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New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 3
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 5
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6 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
P.O. Box 734 Neptune, NJ 07753 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Charles Bryant 732-922-8909 / 2015 - 2017 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff McDowell, Leslie’s Auto Body 732-738-1948 / COLLISION CHAIRMAN Jerry McNee, Ultimate Collision Repair, Inc. 732-494-1900 / MECHANICAL CHAIRMAN Keith Krehel, Krehel Automotive Repair, Inc. 973-546-2828 / TREASURER Tom Elder, Compact Kars, Inc. 609-259-6373 / SECRETARY Thomas Greco, Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 973-667-6922 / BOARD Dennis Cataldo, Jr., D&M Auto Body 732-251-4313 / Dave Laganella, Peters Body and Fender 201-337-1200 / Sam Mikhail, Prestige Auto Body 908-789-2020 / Ted Rainer, Ocean Bay Auto Body 732-899-7900 / Anthony Sauta, East Coast Auto Body 732-869-9999 / Randy Scoras, Holmdel Auto Body 732-946-8388 / Anthony Trama, Bloomfield Auto Body 973-748-2608 / BOARD ALLIED Joe Amato, The Amato Agency 732-530-6740 / Mike Kaufmann, Advantage Dealer Services 973-332-7014 / PAST PRESIDENT ATTENDING Tom Elder, Compact Kars 609-259-6373 /
VOLUME 46, NUMBER 12 | December 2016
NORTHEAST® SPOTLIGHT 22 AASP/NJ to Auction 40th Anniversary Nub-Customized Harley-Davidson at NORTHEAST 2017 LOCAL NEWS by Chloe Durante 32 Another Great Season for Cars & Coffee AASP/NJ UPDATE by Chloe Durante 36 AASP/NJ Attends National Affiliate Meeting NATIONAL NEWS 40 Thriving at 50: A SEMA 2016 Snapshot by Chloe Durante 46 Strong Words Drive CIC Open Mic by Joel Gausten 50 NASCAR Legend & Axalta Revamp American Graffiti Hot Rod
54 COVER STORY by Joel Gausten Meet Your New Partners: How OEMs are Reshaping Collision Repair AUTOMOTIVE RECYCLERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW JERSEY 56 Wharton Insurance Briefs NO BRAKES by Ron Ananian 58 Here at the Wall LEGAL PERSPECTIVE by Mitchell H. Portnoi, Esq. 60 How to Value a Personal Injury Case THE LIST 64 What Are Your Thoughts on the Outcome of the Presidential Election?
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Charles Bryant • Mario DeFilippis • Jeff McDowell Mitch Portnoi • Ron Ananian • Keith Krehel Jerry McNee Published by: Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. 244 Chestnut Street, Suite 202, Nutley, NJ 07110 Corporate: (973) 667-6922 / FAX: (973) 235-1963
NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE is published monthly and is sent to AASP/NJ and ARANJ members free of charge. Subscriptions are $24 per year. NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE is published by Thomas Greco Publishing Inc., 244 Chestnut St., Nutley, NJ 07110. The editorial contents of NEW JERSEY AUTOMOTIVE are copyright © 2016 by Thomas Greco Publishing Inc. and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher and/or editor. Articles in this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Thomas Greco Publishing Inc. Cover and Stock Images courtesy of
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8 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
It’s no secret to my readers that I love the holidays. I guess I’m a traditionalist in that sense. In other words, don’t give me any of that “Happy Holidays” crap. It’s “Merry Christmas” to me and always will be. The fact that I have to write that statement sums up the PC world we live in. But don’t get me started again… This year will be a little different for our family. For the first time since 1995, we will not be sending out our family Christmas card. That may sound like no big deal, but it kind of is for me. Back in 1995, there were four of us in my immediate family: My wife, my daughter, our dog and me. We were a “fab four.” I thought to myself, “Where have I heard THAT before?” Of course, I’m referring to one of the nicknames given to the Beatles in their heyday. With that in mind, I came up with the idea of making our Christmas card a replica of the Beatles’ first American album, Meet the Beatles, except instead of John, Paul, George and Ringo,
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there were silhouetted faces of Tom, Donna, Michelle and Pepper. I sent the card out to about 25 friends and relatives, and the response was amazing. Everyone loved it. I made the decision that we would make this an annual event. The following year was pretty simple, since we recreated the White Album (which is a completely blank white slate save for the group name and a serial number). But people seemed to love that as well, and we added to the list of recipients. My son was born in 1997, so unfortunately Pepper had to become Pete Best (that’s the name of the drummer who was unceremoniously kicked out of the Beatles when Ringo joined) for our Let It Be card. That’s actually one of my favorites because I was actually skinny due to the infamous heart attack diet. We followed Let It Be with Rubber Soul, and then I came up with the idea to do Revolver. Now, Revolver was
a challenge. It was actually the first card that would require artwork because the original cover had black and white line drawings of each Beatle with various photos of the band sprinkled in the background of their combined hairdos. So I turned to the most talented artist I knew, my friend Chris DeSimone. Chris had been the creator of many of New Jersey Automotive’s greatest covers over the years. There was no one better. I gave Chris current photos of the family (including Pepper Best) as well as older photos to put in the collage. When he brought the finished product to me early that December, I was speechless. It was the greatest thing I had ever seen. He totally nailed it. That’s it on the opposite page. Sadly, it was also the last piece of art Chris ever created. He died suddenly a few weeks later. He was 32. That Christmas card is blown up and framed in my dining room, so I get to say thank you to my old friend every day. I really didn’t know if I wanted to continue with the cards after that, but everyone encouraged me to keep it up. Plus, it was a nice way to show people how our kids were growing. But I knew I could never match what Chris did. So I decided to add something to the package. The following year, I picked the A Hard Day’s Night cover because it was basically just four photos, but I decided to add a CD made up of some
AD #1
of my favorite Christmas songs. Sure, it was a lot of work, but it really seemed to make people happy. We skipped 2001 due to health issues; in 2002, I wanted to do something that would have made Chris proud. I took aim at the legendary Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band cover. If you’re not familiar with that, it showed the Beatles among dozens of other famous people throughout history. Everyone from Marilyn Monroe to Albert Einstein to Bob Dylan were pictured with the band. (Fun facts: The Beatles wanted Adolf Hitler, Jesus Christ and Gandhi but were talked out of it. “Bowery Boys” actor Leo Gorcey refused to allow permission for his image unless he received $400, and sex symbol Mae West initially balked at the idea of being associated with a “Lonely Hearts Club.”) For me, this was going to be a challenge. I was okay at working with programs like Photoshop, but I was nowhere near as talented as Chris or New Jersey Automotive’s own Lea Velocci. But I did my best. I replaced all the famous people with photos of our relatives and the band with the four of us, of course. I reshaped the flowers on the cover to spell out “Grecos” instead of “Beatles”. It was crude, but it worked. Everyone loved it, and I am proud of that card to this day. Over the next decade and a half, we recreated 14 more continued on page 17
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AD #2
As I write this message, we are less than a week away from Thanksgiving. I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of our members, supporters and their families a happy and healthy holiday season. Too often, we get caught up in the craziness of our constantly changing industry, and we take for granted the real reason we got into this business in the first place: To make a better life for ourselves and our families. Make an effort this holiday season to spend time with those closest to you; life is short. As you’ll see in this month’s post-event coverage of the 2016 SEMA Show, one of the many highlights was the great news that the Database Enhancement Gateway (DEG) has surpassed 10,000 inquiries. If you’re not familiar, the DEG is a resource developed to improve the quality and accuracy of collision repair estimates through proactive feedback from the repairers themselves, with this information communicated to the Information Providers supplying the repair databases. The DEG is equally funded and maintained by the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers and the Society of Collision Repair
Specialists (SCRS), and the initiative relies on donations from individuals, corporations and associations to keep it going. AASP/NJ is no stranger to donating to causes it believes in - in fact, the association just contributed the proceeds from our recent Annual Meeting toward the AASP/NJ Legal Fund. As an association, we’re also proud to donate towards the celebration of the 10,000th DEG inquiry, and I encourage the rest of the industry to do the same. Chances are that the majority of those reading this message have utilized the DEG at some point. If you’re a shop that has benefited from the DEG, why not pay it forward and help guarantee that this type of assistance continues to be available for other shops in the future? If you’d like to donate to the continued efforts of the DEG, visit to make a contribution via PayPal. To learn more about the DEG and the great work being done to improve repair databases for our industry, please visit NJA
CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION! SA L ES • S E RVI C E • TR A IN I NG 973-348-9490 - WWW.ISATWELDING.COM 12 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 13
It’s about time for the collision industry to demand that the regulations governing fair claim settlement practices – including the regulations pertaining to the settlement of auto property damage claims – be followed. Like the regulations in most other states, the ones in New Jersey (N.J.A.C. 11:3-10.3 Adjustment of partial losses) require insurers to negotiate the cost of repairs with the shop of the insured’s choice and make all reasonable efforts to promptly reach an agreed price to repair the damaged vehicle. The regulation is also clear that the negotiations shall be conducted in good faith.
If what I am telling you sounds like
collision shop informs the appraiser of
amount is not negotiable? The answer
I am writing in a foreign language or
its rate, the appraiser will almost always
is simple. They can’t – unless you let
talking about a practice that rarely (if
inform that facility of the rate the insurer
ever) happens, that’s because insurers
has set – and inform the shop that this
have ignored these provisions for a long
is not negotiable.
an insurer state that the Labor Rate
time. In reality, these are the provisions
is not negotiable? Well, I am told
that insurers are required to follow when
telling you does not appear to be in
that it happens every day. This is
attempting to settle an auto property
compliance with the regulations that I
only one example of how insurers
damage claim in this state.
referenced earlier, which (again) require
abuse the regulations. However, with
the insurer to negotiate the cost of
today’s complicated vehicles and the
insurance appraiser in our state shows
repairs with the shop of the insured’s
introduction of telematics, the Labor
up at a collision shop to inspect a
choice and make all reasonable efforts
Rates that many insurers would like
damaged vehicle and the supposed
to promptly reach an agreed price to
to pay often will not allow a shop to
negotiations commence, one of the first
repair the damaged vehicle. If that is
make the repairs and realize a fair and
issues that arises is the Labor Rate that
the case, how can insurers set the
reasonable profit.
will be paid for the repairs. When the
Labor Rate and then state that this
Nevertheless, when almost every
Now wait a minute. What I am
14 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
How many times have you heard
This is a perfect example of
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 15
when a complaint to the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance should be made. In fact, the Department should be flooded with
How can insurers set the Labor Rate and then state that this amount is not negotiable?
certain minimum standards for the settlement of claims which, if violated with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice, would
complaints on issues like this. With the
resolution at all. They are designed
constitute unfair claims settlement
way the regulations are set up, a single
to promote the fair and equitable
practices in the business of insurance.
complaint would not likely result in any
treatment of claimants by defining
Based on the number of calls to
the AASP/NJ Hot Line, the failure of insurers to negotiate the Labor Rates is certainly an issue that occurs enough to constitute a general business practice. However, in order for the regulations to work as designed, the Department would need to receive enough complaints to establish a general business practice. If they were to receive enough complaints on an issue like this, it would trigger what is referred to as a Market Conduct Survey. At that point, the Department could conduct a random inspection of an insurer’s files to determine if that company violated the regulations in this area enough to receive a fine and get strong recommendations on how to resolve the issue.
If you are a collision shop in New
Jersey that is having an issue with insurers failing to make all reasonable efforts to reach an agreed price on collision repairs, this is the route to getting the problem addressed. To make sure that your efforts are not ignored, I suggest that any complaint filed be simultaneously sent to AASP/ NJ. Our fax number is (732) 922-9821, and the email address is setlit4u@ We will be watching.
16 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
covers and CDs (variations on album covers from both the US and England). One of my other favorites was when we did Yellow Submarine. I had an artist make cartoon versions of us. It was a big hit. As the years went by, we added more and more to the mailing list. Last year, it was up to well over 100. And last year was in fact our LAST year. I made the decision to do one last cover and CD. After 21 years, it was time. Pepper was long gone. The kids weren’t going to change much, and my wife and I were only going to look older. Besides, there are no Beatles covers with them balding and gray. If you’d like to see our covers, check them out at grecoxmasalbums. Merry Christmas! NJA
NEW MEMBERS Harbortouch, Roseland FinishMaster, Jersey City Wayne Mazda, Wayne Circle Brake & Tire Co., Elmwood Park Economy Auto, Inc., South Amboy Readington-Burke Insurance, Chester For immediate information, contact AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant at (732) 922-8909
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18 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
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New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 21
AASP/NJ to Auction 40th Anniversary Nub-Customized Harley-Davidson at NORTHEAST 2017 The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey (AASP/NJ) is proud to announce that they will be auctioning a customized 2017 Harley-Davidson Softail Slim motorcycle at the 40th annual NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show. The bike will be displayed at the AASP/NJ booth, where two of the industry’s most talented artists will finish the customization on the show floor. AASP/NJ Board member Dave Laganella of Peters Body & Fender (Oakland) originally came up with the idea to bring the motorcycle to the NORTHEAST Show. “Every year, we have seen the show grow more and more. This year, I wanted to bring attendees to the show with something different. I know that members of our industry really like to watch cars and bikes get built, so I thought doing some type of build or customizing at the show would really bring in a crowd.” Every single piece of metal that could be customized was sent off to industry legend Nub of Nub Grafix (Walden, NY) to give the bike a totally revamped custom paint look in PMCLogic_NJA.qxp_Layout 1 9/27/16 2:37 PManniversary. Page 1 support of NORTHEAST’s 40th Jeff McDowell, AASP/NJ president, is excited to celebrate this milestone with his peers. “The idea to customize a motorcycle in conjunction
To find out more about how you can be a part of the NORTHEAST 2017 Automotive Services Show, visit For more information about AASP/NJ, visit with NORTHEAST 2017, to me, symbolizes the continuous evolution of our flagship event. Last year, Nub and Javier Soto were on-site at NORTHEAST 2016, teaming up to do paint demonstrations at the Javier Designs booth throughout the weekend.’ “This year, we’ve elevated their presence to the next level, and I personally can’t wait to see what amazing things they are going to do together in creating this special edition bike,” he continues. “If you’re a motorcycle enthusiast or just a fan of terrific custom paint jobs, you won’t want to miss attending NORTHEAST 2017 to see the final result of this project.” The Harley will be sold through a silent action that will take place throughout the weekend of the NORTHEAST show. More details will be announced over the next few months. NJA
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24 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
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26 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
Flemington Volkswagen 213 ROUTE 202/31 FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 TOLL FREE: 800-216-5124 FAX: 908-782-9397
Linden Volkswagen 900 EAST ELIZABETH AVE. LINDEN, NJ 07036 TOLL FREE: 800-343-5116 FAX:908-486-4232
Cherry Hill Imports 2261 MARLTON PIKE WEST CHERRY HILL, NJ 08002 856-665-5660 FAX: 856-665-4645 Paul Miller VW of Bernardsville 118 MORRISTOWN ROAD BERNARDSVILLE, NJ 07924 TOLL FREE: 877-318-6557 LOCAL: 908-766-1600 FAX: 908-766-6171
Shrewsbury Volkswagen 702 SHREWSBURY AVE TINTON FALLS, NJ 07701 TOLL FREE: 800-662-3140 LOCAL: 732-741-8500 FAX: 732-576-1894
Douglas Motors 491 MORRIS AVE. SUMMIT, NJ 07901 PHONE: 908-277-1100 FAX: 908-273-6196 TOLL FREE: 800-672-1172
Fred Beans Volkswagen 131 DOYLE STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 PHONE: 877-942-3267
Trend Motors 221 Route 46 West Rockaway, NJ 07866 888-267-2821 FAX: 973-625-4985
DCH Volkswagen of Freehold 4360 ROUTE 9 FREEHOLD, NJ 07728 PHONE: 732-810-7903 FAX: 732-637-8297 email:
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 27
Structural Straightening Steel Moppert Brothers Collision, Blackwood
December 7 Advanced Steering & Suspension Systems Damage Analysis Lester Glenn Collision Center, Toms River December 8 Corrosion Protection Ramada Inn-Newark Airport, Newark Color Theory, Mixing Toners & Tinting Moppert Brothers Collision, Blackwood December 13 Vehicle Technology & Trends 2016 Moppert Brothers Collision, Blackwood December 14 Corrosion Protection Lester Glenn Collision Center, Toms River Full-Frame Partial Replacement CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken
December 1 Automotive Foams MGM Auto Body Supplies, Hawthorne Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinish Safety Holiday Inn & Suites, Parsippany Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinish Safety Ramada Inn-Newark Airport, Newark December 6 Vehicle Technology & Trends 2016 Hilton Garden Inn, Hamilton Steel Unitized Structures Technologies & Repair Comfort Suites, Mahwah
28 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
December 15 Measuring Holiday Inn & Suites, Parsippany December 20 Adhesive Bonding Comfort Suites, Mahwah Hazardous Materials, Personal Safety & Refinish Safety Hilton Garden Inn, Hamilton December 21 Automotive Foams CollisionMax of Pennsauken, Pennsauken
For more information, visit NJA
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30 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 31
LOCAL NEWS by Chloe Durante
Another Great Season for Cars & Coffee
Held every month from April to September, Cars & Coffee New Jersey has been a successful Sunday morning car show for the past four years. The goal behind the event has always been to simply set aside a few hours every month to enjoy your favorite hobby: Cars! This past October, the 2016 Year-End Meet was held at the usual location – Moto Business Park in Millstone Township. This particular meet was sponsored by Ray Catena Audi of Freehold; however, Cars & Coffee has several other presenting and corporate sponsors throughout the year. These include BC-Tire, Jill Duffy Designs, appliedgolf, Ray Catena Maserati, Primiano Architecture, International Cargo, Open Road Acura of East Brunswick, Compact Kars, AASP/NJ and many more. Tom Elder, AASP/NJ treasurer and co-founder of the event, was beyond thrilled with the turnout of this year’s final meet and can’t wait for next season. “It was absolutely crazy – the quality and depth of cars that were there was amazing. You know, this event has attracted quite a following over these past few years. People come here from all over – Pennsylvania, New York and even Canada. We started out with only 12 cars in 2012, and now look how far we have come.” As always, the meet included music, coffee and breakfast food to all participants and spectators. While Cars & Coffee typically has a limit of 300 vehicles per gathering, the Year-End event boasted over 450 cars! In impeccable condition, the exotic, custom, hot rod and retro rod vehicles at Cars & Coffee New Jersey dazzled visitors and made for a truly unforgettable season. To become a sponsor or to
participate in Cars & Coffee New Jersey, please visit NJA
Cars & Coffee events bring out some of the coolest rides around.
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 33
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34 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
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Bell Audi 782 Route 1, Edison, NJ 08817 732.396.9360 Fax: 732.396.9090
Audi Turnersville 3400 Route 42 Turnersville , NJ 08012 856.649.7560 Fax: 856.649.7565
Town Motors Audi 400 South Dean Street Englewood, NJ 07631 201.227.6506/6536 Fax: 201.541.0314
Audi Manhattan 800 11th Avenue New York, NY 10019 212.515.8200 Wholesale Direct: 212.515.8275
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 35
AASP/NJ UPDATE by Chloe Durante
AASP/NJ Attends AASP National Meeting As many of you know, working in this field can be incredibly rewarding, but it is also trying at times. There are constant obstacles standing in the way of shops’ prosperity; however, the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers is fighting for the rights of the automotive repair industry every single day. This past month, AASP National Board members came together at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino for their quarterly meeting. Representatives from various AASP state affiliates gathered for a roundtable discussion on their efforts to better the auto body repair and service fields. AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant and Treasurer Tom Elder appeared at the meeting on the association’s behalf. “We are paying very close attention to the pre- and post-[repair] scan issue to see where things are going to go,” offered Bryant. “We are already having issues with insurers about how much they are going to pay for the scans. We just had I-CAR out at our Annual Meeting to give members a look into the future on training and certification. “We also have some lawsuits going on in New Jersey [with] certain shop
owners who feel they can no longer work for the unreasonably low Labor Rates that certain insurers want to pay. They also feel that they can no longer work on the complicated vehicles on the roads today without getting paid for the procedures required to repair them safely and properly,” he added. “As a result of the suits, it appears that certain insurers may now be stepping up their steering practices and targeting the shops that have filed a suit to resolve these issues. When the suits first started, things did not look so good for the shops. However, as things progress through the legal system, the tide seems to be changing; now, things are not looking so good for the insurers. Unfortunately, it appears that the only way the industry is ever going to get issues like unreasonable Labor Rates, needed and necessary repair procedures and unreasonable compensation for paint and materials resolved is to have these issues addressed by a court of law, which is very expensive.” Bryant explained that AASP/ NJ has created a Legal Fund to help support certain shops that are willing to stand up and fight back, and to have the funds available to do the research and cover the cost of legal opinions to address complicated issues when there is no other way to resolve them. “The Legal Fund can make a big difference in addressing certain things that have plagued the industry for a
36 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
long time. For example, mobile body shops have been a big problem in New Jersey for years, even though it appears clear that the Licensing Law makes it improper to operate one without a license. Now, rather than AASP/NJ stating their opinion on what the law says, we are in the position to pay the cost of a legal opinion on this and other matters.” Elder later discussed AASP/NJ’s upcoming NORTHEAST® Automotive Services Show, held March 17-19 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ. “Our very highly successful show is in high gear right now. Our show floor is already nearing capacity. We are going to have some new educational programs, and we also just purchased a brand-new 2017 Harley-Davidson motorcycle that we will have customized for display at the show. This is the first year in all the years I have been involved in NORTHEAST that we have had this many booth spaces sold prior to the SEMA Show; we are anticipating a great turnout and are really looking forward to it. I hope to see all of you out there.” For more information on NORTHEAST, please visit aaspnjnortheast. com. NJA Left to right: AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant and Treasurer Tom Elder
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New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 37
38 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
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New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 39
NATIONAL NEWS by Chloe Durante
On November 1-4, nearly 200,000 exhibitors, buyers, presenters, educators and auto body professionals gathered within the halls of the Las Vegas Convention Center to experience some of the strongest networking, education and training opportunities available in the industry at the 2016 SEMA Show.
It’s hard to believe that 50 years of this sensational event have gone by, but as far as the vendors, sponsors and participating collision repair associations are concerned, the 2016 edition was bigger and better than ever. Not only did shop owners and other attendees get to witness some of the most innovative and inspirational designs, equipment and artistry on the vehicles of today and tomorrow, they also were given the opportunity to attend various Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS)hosted Repairer Driven Education (RDE) classes for the most recent updates and information on training, technology and business management. Lee Rush, manager of business consulting services for Sherwin-Williams, gave a presentation entitled “Family Business Succession – The Family Component” in which he provided attendees with helpful advice on how to have a functional and prosperous family-run business. “You are never aware of how strongly impeded you are in your culture until you are introduced to a different culture,” he observed. “You think, ‘Hey, I’m open to change,’ but that is often not the case – especially in a family-run shop because it is difficult to let go of the mentality [of,] ‘This is how my father and grandfather did it, so this is how I am going to do it.’ Unfortunately, it is this exact mentality that will often prevent your business from growing.” While many attendees spent their mornings in an array of RDE seminars, others couldn’t tear themselves away from the unbelievable SEMA Show floor. This year, exhibitors from across the country pulled out all the stops with their extravagant booth displays showcasing their latest products. Tina Nelles, BASF’s marketing services manager of automotive refinishing coatings in North America, sat down with New Jersey Automotive at the SEMA Show. For Nelles, SEMA allows BASF to showcase their best products and 40 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
technology while relating to their customers on a more personal level. “Events like the SEMA Show are so important to the repair industry at large,” she said. “Showcasing our products and meeting customers face to face at trade events is so helpful in further establishing partnerships with the shops that we serve. In meeting with businesses from all over the country, [we] get a feel for their needs and challenges. We love to be able to connect with our customers on a personal level, and the SEMA Show helps us do just that.” Another favorite in automotive refinishing, Axalta featured their latest spectrophotometer product, Acquire Plus EFX, at SEMA to great success. Additionally, the innovative paint company introduced attendees to an entirely new signature series. “Axalta also revealed the Mobsteel Artist Signature Series called Mobsteel Midnight CFX Candy Colors. Our Artist Signature Series allows us to work with both established and up-and-coming trendsetters in the industry to develop the hottest new colors and styling tools,” stated Brand Manager Harry Christman. “This year, Adam Genei and Ron Coan from the gritty, iconic Motor City builder Mobsteel, worked together with our development team at our Chicago Learning and Development Center to create something new. These are very dark colors that mimic the look of candy, but explode with color when in the sunlight. Because they are not true tri-stage candy, they are very easy to spray and are spot repairable.” (For a look at Axalta’s fully stored American Graffiti hot rod, go to page 50). SEMA 2016 also provided an inspiring reminder of the industry’s altruistic side. On November 2, the National Auto Body Council (NABC) hosted a special Recycled Rides reception where they gifted six refurbished vehicles to drivers in need. “Lack of transportation is often a major obstacle
This past month, Innovative Solutions & Technology received the Pro Spot Distributor of the Year award at the 2016 SEMA Show in Las Vegas, NV. “It is an honor to receive the Pro Spot Distributor of the Year award!” says Innovative Solutions & Technology’s Todd Witten. “My business partner Nick Mattera and I, and our staff, have been working very hard this past year to meet the needs of our customers. We have also moved into a new facility that we are very excited about. We are very thankful for our customers and great support from Pro Spot International. We try to stay current with the new advances and technologies in this rapidly changing industry.” (Left to right: John Bluteau, Nick Mattera and Todd Witten of Innovative Solutions & Technology, pictured with Pro Spot International President Ron Olsson and Lorinda Teague, sales administrator for Pro Spot International)
for individuals and families trying to recover from catastrophic circumstances such as unexpected job loss and homelessness,” said NABC Executive Director Chuck Sulkala. “We are proud for the collaborative effort of many NABC members, who through Recycled Rides help change lives by donating vehicles that represent hope, independence and freedom.” Another clear highlight of SEMA was the encouraging news that the Database Enhancement Gateway (DEG) has surpassed 10,000 inquiries. Funded and maintained by AASP National and SCRS and free to the industry, the DEG works to address labor time discrepancies in the products offered by the major Information Providers. More information is available at The 2016 SEMA Show was a high-energy week full of great surprises and excitement. It was the place to be to learn about the best and latest offered in the industry. NJA BASF had a major presence at this year’s Show.
Recycled Rides recipient Brigitte Garces with representatives of Allstate and Gaudin Ford, who donated her 2008 Ford Edge
Lee Rush of SherwinWilliams brought energy and fun to his SEMA presentation.
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For Genuine Subaru Body Parts, contact these Authorized Subaru Dealers. Flemington Subaru 167 Route 31 Flemington, NJ 08822 Toll Free: 800-218-1432 Phone: 908-782-6831 Fax: 908-782-9701
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New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 43
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Town Lincoln 135 S. Dean Street Englewood, NJ 07631 201-816-6080 Fax: 201-816-0014 Order parts online to pick up or ship to your door
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 45
NATIONAL NEWS by Joel Gausten
CIC Open Mic
no called ber Joe Lubra em m J N / P CIC. AAS ot words - at for action - n
If there was one takeaway from the Open Mic portion of last month’s Collision Industry Conference (CIC) in Las Vegas, it was that more collaboration and action are needed among the forum’s committees and participants if they truly hope to address the major issues impacting the industry. A CIC attendee since the 1970s, New Jersey shop owner and AASP/ NJ Hall of Fame inductee Joe Lubrano (J&E Auto Body, Clark) noted a steady decline in the number of industry members who take the time to travel to CIC’s quarterly meetings across the country. “When CIC was first put together, we had a room bigger than this – standing room only…People came there because there was hope. When
Mark Olson, CEO of Vehicle Col lision Experts LLC, stressed the importance of industry collaboration and par tnership.
they saw there was nothing but talk, hope led to despair and they just basically faded away.” As a way to possibly encourage greater numbers to attend CIC, Lubrano suggested that the group return to focusing on past topics including the rekeying of insurance estimates. “That should be a dead issue. But unfortunately, it’s not.” Additionally, he pointed to body materials reimbursement as a topic of value that CIC could address for the benefit of the industry. “Do you realize how much we spend on body materials? In 2007, I looked at a year’s worth of invoices; I spent $26,000 on body materials. Why we’re not paid for that, I have no idea. That’s another topic I think CIC
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could address…If we could resolve it, that would be something that we can [use to say], ‘Look, this is what we did. This is what makes CIC a viable entity. This is why you have to join CIC.’” Lubrano’s sentiments drew applause from many attendees in the crowd. Scott Biggs, CEO of Assured Performance Network, offered a viewpoint that friction on the CIC floor could actually add value to the group’s ongoing work. “If there’s something interesting, then people want to be [at these meetings]. The controversy is interesting; yet somehow, over the years, we’ve too often…stayed away from the controversy and made it to where the dissenting voice and the disagreement wasn’t welcome in
the room…Opposing viewpoints are totally welcome.” New CIC participant and SEMA Repairer Driven Education presenter Mike Jones (Discover Leadership Training) agreed with Biggs’ perspective. “Confrontation really is the fuel for enthusiasm,” he said. “Iron sharpens iron.” Focusing his attention on one of the field’s biggest topics, CIC audience member Brett Bailey (A&B Body Shop, Kansas City, MO) urged his fellow attendees to follow the OEM-recommended procedures during their repair processes. “For some reason, in our industry, we continue to take the term ‘recommended’ and spin it 17 different directions. If we all had open heart surgery and the surgeon recommends that we go to some sort of physical training, we’re probably going to be there. At the same time, if an OEM recommends that you put a frame rail in a certain place, as an industry we need to adopt it and make sure that it happens in the right way.” Mark Olson, CEO of Vehicle Collision Experts LLC, stressed that industry members must commit to working together while they still have the chance. “We’re probably one or two incidents [away] from having our complete industry change. All it’s going to take is a senator to die in an improperly repaired car…One of the things that I see missing in this industry is partnership.” According to its website (, the Collision Industry Conference “is a forum made up of participants from all industry segments for the expressed purpose of discussing and exploring the issues that occur among them. Through discussion and research
during meetings and extensive interim committee work, CIC attempts to form consensus on various issues, aware that all such findings are nonbinding and voluntarily accepted. CIC is not a trade association.” NJA
The next Collision Industry Conference is set for January 12 in Palm Springs, CA.
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For Genuine Hyundai parts, contact these Authorized Hyundai Dealers. MAXON HYUNDAI 2329 ROUTE 22 WEST UNION, NJ 07083 TOLL FREE: 800-964-7281 FAX: 908-851-5631
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48 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
ACTION HYUNDAI 180 US HIGHWAY 202/31 FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 PH: 908-782-8250 FAX: 908-237-0036 E-MAIL:
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 49
NATIONAL NEWS by Joel Gausten
NASCAR Legend & Axalta Revamp American Graffiti Hot Rod Actress Candy Clark helps unveil the masterpiece. In front of a huge crowd of automotive enthusiasts gathered at Axalta’s outdoor booth at the 2016 SEMA Show in Las Vegas, TV host and former NASCAR champion crew chief Ray Evernham unveiled the holy grail of hot rods – the 1958 Chevy Impala featured in the 1973 movie American Graffiti. A lifelong fan of the movie, Evernham tracked down and
purchased the car in 2015 and spent the following year returning it to its movie condition. Actress Candy Clark, who played Debbie in the legendary film, joined Evernham in the festivities. Using Axalta’s Cromax ChromaPremier, Evernham replaced the paint and famous red striping on the vehicle to make it look exactly like it did in the movie. To save this car for future
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generations, he worked with his team in performing what he calls “a forensic preservation.” “Every piece of chrome was straightened and re-chromed,” he explained. “The emblems were rechromed as well. The nuts and bolts were re-plated. The interior was entirely disassembled, cleaned and reinstalled. Everything we took off went back on
NASCAR’s Ray Evernham (right) has fulfilled his lifelong dream of owning and restoring the American Graffiti Impala. the car. Even the rear tires are original.” Not surprisingly, Clark was blown away to see the restored version of the car she helped make famous more than four decades ago. “I think it’s better than it was when it came off the assembly line! It never looked this good – ever! It’s magnificent!” she said. Later, she spoke with New Jersey Automotive about American Graffiti’s enduring popularity, “It’s very much Americana, and it took place in simpler times when [there were] the simple pleasures of just cruising and looking for a little action and maybe a little drink of liquor. Nobody carried guns on them; it was just a more idyllic time…Some people I’ve met have cried talking about the movie; that’s where they took their wives on their first date, and they’re still married. That was back in the days when you didn’t have to leave the theatre, so some people saw it over and over; it really got implanted in people’s heads.” With the SEMA debut under his belt, Evernham plans to show the car at a range of shows across the country. The restoration will appear in an upcoming season of AmeriCarna on Velocity. For more information, visit For more information on Ray Evernham, follow @RayEvernham on Twitter. NJA
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 51
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New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 53
MEET YOUR NEW image and design to come
PARTNERS: How OEMs are Reshaping Collision Repair By Joel Gausten For nearly three decades (and whether collision repairers like it or not), the insurance industry has driven considerable work to shop bays across the country. Through Direct Repair Programs (DRPs), vehicle owners are often directed by their insurers towards shops that have an agreement with that company to perform work under certain criteria. Controversial at best, this system has led to more than a few headaches for both shops that adhere to their insurer partner’s conditions and independent repairers who claim that their work is being consistently “steered” away from them and redirected to DRP businesses. But is this scenario about to become a thing of the past? If the OEMs have it their way, yes. 54 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
Why Certification
MATTERS According to figures from the Autodata Corporation and the Certified Collision Group, 63 percent of all vehicles sold last year in the US were part of a certified collision repair program – that’s over 11 million vehicles of the 17 million sold. Additionally, industry analysts predict that auto manufacturers will control 80 percent of the repair market by 2019. How will they do this? Imagine a car with enough built-in sensors to determine (among other things) when a vehicle has been in a collision, the severity of the impact, the vehicle’s location and if the airbag has been deployed. Who will be notified of this information? If you guessed the manufacturer and/or certified shop, you are absolutely correct. Before we know it, the manufacturer – not the insurer – could be the recipient of the first notice of loss. (For a visual representation of this very likely future, check out the Collision Hub video “Virtual Steering: The Future of Automotive Collision Claims” at Naturally, OEMs are going to need plenty – in fact, thousands – of certified repair facilities to handle this demand. This could open the door to new business opportunities for forward-thinking, entrepreneurial repairers – but only if they play by the rules. If vehicle manufacturers are selecting shops for their networks, then there will no longer be room for debate or gray areas when it comes to repair procedures. There is no greater example of this fact right now than the proliferation of OEM position statements on pre- and post-repair scanning. Although Diagnostic Trouble Codes (including those that don’t trigger an indicator light) have been a reality in automobiles for several years, current industry conditions dictate a greater focus on them than ever before.
To illustrate the importance of scanning, Honda Collision Business Specialist Chris Tobie told the crowd at the recent SCRS OEM Collision Repair Technology Summit in Las Vegas that even a basic car like the Honda Fit has around 500 codes – and only a few of those would ever set off a warning light. To catch them all, a technician must perform a scan. “We have to make this very clear – indicators are for driver notification; they are not diagnostic tools.” With this critical fact in mind, industry leaders are working overtime to ensure that repairers are ready and equipped. On November 1, I-CAR announced the creation of a vehicle-by-vehicle guide to calibration requirements for advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) for every 2016 make and model sold in the US. The “OEM Calibration Requirements Search” feature, available online through the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support (RTS) Portal (, describes calibration requirements for each vehicle when repairing vehicles equipped with systems such as:
adaptive cruise control; active park assist; 360-degree camera; collision warning; collision braking; blind spot detection; lane departure warning; lane keep assist; and backup assist.
The portal is free to professionals at I-CAR Gold Class and Road to Gold shops, those who have earned Platinum recognition and individuals currently undergoing training. There are approximately 110,000 current subscribers. The first phase of the calibration matrix will include information on up to 90 percent of 2016 model year vehicles sold in the US. In early 2017, I-CAR expects to have 100 percent coverage of 2016 US models, with a focus on 2017 model-year vehicles and ongoing tool enhancements beginning shortly thereafter. The launch of the “OEM Calibration Requirements Search” feature comes at a time when evolutions in automotive technologies are at an all-time high. Addressing the Collision Industry Conference (CIC) on November 2, I-CAR CEO and President John Van Alstyne stated that rapid changes occurring in vehicle construction and technology result in an average of 75 major automobile changes – ranging from debuts to reengineering – each year. This rapid development is a major part of what I-CAR refers to as the “technical tsunami” sweeping through the industry. “If you’re not training and keeping abreast of all this information about all these new vehicles, I’m not sure how you’re repairing these vehicles properly,” he said. The scanning issue also took center stage during the final CIC of 2016. Comprised of representatives from IPs, OEMs, insurers, tool providers, NASTF, I-CAR and various auto body associations, the CIC Emerging Technologies Committee is currently working to address a host of scanning-related matters. “There are more questions at this point than there are answers,” stated Committee Chairman Jack Rozint (Mitchell International). “We have a long way to go; we encourage anyone who would be interested to think about participating [in our group].” One of the main questions currently keeping Committee members very busy involves the possibility of a technician uncovering issues with the vehicle during the pre-repair scan that are not related to the collision at hand. As Rozint said, “You talk to the vehicle owner about it and say, ‘Hey, we discovered [an issue] not related to the loss event, but it needs to be fixed.’ The consumer says, ‘You know what? I don’t have the money’…What do you do as the repairer?” While CIC and other entities have their work cut out for them in determining how the industry is going to adapt to escalating technical requirements, the fact remains that shops can’t turn a blind eye to what OEMs are doing in the present tense – and what they plan to do very soon down the road. As this feature makes crystal clear, professional repairers need to embrace the changes happening around them or seriously re-consider their futures in this profession. At the end of the day, it is the repairers’ responsibility to stay up to date on an evolving marketplace – and make absolutely sure they follow the OEM procedures as written. Vehicle manufacturer position statements on scanning (and a host of other procedures) are available online at gmmahaq. NJA
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 55
ARANJ 2016 Officers President Bob Dirkes - Dirkes Used Auto Parts (609) 625-1718 1st Vice President Ian Szoboszlay - Ocean County Auto (732) 349-0332 2nd Vice President Darryl Carmen - Lentini Auto Salvage (908) 782-6838 3rd Vice President Joe Goodman - Leesville Auto (732) 388-0783 Executive Director Brian Snyder - Auto Recyclers of NJ (609) 714-2339
ARANJ 2016 Board of Directors Mike Ronayne - Tilghmans Auto Parts (609) 723-7469 Mike Yeager - EL & M Auto (609) 561-2266 Rodney Krawczyk - Ace Auto Wreckers (732) 254-9816 Mike Caputo Lacey - Used Auto Parts, Inc. (609) 693-0898 Bert Witcraft - Auto Express (856) 728-8367 Ed Silipena - American II Autos (609) 965-6700 Harry Shover - Porchtown Auto (856) 694-1555 Norm Vachon - Port Murray Auto (908) 689-3152 56 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
The Automotive Recyclers Association of New Jersey
Wharton Insurance Briefs An ARA Member Winter is coming, and it will soon bring snow and ice to our area. There is an exhausting amount of work needed to keep your business safe from things that cause slips and falls. So far, our clients have done an excellent job in preventing these type of accidents from occurring. Focusing on the safety of your businesses sometimes causes you to overlook safety at home. Just like protecting your business, you need to protect your home from Snow Load and Ice Damming. There are precautions you can take for protecting your property and life from Snow Load. Removing the weight of the snow on the roof will prevent a collapse. Watch for falling snow or ice from roofs. Don’t put untrained individuals on roofs to clear snow. Inspect roofs for leaks or structural deficiencies that may develop. Make certain that gutters, drains and downspouts are clear of ice and debris. Clear snow and ice away from exhaust vents that go through exterior walls. Clear snow off decks to reduce stress on them. Ice Damming is caused when heat from the inside of a home with a sloped roof escapes into the attic space, warming the underside of the roof. The collision of heat from inside your home and colder temperatures outside melts the snow on the warmer portion of the attic and runs down the roof, freezing when it encounters the cold edge of the roof’s eave. Consequently, the melted snow running down the roof begins to back up underneath the sheathing and leaks into your attic, damaging your structure and contents. When these ice dams occur, you need to melt a channel through the ice to the roof surface to create a drain to relieve water buildup. If you are not sure how to create the ice channels or need some ideas or methods, please contact me. NJA
Mario DeFilippis, AAI, Vice President (800) 221-0003 (ext. 1320) (908) 513-8588 (cell)
New Jersey Automotive | December 2016 | 57
NO BRAKES by Ron Ananian
HERE AT THE WALL Everyone has their own wall - not one to keep people out, but more likely to hang stuff up on. Someday, someone will take this stuff down and look back on our lives. To be honest, I never thought about my wall and didn’t realize I even had one until just last week. I was talking on the phone at the counter in the shop, and there it was, staring right at me. “How cool is that?” I thought to myself. Forty-plus years of auto repair work was all there (for the most part) in pictures, certificates and media portrayals. The first group of memorabilia had some of my training certificates from various associations, schools and instructors. (Truthfully, there isn’t enough wall space for all of them.) There might be too many, but at the time, it seemed like they all were important to my growth as a technician, shop owner and person. There are also some pictures on the wall from my WOR Radio days, not to mention my first cover of New Jersey Automotive way back in 1989 (and again in 1998). My AASP/NJ Mechanical Shop of the Year Award is hanging up there as well, right next to all the others (CARQUEST NATIONALS, ETI and so on.) The second group has pictures of my old TV show, Classic Car Restoration on the DIY Network – my glorious but brief 15 minutes of fame. (I say that in case my Mom reads this.) The show lasted two seasons and was interrupted partly by 9/11 and partly by the realities of show business. Ah, what might have been? There are also some plaques from the local softball teams we have sponsored here in town, along with some other non-automotive stuff that is important to me. My poster of the Pearl Harbor headline from the New York Times is on the wall, along with a picture of the Doolittle Raiders that a customer gave me for safekeeping after seeing the Pearl Harbor piece. There are a few newspaper articles from a long time ago (and not such a long time ago). There’s also local press, which is good for the shop, but I have learned not to believe what they say. (Never
buy into press clippings about yourself.) My wall is a mish-mosh of memories. It is eclectic, strange, assorted and illogical to some extent, but it’s mine. One day when I retire or pass on and someone else is looking at my wall, what will they think? How did I do? Is my wall a positive reflection of my efforts here? THE BOTTOM LINE IS... I think so...yes. My wall is proof positive that with elbow grease and a can of “can-do,” anything can be accomplished in this lifetime. (I still think about that TV show, though… Maybe I should give it another shot?) But today’s story isn’t about me; it’s about you! What is your wall made of? If you have read this far, you are thinking that Ananian is definitely an egomaniac or prima donna or both (you could get odds in Vegas), which to some extent is okay. You better think you are good at what you do if you are doing auto repair these days. How is your wall? Do you have one? Physically? Virtually? It’s important. I think taking a moment every now and then to look at your wall helps keep the motor running, even under the most difficult of circumstances. Thanks for taking time to read this to the end. The concept this month didn’t start out as a story, but just as a guy looking up at his wall. Can you see yours? NJA
’Til next time, I’m Ron Ananian, The Car Doctor, reminding you that “Good mechanics aren’t expensive; they’re priceless.” Ron Ananian, owner of R\A Automotive in Waldwick, NJ (est. 1978), is heard weekly in 140 markets on his nationally syndicated radio talk show. He is a working technician and former AASP/NJ Board member. Beyond his radio show, Ron writes and speaks for the automotive industry at trade shows and events. Visit The Car Doctor online at “The Car Doctor” can be heard LIVE in the New York market. Tune in Saturdays, 2-4pm on WRCR AM 1700 for new shows!
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LEGAL PERSPECTIVE by Mitchell Portnoi, Esq.
How to Value a Personal Injury Case Inexperienced lawyers and recent law school graduates lack training in attaching a value to a personal injury claim. Frequently, demands are pulled out of thin air with no thought process or logic. There are many ingredients that go into the recipe for making an appropriate demand on an insurance company. Also, a lot goes into getting an appropriate settlement that matches the injury and compensates a victim for the loss incurred, the pain and suffering they have endured and the future problems they may have yet to experience. Some insurance companies use a computer system that assists in pricing out a claim. I have been told by some of these companies that their system is accurate and utilizes hundreds of variables in arriving at these “fair” numbers. Fortunately, there is an art form (and somewhat of a science) to making a demand and formulating an appropriate settlement amount for a client’s case. I am frequently asked at the inception of a case, “What is my case worth?” This is a good question. My experience tells me that it is just the beginning of the case and way too early to put a value on it (or any case). But there are some factors to take into account, including the nature and extent of your injury (and if it is permanent), any out-of-pocket costs or losses, any prior medical condition, your own actions in
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contributing to the cause of the accident, the amount of the insurance coverage and even the county in which the case will be heard. No worthwhile attorney can put a value on a case until all facts are known from both sides. That being said, below are some additional factors to be considered: 1. The quality of the lawyer you hire 2. The nature of the accident 3. The threshold you selected and whether or not your injuries overcome that threshold (generally for motor vehicle accidents) 4. Your economic losses, including past and future lost wages 5. Your medical treatment – test results and the extent and continuity of treatment 6. The quality of the opinions of your treating doctors, their reputation and their availability to testify on your case 7. Any visible scarring 8. Surgery or need for future surgery
continued on page 66
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We reached out to some of our readers to get their take on what happened on November 8.
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS on the outcome of the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION? Up until November 8, I had an opinion. But now, I am all for a Trump presidency because we have no choice. So…suck it up, whether you like him or not. My opinion before the election is insignificant, and we all need to get behind our new president.
Very surprised, but I think it was fairly done. He deserved to win. I didn’t like either of them, but unfortunately we were forced to choose between them. Hopefully, he does the right thing for all of us. JFK once said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.’ However, if I have nothing, what can I give back? Trump needs to give us something.
I really hope it works, man. To be honest with you, it was a tough call, but I really do hope he helps us small businesses. I was hoping for this outcome, but I didn’t think he was going to make it. He certainly proved a lot of people wrong. I am very pleased with the outcome. I’m glad Trump is in office, and hopefully he will do what he promised to do – make America great again.
I am pleased and surprised after the media made it seem like he didn’t have a chance. I always knew there would be a high percentage of voters who were going to vote for him but not be vocal about it. Shocked — shocked that both of them even ran! Her husband was an idiot and a liar, and she’s the dummy who stood by him. And him? Get a haircut! All that money and he can’t do something with that nest?! Let’s bring Ross Perot back!
What a shame they can't take their lumps. Doesn't being liberal mean you live and let live? Now there are protesters in New York City. They don't understand their parents probably voted for this man. I think it’s a good thing. It’s going to help my business and get rid of some of the EPA regulations. I hoped he would win because of how the media and the polls were spinning things. But I think everyone missed us – the working people. Let’s give him a shot to see what he can do.
I’m tickled to death that he won. I would have been really depressed if he didn’t win! I actually wasn’t surprised that he won. I wasn’t 100 percent sure, but I had a feeling. I think all of this drama will die down. These millennials want free college?! Well, who’s going to pay for it? They don’t even know!
I didn’t vote in this election because my candidates didn’t make it through. I’m not happy with the outcome, but I saw it coming. Once I saw that Hillary was the Democratic candidate, I knew he had it in the bag. 64 | New Jersey Automotive | December 2016
I love it. It’s a hell of a change from what we’ve had in office for the last eight years, that’s for sure. If they succeed in changing the corporate tax structure, I’ll be very happy.
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LEGAL PERSPECTIVE continued from page 60 9. The nature and extent of your ability to engage in usual, customary and recreational activities 10. The severity of the property damage to the vehicles involved 11. Your ability to articulate yourself in a deposition or on the witness stand 12. Whether or not you followed attorney instructions 13. The amount of liens to be paid back to Medicare, Medicaid or charity care (or if you have ERISA liens) 14. Past injuries to the same area of the body 15. The quality and interpretation of MRI films 16. The judge assigned to your case – possible bias in either direction 17. The amount of time that has passed before your case lands in court 18. Your age and future economic losses 19. The amount of loss suffered by your spouse (“loss of consortium”) 20. The quality of testimony from lay witnesses, your friends and family 21. Whether or not the defendants continue to stay in business
Since there are no books or charts that an attorney can refer to in order to come up with a case value, it’s basically experience and skill that determine a value of a case for settlement purposes. If you or a loved one has a personal injury case, please discuss it with me; I have been practicing personal injury law for the past 31 years and handle such matters throughout New Jersey. I can be reached at (973) 228-9900. NJA
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