Welcome to the New Jersey Contractors Showcase Expo!
We’re excited to have you join us for this dynamic event where cutting-edge innovation and the latest services and products you need are all in one place. Take some time to dive into the latest trends, tools, and techniques in landscaping, hardscaping and outdoor living, connect with industry experts and colleagues, and discover game-changing products and services.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just breaking into the field, our lineup of exhibitors, micro-learning sessions, and networking opportunities are designed to elevate your work. Network with fellow pros, exchange ideas, and gain insights from the industry’s top minds.
Thanks for being part of the NJLCA community and supporting the NJLCA Education Fund. Let’s create landscapes that make a lasting impact and showcase our dedication to excellence.
Enjoy the show!

344 Arctic Risk Specialists, Inc. 1415 Hooper Ave., Ste. 203 Toms River, NJ 08753
Jon Frasco 732-779-7530
jfrasco@arsne.com www.arsne.us Commercial Insurance Services
330 Association Member Trust 636 Morris Turnpike, Suite 2A Short Hills, NJ 07078
Mike Leneghan 973-379-1090
info@amt-nj.com www.amt-nj.com
Medical Benefits, Life, Prescription and Dental
120 Auto Action Technologies 121 N. Michigan Ave. Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Joe Cardinale 201-970-3899
Fleet Safety Solutions
116 Barton Nursery 949 New Durham Road Edison, NJ 08817
Michael Errico 732-287-5222 sales@bartonnurseries.com www.bartonnurseries.com
Plant Material Including Trees & Shrubs
704-706 Bergen Brick, Stone & Tile Corp. 685 Wyckoff Ave. Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Member Member Member
Todd Zecher 201-891-3500
toddz@bergenbrick.com www.bergenbrick.com
Landscape Supplies, Porcelain & Cement Pavers

602 CortZen Outdoor Décor
2 Orvil Ct. Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423
John Rupich
info@cortzendecor.com www.cortzendecor.com
Steel Outdoor Décor
110 Deer Solution-Repellent Service
1 Gatehall Drive Parsippany, NJ 07054
Brian & Heather Lee 888-503-8313
Deer Repellent Services
320 East Coast Sod & Seed 1107 Courses Landing Road Pilesgrove, NJ 08098
Member Member
Kevin Driscoll 609-760-4099
kdriscoll@eastcoastsod.com www.eastcoastsod.com
Sod & Seed
126 EGO 1203 E. Warrenville Road Naperville, IL 60563
Brian Sarno 443-285-2277
bsarno@na.chervongroup.com www.egopowerplus.com
Outdoor Power Equipment
348 Emerge Promotions 964 State Route 173 Bloomsbury, NJ 08804
Justin Lappen 908-940-1390
support@emergepromo.com www.emergepromo.com
Custom Workwear
104-106 Ewing Outdoor Supply
779 Susquehanna Ave. Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
Chris Rhodes 201-749-9023
crhodes@ewingos.com www.ewingoutdoorsupply.com
Irrigation, Landscape and Outdoor Living Supplies
346 Express 4x4 Truck Rental
330 S. Warminster Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Jojo Jensen 215-443-3360
jojol@express4x4rental.com www.express4x4truckrental.com
Truck Rentals
342 Extech Building Materials 621 Edwards Rd. Parsippany, NJ 07054
Member Member
John Vanni 973-441-0242 sales@terrecompany.com www.extechbuilding.com
Lawn, Landscape and Hardscape Materials

130 Feury Image Group
85 Avenue K Newark, NJ 07105
Helder Guedes 860-395-9650
hguedes@feuryimagegroup.com www.workharddresswright.com / www.feuryimagegroup.com
Construction Apparel, Boots, Hi-Vis
314 Handyman’s Outdoor Equipment 508 Route 10 West Randolph, NJ 07869 Mark Fiechter 973-361-1581
mark@handymansnj.com www.handymansnj.com
Toro Outdoor Power Equipment
604 Heritage Landscape Supply Group 1120 Goffle Road Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Member Member
Shane Wiman 347-221-5503
shane.wiman@heritageppg.com www.heritageslg.com
Landscape Supplies - Seed, Fertilizer, Chemicals, Irrigation and Lighting
332 Holder Farms, LLC 325 Byrd Road Cameron, NC 28326 Jerry Holder 910-245-7972
Decorative Mulch - N. Carolina Long Leaf Pine Needles
114 HVI Services 101 Meister Avenue Branchburg, NJ 08876 EJ Berios 908-229-3499
sales@hviservices.com www.hviservices.com
Mulch, Recycled Aggregates, Topsoil, Compost and Clean Fill
Booth # Exhibitor
202 Landi Mason & Landscape Supply
PO Box F Kenvil, NJ 07847
Peter Crimi 973-584-7122
pmcrimi@countyconcretenj.com www.countyconcretenj.com
Masonry and Hardscape Supply and Materials
200 Landmark Ceramics 1427 North Main Street
Mount Pleasant, TN 38474
Aurora Barassi 931-998-0266
a.barassi@lcusa.com www.landmarkceramics.com
Porcelain Pavers
404 Marshall Machinery, Inc. 492 County Road 519 Belvidere, NJ 07823
Bruce Heitzman 908-475-8111
bheitzman@marshall-machinery.com www.marshall-machinery.com
Kubota Tractors, Construction Equipment, Mowers, etc.
322 Material Masters 152 Oldwick Road
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
Jared Kocaj 973-525-3536
info@materialmasters.co www.materialmasters.co
Blower Services: Greenroofs, Mulch & Soils
514 Milwaukee Tool 13135 W. Lisbon Road Brookfield, WI 53005
Member Member
Bob Krieger 800-729-3878
bob.krieger@milwaukeetool.com www.milwaukeetool.com
Power Tools, Landscaping Equipment
Booth # Exhibitor
328 Mr. C Fence 635 Midland Ave . Garfield, NJ 07026
Adam Reisboard 973-478-8885
adam@mrcfence.com www.mrcfence.com
Fence products
408 MTE Equipment Solutions 17 Pickett District Road
New Milford, CT 06776
Dan Clarke 888-708-5296
sales@mte.us.co m www.mte.us.com
Heavy Equipment: Giant Loaders and Ventrac Tractors
204 New Jersey Deer Control 147 Lower Main St. Matawan, NJ 07747
Member Member
Michael Crupi
michael@njdeercontrol.com www.njdeercontrol.com
All-Natural Deer Repellent Service
342A New Jersey Turfgrass Association 25 US Highway 46 Wayne, NJ 07470
Cece Peabody 973-812-6467
execdirector@njturfgrass.org www.njturfgrass.org
Turfgrass Association
304-308 Nicolock Paving Stones 612 Muncy Avenue
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
Carl Peterson 908-482-8483
cpeterson@nicolock.com www.nicolock.com
Pavingstones, Retaining Walls and Outdoor Living Products
124 Northern Nurseries, Inc. 487 Elizabeth Ave. Somerset, NJ 08873
Joe Incalcaterra & Linda Grzeszkiewicz 860-623-9697
jincalcaterra@northernnurseries.com www.northernnurseries.com
Horticultural Products
102 NY-NJ Trailer Supply 1401 Route 23 South Butler, NJ 07405 Rawn Leegwater 973-838-1050 info@nynjtrailer.com www.nynjtrailer.com
Trailer Sales, Parts and Service
122 PB Tools
41 Station Road Mt. Olive, NJ 07828 Robert Middleton 973-298-2831
pbtools4u@aol.com www.pbtools4u.com
Outdoor Kitchens & Landscaper Tools
402 Pellenc 3171 Guerneville Road Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Gregg Carey 732-614-4803 gregg.carey@pellencus.com www.pellencus.com
Battery Powered Tools
350 Perennial Lawn Services, LLC 255 Greenwood Ave. Midland Park, NJ 07432
Member Member Member Member
Taylor Watts 201-445-6828 taylor@perenniallawncare.com www.perenniallawncare.com / www.sprinklersurgeon.com
Lawn Fertilization, Weed & Insect Control and Irrigation
Booth # Exhibitor
112 Plott, Inc.
69 King Street Dover, NJ 07801
Matt Cultrera 973-647-6830
Carta Measuring Wheel
310 Progressive Hydraulics, Inc. 22 Audrey Place
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Chuck Lovett 201-791-3400
customerservice@phionline.com www.phionline.com
Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings
206 R & R Products 3334 Milber St. Tucson, AZ 85714 John Fox 602-708-7774
jfox@rrproducts.com www.rrproducts.com
Equipment Parts
512 Ransome Attachments 106 Ark Rd. Lumberton, NJ 08048
Jess Dottoli 888-280-1710
Machinery Attachments
341A Robbi Promotional 3 Stillery Road, Suite 3 Lebanon, NJ
Member Member
Robbi Villani 908-840-4410
Promotional Advertising for Brand Awareness

406 Tracked

Why You NEED to Be a Member of NJLCA
• NJLCA does legislative work that helps all NJ contractors
• We have spent over $75,000 to fight blower bans in NJ
• We attend multiple meetings in DC and Trenton to advocate for issues affecting the landscape and snow industries
• We are working on a snow bill to protect your companies
• We provide multiple ways for you to connect and learn from other contractors and those in the know!
• We bring the education to you via our monthly webinars for free!
• We are always available to answer your questions about registrations, permits, licenses, etc. in order to help you operate in accordance with laws.
• We are continually looking for ways to obtain more labor for you!
Member Benefits Include:
• NJLCA’s Health Benefits Trust for savings on medical, dental, prescription & life insurance. (Group rates for small businesses)
• Market your company as a member of a statewide trade association
• Landscape Achievement Awards program
• Positive press relations on your behalf
• Membership meetings each month at no additional cost for you and your employees (includes dinner).
• Timely technical and management seminars
• Free listing in our membership directory
• Substantial exclusive vendor & event discounts
• Social outings including our Golf Outing, Holiday Gala, Pizza Night, and more!
• Volunteer and community service opportunities
• And so much more.....!
Beneficios de Miembrecia:
• Beneficios de Salud de NJLCA para los ahorros en servicios médicos, dentales, la prescripción y el seguro de vida
• Publicar su compania como miembro de una asociacion de todo el estado
• Programa de Premios “Landscape Achievement Awards”
• Relaciones con la prensa positivos en su nombre
• Reuniones de los miembros de cada mes, sin costo adicional para usted y sus empleados (incluye cena).
• Seminarios técnicos y de administracion
• Anuncio gratis en nuestro directorio de miembros
• Descuentos sustanciales de proveedores y eventos exclusivos solo para miembros
• Salidas sociales incluyendo nuestra excursión del golf, Holiday Gala, Pizza Night, y mucho más!
• Oportunidades de voluntariado y servicio comunitario
• Y mucho más .....!