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The immediate reasons for the existence of credit are due to the laws of value movement in the reproductive process of commodity production, which is embodied primarily in the circulation and turnover of capital (fixed and working capital) of economic entities. Capital in the process of reproduction simultaneously exists in different functional forms, and the movement of capital is its successive transition from one functional form to another (for example, from commodity to money, and vice versa). Thus, to resume the production process, the manufactured product must be sold, and the funds received must be used to replenish the depreciation fund, purchase raw materials, pay salaries to employees, and so on. A necessary condition for the implementation of commodity production is its continuity. However, the change from one functional form of a product to another often encounters obstacles of an objective nature that complicate the exchange. As a result, there are gaps in time between acts of purchase and sale of goods and services, which force sellers and buyers to enter into credit relations [6]. Thus, credit arises in the field of exchange, and the economic basis of its operation is the movement of value in the reproduction process. The circulation and