Me newsletter 2014 2015

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LUMINO Department of Mechanical Engineering Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, 686532 Kottayam, Kerala

JULY 2015

Volume 3, Issue 1



Workshops/Training 2 Programmes Alumni Talk


Invited Talks


Mechnius 2014


Faculty Updates


Mr. Tobin Thomas


Faculty Publications 10 Department Faculty 11 2014-2015 Student News


Photo Gallery


Mr. Philip Jacob P

Congratulations to 16 Dance Team Merit Day 2015


List of Achievers– Merit Day 2015


Ms. Parvathy Venugopal

Mechanical Gallery 18 Department at a Glance


Mr. Nikhil Ninan

Mr. Tom Mathew

This is the third issue of the newsletter of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Being a dynamically vibrant department of higher learning, many academic achievements have happened in the previous academic year (2014-15). Another batch of Mechanical Engineering graduates is being passed out with Dr. Sreejith C C flying colors this month. The department stuand Head dents have won record prize money by com- Professor Department of Mepeting in various co-curricular contests/ chanical Engineering competitions held outside the institution during the past academic year. On the faculty side, the department faculty members are striving to achieve newer heights of academic excellence by effectively mentoring the UG and PG students and also by publishing articles in conferences and journals. Knowledge enhancement programs have been a system practice in the department during the past year and now aiming for funded Workshops, Seminars, FDPs and STTPs from this academic year onwards. The academic research has been started in the department formulating research interest groups comprising of faculty members and post-graduate students. The past several years are known for contribution from the students in terms of new and innovative projects and I hope the next year also will not be an exception. A better university result in the previous year is on behalf of the whole-hearted contribution and the effective teaching-learning process by the faculty and student fraternity. We are now set to raise our position higher up in the list through sincerity, dedication and hard work. This newsletter showcases the major academic and co-curricular events and activities organized by the department in addition to the achievements of our staff and students. I congratulate Mr. Tobin Thomas (Assistant Professor and Editor of the newsletter) and his team for getting this issue of newsletter published on time.

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