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2 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 3
VISIT US AT NORTHEAST® BOOTH 300 New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 5
6 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
P.O. Box 734 Neptune, NJ 07753 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Charles Bryant 732-922-8909 / 2015 - 2017 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff McDowell, Leslie’s Auto Body 732-738-1948 / COLLISION CHAIRMAN Jerry McNee, Ultimate Collision Repair, Inc. 732-494-1900 / MECHANICAL CHAIRMAN Keith Krehel, Krehel Automotive Repair, Inc. 973-546-2828 / TREASURER Tom Elder, Compact Kars, Inc. 609-259-6373 / SECRETARY Thomas Greco, Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 973-667-6922 / BOARD Dennis Cataldo, Jr., D&M Auto Body 732-251-4313 / Dave Laganella, Peters Body and Fender 201-337-1200 / Sam Mikhail, Prestige Auto Body 908-789-2020 / Ted Rainer, Ocean Bay Auto Body 732-899-7900 / Anthony Sauta, East Coast Auto Body 732-869-9999 / Randy Scoras, Holmdel Auto Body 732-946-8388 / Anthony Trama, Bloomfield Auto Body 973-748-2608 /
24 28 28 78
LOCAL NEWS 32 AASP/NJ Continues to Address Mobile Shops, State Farm Labor Rates
NEWS & INNOVATIONS 34 BASF APS-Certification Turns Your Dream Shop into a Reality by Improving Touch and Cycle Time 38 American Honda Returns to NORTHEAST® for 2017 65 Find Your Way To Toyota’s New Jersey Collision Repair & Refinish Training Center
BOARD ALLIED Joe Amato, The Amato Agency 732-530-6740 /
Mike Kaufmann, Advantage Dealer Services 973-332-7014 /
42 The Wait is Almost Over!
PAST PRESIDENT ATTENDING Tom Elder, Compact Kars 609-259-6373 /
by Joel Gausten and Nick Fernandes
56 Schedule of Events
by Joel Gausten
61 Scanning: Reasons & Resistance
by Mitchell H. Portnoi, Esq.
68 Age Discrimination Claims in New Jersey
OFFICE MANAGER Donna Greco ( CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Charles Bryant • Mario DeFilippis • Jeff McDowell Mitch Portnoi • Ron Ananian • Keith Krehel Jerry McNee Published by: Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 244 Chestnut Street, Suite 202, Nutley, NJ 07110 Corporate: (973) 667-6922 / FAX: (973) 235-1963
NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE is published monthly and is sent to AASP/NJ and ARANJ members free of charge. Subscriptions are $24 per year. NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE is published by Thomas Greco Publishing Inc., 244 Chestnut St., Nutley, NJ 07110. The editorial contents of NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE are copyright © 2017 by Thomas Greco Publishing Inc. and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher and/or editor. Articles in this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Thomas Greco Publishing Inc. Cover and Stock Images courtesy of
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 7
8 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
Fireside chat
by Thomas Greco, Publisher
Back in December on the day before my birthday, I decided to invite my brothers and sisters over for cake. Now this may sound pretty pedestrian, but it wasn’t. In fact, prior to that night, I honestly can’t remember the last time the five of us were alone together. Our spouses joined us (of course), but it must have been decades since the five of us were together in one room. Once our parents passed away, the distance grew and kept us apart. And in a family of five siblings, there’s always going to be at least one person mad at someone. It’s unavoidable. But I got lucky on this night. Ralph was the first to arrive. I’ve written many times about him in this space. He is 12 years older than me and has always been more like a second father than an older brother (for better or for worse). Ralph was the stereotypical Jersey Italian greaser who went from high school to construction and never, ever held back from saying just what was on his mind (for better or for worse). Ralph and I have had our differences over the years. Despite living in the same town all our lives, we don’t really see each other that often. Still, if I need a laugh, I’ll always pick up the phone and call him. Brother Steve was the next to show. He was always the “smart one” of the family. He was the Ivy League-educated dentist and All American jock who everyone in school loved. We were very close growing up. (He still loves to bring up the fact that I used to make him put his arm around me when we slept in the same room together until I was 14 – uh, I mean five.) But like many siblings, we grew apart over the last 20 years. He now lives about two hours south, so that hasn’t helped. Sister Diane actually had been at my house since dinner because she’s always at my house for dinner (LOL). She and I have always been the closest. From the affectionate nicknames of our youth (I called her every variation of “fatso” while she stuck me with “green teeth”) to our affectionate nicknames of today (“Assh$le”), we have always been there for each other. Finally, sister Gloria walked in fashionably late with the “Irishman.” Keeping with her “missing in action” rep growing up, Gloria moved to Cedar Grove years ago, so I see her about as much as I did when I was a kid. Which is about three times a year (LOL). Despite her absences, at least I will always be indebted to her for introducing me to the music of the Beatles. As we sat down to talk, we all took our places. Ralph; Steve; Steve’s wife, Audrey; my wife; me; Gloria; and the Irishman sat on the couch. Ralph’s wife, Connie, and Diane wanted to stay warm and sat by the fireplace. (REMEMBER 10 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
THIS.) We talked a lot about our childhood; of course, after all these years, there was plenty of disagreement. The sisters swear that we had an above-ground pool that neither my brothers nor I remember. We tried to figure out silly things like why we all showered in the same tiny bathroom of a house that had four of them. Steve started to go on about some naughty things he assumed we all did when our parents weren’t around, and that brought quite a few denials from me. (My son happened to be in the room at the time!) Eventually (and morbidly), the subject turned to death. After all, none of us are spring chickens (56, 60, 64, 66 and 68). We started discussing what each of us wanted to happen after we passed. Of all the people in the room, only two – Connie and myself – wanted to be cremated. All the others preferred burial or crypts. Apparently, Connie’s answer came as a surprise to Ralph, because he started ranting as soon as she said it. “You’re not getting cremated. You’ll be right next to me,” he said in his best proud male chauvinist bravado. “Go f#$k yourself, Ralph,” Connie replied lovingly. This exchange went on for a few minutes until Ralph dropped the mic with, “Fine, you want to get cremated? Why don’t you lean back two feet and practice?” Remember where she was sitting? The whole room exploded with laughter. As usual, Ralph had the line of the night. After that, we moved over to the dining room and for the first time in what must have been 40 years, the five of us were all together for my birthday cake. It was a nice early Christmas gift. And good thing I pulled it off. A few weeks later, Gloria and Steve had a vicious argument. They’re still not talking. ******************** I lost my best friend this morning. I love you, Rusty. NJA
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 11
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New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 13 1/24/17 12:25 PM
Forty years of northeast® excellence As I write this message, we are just a few short weeks away from our 40th annual NORTHEAST Automotive Services Show. After reading last month’s oral history of our event
(“NORTHEAST 40: An Oral History,” NJA February 2017), and even despite being around for much of its evolution, it’s hard to wrap my head around the gravity of the idea that
14 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
by Jeff McDowell
NORTHEAST has been around for nearly half a century. Four decades of excellent educational opportunities, vendors and networking for the industry. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who helped get us to this point when I say I simply could not be more excited or proud to celebrate this 40th anniversary event. Speaking of the show, to those who are reading this publication from the floor of NORTHEAST 2017, I’d like to personally welcome you not only to our flagship event, but to New Jersey Automotive as well! The magazine you hold in your hands is the official publication of AASP/NJ, New Jersey’s only state collision and mechanical repair association. AASP/NJ represents repairers throughout the Garden State, giving a voice to their needs and fighting on their behalf to help better the industry in our area. In addition to being the New Jersey chapter of the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers, AASP/NJ is also an affiliate of the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS). If you are checking NJA or NORTHEAST out for the first time, I hope you enjoy everything that both our event and publication have to offer, and I look forward to hopefully meeting you this weekend. If you’re reading this from your shop prior to NORTHEAST and are on the fence about going, it shouldn’t even be a question. If you want to better yourself or your business, then there is no better place for you to be March 17-19 than at the Meadowlands Exposition Center. Visit to preregister for NORTHEAST 2017. I’ll see you there! NJA
WE MUST RECLAIM OUR INDUSTRY For many years, I have watched the insurance industry chip away at the benefits that caused collision shop owners to open their doors in the first place. Traditionally, people take the risk of owning a business because of the benefits they receive as a result of running that business well and providing quality services at a price that customers are willing to pay. Part of the key to success has been the shop owner’s ability to purchase quality parts and materials at wholesale prices and sell them (along with services) on a retail basis. If a shop owner can conquer the task of providing their services at prices that consumers are willing to pay while purchasing the parts and materials needed (and being able to hire and pay qualified workers), business can be very rewarding. However, if a shop owner does not perform these tasks well and allows others to dictate or influence what they will charge for their parts, materials and services, it can result in disaster. Some shop owners are able to start their businesses by investing their nest eggs they have put away for retirement, and others must rely on investors or loans. Either way, the failure of a business can destroy a person’s safety net. Therefore, shop owners must always be prepared for the worst and watch how they conduct business at all times to make sure they are constantly making good financial decisions. This can also take its toll on people. At the same time, when done right, being in business can outweigh the risk and be quite rewarding when success is achieved. It is for these reasons that I would recommend that all shop owners pay close
attention to the content in this message. Over the years, I have consulted many shop owners on whether to go along with insurers on certain claim settlement practices or take a stand and reject certain things that are obviously improper and should not be allowed to exist. Years ago, insurers had little or no say in where collision shops bought the parts used to repair damaged vehicles or in the type of parts that were used. Now, not only do insurers dictate what type of parts will be used or how much they will pay for the parts needed on a damaged vehicle, but they are often able to dictate where the parts must be purchased from. Years ago, shop owners could show an insurer that certain procedures were needed in order to repair a vehicle safely and properly, and the insurer would most likely pay for the procedure. Now,
16 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
by Charles bryant
even when a shop shows an insurer that a certain procedure is necessary to repair a damaged vehicle properly, the insurer’s response is, “We don’t pay for that.” I have overseen a Hot Line for the collision industry for many years, and I have never seen a worse time than right now – with insurers refusing to pay what is required to repair vehicles safely and properly. “We don’t pay for that” should never be an acceptable answer to a request for the payment of a legitimate repair procedure that is required to repair a damaged vehicle safely and properly, but this has become a common response to such a request. Most shop owners went into business to be independent and fulfill their desire to repair vehicles with caution and care and make a better life for their families. The very reason that most collision shop owners went into business in the first place has
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE been eliminated, and those same people have now surrendered to an insurance industry that is dictating who will repair the vehicles, how the vehicles will be repaired, what type of parts will be used and how much a collision shop will be paid. Many shop owners have succumbed to the insurance industry by accepting a DRP arrangement that they don’t even agree with but feel is better than having their work steered
away. When the DRP concept first started, it seemed to work fairly well for both sides. However, as time has gone on and greed has taken over, more and more shop owners are realizing that they have become the puppets for the insurance industry and are now actually one of the major factors that allow the insurance industry to control our industry. However, even the ones who don’t agree with how the DRP programs are controlling
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the industry are afraid to pull out of the system in fear of reprisal. Many shop owners who are not part of the DRP system for whatever reason would now go along with it in a minute if given the chance just to prevent the steering that they face every day. The shop owners who are not part of the DRP concept constantly hear the insurance industry say things like, “That’s all we are willing to pay. If you don’t agree with our estimate, we will just send the vehicle to one of our DRP shops who will gladly repair the vehicle for that amount.” The insurance industry has successfully divided our industry, and now they use that division to get exactly what they want. In the past, when a quality shop could not convince an insurer to pay for certain necessary procedures (or could not convince an insurer to pay for quality parts), the shop would often still perform the procedure and even purchase the right quality parts and eat the difference. However, nowadays the differences are so great that shops cannot afford to do that. With
For immediate information, contact AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant at (732) 922-8909
that said, one has to ask, what is the answer? My response is simple. We must reclaim our industry! Our industry must go back to having respect for one another and stop allowing others to divide us. Collision shops need to stop making deals that are in the best interest of insurers instead of vehicle owners. Over and over, I hear from shop owners who have been suspended from a DRP as a punishment for not doing exactly what the insurer is dictating that they do (or for charging for things that the insurer doesn’t want to pay for). If they continue to resist (because they know it is wrong), they get terminated from the program. Then, the insurer does all in their power to steer work away from the shop, and they are not shy about it. Obviously, this is to send a message to others on their DRP. The problem is that the resistance is happening because the difference between what the insurance industry wants to pay and the cost of what it takes to repair today’s vehicles safely and properly has grown so large that shops can no longer afford to do the work appropriately and not get paid for it. The answer is unity. The collision industry must reclaim their independence that was the reason that most shop owners went into business in the first place. We need to realize that insurers need us just as much as we need them. Shop owners need to remember who their customer actually is and once again begin respecting that relationship. Every collision shop in the industry that is not a member of a trade association should immediately join one and start participating in the efforts that are being made to better the industry. If collision repairers would make the effort to unite rather than allow outsiders to divide us, we would not be facing all the issues referenced herein. I urge each and every member of the industry to heed this message and make an effort to do your part to unite. United we stand, divided we fall! NJA
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 19
THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER WAY TO BUY THE WORLD’S BEST ENGINEERED PARTS. For Original BMW Parts, contact one of these authorized BMW centers: BMW of Springfield 391-399 Route 22 E. Springfield, NJ 07081 Toll Free: 800-648-0053 Fax: 973-467-2185
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20 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
Flemington BMW 216 Route 202/31 Flemington, NJ 08822 PH: 908-782-2441 Fax: 908-824-9913
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Circle BMW 500 Route 36 Eatontown, NJ 07724 Parts Direct: 732-440-1235 Fax: 732-440-1239
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Park Ave BMW 530 Huyler Street South Hackensack, NJ 07606 PH: 201-843-8112 FAX:201-291-2376
BMW of Bridgewater 655 Route 202/206 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 PH: 908-287-1800 FAX:908-722-1729
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 21
22 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 23
Ford gt/gt 40: three generations
A brief history: Back in the ’60s, Ford wanted to get into racing to help promote the brand. They approached Enzo Ferrari and were close to purchasing his company, but he backed out at the last minute. Worse than that, he made it sting, creating bad blood between the two companies. At this point, the head of Ford – Henry Ford II – became driven by one goal, which was to “kick Ferrari’s ass.” When discussing this goal to his staff, he was asked, “What is the budget?” He responded, “Who said anything about a budget?” The race was truly on. Early models had reliability issues, but once they were ironed out and a high-performance Ford big-block 427 was installed, the car became dominant. In fact, it was so dominant that during the 1966 Le Mans race, the first three positions were GT 40s. During the closing laps, the first two cars had so much of the lead that they were instructed to slow down to allow the third car to catch up to provide a photo op showing all three cars at the finish line together. The Ford GT 40 went on to win at Le Mans the following three years. Ford truly bested Ferrari. (Sorry, Nelson.) In 2005 and 2006, the GT 40 was re-created for a public sale under the name Ford GT. This car is slightly larger and stands 44 inches, four inches taller than the original, which
stood at 40 inches. (This is what gave the original GT 40 its name.) Slightly more than 4,000 of these were built between 2005 and 2006, and they look very similar to the original. The ’05/’06 car had many improvements, and despite having a smaller engine, it actually had more horsepower than the car that had won at Le Mans. The ’05/’06 has four-valves-per-cylinder technology, while the compression ratio is significantly lower and the engine is an overhead cam (like the Ferrari had decades earlier). The original was carbureted, while the ’05/’06 has fuel injection with a supercharger. Although the original 427 was pretty much cutting edge at the time, it is a fossil 40 years later – due in large part to modern electronics. Anyone who is interested should read the book
24 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
Ford GT by Preston Lerner. I found it fascinating, and it includes many of the famous names in racing history, including McLaren, Andretti, Dan Gurney, AJ Foyt, Jackie Stewart and Carroll Shelby, as well as others. The current 2017 GT is a unique design that does not look like the
Ford Motor Company recently began production of the third generation of the Ford GT. This is the latest version of a car developed in the 1960s. Looking at each generation of this car, one can see a good example of how technology has progressed.
by keith krehel
original, but is again a super car in its own right, sporting a smaller, lighter, V-6 engine (half the size of the original GT 40 engine) that produces approximately 647 horsepower. The weight is between the prior two models at 3,054 pounds and uses carbon fiber and aluminum in its construction, giving it one of the best power-to-weight ratios of any production car ever built. Fuel economy for the latest GT is surprisingly poor but probably not a concern to owners, considering the purchase price. Please see the comparison chart below. NJA
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New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 27
CALENDAR Dear New Jersey Automotive:
March 1, 2017 Corrosion Protection CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken Full-Frame Partial Replacement Allstate Insurance, Bridgewater
I think the biggest problem with getting new blood into our industry is the technical schools. I left my successful business after many years to go and teach and try to get kids into our industry almost 16 years ago. Many technical schools focus on “everyone must go to college,” but many kids are not meant to go or can’t afford college! The first four years I was teaching “Collision Repair Fundamentals,” my student won the GOLD Medal, First Place in SkillsUSA in New Jersey out of 30 other schools. Now, out of the 20 new freshmen coming in, maybe four or five want to be in my program, and the others just signed up to get into our school. Do you realize how difficult it is to engage a student in a subject they really have no interest in? I have been a part of our organization since the “North Jersey Auto Body Association” in the ’60s; it’s in my blood! Most kids today just want to play games on their phones and get straight As. Where does that put me? I wish I had a better answer. Bob Magee Automotive Engineering Design Instructor Bergen County Technical High School Teterboro, NJ
March 2, 2017 2015 Ford F-150 Structural Repair Training Course Ramada Inn-Newark Airport, Newark March 7, 2017 Full-Frame Partial Replacement Allstate Insurance, Wall Township Steel Unitized Structures Technology & Repair Comfort Suites, Mahwah Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinish Safety Sernio’s Auto Body, Jersey City March 8, 2017 2015 Ford F-150 Structural Repair Training Course CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken
March 15, 2017 Vehicle Technology & Trends 2016 Allstate Insurance, Wall Township March 16, 2017 Steel Unitized Structures Technologies & Repairs Ramada Inn-Newark Airport, Newark March 18, 2017 I-CAR Vehicle Technology Trends and Diagnostics Overview Embassy Suites by Hilton Secaucus Meadowlands, Secaucus *Presented in conjunction with AASP/NJ’s NORTHEAST 2017 Show*
March 21, 2017 Adhesive Bonding Allstate Insurance, Bridgewater Sectioning & Steel Unitized Structures Comfort Suites, Mahwah March 22, 2017 Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinish Safety CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken March 28, 2017 Plastic Composite Repair Allstate Insurance, Wall Township March 29, 2017 Measuring Lester Glenn Collision Center, Toms River Steel Unitized Structures Technology & Repair CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken
March 30, 2017 Vehicle Technology & Trends 2016 Ramada Inn-Newark Airport, Newark
28 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
For more information, visit NJA
LOCAL NEWS by Joel Gausten
AASP/NJ Continues to Address Mobile Shops, State Farm Labor Rates Although the upcoming 40th anniversary of the NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show has understandably dominated much of the news surrounding AASP/NJ as of late, the association remains hard at work behind the scenes combating critical issues on behalf of the automotive repair and service industries. Mobile collision repair facilities continue to be a topic of concern for AASP/NJ, with the association standing by its long-held position that these businesses pose considerable health and safety risks in addition to defying the minimum building standards established in the current New Jersey Auto Body License Law. AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant remains hopeful that the association’s continued work with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will soon bring a positive conclusion to the problem once and for all. “Because of our ongoing good relationship with the NJ-MVC, we have made two attempts to get them to enforce the License Law, which we feel clearly prevents the existence of a mobile auto body shop; this has so far been to no avail. Since we have done the research and gathered the documentation to support our position without doubt, we are now prepared to make one more effort to convince the NJ-MVC to enforce the License Law by providing them with undisputable information and documentation that supports our position.” While AASP/NJ remains optimistic, Bryant says that the association is prepared to pursue other potential remedies if necessary. “Should this last effort fail, we will be left with no other choice but to turn to other means available to resolve the problem of improper and unlicensed mobile auto body operations, including
legal action if required.” In other news, AASP/NJ has not backed down in investigating potential remedies to State Farm’s recent reduction in the Labor Rate they pay in areas of the Garden State. In November 2015, the insurer originally announced a Labor Rate increase by an average of $15 an hour from Ocean County northward (with the exception of Warren County). At the time, company spokesperson Justin Tomczak explained that the increase was the result of “refining market boundaries used to determine prevailing competitive prices [PCP] to serve our customers and to better align with government-defined market areas.” Last December, AASP/NJ began receiving reports that State Farm had started rolling the Labor Rate back to its previous rate in these areas. Bryant is quick to express his disappointment over the insurer’s sudden – and controversial – change of heart.
32 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
“The rollback of Labor Rates by an average of $15 per hour after paying the higher rate for over a year is simply unacceptable. State Farm’s act of paying the higher rate for that period of time actually established what insurers commonly refer to as ‘the usual and customary rate,’ which is the exact defense insurers use to keep from paying a higher rate than what has been established as usual and customary. This arrogant act of rolling back the Labor Rate by such a large amount after paying it for such a long time is a slap in the face of the collision industry and shows blatant disrespect for the members of the collision industry. AASP/NJ is diligently working on addressing this issue, and we will not allow this type of disrespect to our members to stand without a fight.” New Jersey Automotive will provide updates on these and other AASP/NJ activities as they develop. For more information on the association, visit or contact Charles Bryant at (732) 9228909. NJA
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We are part of the BMW NA delivery program that delivers to us three additional times per day We have a highly-trained and experienced team of BMW parts advisors Our team of advisors can be counted on to be knowledgeable when you need technical support We update our inventory daily to ensure we stock the most current items to meet your demands All original BMW parts carry a 2-year limited warranty
BMW of Springfield Wholesale Parts Hotline: 800-648-0053 Wholesale Direct: 973-671-9321 Wholesale Fax: 973-467-2185 391 Route 22 East, Springfield, NJ 07081 Orders accepted by phone, fax, and email to speed your delivery and your repairs. Ask about our next-day UPS delivery. Email: or visit us on the web:
Join our growing list of satisfied customers. Save time, improve profits and keep your customers loyal. * If your order is placed by 10:30am, we will confirm availability and provide you with and ETA for delivery. European model shown
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 33
BASF APS-CERTIFICATION turns your dream shop into a reality by improving touch and cycle time. For years, your shop grew in size, profit and number of repairs, with customers and vehicles lined up for service. Then, your profits slowed. Your shop was full, but not growing. And technicians had to wait for parts before starting repairs. When claims are down, totals are rising and there’s more capacity than is needed, shops ask one of two questions: How to fill capacity when sales are down, or how to increase sales when production appears to be running at capacity. Both have the same answer—improve touch time and cycle time. BASF creates chemistry for collision repair centers. And that expertise helped us create a solution that solves congestion and boosts profitability: The shop of your dreams.
Culture and leadership are important parts of APS success and BASF’s business coaches are your personal guides to your shop’s tranquility and profitability. Soon, you will be ready to start your unique APS procedures. Each step of the way, your BASF team will work alongside you to implement the productivity plan. Results can be immediate: “We produced over 1,000 labor hours in our second week. Our painters produced over 430 hours as a team, both well above our average. Three disassembly techs flagged over 100 hours for the week. We are producing more hours with less effort and chaos,” said Tim Dys, Bodyshop Manager of Shaheen Chevrolet (Lansing, Michigan).
The shop of your dreams is BASF APS-certified. It’s a shop where the front office is two steps ahead of the back-end, while painters and technicians dance around each other like a scene in a movie. Nearly 100 collision repair centers throughout the US and Canada have taken BASF’s Advanced Process Solutions (APS) program, and we proudly have 100% customer satisfaction. “We compete in a packed market. There’s a big difference between surviving and flourishing,” said Robert Walne, Herb’s Paint and Body (Dallas, Texas) owner. “BASF’s APS gave us standardized systems across several locations and improved our performance, allowing us to grow year after year.” APS is proven to drive sales and profitability by opening capacity and helping attract new business. Our top 25% of APS shops have increased sales an average of 27%, and have seen their touch times doubled and their cycle times cut in half. We partner with collision center owners and managers to develop a customized APS plan. From beginning to end, BASF provides strategy and instruction on how best to improve shop performance. Beginning with an APS planning session (I-CAR– approved), BASF builds a customized plan based on shop-specific expectations, skillsets and resources. Every shop is different, so each individual shop receives an individual plan.
34 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
After APS: Shops see an increase in labor hours and sales RO due to a complete disassembly at the beginning of the repair process. The APS process eliminates mistakes, delivering a more peaceful environment with less chaos from rearranging cars and processing supplements. “We just had the highest sales year ever and there was less running around than when we produced half the volume. APS added capacity and we filled it! Everyone is making more money and working the same hours, and the work environment is much more enjoyable!” said Dunshee Body and Frame (Kalamazoo, Michigan) owner Joe Townsend. Reduced cycle times, increased touch times, fewer supplements, increased capacity, higher sales, improved profitability and a better work environment. It can all be achieved with BASF Advanced Process Solutions. So whether your goal is to open capacity or fix more cars, your dream shop is now only steps away.
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 35
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36 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
NEWS FROM HONDA by Gary Ledoux
American Honda Returns to NORTHEAST® for 2017 American Honda will once again return to the NORTHEAST show for 2017 with an expanded program for their ProFirst certified shops. American Honda chose the NORTHEAST show as the launching platform for their then-new ProFirst certified body shop program in 2015. In 2016, Honda introduced their first “Lunch and Learn” event open exclusively to ProFirst shops. It was a 90-minute event with a limit of 50 ProFirst shop personnel. For 2017, Honda will expand with two breakout meetings exclusively for ProFirst shops. On Saturday, March 18 from 8am to 10am, American Honda will host the first “ProFirst Northeast Summit” meeting. The first hour will feature a Honda technology update, presented by Honda’s own Chris Tobie, covering the new Honda Clarity and the 2017 Honda CR-V. In the second hour, Susanna Gotsch of CCC Information Systems will discuss current and emerging trends in the industry. Both are a must-see. On Sunday, March 19, American Honda will join with Axalta Coating Systems to host a breakout event called “Information for Innovation 2017.” Starting at 8am, the two-hour event will feature an interactive panel discussion about the future of OE certification programs. Panel participants will include industry leaders Susanna Gotsch, Leigh Guarnieri (American Honda), Jeff Brewer (Caliber Collision), Andy McDonald (VeriFacts) and Mike Anderson (Collision Advice).
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American Honda is an avid supporter of the NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show. Livia Anne Guarnieri, OEM strategic account manager for Axalta Coating Systems, and Gary Ledoux of American Honda will moderate the event. Each event is free and will be able to accommodate 100 attendees, but they must be associated with a ProFirst shop and RSVP is required. For more information, contact American Honda via email at In addition to the breakout meetings, Honda will again exhibit on the show floor for 2017, featuring a display dubbed “Under a Different Light.” The focal point of the display is a 2014 Honda Accord that was involved in an accident and incorrectly repaired. Show attendees can identify the errant repairs with the use of a blacklight supplied by Honda booth staff. “We are excited to be back at the NORTHEAST show again,” said Leigh Guarnieri, American Honda’s collision marketing manager. “This show attracts a lot of attendees being held over a weekend. That’s important to us. You can just feel the energy on the show floor. Industry people want to be here.” NJA
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40 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
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42 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
O By Joel Gausten and Nick Fernandes
n March 17, the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus will open its doors for the 40th installment of the NORTHEAST Automotive Services Show, a three-day event spotlighting the highest level of auto-related products, networking and training available in the region. For NORTHEAST host association AASP/NJ, reaching four decades of this annual institution is a moment of tremendous pride and excitement. “It’s been a thrilling time for us at AASP/NJ,” offers President Jeff McDowell. “We’ve come a long way in putting together an exciting show for our members and the greater industry, and we look forward to welcoming everyone to the Meadowlands Exposition Center for the best NORTHEAST any of us have ever seen!” As of this writing, more than 150 exhibiting companies were signed on to be a part of the 40th Anniversary celebration, boasting the industry’s best equipment, education and technology solutions. First-time NORTHEAST exhibitor BMW of North America is excited to be a participant in this ever-growing industry institution. “BMW of North America, LLC recognizes the importance of the collision industry to support the satisfaction of our customers, and we see NORTHEAST as a great opportunity to work closer with collision industry professionals,” explains BMW Group Wholesale & Parts Manager Jimmy Cox. “As the advancement of new technology in our vehicles is rapidly progressing with the use of complex metals, carbon fiber and assembly techniques, this is a great venue for us to showcase how BMW is on the cutting edge with this latest technology.” Not surprisingly, BMW’s presence at the show will help attendees prepare for the future of the automotive world. “Technology is constantly changing, and we are always looking for ways to communicate to the industry to ensure the best quality service and repair of our customers’ vehicles,” Cox says. “At this show, BMW NA and MINI USA will have manufacturer representatives from our Original Parts, Body & Paint and ColorSystem field teams. We will have a carbon fiber body shell of our innovative BMW i3 in our booth, New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 43
along with members of our technical team to discuss and answer any questions on our electric vehicles and the latest carbon fiber repair technologies.” Nick Mattera of NORTHEAST Lanyard Sponsor Innovative Solutions and Technology (a Pro Spot International distributor based in Lincoln Park, NJ) takes advantage of the show every year by displaying his company’s products and showing customers how they work. “It’s been great exposure. When we go to the show, we do our best to display not just our products, but how our products actually work. So it’s a great environment to show our customers not just a piece of equipment sitting there, but what it can actually do for them, and that is invaluable.” Mattera praises the show for giving him the opportunity to showcase Pro Spot products and demonstrate how they are used, which he says cannot be done at smaller trade shows he has attended. “You have the equipment there live. Hands-on demonstration is perfect if you’re looking to buy something. It’s not something you can do at a smaller show.” NORTHEAST attendees hit the show looking to learn as much about their changing profession as possible. After scoring standing-room-only crowds at last year’s NORTHEAST, internationally known industry speaker Mike Anderson (Collision Advice) will return to the show to offer two must-see seminars sponsored by Axalta Coating Systems. The first, an update on the “Who Pays for What?” surveys conducted by Collision Advice and John Yoswick of CRASH Network, will give attendees insight into how the project – which currently boasts more than 1,000 shop participants – helps identify where shops are succeeding in receiving proper payment for the work they perform. Anderson looks forward to sharing these findings with shops in New Jersey and beyond. “When we first started doing this survey, my intent was [for] people to use the survey results just to become aware of what’s not included so they can charge for it, or so that they can utilize [the results] so if when an insurance company said, ‘You’re the only one,’ they had some proof to say, ‘I’m not the only one; you guys do pay for this.’ But a third thing that came out of the survey this past year is that people told us that they were using it to show the consumers, which I never thought about. They [told us], ‘I was able to show my consumer that
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when an insurer told them that nobody else charges for this, other people do charge for this and get paid for it.’” In Anderson’s “100% Disassembly Best Practices” course, he will educate the audience on the 100 percent disassembly process. He will also discuss topics such as benefits of the process, the importance of working with your people, roles involved in the process, reasons to R&I components and key steps to implementing and sustaining this practice. Industry instructor Larry Montanez (P&L Consulting and Investigations) will teach two classes at the show, “Take Back Your Business from the Rekey Process” and “Proper & Accurate Blueprinting with Pre-Scan/Pre-Measure.” In the first course, he intends to explore “how much money and time we are actually wasting doing some of these rekeying operations.” In the Blueprinting course (where he will be assisted by Jake Rodenroth of Collision Diagnostic Services and Anthony Cetani of Metropolitan Car-o-liner), he will explain why pre-scanning and diagnosing a car’s computer components is critical. “When a car is involved in a collision, there is a great amount of force applied to it, so you have to scan it and find out what’s wrong with it and what codes might be set. Additionally, when you’re going over a vehicle, you have to make sure that you measure the car because you can’t tell by just looking at panel gaps.” Montanez says the Northeast region is unique to the industry because of its fast pace. “In the Northeast, we run a lot faster and quicker than obviously a lot of other areas almost in any industry. A lot of things seem to generate here.” Dito Diez, owner of California-based Goliath Carts, is traveling to NORTHEAST as a first-time exhibitor to take advantage of what the New Jersey-based institution has to offer. “NORTHEAST has grown quite a bit and into what many say is just an excellent show, and we want to be part of it.” Diez added that he already has customers on the east coast and can use the show to attain even more Northeastern business. “We have a lot of clients in that region, and we’ve never had the opportunity to show our products to them firsthand. It’s the opportunity to be in front of customers, to have them see the quality of our products and to reach both existing and new customers.”
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For Genuine Subaru Body Parts, contact these Authorized Subaru Dealers. Flemington Subaru 167 Route 31 Flemington, NJ 08822 Toll Free: 800-218-1432 Phone: 908-782-6831 Fax: 908-782-9701
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Fred Beans Subaru 131 Doyle Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Phone: 877-942-3267
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 47
NORTHEAST attendees who are unfamiliar with Goliath can expect to see products that aim to streamline departments in a shop. “They are products that help you work smarter,” Diez says. One of the key educational events to be held throughout NORTHEAST 2017 weekend will be “AASP/ NJ’s Path to Certification,” a series of panel discussions that will welcome input from the main parties involved in the certification process – OEMs, tooling and equipment providers and shops. The “Path to Certification” series will feature “The Shop Perspective” (a panel that will discuss topics such as cost versus ROI, training concerns, accessibility to parts and real world experience), “The OEM Perspective” (a two-part panel – luxury and non-luxury vehicles – that will outline components of OEM certification including available training, marketing, costs and safety concerns) and “Considerations in Tooling and Equipment” (in which brand representatives from tool and equipment providers will talk about costs, training availability, safety concerns and future advanced technologies). “Shop Perspective” panelist Tom Elder (Compact Kars, Clarksburg, NJ) says that every shop should be I-CAR Gold Class at the bare minimum. “These cars are way too hard to fix. You just can’t fix them without having some training or knowledge.” Elder credits NORTHEAST as having all of the “key players” getting together under one roof and networking. “It’s the only game in town, and it provides manufacturers, vendors, insurers, schools, shops and the general public an opportunity to understand what our industry is about and to exchange ideas and further their skills.” GW and Son Auto Body (Oklahoma City, OK) owner Gary Wano, Jr., who is moderating the “Shop Perspective” panel, says certification is an important topic because of the increasing complexity of vehicles, which may eventually lead to a cost-prohibitive repair. “There’s a real strong hint or possibility that it might get to the point that all repair facilities might end up needing some type of product specialty line, just based on not being able to offset the cost of training and equipment necessary to repair the vehicle tomorrow.” Wano adds that, from his perspective, the most beneficial aspect of attending NORTHEAST is the national environment it brings to the Northeast region.
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“As repairers, we don’t necessarily get the opportunity to travel and be part of national meetings, so bringing some national perspective to any type of region is invaluable.” With the topic of certification continuing to grow in prominence within the industry, “OEM Perspective” panel moderator Aaron Clark (vice president of national certification and network development for Assured Performance Network) hopes to tackle the problem of misinterpretation during the process. “There’s a lot of misinformation in the industry, and hopefully we can demystify some of that,” he says. The two-part “OEM Perspective” discussions will explore components of OEM certification including available training, marketing, costs and safety concerns. Clark says the growth of NORTHEAST in the past 10 years and the high participation by shops makes it an ideal location for such a discussion on certification to take place. “We run a booth for our company in other trade shows every year, but we don’t see as much activity at other trade shows as we do at NORTHEAST.” Two of NORTHEAST’s most well-known presenters, John Niechwiadowicz and AASP/NJ Collision Chairman Jerry McNee, will once again team up to give attendees real-world perspectives on how to improve their business lives. During “Open Your Eyes...And You WILL Become a Game Changer!” the pair will offer an update on the top KPIs every highly successful team needs to know (and why), explore the industry’s top Labor Rate trends (and what shops can do about it), discuss the importance of job costing, offer motivational incentive plans and more. McNee says he is returning as a presenter for the fourth year because he sees others in the industry lacking in several areas. He believes his class can prevent an industry “tsunami.” “It’s the stuff that I see lacking every single day that makes me keep going back. It’s the daily lack of common sense, professionalism and knowledge. It’s just overwhelming. The fast-moving industry is making it necessary to implement changes to auto repair businesses. The cars are getting more complex, and so is the training. It’s time to stop whining and start doing something about it.” In order to get the most out of the courses, McNee wants new and returning attendees to not just ask any
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question that comes to mind, but also share any ideas that can help fellow shop owners. “How are you going about it? What are you doing in this scenario? How are you handling this? It’s simple; we’re faced with all the same problems. How are you doing it differently at your facility? How are you doing it differently from what I’m doing or not doing? Let’s share some of that information.” With pre- and post-repair scanning and other developing issues impacting how technicians approach even the most basic models hitting today’s bays, many are looking to I-CAR for guidance as the industry moves forward. Those who attend NORTHEAST 2017 will be among the first automotive professionals in the country to have the opportunity to take “I-CAR Vehicle Technology Trends & Diagnostics Overview,” a new live course offering that will be hosted at the show by veteran instructors Peter Fryzel & Michael Bonsanto. (Space will be limited to the first 25 people who register at “I-CAR Vehicle Technology Trends and Diagnostics Overview” includes information on the increasing importance of performing diagnostic scans and the differences between certain electrical troubleshooting tools. The various options a shop has when it comes to ensuring diagnostics are completed will also be discussed. Upon completion, attendees will be able to explain the importance of scan tools for collision repair, discuss the growing use of composite reinforcements, describe the various safety systems on modern vehicles, determine the basic differences between OBD II and OEM codes, understand the limitations of electrical system self-diagnostics, determine when OEM scan tools are required and more. “We put this course together to meet as much of the industry demand as possible,” explains I-CAR Marketing Communications Manager Andy Dolan. “The fact that there is a show that comes out the exact time that we’re going to launch it is a great opportunity to give everybody at NORTHEAST the inside advantage where they can take the course first.” PPG will be using their latest appearance at NORTHEAST to showcase their line of products (including their popular Envirobase waterborne system) and answer any questions that attendees might have about incorporating more environmentally sound paint technology into their facilities. “Being at NORTHEAST gives us an opportunity to
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talk to our customers out of the shop environment and build some relationships through open dialogue,” says Brad Panichella, PPG Automotive Refinish regional manager. “We look forward to showing the new items that we have, along with detailing the training and business classes that help our shops.” Naturally, many of the industry members who will be traveling to the Meadowlands Exposition Center will do so in order to find tools and equipment that help them reduce time and minimize cost. USI of North America looks forward to using NORTHEAST 2017 to present a new technology that will not only allow users to achieve both of these goals, but will also complete the waterborne paint process with no additional blowers in the spray booth. USI National Sales Manager Stefano Moretto is excited to be able to bring this product to an event that is devoted strictly to catering to the direct needs of auto body businesses. “For me, the NORTHEAST show is a great opportunity because a lot of the people who stop by the booth are buyers,” he says. “They are people who wait to come to the show; I see more potential buyers at NORTHEAST than at more national-based shows where the focus is not just on collision repair.” A NORTHEAST exhibitor for decades, Auto Body Distributing Co. Inc. (ABD) keeps coming back for an experience like no other. “A lot of our Board members are involved in AASP/ NJ, so we always support association events,” says ABD’s Karyn Breidt. “I’ve been here 30 years, and we’ve been doing the show for as long as I can remember. It’s nice to see the shops face to face; it’s always good to see the facilities that are out there and explain to them what we’re about. Being at NORTHEAST always generates business for us; attendees see the value in being a stockholder in our company. The only way to reach new people is to allow them to see who’s behind the company, so doing NORTHEAST is always a success for us.” In addition to attracting the automotive world’s top vendors and educators, NORTHEAST 2017 boasts top-level celebrity appearances from the automotive world and beyond. Platinum Show Sponsor BASF will be hosting a return NORTHEAST appearance by KC Mathieu (KC’s Paint Shop) and the NORTHEAST debut of Bogi of All Girls Garage and Jonathan Goolsby and Josh Henning of Goolsby Customs, while showgoers can
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meet NY Yankee legend Sparky Lyle on March 18 courtesy of Silver Show Sponsor Flemington Car & Truck Country. After experiencing NORTHEAST for the first time in 2016, Mathieu can’t wait to come back. “I am very excited to be attending NORTHEAST again this year!” he says. “The atmosphere and people are just amazing. Last year, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to some amazing students and business owners in our industry. It is exciting to be back for the 2017 show with R-M at this one-of-a-kind show!” Considering everything that NORTHEAST 2017 will
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provide the automotive community in New Jersey and beyond, it’s no surprise at all that AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant is urging members and non-members alike to spend the third weekend in March with a few thousand of their peers. “NORTHEAST allows vendors to meet many of their current and prospective clients face to face and interact with them, which otherwise might not occur for months or even longer,” he says. “The 2017 East Coast Resolution Forum & Leadership Meeting provides the opportunity for industry representatives to share their thoughts and ideas as well
Meet former NY Yankee star Sparky Lyle
Saturday March 18, 10am - 12pm at NORTHEAST® Booth 300!
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 55
as propose solutions to one another that might not otherwise be shared. The show also provides the chance for shop owners and workers to see firsthand demonstrations on the new products, tools and services being introduced in the market. NORTHEAST is celebrating its 40th year of providing one of the best opportunities the industry has to offer, so register now and don’t miss out!” NORTHEAST 2017 would not be able to offer so much to the thousands who are set to attend without the tremendous support of the following: Platinum Sponsor – BASF, Gold Sponsor – Ford, Silver Sponsors – American Honda, Flemington Car & Truck Country, Door Prize Sponsor – Axalta Coating Systems, Lanyard Sponsor – Pro Spot/Innovative Solutions & Technology, General Sponsor – Valspar Automotive / US Chemical & Plastic. For more information on the NORTHEAST Automotive Services Show (including how to register), visit For more information on AASP/NJ, visit NJA
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For Genuine Hyundai parts, contact these Authorized Hyundai Dealers. MAXON HYUNDAI 2329 ROUTE 22 WEST UNION, NJ 07083 TOLL FREE: 800-964-7281 FAX: 908-851-5631
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New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 59
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Reasons & Resistance It’s impossible not to be awed by most of the new vehicles hitting the roads these days.
With even basic models loaded with more sensors and trouble codes than we could have imagined just a decade ago, collision repair shops now have to incorporate pre- and post-repair scanning into their regular repair procedures (or at the very least sublet this work out to a facility or a service that can do it for them.) At the time of this writing, nearly two dozen OEMs had published position statements on vehicle scanning.* Suddenly, what was once considered a practice reserved for mechanics has become an unavoidable necessity for collision repairers.
But are insurers adapting to these changes and ensuring that shops are receiving suitable compensation for these procedures? If the discussions held at the recent Collision Industry Conference (CIC) in Palm Springs, CA were any indication, the road to finding a satisfactory answer to this question will be long and contentious. At CIC, the job of addressing questions and concerns relating to pre- and post-repair scanning has been given to the Emerging Technologies Committee, a group of more than 50 industry members who regularly meet on New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 61
While shops and insurers duking it out over payment is nothing new, what makes this conflict so problematic when it comes to scanning is the fact that some carriers appear to be reluctant to acknowledge a practice recommended by the most prominent vehicle manufacturers in the field.
conference calls and later present updates at CIC’s quarterly meetings at various locations across the country. For the Committee’s most recent presentation, Chairman Jack Rozint (Mitchell International) moderated a panel discussion with participants including representatives from MSOs, scan tool companies, OEM vehicle manufacturers, Allstate and State Farm. While the panel’s unique structure would have made for a prime opportunity for industry members to discuss matters involving insurer payments for scanning procedures, Rozint made it clear that no such conversations would be permitted. “Because of antitrust and also because we’ve got some panelists who are kind enough to come here and talk about this, I don’t want to get into a debate about why someone is paying or not or should be paid…That’s a topic for another meeting and another place.” Later during the Open Mic session, SCRS Executive Director Aaron Schulenburg opined that CIC was indeed one of “the right rooms” to have a discussion on how compensation is impacting the issue. “While we can’t necessarily talk about specific charges, that compensation issue is driving a lot of the tension,” he offered. “It’s an important thing for us as the industry to address…If it weren’t a compensation issue, I don’t think anybody would be debating the need to perform [scans] or the need not to perform [them]; we would all agree that [they] should just be done.” Calling the current state of affairs with scanning “extremely in flux,” Assured Performance CEO Scott Biggs noted during the Open Mic session that he understands the wait-and-see approach that some are taking with the economic side of the issue. “This is a very complex thing that frankly, right now, may just be really pricey and doesn’t need to be - or maybe it [does]. Who is supposed to cover the cost of it, and what are ramifications of the rest of the cost? It’s not a small thing, so rushing in and having a one-size-fits-all mandatory product and so on and so forth will just have a disastrous result…We need to be smart about this. We want you to have capabilities, but we’re not enforcing whether or not you do it on 62 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
every repair yet because we need time to figure this out.” One element of the scanning process that many repairers are struggling to figure out is what to do when a pre-scan uncovers either nothing or an error code that is ultimately determined to be connected to an issue that is unrelated to the damage at hand. What happens when a shop goes through the time and uses the equipment necessary to make this determination? Should they be compensated for this despite the fact that it was not directly related to the accident? To illustrate this concern, CIC attendee Gary Wano, Jr. (G.W. and Son Auto Body, Oklahoma City, OK) likened this scenario to a recent experience he had when his son injured his knee while playing basketball in school. Fearing a possible meniscus injury, the doctors recommended and performed an MRI. Although the test revealed no injury of this nature, it was still a chargeable procedure. Using this example, Wano asked State Farm Property Claims Consultant Chris Evans for feedback. While Rozint again stressed the rules against discussing compensation, Evans offered to “speak generally” to what he called a “fair” question. “Whether they found something or not, our developing position at my company as we try to get our arms around this is [to] do what makes sense,” he said. “In that situation, the body shop did what makes sense.” Not surprisingly, State Farm isn’t the only insurer still “developing” their position on scanning. In an about-face that demonstrates just how gun-shy carriers are acting when it comes to consistently paying for scans, Chubb Insurance recently issued a statement in support of the practice – only to drastically revise it weeks later. As initially reported by Repairer Driven News (, the insurer went on record with the most extensive position on scanning to date (with the insurer’s original bold/italics included below for emphasis): Chubb has decided that we are going to allow for pre and post scans on all ‘modern’ autos (1990 and Newer). Your first line on the estimate should read pre-scan at 1.0 hour of body rate and the last line on the estimate should read post-scan at 1.0 hours of body rate. If you find that continued on page 74
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 63
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64 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
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LEGAL PERSPECTIVE by Mitchell Portnoi, Esq.
Age Discrimination Claims in New Jersey Age Discrimination claims in New Jersey are covered under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD). The Act does not specifically limit protections to those of advancing years, and it presumably allows actions to those who are discriminated against due to their youth as well. Courts have specifically found that an employee must show that he/ she was replaced by someone in a different age classification (or one significantly younger so as to raise an inference of impermissible age discrimination). The usual case is that of an employee being terminated allegedly due to their advanced/ advancing years. There is no specific written age threshold or level discussed in the NJLAD. The NJLAD specifically allows an employer to refuse to hire a person under 18 years of age, and it allows an employer to refuse to hire or promote any individual over 70. However, an employer is not permitted to terminate an employee who is 70 or older because of age. Additionally, an employer cannot base its decision to discharge an older employee on the grounds of that employee costing too much money in wages and benefits or that a younger employee is likely to work for more years.
68 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
Age Discrimination cases are difficult to prove and are factually very sensitive. While plaintiffs can somewhat easily establish their initial burden of proof in New Jersey because there is no written age requirement, the additional requirements of the courts make these cases quite challenging. My firm handles cases in pre-litigation and litigation on both the plaintiff and employment sides of the ledger. If anyone should have any questions regarding employment litigation or employee/employer rights, please call me at (973) 228-9900. NJA
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 69
70 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
Clears & Primers Fillers & Sealers Tapes & Masking Systems Aerosols Abrasives
ARANJ 2017 Officers
President Bob Dirkes - Dirkes Used Auto Parts (609) 625-1718 1st Vice President Ian Szoboszlay - Ocean County Auto (732) 349-0332 2nd Vice President Darryl Carmen - Lentini Auto Salvage (908) 782-6838 3rd Vice President Rodney Krawczyk - Ace Auto Wreckers (732) 254-9816 Executive Director Brian Snyder - Auto Recyclers of NJ (609) 714-2339
ARANJ 2017 Board of Directors Mike Ronayne - Tilghmans Auto Parts (609) 723-7469 Mike Yeager - EL & M Auto (609) 561-2266 Ed Silipena - American II Autos (609) 965-6700 Harry Shover - Porchtown Auto (856) 694-1555 Norm Vachon - Port Murray Auto (908) 689-3152 Dylan Rinkens - East Brunswick Auto (732) 254-6501
72 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
The Automotive Recyclers Association of New Jersey
Wharton Insurance Briefs An ARA Member Do you have Dealer Physical Damage coverage on your policy? Many of you think of this coverage as Dealer “Plate” Physical Damage or Dealer “Open Lot” coverage, but the name of the actual coverage is Dealer Physical Damage. This provides physical damage (collision and comprehensive) for your vehicles that you have for sale (on your lot or when using a dealer plate). The coverage can be on a “reporting” or “non-reporting” basis. One of our companies advised that they are going to be addressing the claims for this coverage as outlined in the policy. Each company’s policy wording may differ, but the end results are similar. What you need to know is that the coverage limit on your policy must match the total value of all your vehicles held for sale, including vehicles with a dealer plate. For example, if you have 10 cars for sale (valued at $30,000) and another three cars using dealer plates (valued at $30,000), you need to have $60,000 of coverage listed on your policy. At the time of a loss, the company will take the total value of all your vehicles for sale (schedule of inventory plus dealer-plated vehicles) to see if it matches the amount of coverage on the policy. If the limit on the policy is less, they will divide the limit of coverage on your policy by the total limit of your scheduled inventory (including dealer-plated vehicles) and pay that percentage of the claim. So if you have a Dealer Physical Damage claim of $10,000 with a $25,000 policy limit but your total value of all the cars for sale (plus dealer-plated cars) is $50,000, the company will divide the $25,000 by $50,000 and pay 50 percent of the $10,000 claim. Please make sure that your inventory matches the limit of insurance on your policy and call your agent with any adjustments as soon as possible. If you have any questions, give us a call. Mario DeFilippis, AAI, NJA Vice President (800) 221-0003 (ext. 1320) (908) 513-8588 (cell)
Flemington Volkswagen 213 ROUTE 202/31 FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 TOLL FREE: 800-216-5124 FAX: 908-782-9397
Linden Volkswagen 900 EAST ELIZABETH AVE. LINDEN, NJ 07036 TOLL FREE: 800-343-5116 FAX:908-486-4232
Crestmont Volkswagen 730 ROUTE 23 NORTH POMPTON PLAINS, NJ 07444 PARTS DIRECT: 800-839-6444 FAX: 973-839-8146 Paul Miller VW of Bernardsville 118 MORRISTOWN ROAD BERNARDSVILLE, NJ 07924 TOLL FREE: 877-318-6557 LOCAL: 908-766-1600 FAX: 908-766-6171
Trend Motors 221 Route 46 West Rockaway, NJ 07866 888-267-2821 FAX: 973-625-4985
Douglas Motors 491 MORRIS AVE. SUMMIT, NJ 07901 PHONE: 908-277-1100 FAX: 908-273-6196 TOLL FREE: 800-672-1172
Fred Beans Volkswagen 131 DOYLE STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 PHONE: 877-942-3267
DCH Volkswagen of Freehold 4360 ROUTE 9 FREEHOLD, NJ 07728 PHONE: 732-810-7903 FAX: 732-637-8297 email:
New Jersey Automotive | March 2017 | 73
NATIONAL FEATURE continued from page 62
the cost of doing the scan is going to be higher, then provide the actual scan report and the invoice and we will reimburse accordingly on the SUPPLEMENT. Chubb takes this very serious and wants to make sure the vehicle is returned in proper working order. During a recent Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) Open Board Meeting in Palm Springs, Schulenburg noted the significance of Chubb’s new
outlook. “What’s important here is that they aren’t recognizing it on vehicles made by automakers who have position statements; they’re recognizing it on modern day vehicles from 1990 and newer,” he said. “They recognize that vehicles of that era have technology that requires this operation. It’s not a position statement that necessitates [the scan]; it’s the technology in the vehicle that necessitates it.” However, in a follow-up story
published by Repairer Driven News (, Chubb announced that the previous statement had been “sent prematurely,” adding that the company would handle preand post-repair scanning “on a caseby-case basis.” A portion of Chubb’s communication reads as follows: Chubb has consistently focused on the safety and integrity of covered vehicle repairs, consistent with manufacturer requirements. Our approach to preand/or post-repair scanning is no different. Many manufacturers have issued position statements relating to the need for pre- and post-repair scanning. Many have not yet done so. Chubb’s approach is to view each repair as unique, and to consider payment for covered repairs on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with policy terms and the need for a high-quality repair. While shops and insurers duking it out over payment is nothing new, what makes this conflict so problematic when it comes to scanning is the fact that some carriers appear to be reluctant to acknowledge a practice recommended by the most prominent vehicle manufacturers in the field. In 2017, it is critical that shops repair vehicles to OEM specifications – a point driven home by CIC Emerging Technologies panelist John Eck (General Motors), who revealed the “concerningly low” and “unacceptable” results of a GM survey of approximately 800 collision repair facilities that revealed that less than 20 percent pulled OEM repair data for every job. But if shops are to perform repairs to the technological standards they face on a daily basis, they deserve to be paid accordingly. If there was ever a time for repair facilities and carriers to better cooperate for the benefit and safety of the vehicle owner, it would be now. *These position statements can be accessed for free at
74 | New Jersey Automotive | March 2017
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(973) 667-6922
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