AASP-MN News August 2016

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August 2016


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CONTENTS AASP-MN News is the official publication of the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers, Minnesota, Inc. 1970 Oakcrest Ave., Suite 102 • Roseville, MN 55113 Phone: 612-623-1110 • Fax: 612-623-1122 email: aasp@aaspmn.org • website: aaspmn.org. To keep its readers better informed, AASP-MN News allows its columnists to fully express their opinions. All views expressed are not necessarily those of the publication. AASP-MN News is published by Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. © 2016 All rights reserved. Cover image © www.istockphoto.com.

AASP of Minnesota is an association of independently-owned automotive service businesses and industry suppliers dedicated to improving the state’s automotive service industry and the success of its members.


Vol. 24 No. 8

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE .............................................................6 How the Work of AASP-MN Gets Done by Judell Anderson, CAE, AAM, AASP-MN Executive Director LEGISLATIVE UPDATE .............................................................................7 Major Legislation Awaits Special Session by Kevin Walli, AASP-MN Lobbyist

2016 - 2017 PRESIDENT Greg Kasel, AAM

LOCAL NEWS .......................................................................................8 “MECH XCHANGE” REGISTRATION FORM ....................................................10


NATIONAL NEWS ..................................................................................13


DEG ESTIMATING TIPS ..........................................................................15


INSURANCE I.Q. ..................................................................................17 Stay in Touch with Injured Workers



PARTNERS IN PREVENTION ....................................................................19 Common Hazardous Waste Problems CASH IN ON YOUR MEMBERSHIP!..............................................................22 AASP-MN’s Auto Employee Assessment System UPCOMING EVENTS

August 24, 2016 A Night Out with the Saints CHS Field St. Paul

September 27, 2016 Mech XChange IDENTIFIX Roseville

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Jodi Pillsbury MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Tom Kluver PUBLISHED BY: Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 244 Chestnut St., Suite 202 Nutley, NJ 07110 PHONE: 973-667-6922 • FAX: 973-235-1963 PUBLISHER Thomas Greco (thomas@grecopublishing.com) SALES DIRECTOR Alicia Figurelli (alicia@grecopublishing.com) EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Joel Gausten (joel@grecopublishing.com) EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Chloe Durante (chloe@grecopublishing.com) CREATIVE DIRECTOR Lea Velocci (lea@grecopublishing.com) OFFICE MANAGER Donna Greco (donna@grecopublishing.com) www.grecopublishing.com

For more information, contact the AASP-MN office at 612-623-1110 or visit the Association’s website, www.aaspmn.org. ADVERTISERS’ INDEX AmeriPride ................................................7 Assessment Associates International ........21 Axalta Coating Systems ............................OBC Blue Net, Inc. ............................................14 Buerkle Hyundai ........................................3 Choice Auto Rentals ..................................12 Dentsmart ..................................................6 FinishMaster ....................................................16 Inver Grove Honda / Inver Grove Toyota..........4 Jack McClard ............................................18 Keystone....................................................18 Libson Twin City........................................4 AASP-MN News

Maplewood Toyota ....................................12 Mills Parts Center......................................3 Morrie’s ....................................................9 Motorwerks BMW......................................IBC MPA ............................................................................11 Rosedale Chevrolet....................................20 Roseville Chrysler ....................................3 Steck Manufacturing..................................16 Straight & Square ......................................14 Toyota Group ............................................IFC West Bend Insurance ................................IFC

August 2016 5


How the Work of AASP-MN Gets Done by Judell Anderson, CAE, AAM, AASP-MN Executive Director

Volunteer leaders and staff create a strong foundation together

You may know that AASP-MN has a Board of Directors and an advisory committee for each of its divisions (collision, mechanical and associate), as well as government/regulatory affairs and scholarship committees. But you may not be 100 percent clear on what everyone does or how the work gets divided up. And where do you – the AASP-MN member – fit in?

6 August 2016

To explain, I’ll use the analogy of building a house. As AASP-MN members, you are like the homeowners. You hire a skilled architect – in this case, you elect the AASP-MN board – to draw up plans, help set and maintain the budget and supervise the project. The general contractor – at AASP-MN, it’s the executive director – executes the architect’s plans. The general contractor hires subcontractors (AASP-MN staff) to divvy up the work and do the job right. Architects don’t get involved in every decision of the house construction. But they do make sure the general contractor is executing the right plan and the homeowners get the house they want. That’s exactly what the Board of Directors does for AASPMN members – they make sure the executive director is executing the strategic plan and members get the association they want. Communication and careful planning are key as you build a house. It’s no different at AASP-MN. Volunteer leaders and staff meet regularly to do both short- and long-term planning, review progress and results and make sure the association is meeting the needs of its members and working towards fulfillment of its mission. As members, you are a critical part of this communication process. Don’t hesitate to reach out to board members, committee members or staff to let them know what matters to you. Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome.



Major Legislation Awaits Special Session by Kevin Walli, AASP-MN Lobbyist

Two of the most significant pieces of legislation which were assembled during the 2016 Session were the Bonding Bill – for construction of public facilities – and the Tax Bill – which included provisions to reduce business property taxes. The Bonding Bill failed when final action was not taken by the House and Senate before midnight on the final night of the Legislative Session. The Tax Bill failed due to a “pocket veto” by Governor Dayton – who refused to sign the bill because of a typographical error, which would have cost the state $100 million over the next three years. The conventional wisdom held that the Governor and Legislative Leaders

would come to terms to pass these bills in a Special Session in the weeks immediately following the May 23rd adjournment of the Legislature. Here we are in the middle of the summer and everyone is trying to predict whether and when a Special Session might be called to act on these major bills. As I am preparing this article, the August 9th Primary Elections for legislative races are less than a month away. The leading school of thought says that once the Primary Elections are behind them, Legislative Leaders can devote time to negotiating bills for a Special Session, which would take place in the window between the August 9th Primary and Labor Day.

The Governor and Legislative Leaders appear to have their sights set on the week of August 15th for a Special Session. If the Legislature and the Governor do not come to terms between the August Primaries and Labor Day, we will all likely have to wait until the 2017 Legislative Session to proceed with building projects to be funded in the Bonding Bill and tax relief to be provided in the Tax Bill – including the business property tax exemption for the first $100,000 of value for all businesses across the state. Stay tuned, it’s a wild ride and we will keep reporting on progress, or lack thereof.

Welcome New Members:

JULY 2016 Absolute Auto Care Princeton Bodywerks Auto Body Repair Elko Doug’s Auto Service Northfield Honest Auto Plymouth TGK Minneapolis & St. Paul The Auto Body Shop Willmar Trinity Automotive White Bear Lake AASP-MN News

August 2016 7


MINNESOTA CAREERS IN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND SERVICE (MNCARS) GETS NATIONAL PRESS An article recently published on the Repairer Driven News website highlights AASPMN’s efforts to attract young people into the automotive service industry and encourages other states to follow suit. The article explains how MNCARS plans to use its website (carcareers.org), digital marketing and social media to promote careers in the automotive service industry to students, parents and school guidance counselors. The article can be found on AASP-MN’s Facebook page (facebook.com/aaspmn) or on the Repairer Driven News website at http://tinyurl.com/RepairerDrivenMNCARS. THREE AASP-MN SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS ALSO RECEIVE NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS Earlier this year AASP-MN awarded $14,000 in scholarships to help post-secondary automotive students pay for tuition during the 2016-17 school year. By completing the application process online at automotivescholarships.com, three of those students were also awarded scholarships from the Global Automotive Aftermarket Symposium

8 August 2016


(GAAS), University of the Aftermarket (UAF), or other collaborating organizations this year. Two of the students received an additional $1,000 and one received $1,500. Congratulations to these outstanding students: • Kevin Nguyen, Hennepin Technical College, $1,500 NACAT Scholarship • Beverly White, Dunwoody College of Technology, $1,000 Stant Scholarship • Bradley Williams, Dunwoody College of Technology, $1,000 Auto Care Scholarship

2016 MINNESOTA I-CAR/ SKILLSUSA FALL GOLF EVENT ANNOUNCED The Minnesota I-CAR/SkillsUSA Volunteer Committee invites golfers and sponsors to Oak Glen Golf Course in Stillwater, September 14, 2016, for a funfilled day of golf. All proceeds from the event go towards scholarships for future technicians, equipment for technical colleges and other collision industry training needs in Minnesota. The four-person scramble, sponsored by North Central ICAR Committee, begins at 12:00 p.m. with a grilled dinner and awards reception following golf. In addition, there will be complimentary refreshments on several holes around the course, as well as unique contests for prizes. Registration and payment for golfers and/or sponsors can be found on the golf outing’s website, www.icargolf.com. Please note that some sponsorship opportunities, such as the Event Photographer and Dinner, include a foursome entry valued at $400. There are some great sponsorship opportunities for dinner, awards and hole-in-one contests as well. This is a great opportunity for vendors to market their business and support the industry, while enjoying a round of golf with industry leaders. Those who can't participate can help by providing door prizes or auction items by contacting tournament directors Shawn Collins at smcollins@mmm.com or 612-508-8222 or Jamison Randall at jrandall@latuffbrothers.com or 651-7968003.

THANK YOU 2016 AASP-MN SPONSORS Gold Sponsors Auto Value Parts Stores/APH Autoshop Solutions Axalta Coating Systems CBIZ AiA Meadowbrook Insurance PPG Automotive Finishes United Fire Group Silver Sponsors aaa Auto Parts Dent Impressions Enterprise Rent-A-Car LKQ/Keystone Automotive Lowell's Performance Coatings & Equipment

Midwest Parts Advantage Mitchell International O'Reilly Auto Parts PAM's Auto, Inc. R.O. Writer Suburban Chevrolet Other Sponsors 3M AASP National Bill Smith Fund Choice Auto Rental Dentsmart Paintless Dent Removal FinishMaster Global Finishing Solutions Hertz Corporation Insurance Brokers of MN / Jensen Agency Kukui Corporation Net Driven Sherwin Willams Single Source, Inc. Valspar AASP-MN News

August 2016 9

Please join AASP-MN for Mech Connect, Share, Learn


Tuesday, September 27th 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. IDENTIFIX 2714 Patton Rd., Roseville MN

In this session, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in two roundtable discussions:



Managing the Customer Experience: Every interaction that your customer has during the course of doing business with your shop – from scheduling the initial appointment to delivery of the repaired vehicle and everything in between – will impact their satisfaction and loyalty to your business. Successful shops control and manage the little things, as well as the big things, throughout the entire customer experience. Come prepared to share your ideas and best practices for managing your customers’ experience. Shop Scheduling & Workflow: Unsold production time is one of the biggest unrecoverable losses in our industry. To succeed, all shops must manage their workflow efficiently. This starts with scheduling and includes systems, processes and operational philosophies for maximizing productivity and moving cars through the shop. Learn other shops’ tried-and true methods for tightening up the scheduling and workflow process and increasing profits.

Participants will receive a tour of the IDENTIFIX facility as well as [very brief] updates on programs and initiatives taking place at the state and national level.

You’ll also have some time to meet and visit informally with your fellow colleagues who own/work in independently-owned mechanical repair shops. This is your chance to “pick the brains” of some of the best operators in the area about an opportunity, problem or challenge you’re dealing with in your shop. This will, undoubtedly, be the most valuable part of the Mech XChange event! Please RSVP by September 23: Call 612-623-1110 or email aasp@aaspmn.org.

Mech XChange is open to all owners/managers of mechanical repair shops in the area. You don’t have to be an AASP-MN member to attend. So, feel free to pass this information along to a shop colleague and invite them to attend.

We look forward to seeing you at the Mech XChange!

10 August 2016


Attend Mech XChange if you want to stay upto-speed and offer input on local and national mechanical repair issues, events and activities.

Attend Mech XChange if you want to get to know, visit and share ideas with your colleagues in the industry.

Attend Mech XChange if you want to be on the cutting edge of what’s happening in the mechanical repair industry!

12 August 2016



THE “NEXT GENERATION OF AMI” LAUNCHES, FEATURING NEW PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS AND WEBSITE The Automotive Management Institute (AMi), the industry’s leading provider of management education for automotive collision and mechanical service repair professionals, is proud to announce the launch of the “next generation of AMi.” This includes six new front office and management certificates and professional designations, access to more than 100 relevant online courses, career paths, a new website and a world-class online Learning Management System (LMS). The new online course offerings include content from highly-respected industry professionals, such as Mike Anderson, Mark Claypool, Michael Graham, Frank LaViola, Jeremy O’Neal, Frank Terlep and others. “The new AMi represents more than a year of soliciting, organizing, and prioritizing industry feedback to ensure we offer the most relevant professional designations, career paths and overall business management educational support possible,” said Jeff Peevy, AMi president. “For example, we heard clearly from business owners and managers the need to offer career paths for their front office staff.” The industry-serving nonprofit now offers Customer Service Certificates and Professional Designations for Office Manager, General Manager and Master General Manager, specifically for collision repair and mechanical service repair segments of the automotive industry. Each level of recognition is a step toward the next level, building a clear professional development pathway and will provide the necessary training to improve operational performance. In addition, the next generation of AMi now provides a suite of learning support tools. “Our new core belief is knowledge equals competitiveness; learning then is the only source of a sustainable, competitive advantage,” Peevy said. Acting on this belief, AMi will provide a free program to help people identify their personal learning style and an industry Training Provider Directory. The Training Provider Directory provides a searchable database of management and technical training for both collision repair and mechanical service and repair segments. The directory currently has 98 training providers participating and AMi is encouraging others to join. To help provide for this learning support, AMi has developed the AMi Learning Foundation Program to encourage taxdeductible donations from industry businesses and individuals. Through these contributions, AMi will continue to provide educational support at a minimal cost to repair professionals. “The launch of the ‘next generation of AMi’ represents a significant milestone for our industry’s professionals. At their convenience, individuals can view suggested courses based on their career path, enroll in and complete online courses, as well as view and print their transcripts,” said Sheri Hamilton, AMi Board of Trustees Chair. “This new online learning center partners with the industry-wide training already available at events around the country for individuals to easily achieve the AMi credits.” AMi was established in 1989 to answer the demand for continuing education and industry-accepted recognition programs tailored specifically for the business needs of the auto-

motive service and repair industry. To date, AMi programs have attracted more than 250,000 enrollments throughout North America. AMi is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational foundation, to which tax-deductible contributions can be made. For more information about the Institute, its curriculum or methods of donations, please contact AMi at (817) 514-2929, or visit the AMI website at www.AMionline.org.

RECORD 2016 MILEAGE FORECAST 2016 mileage on U.S. roads by all types of vehicles rose 3.7 percent through April, slightly less than the 3.9 percent gain during the first four months last year. After 10 years of no mileage growth (2003 through 2013), 2014 mileage rose 1.7 percent, followed by a strong 3.5 percent increase last year. Lang Marketing projects 2016 annual mileage growth will come close to the velocity of last year's mileage surge, significantly boosting aftermarket product volume, especially with the record number of older cars and light trucks on U.S. roads. Six Major Takeaways

• 2013 mileage on U.S. roads by all types of vehicles failed to top 2003 mileage, despite an increase of more than 13 million cars and light trucks in the VIO (vehicles in operation). • Annual miles increased moderately between 2003 and 2007, peaking at 3.03 trillion miles, a level not surpassed until 2014, when total mileage reached 3.04 trillion. Total mileage on U.S. roads climbed a strong 3.5 percent during 2014, the largest annual gain in more than 20 years. • The rising number of cars and light trucks, coupled with no increase in annual mileage between 2003 and 2013, reduced average annual miles per car and light truck over this ten-year span. • Despite gains in 2014 and 2015 light vehicle mileage, the average car and light truck travelled fewer miles last year than during 2003. • Lang Marketing projects 2016 total miles on U.S. roads will increase approximately 3.3 percent, the third consecutive year of annual gain and marking the second largest percentage increase in mileage in more than 20 years. • Four factors will propel 2016 car and light truck aftermarket product growth: an increase in VIO (vehicles in operation), growing annual mileage, an increase in average miles per light vehicle, and an expanding number of older cars and light trucks on U.S. roads. Courtesy of the Lang Aftermarket iReport


www.langmarketing.com August 2016 13

14 August 2016


ESTIMATING TIPS Chipguard in Audatex

Audatex's chipguard formula is 0.3 for the first panel and 0.2 per each additional panel but does not take into account the size of the panel. DEG Inquiry 9478 shows that this formula accounts for up to 8” and if the requirements fall outside of the defined areas, these additional needs would need to be accounted for manually.

CCC Labor Assignments

Assigning the labor designation for an operation in CCC is a manual process. When you replace a mechanical or structural component, for example, you must go back to the line and add the labor designation letter to the right column next to the labor amount. See Example 1. If your Labor/Material Charge Category in the setup of CCC includes different labor amounts for different labor operations, adding the letter to the right of the labor will calculate the different labor values properly. See Example 2.

Mitchell’s Refinish Materials Calculator

Mitchell’s RMC is broken up into half-hour increments so you may see two different refinish times with the same material calculations. For example, DEG inquiry 9407 shows the refinish time for the front and rear bumpers at 2.6 and 2.8 hours, but the refinish calculations for materials are the same.

Paint Material List

Having a paint material list that shows your included items can be a useful tool when repairing a vehicle and should be something that is posted in your facility. In DEG inquiry number 9449, submitted to CCC, it shows “on any estimate the required materials necessary is best reserved for the judgment of an estimator/appraiser following a thorough review of vehicle repair requirements.”

Note: The estimating databases are all intended to be used as a GUIDE ONLY - it is important to remember that the auto body professional performing the repair is in a position to thoroughly inspect, diagnose and identify the methodology and their unique cost of the vehicle damage repair.

You can view these tips and others on the DEG website,


LIKE AASP-MN ON FACEBOOK! facebook.com/aaspmn


August 2016 15

16 August 2016



Staying in Touch With Injured Workers It's no secret that staying in touch with an injured worker is a simple way for the employer to express compassion and lift the employee's spirits. What many employers don't realize, though, is that frequent contact is a proven technique to drive better claim outcomes. In fact, in a recent survey, SFM (a leading workers' compensation insurer in the Midwest) claims professionals ranked it as one of their top recommendations to bring about a timely return to work. Silence speaks volumes Some supervisors avoid reaching out because they worry that they might say the wrong thing, but the surest way to deliver the wrong message is to say nothing at all. Reaching out to injured workers gives employers the chance to say the things that will reassure them. Making it clear that their job is safe tells them that they don't need to be concerned about losing their livelihood. Helping them understand that the employer supports their recovery can prevent feelings of guilt or resentment over the injury. The mere words "we're thinking about you" can go a long way toward reminding them they're not in it alone. Failing to connect with injured employees invites them to draw their own conclusions, which often prove to be detrimental to their recovery. Without positive reinforcement from the employer, the injured worker's motivation to return to work often suffers. Contact can keep the claim out of court When injured employees feel disconnected, it tends to increase anxiety and decrease their trust in the employer. The longer they go without hearing from the employer, the more likely it gets that they will try to get back into the loop by contacting an attorney. Involving attorneys in work comp cases introduces additional claim costs that can drive the employer premiums up for future policies. Injured employees tend to seek out attorneys when they feel that their livelihoods are in jeopardy. Every step an employer takes

to reassure an injured worker that his or her job is safe reduces the chances of attorney involvement and increases the chances of a timely return to work. According to a recent article from the Workers' Comp Resource Center, "The best way an employer can prevent an injured employee from obtaining an attorney, and the unnecessary claim cost that drives the employer's premiums higher, is to maintain contact with the employee after the accident." Don't hesitate to involve the claims representative Making sure the employee doesn't have any unanswered questions will help eliminate roadblocks to recovery and return to work. Employers should be encouraged to consult the claims representative if they get questions that they can't answer themselves. Another role that the claims representative can play is to be the bearer of any bad news about the claim that might negatively impact the employer/employee relationship. Keep it simple It doesn't take a formally scheduled visit or call in order to make a big difference. Employers can keep the lines of communication open with emails, cards, or even text messages. Even the smallest gestures of compassion from a supervisor can have a profound impact on an employee's disposition. Staying in touch with injured employees is as simple as it sounds. In addition to being the right thing to do, it's one of the best investments employers can make to improve outcomes and reduce claim costs. For more information about FLSA compliance, please contact Dennis Spindler at 763-549-2238. Reprinted with permission of CBIZ, Inc. Copyright Š 2016, CBIZ, Inc. All rights reserved. CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. Readers are advised to contact a tax professional prior to taking any action based upon this information.


August 2016 17

18 August 2016



Common Hazardous Waste Problems

Hazardous waste inspectors usually find the same few violations when they visit shops. Here are some tips on how to avoid the most common ones.

which you pay by the pound to do. Put the waste in a container labeled “used oil towels” or “used oil floor dry” and have your used oil hauler dispose of it for you.

from when you are adding or removing waste, containers must be closed tightly enough that they won’t spill if they get tipped or knocked over. If your paint drum has a funnel on it, make sure it is locked. Consider painting the locking tab a different color to remind everyone to lock it.

Store used fluorescent light bulbs properly. The container must be closed and sturdy enough to

Keep waste containers closed. Aside

Label containers. Hazardous waste containers must be labeled with the words “Hazardous Waste,” a description of the waste that is easily understood by employees and emergency responders and the date you first added waste to the container. If your hauler gives you stickers, use them. The stickers probably have “Hazardous Waste” preprinted on them, so part of the task of labeling is already done for you. Labels don’t have to be fancy, though they do have to be readable. You can write directly on the container with a marker, or write on a piece of paper and then cover and attach it with clear packing tape. Keep labels out of the drip zone so they remain readable.

Label used oil containers. They need to be labeled with a description of the waste – “used oil” or “used oil filters” or “used oily floor dry.” Pretty simple, but often forgotten. Dispose of oily wastes properly – do not put them in the trash dumpster. If you

have an oily spill, first try to clean up as much of it as you can with a squeegee and dustpan. That oil can go straight into your used oil drum. Then when you use a towel or floor dry to soak up the rest, you won’t have so much heavy waste to get rid of –

protect the bulbs from breaking. Label the container “used fluorescent bulbs.” Do not crush or intentionally break fluorescent light bulbs. You will release dangerous mercury gas. If a bulb gets broken accidentally, put the broken bulb in a container that is sturdy enough to hold the broken glass and is airtight to hold any residual mercury gas. Label the container. Dispose of the broken bulb with the rest of your fluorescent bulbs.

Conduct and record weekly inspections. Hazardous waste containers must be inspected every

week. Check that each container is closed, properly labeled and in good condition. Keep a log of the inspections. Work with your employees to find the best solutions for recurring problems.

Keep records. Store your environmental records

where you can find them. If an inspector asks to see your manifests or your inspection logs but you can’t find them, that’s pretty much the same as not keeping them. At the very least, have a folder where you put all your regulatory paperwork.

The MPCA hazardous waste program has fact sheets with straightforward information about how to manage common wastes. You can find the fact sheets at http://tinyurl.com/MNHazWasteForms. Topics include used oil, antifreeze, waste tires, used fuel, a container inspection log and more.


August 2016 19


Greco Publishing Welcomes Editorial Assistant Chloe Durante

2 0 1 7 2017

Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc., publishers of AASP-MN News, Hammer & Dolly, New Jersey Automotive, New England Automotive Report and Wisconsin Automotive News, is pleased to announce the addition of Chloe Durante as the company’s editorial assistant. A 2013 graduate of Montclair State University, Durante will assist Editorial Director Joel Gausten in developing editorial content for the Greco publications, covering industry events and interviewing members of the automotive repair community. “It’s always great to welcome new blood into the company,” offers TGP, Inc. President Thomas Greco. “Chloe brings a fresh perspective into TGP, and I’m sure she will do the same with the automotive repair industry.” Chloe Durante can be reached at (973) 667-6922 or via email at chloe@grecopublishing.com.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?





contact the

AASP-MN Office at

(612) 623-1110 for more


Answer: A chair caster replaced by a cardboard “leg.” Why it’s a hazard: the cardboard is a lot less stable than the original caster, and isn’t likely to handle the same load.

20 August 2016



August 2016 21


AASP-MN’s Auto Employee Assessment System

AASP-MN’s Auto Employees Assessment System, offered in conjunction with Assessment Associates International (AAI), will help AASP-MN members identify employees that not only have the technical skills for the job, but also good motivation, work habits and people skills. How does it work? Job candidates complete one of two questionnaires: • Service Advisor/Estimator • Technician - including mechanical, body or painter

Candidates are assessed on motivation, attitude, dependability, initiative and other "soft skills." Assessments are completed over the Internet, at any time of day or night and results are emailed to the employer within minutes of questionnaire completion. • Scores are presented comparing the candidate to current, successful AASP-MN member employees. • Shops use the information to identify candidates that are a good fit with their work environment. • AASP-MN has validated these assessment tools, demonstrating their accuracy, fairness and legal defensibility.

Why use it? • Enhanced employee effectiveness and fit with your work environment. • More good hires and less turnover. • Immediate results - a better bottom line for your shop. • Objective, valid and defensible hiring tool. • It's affordable! AASP-MN member pricing is 50% off retail price and starts as low as $15 per assessment.

Here's how: Contact Assessment Associates International at 952-8546551 or visit https://auto.aai-live.com. For additional information about this or other AASP-MN member benefit programs, contact the AASP-MN office at 612623-1110 or aasp@aaspmn.org, or check out AAI’s ad on the previous page.

AASP-MN MEMBER BENEFIT PROGRAMS WORKERS’ COMP INSURANCE Meadowbrook Insurance Group Contact: Dennis Spindler 763-549-2238 / dspindler@cbizaia.com Up-front scheduled credit makes Meadowbrook one of the most competitive programs around for Worker‘s Compensation insurance. In addition, members are eligible to receive an annual dividend based on the group’s loss ratio. For more information, log on to www.wcpolicy.com/aaspmn. PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE CBIZ AIA Contact: Dennis Spindler 763-549-2238 / dspindler@cbizaia.com CBIZ AIA will present AASP-MN members with quotes from multiple carriers for property/liability insurance and members can choose the program that best fits their situation. As an added bonus, CBIZ AIA will offer members an exclusive 10% discount on their property/liability insurance premiums. Ask about our program with United Fire Group! EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CBIZ AIA Contact: Dennis Begley 763-549-2260 / dbegley@cbizaia.com CBIZ AIA will provide AASP-MN member with quotes from multiple carriers for life insurance, health insurance, long-term care and disability insurance. UNIFORM & LINEN SUPPLIES AmeriPride Services Contact: Jim Dillon 651-955-1398 / jim.dillon@ameripride.com Discounted pricing to members on rental of uniforms, entrance mats, shop rags, etc. Purchases are also discounted. Members receive annual rebate equal to 10% of their business with AmeriPride each year. CREDIT CARD PROCESSING Association BankCard Services Contact: Mac Hardin 952-933-2026 / mach@retailfinancialservices.biz

22 August 2016

Competitive rates for AASP-MN members. Terminals and printers sold at cost. Monthly rental of equipment is also available. INDUSTRIAL & PAPER PRODUCTS Wipers & Wipes, Inc. Contact: Dennis Julson 651-486-4866 Discounts on industrial supplies and paper products. Free, next-day delivery is available in the metro area. Shipping free to outstate members with $100 purchase. WEBSITE AND INTERNET MARKETING SOLUTIONS Autoshop Solutions Contact: Margaret Klemmer 888-991-3449 / margaret@autoshopsolutions.com AASP-MN members receive a $500 discount off the Website Marketing Success Package set-up fee and special pricing on template websites starting at just $59/month and $149/set-up (regularly $79/month and $250 set-up).

TECHNICAL INFORMATION HOTLINE IDENTIFIX 800-288-6220 Members enjoy discounted prices on the industry’s #1 technical information hotline, Direct-Hit. BUSINESS FORMS/CALENDARS AASP-MN Contact: Jodi Pillsbury 612-623-1110 / jodi@aaspmn.org Discount rate on printed business forms and calendars. SALES, MARKETING AND CUSTOMER SERVICE SOLUTIONS eMarketing Sherpas Contact: Frank Terlep 888-377-2661 / www.emarketingsherpas.com eMarketing Sherpas provides AASP members up to a 10-percent discount on its Demand Engine CRM Suite, Review Engine online review and reputation marketing system and its Digital Lobby point of sale digital signage, menu board and interactive kiosks solutions.

Net Driven Contact: Jon Napoli 877-860-2005, ext. 400 / jnapoli@getnetdriven.com Net Driven is a market leader in website and internet marketing solutions designed exclusively for the automotive industry. AASP-MN members who choose Net Driven are eligible for a $500 discount off their 1st year setup fees. For more information, contact Jon Napoli.

INFORMATION PROVIDERS Mitchell1 Contact: Mitchell1 Representative 888-724-6742 x 6986 AASP members are eligible for special Mitchell 1 information and management programs at significant discounts. For more information, log onto www.mitchell1.com or contact the Mitchell 1 representative at 888-724-6742, X6986.

AUTO EMPLOYEE ASSESSMENT Assessment Associates International Contact: Ron Page (952) 854-6551 / ronald.page@aai-assessment.com www.auto.aai-live.com Designed to help facilitate and enhance hiring decisions. AASP-MN members receive 50 percent off retail price and starts as low as $15 per assessment.

Mitchell International Contact: Mitchell International Representative 800-238-9111 AASP members receive a 15% discount on any Mitchell RepairCenter TechAdvisor package. Visit http://repaircenter.mitchell.com/Catalog/OEM Repair.aspx for more information.


PAYROLL PROCESSING CBIZ Payroll Contact: Carrie Hobrough 612-436-4620 / chobrough@cbiz.com Members receive 20% discount off standard payroll products and services (excluding 401k). Members who switch prior to June 30 will receive first month of payroll processing free. CHECK GUARANTEE SERVICES Certegy Check Services Contact: Amy McKay 727-385-7812 / amy.mckay@fisglobal.com Discount rate of .75% to AASP-MN members. Use existing credit card terminal. Fast claim payments. BUSINESS COACHING 180biz 540-833-2014 / info@180biz.com Website: www.180biz.com Members receive a 20-percent discount on one-onone sales and management coaching programs (covering financial planning & analysis, strategic marketing, leadership and personnel development) without long-term commitments. Members also receive a 25-percent discount on monthly sales & management webinars as well as a 20-percent discount on all 180BIZ advisor training programs. LEGAL CONSULTATION Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick 800-496-6789 Members receive free, over-the-phone legal assessment and consultation (some restrictions apply) with an attorney who specializes in the area of law that is the subject of the call.


August 2016 23

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