New Jersey Automotive November 2016

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November 2016 $595


the Industry’s


Annual Meeting Recap

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6 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

P.O. Box 734 Neptune, NJ 07753 EXECUTIVE DI­REC­TOR Charles Bryant 732-922-8909 / 2015 - 2017 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff McDowell, Leslie’s Auto Body 732-738-1948 / COLLISION CHAIRMAN Jerry McNee, Ultimate Collision Repair, Inc. 732-494-1900 / MECHANICAL CHAIRMAN Keith Krehel, Krehel Automotive Repair, Inc. 973-546-2828 / TREASURER Tom Elder, Compact Kars, Inc. 609-259-6373 / SECRETARY Thomas Greco, Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 973-667-6922 / BOARD Dennis Cataldo, Jr., D&M Auto Body 732-251-4313 / Dave Laganella, Peters Body and Fender 201-337-1200 / Sam Mikhail, Prestige Auto Body 908-789-2020 / Ted Rainer, Ocean Bay Auto Body 732-899-7900 / Anthony Sauta, East Coast Auto Body 732-869-9999 / Randy Scoras, Holmdel Auto Body 732-946-8388 / Anthony Trama, Bloomfield Auto Body 973-748-2608 / BOARD ALLIED Joe Amato, The Amato Agency 732-530-6740 / Mike Kaufmann, Advantage Dealer Services 973-332-7014 / PAST PRESIDENT ATTENDING Tom Elder, Compact Kars 609-259-6373 /

VOLUME 46, NUMBER 11 | November 2016



NORTHEAST® SPOTLIGHT 28 NORTHEAST 2017 40th Anniversary Event on Pace to be Largest in Show History LOCAL NEWS by Chloe Durante 32 Kearny High School Showcases Automotive Skills in Quaker State “Best in Class Challenge” 36 I-CAR Hosts Collision Industry Awareness Event 40 Mountain View Auto Body Opens Second Collision Center VENDOR SPOTLIGHT 42 Real Data, Real Profit: Inside PMCLogic

49 COVER STORY by Chloe Durante Honoring the Industry’s Best: AASP/NJ Annual Meeting Recap LEGAL PERSPECTIVE by Mitchell H. Portnoi, Esq. 56 Wrongful Death Claims in NJ


NO BRAKES by Ron Ananian 62 Master of My Domain AUTOMOTIVE RECYCLERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW JERSEY 64 Wharton Insurance Briefs

OFFICE MANAGER Donna Greco ( CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Charles Bryant • Mario DeFilippis • Jeff McDowell Mitch Portnoi • Ron Ananian • Keith Krehel Jerry McNee Published by: Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 244 Chestnut Street, Suite 202, Nutley, NJ 07110 Corporate: (973) 667-6922 / FAX: (973) 235-1963

NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE is published monthly and is sent to AASP/NJ and ARANJ members free of charge. Subscriptions are $24 per year. NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE is published by Thomas Greco Publishing Inc., 244 Chestnut St., Nutley, NJ 07110. The editorial contents of NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE are copyright © 2016 by Thomas Greco Publishing Inc. and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher and/or editor. Articles in this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Thomas Greco Publishing Inc. Cover and Stock Images courtesy of

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A few articles back, I wrote about the time my sister slapped me across the face when I insulted her boyfriend during one of our Friday night card games. That event took place close to 50 years ago, and that boyfriend is still around. In fact, I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t around. Allow me to tell you about him. I don’t remember the first time I met him. All I recall is that my father never referred to him by name. He always said, “Your sister’s out with the Irishman,” “Is your sister out with that Irishman again?” or “Where is your sister? With that Irishman?” Yup. As far as I knew, his name was the Irishman. Over time, I learned that he was actually a pretty funny guy. He played football and baseball for Nutley High School and lived on High Street (which was more than appropriate if you get my drift – it was 1967 and he always loved to have a good time). I learned that he had two passions (aside from

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my twirler sister): The Yankees and Budweiser, and that hasn’t changed. More importantly, I learned that he must have been a kidnapper because once my sister started dating him, my family and I never saw her. Oh, she’d come home to sleep and they’d come over to swim in the pool or to celebrate holidays. But I swear to you, when I think back to my childhood, it’s like that photo in Back to the Future where Marty’s brothers and sisters are disappearing…I can’t remember my sister ever being in the picture after she hooked up with him. The great thing was, when we did see him, he never failed to make us laugh. He does it to this day. He raises those eyebrows, widens those eyes, shakes his head and says the craziest things. He scored points early on with me. He took me to see You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown at Radio City Music

The great thing was, when we did see him, he never failed to make us laugh. He does it to this day. He raises those eyebrows, widens those eyes, shakes his head and says the craziest things.

AD #1

Hall. He took me to my first Yankees game – on bat day, as a matter of fact. That was fun, especially when he left and came back juggling two dozen beers. Thinking about that reminds me of the last time we went to a Yankees game. It must have been about 10 years ago. Sitting in front of us was something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. A dad and his son. The kid couldn’t have been more than eight years old. He was sitting there with his mitt in his lap hoping for a foul ball, looking at his dad with a reverence only a kid at his first baseball game can understand while his dad was explaining the details of the action on the field. My brother-in-law and I were watching and admiring the scene when the kid tugged on his dad’s shirt and asked to go to the bathroom. Instead of taking the kid by the hand, the dad gave him directions. In a packed Yankee Stadium. As we watched the kid wander down the stairs, my brother-in-law loudly mentioned that the

next time we would see him would be on a milk carton. At that point, the dad took off after his son. Priceless. By the way, Budweiser hit a record high on Wall Street that day. He also introduced me to a lot of great music when I was a tween. He loved to play records for me that were shocking. While my brothers were playing me doo-wop and the Four Seasons, he was playing me stuff like John Lennon singing, “You’re still fu#king peasants as far as I can see” (a Beatle cursing????? – I was crushed) or Harry Nilsson singing, “You’re breaking my heart, so f#@k you.” I never heard music like that before. Then he showed and played me Alice Cooper. Sure, Alice is a nostalgic old man now, but in 1972? He was frightening. The Irishman got a kick out of my reactions. If my dad only knew.


continued on page 65


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AD #2

By the time you read this message, AASP/NJ will have just recently concluded our 2016 Annual Meeting. I’d like to take this time to thank all who were involved in the coordination of this year’s event, from association staff to the always-accommodating Gran Centurions Banquet Hall and, of course, our members, sponsors and supporters. Special thanks goes out to the folks at I-CAR, who are stepping up their support of our industry in a big way through constant education on the changing landscape of collision repair today. We appreciate their involvement in helping to make this year’s Annual Meeting a success. The AASP/NJ Annual Meeting is more than a great night of networking and industry information; it’s also a night devoted to honoring some special industry representatives as well. Congratulations to Autotech Collision Service, Inc. of Sewell (2016 Stan Wilson / New Jersey Automotive


Body Shop of the Year), Kyle Bossick (2016 Russ Robson Scholarship winner) and Phil Dolcemascolo (2016 AASP/NJ Hall of Fame inductee), who we are proud to acknowledge as this year’s award winners. Looking ahead, we are only a few months away from our 40th annual NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show, happening March 17-19 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus. We’re hard at work planning what’s sure to be our best event yet, so stay tuned for announcements and updates as we get closer. In the meantime, our online pre-registration system is open as of November 1, so I encourage you to visit today to get your badge. Trust me when I say NORTHEAST will be here before you know it. I hope to see you there! NJA




CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION! SA L ES • S E RVI C E • TR A IN I NG 973-348-9490 - WWW.ISATWELDING.COM 12 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

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LOOK WHO’S IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT NOW For as long as I can remember, the insurance industry has been in the driver’s seat when it comes to what collision repair shops will be paid for their services. Insurers dictate how much they will pay (and for what they will pay), even though there are regulations across the country that require these carriers to make all reasonable efforts to reach an agreed price with the facility of the consumer’s choice. Most collision shops appear to have given up and accepted that it’s just the way things work in this industry. Years ago, people who performed auto body/collision repairs were referred to as “body men.” Later, as vehicles became more complicated and required people to receive training, the body men became better known as “repair technicians.” It was a big advancement for body men to gain this recognition, as their jobs had evolved into something much more complicated. But as the vehicles became more complex, the harder it became to find good, qualified repair technicians. In the beginning, body men came into the industry because they were good at working with their hands. Students in vocational schools who were good with their hands could learn the trade and make a decent living if they put in the time; however, many were there because they didn’t succeed in other areas in school. In the beginning, the trade basically required skill rather than thinking, but that slowly started to change. Once the unibody vehicle 14 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016


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EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE was introduced, the repair technicians had to have the skill and ability to learn about new technical aspects. In the meantime, the insurance industry failed to acknowledge these significant changes and refused to pay an acceptable Labor Rate. As a result, the collision industry started to see a devastating shortage of repair

technicians. This problem is even worse today. I have been running a Labor Pool to assist in employing repair technicians for many years. Recently, it has become nearly impossible to find them. Why would a young person enter into an industry that requires constant training, technical skill and very expensive tools if they will not be compensated at a

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reasonable rate? Where does this leave the collision industry? In the driver’s seat, believe it or not. It’s a simple matter of supply and demand. With the new vehicles being introduced into the marketplace today, even the so-called well-trained technicians are at a loss on how to repair them without additional, extensive training and access to special tools and equipment. Long story short, there simply are not enough fully trained technicians available in the industry to repair these extremely complicated vehicles. Insurance companies are going to have to wake up and understand that it costs much more to repair the vehicles on the roads today. If cars are not getting repaired, nobody is making money – including the insurance companies that are insuring the cars. Collision shops are now in a position to demand that they are paid fairly for what they do. Once the collision industry stops buckling and accepting whatever the insurance industry is willing to pay, things will change. This should serve as a wake-up call for the collision industry. If the shops do not invest in the equipment and training that is required, the vehicles will not get repaired safely and properly. As a result, people will wind up getting severely injured in collisions that occur as the result of an improper repair. At the same time, if the insurance industry doesn’t wise up and start paying a fair and reasonable Labor Rate, the shops will not be able to get the job done. Now is the time for the collision industry to demand to be compensated fairly for their services, or reject the jobs. One thing is for sure: We will be watching to see where things go from here. NJA

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WANT TO GET PAID? SPEAK YOUR MIND! Does your shop have an infrastructure held up by toothpicks? A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a fellow shop owner about some of the things that were stressing him out. He has plenty of work, but he feels like he’s not in control of his own operation. He’s pumping out repairs left and right, but he’s also making concession after concession for insurers out of fear of losing the traffic to his shop. The awful truth is that my colleague is not as financially strong as his workload suggests. He’s painted himself into a corner by doing things the way he’s always done them and not paying proper attention to things that could help his facility thrive. What’s the number one thing that could make life in this field better? Opening your mouth! At the end of the day, you’re the one who runs your business. But how often do you stand up for yourself? How often does a shop owner turn around and tell the insurance

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company, “No, I’m not going to do it”? Instead, we have shops that say, “I will do it. Bring it to me and I’ll forget about all the other things that are essentially our bread and butter.” If you’re not making a profit in this industry, you have no one to blame but yourself. Every year, AASP/NJ holds classes that help attendees satisfy some of the requirements of the Licensing Law. But how many shops only go to these things so they can get the certificate to submit for a license? How much of what is discussed in these classes is actually retained and shared within your shop? If this is the only education you receive, then you’re in big trouble. Do you want to rise above the frustrations you’re feeling as a body shop business owner? Know your KPI numbers and compare them to the top performers in the country. continued on page 65

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For Genuine Hyundai parts, contact these Authorized Hyundai Dealers. MAXON HYUNDAI 2329 ROUTE 22 WEST UNION, NJ 07083 TOLL FREE: 800-964-7281 FAX: 908-851-5631

LIBERTY HYUNDAI 305 ROUTE 17 NORTH MAHWAH, NJ 07430 PH: 201-529-2400 FAX: 201-529-2138

ACTION HYUNDAI 180 US HIGHWAY 202/31 FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 PH: 908-782-8250 FAX: 908-237-0036 E-MAIL:


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40th Anniversary Event on Pace to be Largest in Show History With months still to go before the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey (AASP/NJ)hosted NORTHEAST 2017 Automotive Services Show hits the Garden State,

the association is reporting a record number of early exhibitor registrations and interest in the event. NORTHEAST, which has sold out of floor space three years in a row, is already on track to

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once again be filled to capacity. As booth sales continue to surpass expectations, AASP/NJ is beyond thrilled for its 40th annual show, which will be held March 17-19 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus. AASP/NJ President Jeff McDowell is anticipating the largest turnout in NORTHEAST history. “We’re so proud of the growth of the show and how far we have come over the past 40 years, especially since relocating to the Meadowlands Exposition Center in 2009. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of NORTHEAST in 2017 has even more significance to us as we reflect on the evolution of the show over the years and all the hard work it’s taken to make this event the largest and fastest-growing of its kind. I can’t wait.” AASP/NJ is already working on initiatives to make the NORTHEAST experience more memorable than ever. With early commitments from industryleading exhibitors including Accudraft, American Honda Motor Co., I-CAR, Metropolitan Car-o-liner, Pro Spot International/Innovative Solutions & Technology and more, NORTHEAST 2017 is guaranteed to be a can’t-miss show. “I always look forward to seeing the entire industry under one roof,” explains AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant. “NORTHEAST provides a central location for repairers from around the country to all gather and share information, successes and challenges. We are all sincerely looking forward to continuing inter-industry discussions and providing important training and education to industry members at NORTHEAST 2017.” To learn more about the NORTHEAST 2017 Automotive Services Show, visit Online pre-registration for badges is now open at To find out more about AASP/NJ, visit NJA

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Flemington Volkswagen 213 ROUTE 202/31 FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 TOLL FREE: 800-216-5124 FAX: 908-782-9397

Linden Volkswagen 900 EAST ELIZABETH AVE. LINDEN, NJ 07036 TOLL FREE: 800-343-5116 FAX:908-486-4232

Cherry Hill Imports 2261 MARLTON PIKE WEST CHERRY HILL, NJ 08002 856-665-5660 FAX: 856-665-4645 Paul Miller VW of Bernardsville 118 MORRISTOWN ROAD BERNARDSVILLE, NJ 07924 TOLL FREE: 877-318-6557 LOCAL: 908-766-1600 FAX: 908-766-6171

Shrewsbury Volkswagen 702 SHREWSBURY AVE TINTON FALLS, NJ 07701 TOLL FREE: 800-662-3140 LOCAL: 732-741-8500 FAX: 732-576-1894

Douglas Motors 491 MORRIS AVE. SUMMIT, NJ 07901 PHONE: 908-277-1100 FAX: 908-273-6196 TOLL FREE: 800-672-1172

Fred Beans Volkswagen 131 DOYLE STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 PHONE: 877-942-3267


Trend Motors 221 Route 46 West Rockaway, NJ 07866 888-267-2821 FAX: 973-625-4985

DCH Volkswagen of Freehold 4360 ROUTE 9 FREEHOLD, NJ 07728 PHONE: 732-810-7903 FAX: 732-637-8297 email:

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LOCAL NEWS by Chloe Durante

KEARNY HIGH SCHOOL Showcases Automotive Skills in Quaker State “Best in Class Challenge”

The students of the Automotive 1 and 2 classes with instructor Victor Ribeiro

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Left to right: Kearny High School students Matuesz Cison, Alex Pareja, Danny Pereira, Joshua Ortiz, Kevin Pineda, Anthony Bahring

The nation’s leading motor oil company, Quaker State, launched its second annual “Best in Class Challenge,” an automotive education competition featuring high school shop classes across the United States. Each school’s team is given the task of tuning, restoring and customizing a pre-owned vehicle (donated by Quaker State) into pristine condition and, more importantly, a creative representation of their school. The competition consists of online voting by distinguished judges, six weeks of automotive challenges, hands-on education and the most coveted prize of all, the opportunity to participate in a Barrett-Jackson vehicle auction in West Palm Beach, FL. Proceeds from that auction will go to the school. What started out as a competition of 55 semi-finalists has now come down to the five finalists from Georgia, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina and New Jersey. The students of Kearny High School now have a few more weeks to win it all. Last month, dozens of Kearny High School students made their way to the football field to witness the big reveal of the late-model, white Mustang that will be used in the ongoing competition. The Automotive 1 and Automotive 2 students who have participated in the endeavor so far were led outside by instructor Victor Ribeiro. “My students are so excited to be here,” Ribeiro told New Jersey Automotive. “They really want that trip to

West Palm Beach, and so do I! We came in fifth place last year, but this year, I know we can take the whole thing home.” After the vehicle was safely secured on the dynamometer, the engine was revved in order to get an accurate reading of engine performance. The students gathered around the dyno and waited anxiously for the baseline reading of the vehicle. Within just a few minutes, the results were in at 162 horsepower. “That number is decent, but I know we can do better,” commented Ribeiro. “Now, we have to improve; now, we have to modify the engine and see if we can get it up to 200 horsepower. I have a whole new group of kids this year in classes, and I’m already booking my trip because I have no doubt in my mind they will win this.” In addition to the main attraction, parents, teachers and community members drove their cars onto the football field to have their engines tested on the dyno for fun. A few vehicles that had been previously worked on by the automotive students also got the dyno treatment. New Jersey Automotive will be checking back in with Kearny High School to report on the outcome of the competition. For more information on Quaker State or the “Best in Class Challenge,” please visit NJA

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34 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

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LOCAL NEWS by Chloe Durante

I-CAR Hosts Collision Industry

AWARENESS EVENT Last month, several industry professionals gathered in an intimate setting at the Hilton Garden Inn in Hamilton for a special evening hosted by I-CAR. The room was filled with I-CAR committee members, representatives from PPG and various shop owners who were offered a glimpse of what I-CAR is really doing for this industry. With so many changes on the rise, the organization is dedicated to getting the industry prepared to properly and safely service consumers. The event began with a guest presentation by Taylor Bowes, PPG MVP business development manager, who covered an array of topics including industry career trends, the PPG MVP program and national MSOs. “When I go from shop to shop in Jersey, I hear time and time again that

they are not interested in selling to MSOs. That’s not what they want, but I think the only way to prevent that from happening is getting better at what you do,” said Bowes. “Shops have to be comparable and able to play in that arena. They have to be able to perform those cycle times. How do you get better becomes the question. Well, you are all here, which is the first step.” The most intriguing segment of Bowes’ discussion was introducing the audience to a revolutionary robotic drying system, Robodry, which has just arrived in the United States from Europe. Symach is the company that sells these paint systems, which spray paint from start to finish with the drying time of 53 seconds. “The system increases productivity like no one has ever seen before. An average shop would be doubling

their throughput by simply having this system installed. These machines are the topic of conversation right now because this answers all of the industry’s biggest trouble areas. Where do we find qualified painters? This solves the problem.” Later in the evening, I-CAR Regional Manager Allan Smith provided a brief history of I-CAR and urged the audience to get involved and stay involved. “You have to keep up with what’s going on in the industry, which means getting the proper training, joining committees and keeping up with technology trends,” Smith said. “Getting involved with I-CAR provides a direct relationship to the OEs. I-CAR doesn’t have an opinion; we provide training based off of facts from the OEs.” Smith went on to discuss the

LEFT: Left to right: Bill Lovins (Colours, Inc. / I-CAR volunteer Trenton NJ committee chairman), Allan Smith, Lynn Rodriquez (Ultimate Collision 2 / I-CAR volunteer Trenton committee vice chair of marketing), Ed Mayer, Taylor Bowes, Pete Fryzel RIGHT: PPG Business Development Manager Taylor Bowes shared industry trends and statistics.

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significant changes being made to the current I-CAR curriculum. The revised, updated program includes more virtual training and revamped live classes that encompass more hands-on training as opposed to just classroom learning. In addition, he touched upon the importance of vocational schools maintaining an interest in automotive repair. With automotive technical schools continually falling by the wayside in many areas across the country, I-CAR is committed to addressing the issue by raising awareness with the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF). “CREF donates equipment, tools and money to schools who don’t have money in the budget to maintain a successful body shop program. There are currently 1,100 schools with a body shop program in the entire country, and we only received about 100 applications for the [CREF] grant money. That is just insane. This is why we need to spread the word and raise awareness. We are talking about the future of our industry.” Pete Fryzel, senior I-CAR instructor and longtime SkillsUSA volunteer, continued the momentum of the presentation by sharing his extensive knowledge on welding. “Welding is the most rewarding class of all the I-CAR curricula because the improvement in the weld is seen immediately. I like to call it ‘tangible knowledge.’ I know you all have seen cars out there with questionable welds. Do poor and improper welds lead to compromising structure integrity? Absolutely.” Fryzel stressed that proper welds are based on utilizing OEM repair information. He then introduced American Honda Collision Select Marketing Manager Ed Mayer, who discussed the manufacturer’s close relationship with I-CAR and the importance of taking advantage of OEM resources. “We need to spread this knowledge across the industry. Technicians cannot properly repair today’s vehicles with yesterday’s knowledge. American Honda is very concerned about our vehicles being repaired properly and safely. The only way to go about that is through training, and I-CAR is setting the bar.” For more information on I-CAR, please visit NJA


November 3 Adhesive Bonding Ramada Inn - Newark Airport, Newark Understanding the Cycle Time Process Holiday Inn & Suites, Parsippany Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinishing Safety MGM Auto Body Supply, Hawthorne November 9 2015 Ford F-150 Structural Repair Training Course CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken Rack & Pinion & Parallelogram Steering Systems Compact Kars Inc., Clarksburg November 15 Advanced Steering & Suspension Systems Damage Analysis Hilton Garden Inn, Hamilton Structural Straightening Steel Comfort Suites, Mahwah November 16 Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinish Safety CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken November 17 Steel Unitized Structures Technologies & Repair Ramada Inn - Newark Airport, Newark November 29 Advanced Steering & Suspension Systems Damage Analysis Comfort Suites, Mahwah Wheel Alignment & Diagnostic Angles Compact Kars Inc., Clarksburg November 30 Rack & Pinion & Parallelogram Steering Systems CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken For more information, visit NJA

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LOCAL NEWS by Chloe Durante

MOUNTAIN VIEW AUTO BODY Opens Second Collision Center

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Clockwise from top: A look inside the impressive new facility Mountain View’s state-of-the-art paint booth in action Father and son: Les and Mike Daniel Members of the community enjoyed some classic wheels. Proud employees of Mountain View Auto Body and Mountain View Auto Collision Center

on Mountainview Blvd. They pride themselves on performing quality work, and they have many bases covered by being certified by Nissan, Infiniti, Hyundai, General Motors and FCA. The new shop currently has representatives from GEICO and Progressive working directly out of the collision center’s main office. Among the paint booth and frame machines was a giant open space that showcased some old-fashioned

vehicles, including the original 1950s Mountain View Auto Body Ford truck. Although the facility appeared even larger than expected, Mike revealed that there was still an entire 20,000-square-foot section of the facility that needed to be renovated on the other side of the office doors! Once this new facility is twice its current size, there is no telling how many cars they will turn over weekly. NJA

This past month, Mountain View Auto Body celebrated the grand opening of their second location in Wayne. Dozens of friends, family and members of the close-knit community gathered to not only enjoy the views of the brand-new, 20,000-square-foot facility on Newark-Pompton Turnpike, but also to honor all 32 employees of the company by kicking back with a few drinks and some great music. Mountain View President and CEO Mike Daniel decided to support small New Jersey businesses by inviting Jersey Johnny’s Grill food truck and Sweet Ice Queen’s ice cream truck out to join in on the celebration. This family-friendly event also included a giant, inflatable bounce house for the kids to enjoy while members of the neighborhood mingled by the picnic tables and took tours of the facility. The Wayne Fire Department also took time out of their day to show their support for the family-run repair facility. Established in 1938 by original owner Les Daniel as a company to manufacture prefabricated diners, Mountain View Auto Body was reborn in 1957 by Les Daniel II. Slowly but surely, the business grew and the family began to establish themselves as a well-known and reputable body shop in their hometown of Wayne. In 1980, Les Daniel III was given the opportunity to take over the company and grow the business even further than his predecessor. Because Mountain View Auto Body has become one of the leading shops in the Tri-State area, the Daniels decided it was time to expand and open up a second location, Mountain View Auto Collision Center, just a few miles away from their first shop New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 41



In today’s health-conscious world, it’s not uncommon to know someone who uses a Fitbit, a product designed to track a person’s physical activity, sleep pattern and heart rate. But how many shop owners out there utilize methods that will help them monitor and improve the financial health of their businesses? Thanks to PMCLogic, repair professionals can effortlessly track all of their shops’ paint and materials usage without any human effort! Produced by parent company ComputerLogic, PMCLogic is a revolutionary paint and materials management system that easily links to any repair estimating system and automatically calculates what specific P&M items will be needed (and in what quantity) for each unique job. This information can be used to quickly generate numerous

reports and print an accurate, detailed invoice for each repair. Invoices for the repair of vehicles are based on the shop’s target gross profit margin, not from some arbitrary “hourly rate.” Above all, the information provided by PMCLogic will help shops better manage their paint and materials costs and increase sales. “PMCLogic doesn’t tell anyone what they should do or how much to charge for anything,” explains ComputerLogic CEO Rick Palmer. “We just give you a program that’s malleable and flexible, and we give you a starting point with the process from the manufacturer that you can work off of to get to your cost.” According to Palmer, a PMCLogic customer is provided with a system that is specifically developed to help that

PMCLogic automatically calculates the volume of paint and materials used on each panel that’s replaced or repaired. The product “reads” all of the lines on the vehicle estimate from CCC, Mitchell, Audatex, etc. and automatically selects these items for calculating the list of materials and how much it will take for each panel and part to complete the job.

42 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

In an industry where documentation is the key to getting paid, PMCLogic offers the path to a more profitable – and organized – future. individual business better track its expenses and charge appropriately. “When we put in a system for a company using PMCLogic and that company uses a particular brand of paint, we’re specific to that brand. If you say you have 1600grit sandpaper, we have the prices from 3M, Norton and the other major suppliers.” The best advantage of PMCLogic is the ability for repairers to finally move away from the traditional hourly ratetimes-refinish hours mindset. “There’s nowhere else in life that I know of where you buy anything without getting a receipt. But with this paint and materials situation, everything is wrapped around the refinish hours because it’s such a huge issue to get down to the numbers.” PMCLogic_NJA.qxp_Layout 1 9/27/16 2:37 PMhas Page 1 a solid user base Not surprisingly, PMCLogic built of proactive, forward-thinking shops throughout the country. AASP/NJ Collision Chairman Jerry McNee is quick to praise

the system for having a considerable impact on the success of his operation. “It’s not only a great repair tool, but a valuable business resource as well,” he says. With PMCLogic, collision facilities have a unique opportunity to chart their expenses and pro ts without devoting extra time and staff to the effort. In an industry where documentation is the key to getting paid, this product offers the path to a more pro table – and organized – future. “Our goal is not just to get shops to use PMCLogic to get paid more money on paint and materials, but it is also to make the whole supply chain more efficient and save everybody money,” Palmer says. “The only way people can do that is to use the system 100 percent. Don’t just use PMCLogic to get paid; use it as a true paint and materials management system.” For more information on PMCLogic, call (800) 933-6565 or visit NJA

“A REPAIR RESOURCE AND A BUSINESS TOOL ALL IN ONE.” Jerry McNee - AASP/NJ Collision Chairman Ultimate Collision Repair (Edison, NJ)

“PMCLogic has helped our shop throughout every step of the repair process; the software helps us to accurately reflect the processes performed during a repair, seamlessly integrating in the correct amounts of materials and paint products in order to provide a detailed and correct estimate. But even more than being a great repair tool, incorporating PMCLogic into our job flow has helped ensure we know exactly what goes into every repair. It’s incredibly important to know your numbers - to track every aspect of every job to know where you’re making a profit, and where you’re not. PMCLogic helps us analyze our numbers and costs, and helps us present transparent, accurate estimates at the same time. It’s not only a great repair tool, but a valuable business resource as well.”


BECAUSE ACCURACY MATTERS! PMCLogic is a management tool that automatically calculates directly from all estimating systems the P&M’s used to repair and refinish vehicles.

Invoice for what is actually used Track actual Paint and Material Usage Print KPI and Management Reports Insurance companies are paying off of accurate, honest invoices!

FREE TRIAL! New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 43

44 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 45

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46 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

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New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 47

48 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

Honoring the Industry’s


AASP/NJ Annual Meeting Recap


Jeff McDowell congratulating Autotech’s Dean Massimini for his facility being named Body Shop of the Year

AASP/NJ’s Charlie Bryant announcing the winner of the Stan Wilson Body Shop of the Year award, Autotech Collision Service, Inc.

by Chloe Durante

n October 26, nearly 150 industry members came together for a night of celebration, appreciation and awareness at AASP/NJ’s 2016 Annual Meeting, held at the Gran Centurions Banquet Hall in Clark. The meeting began with a brief keynote from AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant, who expressed his gratitude for such an amazing turnout. Before breaking for dinner, Bryant introduced the association’s president, Jeff McDowell, and asked him to say a few words. “I would like for our Board of Directors around the room to please stand so that they can be acknowledged. Come on, guys – don’t be bashful,” said McDowell as the room filled with laughter and the Board members began to rise from their chairs. “These are the guys who do all the hard work and don’t get paid for it. Thank you so much for your commitment.” After dinner, AASP/NJ Treasurer Tom Elder and AASP/NJ Secretary Thomas Greco announced the association’s 2016-2018 slate of officers: Mike Kaufmann, Anthony Sauta, Dave Laganella and Dennis Cataldo. Following their congratulations, Bryant and McDowell presented Dean Massimini of Autotech Collision Service Inc. (Sewell) with the Stan Wilson / New Jersey Automotive Body Shop of the Year award. McDowell offered the recipient some powerful words of encouragement. “Stan was my best friend, and he was a fighter just like you,” said McDowell. “I’m so honored to have you get that award with his name on it, because he would be very proud to have it go to someone like you.” Elder carried on the sentimental momentum with the next award, which was created in memory of his dear friend and former AASP/NJ president, Russ Robson. “The association has taken a strong stance on members who have put their lives into AASP/NJ – those who have been there for us and our industry,” Elder said. “Russ Robson was one of my best friends; unfortunately, he passed away in 2001. We immediately created the Russ Robson Scholarship Award for him so that we could honor his name and all that he did for the industry. He made a major impact on the association, and in fact was the president when the four state associations merged many years ago. We have his wife, Luci, and Board member Ted Rainer here to present the award to the recipient.” New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 49

AASP/NJ’s Tom Elder announcing the Russ Robson Scholarship award recipient, Kyle Bossick

A young and ambitious Kyle Bossick of Ocean Bay Auto Body in Point Pleasant was more than grateful to receive the plaque and scholarship. The third and final honoree of the evening was Phil Dolcemascolo of B&C Auto Services in Rutherford, who received the AASP/NJ Hall of Fame award presented by Greco. The evening’s special guest, I-CAR Northeast Regional Manager Allan Smith, delivered an interactive presentation that stressed the importance of training and certification in 2016. “More than ever, collision repair shops of every size must at a minimum make a commitment to education and training,” he said. “Shop owners must become business leaders who value learning and knowledge as strategic assets that should be managed, developed and maintained.” After the I-CAR presentation, Bryant launched an open forum for attendees to discuss any industry issues, concerns or questions. The topics ranged from pre- and post-repair scanning to insurance interference, with many shop owners sharing similar concerns about insurance companies being unwilling to pay for necessary scans. The Annual Meeting was the latest in a series of successful events (including the 2016 NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show this past March) that contributed to a great year for AASP/ NJ. “It is events like this that make our association possible. Without all of you supporting us, we wouldn’t be here,” said Bryant in his closing message as he addressed the room. “Thank you so much to everyone who came out to spend the evening with us. AASP/NJ is proud to call everyone in this room a friend, and we look forward to what the next year has in store for this great industry.” NJA

Left to right: Ted Rainer, Jeff McDowell, Luci Robson, Charlie Bryant, Kyle Bossick

Jeff McDowell and Charlie Bryant congratulating Phil Dolcemascolo of B&C Auto Services for being inducted into the AASP/NJ Hall of Fame

Charlie Bryant and AASP/NJ member Tony Lake (Exclusive Auto Collision, Ramsey) during the open forum discussion

50 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

Joe James of Bill Flannery Automotive (center) with I-CAR representatives (left to right) Pete Fryzel, Mal Ginsberg, Ron Stitzel and Allan Smith

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New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 53

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For Genuine Mitsubishi parts, contact these authorized Mitsubishi Dealers. Fred Beans Mitsubishi 131 Doyle Street Doylestown, PA 18901 877-942-3267

54 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

Cherry Hill Mitsubishi 1805 W. Marlton Pike Cherry Hill, NJ 08004 866-663-7788 Phone: 856-382-3416 Fax: 856-382-3423

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New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 55

LEGAL PERSPECTIVE by Mitchell Portnoi, Esq.

WRONGFUL DEATH CLAIMS IN NJ Throughout my career as an attorney, I have had the opportunity to represent numerous families as a result of the wrongful death of their loved ones. The first and hardest thing I must discuss with them is that the lawsuit is limited to “monetary damages.” This means that the only damages they can collect in New Jersey are for economic loss – which could include claims for funeral expenses, medical bills, loss of financial support that the victim would have provided and/ or for the household services that the victim would have performed. The family members could potentially sue for loss of emotional support (such as companionship and sexual relations). These amounts, however, must be monetized and are usually testified to by a financial expert (such as an economist or an accountant). What is not permitted is payment for the emotional loss suffered by the survivors – whether they be the victim’s children, a spouse or any other person supported by or close to the victim. The misconduct that causes a victim’s wrongful death can either be a negligent act or the failure to act (an omission). The act can be careless (such as a car accident) or intentional (such as a murder). Other examples of criminal

56 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

acts are DUIs, distracted driving or the like. Many types of negligence are, however, not considered criminal acts; these include some levels of motor vehicle or industrial accidents and even medical malpractice. The damage awards in a “wrongful death” action can be very high in spite of the fact that very important elements are not permitted in this action. These include the pain and suffering of those left behind by the sudden loss of a loved one. Should you need the services of an attorney who can answer the difficult questions regarding a “wrongful death” claim, please contact me at (973) 228-9900. NJA

New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 57

58 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

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60 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

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Fred Beans Subaru 131 Doyle Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Phone: 877-942-3267

New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 61

NO BRAKES by Ron Ananian

MASTER OF MY DOMAIN It is with great uncertainty that I write for you this month, as there are many changes going on around me. To coin a phrase from Star Wars, “There is a disturbance in the Force.” With great sadness, I have learned that as of this week, five of the surrounding repair shops around us will be out of business by year’s end. Some are closing; others are saying goodbye due to landlord issues. But the reality is they are done and will be gone very soon. All of them have been around for at least 25 years, with some even on the higher side of 50 years! For a long time, my gut has told me that technology, among other things, will be responsible for radical changes in our industry, and that our base of repair shops will shrink as rapidly as the changes roll in. As I sit and think about this reality, I find myself with truly mixed feelings. My business sense tells me that for the short term, the shrinkage and changes will be good for those of us left in the industry, as our bottom line will be directly improved. On the other hand, it is a concern for the longterm security of this industry. Will it survive? On a happier note, I must tell you that I have just returned from tonight’s dinner with a business acquaintance and personal friend of mine who works in our industry as a service manager at a local dealer. He is going through a disturbance in the Force of his own. We talked at length during dinner, and I was surprised to hear him say that he was planning to leave his job for a year in order to figure out

what he really wanted to do next. His plans were only about 60 percent complete, and he had options left open-ended. He still enjoys what he does, but it is wearing him out. I understand that — I’ve been there, done that. Who hasn’t experienced it in this business every single day? But should it really be wearing us out, or is our perspective off? “And what about you?” he asked. “Are you content? What long-term plans do you have?” Such a tough question — even at this age — to answer. What do I want to do for the next two, five, 10 years? Retiring was never part of my vision; I have to admit, however, that lately I do think a great deal about, well, being master of my domain. That explanation prompted more questions from him. How, why and what could I do for direct improvement? And how would I truly know if I succeeded? How do I achieve that goal of being master of one’s domain? I explained to him that being the master of one’s domain has many faces, and much of it is my personal opinion. It’s similar to the conversation in the Billy Crystal movie, City Slickers. You know, the one where Curly (Jack Palance) tells Mitch (Billy Crystal) that the secret to a good life is that one thing? Remember that scene? And that one thing is like being master of your domain; it is different things for different

’Til next time, I’m Ron Ananian, The Car Doctor, reminding you that “Good mechanics aren’t expensive; they’re priceless.” Ron Ananian, owner of R\A Automotive in Waldwick, NJ (est. 1978), is heard weekly in 140 markets on his nationally syndicated radio talk show. He is a working technician and former AASP/NJ Board member. Beyond his radio show, Ron writes and speaks for the automotive industry at trade shows and events. Visit The Car Doctor online at “The Car Doctor” can be heard LIVE in the New York market. Tune in Saturdays, 2-4pm on WRCR AM 1700 for new shows!

62 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

people. It’s what is important to you, and it will change as you go through the adventure of life. If you ask most people about this business, many seem to be miserable. They have demanding jobs, deal with tough people – difficulties all around. It took me a long time, but I can tell you that I now realize my successes and see what I have created. To my dinner companion, I asked this very question: “Do you realize what you have created? You are master of your domain. You call the shots; when you bark, everyone jumps. Perhaps you need another layer of management between you and the shop floor; stop being so accessible. That insulation will soften you long term and help your chances of survival. You would have a chance to run your business instead of the other way around. After all, the auto repair industry is becoming an endangered species at every level. We need to start educating the public about this. We are the last line in auto repair and transportation.” He pondered my response and took it all in. He kept repeating that phrase, “master of your domain,” over and over again. I think I planted a seed. THE BOTTOM LINE IS… Are you master of your domain? Do you appreciate what you have created, or do you let the problem walking in the door steal it away from you on a daily basis? Good or uplifting news is hard to find most days; we are so beaten down by just existing. It is important to be in the moment and see all that we have accomplished around us. We are here only once, and then we’re off for our next adventure. For some time now, I have changed my stance (and it’s a work in progress) to believe that nobody can take away what I have created. I made a pledge to myself to be my own master; will you? Do you see what you have done? Then, master it and take a pledge of your very own. Have a great month; I’ll talk to you soon. NJA

New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 63

ARANJ 2016 Officers President Bob Dirkes - Dirkes Used Auto Parts (609) 625-1718 1st Vice President Ian Szoboszlay - Ocean County Auto (732) 349-0332 2nd Vice President Darryl Carmen - Lentini Auto Salvage (908) 782-6838 3rd Vice President Joe Goodman - Leesville Auto (732) 388-0783 Executive Director Brian Snyder - Auto Recyclers of NJ (609) 714-2339

ARANJ 2016 Board of Directors Mike Ronayne - Tilghmans Auto Parts (609) 723-7469 Mike Yeager - EL & M Auto (609) 561-2266 Rodney Krawczyk - Ace Auto Wreckers (732) 254-9816 Mike Caputo Lacey - Used Auto Parts, Inc. (609) 693-0898 Bert Witcraft - Auto Express (856) 728-8367 Ed Silipena - American II Autos (609) 965-6700 Harry Shover - Porchtown Auto (856) 694-1555 Norm Vachon - Port Murray Auto (908) 689-3152

64 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016


The Automotive Recyclers Association of New Jersey

Wharton Insurance Briefs An ARA Member In developing a safety manual, a section to include is Accident Response, Investigation and Reporting. These manual forms should be reviewed and explained to each driver. Despite careful and proper planning, accidents and injuries can occur. The quality of treatment right after an injury often impacts the severity of the injury. Set a policy where all accidents and near misses are reported and investigated by management, then try to identify the cause of the accident or incident. Eliminating the hazard will help you understand and better control your workplace injuries. In addition, you will be better prepared to comply with OSHA and other regulatory reporting requirements. Please call us with any questions you may have on your current insurance program. NJA Mario DeFilippis, AAI, Vice President (800) 221-0003 (ext. 1320) (908) 513-8588 (cell)

OUT OF BODY (AND MECHANICAL) EXPERIENCES continued from page 11 He married my sister in 1974. I was one of his groomsmen, and he tried to hook me up with his cute blonde niece. She wanted no part of me. (Much later, I learned she was more interested in the bridesmaids – my luck.) I guess I was too young to go to the bachelor party, but rumor has it that it was one for the ages. Evidently, any proof of the events that took place that night is in the same place as Hillary’s emails. (That’s my only political joke, I promise!) One time, I tried to repay him for some of those great trips by taking him to see Ringo Starr in Atlantic City. By this time, he had become my accountant. I brought him along with my attorney and a colleague, neither of whom he had ever met before. We had a great time at the concert. (Bud sales hit an all-time high again.) After the show, we were all standing around trying to decide what to do next. My brother-in-law stepped up, took a swig of his Bud and with a straight face, said, “Let’s go and murder someone.” It was as if time stood still. My attorney and his friend looked at me. My jaw dropped. “Never mind, I’ll settle for a burger.” He is probably best known for his endless supply of colorful underwear. There hasn’t been a party in 50 years that he has been to where he hasn’t dropped trou at some point to reveal Mickey Mouse, Reggie Jackson or Derek Jeter plastered on his butt. It doesn’t matter if it’s at home, in a bar or even at a catering hall. At some point, you will look his way and there he’ll be – in heavy conversation with giant satin hearts glaring from a pair of undies over milky-white, skinny legs. In each of these instances, you probably had to be there. But take it from me, my brother-in-law is one of the funniest people you could ever meet. Hell, after all these years, I don’t even regard him as an in-law. He really has been more like a brother. As my dad would say, not bad for an Irishman. NJA


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(973) 667-6922


COLLISION CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE continued from page 22

Utilize a job cost accounting system. Follow the P-Pages and have this information readily available to your techs. Keep track of position statements and use them to your advantage when negotiating with insurers. By doing these things, you will know what you are entitled to when seeking compensation for your efforts. Of course, all of this will be absolutely meaningless unless you actually ask for what you deserve. If collision professionals don’t start standing up for themselves, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are 10,000 less shops 10 years from now. Either you’re going to evolve with the times, or you’re going to dry up and fall to the wayside. Which side of the fence do you want to be on? NJA

New Jersey Automotive | November 2016 | 65

ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Accudraft........................................................ 4 Acme Nissan................................................ 26 Action Nissan of Flemington......................... 22 Amato Agency.............................................. 17 Audi Group.............................................. 34-35 Axalta Coating Systems.................................. 6 BMW Group............................................ 24-25 BMW of Springfield....................................... 21 Bridgewater Acura........................................ 58 Cadillac of Mahwah...................................... 48 Classic Audi.................................................. 16 Collision Equipment Company...................... 23 Clinton Acura...............................................IBC Empire Auto Parts........................................ 63 Fenix Parts................................................... 28 Flemington Audi.............................................. 5 Flemington Group......................................... 38 Fred Beans Parts.......................................... 13 Future Cure.................................................. 41 Grand Prix Subaru........................................ 45 Glen Toyota...............................................OBC Honda ProFirst............................................. 15 Hyundai Group............................................. 27 Innovative Solutions & Technology / Pro Spot.................................................. 11,12 JMK Saab/Fiat of Springfield........................ 64 Klean Frame................................................. 63 Levittown Ford.............................................. 45 Lynnes Nissan East...................................... 65 Maxon Mazda............................................... 51 Maxon Hyundai............................................ 20 Mazda Group............................................... 47 Mike Kaufmann Dealer Group....................... 10 Mini Group.................................................... 39 Mitsubishi Group.......................................... 54 Mopar Group................................................ 61 NORTHEAST® 2017..................................... 29 NUCAR................................................... 18-19 Phillipsburg-Easton Honda..........................IBC PMCLogic.................................................... 43 Porsche Group............................................. 57 Polyvance..................................................... 30 Post Polak.................................................... 56 PPG............................................................... 3 Princeton BMW............................................ 53 Princeton MINI.............................................. 61 Sherwin-Williams.......................................... 52 Subaru Group............................................... 60 Subaru of Morristown................................... 59 Town Motors................................................ 55 Toyota Group................................................ 46 Toyota of Hackensack................................. IFC Toyota of Morristown.................................... 59 Tri-State Luxury Collection........................... 8-9 Valtek........................................................... 66 VIP Honda.................................................... 58 VW Group.................................................... 31 Westbury Jeep Chrysler Dodge Ram SRT.... 44 Wheel Collision Center.................................. 66

66 | New Jersey Automotive | November 2016

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