RugbyDudeFitness Ebook

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Real Results: 10 Things All Skinny People Do 7 Diet Myths busted plus 3 Smart Strategies to Jumpstart Fat Loss

Table Of Contents Biography 1 Introduction 2 Diet Myth #1: You Eat According To Schedule 4 Diet Myth #2: You Drink 100% Pure Fruit Juice 5 Diet Myth #3: You Lunch On Salad And Grilled Chicken – Hold The Dressing 6 Diet Myth #4: You Use Commercial Meal Replacement Shakes When You’re Busy 7 Diet Myth #5: You Never Miss Your Morning Workout 8 Diet Myth #6: You Stop Eating After 6PM 9 Diet Myth #7: You Never Sway From Your Diet Plan 11 Smart Strategy #1: Start Using The Single Ingredient Rule 13 Smart Strategy #2: Make A Date – With Your Bed 15 Smart Strategy #3: Change Every Exercise You Do 19 Conclusion 20

Biography Johan Van Aarde is a passionate “make it happen� kind of guy. A RugbyDude, who still plays once a year with other over forties somewhere in the world. He grew up on a farm in Africa. A Fanatic Bodysurfer who loves the ocean. He is a highly successful marketer of farm machinery; he has been married for 23 years to his sweetheart and is a father of two. Johan has overcome injuries and health issues and lost 54lbs with P90X and other Beachbody programs and has completely got off cholesterol drugs. Now Johan is super fit, P90X Certified, and pursuing his passion of feeding orphans and spreading the Good News of Jesus to all. To play it forward Johan created RugbyDudeFitness with his wife Blanche, to motivate and support others. As a results their clients are fit, eating healthy, reaching their dreams of financial freedom, and enjoying the benefits of a healthy fulfilling lifestyle

Introduction Thanks for picking up your free guide! The fact that you’re reading this right now tells me one thing: You are serious about making some changes in your body. This is GREAT news. In fact, this is quite possibly the best thing that you could do to guarantee that you get results. Making a firm commitment – that is deciding to take it upon yourself to gain the education and knowledge of how to lose weight successfully is the biggest step in the battle. Most people rush out and just dive right into the first program they find that promises fast results. Do this and you’re facing an uphill battle. When you can gain some education and fully understand what causes fat gain to take place and what you must do to cause fat burning to occur, you are putting yourself ahead of the game. This is absolutely critical to success. In this guide, I want to share with you some of the biggest ‘healthy’ habits that I see people doing that are actually holding them back from seeing good progress. That’s right – you read that correctly. In some cases, you may have the best of intentions and really believe that what you’re doing is going to get you to the finish line but sadly, you are very mistaken. Unless someone gives you the wake-up call you need so that you can realize that these ‘healthy’ habits are actually misleading you, you’re never going to find yourself moving forward. So in this guide we are going to do just that. We’re going to teach you what the biggest mistakes are that some people make so that you can be sure you don’t become one of them. So if you’re ready, let’s get started. 2

Diet Myth #1: You Eat According To Schedule

You’ve heard it time and time again. In order to see good diet success, you need to form a plan for yourself. This means figuring out what you are going to eat at each and every meal that’s served up to you throughout the day. You need to figure out your calorie level, your macronutrient intake, and your meal timing. Then once this is perfected, you are not to stray from it at all. That is the key to success. Or is it? The problem with eating on schedule like this is that it’s teaching you to eat according to a clock and not according to your body’s own natural cues. Your body is a very smart machine and if we would simply get back in touch with the natural hunger signals it’s sending us, most of us would come to see that our body weight actually takes care of itself. But instead, we eat for other reasons. We eat because we’re feeling social, we eat because we’re feeling sad, we eat because we’re feeling stressed, and we eat because it’s 12 pm in the day and this is ‘normal’. Stop doing this. Start looking inside before each and every meal and asking your body how hungry it is. If you’re not hungry, why eat? Your body will tell you when it needs food, so it’s a good idea to start listening in. This doesn’t mean let yourself go hours and hours without eating just because you aren’t hungry as some naturally don’t have an appetite – some self-regulation is required to make sure you’re eating well throughout the day, but don’t force feed yourself just because the clock tells you do so. This isn’t going to lead you to the results you want to see. 4

Diet Myth #2: You Drink 100% Pure Fruit Juice

Next, the second big mistake that people often make is downing 100% pure fruit juice thinking they are meeting their fruit and vegetable serving requirements throughout the day. Do this and you are inviting weight gain to occur. While this juice may be 100% pure, it’s also loaded with calories and sugar. In a glass of simple orange juice, you can easily take in 100-150 calories. You would have to eat two large or three medium sized oranges to take in this same amount. Which do you think you’d feel more satisfied after? Real fruit contains fiber, which satisfies you and keeps your digestive system working optimally. Fruit juice does not. Opt for real fruit and ditch the juice. It’s only going to set you back in progress.


Diet Myth #3: You Lunch On Salad And Grilled Chicken – Hold The Dressing

Moving along, another very common mistake that many people make as they go about their diet plan is serving up a salad for lunch with grilled chicken. You’ve heard that cutting your carbs is definitely a wise move if you want to lose weight, but you do know you need your protein, so grilled chicken it is. Since dressing is where the fat and calories are, you avoid it. This is a big mistake as well. If you choose your dressing wisely and opt for a variety that’s prepared from olive oil, this is going to help to increase the absorption of the nutrients found in the salad and also help to ensure that you stay satisfied after eating it. If you opt for just the greens with chicken, don’t be surprised if you find yourself ravenous 20 minutes later. Don’t go crazy with the salad dressing, but do make sure that you get some in. Healthy fats can and should be part of a good diet as long as they are used in moderation. 6

Diet Myth #4: You Use Commercial Meal Replacement Shakes When You’re Busy

The next big mistake that I see people making time and time again is using any old commercial meal replacement shake they’ve found in the supplement store. They read the box and it claims that the shake is a lower calorie alternative to a meal when they get busy with their day and figure this is a great way to keep their energy levels up. You really need to think twice about this one. The problem with these shakes is that very often they are high in sugar content, don’t actually contain all that much protein, and may even contain unhealthy varieties of fats. Plus, they are loaded with additives that aren’t going to do your body well. To top it all off, because they lack dietary fiber, you’re unlikely to find yourself very satisfied after drinking one, therefore you may just go ahead and eat something for a snack as well. Now you’ve taken in even more calories than you otherwise would have if you would have just had the food that you were craving. So what’s the smarter approach? There’s no question that life gets busy an when it does, it’s helpful to have a game plan in place – something that you can turn to quickly in order to get your nutrients in and make sure your energy level doesn’t falter. Go for a straight protein powder such as, and either serve it up with a piece of fruit and a small handful of nuts to create nutrient balance, or toss in some ground oats and a bit of ground up flaxseeds as well as you shake it with water. This will be just as fast and easy as any meal replacement shake you might find and do your body far better. 7

Diet Myth #5: You Never Miss Your Morning Workout

Committed to your workout plan? If you’re like many people out there, you wake up at some unheard of hour to get your cardio workout in. Rain or shine, tired or not, you are getting yourself out of bed to make sure you get your exercise in. You feel proud that you take commitment to a whole new level. Nothing gets you skipping that workout. But, could this actually be working against you? While it’s great to be committed to you workout program and you definitely should be, if you’re forcing yourself to workout when you are exhausted and still so very tired, you may be doing more harm than good. Sleep is critical to maintaining a lean body and if you try and exercise when you should really just keep on sleeping, not only are you going to put in a mediocre performance anyway, but you may experience higher than normal levels of cortisol in your system, which is just going to increase the risk that you begin breaking lean muscle tissues down. This is not going to be ideal for the results that you’re hoping for. So give yourself the day off from time to time. If you roll over when your alarm goes off and feel like it’s going to take every ounce of energy just to crawl out of bed, that’s a pretty good sign that you may want to just listen to your body and treat yourself to a day off.


Diet Myth #6: You Stop Eating After 6PM

Another common habit that people start doing thinking they are doing the right thing on their diet plan is making sure they don’t proceed to eat beyond 6 pm – or whatever time you’ve determined is your daily ‘cut off ’. There are two problems with this. First, it can create anxiety. What if you find yourself absolutely starving at 8 pm? Are you going to have to just wait it out and force yourself to go to bed hungry? For some people, this can really increase the overall amount of anxiety they feel being on a diet plan. Hunger is not something that’s ‘comfortable’ in any way so if you’re constantly feeling this feeling of dread because you aren’t allowed to eat when you’re hungry, it can cause you to overeat earlier in the day in order to try and prevent this. At five pm, you may find yourself eating a lot more than you otherwise would be just so that you can try and fill up before 6 pm hits. Second, if you are hungry and your body needs food and you deny it, this can set you up to lose lean muscle mass over the course of the night, or suffer from a blood sugar low that’s going to keep you lying in bed awake. The problem is that most people sit down at night to watch their favorite TV show and instead just feast on potato chips, chocolate bars, pizza, and other unhealthy items that are just not going to promote a lean body.


Both of these are not going to assist in your results in any way, so again, are very detrimental to the progress that you could be seeing. What you need to realize here is that simply eating before bed does not cause you to experience fat gain. It’s when you eat bad food choices before bed and consume more calories than you should that fat gain will result. So if you can instead focus on building a snack right into your day for the late night period and make sure to keep it calorie controlled and a wise food choice (such as some lean protein and a healthy fat), you shouldn’t have any problem eating this and still reaching the weight loss goals you’re after. And, you’ll enjoy the process a great deal as well. Late night eating doesn’t have to be nearly as harmful as some people believe it is as long as you approach it properly.


Diet Myth #7: You Never Sway From Your Diet Plan

The next healthy mistake that you must make sure you aren’t making is never, ever swaying from your diet. You might just think that you’re being a ‘good dieter’, staying committed and making sure that you stay on track. But what you don’t realize is that sometimes those highly committed dieters actually hinder their progress more than they help it. The reason for this is because if you are using a very intense diet plan for a lengthy period of time, the body is going to start adapting to the very low calorie intake by slowing down its metabolic rate. Your body really wants to just stay alive at all costs and it knows that if less fuel is coming in overall, this means that it should be conserving energy. As it does this, fat loss beings to slow to a crawl. You were seeing good results and then things just seem to come to a halt. Your weight isn’t moving and you’re left feeling more frustrated than ever. This is why periodically adding more calories to your diet plan is actually a good thing. Indulging in that piece of cake or bowl of pasta that you want so bad can in fact help you see faster results. By doing so, you temporarily are feeding your body far more calories than it’s used to and as a result, the metabolism starts to speed up again. You start to burn more energy at a faster rate as the body no longer thinks it must conserve fuel and now that you’re back on your regular diet plan once again, fat loss starts moving along far more quickly. So the odd cheat or indulgence meal you want to have from time to time is perfectly acceptable and should be a part of any sound diet plan. The key is making sure this isn’t an every other day occurrence and also making sure that you do keep yourself in control when you have it. Don’t let yourself go overboard- filling yourself with more food than you can handle. Keep it moderated and eat until you’re satisfied but then stop, knowing that you can have more in a while longer after you’ve been back on your diet. 11

These meals can also go a long way towards keeping you mentally sane on your diet plan as well. If you are constantly restricting yourself as you go about your day, you are going to find that you are obsessing about all the foods that you can’t have. As soon as you put a food off limits, you’ll tend to obsess about it over and over again until you actually just give in and eat it. When the food is not off limits entirely, those obsessions go away. Finally, you can think about something else other than FOOD. It’s a must better way to structure your diet plan, both in terms of the results that you are going to see and in terms of actually enjoying the process as well. Remember that a diet is only going to be so good if you stick with it and can use it as more of a lifestyle approach rather than something you just do for the time being to get you down to your goal weight. So there you have the biggest mistakes that far too many people are making as they go about their weight loss program plan. Most people think that these habits are all very healthy and are the exact thing that they need to be doing in order to see the results that they’re after. But the reality? They’re furthest from what you need to be doing. The sooner you can correct these habits in your own approach, the sooner you can get going and see the success that you’re really after. So now that we’ve covered what you shouldn’t be doing, let’s shift our focus slightly and go over three simple yet highly effective things that you can start doing right this minute to push your rate of fat loss through the roof. The truth is that with a few very effective strategies, fat loss does not need to be difficult at all. Let’s take a look at three smart methods to kick-start your progress. 12

Smart Strategy #1: Start Using The Single Ingredient Rule

The first smart strategy that you should be doing is adopting the single ingredient rule. If there is one thing that you could do that would instantly improve your diet and help you see faster results than you’ve ever seen before, this would, without question, be it. What’s the single ingredient rule? Basically this rule states that you should only eat foods that contain a single ingredient. Let’s look at some exactly so you can see this rule in action. How many ingredients are in an apple? Clearly, just one. How many ingredients are n a handful of almonds? As far as you know, just almonds. How many ingredients are in a piece of chicken? Again, just one. How many ingredients are in low granola bars? Far too many to count. ….and there you have the difference. If you are eating foods that contain a wide number of ingredients, this means you’re eating foods that are incredibly processed and are not going to be putting natural nourishment into your body.


You really need to be focusing on not only eating the proper calorie intake, but also eating foods that are going to give you as much nutritional benefits as possible. If you fail to eat foods that are healthy and full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, healthy fats, and lean proteins, you’ll be failing to feel well and build your best body yet. When you eat foods in their natural state such as lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, you are going to find that you feel far more energized throughout the day because you are putting clean-burning fuel into your machine. Put in rough-grade fuel – all that junk food, cheeseburgers, soda, and candy bars and you can expect to get poor energy and mileage out. In fact, your ‘car’ might even break down. Would you put anything less than premium gas in a car you just paid $50,000 for? Chances are you wouldn’t – you want to be sure that you are protecting your investment. So why put less than premium fuel into your body? You can buy a new car, but last time I checked, you definitely cannot buy a new body. Start appreciating your body and what it does for you more. it’s not just about fat loss – eating right is about giving your body what it needs so that it can stay running as optimally as possible. Do you want your body to be a Ferrari or a station wagon? Think about this each time you make a food choice on your diet plan.


Smart Strategy #2: Make A Date – With Your Bed

The second smart strategy that you can start doing immediately to increase your progress with your fat loss results is to start taking your bed time more seriously. Sleep is absolutely imperative to good success. We mentioned this earlier briefly when we talked about considering giving your body that extra time to sleep every now and then instead of forcing yourself to the gym in an overly tired state. But, most people don’t realize the extent in which lack of sleep can influence the results that you see. So why is sleep so important? What will not having enough sleep do to you? Here are the main issues.


Slower Metabolism

The first problem that low sleep is going to bring is that it will decrease your resting metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is going to be responsible for determining exactly how many calories your body is burning up on a daily basis. The faster your metabolism is, the easier it’s going to be to torch excess body fat and the faster your progress is going to move along. Sleep is going to cause that metabolic rate to become slow and sluggish, so you are hardly burning fat at all. With a slower metabolic rate, you would have to use a lower calorie diet plan or exercise more in order to see the same degree of results. Is this really what you want? Sleep more, experience a faster metabolism, and get on track to success. It’s really a win-win scenario.


Poor Recovery

The next problem that lack of sleep is going to have is the fact that it also causes poor recovery rates to take place. If you’re not sleeping enough each night, you won’t be recovering from the workouts that you’re doing as quickly, which means that you will have to spend less time inside the gym and more time resting. Clearly this is going to have undesirable side effects. While it would be worse to go back into the gym before you have fully recovered from the last session, if you can get back into the gym sooner again in a fully recovered state, that is going to be your best bet to move forward with your progress. Sleep is when the body goes into deep recovery mode, repairing all the broken down tissues and building them back up stronger than they were before. Increased Cortisol Increased cortisol is the next problem that will occur when you aren’t sleeping enough. Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the body that will encourage stomach fat accumulation (clearly not what you want!) and also encourage lean muscle tissue breakdown (again, not a good thing!). The more you can minimize this hormone, the better your results will be. But, if you aren’t sleeping enough, you can expect to see this hormone climbing day by day.


Insatiable Hunger

Finally, the last problem associated with lack of sleep is that you will have hunger that is never satisfied. You will find that you feel like you could just eat all day long. Couple this with the fact that your resolve will be weaker when lack of sleep and it can really spell dietary destruction. There are two main reasons for this hunger that won’t go away. First, you are going to be less sensitive to insulin when you aren’t sleeping enough, meaning you are more likely to experience blood sugar highs and lows throughout the day. As you experience the blood sugar crash, this leaves you scrambling, wanting to take in more carbs to bring your blood glucose levels back up to a more reasonable level. In addition to that, since you are going to be feeling much more tired as well, this means that you’ll have a greater desire to try and get energy by eating carbohydrate dense foods. Normally carbohydrates are the primary energy causing nutrient, so it would make sense that this is what the body is naturally going to be craving at this time. So as you can see, sleep is not something that you want to short yourself on. Make a firm date with your bed each night for at least 8 hours and don’t be late! You wouldn’t be late for a first date with someone you’ve been lusting after for weeks, so start prioritizing your bed time date just as you would that one.


Smart Strategy #3: Change Every Exercise You Do

Finally, the last thing that you can start doing right away to enhance your rate of fat loss is to change around your exercise program. I see this time and time again. People start up on an exercise program, are seeing great results, carry on with the plan because after all, it is working(!), but then results stop coming. What gives? What gives is that your body is now adapted. This means that if you want to keep seeing best results, it’s vital that you continually keep doing something different. By changing it up, you will shock your body and get it responding again so that you grow back stronger than you were before. Doing the same workout over and over again is the fastest route to hitting a progress plateau – so just don’t do it. There are far too many different well-structured programs products/workouts/ out there that there is really no excuse for doing the same workout over and over again. For example, if you’re looking for an extreme cardio workout that will push your body to the next level, Insanity is ready to deliver. Or, perhaps you want to focus more on building strength and enhancing your flexibility, if so, P90X would be the perfect program for you. Using structured programs like this is absolutely ideal because then change is built right into them.


You don’t even have to think about doing it yourself – you just follow along with the program plan and you will be guaranteed to see the results that you’re looking for. Plus, because these programs are constantly changing, not only will they deliver you better results, but they are going to help keep you interested as well. It’s really a win-win. You’ll have fun. You’ll get fit. And, you’ll torch body fat rapidly. So there you have three key secrets that you must be doing if you aren’t already with your program plan. Get these into action and you can feel confident that you are on track to seeing better results. Hopefully you’ve learned a good amount today about what you should be doing to see faster success with your approach and some things that you think are helping you when really they’re just hindering you. Make sure that you have a very good and honest look over what you’re doing right now and see if you shouldn’t be making some changes.

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