APRIL 14, 2023
Consolidated Fabrication and Constructors is proud to celebrate its 30th year in business Founded in 1985, Consolidated has become an industr y leader providing some of the latest technologies and expertise in Mechanical Contracting to Refineries, Pipeline Terminals, Power Utilities, Steel Mills and Chemical Manufacturers
EPA SPCC & FRP Short Course
8:00am - 5:00pm
Mark Howard, USEPA OEM-RPDD & Troy Swackhammer, USEPA OEM-RPDD
8:30am – 4:00pm Tanks 101 Course
Phil Myers & Andrew Yearwood, PEMY Consulting and Guest Speaker, John Cornell, H.I.R. Technical Services
8:30pm Welcome Reception Sponsored by ATEC Steel LLC and APEX Domes
7:30am Morning Breakfast Sponsored by Matrix Service Company
8:30am Trade Show Opens
8:00am Introduction
Marshall Mott-Smith, National Institute for Storage Tank Management
8:15am USEPA Update - Mark Howard and Troy Swackhammer, EPA Office of Emergency Management, Oil Branch
EPA’s Proposed Amendments to the NESHAP & NSPS Requirements for Gasoline Distribution Facilities and Bulk Gasoline Terminals - Behdad Yazdani, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
9:30am Navigating the Rising Tides of Regulatory Control - Earl Crochet, Crochet Midstream Consulting and John Evans, HUVRdata
10:00am Carbon Credits, Technology and Oil & Gas How Do They Intersect - Chris Landrum, EnergyAP LLC
10:30am Mid-Morning Break Sponsored by Matrix Service Company
12:30pm Lunch Break*
AST Operations & Tank Integrity
AST Environmental
AAMP Track
Managing Storage Tanks Integrity While Minimizing Production Disruption
Cesar Espinoza, Rosen Group
Best Practices for Installing New Radar Tank Gauging
Overcoming Challenges in the Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Tanks in the Mining and Processing Plants Vivek Manjrekar, Bechtel Energy
Daniel Baldwin, Emerson Automation Solutions
New Trends/Ideas for the Bolted Tank Industry
John Cornell, H.I.R. Technical Services
The Performance of In-service Seal Inspections on Internal Floating Roof Tanks Under the New Kb Rules, Bob Jarabeck & Mike Gray, Marathon Oil Company
Tank Emissions Control Strategies: Source Elimination via Design Stuart Weikel & Sean Austin, HMT
Afternoon Break Sponsored by ATEC Steel, LLC.
Prefabrication of Fireproof External GRP Floating Roofs
Joanna Hajnaj , EPT for Storagetanks GmbH
Increasing Operating Pressures in API 12F Tanks in Production Service Mark Baker, Baker Consulting Group, Inc.
What to Expect During a Fiberglass AST Inspection
Developing Superb Coating Specifications for Storage Tanks
Adam Beers, KTA-Tator, Inc.
Update: On the EPA VOC Regulation for Transmix
Jim Paladino, Perceptive Sensor Technology Inc
Basics of Overfill Protection per API 2350, 5th Edition
Corrosion in the Tank Industry
Melanie Diaz, Association for Materials Protection and Performance & John Cornell, H.I.R. Technical Services
What Can I Do If We Don’t Comply with NACE Criteria - What Every Owner Operator Needs to Know Lou Koszewski, US Tank Protectors, Inc.
Protecting Your Assets, One Floor at a Time
Jim Viale, Fisher Tank Company
How Additives Can Play a Significant Role In Reducing Microbially Influenced Corrosion As Well As Improve The Quality Of Your Fuel Inventory
Tim Rivard, Fuel Right Global, LLC
VCI Results in Corrosion Mitigation
Derek Dikens, Zerust Oil & Gas
Surface Preparation for Internal & External Tank Corrosion Control
Gary Arthur, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Institute, Inc.
Jennifer Harvard, Arseal Technologies, LLC
Conference Adjourns & Trade Show Concludes
5:30pm Network Mixer on the Trade Show Floor
Sponsored by Fisher Tank Company, HMT, and J2 Resources
Loren Hatle, Corrosion Exchange
7:30am Morning Breakfast Sponsored by Jensen Mixers International
8:30am Trade Show Opens
AST Operations & Tank Integrity
AST Environmental Safety
From Design to Emergency Response: Navigating the Safety Requirements of LNG Storage Tanks
Tommy Terrell, Bechtel Global Corporation
The Importance of an Internal Audit Program
Joe Lovan, GP Energy
What to Expect During an USEPA Oil Program Inspection
Mark Howard and Troy Swackhammer, EPA Office of Emergency Management, Oil Branch
How to Create, Renewable Energy, Credits, and Offsets
Chris Landrum, EnergyAP LLC
9:30am Morning Break Sponsored by Jensen Mixers International
11:00am Forever Chemicals Phil Myers, PEMY Consulting
Non-Fluorinated Foams – Will It Impact Our Ability to Manage Storage Tank Fires?
Eric LaVergne, JCI Fire Protection Products
12:00pm Morning Technical Sessions End
1:00pm Lunch Break*
1:00pm Trade Show Closes
ZETOP - Zero Emission at Tank Operating Pressure
Thorsten Schaper, Protego
Secondary Fuel Containment at Pearl Harbor Tank Farm
Bill Shehane, Seaman Corporation
Nuances of Confined Space Entry
David Cushman, West Virginia Paint, LLC
Virtual Reality Based Process and Safety Training
Karthik Govindarajan Oak Tree Consulting
Automate Inspections and Increase Safety and Profit
Klaus Sonnenleiter, Luftronix
Innovation in EH&S Compliance Inspections
Logan Smith, Environmental 360
AST Operations AST Environmental
2:00pm Tank Drains and Other Uses for Hoses in Above Ground Storage Tanks
Adam Vance, Mesa ETP
Design, Function, and Inspection of Fixed Roof Support Structures
Derek Slovenec, The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
AFFF Fire Suppressants: Planning for the Future; Addressing the Past
Venturi-Based Devices as a New Green Technology Solution
Dave Purcel, Clark-Reliance LLC
GRP Composite Floating Roof Performance. Emission Data Collected Prior and After the Installation.
Rüdiger Steffen, WLI
The World of Biofuels: The Feedstock Enigma
Vijay Datta & Mike O’Donoghue, Akzo Nobel
Charlene Drake, Adam Hackenberg, & Stephanie Friel, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
3:30pm Afternoon Break Sponsored by International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
3:45pm Determining Minimum Required Thickness for ASTs
Richard Schram, NDT 3 Consulting
Emerging Drone Technologies for Inspection and Analysis for Storage Tanks
Greg Mann, Ranger Inspection
Improvements to a Lean Duplex Stainless Steel, Enhancing Options to Replace Carbon Steel, and Reducing Carbon Footprint
Claes Tigerstrand, Outokumpu Stainless AB
5:15pm Adjourn
Taking Care of an Important Railroad Asset: The Union Pacific Railroad Tank Management Program
Gary Diewald, The Antea Group
Rerating Tanks for Higher Pressure and Reducing Emissions
Andrew Yearwood, PEMY Consulting
Tethered Drones for Fabric Cleanliness and Fitness for Service (FFS)
Robert Dahlstrom, Apellix
Sponsored by: APEX Domes ATEC Steel LLC.
Sponsored by: Fisher Tank, HMT and J2 Resources
8:00am – 12:00pm
The purpose of the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule is to help facilities prevent a discharge of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. This rule is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s oil spill prevention program and was published in 1974, under the authority of Section 311(j)(1)(C) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act). The rule may be found at Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112.
A facility is covered by the SPCC rule if it has an aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity greater than 1,320 U.S. gallons or a completely buried storage capacity greater than 42,000 U.S. gallons and there is a reasonable expectation of an oil discharge into or upon navigable waters of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines.
12:00pm – 1:00pm
The short course is available for all SPCC stakeholders. This short course will provide an overview both the rule and the SPCC Guidance for Regional Inspectors. The session will be approximately four hours long, including time to address questions. This short course will describe the requirements for SPCC facility owner/operators and certifying professional engineers. The course will include an overview of the rule, the elements from the revised inspector guidance document and implementation issues encountered since the last course. This overview will include but is not limited to:
• Applicability
• Jurisdiction
• General plan elements
• Oil Filled Equipment (OFE)
• Testing requirements
• Qualified facilities
• Specific requirements for bulk facilities
• Report out on SPCC FY 18/19 inspection findings. An abbreviated version of the full conference presentation on an EPA analysis on inspection finds will be presented. This will provide attendees with feedback from actual SPCC inspections on common violations and best practices.
The intended audience for this short course is stakeholders in the SPCC regulated community, which include, but are not limited to, Professional Engineers (PE), consultants, insurance professionals, and facility owners who maintain SPCC Plans or will be updating SPCC Plans. This presentation is similar to the presentation provided to EPA. You do not need a background in SPCC to attend.
Lunch Break
NISTM CO-LOCATED EVENT: FRP Short Course | April 11, 2023 | 1:00pm to 5:00pm
1:00pm – 5:00pm
In 1994, EPA finalized the Facility Response Plan regulation at 40 CFR Part 112.20 and 112.21. Promulgated under the authority of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the regulation requires certain facilities that pose the risk of substantial harm to the environment to prepare plans to respond to a worst-case discharge of oil. FRP-regulated facilities must prepare and submit a plan to their EPA Regional Administrator. EPA reviews and approves FRPs for certain facilities that have the potential to cause significant and substantial harm. There are about 3,800 FRP plan holders in the U.S.
PLANNED IN PERSON: Plan Requirements for Facilities Covered by EPA’s Facility Response Plan (FRP) Regulation
Troy Swackhammer, U.S. EPA, Office of Emergency Management (invited)
This presentation describes the requirements and expectations for the FRP plan holders. This four-hour short course will cover:
This four hour short course will cover:
• Introduction and purpose of the FRP regulation and discussion about FRP applicability
• Plan requirements under §112.20, Appendices E and F, and the PREP guidelines revisions, particularly for inland plan holders
• Steps in implementing an FRP and preparing for an FRP inspection and a governmentinitiated unannounced exercise (GIUE)
• Common problems observed and recommendations for improvement of plans and exercises
• Discuss new proposed CWA Hazardous Substances (HS) WCD Planning Regulation and existing requirements in the FRP rule related to CWA HS.
NISTM offering this unique aboveground storage tank course taught by industry authority Philip Myers and Andrew Yearwood of PEMY Consulting along with guest speaker, John Cornell of H.I.R. Technical Services
NISTM offering this unique aboveground storage tank course taught by industry experts Phil Myers and Andrew Yearwood of PEMY Consulting along with guest speaker, John Cornell of H.I.R. Technical Services.
This comprehensive and broad course is aimed at engineers, inspectors, regulators, administrators, and managers responsible for storage tank facilities who wish to improve their overall knowledge and understanding of these facilities in the petroleum, chemical, aviation and paper and pulp industries. More importantly, this course offers an excellent opportunity to network with others in the same situation and ask questions and consult with experts.
Complete overview of various kinds of “tanks” used aboveground and underground in both vertical and horizontal configurations including their application and use. We cover the fundamentals for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of petroleum terminal and tank facilities. We discuss the different kinds of designs, best practices and the general considerations associated with storage tanks including the hazards of petroleum storage. Also addressed is what you need to know about keeping your tank personnel safe based on lessons learned from past incidents that have shaped the industry.
Tanks 101 will provide an overview of all the important tanks standards such as API 650, API 653, API 2610, API 2350, and API 579. It will provide additional detail on API 650 and provide the basic principles of shell design, floating roofs, foundations, fixed roofs, venting, hydrostatic tests, materials of construction, and many other issues associated with building new tanks.
Having designed and built a good tank the next problem is to ensure it remains safe and leak free. The focus is on the well-known tank inspection standard, API 653. We cover some of the various damage mechanisms such as brittle fracture, corrosion, settlement, repairs and more.
Tanks 102 explores tank construction standard API 650, key parts of the standard and how it is used to design and construct tanks. We will cover foundations, tank design, best practices, design details related to materials, applicable loads including wind and snow, accessories such as tank mixers, venting, and frangibility. Because of the increasing frequency of high winds and flooding we distill the most current knowledge relating to robust and resilient design criteria for storage tanks.
We will discuss strategies in selecting tank types, when to use a floating roof or fixed roof, and options for fixed roof design. After finishing the course, the attendee will understand the structure of the document, how to use it, and where to find key information in the 500-page standard.
Registration Fees: $125.00 per attendee
April 14, 2023 | 8:00am – 5:00pm
Speakers: Earl Crochet, PE and David Cushman, CSP
This eight-hour course is designed specifically for midstream facility owner-operators and project managers who are expected to get their work done safely, on time, and on budget, but find themselves faced with rules and procedures that seem like they are more like barriers than aids. Candidates could include upper-level managers, or facility operators, as well as any other stakeholder that finds many aspects of these topics a bit confusing and finds conflicting interpretations of industry standards, recommended practices and best practices during the course of their workday. Many of these interpretations are just that, and they are seeking to find black and white answers, in a real world that is often fuzzy shades of gray. This is an intermediate level course, and prior field experience is highly recommended. It is a fastpaced course that covers a wide variety of topics.
The course content is prepared in a series of modules with some embedded case studies for group discussion. Course will begin with an introduction to the various modules including learning objectives for each module. As we progress through the modules, we will encounter some often-misunderstood aspects of cleaning, inspection, and repair. Where applicable, we will present the requirements of the various OSHA standards, API standards and recommended practices and discuss some of the interpretations that exist and vary plant to plant. Many interpretations are highly dependent on the owneroperators chosen level of risk acceptance. Some owner/operators don’t realize that some of their risk choices may have a cost that exceeds the benefit.
We will start with a discussion in detail about confined space entry policies. We will emphasize the over-riding principle of hierarchy of controls, and this applies to all safe work practices, not just confined space entry. We will review vapor sources and sources of ignition that may be found in a facility. Some of these may be overlooked and others may be overemphasized. There will be a module on understanding
the requirements of tank inspection. This includes what is required by code and what may be required by specific owner/operators. We will review the presence of coatings and how they may affect your inspection procedures. The course will look at what constitutes a good API 653 out of service inspection report and what is perhaps a “not-so-good” one. We will discuss the applicable API 653 standards and proper use of “grandfathering.”
Next, we offer some industry best practices including existing and novel inspection tools. The course explores robotic in-service inspections and its current uses and some shortcomings. After reviewing the inspection report, we will review typical and atypical mechanical repairs. There will be a review of other repairs, considering cone and floating roofs using organics (epoxies), fall protection modifications, handrailing requirements and other related topics. Of course, there will be a coatings module, and will briefly consider new internal linings , and review options with respect to existing linings , i.e., when to repair, recoat, or replace.
We will finish up with a discussion of the requirements for overfill protection under the new 5th Edition of API Standard 2350 and give a brief overview of all the existing API documents that cover all this work, explaining what each document covers so you have familiarity with them and know how to look up what you now know about when you need more detained guidance
In addition we will clarify some misunderstandings about strapping requirements and return to service. There will be an opportunity after each module to ask questions and there will be a question and answer at the end for any related topics of interest to the attendees.
1 |
Safety share, introduction of presenters, and introduction of modules and learning objectives of each
There are lots of lessons to be garnered from this 19th century tale. By looking at Goldilocks and her antics with the three bears we can understand how level of risk acceptance is not absolute, but relative, and this will help understand when processes and procedures are required, recommended, or merely suggested.
Permit-required, non-permit required, alternate procedures, open door sheet?
Is your roof stable? To crib or not to crib? How are they interpreted? Do you have a standby rescue team when you need one, or have one when you don’t need one? Are you following OSHA general industry or construction? Which standard applies? What are we atmospheric monitoring for? Are we using the hierarchy of controls? We will review our understanding of industry best practices.
This module is a thorough examination of ignition sources including hot work, combustion engines and low energy hot work. It reviews hot work requirements and looks at the definition of hot work. We will look to find all potential vapor sources, and not overlook anything. . We will consider potential vapor sources found in a typical petroleum facility. The module looks at various policies considering the cost and efficacyusefulness of each.
When you call for a tank inspection, do you have any expectations? API 653 is not very prescriptive. What is required? What is recommended? No inspection ever covers 100% of the tank or tank bottom, and each inspection technique has limitations. Are you familiar with them? Consequently, there are risk choices to be made. This module looks at the current state of the art with out of service and in service robotic inspections.
The stories you are about to hear are true, but the tank numbers have been changed to protect the innocent. This is a somewhat light-hearted look at what makes a good and a not-so-good tank inspection report. We will let you decide innocence or guilt.
7 | Getting the Best from Your Inspection
Our thoughts about the industry best practices. It considers the presence of coatings (good and bad), along with the limitations on each NDT technology. We will discuss the dreaded “required or recommended” repair section, looking at the language in API 653.
8 | Mechanical Repairs- Putting the Metal to the Metal
This discussion centers on making mechanical repairs in accordance with API 653. We review the fact that API 653 is often more about what you cannot do than what you can do. We will review repairs and effect on working capacity, “grandfathering’, and other related topics.
9 | Other Repairs- Roofs, Composites, and RailingsWhat Are the “Other Guys” Doing?
API 653 is not just about welding repair. There are many other repairs that should be done during out-of-service inspections and they don’t all involve metal. What are your neighbors doing? We will look at different owner operator approaches to common tank repair issues.
10 | The Three Rs of Coating-Repair, Recoat, Replace
When it come to new coating, should you coat a bottom? What are the risks of you don’t? We will look at repairs to existing coatings, and when they need to be replaced.
11 | Overfill Protection, Strapping and Return-to Service- Final Question and Answer
We will wrap it up with an overview of the new API Standard 2350 overfill requirements and a clarification of strapping requirements. There will be time for question and answers following this topic.
Attendee fee is $425
Accredited Petroleum Association #326
Advanced Polymerics Inc #411
Allentech #300
American Remediation & Environmental Inc. #520
American Tank & Vessel, Inc. #312
Arseal Technologies, LLC #320
AWC Inc #513
AXIOS Industrial Maintenance Contractors, Inc.
Axter Coletanche #507
Baker Tank Company/Altech #106 SPONSOR
Basic Concepts, Inc. #217 SPONSOR
Bengal Transportation #509 SPONSOR
BIC Alliance #522
Blair Rubber Co #219
Blastco #222
Butterworth Inc #503
Caldwell / Preload #226
Callan Marine #612
Carbis Solutions #610
CATSI, Inc. #409
CD Industrial Solutions #125 SPONSOR
Charter Industrial Supply Inc #315 SPONSOR
Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co #527
Cintas #324
Clark-Reliance LLC #421
Concrete Canvas US Inc #518
Consolidated Fabrication & Constructors, Inc. #200
Constellation Clearsight #611
Corrosion Exchange, Inc #223
Corrpro Companies #118
Cygnus Instruments Ltd #606
Cyntech Construction Ltd. #512
DCI, Inc. - Springfield Division #604
Dehumidification Technologies, LP #410
Denso, Inc. #414
DFI Piling #420
DirecTank Environmental Products, LLC #315
DISCUS Engineered Products, LLC #216
Dixon Bayco #600
DJA Inspection Services, Inc. #212 SPONSOR
E2G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. #412
EDI Capital #511 SPONSOR
EISCO #213
Emerson - Rosemount Tank Gauging #311
Encorus Group #321
Enerquip Thermal Solutions #111
EnviroEye, LLC #419
Environmental 360 #325
FHG Inc #406
Fisher Tank Company #114 SPONSOR
ForeverLawn, Inc. #326
Fuel Right Global, LLC #422
Gauge Point Calibration #313
GlenGuard #324
HalenHardy #614
Higher Materials LLC #122
Honeywell #513
HUVRdata #516
InduMar Products, Inc. #401
Industrial Safety LLC #607
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers #508
International Paint LLC #102
International Tank Service, Inc. #425
J2 Resources #418 SPONSOR
Jensen Mixers International #215 SPONSOR
JF Petroleum Group #506
Kanon Loading Equipment B.V. #413
Keller #514
Kinley Construction Group, Ltd. #601
Leistritz #602
Lightning Master Corporation #305
Mass Technology Corporation #103 SPONSOR
Matrix Service Company #417 SPONSOR
Menard USA #405
Mesa ETP #113
MFE Inspection Solutions #426
Midwest Steel Co, Inc. #404
Midwest Urethane Processing Co. #605
MMI Tank & Industrial Services #117 SPONSOR
Modern Welding Company #407
Mott-Smith Consulting, Inc. #613
MultiTherm Heat Transfer Fluids #108
National Foam #524
Outokumpu #504
Path Environmental Technology #204
PEMY Consulting #609
Perceptive Sensors Technologies #408
Petroleum Recovery Services #521
Petrotech Southeast, Inc. #319 SPONSOR
Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co #322
PLS Construction, Inc #202
Pond & Company #100
Precise Industrial Cleaning Tools #519
Precision Build Solutions LLC dba Tampa Tank Inc. #318
PROTEGO USA, Inc. #307
Qi2 Elements #505
Ranger Inspection™ #609 SPONSOR
Rapid Fire Protection Inc #211
Riteks #124
RMF Tank Services #309
Schroeder Environmental Cleaning Services Inc. #218
Seaman Corporation #210
Smith Tank & Steel Inc #301
Solares Florida Corporation #310
Solidification Products Int’l Inc. #227
Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association (STI/SPFA) #523
Storage Terminals Magazine # #616 SPONSOR
Streamtech Industrial #104
Tanco Engineering Inc #327
Tank Aluminum Cover, S.L. #608
Tank Builders, Inc. #402
Tank Connection - APEX DOMES #214 SPONSOR
Tank Engineering #317 SPONSOR
Tank News International # #616
Tank Storage Magazine #123
Tanknology Inc #500 SPONSOR
TankTerminals.com # #615
Tarsco #515 SPONSOR
TechnoSoft Inc #115 SPONSOR
Titan Industrial Services #219
Traeger Brothers & Associates #401
TransTech Energy #120
Trenton Corporation #323
TruQC #224
US Tank Protectors, Inc. #110
VAREC, a Leidos Company #502 SPONSOR
VCI/Cashco, Inc. #221
Viper Imaging #225
Vista Precision Solutions, Inc. (VPSI) #107
Zerust Oil & Gas #303
Conference Bag Sponsored by Basic Concepts Inc, Petrotech Southeast, Tank Engineering, and Storage Terminals Magazine
Badge Lanyard Sponsored by Tarsco
Registration Kiosk Sponsored by Consolidated Fabrication & Constructors, Inc.
Hotel Key Card DirecTank Environmental Products, LLC and Charter Industrial Supply Inc.
Notepads Sponsored by Tanknology
Golf Tournament Title Sponsored by Discus Engineered Products, LLC
#305 Lightning Master Corporation
#307 PROTEGO USA, Inc.
#309 RMF Tank Services
#310 Solares Florida Corporation
#311 Emerson - Rosemount Tank Gauging
#312 American Tank & Vessel, Inc.
#313 Gauge Point Calibration
#315 Charter Industrial Supply Inc SPONSOR
#315 DirecTank Environmental Products, LLC SPONSOR
#317 Tank Engineering SPONSOR
#318 Precision Build Solutions LLC dba Tampa Tank Inc.
#319 Petrotech Southeast, Inc. SPONSOR
#320 Arseal Technologies, LLC
#321 Encorus Group
#322 Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co
#323 Trenton Corporation
#324 Cintas
#324 GlenGuard
#325 Environmental 360
#326 Accredited Petroleum Association
#326 ForeverLawn, Inc.
#327 Tanco Engineering Inc.
#400 A. R. Watson, Inc.
#401 InduMar Products, Inc.
#401 Traeger Brothers & Associates
#402 Tank Builders,
#422 Fuel Right Global, LLC
#423 AXIOS Industrial Maintenance Contractors, Inc.
#425 International Tank Service, Inc.
#500 Tanknology Inc SPONSOR
#502 VAREC, a Leidos Company SPONSOR
#503 Butterworth Inc
#504 Outokumpu
#505 Qi2 Elements
#506 JF Petroleum Group
#507 Axter Coletanche
#508 International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
#509 Bengal Transportation SPONSOR
#511 EDI Capital SPONSOR
#512 Cyntech Construction Ltd.
#513 AWC Inc
#513 Honeywell
#514 Keller
#515 Tarsco SPONSOR
#516 HUVRdata
#518 Concrete Canvas US Inc
#519 Precise Industrial Cleaning Tools
#520 American Remediation & Environmental Inc.
#521 Petroleum Recovery Services
#522 BIC Alliance
#523 Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association (STI/SPFA)
#524 National Foam
#527 Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co
#600 Dixon Bayco
#601 Kinley Construction Group, Ltd.
#602 Leistritz
#604 DCI, Inc. - Springfield Division
#605 Midwest Urethane Processing Co.
#606 Cygnus Instruments Ltd
#607 Industrial Safety LLC
#608 Tank Aluminum Cover, S.L.
#609 PEMY Consulting
#609 Ranger Inspection™ SPONSOR
#610 Carbis Solutions
#611 Constellation Clearsight
#612 Callan Marine
#613 Mott-Smith Consulting, Inc.
#614 HalenHardy
#615 TankTerminals.com
#616 Storage Terminals Magazine SPONSOR
#616 Tank News International
#426 MFE Inspection Solutions
A. R. Watson, Inc.
Booth #400
PO Box 4258
Bellingham, WA 98227
Phone: (251) 751-7733
For over 40 years A.R. Watson Inc. has been a worldwide leader in lifting large aboveground storage tanks using airbags to allow access for tank foundation reconstruction, installation of a secondary containment and tank relocation. lance.watson@ arwatson.com
Accredited Petroleum Association
Booth #326
PO Box 1033
Ada, MI 49301
Phone: (616) 929-3711
The Accredited Petroleum Association was established to foster and advance the petroleum industry. Our association exists to advocate on behalf of our members interests such as sales, marketing, and networking to maximize profitability and ROI.
Advanced Polymerics Inc
Booth #411
32 Hampshire Road Salem, NH 03079
Phone: (603) 484-8267
Advanced Polymerics Inc., is an innovation-based company that develops and commercializes smart coatings and functional materials. Our first groundbreaking product to enter the market was Allocorr™, a chemically bonded phosphate ceramic coating that is capable of preventing corrosion and repairing itself. As a result of continued research and persistence, we have now launched Permacorr™, a new, user-friendly way to battle corrosion and protect your biggest assets. Advanced
Polymerics is also the US distributor for Tikkurila and Teknos coatings.
Booth #300
6350 Hedgewood Dr
Allentown, PA 18106
Phone: (484) 664-7887
ALLENTECH designs, manufactures & installs Aluminum Internal Floating Roofs and Perimeter Seals for above ground petrochemical storage tanks and, Floating Oil Water Separator Covers for oil refineries and storage terminals.
American Remediation & Environmental Inc.
Booth #520
12631 Celeste Rd
Chunchula, AL 36521
Phone: (918) 639-4719
At American Environmental Inc., our Mission is to provide the safest and most comprehensive Environmental and Industrial Solutions to our Customers. We will consistently deliver professional services to our Customers, ensuring their success with accountability for our Company’s responsibilities. These achievements will be carried out by our TEAM of professionals that are the foundation of our company.
American Tank & Vessel, Inc.
Booth #312
1005 Government St
Mobile, AL 36604
Phone: (251) 432-8265
A U.S. corporation, specializing in design, fabrication/erection of storage solutions for hydrocarbons and a variety of other molecules. AT&V specializes in the storage of crudes, refined products, LPG, LNG and offers turnkey services for the entire hydrocarbon facility.
Arseal Technologies, LLC
Booth #320
7905 Westside Parkway, Suite 100 Alpharetta, GA 30009
Phone: (470) 246-4000
ARSEAL is a minority-owned, full-service, dedicated engineering, design, and construction management firm with knowledge and expertise of aboveground storage tank systems industry codes such as API 571, 575, 577, 650, 651, 652, and 653 as well as level alarm setting requirements. ARSEAL focuses on safety, integrity, responsiveness, and work ethic in every project. These principles, enhanced engineering, and design solutions help our clients all over the world and help ARSEAL Engineer the Future.
Booth #105
1000 W 5th Street
Baxter Springs, KS 66713
Phone: (877) 457-5352
ATEC Steel, LLC is a full service industrial contractor specializing in API 650 aboveground storage tanks and API 653 storage tank repair. Additional services associated with above ground storage tanks including tank foundations and painting are also provided. In addition to above ground storage tanks ATEC Steel provides ASME pressure vessels and shop fabricated tanks.
Booth #513
4504 Parkbreeze Ct
Orlando, FL 32808
Phone: (321) 207-0120
AWC representing Honeywell ENRAF. Leaders in Tank Level & Data Collection.
AXIOS Industrial Maintenance
Contractors, Inc.
Booth #423
100777 Grogans Mill Road, Suite 450
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: (713) 277-7814
AXIOS Industrial is a labor and equipment service provider of scaffold, coatings and insulation solutions for the soft craft industry. Our craft-hour reducing, technology driven solutions optimize the work flow and provide the lowest installed cost
Axter Coletanche
Booth #507
1500 Du College Ste. 205
Montreal, Quebec Canada
Phone: (514) 903-1912
Axter Coletanche Inc. distributes
the Coletanche® bituminous geomembrane. Coletanche® is a composite geomembrane, combining the advantages of a non-woven geotextile reinforced in the structure for mechanical resistance, a glass fleece for dimensional stability and a specifically designed bituminous waterproof binder adapted for use on all types of terrain and environments. Coletanche® is the optimal solution in environmental protection, hydraulics, transportation, and other civil engineering applications.
Baker Tank Company/Altech SPONSOR
Booth #106
PO Box 40
Arp, TX 75750
Phone: (800) 527-8435
Baker Tank Company/Altech
- Superior Technology in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry since 1935.
Basic Concepts, Inc. SPONSOR
Booth #217
1310 Harris Bridge Rd
Anderson, SC 29621
Phone: (800) 285-4203
Basic Concepts Inc. specializes in fuel storage containment coatings systems within the petroleum storage fuel terminal industry, railroad industry, and wastewater/water industry. For more than 30 years, customers have trusted our expertise to provide customized solutions to meet their environmental compliance needs. Our highstrength coating products withstand temperature fluctuations and surface
to 1000 mils provide long term corrosion and degradation protection, and high tensile and burst strength.
With over 30 years of solving environmental compliance issues within the petroleum storage fuel industry, let our expertise help you. Previously known as Industrial Maintenance Group, we’re now part of Basic Concepts (BCI) with a wide range of products to protect the environment and workers worldwide.
movements, are resistant to harsh environments, and are suitable for applications where high temperatures are part of standard operations. Let our expertise become your peace of mind.
Bengal Transportation SPONSOR
Booth #509
37156 Hwy 30
Geismar, LA 70734
Phone: (225) 677-8990
For almost 30 years, Bengal Transportation Services has been an industry leader providing specialized crane, logistics and transportation turnkey services. We successfully serve the continental United States, as well as Canada and Mexico, and offer services in a variety of markets, with a solid track record of delivering the highest quality results on budget and on schedule. If it’s large, heavy, or unusual, chances are we’ve lifted and hauled it. To learn more, visit us at bengaltransport.com.
BIC Alliance
Booth #522
311 Columbia Memorial Pkwy
Kemah, TX 77565
Phone: (281) 538-9996
BIC Alliance’s mission is to connect people in business and industry with one another for the betterment of all. BIC Alliance and its sister companies – BIC Magazine, BIC Recruiting and IVS Investment Banking help industrial businesses grow through marketing, communications and sales, hiring the right people and merger and acquisition services. Visit www.bicalliace.com to learn more.
Blair Rubber Co
Booth #219
5020 Enterprise Pkwy
Seville, OH 44273
Phone: (734) 341-2660
Blair Rubber Company is a global leader in the manufacturing of primary and secondary corrosionresistant rubber linings. Blair Rubber’s Marseal secondary linings protect areas around storage tanks from attack by corrosive/reactive liquids. Installed as a bonded “bathtub”, MARSEAL will not crack when concrete cracks or moves and is virtually unaffected by UV radiation.
Booth #222
16201 Wood Dr Channelview, TX 77530
Phone: (281) 590-3200
Blastco, a TF Warren Group Company, is a certified leader in abrasive blasting and coatings application with extensive experience in the pipeline/ terminals and petrochem/refining industries. Blastco prepares and applies protective coatings and linings including thermal spray to complex projects. Specialists in metalizing, fireproofing, steel repairs/upgrades as well as lead paint removal. AMPP QP-1, QP-2 and QS-1 Certified. For more information email blastcosales@ tfwarren.com or call (281) 5903200.
BrandSafway Solutions
Booth #
1325 Cobb Int. Dr., Suite. A-1 Kennesaw, GA 30152 Phone: (800) 558-4772
With a commitment to safety first, Brand Industrial Services, known collectively as BrandSafway, provides products and services to the industrial, commercial and infrastructure markets. BrandSafway has nearly $5 billion in revenue, approximately 32,000 employees and over 350 locations in 30 countries.
Butterworth Inc
Booth #503
16737 W Hardy Road
Houston, TX 77060
Phone: (281) 821-7300
From it’s original use onboard marine vessels to an ever expanding industrial tank market: Butterworth has provided a safe and effective alternative to the often-dangerous job of interior tank cleaning. Providing portable tank cleaning machines for sale or lease , Butterworth continues to innovate and adjust to meet more efficient water and energy usage, as well as improved cleaning.
Caldwell / Preload
Booth #226
4000 Tower Road
Louisville, KY 40219
Phone: (502) 964-3361
Caldwell and Preload share an unmatched history of tank design and construction. Founded in 1887, Caldwell has built over 6,000 tanks specializing in materials of construction such as carbon steel, stainless steel, and various alloys. Preload, founded in 1930, pioneered the development of wire-wound prestressed concrete tanks – building over 4,000 to date. In 2015, Caldwell and Preload came together as affiliated companies to better serve our customers and develop new business within our industry.
Callan Marine
Booth #612
6800 Harborside Dr
Gavelston, TX 77544
Phone: (832) 833-5958
Callan Marine the leading company in the dredging and marine construction industry. Established in 2009, the familyowned business provides essential dredging services and maritime construction for public and
private clients. With a focus on restoring berthing depths and navigation channels, Callan Marine is dedicated to ensuring safe and efficient transportation on our nation’s waterways. The company’s success is attributed to its management team, comprised of nationally recognized experts with over 200 years of combined experience, and its commitment to safetyfirst work, quality performance, and customer satisfaction. Email mbroussard@callanmarineltd.com
Carbis Solutions
Booth #610
1430 W Darlington
Florence, SC 29501
Phone: (800) 948-7750 ext3555
We began in 1930 when our founder, Samuel Carbis, designed the first aluminum fire ladder. Since that time, we’ve remained
exclusively dedicated to designing and building the equipment and structures that assure safe access and fall prevention for workers around the world. As a result, we are the global leader in customized bulk loading access equipment and turnkey systems for Truck, Rail, and Marine applications across all industries.
Booth #409
2502 Beech Street, Ste 80 Valparaiso, IN 46383 Phone: (219) 477-8855
For over 40 years, CATSI has been providing Site Construction Inspection Services for the Pipeline and Terminal Industry with our workload covering new construction, major repairs, conversions/modifications and regular tank cleaning, inspections and maintenance.
We’ve dealt with various mechanical installations, pipeline upgrades, electrical/ instrumentation upgrades and alternative fuels blending projects.
CD Industrial Solutions SPONSOR
Booth #125
PO Box 26105
Tampa, FL 33623
Phone: (205) 601-2737
CD Industrial Solutions is a full service provider of products for the Petroleum, Chemical and Electric Power Industries. One of our featured products is Forever Lawn which is an innovative erosion and ground cover designed to look like real grass without the maintenance. This is ideal for dikes and areas where you would like to eliminate maintenance. Please stop by our booth to discuss your needs.
see the new
is designed for use on atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks where pressure and vacuum relief is required. The Model 6K00 is used as an independent safety system to ensure explosion protection.
Charter Industrial Supply Inc
Booth #315
851 N. Elm St
Orange, CA 92867
Phone: (858) 467-0200
Charter Industrial’s MaxFLOW™ tank drain system allows fastest possible drainage of water in shortest time possible via utilizing a Full Flow assembly process, thus allowing water to flow unrestricted from end to end. Since 2000, Charter Industrial Supply has built a solid reputation based on reliable performance, quality service, and our commitment to customer satisfaction. Charter Industrial proudly operates under strict quality management processes and is ISO9001 certified.
Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co
Booth #527
1011 East Main Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
Phone: (423) 266-7118
Since 1905, Chattanooga Boiler and Tank has remained an industry leader in storage tank construction and maintenance. Our mission is to provide our customers a superior product safely, under budget, and on schedule. One thing that remains unchanged in this evolving industry is the unyielding dedication and support to our loyal customers. The fact that we consistently meet or exceed these goals has allowed us to remain in business for 118 years.
Booth #324
1595 Transport Ct
Jacksonville, FL 32218
Phone: (404) 973-7571
Cintas is the largest provider of managed flame resistant
clothing (FRC) programs. Over one million wearers get Ready for the Workday® with FRC from Cintas-the most trusted source for FRC apparel in North America. With our professional commitment and diverse options, Cintas offers FRC products from manufacturers who engineer them to be more durable, more comfortable and lighter than any other garments of their type. Let Cintas help you get prepared for your workday hazards. shermanm@cintas.com
Clark-Reliance LLC
Booth #421
16633 Foltz Parkway
Strongsville, OH 44149
Phone: (440) 572-1500
Jacoby-Tarbox, manufactured by Clark-Reliance in Strongsville, Ohio, is a world leader in sight flow indicator and sight window manufacturing, supplying product since 1914. For nearly 30 years, Jacoby-Tarbox has provided eductors for various applications throughout the world. The introduction of CFD analysis has brought this proven technology into the 21st century and aided in companies’ sustainability initiatives and helping them work to decrease their carbon and/or water footprint.
Concrete Canvas US Inc
Booth #518
1350 E Nasa Pkwy, Ste 120
Houston, TX 77058
Phone: (832) 864-2946
Created specifically for erosion control, containment and shelter applications, Concrete Canvas® (CC) products are part of a revolutionary class of new, innovative materials called Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs). CC is a flexible, concrete filled geosynthetic which provides
a thin and durable concrete layer when hydrated. Typically, 10-times faster to install than conventional concrete solutions; essentially, it’s Concrete on a Roll™.
Consolidated Fabrication & Constructors, Inc. SPONSOR
Booth #200
3851 Ellsworth Street Gary, IN 46408
Phone: (219) 884-6150
Consolidated Fabrication & Constructors, Inc. Mechanical Contractors since 1985 serving the needs of the Nation’s leading Petrochemical Companies. Specializing in Above Ground Storage Tank Repair, New Tank Design and Construction, Pipeline Maintenance and Systems, Refinery and Terminal Piping, and Pressure Vessels. s ales@consfab.com
Constellation Clearsight
Booth #611
1716 Lawrence Ave, PO Box 6025 DePere, WI 54115
Phone: (800) 794-9537
Constellation Clearsight is not your average inspection company. Our end-to-end integration in the energy business gives us a balanced perspective and unique insights to deliver superior value for our clients. Our specialized digital inspection solutions help nuclear, renewable, and fossil asset owners maintain system reliability, improve asset performance, mitigate risks, and satisfy compliance requirements. We’re committed to providing innovative solutions and thought leadership to help generating facilities adopt safer and more effective inspections
Corrosion Exchange, Inc
Booth #223
1923 Washington Ave, #3003
Houston, TX 77077
Phone: (281) 712-2077
Corrosion Exchange uses a scientific approach with surface preparation, streamlining corrosion maintenance while reducing overall costs. By eliminating the most common cause of coating failure with our single step, non-hazardous solution, we optimize coating adhesion and reliability, reducing tank maintenance frequency. At Corrosion Exchange, we continue research to identify new contaminants and other impurities, creating safe, effective and economical solutions. We assist leading organizations around the world in their pursuit to ensure the integrity and longevity of all metal surfaces.
Corrpro Companies
Booth #118
2195 Eastview Parkway Suite 101
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (470) 539-3495
For over thirty years, Corrpro has remained the leading provider of cathodic protection services for ASTS. With facilities located throughout the US, Corrpro has the ability to address your corrosion control requirements.
Cygnus Instruments Ltd
Booth #606
Cygnus House, 30 Prince of Wales Rd
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1PW
Phone: (44) 0130-526-5533
For 40 years, Cygnus Instruments has been a leading manufacturer of ultrasonic testing equipmentproviding industries worldwide with accurate, rugged, and easy-to-use ultrasonic thickness gauges and leak detectors. Cygnus thickness gauges can measure through protective coatings and give accurate
measurements of remaining material thickness from one side, eliminating the need to remove coatings and saving you time and money. Our ultrasonic leak detector, another reliable solution, can quickly and accurately pinpoint the exact location of leaks and damaged seals!
Cyntech Construction Ltd.
Booth #512
6-34 Wrangler Place SE
Rockyview, Alberta T1X0L7 Canada
Phone: (403) 228-1767
Cyntech Construction Ltd. has built a solid reputation throughout Canada as an industry leader in providing innovative, comprehensive, and reliable storage tank cleaning, upgrading and construction services. Our team of professional engineers, managers, safety professionals and certified API tank inspectors ensure our projects are executed safely, cost effectively and of the highest quality. Cyntech has been providing aboveground storage tanks for the energy and petro-chemical industry for over 40 years. We take pride in providing the highest possible level of service to our clients.
DCI, Inc. - Springfield Division
Booth #604
600 54th Ave N Saint Cloud, MN 56303
Phone: (320) 252-8200
DCI, Inc. – Springfield Division is a field fabrication and service group that has a team of experienced field specialists in stainless steel and other alloy materials. Our team of experienced field specialists can fabricate any size tank up to 1,000,000 gallons. We’re able to build new tanks inside or outside your existing facility, at a new site, or any location
Dehumidification Technologies, LP
Booth #410
6609 Ave U
Houston, TX 77011
Phone: (713) 939-1166
The DeHumidification Technologies, L.P. is a portable climate control company that focuses on humidity and temperature control. We provide services/equipment for blasting and coating of tanks and confined spaces in the petrochemical, marine, power and municipal, and several other markets. We have Refrigerant and Desiccant - Style Dehumidifiers to create any environment for our clients.
Denso, Inc.
Booth #414
9710 Telge Road
Houston, TX 77095
Phone: (281) 821-3355
Denso, Inc., a subsidiary of Winn & Coales International, has been providing corrosion protection for over 80 years to a multitude of industries from oil & gas to marine corrosion protection. Denso provides corrosion prevention products to storage tanks and piping with their Archco and Viscotaq line.
DFI Piling
Booth #420
610 Aurora Business Park Drive
Conroe, TX 77301 CA
Phone: (877) 334-7453
DFI Piling has been driving innovation for 50+ years by providing quality end-to-end piling services and products to clients worldwide. We take pride in our state-of-the-art ERW pipe mill – and – extensive fleet of proprietary purpose-built piling equipment, designed for any location, climate or ground condition.
DirecTank Environmental Products, LLC SPONSOR
Booth #315
6059 South Loop East Houston, TX 77087
Phone: (346) 571-6071
DirecTank provides quality, reliable AST Products, including Rim Seals, Flexible Roof Drains, and Safe Tank Entry Systems, with the best warranty, lead time, and customer service in the industry. Through a unique, customer focused approach, DirecTank practices efficiency by simplicity, resulting in mutual profitability with our customers. DirecTank’s knowledgeable and experienced staff of industry experts is always available to help you with all of your AST Product needs. For more information, please visit
our website at www.directank.com.
DISCUS Engineered Products, LLC
Booth #216 992 Donald Drive Emmaus, PA 18049
Phone: (520) 575-1443
www.DiscusEngineeredProducts. com
DISCUS Engineered Products manufactures and installs the revolutionary fully welded OpenRaft™ Aluminum
Internal Floating Cover for use in petrochemical storage tanks and also produces innovative perimeter seals and appurtenances. The DISCUS OpenRaft™ design is the safest, strongest and lowest emissions AIFC available and is offered fully welded or bolted. Contact Bill Grimes, Managing Partner at (520) 991-8430 or email at
Dixon Bayco
Booth #600
1 Dixon Square Chestertown, MD 21620
Phone: (410) 778-2000
Dixon®, founded in 1916, is a proud U.S. manufacturer with locations around the globe. Dixon manufactures and supplies hose couplings, valves, dry disconnects, swivels, and other fluid transfer and control products. Built on the core values of uncommon excellence, the company has become an industry leader committed to unmatched customer service, quality products, and innovative solutions.
Primary Mechanical Shoe Seals for External & Internal Floating Roofs
Secondary Seals for External & Internal Floating Roofs
Integrated Rim-Mounted Foam Dams
Heavy Duty Safety Shoring System
Floating Roof Drain Systems
Vapor Sleeves & Covers
Aluminum Internal Floating Roofs
GRE Floating Roofs
DirecTank we are committed to prioritizing the needs of customers, and strive to achieve this objective through a balanced management structure, a unique corporate vision, and the value system founded and exhibited by our owners. DirecTank has established a robust supply-chain and inventory management system, featuring a thorough engineering component that facilitates expedited delivery and unparalleled customer service. With over 100 years of collective experience in the industry, you can trust DirecTank to deliver
DJA Inspection Services, Inc.
Booth #212
9 Glenview Ave., Suite 200
Oil City, PA 16301 Phone: (814) 676-3663
DJA Inspection Services, Inc. specializes in API-653, API-510, API570 and STI SP001 inspections. DJA Inspection Services, Inc. has been providing dependable, judicious and affordable inspection services to the industry since 1990.
E2G | The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
Booth #412
20600 Chargin Blvd Ste 200 Shaker Heights, OH 44122
Phone: (216) 339-2165
Equity Engineering (E²G) is a technology-driven company that solves engineering problems. Our consulting services and software focus on finding answers to challenging industry problems, while promoting safety and reducing risk to people, equipment, and environment.
E²G leverages technology and industry experience extending safe operating life of new and aging equipment by helping prevent future failures, increase efficiencies, reduce downtime, maximize reliability, and minimize damage. We help clients improve profitability by managing risk and controlling inspection costs throughout a facility’s lifecycle.
Booth #511
2900 NE 7th Ave
Miami, FL 33137
Phone: (949) 370-5631
EDI Capital is a sustainable infrastructure company focused on implementing unique solar applications to the oil and gas industry. We work directly with
our partners to master plan and develop firm power solutions. Our capital partnerships allow us to provide creative financing solutions to ensure positive outcomes for customer partners.
Booth #616
Leytonstone House, 3 Hanbury Drive
London, E11 1GA United Kingdom Phone: (11) 44 0207-488-0801
EEMUA is an internationally recognized source of expertise and information for industrial engineering. Free from shareholders and owners, EEMUA is the industrial engineering community’s not-for-profit association that invests all its revenue into sharing practical guidance resources, events, training, and more ~ all developed ‘for industry, by industry’. To make EEMUA’s many resources work best for you and your team please ask@eemua.org.
Booth #213
288 Oak Grove Rd Swedesboro, NJ 08085 Phone: (856) 467-5001
Environmental Industrial Services Corp. (EISCO) is a diversified, fullservice environmental company that offers comprehensive capabilities to refineries, petrochemical companies, petroleum terminals, tank farms, public utilities, and Fortune 100-500 companies. EISCO is consistently vigilant in meeting the highest standards in health and safety, and in the quality of services we provide. Our promise is to provide the highest level of service to our clients, lending our reputation for credibility, integrity, and trust to the process of client partnering.
Emerson - Rosemount Tank
Booth #311
6005 Rogerdale Road
Houston, TX 77072
Phone: (281) 988-4000
A multinational, Fortune 500 company, Emerson manufactures products and provides services for a wide range of industrial, commercial, and consumer markets. Featured at this event are tank solutions that address safety and inventory control, including breather valves, flame arrestors, radar level gauges, and wireless monitoring.
Encorus Group
Booth #321
23 Mechanic Street
Springville, NY 14141
Phone: (716) 592-3980
Encorus Group, a SDVOSB, is a professional engineering firm specializing in design, testing, and inspection services. Our firm of over 70 includes licensed Professional Engineers in all major disciplines. Our Mechanical Integrity team of engineers and inspectors has decades of experience in field inspection, data evaluation, fitness for service evaluations, and reporting. Our team has experience in energy, oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, industrial manufacturing, and food processing industries. Encorus’s certified inspectors can provide above-ground tank inspections, failure analysis, NBIC inspections, OSHA compliance, and other services to keep your facility operating safely.
Enerquip Thermal Solutions
Booth #111
611 North Road
Medford, WI 54451
Phone: (715) 748-5888
People in engineering work to make businesses, the environment, and everyone’s future prosperous and safe
• EEMUA’s guidance publications and other resources help people in engineering to get their work done
• Developed ‘by industry, for industry’
• Practical aids for engineers in their work -wherever they are, whatever time they have
• Available to all in industry -all publications and many other resources are downloadable from EEMUA’s Shop, where you can also register to take part in EEMUA events and training
Cyber Security Seminar
18 May 2023 – live online
Energy Transitions Seminar
22 June 2023 – Leeds, UK
Mechanical Integrity Ageing Assets Seminar
12 July 2023 – live online
Electrical Systems and Equipment Ageing Assets Seminar
13 July 2023 – live online Call on
Enerquip Thermal Solutions is a leading provider of sanitary and industrial heating and cooling solutions for customers in a variety of industries including asphalt, biofuels, tank terminals, chemical, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and more. Enerquip’s innovative line of products include shell and tube heat exchangers, vapor condensers, thermal fluid and asphalt heaters, and a variety of tank heating solutions. Our engineers and ASME code welders design and build stock and custom engineered solutions to fit even the toughest of applications.
Booth #424
101 Old Underwood Road, Bldg J
LaPorte, TX 77571 Phone: (737) 326-1216
ENTACT is a national provider of geotechnical construction and environmental remediation solutions. Founded 32 years ago, we specialize in horizontal construction for structures and equipment on grassroot and terminal expansion projects and the remediation of soils, liquids, and sludges. ENTACT is the US market leader for ground stabilization services and the nation’s largest private industry environmental.
EnviroEye, LLC
Booth #419
4635 SW Frwy, Ste 910 Houston, TX 77027
Phone: (713) 627-1700
The EnviroEye Drain Guard System (EE DGS) monitors storm water for sheen. The DGS simplifies operation protocols by automatically detecting product release and possible environmental contaminations, while reducing the guesswork related to storm water and
storage tank management. EnviroEye has multiple configurations which include external floating roof tanks, dike outfalls, and contact water tanks. The DGS can signal valves and pumps to activate while also deploying alerts to personnel via visual, audible, text message, or control room communications.
Environmental 360
Booth #325
2159 N Thompson Ln Ste B-6 Murfeesboro, TN 37129 Phone: (877) 545-3360
Environmental 360 is an environmental consulting firm, with team members located throughout the Southeast and Pacific Northwest, that provides a variety of services to help facilities maintain environmental compliance and a safe workplace. Service specialties include LDAR, SPCC, CEMS/ COMS, stormwater, and more. Our patent-pending app, EHSTracks, increases efficiency and accuracy for compliance inspections. Inspectors use GPS technology to locate each inspection point and then complete the inspection within the app.
Booth #406
7015 Tutor St
Mint Hill, NC 28227
Phone: (704) 567-9548
FHG is a construction contractor with over forty years in the energy industry. As a core contractor for several major energy companies, FHG performs API-650 tank construction projects, API-653 tank repairs, terminal pipe projects, and pipeline facilities work. Please reach out to Ben Wilson 980-4754651, and let us know how we can help you!
Fisher Tank Company SPONSOR
Booth #114
3131 West 4th Street
Chester, PA 19013
Phone: (610) 494-7200
What are your tanks worth to you? To us, they mean everything. Whether we’re building new tanks from foundations up, or bringing your current assets back to prime condition, we work hard to ensure your operations continue with minimal disruption or delay. From planning to execution, we’re your expert resource for storage tank projects. Your tanks are your business, and that means everything to us. How can we help you? Find FREE tank project planning resources and more at FisherTank.com.
ForeverLawn, Inc.
Booth #326
8007 Beeon St NE
Louisville, OH 44641
Phone: (330) 499-8873
ForeverLawn® improves spaces and communities through innovative synthetic grass solutions. Beginning in 2004 as the entrepreneurial venture of two brothers, ForeverLawn has led the synthetic turf industry through groundbreaking approaches to products and practice. As the premium choice for synthetic surfacing, each product is engineered to solve unique consumer needs and desires while maintaining superior standards and natural aesthetics. Today the company services over eighty localized markets through their dealer network, with an impressive regional, national, and international project portfolio.
Fuel Right Global, LLC
Booth #422
541 Germay Dr
Wilmington, DE 22192
Phone: (703) 763-3703
Fuel Right® chemistries are unique in their ability to transform ordinary fuel into “ultraclean” fuel; this ensures clean fuel tanks/fuel lines, extended filter life, improved fuel economy and reduced emissions while minimizing water, eliminating sludge/sludge induced corrosion and extending engine life. Treating fuel tanks of all types with Fuel Right means that you will RUN CLEAN and RUN SMART. Please stop by our booth for proof that IT PAYS TO FUEL RIGHT!
Gauge Point Calibration
Booth #313
713 2nd Avenue
Crockett, CA 94525
Phone: (510) 787-9715
Gauge Point Calibration Inc. has been working in the oil industry for over 30 years. Since 1992, Gauge Point Calibration has focused on petroleum tank calibration,
implementing the use of highdefinition survey systems since 2006. As a subject matter expert, Gauge Point Calibration, Inc is an excellent resource to its customers regarding the use of HighDefinition Survey system models to calculate Critical and Alarm levels in accordance with API 2350.
Booth #324
1831 N Park Ave
Burlington, NC 27217
Phone: (336) 380-1828
GlenGuard is an inherent, solutiondyed flame-resistant fabric for workwear and is available in several weights and colors. GlenGuard’s unique fabric wicks moisture like the best performance athletic fabrics. Engineered to be a lightweight fabric with heavyweight protection and added durability, GlenGuard
provides comfort and superior protection against the harshest workplace hazards. When workers are comfortable, they are less likely to cheat compliance.
Booth #614
305 Main Street
Bellwood, PA 16617
Phone: (814) 822-2004
HalenHardy’s mission is to “Simplify Spill and Sediment Control.” We help environmental professionals by developing products that occupy minimal space in vehicles, equipment & facilities, as well as deploy in half the time of traditional products. Products include Spilltration®
Oil Filtration Products, SpillBoa
Absorbent Barrier Boom, Instant Underflow Dam, Harbo FirstResponse Containment Boom, Drainiac® Petroleum Filter Valves
for Secondary Containment & HuskyGuard Stormwater Filters. Our clients include Buckeye, LHT, Exxon Mobil, Plains All American, Marathon & Kinder Morgan.
Higher Materials LLC
Booth #122
1618 Maple Ave, Bldg B Torrance, CA 90503 Phone: (310) 328-2801
Higher Materials, LLC, established in 2011 in California, is a comprehensive turn-key provider for Fluid Transfer and Containment Solutions. The launch of the world’s largest customizable AST Tank Bladder marks a pioneering superior alternative to conventional liners, enhancing clients’ tank infrastructure. The firm’s top-of-theline products, including TPU Portable Standalone Containment Fluid TPU Bladder Systems, Steel Tank with AST Tank TPU Bladder, Hose & Couplings, Pigging Products, Deployment & Retrieval Systems, and accessories, set industry benchmarks while providing a one-stop-shop experience.
Booth #300
19241 David Memorial Drive, Ste 170
The Woodlands, TX 77385 Phone: (281) 681-7000
HMT provides full service tank support to energy providers globally. With over 40 years of experience, HMT knows how to customize solutions for its customers to help their tank operations become more efficient, productive, and profitable. HMT’s team of qualified professionals support each of its lines of service: Products, Repair and Maintenance, Tank Inspection, and New Tank Construction. From outfitting tanks with products to technical and field services, HMT brings a distinct level of innovation and service to the tank industry.
Booth #513
1270 W 137th Ave
Crown Point, IN 46307
Phone: (219) 281-1225
Honeywell’s tank inventory system includes the Honeywell Enraf 954Servo and 990Radar Gauges, averaging temperature probes(RTD and TC) and flexible communication options. The CIU 888 is a versatile device that now combines data collection, tank and volume calculations in s single unit and delivers TCP/IP, OPC or Modbus outputs to host systems such as Honeywell’s Entis HS for display and monitoring in local and remote configurations.
Booth #516
500 N Capital of Texas Hwy Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 371-6231
At HUVR, we believe that the industrial asset inspection paradigm is broken. We deliver a simple to use, purposebuilt platform that transforms the way data is collected, managed, and monetized to make our clients’ operations safer, cleaner and more profitable.
InduMar Products, Inc.
Booth #401
2230 West Governors Circle
Houston, TX 77092
Phone: (713) 977-4100
Providing leak repair, remediation and corrosion control solutions since 1986. Our composite solutions are installed upstream, downstream and everywhere in between, in diverse industrial processes, environments and geographies. InduMar’s XCorr®
Flat Patch can be applied to
tanks, vessels and large diameter piping systems where localized repair is needed. Please stop by our booth #605 to learn more!
Industrial Safety LLC
Booth #607
42235 Edgewater Dr
Punta Gorda, FL 33982
Phone: (732) 646-2711
Supplies certified Firefighters for hole watch & fire watch. All our members have OSHA 10. Our stand by rescue teams are comprised of members that are members of state, local and federal technical rescue teams. We also offer a wide selection of training, OSAH 10 & 30, LOTO, Confined Space assessments, fall protection , electrical safety, working near water , confined space awareness & safe permit writers . We can also provide site safety personnel and site EMT’s.
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers SPONSOR
Booth #508
753 State Ave, Suite 570
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: (913) 371-5036
The International Brotherhood of Boilermaker, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers was started in 1880’s. We represent over 50,000 members today in all types of work. Our National Transient Division represent’s those members that travel extensively throughout the country. They primarily work on steel fabricated tanks and pressure vessels. We generate over 10 million man-hours a year for our organization & signatory contractors. They get trained in welding, rigging, fabrication, installation and field erection of all types of equipment.
International Paint LLC
Booth #102 6001 Antoine Drive
Houston, TX 77091
Phone: (713) 684-5818
north-america.international-pc. com
AkzoNobel’s International® brand is the world leader in marine, yacht and protective coatings. A long-standing brand synonymous with innovation and collaboration, it is the preferred choice of industry leaders looking for excellence and expertise. We deliver anticorrosive and fire protection, fouling control technologies and aesthetic solutions for on and offshore. Supported by high quality customer service and in-field support around the globe, our technologically advanced International product range strives to satisfy our customers’ needs now and in the future.
International® Propelled by curiosity
International Tank Service, Inc.
Booth #425
1085 S. Metcalf Street
Lima, OH 45804
Phone: (419) 223-8251 www.itstank.com
International Tank Service, Inc. designs, fabricates and erects API 650 Aboveground Storage Tanks throughout the U.S. Other services include API 653 Aboveground Storage Tank Inspections, Repairs and Modifications. Consulting Engineers. Fourth generation family business. Incorporated in 1977.
J2 Resources SPONSOR
Booth #418
9096 Railwood Dr., Suite A Houston, TX 77078
Phone: (713) 401-3171
J2 Resources is a provider of Engineered Products & PVF to the Liquid Terminal and Pipeline markets. We focus on custody transfer points, loading and offloading applications. Our products include Pumps, Loading Arms, Batch Control, Overfill & Gauging Systems. Additionally, we offer API 6D Gates, Plugs, and Ball Valves. Our approach brings the customer closer to the manufacturer, optimizing the supply chain, enabling J2 Resources to be a “resource” by providing the value of distribution and a manufacturer direct approach.
Jensen Mixers International SPONSOR
Booth #215
5354 South Garnett Rd
Tulsa, OK 74146
Phone: (918) 627-5770
Jensen Mixers started designing, engineering and building sideentry mixers over 70 years ago and we’ve never lost our focus.
No wonder we’re considered the most respected side-entry mixer company in the world.
Jensen Mixers International is a family owned company, founded in 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jensen pioneered development of the Variable-Angle mixer and the Pitch-Adjusted propeller significantly improving the performance of mixers used in sediment removal operations and utilization of motor power for improved mixing.
JF Petroleum Group
Booth #506
6701 B Northpark Blvd, Suite B Charlotte, NC 28216 Phone: (704) 393-8542
The JF Petroleum Group is the nation’s leading provider of turnkey equipment sales, construction, and services solutions to the North American fueling infrastructure and EV industry. The company serves retail fueling stations, commercial and government fleets, and emergency power customers through its network of 41 branch offices, 4 distribution centers and 1200 employees located across the United States. The JF Petroleum Group represents the premier products in the fueling infrastructure and EV marketplace. To learn more, visit www.jfpetrogroup.com or email Sbernstein@fpetrogroup.com
Kanon Loading Equipment B.V.
Booth #413
Edisonweg 27
Zeewolde, 3899 AZ The Netherlands
Phone: (281) 844-6066
KANON Loading Equipment
B.V. is a Netherlands based supplier of high quality MARINE LOADING ARMS, TOP AND BOTTOM LOADING ARMS for liquids and gases (LNG|CNG) as well as SAFETY EQUIPMENT. Ease of handling, operator safety and decades long reliability are the basics for the design.
Kanon’s expertise and worldwide representation promotes partnership and maximum uptime. Our highly skilled Service Department is HSE certified. Founded in 1979, family business Kanon provides the very best in liquid transfer systems.
Booth #514
7550 Teague Road, Ste 300 Hanover, MD 21076
Phone: (410) 551-8200
Keller has supported tanks on improved ground and repaired tanks built on unsuitable ground conditions for decades. Whether the challenge at a site is soft clay resulting in unacceptable settlement, clay or mixed soils with insufficient bearing capacity, liquefiable soils requiring improvement, or settlement issues with an existing tank, Keller provides on-time design-build foundation solutions that meet the American Petroleum Institute (API) performance criteria and supply long-term performance of any demanding tank project.
Kinley Construction Group, Ltd.
Booth #601
7301 E Commmercial Blvd
Alrington, TX 76001 Phone: (817) 461-2100
The Kinley family has been in oil and gas for six generations and over 110 years. Today, Kinley Construction is a premier industrial and mechanical infrastructure contractor for the aviation, railroad, government, and energy industries, specializing in construction, service and maintenance of midstream fueling terminals, hydrant fueling facilities, bulk storage facilities, diesel fueling platforms, and industrial waste systems, and service, maintenance and parts for rotating equipment, including
steam turbines, reciprocating, centrifugal and screw compressors, centrifugal pumps and integral engines.
Booth #602
165 Chesnut St
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone: (201) 934-8262
Leistritz is an industry leading, global manufacturer of advanced and innovative screw pump, systems, parts, and service. Leistritz specializes in reducing unloading times and provides the industry’s most flexible range of products for all terminal pumping needs. We take great pride in continually improving our products and services to offer cutting edge technology. Our products and technology provide a more environmentally conscious solution, designed to meet the demands of a wide range of customers in the most challenging applications.
Lightning Master Corporation
Booth #305
2100 A Palmetto Drive
Clearwater, FL 33765
Phone: (800) 749-6800
Lighting Master is a full spectrum static solutions and lightning protection company serving the oil, gas, and chemical industries since 1984. Turn-key services include consulting, engineering, manufacturing, and installation dedicated to lightning protection, surge suppression, and grounding. Designs, components, and lightning protection systems meet NFPA 780 and UL requirements. LMC manufactures highest quality stainless steel, titanium, and Hastelloy components made in the USA. Our complete line of products and systems are backed by our worldwide support and customer service.
Mass Technology Corporation
Booth #103
957 NASA Parkway, #123
Houston, TX 77058
Phone: (281) 549-6592
Mass Technology Corporation (MTC) is the leading provider of precision storage tank leak detection and measurement. The system is applicable to all types and sizes of tanks and is not effected by viscous products. MTC also provides a ultra-high pressure water cutting service called SafeCut. Safe-Cut utilizes the patented ‘’Ragworm’’ technology known around the world for cutting above ground storage tanks (bottoms, roofs and side shells) as well as piping, concrete, pressure vessels, columns, FCCU’s, ship / barge decks, etc. www.safe-cut. com
Matrix Service Company SPONSOR
Booth #417
15 E. 5th St., Ste. 1100 Tulsa, OK 74103
Phone: (918) 838-8822
Matrix Service Company
(Nasdaq: MTRX) is a top-tier contractor whose subsidiaries provide lifecycle solutions across the energy and industrial markets. Through our zero-incident safety culture, commitment to quality and sustainability, and highly skilled workforce, we engineer, construct, and maintain the infrastructure needed for quality of life. Known as a leading expert in storage tanks and terminals, we provide best-in-class solutions that maximize inventory capacity and use, reduce emissions, minimize maintenance, and increase overall asset lifespan.
Menard USA
Booth #405
150 East Main St, Ste 500
Pittsburgh, PA 15106
Phone: (412) 620-6000
Menard USA is a designbuild, specialty geotechnical contractor with expertise in ground improvement for sites with problematic soil conditions. Combining creative designs and innovative techniques, Menard delivers practical, and sustainable solutions that are alternatives to deep foundations. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and with offices across the United States and Canada, our local crews mobilize quickly and efficiently to support large distribution warehouses, port and industrial facilities, a wide variety of commercial, institutional, and residential
buildings, major roadway and rail infrastructure, and large bulk storage facilities.
Mesa ETP
Booth #113
4027 Eastern Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45226
Phone: (866) 368-7532
Mesa ETP manufactures and engineers quality products for the petroleum and aboveground storage tank industries. Mesa ETP’s line of engineered tank products include flexible roof drain systems, skimmers, foam delivery systems, floating roof seal systems, gauge pole covers, roof leg socks, repair bladders, vapor bladders and other specialty products for aboveground storage tanks. info@ mesaetp.com
Booth #426
150 Holder Lane
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Phone: (844) 867-3686
As one of the leading providers of NDT, RVI, UAV, and Environmental inspection equipment worldwide, MFE Inspection Solutions offers a large inventory of equipment from top manufacturers including Olympus, Niton, MFE Enterprises, DJI, FLIR, Flyability, and more. With 13 locations across North America, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates, MFE Inspection Solutions is your source for renting and buying the most advanced equipment available. Stop by booth #426 to learn about the 65lb Mark IV Tank Scanner, the new MFE Edge, the Emesent Hovermap, and more
Booth #404
9825 Moers Road
Houston, TX 77075
Phone: (713) 991-7843
Midwest Steel is the nation’s top tank and terminal demolition contractor because we are specialized and pay more for scrap metal. Our safety record leads the industry including 2.5 million accident-free manhours. Midwest Steel operates nationwide and has been in continuous operation since 1968. Midwest Steel customers include most major tank construction firms and dozens of the world’s largest oil, gas and petrochemical companies.
Midwest Urethane Processing Co.
Booth #605
6417 S 39th West Ave
Tulsa, OK 74132
Phone: (918) 445-2277
Founded in 1982, Midwest Urethane manufactures and distributes Vaporseal; Economical wiper seal comprised of polyurethane foamed elastomer that is weather and abrasion resistant, offered in a variety of widths, easy to install, and requires minimal maintenance. Family owned/operated and trusted with the world’s leading tank owners for over 40 years!
MMI Tank & Industrial Services
Booth #117
3240 S 37th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85009
Phone: (602) 272-6000
EXPERTISE, EQUIPMENT & EXPERIENCE: MMI manufactures Field Erected Tanks (Welded & Bolted) and Pressure Vessels, but we also offer Industrial Services like Piping, Specialty Welding, and Rigging. From Industrial Coatings to Industrial Construction, and everything in-between; we can help you Design it, Fabricate it, Install it, Maintain it, and Re-locate it if need be – from start to finish. From Cranes to Conveyors, we
have the equipment and the experience your project needs. We’d like to help you, too.
Modern Welding Company
Booth #407
2880 New Hartford Rd.
Owensboro, KY 42303
Phone: (800) 922-1932
Modern Welding Company celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2022. Operating 11 manufacturing plants in the US, Modern Welding Company is an industry leader being the country’s largest supplier of UL listed aboveground and underground storage tanks for flammable and combustible liquids. Additionally, some of the more common products we fabricate include atmospheric and hydro-pneumatic water tanks, propane tanks, autoclaves, surge tanks, ammonia ASME storage tanks, (various)chemical storage tanks, grease interceptors, hoppers, bins, mixers, oil water separators, and structural steel.
Mott-Smith Consulting, Inc.
Booth #613
111 North Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 391-9835
The Mott-Smith Consulting Group has extensive experience with underground/aboveground storage tank system management and provides environmental consulting services with a focus on resolving government problems. Contact: marshall@mottsmithconsulting.com
MultiTherm Heat Transfer Fluids
Booth #108
349 Circle of Progress Drive
Pottstown, PA 19464
Phone: (610) 408-8361
MultiTherm LLC has been a leading supplier of efficient nonhazardous and non-toxic Heat Transfer Fluids since 1977. With operating temperatures ranging from -15 F to 660 F, MultiTherm can successfully and economically accommodate a customer’s heating and cooling requirements. Further, MultiTherm provides troubleshooting help and a fluid analysis service to determine the physical and chemical condition of the fluid. techinfo@multitherm. com
National Foam
Booth #524
141 Junny Road
Angier, NC 27501
Phone: (919) 331-6100
National Foam is a recognized leader with its portfolio of fluorine free foam concentrates and firefighting foam systems. Capabilities include R&D, custom foam system design, field technical support, foam concentrates and foam hardware for fixed and mobile response systems. National Foam supports customers over a wide range of sectors including major oil and petrochemical companies, international airports, military bases, power stations, harbors and ports, and local municipal fire and rescue services.
Booth #504
1 Steel Dr
Calvert, AL 36513 FN
Phone: (251) 829-3600
Outokumpu is the global leader in stainless steel with the lowest carbon footprint in the industry. Outokumpu stainless steel products have been used for decades in many tank applications. We are at the heart of moving society towards more ecologically, socially,
and economically sustainable solutions.
Path Environmental Technology
Booth #204
4723 Pinemont Dr Houston, TX 77092
Phone: (800) 836-9931
The path athos™ closed-loop automated tank cleaning system combines world-class technology, unmatched experience, and highly skilled people committed to delivering your project excellence where others can’t! Path aims to align our efforts with your goals to reduce your carbon footprint, create a safe work environment, and collectively help the planet achieve a zero path to emission. The result is unreal so contact Path today to let us help plan your next project!
PEMY Consulting
Booth #609
PO Box 23842
Pleasant Hill, CA 94553
Phone: (925) 302-6707
PEMY Consulting helps you with tanks, piping, and pumps and terminal engineering, risk assessment, finite element analysis, fitness for service assessments and other services for storage tanks, piping and pressure vessels. We develop risk-based inspection, integrity and tank overfill programs. We also can help with analyses (hot taps, hazardous atmospheres), PSM related work, decision and risk, LOPA, tank and piping engineering and inspection. We are expert in accident data analysis, probabilistic analysis, and extraction of meaning from incident data.
Perceptive Sensors Technologies
Booth #408
4003 E. Speedway, Suite 119 Tucson, AZ 85712
Phone: (520) 745-5494
Perceptive Sensor Technologies™ (PST): The Exclusive Non-Intrusive Verification and Monitoring Company. PST develops devices and systems across the entire Custodial Transfer operation. This leading-edge technology will be responsible for billions of dollars in savings by reducing millions of barrels of waste (transmix); contamination alerts; increasing productivity; quality assurance; optimization of existing assets; and reducing risks. PST Provides Actionable Identification, Validation and Verification in Operational, Production and Logistical Processes, in critical areas in Petroleum, Petrochemical, Food/Additives and other industries
Petroleum Recovery Services
Booth #521
210 Powell Dr
Summerville, SC 29483
Phone: (843) 225-1777
Fuel storage for emergency preparedness is a standard requirement today, and this fuel requires regular maintenance. That’s our specialty. Petroleum Recovery Services (PRS) provides fuel filtration services, lab analysis, treatment, tank inspections and tank maintenance services (since 1997). We offer excellent customer service while managing thousands of tanks for critical facilities requiring uninterrupted power. Whatever the project or compliance standards that must be met, you can be assured that PRS will provide the most costeffective solution.
Petrotech Southeast, Inc. SPONSOR
Booth #319
23800 County Road 561
Astatula, FL 34705
Phone: (407) 656-8114
As a licensed Pollutant Storage
System Contractor and General Contractor with over 30 years of environmental and industrial services experience, Petrotech Southeast has the trained personnel, equipment and expertise to perform any tank and/or pipe cleaning and inspection project. Other services include demolition, construction, impacted soil removal, and waste hauling and disposal. All crews are Hazwoper, Confined Space and MSHA trained.
Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co
Booth #322
P.O. Box 913
Henderson, KY 42420 Phone: (270) 826-9000
Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company is one of North America’s leading
erected tanks, maintenance and inspection services. Beginning in 1919, Pittsburg Tank & Tower Company committed its resources to providing engineered structures and exemplary service for municipal water storage and industrial storage facilities.
PLS Construction, Inc
Booth #202
4486 N. DuPont Hwy, Bldg A Dover, DE 19901
Phone: (302) 744-8063
Installer of geomembrane liners for primary and secondary containment. PLS also provides inspections of installed geomembranes. All type geomembranes, HDPE, XR-5, Polyurethane and Bentomat. Design assistance and site inspections. John@plsliner.com
Pond & Company
Booth #100
2204 Timberloch Place, Ste 230 The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: (832) 422-7833
Pond is a full-service engineering firm providing design, inspection and EPCM construction services to oil & gas clients across the US and worldwide. Our expertise includes planning and FEED studies, process and piping design, E&IC design, civil/structural, fire protection, environmental, cathodic protection/coatings, permitting, asset integrity, regulatory compliance and construction management. Pond’s design experience with refined products and crudes ranges from truck, rail, and marine terminal facilities; pipeline and breakout; as well as
Booth #519
#4, 201 - 19 Ave
Nisku, Alberta T9E 0W8 Canada
Phone: (780) 542-4661
Precise is North America’s leading distributor of robotic industrial tank cleaning equipment. Over the years, our equipment has been engineered to produce the most efficient tank cleaning process in the industry. Our unique marriage of tools and software allow you to seamlessly plan and execute even the most complex cleaning jobs. Plus, the unique ergonomics of our zero-entry equipment means that it is easy to transport, rig up and rig out – often only requiring minimal cabling and hoses and never requiring a heavy umbilical.
Precision Build Solutions LLC dba
Tampa Tank Inc.
Booth #318
12781 US Highway 41 South
Gibsonton, FL 33534
Phone: (813) 241-4261
Tampa Tank provides complete design, shop fabrication, shipment, field erection, repairs, testing, of welded steel storage tanks and piping for a wide range of industrial industries. Sixty+ years in the business of storage tank engineering, design, fabrication, and construction. The product line includes shop-assembled ASME and field-erected API storage tanks, AWWA water storage tanks and other custom structures in carbon and stainless steel. Tampa Tank performs field construction work, often on a turnkey basis, throughout the US, the Caribbean, Central and South America.
Booth #307
9561 Palmetto Commerce
Parkway Ladson, SC 29456
Phone: (843) 900-9285
PROTEGO® manufactures a comprehensive line of flame arresters, tank vents, pilot operated vents and specialty tank equipment. These products are installed in tank farms for flammable liquids, chemical & pharmaceutical processing facilities, ship building, oil platforms, loading facilities and low-pressure cryogenic storage.
Qi2 Elements
Booth #505
1100 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057
Phone: (832) 260-5275
Now apart of Baker Hughes, we are a focused team delivering a new generation of technologyenhanced inspection and integrity management services to benefit operators of pipelines and aboveground storage tanks, pressure vessels, shop-built tanks, and high purity equipment. We are fusing our development of advanced inspection process automation and robotic technologies with our expansive knowledge of NDE, tank systems, and pipeline inspection. This equips us to bring a higher tier of inspection, intelligence assembly, and asset integrity management to our industry customers.
Ranger Inspection™ SPONSOR
Booth #609
363 N Sam Houston Parkway E Houston, TX 77060
Phone: (866) 252-4487
Ranger Inspection™ is an independent, family owned and
operated company that has been providing API, Inspection, NDE, Calibration, Engineering, Evaluation and Consulting services for over twenty-two years throughout North America and the globe. Our long history of success has been based on hard work, integrity and a commitment to each other, the people we work for and with, and the entire industry. We take great pride in our work at Ranger Inspection™ by providing outstanding service on every project, everyday!
Rapid Fire Protection Inc
Booth #211
1530 Samco Road
Rapid City, SD 57702
Phone: (605) 348-2342
Rapid Fire Protection Inc.
“A Pye Barker Company” is a fire suppression, alarm, monitoring and extinguisher contractor specializing in hazard analysis, design, engineering, fabrication, installation and inspection services with turnkey capabilities to supply all of your industrial fire suppression needs for combustible liquid storage and the petroleum industry alike. Our team includes fire protection professional engineers, consultants and NICET certified designers. Innovative personalized design, while upholding the highest level of fire protection engineering, installation and safety is what separates Rapid Fire Protection from our competition.
Booth #124
11917 Cutten Rd
Houston, TX 77066
Phone: (281) 569-3522
Riteks is a manufacturer of Protective Coatings and Closed-
Cell Foam that Decreases Downtime, Overall Projects Costs (Application and Labor), and reduces Environmental Impact while Increasing Overall Performance. Riteks’ Protective Coatings are manufactured in the United States, and are developed to be One Coat and Two Coat options for Internal and External protection. Riteks’ Closed-Cell Foam is the only option for the pontoons of floating roofs that has 30 plus years of performance, applied to Tanks in and out of service.
RMF Tank Services
Booth #309
1125 West 2300 North Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Phone: (385) 415-2078
RMF is a 40-year company specializing in full-service plate steel construction on new construction and maintenance projects across the United States. Typical projects include API and AWWA storage and
process tanks, and more complex structures such as Roasters / Scrubbers / Absorbers / Converters and much more. We are certified by ASME in the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and spheres. We have extensive experience in carbon steel, stainless steels, duplex steels, and high-nickel alloy materials.
Booth #208
14120 Interdrive East Houston, TX 77032
Phone: (833) 737-3835
The ROSEN Group is a global privately owned organization that cares for infrastructure assets that are essential to providing safe and reliable energy. Specifically, we provide integrity and performance optimization of technical infrastructure for the following markets: Energy, Future Fuels, Water, Renewables, and Deep Sea applications. ROSEN now operates in over 120 countries
with over 4,000 employees. Both operating locations and research and development centers around the world focus continuously on the ability to innovate the newest technologies.
Schroeder Environmental Cleaning Services Inc.
Booth #218
2206 North Quincy Steet Green Bay, WI 54302
Phone: (801) 541-6685
Schroeder Environmental provides storage tank cleaning, API 653 inspection, engineered repair services nationally to serve several types of industrial clients. SECSI uses the latest cleaning and waste disposal technology to ensure the best results for your project. SECSI can also provide rescue and waste disposal services per request. Call Gary for your next project @ 651 335 8083. Garys@ schroederenvironmental.com
Seaman Corporation
Booth #210
1000 Venture Blvd
Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: (330) 202-5952
Seaman Corporation is a world leader in manufacturing all types of fuel-resistant reinforced geomembranes used in both primary and secondary containment applications in the aboveground storage tank market. Products include XR-5 and the new heavier duty XR-5 G, which is for all types of hydrocarbons (jet fuel, diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, crude, gasoline) and Polyurethanes which are used for military tank bottoms and fuel bladders.
Smith Tank & Steel Inc
Booth #301
42422 Hwy 30
Gonzales, LA 70737
Phone: (225) 644-8747
Smith Tank & Steel was founded in 1997 and has grown to become a nationwide contractor specializing in API tank construction and tank repairs. Smith Tank has fabrication capabilities include piping, tank appurtenances, shop tank fabrication, and ASME vessels. Built on a 26-Acre facility includes 8,000-sq-ft Mechanical fabrication shop, 10,000-sq-ft appurtenance fabrication shop, and a 23,000-sqft fabrication shop.
Solares Florida Corporation
Booth #310
2955 East 11th Ave
Hialeah, FL 33013
Phone: (305) 592-0593
Solares is an Emerson Local Business Partner representing Rosemount Tank Gauge and Fisher/Enardo. Established in 1919, Solares’s scope of supply includes custom designed skid-mounted packaged assemblies, tank gauging systems,
and measurement and control technologies for the transportation, storage, and custody transfer of fuels and chemicals. We support marketing/marine fuel terminals, airports, LPG facilities and refineries throughout the Caribbean Central America, and Florida.
Solidification Products Int’l Inc.
Booth #227
215 Village Street
Northford, CT 06472
Phone: (203) 484-9494
Imagine your oil containment area free of water, yet still 100% protected from oil sheen or an oil spill event. Fully achieved by using SPI’s patented, cost effective Petro-Barriers, Pipes & Plugs. Work with an innovative, 20+ year company to design your customized passive oil containment solution. SPCC compliant, easy to retrofit, check & change out after an oil spill. Florida DEP accepted technology for any oil containment system.
Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association (STI/SPFA)
Booth #523
944 Donata Court
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Phone: (847) 438-8265 stispfa.org
STI/SPFA promotes and unites the steel plate fabricated products industry through standards development, education and communication. Visit stispfa.org for more information.
Storage Terminals Magazine SPONSOR
Booth #616
The Light Bulb, Studio 401, 1 Filament Walk,
London, SW18 4GQ United Kingdom
Phone: (44) 787-700-3195
Published five times a year, along
with a US focused supplement, Storage Terminals Magazine is the premier business magazine for executives, technicians, engineers and all professionals working in the global bulk liquids storage industry. With its high level content, industry expert contributions and unparalleled global news coverage, Storage Terminals Magazine gives you the information you need to make your business run smoother, safer and more profitably. For information on Storage Terminals Magazine, please contact Greg Emmenis: greg@ storageterminalsmag.com
Streamtech Industrial
Booth #104
4550 Post Oak Place, Suite 119 Houston, TX 77027
Phone: (832) 883-1776
For over 35 years, StreamTech Industrial formerly known as Don Miller & Associates has been a leader in the petroleum maintenance and construction fields. We offer experienced and well trained crews, state of the art equipment, as well as procedures that adhere to both the latest industry standards and safety regulations. We are proud of our commitment to quality work, integrity, and dedication to the needs of our customers.
Tanco Engineering Inc
Booth #327
1400 Taurus Court
Loveland, CO 80537
Phone: (970) 776-4225
Since 1941, TANCO Engineering has specialized in the engineering, fabrication, new construction, and repair of aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) in the oil and gas, chemical, fertilizer, energy, and water industries. TANCO also has patented floating roof seal systems and can provide and install
RMF Tank Services is a full service general construction company that specializes in the engineering, fabrication and field erection of plate steel structures. We have extensive experience with all grades of carbon steel, stainless steel, clad and nickel alloy materials. Typical projects include API and AWWA tanks, scrubbers, ducting, silos, bins, clarifiers, thickeners, stacks, towers and other steel plate structures.
aluminum geodesic dome roofs. Having supervision and crews throughout the United States, we pride ourselves in customer service, providing technical experts who manage the projects and serve as a single point of contact for our customers.
Tank Aluminum Cover, S.L.
Booth #608
Virgen de la Victoria No. 4
Seville, 41011 ES
Phone: (3495) 421-4896
Founded in 2001 Tank Aluminum Cover is considered an experienced manufacturer of Aluminum Geodesic Domes, Internal Floating Roofs Full Contact type and Pontoon type, a full range of primary and secondary seals for internal and external floating roofs, oil water separator cover systems, skimmers and suctions, articulated drain systems and fix aluminum covers for the petroleum and water industries.
Tank Builders, Inc.
Booth #402
PO Box 187
Haslet, TX 76052
Phone: (970) 776-4200
Tank Builders, Inc. is a steel plate fabricator specializing in welded steel storage tank design, fabrication, erection and repair. TBI’s corporate headquarters is in the Dallas Fort Worth area with additional fabrication facilities in Baird, TX.
Tank Connection - APEX DOMES SPONSOR
Booth #214
3609 N. 16th Street
Parsons, KS 67357
Phone: (620) 423-3010
As an employee owned company, Tank Connection strives to fulfill the needs of our customers. Tank Connection Covers features the APEX Dome product line
designed to provide a long life, low maintenance solution for your aluminum geodesic dome applications.
Tank Engineering SPONSOR
Booth #317
23800 County Road 561 Astatula, FL 34705
Phone: (863) 354-9010
Tank Engineering is one of the oldest engineering firms specializing in inspection, design and construction management services for the aboveground storage tank industry. That experience translates into real world solutions. Offices in Florida and Indiana
Tank News International
Booth #616
Suite 4011 Filament Walk London, SW18 4GQ United Kingdom
Phone: (44) 787-700-3195
Tank News International is a trusted resource focused on equipping members of the tank storage and logistics industry’s with up-todate and relevant content. Tank News International is run by a group of established tank industry professionals and has become the ‘go-to’ resource for those who work within the storage terminals industry.
Tank Storage Magazine
Booth #123
Easyfairs2nd Floor Regal House
70 London Road, Twickenham
Phone: (440203) 551-5721
Tank Storage Magazine is the market leading publication dedicated to the bulk liquid storage sector. The only industry audited publication, it is published 7 times a year and more than 40,000 copies are printed annually. The industry recognises the magazine as the market
leader and as such, it’s the official publication for all major tank storage events globally. A one-year subscription costs $243 and includes a map listing the location and storage capacity of all the major terminals worldwide.
Tanknology Inc SPONSOR
Booth #500
11000 N. MoPac #500
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (800) 964-0150
Tanknology is the largest provider of tank compliance solutions in the world, providing STI SP001 inspections and testing, UST testing, and associated environmental compliance services at more than 85,000 sites each year – across the USA and around the world. Sales (800) 9641250
Booth #615
Stationsweg 1 B
4811 AX Breda, The Netherlands
Phone: (44) 125-271-8999
Tankterminals.com is a state of the art platform that provides its users with up to date global terminal information. The platform has three functions: It’s a terminal market research tool, it has a set of terminal operational tools and incorporates the Terminal Marketplace to offer and bid on tank capacity globally. All these implementations and much more have put tankterminals.com at the forefront of innovation and technology in the energy market.
Booth #515
25000 Pitkin Road
Spring, TX 77386
Phone: (832) 299-3200
Tarsco, a TF Warren Company, has served industrial clients for over
40 years. We are well positioned to deliver unsurpassed service to our domestic and international clients for terminals and above ground LPG storage tanks. Tarsco provides these services throughout the Western Hemisphere using our engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) approach. With the expertise of our professional management teams, we offer our customers a single source of contact to ensure their project is successful by being on schedule and on budget.
TechnoSoft Inc SPONSOR
Booth #115
11180 Reed Hartman Hwy
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Phone: (513) 985-9877
TechnoSoft’s AMETank, AMInTank, and AMPreVA application software enable engineering, detailing, and re-rating of tanks per API 650, API 653, API 620, AWWA D100, and vessels per ASME Section VIII. TechnoSoft’s AMPointCloud and AMPipeline software support HD surveying and laser scanning of terminals, refineries, and pipelines. TechnoSoft deploys its applications in services for inspection and integrity analysis of tanks, generation of 3D models and drawings, PFDs and P&IDs, floating roof design support and evaluation, and, tank calibration and secondary containment assessments.
Titan Industrial Services
Booth #219
4054 N Point Road
Baltimore, MD 21222
Phone: (410) 477-1857
Titan Industrial Services, Inc. has been in business 40 years with
its key staff having 20+ years experience in the field. We are a leading contractor in the industry and are QP1 and QP2 certified, as well as staffing certified NACE Inspectors. Titan’s dedication and experience ensures that all projects are handled with professionalism, on time without disruption to your daily process, and most importantly follows all safety guidelines to ensure you are completely satisfied.
Traeger Brothers & Associates
Booth #401
12405 SW 130th Street
Miami, FL 33186
Phone: (800) 558-1373
Traeger Brothers is a full line supplier of Industrial Pipe, Valves, Fittings, and Engineered Products with 4 stocking locations in Miami (HQ/S.Fla); Mulberry (Cent.Fla), Houston,TX; and Curacao. We recently opened the Traeger Service Center (TSC) in Mulberry, Fl – a full service Valve Automation and Repair facility. Since 1924, we have primarily serviced Oil Terminals and Refineries in the Southeast US, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
TransTech Energy
Booth #120
14527 US Hwy 64 ALT W Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Phone: (215) 779-6746
TransTech Energy delivers engineered solutions for gas and liquids storage, transfer, and utilization across multiple industries. We help our customers develop responsible, sustainable projects that drive measurable, positive impact while protecting workers and
communities. We aim to solve our customers’ design, process, and operating challenges. As a single-source provider with nationwide coverage, we offer a full suite of integrated solutions throughout the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean including engineering, tank fabrication, field services/construction, and operations and maintenance
Trenton Corporation
Booth #323
7700 Jackson Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (706) 870-2202
Since 1949, The Trenton Corporation has provided excellent anticorrosion materials for a variety of environments. The products include a selection of Wax-Tape® brand anticorrosion wraps, Primers, Outerwraps and Hot-Applied Coatings that work to protect your resources. Trenton’s WaxTape® Anticorrosion wrap system is advantageous for complex structures in tank farm environments
Booth #224
135 W Adams Ave
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Phone: (866) 488-4170
TruQC provides digital solutions for industrial coatings and API inspections. Our mobile inspection platform standardizes data collection, makes reports accessible in real time, and lets inspectors get their work done with ease. From AMPP compliance to API checklists, TruQC increases uptime by
Inspection Services
API / STI / AMPP / Fiberglass
Advanced NDE / MFL / Corrosion Mapping
Engineering / Consulting
Fitness-for-Service / RBI / Design
Hydrostatic Test Exemptions / Monitoring
Volumetric Strapping / Calibration
API MPMS Chapter 2
Tank Gauging & Field Services
3D Imaging / Evaluation
3D Laser Scanning / Modeling / Inspection
Settlement / Deformation / Containment
UAV: Confined Space Drone / UT Drone
External and Internal Equipment Inspections
Pre-Entry Safety Assessments
Safety & Rescue Personnel / Equipment Confined Space Monitor & Entry / Rescue
Avetta / ISNetworld / ComplyWorks / ContractorCheck / COR / WCB
Ranger ThinkTanks
Please follow Ranger Inspection™ on LinkedIn to stay up to date on future events, product releases, and company activities
866.252.4487 www.rangerinspection.com
HOLDER ID # 15705
keeping employees safe, inspectors compliant, and assets operating safely and efficiently. Whether you serve the coatings or inspections market, TruQC has a solution for you.
US Tank Protectors, Inc.
Booth #110
5100 Walnut Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60515 Phone: (630) 719-9754
NEWS RELEASE!!! Extend your API 653 internal inspections by 5 years using this Method.
“Method and Apparatus for Cathodically Protecting a Storage Tank” Patent No. 9873950 . The Next Generation of double bottom tanks has arrived!!! Industry leader specializing in Cathodic Protection design, installation, and testing services for
aboveground storage tanks since 1989. Services include specialized CP designs for double bottom tanks with and without secondary containment systems and hot service tanks. Specialized External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) services for aboveground storage tanks. Contact Lou at lou@ustankprotectors.com
VAREC, a Leidos Company SPONSOR
Booth #502
5834 Peachtree Corners E Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 Phone: (866) 698-2732
Varec, a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos, is a pioneer in inventory tank gauging and has been a leading innovator of fuel management solutions for 95 years. Varec solutions
increase visibility, improve automation, and provide reliable measurement and control of bulk liquid assets. Varec’s FuelsManager® software applications and hardware products provide cloud-based, enterprise visibility at tank farms, marketing terminals, refineries, petrochemical plants, airports, and military fuel facilities. Varec is headquartered in Georgia, USA with offices in the UK and Australia.
VCI/Cashco, Inc.
Booth #221
607 W 15th St
Ellsworth, KS 67439
Phone: (785) 472-4461
Valve Concepts manufactures self-contained, pilot-operated tank blanketing and vent valves. Providing a complete line of tank
manifolds allowing blanketing and venting.
Viper Imaging
Booth #225
2406 Valleydale Rd
Birmingham, AL 35244
Phone: (205) 677-3700
Viper Imaging is a leading supplier and integrator of thermal imaging systems and industrial process monitoring equipment. Our proven systems and software are installed in a variety of commercial applications for oil and gas, energy production and distribution, metals, and industrial automation. Viper system solutions, such as gas leak detection and flare monitoring, can be fully integrated into various control systems to provide alarming and the data needed to make critical decisions.
Vista Precision Solutions, Inc. (VPSI)
Booth #107
2350 Lindberg Loop
Richland, WA 99354
Phone: (509) 943-2484
Zerust Oil & Gas
Booth #303
23900 Mercantile Road
Beachwood, OH 44122
Phone: (641) 683-1855
Zerust® Oil & Gas is the world’s leading supplier of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) with products which reduce steel corrosion rates in multiple industries. VCIs are proven to effectively protect corrosion prone areas of Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) floors and roofs. Other applications can protect of the inside of pipelines after construction and hydrotesting, or during a layup. Cased crossings that are shorted can also be protected using VCIs. Come by our booth for a complimentary (VCI) Vapor Capsule sample. Inspections
Vista Precision Solutions, Inc. (VPSI) provides integrity assessment and leak detection services for bulk storage tanks, pipelines and airport hydrant refueling systems. VPSI’s Tank Assessment Program (VistaTAP) offers storage tank operators a unique option for in-service inspection to comply with API653 requirements while maximizing uptime. VPSI equipment is stand-alone or fully integrated with pump/valve control systems and covers a wide range of tank sizes and fuel systems. info@vistaprecision.com
Vista’s Tank Assessment Program (VistaTAP) is an in-service, API 653-compliant method using direct measurement to extend the internal inspection interval of your storage tanks. Using VistaTAP, operators may extend API 653 inspections without taking tanks out of service.