For more than 25 years, WRS has been an outstanding provider of environmental, utility, and industrial services, with a strong emphasis on developing a highly trained and experienced workforce. Utilizing stateof-the-art equipment and advanced technologies, WRS has built a reputation for providing customers with quality workmanship and innovative, customized, turn-key solutions. The acquisition will expand CPSSC’s capabilities and expertise in nuclear plant decommissioning and demolition, industrial, infrastructure, and power delivery services.
“Creating customer value and continually striving to better meet the needs of the customers and end markets we serve is a key component of our strategy. Combining the complimentary capabilities of WRS with the capabilities of the current CPSSC business units will strengthen our ability to serve our customers,” said Carlos Hernandez, CPSSC CEO. “WRS has a long history of being an outstanding provider of environmental, utility, and industrial services, both CPSSC and WRS customers will benefit from the industry leading practices from both companies.”
Founded in 2006, CPSSC and subsidiaries’ mission is to be a leader for the industrial specialty services business segment by providing our clients, in the public and private sectors, quality products, professional service, and unsurpassed industry knowledge while always maintaining the highest degree of integrity and safety. Being an industry leader means we will meet or exceed safety, performance, and specification requirements for each and every client and project. CPSSC is currently ranked #3 by Engineering News and named one of the best and brightest companies to work for in the nation for 2021 by the National Association for Business Resources.
For more information visit www.championssc.com
Delivering unsurpassed service to domestic and international clients
April 14, 2023 | 8:00am – 5:00pm
Speakers: Earl Crochet, PE and David Cushman, CSP
This eight-hour course is designed specifically for midstream facility owner-operators and project managers who are expected to get their work done safely, on time, and on budget, but find themselves faced with rules and procedures that seem like they are more like barriers than aids. Candidates could include upper-level managers, or facility operators, as well as any other stakeholder that finds many aspects of these topics a bit confusing and finds conflicting interpretations of industry standards, recommended practices and best practices during the course of their workday. Many of these interpretations are just that, and they are seeking to find black and white answers, in a real world that is often fuzzy shades of gray. This is an intermediate level course, and prior field experience is highly recommended. It is a fastpaced course that covers a wide variety of topics.
The course content is prepared in a series of modules with some embedded case studies for group discussion. Course will begin with an introduction to the various modules including learning objectives for each module. As we progress through the modules, we will encounter some often-misunderstood aspects of cleaning, inspection, and repair. Where applicable, we will present the requirements of the various OSHA standards, API standards and recommended practices and discuss some of the interpretations that exist and vary plant to plant. Many interpretations are highly dependent on the owneroperators chosen level of risk acceptance. Some owner/operators don’t realize that some of their risk choices may have a cost that exceeds the benefit.
We will start with a discussion in detail about confined space entry policies. We will emphasize the over-riding principle of hierarchy of controls, and this applies to all safe work practices, not just confined space entry. We will review vapor sources and sources of ignition that may be found in a facility. Some of these may be overlooked and others may be overemphasized. There will be a module on understanding
the requirements of tank inspection. This includes what is required by code and what may be required by specific owner/operators. We will review the presence of coatings and how they may affect your inspection procedures. The course will look at what constitutes a good API 653 out of service inspection report and what is perhaps a “not-so-good” one. We will discuss the applicable API 653 standards and proper use of “grandfathering.”
Next, we offer some industry best practices including existing and novel inspection tools. The course explores robotic in-service inspections and its current uses and some shortcomings. After reviewing the inspection report, we will review typical and atypical mechanical repairs. There will be a review of other repairs, considering cone and floating roofs using organics (epoxies), fall protection modifications, handrailing requirements and other related topics. Of course, there will be a coatings module, and will briefly consider new internal linings , and review options with respect to existing linings , i.e., when to repair, recoat, or replace.
We will finish up with a discussion of the requirements for overfill protection under the new 5th Edition of API Standard 2350 and give a brief overview of all the existing API documents that cover all this work, explaining what each document covers so you have familiarity with them and know how to look up what you now know about when you need more detained guidance
In addition we will clarify some misunderstandings about strapping requirements and return to service. There will be an opportunity after each module to ask questions and there will be a question and answer at the end for any related topics of interest to the attendees.
Safety share, introduction of presenters, and introduction of modules and learning objectives of each
There are lots of lessons to be garnered from this 19th century tale. By looking at Goldilocks and her antics with the three bears we can understand how level of risk acceptance is not absolute, but relative, and this will help understand when processes and procedures are required, recommended, or merely suggested.
Permit-required, non-permit required, alternate procedures, open door sheet?
Is your roof stable? To crib or not to crib? How are they interpreted? Do you have a standby rescue team when you need one, or have one when you don’t need one? Are you following OSHA general industry or construction? Which standard applies? What are we atmospheric monitoring for? Are we using the hierarchy of controls? We will review our understanding of industry best practices.
This module is a thorough examination of ignition sources including hot work, combustion engines and low energy hot work. It reviews hot work requirements and looks at the definition of hot work. We will look to find all potential vapor sources, and not overlook anything. . We will consider potential vapor sources found in a typical petroleum facility. The module looks at various policies considering the cost and efficacyusefulness of each.
When you call for a tank inspection, do you have any expectations? API 653 is not very prescriptive. What is required? What is recommended? No inspection ever covers 100% of the tank or tank bottom, and each inspection technique has limitations. Are you familiar with them? Consequently, there are risk choices to be made. This module looks at the current state of the art with out of service and in service robotic inspections.
The stories you are about to hear are true, but the tank numbers have been changed to protect the innocent. This is a somewhat light-hearted look at what makes a good and a not-so-good tank inspection report. We will let you decide innocence or guilt.
7 | Getting the Best from Your Inspection
Our thoughts about the industry best practices. It considers the presence of coatings (good and bad), along with the limitations on each NDT technology. We will discuss the dreaded “required or recommended” repair section, looking at the language in API 653.
8 | Mechanical Repairs- Putting the Metal to the Metal
This discussion centers on making mechanical repairs in accordance with API 653. We review the fact that API 653 is often more about what you cannot do than what you can do. We will review repairs and effect on working capacity, “grandfathering’, and other related topics.
9 | Other Repairs- Roofs, Composites, and RailingsWhat Are the “Other Guys” Doing?
API 653 is not just about welding repair. There are many other repairs that should be done during out-of-service inspections and they don’t all involve metal. What are your neighbors doing? We will look at different owner operator approaches to common tank repair issues.
10 | The Three Rs of Coating-Repair, Recoat, Replace When it come to new coating, should you coat a bottom? What are the risks of you don’t? We will look at repairs to existing coatings, and when they need to be replaced.
11 | Overfill Protection, Strapping and Return-to Service- Final Question and Answer
We will wrap it up with an overview of the new API Standard 2350 overfill requirements and a clarification of strapping requirements. There will be time for question and answers following this topic.
Imperial said it will further help Canada achieve its net zero goals by investing about $720 million (USD $560 million) to move forward with construction of the largest renewable diesel facility in the country. The project at Imperial’s Strathcona refinery near Edmonton is expected to produce more than one billion litres of renewable diesel annually primarily from locally sourced feedstocks and could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Canadian transportation sector by about 3 million metric tons per year, as determined in accordance with Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulation. Regulatory approval for the project is expected in the near term.
“Imperial supports Canada’s vision for a lower-emission future, and we are making strategic investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations and to help customers in vital sectors of the economy reduce their emissions,” said Brad Corson, Imperial chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “The investment at our Strathcona refinery will deliver immediate benefits to the local economy creating jobs and contributing to a lower-emission energy future for our
The renewable diesel project was first announced in August 2021, with the Province of British Columbia supporting this project through a Part 3 Agreement under the BC low carbon fuel standard. A significant portion of the renewable diesel from Strathcona will be supplied to British Columbia in support of the province’s plan to lower carbon emissions. Imperial also intends to use renewable diesel in operations as part of the company’s emission reduction plans.
Imperial’s renewable diesel facility will use low-carbon hydrogen produced with carbon capture and storage technology to help Canada meet low emission fuel standards. Imperial has entered into an agreement with Air Products for low-carbon hydrogen supply and is developing agreements with other third parties for biofeedstock supply. The lowcarbon hydrogen and biofeedstock will be combined with a proprietary catalyst to produce premium lower-emission diesel fuel and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions relative to conventional fuels.
“Imperial supports Canada’s vision for a lower-emission future, and we are making strategic investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations and to help customers in vital sectors of the economy reduce their emissions.”
are underway. Renewable diesel production is expected to start in 2025. The project is expected to create about 600 direct construction jobs, along with hundreds more through investments by business partners.
After more than a century, Imperial continues to be an industry leader in applying technology and innovation to responsibly develop Canada’s energy resources. As Canada’s largest petroleum refiner, a major producer of crude oil, a key petrochemical producer and a leading fuels marketer from coast to coast, our company remains committed to high standards across all areas of our business.
The largest gathering of corrosion and protective coating professionals is coming to Denver. Register now for the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, where you can gain key industry insights from over 600 hours of programming and hands-on training, including peer-reviewed symposia, forums, workshops, standards and administrative meetings, informational exchanges, student poster sessions, and networking opportunities.
6000+ attendees
350+ companies
600+ hours of technical education
60+ countries
15+ hours of expo hall time Scan
The SMEs for the USEPA (Mark Howard and Troy Swackhammer) will provide an update on the Office of Emergency Management’s tank programs. This will include an brief overview of the programs and the current trends, policies and compliance challenges. The session will include an open Q&A session. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the session so all stakeholders benefit from the answers and discussion with the regulators.
The session will provide an overview of the USEPA Oil Program Inspection Process. The presentation will include common problems encountered during inspections. The course will include real world inspection photos and case studies.
This course will include an open Q&A session. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the session so all stakeholders benefit from the answers and discussion with the regulators.
Mark Howard: Mark Howard is an Environmental Scientist with the Headquarters Office of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), Regulation Implementation Division (RID) in Washington D.C. He is the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) National Technical Expert. He also serves as the SPCC Team Leader, national project manager for the Inspector’s Training Program, the Oil Program representative/instructor for the OSC academy, and the lead for the Oil Program Technical Workgroup. He is also the lead technical member of the SPCC rulemaking workgroup and is one of the authors of the SPCC rule (40 CFR part 112). Mr. Howard served as the OEM lead for reviewing the Keystone Pipeline Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Agency Hydraulic Fracturing Study. Mr. Howard was consulted by the National Academy of Sciences on their diluted bitumen paper. Mr. Howard is an active voting member of the STI SP001 committee. Mark also is the EPA executive Committee representative for the
International Oil Spill Conference. EPA has awarded Mr. Howard with a 2018 National Notable Achievement Award for inspector training, a silver medal and several bronze medals. Prior to his Federal service he worked ten years as a State oil/Haz-Mat responder and AST inspector with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality. Mr. Howard holds a Master of Science Degree in Biology (Specializing in Environmental Science and Policy) from George Mason University. He holds Virginia Emergency Services certifications as a Hazardous Materials Specialist and Incident Manager. He is most proud of his relationship with his wife Christine and daughter Hope.
Troy Swackhammer: Academics: B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, 1988 M.S., Civil-Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1994 Work Experience:• Versar, Inc. and SAIC, Virginia offices, 19881992: Environmental consulting engineering work in the areas of insurance and property acquisition audits, UST compliance and site remediation. • Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, 19921996: Environmental engineering work for DCA and IAD, with focus on AST and UST compliance under the Phase 1 Capital Development Program. • U.S. EPA, 1997-present: Member of Oil Branch in Office of Emergency Management working on oil spill prevention and preparedness policies and regulations under 40 CFR 112, which includes the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) and the Facility Response Plan (FRP) regulations. Currently serve as national lead on FRP regulation and policy coordination and member of PREP4C
8:00am – 12:00pm
The purpose of the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule is to help facilities prevent a discharge of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. This rule is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s oil spill prevention program and was published in 1974, under the authority of Section 311(j)(1)(C) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act). The rule may be found at Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112.
A facility is covered by the SPCC rule if it has an aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity greater than 1,320 U.S. gallons or a completely buried storage capacity greater than 42,000 U.S. gallons and there is a reasonable expectation of an oil discharge into or upon navigable waters of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines.
12:00pm – 1:00pm
1:00pm – 5:00pm
In 1994, EPA finalized the Facility Response Plan regulation at 40 CFR Part 112.20 and 112.21. Promulgated under the authority of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the regulation requires certain facilities that pose the risk of substantial harm to the environment to prepare plans to respond to a worst-case discharge of oil. FRP-regulated facilities must prepare and submit a plan to their EPA Regional Administrator. EPA reviews and approves FRPs for certain facilities that have the potential to cause significant and substantial harm. There are about 3,800 FRP plan holders in the U.S.
The short course is available for all SPCC stakeholders. This short course will provide an overview both the rule and the SPCC Guidance for Regional Inspectors. The session will be approximately four hours long, including time to address questions. This short course will describe the requirements for SPCC facility owner/operators and certifying professional engineers. The course will include an overview of the rule, the elements from the revised inspector guidance document and implementation issues encountered since the last course. This overview will include but is not limited to:
• Applicability
• Jurisdiction
• General plan elements
• Oil Filled Equipment (OFE)
• Testing requirements
• Qualified facilities
• Specific requirements for bulk facilities
• Report out on SPCC FY 18/19 inspection findings. An abbreviated version of the full conference presentation on an EPA analysis on inspection finds will be presented. This will provide attendees with feedback from actual SPCC inspections on common violations and best practices.
The intended audience for this short course is stakeholders in the SPCC regulated community, which include, but are not limited to, Professional Engineers (PE), consultants, insurance professionals, and facility owners who maintain SPCC Plans or will be updating SPCC Plans. This presentation is similar to the presentation provided to EPA. You do not need a background in SPCC to attend.
Lunch Break
PLANNED IN PERSON: Plan Requirements for Facilities Covered by EPA’s Facility Response Plan (FRP) Regulation
Troy Swackhammer, U.S. EPA, Office of Emergency Management (invited)
This presentation describes the requirements and expectations for the FRP plan holders. This four-hour short course will cover:
This four hour short course will cover:
• Introduction and purpose of the FRP regulation and discussion about FRP applicability
• Plan requirements under §112.20, Appendices E and F, and the PREP guidelines revisions, particularly for inland plan holders
• Steps in implementing an FRP and preparing for an FRP inspection and a governmentinitiated unannounced exercise (GIUE)
• Common problems observed and recommendations for improvement of plans and exercises
There is no charge to attend these courses. To register, visit www.NISTM.org or call 800.827.3515
April 11, 2023 | 8:30pm
Join us on April 11th for our Welcome Reception, the perfect way to kick off our conference and trade show! This is your chance to mingle with esteemed colleagues, network with industry leaders, and make valuable new connections. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to build relationships and enhance your professional network. Come and enjoy the company, food and drinks!
Sponsored by: APEX Domes ATEC Steel LLC.
April 12, 2023 | 5:00pm
Join us on April 12th for an evening of networking and mingling with the best and brightest in the industry. Our Network Mixer, conveniently located on the trade show floor, is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow AST owners, regulators, equipment vendors, and consultants. After a day of insightful conference sessions, join us for an evening of productive networking, delicious food, and refreshing beverages. Don’t miss out on this chance to forge valuable relationships and take your business to the next level.
Sponsored by: Fisher Tank and J2 Resources
NextDecade Corporation has announced the execution of a 15-year sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with Itochu Corporation for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG export project in Brownsville, Texas.
Under the SPA, ITOCHU will purchase 1.0 million tons per annum of LNG indexed to Henry Hub on a free-on-board basis.
“We are honored to have Itochu Corporation as our first Japanese customer,” said Matt Schatzman, NextDecade’s chairman and chief
executive officer. “We look forward to providing Itochu and their customers with LNG, and we are actively working to reduce the carbon footprint of the Rio Grande LNG facility through our proposed carbon capture and storage project.”
NextDecade is currently targeting a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) on the first three trains of the RGLNG export project during the first quarter of 2023, with FIDs of its remaining trains to follow thereafter.
and Andrew Yearwood of PEMY Consulting.
This comprehensive and broad course is aimed at engineers, inspectors, regulators, administrators, and managers responsible for storage tank facilities who wish to improve their overall knowledge and understanding of these facilities in the petroleum, chemical, aviation and paper and pulp industries. More importantly, this course offers an excellent opportunity to network with others in the same situation and ask questions and consult with experts.
Registration Fees: □ 1 Attendee is $395.00
□ 2 Attendees is $700.00
□ 3 Attendees or more is $295.00 per person
Complete overview of various kinds of “tanks” used aboveground and underground in both vertical and horizontal configurations including their application and use. We cover the fundamentals for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of petroleum terminal and tank facilities. We discuss the different kinds of designs, best practices and the general considerations associated with storage tanks including the hazards of petroleum storage. Also addressed is what you need to know about keeping your tank personnel safe based on lessons learned from past incidents that have shaped the industry.
One Attendee $500
Two Attendees $800
Tanks 101 will provide an overview of all the important tanks standards such as API 650, API 653, API 2610, API 2350, and API 579. It will provide additional detail on API 650 and provide the basic principles of shell design, floating roofs, foundations, fixed roofs, venting, hydrostatic tests, materials of construction, and many other issues associated with building new tanks.
Three or more $325 per person
Discount rates for Early Registration Ends
February 24, 2012
Having designed and built a good tank the next problem is to ensure it remains safe and leak free. The focus is on the well-known tank inspection standard, API 653. We cover some of the various damage mechanisms such as brittle fracture, corrosion, settlement, repairs and more.
One Attendee $600
Two Attendees $900 (50 % Discount on second attendee)
Yes, please email me information about the 9th Annual Golf Tournament held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Golf Club on April 19, 2016
Tanks 102 explores tank construction standard API 650, key parts of the standard and how it is used to design and construct tanks. We will cover foundations, tank design, best practices, design details related to materials, applicable loads including wind and snow, accessories such as tank mixers, venting, and frangibility. Because of the increasing frequency of high winds and flooding we distill the most current knowledge relating to robust and resilient design criteria for storage tanks.
REGISTRATION FEE: $125 PER PERSON Email this registration form to janelle@nistm.org Cancellation & Refund Policy In the event of a cancellation, it is the registrant’s responsibility to contact NISTM in writing by March 14, 2023 and receive a full refund (a $25 processing fee will be charged). Another option is reserve your payment amount as a credit towards the next event(s) of your choice. After March 14, 2023, no refunds will be issued.
NISTM CO-LOCATED EVENT 14 janelle@nistm.com
APRIL 14, 2023 | 8:30AM – 1:00PM Yes, please email me information about the 9th Annual Golf Tournament held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Golf Club on April 19, 2016
Registration Fees: $125.00 per attendee
Sempra Infrastructure, a subsidiary of Sempra, has announced it has entered into a long-term sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with PKN ORLEN S.A., which recently acquired the Polish Oil & Gas Company (PGNiG), for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project under development in Jefferson County, Texas. With this agreement, the projected LNG off-take capacity for the Phase 1 project is now fully subscribed under binding longterm agreements.
Under the SPA, PKN ORLEN has agreed to purchase approximately 1 million tons per annum (Mtpa) of LNG from the Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project on a free-on-board basis for 20 years.
“We are excited to partner with PKN ORLEN, Central Europe’s largest energy group, as they continue to look for long-term, diverse supplies of secure energy sources,” said Justin Bird, CEO
of Sempra Infrastructure. “With the long-term off-take capacity for Phase 1 now sold under binding agreements, we expect to reach FID later this quarter and commence construction on the Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project to help meet the increasing demand for LNG across Europe and the rest of the world.”
“We are delighted to enter into this long-term agreement with Sempra Infrastructure. This is an important step towards strengthening PKN ORLEN’s position as a cornerstone of crude and fuel supply security in Central and Eastern Europe,” said Daniel Obajtek, CEO of PKN ORLEN. “Already last year, during a very tense situation on the EU energy market, the United States became one of the main suppliers of natural gas to Poland. By establishing a partnership with Sempra Infrastructure, we are increasing the diversification of our import portfolio and we are securing additional volumes of natural gas, which will be used both to provide for the needs of the Polish customers and to enhance PKN ORLEN’s presence in the international energy market.”
Sempra Infrastructure has previously
announced it has entered into long-term agreements with each of ConocoPhillips, INEOS, ENGIE and RWE for the sale and purchase of LNG from the proposed Phase 1 project. In aggregate, Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 is now fully subscribed with 10.5 Mtpa under binding long-term agreements. The company is focused on completing the remaining steps necessary to achieve its goal of making a final investment decision for the Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project in the first quarter of 2023, with first cargo deliveries expected in 2027.
The Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project is permitted and expected to include two natural gas liquefaction trains and LNG storage tanks and associated facilities capable of producing, under optimal conditions, up to approximately 13.5 Mtpa of LNG. A similarly sized Port Arthur LNG Phase 2 project is also competitively positioned and under active marketing and development.
Development of the Port Arthur LNG projects is contingent upon completing the required commercial agreements, securing and/or maintaining all necessary permits, obtaining financing, and reaching a final investment decision, among other factors.
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• Developed ‘by industry, for industry’
• Practical aids for engineers in their work - wherever they are, whatever time they have
• Available to all in industry - all publications and many other resources are downloadable from EEMUA’s Shop, where you can also register to take part in EEMUA events and training
Cyber Security Seminar
18 May 2023 – live online
Energy Transitions Seminar
22 June 2023 – Leeds, UK
Mechanical Integrity Ageing Assets Seminar
12 July 2023 – live online
Electrical Systems and Equipment Ageing Assets Seminar
13 July 2023 – live online
April 12-14, 2023 | Orlando, Florida EXHIBITORS
List of Registered Exhibitors as February 22, 2023
• A. R. Watson, Inc.
• Accredited Petroleum Association
• Advanced Polymerics, Inc.
• Allentech
• American Tank & Vessel, Inc.
• Arseal Technologies, LLC
• AXIOS Industrial Maintenance Contractors, Inc.
• Axter Coletanche Inc.
• Baker Tank Company/Altech
• Basic Concepts, Inc. SPONSOR
• Bengal Transportation
• BIC Alliance
• BlackWolf Inspection Technologies
• Blair Rubber Co
• Blastco
• Butterworth, Inc.
• Caldwell Tanks, Inc. / Preload
• Carbis Solutions
• CATSI, Inc.
• Charter Industrial Supply Inc SPONSOR
• Chattanooga Boiler & Tank Co
• Clark-Reliance LLC
• Concrete Canvas US
• Consolidated Fabrication & Constructors,
• Corrpro Companies Inc
• Corrosion Exchange, Inc.
• Cygnus Instruments Ltd
• Cyntech Construction Ltd
• DCI, Inc. - Springfield Division
• Dehumidification Technologies, LP
• Denso, Inc.
• DFI Piling
• DirecTank Environmental Products, LLC
• DISCUS Engineered Products, LLC
• Dixon Bayco
• DJA Inspection Services, Inc. SPONSOR
• Encorus Group
• Enerquip Thermal Solutions
• EnviroEye, LLC.
• Environmental 360
• FHG Inc.
• Fisher Tank Company SPONSOR
• ForeverLawn, Inc.
• Fuel Right Global, LLC
• Gauge Point Calibration, Inc.
• GlenGuard
• HalenHardy
• Higher Materials LLC
• HUVRdata
• i2 Solutions
• Industrial Safety LLC
• International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
• International Paint
• International Tank Service, Inc.
• J2 Resources LLC
• Jensen Mixers International SPONSOR
• JF Petroleum Group
• Kanon Loading Equipment B.V.
• Keller
• Kelley Construction, Inc.
• Kinley Construction Group, Ltd.
• Kos Automated Solutions
• Lightning Master Corporation
• Mass Technology Corp SPONSOR
• Matrix Service Company SPONSOR
• Menard USA
• Mesa ETP
• MFE Inspection Solutions
• Midwest Steel Company, Inc.
• Mix Brothers Tank Services, Inc.
• Modern Welding Company
• Mott-Smith Consulting, Inc.
• MultiTherm
• National Foam
• North Shore Steel
• Outokumpu
• Path Environmental Technology
• PEMY Consulting
• Perceptive Sensors Technologies
• Petrotech Southeast, Inc. SPONSOR
• Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co.
• PLS Construction
• Pond & Company
• Precision Build Solutions LLC dba Tampa Tank
• Protego USA, Inc.
• Qi2 Elements
• Ranger Inspection™ SPONSOR
• Rapid Fire Protection Inc.
• Riteks
• RMF Tank Services
• Rosemount Tank Gauging
• Schroeder Environmental Cleaning Services Inc.
• Seaman Corporation
• Smith Tank & Steel
• Solares Florida Corporation
• Solidification Products International, Inc
• Storage Terminals Magazine
• StreamTech Industrial
• Tanco Engineering, Inc.
• Tank Aluminum Cover S.L.
• Tank Builders, Inc.
• Tank Connection – APEX Domes SPONSOR
• Tank Engineering
• Tank News International
• Tank Storage Magazine
• Tanknology, Inc. SPONSOR
• TankTerminals.com
• Tarsco® SPONSOR
• TechnoSoft, Inc. SPONSOR
• Titan Industrial Services, Inc.
• Traeger Brothers & Associates
• TransTech Energy
• Trenton Corporation
• TruQC
• U.S. Tank Protectors, Inc.
• Varec, a Leidos Company SPONSOR
• VCI & Cashco, Inc.
• Vista Precision Solutions
• Viper Imaging
• Zerust Oil & Gas
8:00am - 5:00pm
EPA SPCC & FRP Short Course
Mark Howard, USEPA OEM-RPDD & Troy Swackhammer, USEPA OEM-RPDD
8:30am – 4:00pm Tanks 101 Course
Phil Myers & Andrew Yearwood, PEMY Consulting
8:30pm Welcome Reception Sponsored by ATEC Steel LLC and APEX Domes
7:30am Morning Breakfast Sponsored by Matrix Service Company
8:30am Trade Show Opens
8:00am Introduction
Marshall Mott-Smith, National Institute for Storage Tank Management
8:15am USEPA Update - Mark Howard and Troy Swackhammer, EPA Office of Emergency Management, Oil Branch
EPA’s Proposed Amendments to the NESHAP & NSPS Requirements for Gasoline Distribution Facilities and Bulk Gasoline Terminals - Craig Cortello, Trinity Consultants, Inc.
9:30am Navigating the Rising Tides of Regulatory Control - Earl Crochet, Crochet Midstream Consulting and John Evans, HUVRdata
10:00am Carbon Credits, Technology and Oil & Gas How Do They Intersect - Chris Landrum, EnergyAP LLC
10:30am Mid-Morning Break Sponsored by Matrix Service Company
12:30pm Lunch
AST Operations & Tank Integrity
AST Environmental AAMP Track
Managing Storage Tanks Integrity While Minimizing Production Disruption
Cesar Espinoza, Rosen Group
Best Practices for Installing New Radar Tank Gauging
Overcoming Challenges in the Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Tanks in the Mining and Processing Plants Vivek Manjrekar, Bechtel Energy
Magnus Johansson, Emerson Automation Solutions
New Trends/Ideas for the Bolted Tank Industry
John Cornell, H.I.R. Technical Services
The Performance of In-service Seal Inspections on Internal Floating Roof Tanks Under the New Kb Rules, Bob Jarabeck & Mike Gray, Marathon Oil Company
Tank Emissions Control Strategies: Source Elimination via Design Stuart Weikel & Sean Austin, HMT
3:00pm Afternoon Break Sponsored by ATEC Steel, LLC.
Prefabrication of Fireproof External GRP Floating Roofs
Joanna Hajnaj , EPT for Storagetanks GmbH
Tank and Fuel Quality
Ron Sickels, Relevant Solutions
What to Expect During a Fiberglass AST Inspection
Gary Arthur, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Institute, Inc.
“Planes, Trains, and Automobiles”, an Overview of Today’s Fuel Specifications As Well As Acute or Chronic Fuel Issues In The Field
Ed English, Edward English Consultants
Update: On the EPA VOC Regulation for Transmix
Jim Paladino, Perceptive Sensor Technology Inc
Basics of Overfill Protection per API 2350, 5th Edition
Jennifer Harvard, Arseal Technologies, LLC
5:30pm Conference Adjourns & Trade Show Concludes
5:30pm Network Mixer on the Trade Show Floor
Sponsored by Fisher Tank Company and J2 Resources
Corrosion in the Tank Industry
Melanie Diaz, Association for Materials Protection and Performance & John Cornell, H.I.R. Technical Services
What Can I Do If We Don’t Comply with NACE Criteria - What Every Owner Operator Needs to Know Lou Koszewski, US Tank Protectors, Inc.
Protecting Your Assets, One Floor at a Time
Jim Viale, Fisher Tank Company
How Additives Can Play a Significant Role In Reducing Microbially Influenced Corrosion As Well As Improve The Quality Of Your Fuel Inventory
Tim Rivard, Fuel Right Global, LLC
VCI Results in Corrosion Mitigation
Derek Dikens, Zerust Oil & Gas
Surface Preparation for Internal & External Tank Corrosion Control
Loren Hatle, Corrosion Exchange
7:30am Morning Breakfast Sponsored by Jensen Mixers International
8:30am Trade Show Opens
AST Operations & Tank Integrity
AST Environmental Safety
From Design to Emergency Response: Navigating the Safety Requirements of LNG Storage Tanks
Neville Stokes, Bechtel Global Corporation
The Importance of an Internal Audit Program
What to Expect During an USEPA Oil Program Inspection
Mark Howard and Troy Swackhammer, EPA Office of Emergency Management, Oil Branch
Joe Lovan, GP Energy
Increasing Operating Pressures in API 12F Tanks in Production Service
Mark Baker, Baker Consulting Group, Inc.
9:30am Morning Break Sponsored by Jensen Mixers International
Forever Chemicals Phil Myers, PEMY Consulting
Non-Fluorinated Foams – Will It Impact Our Ability to Manage Storage Tank Fires?
Eric LaVergne, JCI Fire Protection Products
12:00pm Morning Technical Sessions End
1:00pm Lunch*
1:00pm Trade Show Closes
ZETOP - Zero Emission at Tank Operating Pressure Thorsten Schaper, Protego
Secondary Fuel Containment at Pearl Harbor Tank Farm
Bill Shehane, Seaman Corporation
Nuances of Confined Space Entry
David Cushman, West Virginia Paint, LLC
Tank Drains and Other Uses for Hoses in Above Ground Storage Tanks
Adam Vance, Mesa ETP
Design, Function, and Inspection of Fixed Roof Support Structures
Derek Slovenec, The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
AFFF Fire Suppressants: Planning for the Future; Addressing the Past
Charlene Drake, Adam Hackenberg, & Stephanie Friel, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
3:30pm Afternoon Break
Determining Minimum Required Thickness for ASTs
Richard Schram, NDT 3 Consulting
Emerging Drone Technologies for Inspection and Analysis for Storage Tanks
Greg Mann, Ranger Inspection
Improvements to a Lean Duplex Stainless Steel, Enhancing Options to Replace Carbon Steel, and Reducing Carbon Footprint
Claes Tigerstrand, Outokumpu Stainless AB
5:15pm Adjourn
Virtual Reality Based Process and Safety Training
Karthik Govindarajan Oak Tree Consulting
Automate Inspections and Increase Safety and Profit
Klaus Sonnenleiter, Luftronix
Innovation in EH&S Compliance Inspections
Logan Smith, Environmental 360
Venturi-Based Devices as a New Green Technology Solution
Dave Purcel, Clark-Reliance LLC
GRP Composite Floating Roof Performance. Emission Data Collected Prior and After the Installation.
Rüdiger Steffen, WLI
The World of Biofuels: The Feedstock Enigma
Vijay Datta & Mike O’Donoghue, Akzo Nobel
Taking Care of an Important Railroad Asset: The Union Pacific Railroad Tank Management Program
Gary Diewald, The Antea Group
Rerating Tanks for Higher Pressure and Reducing Emissions
Andrew Yearwood, PEMY Consulting
Tethered Drones for Fabric Cleanliness and Fitness for Service (FFS)
Robert Dahlstrom, Apellix
AST Session
8:30am Morning Breakfast Sponsored by TechnoSoft Inc.
Practical Approaches to Safe Tank Entry, Inspection, and Repair
Earl Crochet, PE and David Cushman, CSP
8:30am1:00 pm Tanks 102 Advanced Course
Phil Myers & Andrew Yearwood, PEMY Consulting
Utilizing Robotic Inspection Data to Support AST RBI Analysis
Mike Cooch, Becht
Corrosion Inhibiting Method for Remediating Hydrocarbon Releases at Pipelines, Tank Batteries & AST Sites
Eric Lundy, DeepEarth Technologies, Inc.
Report on the Sinking of a Ring Pontoon
Shop Fabricated Tanks
STI/SPFA Introduction
Tim O’Toole, STI/SPFA
Back-up Fuel Tank Installation and Maintenance Issues, Challenges, and Possible Solutions
Joe Mentzer, STI/SPFA
Tank Inspections
Floating Roof
Peter Szalata, TÜV SÜD
10:30am Morning Break
Mitigating Lightning Risks for Storage
Ric Young, Tanknology
AST Coatings Maintenance and Repairs, TBA, Carboline
Shop-Fabricated AST System
Steven Weber, Dehn, Inc.
Is It Really Possible to Manage Your Terminal With Just Your Smartphone?
Ahmed Hadid, HyBird Ltd.
Digitalization and the Implementation of the Digital Twin
Nadine Herrwerth, TWTG
12:15pm Adjourn
Components Steve Allwein, Morrison Bros.
Meet Your Federal AST SPCC Regulator for Q&A Session
Mark Howard, EPA Office of Emergency Management, Oil Branch
The agenda is tentative and subject to change. Periodically visit www.NISTM.org for an updated agenda.
See Page 35 for the Conference Attendee Rates
April 12-13, 2023
Everyone is invited to walk-thru the trade show at no cost. Each day you will have access to numerous exhibitors where they will offer their expertise on their products and services.
April 12, 2023 | 8:30am – 5:00pm
April 13, 2023 | 8:30am – 1:00pm
To register for the Trade Show, please visit www.NISTM.org or call 800.827.3515
Orlando Florida is the home of NISTM’s AST conference. Participants often view this meeting as a vacation opportunity for their families. Orlando is a vibrant, thriving international destination offering visitors an array of exciting options guaranteed to provide a lifetime of priceless memories.
Single/Double Rooms: $229.00 | Use code: 57889 Call 866.996.9939 to make your room reservations. 9939 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819
Orlando International Airport is served directly by bus, taxi and shuttle van. Taxis and Shuttle Vans are conveniently located on Level 1 on both the A and B sides of the terminal. Some shuttle services required an advance reservation. Please contact them directly.
Mears: (407) 423-5566 | Star: (866) 888-5530
I-RIDE Trolley Service: I-Ride Trolleys are the fun way to get around the International Drive area. And it’s so easy. After a day in conference session, experience the food and shopping that I-Drive has to offer. Just hop on board at a stop located just outside the hotel from 8am - 10:30pm. It’s convenient, economical and fun. NISTM will provide conference participants with a complimentary I-RIDE Trolley pass for use during your stay in Orlando.
Call for NISTM’s Group Rates (866) 996-9939
Access more than 10,300 contact details of general, commercial and terminal managers.
Access operational data of more than 11,340 tank terminals and production facilities.
Compare tank terminals based on operational and infrastructural data.
Acces key performance indicators of thousands of marine terminals.
Target a responsive audience of 15,000+ tank storage industry professionals via online marketing.
The 25th Annual International Aboveground Storage Tank Conference & Trade Show is just around the corner, and it’s not too late to secure your spot! This top-ranked, industry-leading event is the perfect opportunity to connect with the leaders in the storage tank industry and showcase your products and services.
By exhibiting at the show, you’ll have the chance to make face-to-face connections with potential clients, including CEOs, company presidents, managers, engineers, VPs of sales and marketing, and more. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise and build relationships with key players in the industry.
Having a booth at the show is an investment in the future of your business. You’ll have the opportunity to network with the industry’s best, learn about the latest industry trends, and demonstrate your commitment to excellence. This is the event of the year for the storage tank industry, and you don’t want to miss it.
Don’t wait, register as an exhibitor today and secure your booth at the 25th Annual International Aboveground Storage Tank Conference & Trade Show in Orlando, Florida on April 12-14, 2023!
NISTM has 10x10 and larger exhibit booths available. Each booth will include a 6’ skirted table, two chairs, and a waste basket. The Gatlin ballroom will be carpeted. Electricity is separate.
10x10 Exhibit Booth: $2,995.00
10x20 Exhibit Booth: $5,990.00
Setup is 8am till 7pm on April 11, 2022
Teardown is at 1:00pm on April 13, 2022
Trade Show Hours: April 12, 2023: 8:15am – 5:00pm
April 13, 2023: 8:30am – 1:00pm
USD Clean Fuels LLC announced its intention to build a new biofuels terminal in National City, CA that will have the capability to transload renewable diesel, biodiesel, ethanol and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The terminal will be served by the BNSF Railway and will provide efficient transportation of clean fuels to the area from the Midwest and US Gulf Coast. Pending receipt of all local and state permits, the terminal is expected to be operational by early 2024.
The terminal development is supported by two investment-grade rated parties that signed long-term Terminal Service Agreements. The Terminal Services Agreements provide for the inbound shipment of renewable diesel, biodiesel, ethanol and SAF on rail, self-switching of the rail rack and four truck loading spots that are equipped with in-line injection capabilities to provide quality finished products to customers.
“We are excited to announce this terminal development for USDCF. It is the second terminal of a growing network of clean fuels terminals that we anticipate will ultimately include California, Oregon, Washington, Canada and the Texas Gulf Coast based on strong customer and railroad interest. These terminals will provide needed infrastructure that will make the downstream logistics of biofuel production and feedstocks more efficient,” said Bob Copher, senior vice president of USD Clean Fuels.
With mounting political and public pressure to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, reduce and re-use waste streams, and cut greenhouse gas emissions, clean fuels are becoming popular alternatives that comply with California’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the state by 2030. In addition to supporting climate change mitigation efforts through the increased distribution
of cleaner, renewable energy, the National City terminal will serve several underserved areas in San Diego County using local and regional employees and resources.
As previously announced, USD Clean Fuels LLC is an entity formed by USD Group LLC to focus on providing production and logistics solutions to the growing market for clean energy transportation fuels.
Extend the operational life of your concrete loading racks, steel storage tanks, tank roof systems, and pipeline integrity.
Thickness from 40 to 1000 mils provide long term corrosion and degradation protection, and high tensile and burst strength.
With over 30 years of solving environmental compliance issues within the petroleum storage fuel industry, let our expertise help you. Previously known as Industrial Maintenance Group, we’re now part of Basic Concepts (BCI) with a wide range of products to protect the environment and workers worldwide.
• Fuels and Chemical secondary containment
• Internal/external tank coatings
• Pipeline repair
• Silo rehabilitation
Concrete strengthening and restoration
• Liner systems
• Leak detection
• Waterproofing
• Pond liners
Dock containment
energy storage device in which two chemical solutions are pumped on opposite sides of a conductive membrane. Ion transfer across the membrane allows electrical energy to be either stored or used. XL Batteries’ breakthrough chemistry provides a highly stable, efficient and sustainable solution at low cost.
Stolthaven Terminals and XL Batteries have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the development of a flow battery with industrial-scale electricity storage capability.
The partnership brings together XL Batteries’ expertise and innovations in flow battery technology and Stolthaven Terminals’ global presence in providing bulk liquid services.
A flow battery is an electrochemical
As well as developing the technology, the companies will explore opportunities to apply it in the port and industrial sector. This includes the potential to support Stolthaven Terminals’ ambition to make its primary activities carbon neutral and the potential decarbonization of surrounding industrial and residential areas by providing local energy storage. In the future, flow battery technology also offers the potential to provide shore power to ships calling at its terminals.
President of Stolthaven Terminals, Guy Bessant, said: “While there has been significant focus on renewable power generation there has been less focus on long-
term energy storage, which is critical for the global transition to ‘greener’ energy alternatives. Stolthaven Terminals has been working on finding a partner in electrochemical storage and in XL Batteries we have found one that shares our vision to use innovation and skills partnerships to develop energy solutions for the future.”
Founder and CEO of XL Batteries, Tom Sisto, said: “We are excited to work with Stolthaven Terminals to help their transition to green-energy usage. Our plan to deploy XL batteries at Stolthaven Terminals represents a huge win for carbon neutrality, and we appreciate Stolthaven’s recognition of XL’s product differentiation and potential. Compared to other technologies, such as lithiumion, vanadium flow and iron-air, XL’s flow batteries are safer, more cost effective and a better overall fit for long-duration energy storage, which is critical for fully enabling renewables and carbon neutrality.”
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Two Shotgun Starts: 7:45am and 1:15pm
REGISTER TO PLAY! Foursome Golf Teams are $1,000 | Individuals are $250 each
Golf Tournament Title Sponsor (SOLD OUT)
Hole Sponsors $275 (6 available)
Hole-in-One Sponsor (SOLD OUT)
Closest to the Pin $850 (2 available)
Longest Drive Sponsor $500 (1 available)
Longest Putt Sponsor (SOLD OUT)
All Golf Sponsorships Include:
• Company logo on the golf cart’s GPS system
• Company logo on www.NISTM.org website
• Company logo on all email campaigns, over 83,000+ subscribers
• Company logo on Golf Sponsor sign at the conference & trade show
• Company logo in the Program Guide
This years’ event will be held April 11, 2023 at the award winning golf course at Shingle Creek Golf Club in Orlando, Florida. There will be two shotgun tournaments: The first tournament will start at 7:45am with registration at 6:00am. The second tournament will start at 1:15pm with registration at 11:45am. Players are allowed to go on the golf range anytime during the tournament.
Each participant is entitled to 18 holes of golf, riding cart, lunch and various awards. There will be an awards ceremony at the Welcome Reception in the Sebastian Ballroom at Rosen Shingle Creek.