH as a couple of other 7"s that are in the p1anning stages at the moment. Other than that we'll be spreading the filthy virus o~ the Priests as far and wide as possible, hopefuJly iQcluding a r&turn tri p to the US next year. Weil that's uniess we blow all the money we've got on hard drugs and cheap women before then ..... Paperzine & e-zine? Even though l don't tend to see many around anymore, paperzines always kicks the arse of online zines in my mind. lt's the same as the vinyl versus mp3 bollocks, l want a physical product that l can hold rather than something that just exists digitally. Though l gotta say, we do look even more beautiful and dashing on a full colour wide screen than some bad ly photocopied zine. Maybe e-zine.s are needed justso-that the girls can pleasure themselves in the prlvacy of their own hornes!


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Ah<,>y Pastorn, Whafs up maaan? Hey Ni~se! Everything is under control, the hangover has s.ubsided and the autumn is coming. . TJ 'Göteborg just celebrated 15 years, tell mooreeee! Who'·s still in it since the start and why does the WÖtld.famous crustpunkroc)<er Crash-Mange hateT J Göteborg? · . Agree, riow VIe get ~o fuck legally-and run moped. Those of us who were there from the start . 99 just me who is still active and running wild with the Kutte.'When we "started" GBG at Roskilde 99 the jugem:l world did not really look like today. There were no· forums online, and· · the on ly way to ~onn·e~tt with others that was ·all they Jugend that existe~ then by websites ·. that linked to each oth'er. So it was thaQks to the mail and that they kept in touch. Now, . to, among otilers FB is so.incredibly easy to stay in con.tact and meet other. Anyway, between 99 and 03, it was not so ·much in·es.pecially Sweden, where t~ere we re other Jugend, Vl{as Hultsfred and Ronneby type on ly when we started and lOM that ttiey are not active anymore makes us the olde$t and fln'est in fhe Chapter Svea kingdpm. After 04 then came the real TurboJugendthe bomb; and you could ·såy that the· Götebotg was shaped by, among others, when we had'Cl great Turbojugend Göteborg pal'ty at RioRiG (hence we had the same spot on our 1~th annivers11ry). Wh~re parts of Turbojugend with me on vocals slaughtered turbo hits Headset Timebomb and Screw.e.d and ·tattooed: lt was ch aos, bloo(l and punk as it should be. When we stoppad playing, there wa9 a gl9ss rain· haha. Just at this gig, l ca me . across a little bad Partilie youth. As ttie latter a feYi weeks l~ter too k the name warrior Grungewhore that since it's always been my right hand .in Turbojugend world. Togettrer with him and a bu nch ot'new to come TJ .GBG members. We "Started to get invalved for real. At time there was also a.girl gang called themselves the turflo frauiands who Ilated Turbojugends haha. . . . • ;: • We were in and headed up the very first at a fejival in Sweden with an eternally you ng Gaylord cock hard and his Turbojugend Splleft.eå.~er this, it escalated, . more o more Jugend popped up. Märsta, Umeå,.Jönköping, Harnösand, Constance. You got to know people everywhere, wherever you went, and there was a Turbojugend department where there was alcohol al)d sleeping. ~~ among others ~~ry wet nights in Oslo tagether with Umeå's former president, Tj Oslo and Tj Ardal the mid Os. lt is the very Turbojugend network that is absolutely incredible and very unique wherever you 'go in the world and hits Jugend, click it directly and you become brothers and sisters. We in Tj GBG are very much out there, meet others Jugend and go on datas. We sat and counted to knock the all our Art Nouveau related trips l·ast year, so we were off every three weeks throughout the year and met up Jugend. With Turbojugend Gothenburg 2.0 as we are now, we are mo re active than ev er. Classy bastard and ~haos going on. Yes, l always have to be the president of Tj Göteborg. However, there was a time when l was not as active. Anyone who held high the banner was then Grungewhore, so you could say that it is probably thanks to the little gay we still exists haha. There are a Iot of things wo uld probably be enough for a who le novel if we wo uld write about our escapades over


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rs. When would fuck a wonder that we are not dead. We have always driven wit.h the rather hated than ignored. And l do not regret on e seeond of this, as been my Iife for almost 15 years. . · Crash-Mange, he is a huge asshole when he drinks, kicking one of us in the scrotum at a gig so you will be prepared to start running. There was a reason why Rat in Discharge patted him are 100% back each other through thick and thin. ·What was GBG Pi rates? GBG pi rates were one of the better punkclubs that was recently in Gothenburg. The. club housed in RioRio, Gustava, Oiscovery and Henriksberg. Nicklas who ran the club in true.DIY lrit, was. a very close friend of us in Tj GBG. lt was with him, we had ou r first party. Without Pirates we had in Tj GBG probably never met. Very sad that h~ put down. You could say that it ,vas wrong GBG Piratesthat we became Thursday· alcolists. . l me about your birthday party, TJ Göteborg 15 years · it was.send habit so dam n successful, it ca me mu ch mo re Jugend than we anticipated. at least as successful as when we had a bi g llarty Tj 2006 when it came Turbojugends er ~00 people from all over'Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Holland. Since we only had a fay of celebratio n now bec~me three days at three different restaurants that were filled by fill,. ;haos and a lof of love. They wanted t~ stop changing money. · · rhe tfiing that l personally thought was best was probably when Trouble drove Midnight .~AMBLA to Tj GBGs honolif an~ when tbey finish with-the classic Göteborg punk song ~anka with PerVertsfTroublemakers singerSlomgren on vocals. The!l may l takethis >pportunity 'to·thanlt everyone who made the party as the best event. The plan is a bit now :hat we'll try to <lo this every year i(l early May, so this wås the start of.them Swedish ru5bojugend days.• -~. •• . . Nhat was the worst we ~eep enough for our~lves. •


l follqw,.vou on Spotify, ·Faceböok and fnstagram. lt s~ems that you got a fantastic taste for good music... Og you D~? . • . . • •. • • . . Punk roc~ ruined my Iife ~ut l wouldn't chance a thing!.l h~ve·since amassed 89 punkvinyL N_ah is not OJ but some ~es -you have ..everything OJa~ bit on the div. places.






What does TlGBG~orl( witl\? J\re yo~Ji'ue workirig-class? And why do you LOVE IFK Göteborg? • . • • . We are workers and pro ud to be 'working class! Concreteharvester, carpenter, Works with sheet metal, Tyre Fitter etc. What other teams do? We all grew up when the blue and white had its heyday, and it goes in the family legacy at all, of course, hair thick GBG season tickets! Gothenburg is the sky and the clouds are blue and white, obvious choicel Punks and cool rockers from Göteborg have always been very local-patriotic. (We live in Göteborg -we love stuff from Göteborg) Volvo cars, snuff, beer. ..

... We are local socialists and look Gothenburg this true religion. Do homesickness just coming to Kungsbacka. Since neither Pripps nor Volvo is part of Göteborg longer we don't likel anymore. Our rote models are Lasse Dahlquist, Bebben, Torbjörn Nilsson, LOB, Alf .,. Robertson, Freddie Wadling, Sonya Hedenbrant and Sten Åke Cederhök.


. Tram or taxi? Taxilis nothing worse than taking public transport. Beautiful to look at, but hell to stand and "knö" in like we say in Gpteborg.


You got the lovely "house band" Bad Mongos. Why don·rthey ever record same shit? Is it really fun with people doing cover albums? Bad mangos be enjoyed live with an audience full of Turbojugends. · (Live recording?)








Do you always visit WT JT? Yes, the past few years, we have been there. Fucking fun as much Swedes begin to go th,ere • this year we were probably up to around fifty. Unlike when we startedgoing there when we were up six Swedes. lt is always on e of the hightights to go to Hamburg and raise hell with friends from all over the world.



Best drink? Europe's best vodka Redbull at Sticky Fingers. (T hat one _sucks maaan, Henriksberg do the best)




• Best BBQ tips, best pub/venue, best eating out & best party in a park in Göteborg? Arethere any good restaurants in GBG (the ont y thing that is bad with GBG)? " Best BBQ is on our own Turbojugend Göteborg BBQ that we inaugurated on Metaltown last year. Otherwise we will probably say Oves in Sävedalen. The mountain in Lunden, Skansen Crown or Carolus Rex, the world's most beautiful views. (Gyllene Prag is a killer eating out, few courses and excellent beer)

Contact & buy stuff:

Youre recording new songs ... We are indeed recording new shit. We've been recording dernos for a Iong time, and this is also a new process for us, usually we would just hang out in the studio for MONTHS and . wiring stuff from scratch. l really like the new process, it will make sure nothing gets releåsed · without being fucking awesome. We've got some insane songs up our sleeve. No guest artists to be revealed yet. Als o we have no idea when we will release it. Remember that back in the mid-2000's we pretty much had to put out a new album every two years, at least. Now we can look at it with different eyes. l mean, we don't even know if it will be an album in the tradition al sense or a collection of singles and EP' s, the way «Ass Cobra» was. Volcom? We have a Iong history with Volcom, l heard about them in the late 90's for the first time through my friend Terje Håkonsen (world champion snowboarder) who walked away from a


thats huge man!. A decadel How time flies! lt's always-such a great pleasure to come to back to St. Pauli ·o ur home away from home for 20(!) years now· and especially of course WTJT.}\'1 JT has always been great, and holds a special place in ou r hearts, just great mernorles and also as this was where Tony played his first show with us ever! We have so many friends in the Jugend from all across the globe, l just wish we could stay loAger, it's always a goodtime hanging around, just drjnking in thestreetsand meeting everybo~y. On the other hand: if we did stay longer we woultl basically just DIE of partying. l can assurEt you that we're not too stoked about the · ventilation at Grunspahn the last bVo years hahahaha ... suddenly playing in a Deathpunk band swps being luri and becomes extreme·sport instead, you can really see the temperature .taking its toll o, the crowd too:Of course ~ LITTLE pain nev er hurt nobody, but the temperature has just !leeri ridiculous. Ihey promised they'\vere gonna fix it this year, doesn't seem like they did ... Next year let's fii:Jd somewhere else .• .




s'ome years on the road since the "comeback"... • There's always ups and·downs.pi,Pying in a band, esp!leially Turbo, you know, we've always been cursed with every kind ot•iutlstwt you can imagihe. Howeverthelast years have been such a blessing, fin·ally all that hård work and stress turned into something magic and beautiful. lt's like God worked against us for years and years but guess what: WE WON. We should call ottr next album «Against All GODS» haha. To me personally, l get to play in my favourite rock'n'roll band and being on stage with Turbo is like surfing a great big wave or rid ing on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, it's a farger-than-lite experience that can't be described with words. And also the small stuff, like just how easy and fun and inspiring it was recording «Sexual Harassment», it's such a great time. Turbojugend 2004 vs 2014 . lt~s hard to pinpoint any difference, really. Also a Iot of the old-timers have stuck around, which means a Iot to us. At the same time we're growing and attracting new kids, and we really appreciate young blood, l think TJ-for sure should be an exclusive club but at the same time it shouldn't be a closed club for old people like myself hehe. We should all welcome new ::IWI!Ic:nml!l n~>nnll!l hut nf rnurc:~> lcl!ll!ln iriintc: nut

multi-million dollar clothing sponsorship to sign up with this tiny company calledVolcom, who at the time • and not man y people know this • were actually a small record la bel that made surf shorts as weil. Then later on we would always run into the guys from the record la bel department there and we end ed up licensing «Sexual Harass ment» to them as weil as so me older stuff. They kept their label going through all .those years when other la bels collapsed due to failing record sales, but l guess in the Iong run they couldn't attord to keep up the same vol ume, so the· owners down-sized the label. Still some great guys working there, like Kurt (who plays in the legendary RTX l Black Banana constellation), l hope they will pull by. Volcom have always been really great to us, sponsoring tourswith us Iong before we had anything out on their la bel. Just very generous people who kept alight burning fortrue underground rock'n'roll when everybody else couldn't give a fuck. All our material is owned by ourselves through ou r own label run by Rune called Scandinavian Leather Records, so we pretty much do stuff as we please, we're our own record label bosses . Long time ago l was told that you want TJ pins, patches and stuff. You must have a huge collection nowdays. Do you also collect Kuttes? l do indeed have a shitload of patches, pins and shirts, but l'm not sure if l have the biggest collection(?) l on ly have two kuttes now, the Folio on e and the Moonshiners one. For som e reason l have had quite å few kutte stolen from me over the years, so it's been hard to collect. l wish l could though :-(

Why dosent Turbonagro make any cool patches? ? Fuck The World & theAC/DC rip off was so amazing! · We should! Send us suggestions and ideas!

HaPPY ~o~ -T~


• · ~



iom Lund Band ~round the year 2000 our friend Alex, who is a farnous tv personality in Norway, wanted to Nrite a song for the European Cup in football, and we ca me up with the idea to rewrite l Got :rection as a sort of proper stadium anthem, Knut wrote a very glam/glitter rock intro andwe put it out on a single. lt wasn't a huge success, if l'm not mistaken, some other band won that one. Also my home team Folio ·who are total underdogs, they even have fucked up pink(!) shirts • made it to the Norwegian National finals a few years ago FOR SOME STRANGE reasoh, and we put out a version of City Of Satan, called City Of Folio, with Vinnl, a big Norwegian rapperwho is also.from Folio. However, in his rap he mentions being «a mongo • straight outta Folio» and some mentally retarded kid who worked for the team heard it and he had the team stop it due to discrimination. Anyhoo, the team lost BIG TIME and fhe next year they weren't even in the series because so me dude in the office had FORGOT to pay the federation membership giro, which was virtually on ly a few hundred Euro hahaha. Man, ETERNAL underdogs, l love it!

au•r- · :!


.}9 (mo'stly in German) you'll fin~

rrmilnl'åi\f8ae. ex<:ept where otherwise indicated (then pro ... Your hosts: Dancing Shiv · t · -· • Everythird Thursday of the ~t~ ab 4 to Spm. Also available at iTu

Whats inside of you? Inner demons plus a hamburgerljust ate .


Now listening to? l really love the new Fucked Up-album. Speaking of Ganadian bands, people should really check out Japandraids from Vancouver, insanely great band. Been listening to Poison ldea a Iot lately, they just did a small Scandinavian tour and it was great seeing them again, that

\<1.'-R PoSIEftE

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fUit 1 "-l foTO PA'T iuc;H, :Juf'JCa~ 1 AllER



'UT1.T SA"'


brought back a Iot of memories.



Vt~4E PEoP~E?

What about FC St Pauli this season? l don1t know, l have a hard enough time following Folio FK :-{ Coffee or tea? l started drinking coffee just recently, after falling asleep a Iot at work hahaha.

·• ••

Sweden or Norway? Norge er best, fuck de rest! Anything else you wanna say? Stay denim 4 Iife! Have a good time ALL THE TIME.


l l


This radio is a total killer! l mustadmitthat l didn't expect that much after listening to variou~ punkradio stations~very now & then. But thts one is so great! Reaitygood interviews.

.. . . .· .



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,. Hey Mr Postman, send this shitty fanzine ta:

From Th e Nihilistic Army Fanzine Sjööman Sveagatan 23 B 41314 GOTHENBURG SWEDEN

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